Other Patterns of Inheritance: Getting Started

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Other Patterns Getting Started
of Inheritance Objectives
11.3.1  Describe the other inheritance patterns.
11.3.2  Explain the relationship between genes and
THINK ABOUT IT Mendel’s principles offer a tidy set of rules with Key Questions the environment.
which to predict various patterns of inheritance. Unfortunately, biol- What are some exceptions
ogy is not a tidy science. There are exceptions to every rule, and excep- to Mendel’s principles?
tions to the exceptions. What happens if one allele is not completely
dominant over another? What if a gene has several alleles?
Does the environment have Student Resources
a role in how genes determine
traits? Study Workbook A and B,  11.3 Worksheets
Beyond Dominant and Vocabulary Spanish Study Workbook,  11.3 Worksheets
Recessive Alleles incomplete dominance  • Lab Manual B,  11.3 Data Analysis Worksheet
What are some exceptions to Mendel’s principles? codominance  •  multiple allele  •
polygenic trait
Despite the importance of Mendel’s work, there are important Lesson Overview • Lesson Notes
exceptions to most of his principles. For example, not all genes Taking Notes • Activities: Art Review • Assessment: Self-
show simple patterns of inheritance. In most organisms, genetics is Outline Make an outline using  Test, ­Lesson Assessment
more complicated, because the majority of genes have more than the green and blue headings. 
two alleles. Also, many important traits are controlled by more than As you read, write bulleted notes 
one gene. Understanding these exceptions allows geneticists to pre-  below each heading to summa- F or corresponding lesson in the
dict the ways in which more complex traits are inherited. rize its topic.
Foundation Edition, see pages 271–274.
Incomplete Dominance A cross between two four o’clock
(Mirabilis jalapa) plants shows a common exception to Mendel’s RR
principles. Some alleles are neither dominant nor recessive.
As shown in Figure 11–12, the F1 generation produced by a cross
Activate Prior Knowledge
between red-flowered (RR) and white-flowered (WW) Mirabilis Tell students to think about all the different shades of
plants consists of pink-colored flowers (RW). Which allele is dom- R R hair color that humans have. Then, ask if they think
inant in this case? Neither one. Cases in which one allele is not com-
pletely dominant over another are called incomplete dominance.
RW RW that hair color is controlled by just one gene. Lead
In incomplete dominance, the heterozygous phenotype lies some- WW W students to conclude that there is likely more than
where between the two homozygous phenotypes. one gene responsible for the color of human hair.
Codominance A similar situation arises from codominance, RW RW
in which the phenotypes produced by both alleles are clearly
expressed. For example, in certain varieties of chicken, the allele W Students can drag and drop labels
for black feathers is codominant with the allele for white feath- to correctly finish diagrams of three Pun-
ers. Heterozygous chickens have a color described as “erminette,” nett squares in the activity Art Review:
speckled with black and white feathers. Unlike the blending of red Figure 11–12 Incomplete
and white colors in heterozygous four o’clocks, black and white
­Exceptions to Mendel’s Principles.
Dominance  In four o’clock plants, the 
colors appear separately in chickens. Many human genes, includ- alleles for red and white flowers show 
ing one for a protein that controls cholesterol levels in the blood, incomplete dominance. Heterozygous 
(RW ) plants have pink flowers—a mix 
show codominance, too. People with the heterozygous form of of red and white coloring.
this gene produce two different forms of the protein, each with a
different effect on cholesterol levels.
national science education standards
Lesson 11.3 • Lesson Overview   • Lesson Notes   • Art Review 319
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Teach for Understanding CONTENT

ENDURING UNDERSTANDING  DNA is the universal code for life; it enables an C.2.a, C.2.b, G.2
organism to transmit hereditary information and, along with the environment,
determines an organism’s characteristics. INQUIRY

GUIDING QUESTION  How can interactions between alleles, genes, and the A.1.c, A.2.a
environment affect an organism’s traits?
EVIDENCE OF UNDERSTANDING  After completing the lesson, give students the
following assessment to show they understand different patterns of heredity. Have
students write a short poem or rap using the following lesson vocabulary terms:
incomplete dominance, codominance, multiple alleles, and polygenic traits. Tell
students their lyrics should show they understand what each term means. Have
volunteers share their work with the class.

