Fused Process Loop Wiring: Protecting Process Signals Using Clipline Complete Process

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Fused process loop wiring

Protecting process signals using CLIPLINE

complete process

Application note
3364A © PHOENIX CONTACT 2014-05-02

1 Description
Process applications rely heavily on control signals.
Hundreds of flow, temperature, discrete, and level signals
are constantly monitored from locations spread all over a
facility. Typically these signals are transmitted in an analog
or digital fashion using a shielded twisted-pair (STP) cable.
This specialized cabling scheme provides a high level of
resistance to noise (electromagnetic interference - EMI,
or radio frequency interference - RFI) which can result in
erroneous data.
Figure 2. Traditional single-level loop wiring

1.2 Single-level solution with ground foot

As an alternative, Phoenix Contact has developed a series
of terminal blocks with an integrated ground foot to attach
the shield wire. The solution allows for the elimination of the
ground terminal in the standard, single-level three-block
configuration resulting in a 33% savings in rail space. The
wiring of the UT 4-PE series of terminal blocks is illustrated
Figure 1. Shielded cable
in Figure 3. As with the standard single-level UT product,
To protect the sensors and I/O of process control loop this series incorporates the same hinged fuse holder and
hardware from damaging fault currents, a fuse is installed push-in bridging system along with flexible marking chan-
in the circuit connecting the controller and field device. nels for proper connection identification.
In order to correctly wire the STP cables typically used,
another termination point is necessary to carry the shield
to ground. Phoenix Contact has developed several terminal
block configurations to aid in the wiring of control loops and
minimize the amount of panel space required to terminate
these signals.

1.1 Single-level solution

The basic approach to this application uses three single-
level terminal blocks (see Figure 2) resulting in approxi-
mately 0.73 in. (19 mm) in rail space per signal. This config- Figure 3. Single-level loop wiring with shield
uration consists of a fuse block for protection, a disconnect
block to isolate the signal return, and a ground block for the
shield connection. A unique, push-in bridging system easily
plugs into the top of each block, including the fuse block,
for quick, secure and reliable potential distribution. A hinged
fuse holder accepts a 5 x 20 mm fuse for circuit protection
and, when required, can include blown fuse indication.
Fused process loop wiring

1.3 Double-level solution with ground foot

To complete this family of process terminal blocks, Phoenix
Contact has introduced a two-level, 6.2 mm wide UT 4-PE/L
series (Figure 4). These terminal blocks incorporate a top-
level fuse or disconnect function with a feed-through level
and ground foot for shield connection. This configuration
perfectly organizes each wire of the signal loop into one
terminal block including providing a ground location for
each shield. A hinged fuse plug houses a 5 x 20 mm fuse
for circuit protection and, when required, can also include
blown fuse indication.

Figure 5. Top view showing bridge

As with a standard single-level UT product, this series incor-
porates the flexible marking channels for proper connection

Figure 4. UT 4-PE/L/HESI three-level process block

Phoenix Contact’s unique push-in bridging system eas-
ily plugs into the two levels of the block to provide simple
power distribution between loops. Figure 5 illustrates the
use of a push-in bridge to common the pass-through levels
of four adjacent terminal blocks. Bridging is supported on
the fused level via two bridge channels located underneath
the hinged fuse holder as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 6. Fuse block with accessories

1.4 Hazardous location approvals

This family of terminal blocks is specifically designed for the
process industry and has been released with the appropri-
ate certifications. All products are UL recognized and many
of the products also carry ATEX, IECEx nA Class I, Zone 2
and UL Class I, Division 2 listings.

2 Phoenix Contact 3364A

Fused process loop wiring

2 Space savings 3 Design information

The metal components of UT screw connection terminal
blocks from Phoenix Contact are made from high qual-
ity, strain- and crack-resistant and corrosion-proof copper
alloys. This eliminates the possibility of electrolytic corrosion
in the presence of moisture and the risk of rusting. Also, use
of high quality components results in a very low tempera-
ture rise due to the exceptional electrical conductivity. The
surface of the metal parts is protected by lead-free, galvanic
nickel or tin plating.
The insulating housing of the UT series of terminal blocks
is made from recyclable Polyamide 6.6. This elastic plastic
with high-impact strength is halogen free and UV resis-
tant. Further characteristics include tropical and termite
resistance, high chemical resistance, and excellent aging
characteristics. Polyamide 6.6 can be used with operating
temperatures up to 130°C and is certified for inflammability
class V0 in accordance with UL 94.
Phoenix Contact screw terminal blocks are designed for the
most demanding applications. For more than 80 years, they
have proven themselves a billion times over in all applica-
tions. An important characteristic is the maintenance-free
conductor connection. There is no need to tighten the
terminal block screws. The screws are prevented from loos-
ening by the patented Reakdyn® principle, a screw locking
technique developed by Phoenix Contact
Figure 7. Configuration comparison
Phoenix Contact has a wide range of terminal blocks
designed specifically for the wiring of process loops. A
side-by-side comparison of the different wiring solutions
shows just how much rail space can be saved by switching
from single- to double-level solutions. Figure 7 illustrates the
space savings when wiring 16 points of I/O using each of
the methods described – single-level terminal block, single-
level terminal block with ground foot and double-level termi-
nal block with ground foot. The single-level solution requires
48 terminal blocks. With the integration of the ground foot
the need for the ground block is removed, thus eliminat-
ing 16 terminal blocks. Finally, by incorporating all of the
single-level functionality into one multilevel terminal block,
the application can be reduced to only one terminal block
per signal, or just 16 total blocks. The total rail length is
reduced from 11.7 in. to 3.9 in.

