Detailed Lesson Plan in English G-8

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English G-8

(Inductive Method)

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the 90% of the students should be able to:

1. use passive voice of the verb correctly;

2. transform sentences from active to passive voice;
3. construct sentences using active/passive voice; and
4. give sentences orally using active/passive voice.

. II. Subject Matter: Active to Passive Voice of Simple and Progressive Tenses
Reference: Skyways to Effective Communication in English for Grade 8, pp. 19-23.
Teaching Devices: flashcards, chart, and jumbled letters.

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

III. Procedures

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill: Past Participle Form of Regular Students will give the past participle of the regular and
and Irregular Verbs. irregular verbs.
2. Review: Sentence Pattern (Student will read the sentences on the board)

● Identify the sentence pattern. What is 1. Mario drives the car.

the pattern of the given sentences? 2. The admirer gave the flowers to the lady.
3. Students will review their lessons.
● What is the sentence pattern of the Subject-Transitive Verb-Direct Object (S-TV-DO)
first sentence? second? third?

● What kind of verb is used in the It is Transitive Verb because it has a receiver.
sentences? Why?

B. Lesson Proper Activities

1. Motivation
(Each group will arrange the jumbled letters to form the
Students will be grouped into two.
first 6 traditional tenses of the verb.)
● Simple present, past, and future.
● Present, past, and future progressive.
2. Motive Question
Read the motive questions on the ● What is the difference between active and
board. passive form of the verb?
● What is voice of the verb?
3. Unlocking of difficulties (Individual students will read)
● Voice ● Voice of the verb tells whether the
subject performs the action or the
subject receives the action.

● Active ● Active voice means that the

subject is the doer of the action.

● Passive ● Passive voice means that the

subject is the receiver of the
4. Presentation of the New Lesson. Chart

● Our lesson for today is about

transforming active voice into passive Tense Voice Subjec Verb Object
voice in terms of different tenses of t
the verb. Let us look at the charts with Simple Active Gabriel Waters the
different sentences. Let us start with Present plant.
the first six tenses of the verb.
Passiv The is by
e plant watered Gabriel
Simple Active Gabriel Bought a pen.
Passiv A pen was by
e bought Gabriel
Simple Active Gabriel will a play.
Future watch
Passiv A play by
e will be Gabriel
watched .
Present Active Gabriel is the
Progressiv watering plant.
Passiv The is being By
e Plant watered Gabriel
Past Active Gabriel was a pen.
Progressiv buying
Passiv A pen was by
e being Gabriel
bought .
Future Active Gabriel will be a play.
Progressiv watching
Passiv A play will be by
e being Gabriel
watched .

● What is the sentence pattern of the ● S-TV-DO.


● What verb is used? ● Transitive Verb because they have an object.

● What is the subject in active ● The subject in active voice of simple present is
voice of simple present? Gabriel.

● What is the subject in passive voice of ● The subject in passive voice of simple present is
simple sentence? The plant.

● What is the verb in active voice of ● The verb in active voice in simple present is
simple present? waters.

● What is the verb in passive voice in ● The verb in passive voice in simple present is is
simple present? watered.

● What is the Object in active voice ● The Object in active voice of the simple present
of simple present? is the plant.
● What is the object in passive of the ● The Object in passive voice of the simple
simple present? present is Gabriel.

● What happened to the subject ● The subject and object of the two sentences
and object of the two sentences? switched their positions.
● Analyze the pattern of active and ● The subject in active voice of simple past is
passive voice of the verb in simple Gabriel.
past in terms of Subject, Verb, ● The subject in passive voice of simple past is A
and Object. pen.
● The verb used in active voice of simple past is
● The verb used in passive voice of simple past is
was bought.
● The Object used in active voice of simple past is
A pen.
● The Object used in passive voice of simple past
is Gabriel.

● What happened to the subject and ● The subject and object of the two sentences
object of the two sentences? switched their positions.

● How about the verb? ● The verb in active form is in past tense while the
verb in the passive form is already in past
participle because of be verb was.