Introduction to Genetics  319

Teach continued
Human Blood Types Blood Groups in the U.S. Population

Lead a Discussion Red blood cells carry antigens, molecules that

can trigger an immune reaction, on their sur-
Explain that there being more than two alleles for a faces. Human blood type A carries an A anti- O–
gene is common in a population. Make sure students gen, type B has a B antigen, type AB has both O+
understand, though, that any given individual in this antigens, and type O carries neither antigen.
population will have only two of those alleles. To The gene for these antigens has three alleles;
A, B, and O.
illustrate this point, write the symbols for four alleles For a transfusion to succeed, it must not A+
for rabbit coat color on the board in order from the introduce a new antigen into the body of the AB– 34%
most dominant to the least dominant: C = full color, recipient. So, a person with type A blood may AB+
receive type O, but not vice versa. 4% B+ A–
Cch = chinchilla color, Ch = Himalayan color, c = albino B– 10% 6%
(no color). Have students make up genetic crosses for Another gene controls a second type of anti- 2%
gen, known as Rh factor. Rh+ individuals carry
coat color in rabbits. If desired, have them exchange this antigen, while Rh– ones don’t. This chart
their proposed crosses with a partner who can then of the U.S. population shows the percentage of 3. Infer Which blood type can be used for transfusion
use Punnett squares to solve the problems. each blood type. into the largest percentage of individuals? Which
1. Interpret Graphs Which blood type makes up type has the smallest percentage of possible
the greatest percentage of the U.S. population? donors available?
2. Calculate What percentage of the total U.S. 4. Predict Could a person with O+ blood have two
LPR Less Proficient Readers Help struggling population has a positive Rh factor? What parents with O– blood? Could that person have a
students better understand lesson concepts by percentage has a negative Rh factor? daughter with AB+ blood? Explain your answers.
completing a Jigsaw Review activity. Form small
learning circles of four students each. Assign each
group member a number from 1 to 4. Have students Multiple Alleles So far, our examples have described genes for which
there are only two alleles, such as a and A. In nature, such genes are
regroup into study groups according to number (for the exception rather than the rule. Many genes exist in several
example, all 1s together). Assign each group one different forms and are therefore said to have multiple alleles. A
of the four sections of text with blue heads under Green feathers gene with more than two alleles is said to have multiple alleles. An
don’t actually
Beyond Dominant and Recessive Alleles. Have individual, of course, usually has only two copies of each gene, but
contain green
groups review the topic and create a brief lesson on pigments. Rather, they many different alleles are often found within a population. One of
contain a mixture of blue the best-known examples is coat color in rabbits. A rabbit’s coat color
it. Then, instruct students to re-form their original and yellow pigments. is determined by a single gene that has at least four different alleles.
learning circles, and have each member of a circle Could feather color be The four known alleles display a pattern of simple dominance that
teach the other members about his or her topic. If controlled by more than can produce four coat colors. Many other genes have multiple alleles,
one gene?
you have more students, add Genes and the Envi- including the human genes for blood type.
ronment as a topic. Polygenic Traits Many traits are produced by the interaction
of several genes. Traits controlled by two or more genes are said to be
Study Wkbks A/B, Appendix S7, Jigsaw Review. polygenic traits. Polygenic means “many genes.” For example, at least
three genes are involved in making the reddish-brown pigment in the
eyes of fruit flies. Polygenic traits often show a wide range of pheno-
types. The variety of skin color in humans comes about partly because
Have students discuss whether they more than four different genes probably control this trait.
think feather color is polygenic. Lead
them to conclude that there are likely In Your Notebook In your own words, describe multiple alleles and
polygenic traits. How are they similar? How are they different?
two genes controlling feather color, one for each
pigment. Students can go online to Biology.com to 320 Chapter 11 • Lesson 3
gather their evidence.