Figure 8. Reakdyn principle

3 Phoenix Contact 3364A

Fused process loop wiring

4 Products
4.1 Single-level solutions

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkg.

Single-level fuse block without indicator UT 4-HESI (5X20) 3046032 50
Single-level fuse block for 24 V signals with blown fuse indicator UT 4-HESILED 24 (5X20) 3248005 50
Single-level fuse block for 120/250 V signals with blown fuse UT 4-HESILA 250 (5X20) 3046100 50
Single-level terminal block with hinge disconnect UT 4-HEDI 3046249 50
Single-level terminal block with knife disconnect UT 4-TG-EX 3046143 50
Single-level terminal block with plug zone UT 4-MT-EX 3046141 50
Single-level terminal block UT 4-MTD 3046184 50
Single-level terminal block with ground foot UT 4-MTD-PE 3046223 50
Fuse plug without indicator P-FU 5X20-EX 3036807 50
Fuse plug for 24 V signals with blown fuse indicator P-FU 5X20 LED 24-EX 3036821 50
Fuse plug for 120/250 V signals with blown fuse indicator P-FU 5X20 LA 250-EX 3036836 50
Single-level terminal block with plug zone UT 6-TG-EX 3046486 50
Fuse plug without indicator (1/4” x 1-1/4”) P-FU 6,3x32-EX 3046499 50
Fuse plug for 24 V signals with blown fuse indicator (1/4” x 1-1/4”) P-FU 6,3x32 LED 24-EX 3046509 50
Fuse plug for 120/250 V signals with blown fuse indicator (1/4” x P-FU 6,3x32 LA 250-EX 3046525 50

4.2 Single-level solutions with ground foot

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkg

Single-level fuse block with ground foot without indicator UT 4-PE/HESI (5X20) 3073995 50
Single-level fuse block with ground foot for 24 V signals with blown UT 4-PE/HESI LED 24 (5X20) 3070053 50
fuse indicator
Single-level fuse block with ground foot for 60 V signals with blown UT 4-PE/HESILED 60 (5X20) 3070066 50
fuse indicator
Single-level fuse block with ground foot for 120/240 V signals with UT 4-PE/HESI LA 250 (5X20) 3070079 50
blown fuse indicator
Single-level terminal block with ground foot and hinge disconnect UT 4-PE/HEDI 3074004 50
Single-level terminal block with ground foot and knife disconnect UT 4-PE/MT P/P 3046140 50
Single-level terminal block with ground foot and plug zone UT 4-PE/TG P/P 3070037 50
Single-level terminal block with ground foot and diode UT 4-PE/L-DIO/L-R P/P 3046834 50
Single-level terminal block with ground foot and diode UT 4-PE/L-DIO/R-L P/P 3046235 50

4.3 Double-level solutions with ground foot

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkg

Double-level fuse block with ground foot and pass-through level UT 4-PE/l/HESI (5X20) 3214320 50
without indicator
Double-level fuse block with ground foot and pass-through level for UT 4-PE/L/HESILED 60 (5X20) 3214322 50
60 V signals with blown fuse indicator
Double-level terminal block with ground foot and pass-through UT 4-PE/L/HEDI 3214324 50
level and hinge disconnect
Double-level terminal block with ground foot and pass-through UT 4-PE/L/N 3214361 50
Double-level terminal block profile with top pass-through level only UT 4-L 3214363 50
Double-level terminal block with ground foot, pass-through level UT 4-PE/L/TG 3214365 50
and plug zone

3364A Phoenix Contact • P.O. Box 4100 • Harrisburg, PA 17111-0100 • USA 4

Sales: 1-800-888-7388 • Technical Service: 1-800-888-7388

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