Detailed Lesson Plan in English G-8
Detailed Lesson Plan in English G-8
Detailed Lesson Plan in English G-8
(Inductive Method)
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the 90% of the students should be able to:
. II. Subject Matter: Active to Passive Voice of Simple and Progressive Tenses
Reference: Skyways to Effective Communication in English for Grade 8, pp. 19-23.
Teaching Devices: flashcards, chart, and jumbled letters.
III. Procedures
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill: Past Participle Form of Regular Students will give the past participle of the regular and
and Irregular Verbs. irregular verbs.
2. Review: Sentence Pattern (Student will read the sentences on the board)
● What kind of verb is used in the It is Transitive Verb because it has a receiver.
sentences? Why?
● What is the subject in active ● The subject in active voice of simple present is
voice of simple present? Gabriel.
● What is the subject in passive voice of ● The subject in passive voice of simple present is
simple sentence? The plant.
● What is the verb in active voice of ● The verb in active voice in simple present is
simple present? waters.
● What is the verb in passive voice in ● The verb in passive voice in simple present is is
simple present? watered.
● What is the Object in active voice ● The Object in active voice of the simple present
of simple present? is the plant.
● What is the object in passive of the ● The Object in passive voice of the simple
simple present? present is Gabriel.
● What happened to the subject ● The subject and object of the two sentences
and object of the two sentences? switched their positions.
● Analyze the pattern of active and ● The subject in active voice of simple past is
passive voice of the verb in simple Gabriel.
past in terms of Subject, Verb, ● The subject in passive voice of simple past is A
and Object. pen.
● The verb used in active voice of simple past is
● The verb used in passive voice of simple past is
was bought.
● The Object used in active voice of simple past is
A pen.
● The Object used in passive voice of simple past
is Gabriel.
● What happened to the subject and ● The subject and object of the two sentences
object of the two sentences? switched their positions.
● How about the verb? ● The verb in active form is in past tense while the
verb in the passive form is already in past
participle because of be verb was.
● Analyze the pattern of active and ● The subject in active voice of simple future is
passive voice of the verb in Gabriel.
simple past in terms of Subject, ● The subject in passive voice of simple future is A
Verb, and Object. play.
● The verb used in active voice of simple future is
will watch.
● The verb used in passive voice of simple past is
will be watched.
● The Object used in active voice of simple future
is A play.
● The Object used in passive voice of simple
future is Gabriel.
● The subject and Object of the two sentences
switched their positions.
● The verb in active form is in future tense while
the verb in the passive form is already in past
participle because of the word be.
● What have you noticed in the Subject ● The Subject and Object of the active and
and Object in active and passive form passive sentences of Progressive tenses
of progressive tenses? switched each other like the Simple Tenses.
● What happened to the verb used in ● The verb in active sentence of present
active and passive sentences of progressive is is watering while the verb in
Present Progressive? passive sentence is is being watered.
● What happened to the verb used in ● The verb in active sentence of past progressive
active and passive sentences of is was buying while the verb in passive sentence
Past Progressive? is was being bought.
● What happened to the verb used in ● The verb in active sentence of future progressive
active and passive sentences of is will be watching while the verb in active
Future Progressive? sentence is will be being watched.
● What is the pattern of changing active ● Simple present and past =
to passive voice in terms of simple Object + is, are, was, were + PP. of the verb.
● Simple future =
Object + will/shall + PP. of the verb.
● Simple future =
Object+ will/shall+ PP. of the verb.
● How are we going to change active to ● Present and past progressive =
passive sentence of progressive Object+ is, are, was, were + being +PP. of the verb.
● Future progressive =
Object + will/ shall + be being+ PP. of the verb
Answer the Learning Alley on pp. 22-23, Ref. Skyways to Effective Communication in English
for Grade 8.
Note: Inductive method presents first the examples, and the rule or generalization discovered
or formulated by the students. The inductive method is used when teaching
rules/generalization correct usage in English or Filipino. This method is also used in teaching
lessons that require the application of a theory, or application of a law. The same method is
used in teaching Mathematical processes.