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Address Misconceptions ANSWERS

Polygenic Traits Many students think that one gene is 1. O+
always responsible for one trait. Explain that such a 2. 85% are Rh+; 15% are Rh−.
case is actually rare. Most traits—such as hair and eye PURPOSE Students will analyze data
to make an inference and a prediction 3. O− can be used for 100% of individ-
color in humans—are influenced by multiple genes.
about alleles for human blood types. uals; AB+ can be used for only 4%.
PLANNING Tell students that the A and 4. No, because both parents would be
Answers B alleles are codominant. A and B are homozygous recessive for the Rh fac-
each dominant over O. Explain that the tor. They do not have any Rh+ alleles
IN YOUR NOTEBOOK Students’ descriptions should
Rh factor is inherited independently of to pass on. This person could not
reflect that multiple alleles are more than two forms
the blood type alleles. Rh+ is dominant have an AB+ daughter, because a per-
of the same gene in a population and polygenic
over Rh−. son with O+ blood has only O alleles
traits have more than one gene contributing to the
to pass on.
phenotype of an individual.

320 Chapter 11 • Lesson 3

Genes and the Environment
Does the environment have a role in how genes Lead a Discussion
determine traits?
Point out that “environment” refers to internal fac-
The characteristics of any organism—whether plant,
fruit fly, or human being—are not determined solely by tors, too. For example, both men and women can
the genes that organism inherits. Genes provide a plan have the genes for male pattern baldness, but bald-
for development, but how that plan unfolds also depends ness shows up more often in men because male hor-
on the environment. In other words, the phenotype of an Summer Autumn
mones trigger the expression of the gene.
organism is only partly determined by its genotype.
Environmental Temperature
Consider the western white butterfly, Pontia occidentalis.
It is found throughout western North America. Butterfly
enthusiasts had noted for years that western whites hatching Temp. Needed Average Average
for Flight Spring Temp. Summer Temp. l3   Advanced Students Challenge students to
in the summer had different color patterns on their
wings than those hatching in the spring. Scientific studies design an experiment that shows how environment
28–40ºC 26.5ºC 34.8ºC affects phenotype, using cuttings from a coleus plant.
showed the reason—butterflies hatching in the shorter
days of springtime had greater levels of pigment in their
wings, making their markings appear darker than those Figure 11–13 Temperature and Wing Color   
Western white butterflies that hatch in the spring 
hatching in the longer days of summer. In other words, the
environment in which the butterflies develop influences
have darker wing patterns than those that hatch 
in summer. The dark wing color helps increase  Assess and Remediate
the expression of their genes for wing coloration. their body heat. This trait is important because the 
Environmental conditions can affect gene expression and butterflies need to reach a certain temperature in  EVALUATE UNDERSTANDING
influence genetically determined traits. An individual’s order to fly. The buckeye butterflies shown above 
also have different wing patterns at different times  Ask volunteers to explain the four patterns of inheri-
actual phenotype is determined by its environment as well
as its genes.
of year. These butterflies are darker in the autumn  tance described in this lesson, as well as how envi-
than they are in the summer.  Calculate  What is the
In the case of the western white butterfly, these difference between the minimum temperature western ronmental factors can influence phenotypes. Then,
changes in wing pigmentation are particularly important. white butterflies need to fly and the average spring have students complete the 11.3 Assessment.
temperature? Would the same calculation apply to
In order to fly effectively, the body temperature of the butterflies developing in the summer?
butterfly must be 28°C–40°C (about 84°F–104°F) as REMEDIATION SUGGESTION
shown in Figure 11–13. Since the spring months are
l1   Struggling Students If your students have
cooler in the west, greater pigmentation helps them reach
the body temperature needed for flight. Similarly, in trouble with Question 1b, have them work in pairs
the hot summer months, less pigmentation enables the or small groups to brainstorm possible experiments.
moths to avoid overheating.

Students can check their under-

standing of lesson concepts with the Self-
Review Key Concepts Test assessment. They can then take an online
3. Construct a genetics
1. a. Review What does incomplete dominance mean? Give an problem to be given as an version of the Lesson Assessment.
example. assignment to a classmate.
b. Design an Experiment Design an experiment to determine The problem must test
whether the pink flowers of petunia plants result from incomplete incomplete dominance,
dominance. codominance, multiple Answers
2. a. Review What is the relationship between the environment alleles, or polygenic traits.
and phenotype? Your problem must have FIGURE 11–13  1.5ºC; No, because the average
b. Infer What might be the result of an exceptionally hot spring an answer key that includes summer temperature is greater than the minimum
on wing pigmentation in the western white butterfly? all of your work. temperature the butterflies need to fly.

