English Class: Can - Can't - Could
English Class: Can - Can't - Could
English Class: Can - Can't - Could
can - can't - could
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In English, can and could are used to
express ability (I can run quickly) and
requests (Can you help me carry the
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Expressing Examples:
a. I can speak English.
He can drive.
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Other uses of
can and could
5. Possibility
1. Request The florist can deliver the bouquet
Can you help me? early.
Can you tell me the way to the museum? My friend can visit me this week.
Can you come here a minute please?
Note: can is not normal used to
2. Permissions describe future possibility in the
Can I use your cell phone? positive form.
Can I take a day off?
Can I smoke here? INCORRECT: It can rain tomorrow.
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