Plantpax® MPC: Model Predictive Control Product
Plantpax® MPC: Model Predictive Control Product
Plantpax® MPC: Model Predictive Control Product
Dynamic and steady-state constraints are monitored, One PlantPAx MPC module can support up to five
predicted and enforced in a manner never before realized MPC applications, each with:
in DCS-based MPC solutions. By embedding MPC into the
• Up to 10 controlled variables (targeted and/or
control layer, PlantPAx MPC simplifies integration with
constrained measurements).
the PlantPAx distributed control system and improves
ease-of-use. • Up to 10 manipulated variables (PID instruction
outputs or slave targets adjusted by MPC).
The end result is PlantPAx MPC drives maximum • Up to 10 disturbance variables (inputs that would
performance from plant operations, which results in shift some controlled variables without proactive
higher throughput, lower costs and higher profitability. adjustments on available manipulated variables).
• A predictive horizon of up to 200 controller
Proven Technology Embedded in Controller execution steps.
PlantPAx MPC is a new migration of concepts from the
Rockwell Automation® Pavilion8® workstation-based MPC Easy to Configure and Use
product that has been in industrial use for more than PlantPAx MPC has set a new standard in ease-of-use
20 years on hundreds of the most complex and for advanced process control solutions. Controller
challenging control problems globally. It is optimized configuration and tuning parameters have been
for fast execution within the Logix environment and enhanced to be more accessible to engineers accustomed
designed for maximum ease-of-use. to PID control. Faceplates for PlantPAx have been
developed within the Rockwell Software® ViewSE product
Optimized Performance that are very similar to what engineers familiar with PID
control have come to expect.
Model design, development and advanced monitoring
are conducted on a PC connected to your Logix chassis. Rockwell Automation has also developed powerful tools
Run-time APC instruction is called and accessed by an that facilitate the use of plant data and step tests to build
add-on instruction (AOI) within a 1756 Logix controller, models, MPC configuration as well as monitor controller
and is programmable with Rockwell Software Studio5000® performance.
software with a dedicated PlantPAx MPC module.
Allen-Bradley, and LISTEN. THINK. SOLVE. are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.
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Publication RSAPHZ-PP012B-EN-P – April 2016 Copyright © 2016 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.
Supersedes Publication RSAPHZ-PP012A-EN-P – November 2015