● Analyze the pattern of active and ● The subject in active voice of simple future is
passive voice of the verb in Gabriel.
simple past in terms of Subject, ● The subject in passive voice of simple future is A
Verb, and Object. play.
● The verb used in active voice of simple future is
will watch.
● The verb used in passive voice of simple past is
will be watched.
● The Object used in active voice of simple future
is A play.
● The Object used in passive voice of simple
future is Gabriel.
● The subject and Object of the two sentences
switched their positions.
● The verb in active form is in future tense while
the verb in the passive form is already in past
participle because of the word be.

● What have you noticed in the Subject ● The Subject and Object of the active and
and Object in active and passive form passive sentences of Progressive tenses
of progressive tenses? switched each other like the Simple Tenses.
● What happened to the verb used in ● The verb in active sentence of present
active and passive sentences of progressive is is watering while the verb in
Present Progressive? passive sentence is is being watered.

● What happened to the verb used in ● The verb in active sentence of past progressive
active and passive sentences of is was buying while the verb in passive sentence
Past Progressive? is was being bought.
● What happened to the verb used in ● The verb in active sentence of future progressive
active and passive sentences of is will be watching while the verb in active
Future Progressive? sentence is will be being watched.
● What is the pattern of changing active ● Simple present and past =
to passive voice in terms of simple Object + is, are, was, were + PP. of the verb.
● Simple future =
Object + will/shall + PP. of the verb.

● What is the pattern of changing active ● Present and past progressive =

to passive voice in terms of Object+ is, are, was, were +being+ PP. of the verb.
progressive tenses?
● Future progressive =
Object+ will/ shall+ be being+ PP. of the verb.

Enrichment Activity #1 (Students will give their answers)

Change the following simple tenses
from active to passive.
1. Ali helped the girl. 1. The girl was helped by Ali.
2. Isabel gives the ball. 2. The ball is given by Isabel.
3. The waiter will show the menu. 3. The menu will be shown by the waiter.
Enrichment Activity #2 (Students will give their answers)
Change the following progressive
tenses from active to passive.
1. The vendors are cleaning the streets. 1. The streets are being cleaned by the vendors.
2. Children were playing cars. 2. Cars were being played by the children.
3. Paula and Marie will be getting the 3. The stones will be being gotten by Paula and
stones. Marie
Enrichment Activity #3 Sample of Student’s Work
Give your own sentences oral/written ● The boy guided the blind woman in crossing the
on the board: street.
a. Change simple tenses from active to ● The blind woman was guided by the boy in
passive crossing the street.
b. Change progressive tenses from ● Claudia was presenting her narrative report.
active to passive ● A narrative report was being presented by
Generalization (Rule): (The students will generate the generalization (rule) by
answering the question)
● How are we going to change active to ● Simple present and past =
passive sentences of simple tenses? Object + is, are, was, were +PP. of the verb.

● Simple future =
Object+ will/shall+ PP. of the verb.
● How are we going to change active to ● Present and past progressive =
passive sentence of progressive Object+ is, are, was, were + being +PP. of the verb.
● Future progressive =
Object + will/ shall + be being+ PP. of the verb

IV. Assessment / Evaluation Technique

● Use the following words in passive (The students will copy and write their own sentences
sentences. in passive form with the given verbs and tenses)

1. write (simple present) 1. The poem is written by Maria.

2. sing (simple past) 2. My favorite song was sung by Ana.
3. eat (simple future) 3. Apples will be eaten by the kids.
4. drive (present progressive) 4. They are being driven by Father.
5. swim (past progressive) 5. The pool was being swum by George.
V. Assignment /Agreement

Answer the Learning Alley on pp. 22-23, Ref. Skyways to Effective Communication in English
for Grade 8.
Note: Inductive method presents first the examples, and the rule or generalization discovered
or formulated by the students. The inductive method is used when teaching
rules/generalization correct usage in English or Filipino. This method is also used in teaching
lessons that require the application of a theory, or application of a law. The same method is
used in teaching Mathematical processes.

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