D5e43784027f92d0-Essay Outline Sample Template1
D5e43784027f92d0-Essay Outline Sample Template1
D5e43784027f92d0-Essay Outline Sample Template1
Give suggestions on how to approve or disapprove freedom speech through social media
To what extent do you agree with the scenario above? Discuss this issue comprehensively
I. Introduction
Freedom speech are promoted allegedly by several Malaysians. Is this issue of freedom speech
gives us a peaceful environment or leads to negative approaches and actions by a group of people
whom could turn on to be destroyers to our nation?
Essay Statement
Advantages and disadvantages of freedom speech that had become trends . People from all kind of
stages are free to give talks through social medias about another group of people and specific issues
that occurs. The freedom speech through social media by anybody mostly brings uncomfortable
environment to the worldwide nation.
II. Body
III. Conclusion
Summarize of the essay and how freedom speech through social media supports and unsupport the
raising issues.
Give suggestions on how to approve or disapprove freedom speech through social media
To what extent do you agree with the scenario above? Discuss this issue comprehensively
The freedom of speech is one of the crucial features of the democratic society. The personal liberty
cannot be achieved without the ability to express your thoughts freely. It also means the opportunity
to participate in the discussions and debates. George Orwell said, “If liberty means anything at all, it
means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”.
The media is a powerful mean of social progress nowadays. It is said that social media’s worldwide
audience gives individuals new rights, responsibilities, and risks. Joshua Rozenberg claimed, “A
tweet is not an email, it’s a broadcast”. The aim of this essay is to present my own opinion on the
expressions by Orwell and Rozenberg and to discuss the influence of media on the human rights,
responsibilities, and risks.
The emotional speech of Adolph Hitler inspired millions of people to commit the crime against
humanity. That is why it should be emphasized that the freedom of speech assumes the
responsibility. It is said that “our most successful approach to defending our human rights and human
dignity is to begin with the principle: Choose Love, Not Hate” (Freedom of expression, no date).
Besides, it should be mentioned that the freedom of speech should not contradict the other human
rights, including the intellectual property rights, the right to reputation, and others. The government
intervention in the dissemination of the information should not go beyond the boundaries of the
protection of the confidential information, reputation, public safety and order (Freedom of
expression, no date).
The debates provoked by the promulgation of the secret information by WikiLeaks shook the public.
Although there were different views on the activity of the website, it is obvious that it made the
confidential information public, thus, violating the right to privacy and supporting the freedom of
According to Little, “there is a difference between disclosure of information relating to private lives of
individuals and that relating to governments” (2013, par. 6). The European authorities support the
freedom of speech but indicate to the importance of licensing of broadcasting and the verification of
the information disseminated by the media (Freedom of expression, 2007).
Connie Bennett and Rob Everett emphasize the importance of tolerance and understanding in the
protection of the freedom of speech. At the same time, the authors state, “Free and open access to
the universe of ideas not only enriches the lives of a country’s citizens; it protects them from the harm
caused when ignorance and misinformation go unchallenged by facts” (Bennett and Everett, 2011,
The rapid development of the information technologies and the digital communication systems create
the risks of inconsistent and false data dissemination as the role of the journalists and editors
becomes vanished by the work of computers and Internet. At the same time, the modern technologies
may help to overcome the bias in the information disseminated by the media.
There are a number of the social organizations aimed at protecting the freedom of speech and the
activity of the journalists all over the world. In particular, Freedom House provides the support to the
advocates of the human rights to defend the free media and the right to independent expression
(Freedom of expression, no date).
In order to sum up all above mentioned, it should be said that the freedom of speech is one of the
main human rights. However, it remains one of the controversial social issues as well. The freedom of
expression implies certain responsibilities including the respect to the privacy of other people as well
as to the results of their intellectual activity.