Pressure Vessels Lectures 77

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ð15Þ UG-23 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STRESS t = the minimum required thickness of the cylindrical
VALUES12 shell or tube
(a) The maximum allowable stress value is the maxi- The joint efficiency for butt welded joints shall be ta-
mum unit stress permitted in a given material used in a ken as unity.
vessel constructed under these rules. The maximum al- The value of B shall be determined as follows.
lowable tensile stress values permitted for different mate- Step 1. Using the selected values of t and R , calculate
rials are given in Subpart 1 of Section II, Part D. Section II, the value of factor A using the following equation:
Part D is published as two separate publications. One pub-
lication contains values only in the U.S. Customary units
and the other contains values only in SI units. The selec-
tion of the version to use is dependent on the set of units
selected for construction. A listing of these materials is gi-
ven in the following tables, which are included in Subsec- Step 2. Using the value of A calculated in Step 1, enter
tion C. For material identified as meeting more than one the applicable material chart in Section II, Part D, Subpart
material specification and/or grade, the maximum allow- 3 for the material under consideration. Move vertically to
able tensile stress value for either material specification an intersection with the material/temperature line for the
and/or grade may be used provided all requirements design temperature (see UG-20). Interpolation may be
and limitations for the material specification and grade made between lines for intermediate temperatures. If tab-
are met for the maximum allowable tensile stress value ular values in Subpart 3of Section II, Part D are used, lin-
chosen. ear interpolation or any other rational interpolation
method may be used to determine a B value that lies be-
Table Title tween two adjacent tabular values for a specific tempera-
UCS-23 Carbon and Low Alloy Steel (stress values in Section
ture. Such interpolation may also be used to determine a
II, Part D, Table 3 for bolting, and Table 1A for B value at an intermediate temperature that lies between
other carbon steels) two sets of tabular values, after first determining B values
Tables Nonferrous Metals (stress values in Section II, Part D, for each set of tabular values.
UNF-23.1 Table 3 for bolting, and Table 1B for other In cases where the value at A falls to the right of the end
through nonferrous metals) of the material/temperature line, assume an intersection
with the horizontal projection of the upper end of the ma-
UHA-23 High Alloy Steel (stress values in Section II, Part D,
terial/temperature line. If tabular values are used, the last
Table 3 for bolting, and Table 1A or Table 1B for
other high alloy steels) (maximum) tabulated value shall be used. For values of A
UCI-23 Maximum Allowable Stress Values in Tension for falling to the left of the material/temperature line, see
Cast Iron Step 4.
UCD-23 Maximum Allowable Stress Values in Tension for Step 3. From the intersection obtained in Step 2, move
Cast Ductile Iron horizontally to the right and read the value of factor B .
UHT-23 Ferritic Steels with Properties Enhanced by Heat This is the maximum allowable compressive stress for
Treatment (stress values in Section II, Part D, the values of t and Ro used in Step 1.
Table 1A)
Step 4. For values of A falling to the left of the applic-
ULT-23 Maximum Allowable Stress Values in Tension for
5%, 8%, and 9% Nickel Steels and 5083‐0
able material/temperature line, the value of B shall be
Aluminum Alloy at Cryogenic Temperatures for calculated using the following equation:
Welded and Nonwelded Construction

(b) The maximum allowable longitudinal compressive

stress to be used in the design of cylindrical shells or
tubes, either seamless or butt welded, subjected to load-
If tabulated values are used, determine B as in Step 2
ings that produce longitudinal compression in the shell
and apply it to the equation in Step 4.
or tube shall be the smaller of the following values:
Step 5. Compare the value of B determined in Step 3 or
(1) the maximum allowable tensile stress value per-
Step 4 with the computed longitudinal compressive stress
mitted in (a) above;
in the cylindrical shell or tube, using the selected values of
(2) the value of the factor B determined by the fol-
t and Ro. If the value of B is smaller than the computed
lowing procedure where
compressive stress, a greater value of t must be selected
E = modulus of elasticity of material at design tempera- and the design procedure repeated until a value of B is
ture. The modulus of elasticity to be used shall be obtained that is greater than the compressive stress com-
taken from the applicable materials chart in Section puted for the loading on the cylindrical shell or tube.
II, Part D, Subpart 3. (Interpolation may be made (c) The wall thickness of a vessel computed by these
between lines for intermediate temperatures.) rules shall be determined such that, for any combination
R o = outside radius of cylindrical shell or tube of loadings listed in UG-22 that induce primary stress and


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