Pressure Vessels Lectures 77
Pressure Vessels Lectures 77
Pressure Vessels Lectures 77
ð15Þ UG-23 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STRESS t = the minimum required thickness of the cylindrical
VALUES12 shell or tube
(a) The maximum allowable stress value is the maxi- The joint efficiency for butt welded joints shall be ta-
mum unit stress permitted in a given material used in a ken as unity.
vessel constructed under these rules. The maximum al- The value of B shall be determined as follows.
lowable tensile stress values permitted for different mate- Step 1. Using the selected values of t and R , calculate
rials are given in Subpart 1 of Section II, Part D. Section II, the value of factor A using the following equation:
Part D is published as two separate publications. One pub-
lication contains values only in the U.S. Customary units
and the other contains values only in SI units. The selec-
tion of the version to use is dependent on the set of units
selected for construction. A listing of these materials is gi-
ven in the following tables, which are included in Subsec- Step 2. Using the value of A calculated in Step 1, enter
tion C. For material identified as meeting more than one the applicable material chart in Section II, Part D, Subpart
material specification and/or grade, the maximum allow- 3 for the material under consideration. Move vertically to
able tensile stress value for either material specification an intersection with the material/temperature line for the
and/or grade may be used provided all requirements design temperature (see UG-20). Interpolation may be
and limitations for the material specification and grade made between lines for intermediate temperatures. If tab-
are met for the maximum allowable tensile stress value ular values in Subpart 3of Section II, Part D are used, lin-
chosen. ear interpolation or any other rational interpolation
method may be used to determine a B value that lies be-
Table Title tween two adjacent tabular values for a specific tempera-
UCS-23 Carbon and Low Alloy Steel (stress values in Section
ture. Such interpolation may also be used to determine a
II, Part D, Table 3 for bolting, and Table 1A for B value at an intermediate temperature that lies between
other carbon steels) two sets of tabular values, after first determining B values
Tables Nonferrous Metals (stress values in Section II, Part D, for each set of tabular values.
UNF-23.1 Table 3 for bolting, and Table 1B for other In cases where the value at A falls to the right of the end
through nonferrous metals) of the material/temperature line, assume an intersection
with the horizontal projection of the upper end of the ma-
UHA-23 High Alloy Steel (stress values in Section II, Part D,
terial/temperature line. If tabular values are used, the last
Table 3 for bolting, and Table 1A or Table 1B for
other high alloy steels) (maximum) tabulated value shall be used. For values of A
UCI-23 Maximum Allowable Stress Values in Tension for falling to the left of the material/temperature line, see
Cast Iron Step 4.
UCD-23 Maximum Allowable Stress Values in Tension for Step 3. From the intersection obtained in Step 2, move
Cast Ductile Iron horizontally to the right and read the value of factor B .
UHT-23 Ferritic Steels with Properties Enhanced by Heat This is the maximum allowable compressive stress for
Treatment (stress values in Section II, Part D, the values of t and Ro used in Step 1.
Table 1A)
Step 4. For values of A falling to the left of the applic-
ULT-23 Maximum Allowable Stress Values in Tension for
5%, 8%, and 9% Nickel Steels and 5083‐0
able material/temperature line, the value of B shall be
Aluminum Alloy at Cryogenic Temperatures for calculated using the following equation:
Welded and Nonwelded Construction