Lesson 11.3 • Self-Test    • Lesson Assessment

Introduction to Genetics 321

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Assessment Answers
1a. In incomplete dominance, neither of 2a. The environment affects how genes are
two alleles is dominant. The phenotype expressed and therefore influence an
is a blend of the two alleles, such as pink organism’s phenotype. 3. Students’ problems should follow the rules
­flowers from red and white parents. of genetics and include correct and com-
2b. The higher temperatures of an unusually plete answers.
1b. Sample answer: Cross two petunia plants hot spring will likely result in lighter wing
with pink flowers. If some of the offspring colors.
have red, some have white, and others
have pink flowers, the pink color is caused
by incomplete dominance.

Introduction to Genetics  321

Lead a Discussion
Point out that the featured scientist has combined If you enjoy learning about genetics, CAREER CLOSE-UP:
the study of two fields of biology, genetics and you may want to pursue one of the
Sophia Cleland,
immunology. Tell students that population geneti- careers listed below.
Population Geneticist
cists look at the inheritance of traits in populations and Immunologist
rather than in individuals. An immunologist conducts Do you enjoy solving puzzles? That’s Sophia Cleland, a Ph.D. student
research on the immune system, which is a body what forensic scientists do when they in immunology at George Wash-
system that defends against disease-causing organ- solve crimes. Local, state, and federal ington University, studies the
isms and cancer. Tell students that careers in both agencies employ forensic scientists to molecular, cellular, and genetic
areas require advanced degrees with coursework in use scientific approaches that sup- mechanisms that contribute to
port criminal investigations. Crimi-
biology, math, chemistry, computers, and medicine. autoimmune diseases. One of
nalists are forensic scientists who
These careers also require critical thinking skills, com- only a few Native Americans with
specialize in the analysis of physical
plex problem solving, and the ability to communicate an advanced degree in genetics,
evidence, such as hair, fiber, DNA,
orally and in writing. Ms. Cleland became interested
fingerprints, and weapons. They
are often called to testify in trials as in autoimmune diseases when she noticed that the frequencies
expert witnesses. of these illnesses, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, were
DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION several times higher among her tribal communities (Lakota-
L3 Advanced Students Suggest interested stu- PLANT BREEDER Sioux and California Mission Indian) than among Caucasians.
dents find out more about the possible careers that Did you ever wonder how seedless Furthermore, she observed that such diseases progressed more
watermelons become seedless? They rapidly among these communities than in any other human group
a degree in genetics and immunology might prepare
are the product of a plant breeder. in the world. Because of the frequency and severity of these dis-
them for. If possible, have them interview a geneticist Plant breeders use genetic tech- eases among indigenous tribal groups, Ms. Cleland is spreading
or immunologist about his or her field of study. niques to manipulate crops. Often, the word about the need for focused research in this area.
the goal is to make a crop more use-
ful by increasing yield or nutritional
value. Some breeders introduce new
traits, such as pesticide resistance, to
“ A compromise is needed between the
world views of indigenous tribal groups
the plant’s genetic makeup. and modern scientific approaches to
POPULATION GENETICIST gathering knowledge. We will encounter
Why are certain populations more
susceptible to particular diseases? This
difficulties, but by working together with
is the kind of question that popula- an open mind to learn, balanced and just
tion geneticists answer. Their goal
is to figure out why specific traits of
distinct groups of organisms occur in
results are possible.

varying frequencies. The patterns they
uncover can lead to an understanding How do you think a high
of how gene expression changes as a frequency of genetic illness can affect a
population evolves. population? Explain.

322 Careers and Biology

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Quick Facts

WRITING Students’ explanations might include Lupus presents in different forms, but the most common type damages joints, skin,
financial burdens, inadequate health care, and blood vessels, and organs such as the kidneys and brain. The disease has no cure.
decreased quality of life. Lupus has a complex inheritance pattern. It runs in families but is not solely a genetic
disease, leading scientists to think lupus has a genetic susceptibility and is polygenic.
The genes involved in lupus vary in populations. The prevalence of lupus is higher in
NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS African Americans, Latinos, Asians, and Native Americans. Because lupus is rare in
Africa, some scientists think environmental risk factors that are common in the United
UCP I, II States and Europe but rare in Africa might trigger the disease.
CONTENT C.2.a, G.1

322 Careers and Biology

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