Separation and Puri Fication Technology: Sciencedirect
Separation and Puri Fication Technology: Sciencedirect
Separation and Puri Fication Technology: Sciencedirect
Keywords: In this study, three routes of nucleophilic substitution of graphene oxide (GO) were compared for the fabrication
Nucleophilic-substituted graphene oxide of novel polyethersulfone-functionalized GO (PES-fGO) mixed matrix membranes. These routes were: cross-
Maleic acid linking of GO with maleic acid containing nucleophilic dicarboxyl groups (M1); co-polymerization of GO with
Hyperbranched polyethylenimine hyperbranched polyethyleneimine (HPEI) with excess amino group (M2); and nucleophilic modification of GO
with naturally-derived chitosan containing amino and hydroxyl groups (M3). These membranes were then
Mixed matrix membranes
characterized and tested for the treatment of electrokinetically remediated wastewater. Membrane properties
such as mechanical strength, morphology, chemical functionalities, hydrophilicity and pore structures were
measured to assess the membranes in relation to their performance. M2 membrane displayed the least open and
densest structure due to the abundance of nucleophilic amino groups on HPEI. The flexible NeH chains in-
creased the resistance of the active layer to water and contributed to the lowest water fluxes provided by M2
membrane. Regardless of viscous hindrance, intermolecular bonds with higher energies (CeO in M1 and OeH in
M2) promoted thermodynamic instability which increased the pore sizes and water fluxes through M1 and M3.
Therefore, the highest tensile strength and allowable load were exhibited by M2 membrane. The COeNH lin-
kages in M2 contributed to the highest overall pollutant removal efficiencies: 97.1% Fe2+, 95.3% Zn2+, 92.7%
Cd2+, 99.9% Cr6+, 99.9% bacteria, and 98% chemical oxygen demand (COD) due to stronger repulsive elec-
trostatic force and nano-sized membrane pores.
1. Introduction hardness, and bacteria from raw sewage. The cocepct of eMBR has also
driven other researchers to investigate potential alternatives to reduce
The United Nations (UN) has proposed wide-scale wastewater reuse its energy requirements [4]. eMBR consists of electrodes inserted in a
as a sustainable approach for tackling freshwater stress. In fact, the MBR to induce electrokinetics for higher pollutant removal efficiency.
theme of the UN’s 2017 World Water Day was focused on wastewater The presence of electrokinetics has led to significant changes in the
reuse [1]. However, many contaminants in significant quantities might physico-chemical and biological characteristics of the sludge. For ex-
still be present in the treated effluents from traditional sewage treat- ample, processes such as electrocoagulation, electroosmosis, electro-
ment such as activated sludge treatment, sand filtration, membrane settling among others have generated a mixed liquor suspended solids
bioreactors (MBRs), etc. When exposed to the environment, these (MLSS) with denser flocs, less bound water and highly settled [2,3]. The
contaminants are oftentimes harmful to humans and aquatic life. The electrodes can be inserted in cylindrical or rectangular configurations.
impacts of these contaminants can lead to the contamination of potable eMBR has also demonstrated less susceptibility to membrane fouling
water aquifers. Therefore, efficient removal of hazardous materials in when compared with the conventional MBR system [4]. However, the
wastewater, such as toxic heavy metal ions and pathogenic bateria, is residual contaminants in eMBR effluent are still beyond levels of gen-
essential for the realization of this proposal. eral applications.
As a recently developed treatment method, electrically-enhanced In recent times, due to advances in nanomaterial synthesis and as-
membrane bioreactor (eMBR) has been shown to provide effluents of sembly, nanomaterials are now being incorporated as fillers to poly-
highly quality at lower cost than the traditional approaches [2,3]. The meric matrix to fabricate mixed matrix membranes for wastewater post-
eMBR system provides higher removal efficiencies for organics, water treatment [6]. These nanomaterials impart properties such as nano-
Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (A. Giwa), (S.W. Hasan).
Received 31 December 2019; Received in revised form 17 February 2020; Accepted 17 February 2020
Available online 17 February 2020
1383-5866/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Giwa and S.W. Hasan Separation and Purification Technology 241 (2020) 116735
sized pores and enhanced membrane performance. Although a nano- nucleophilic modifiers on the properties, stability, and filtration per-
porous membrane with the desirable properties might be fabricated but formance of PES-fGO membranes. This is the first study on the com-
the propensity of the membrane to withstand fouling or leaching of the parison of the influence of nucleophilic modifiers on PES-GO mem-
active layer during long-term operations is a key requirement. Gra- branes at the molecular level. All nucleophilic-substituted PES-GO
phene oxide (GO) is one of the materials at the heart of current ad- membranes were employed in this study for the treatment of electro-
vances in mixed matrix membrane fabrication because of its unique kinetically remediated wastewater effluent obtained after the eMBR.
properties [7]. GO contains abundant oxygen groups on its surface Therefore, the novelty of this research study relies on: (1) the com-
which support its interaction with water. GO contains hydroxyl, car- parison of the influence of nucleophilic modifiers (maleic acid, hyper-
boxyl and epoxy functional groups in the carbon lattice across the basal branched polyethylenimine, and chitosan) on the performance of GO-
plane and on the edges. The number of hydroxyl group in GO depends assisted mixed matrix membranes at the molecular level, and (2) the
on the extent of oxidation of graphene. Water permeates through the combination of eMBR with nucleophilic-functionalized graphene oxide
inter-sheet distance or interconnected nanocapillaries ensured by the (GO) mixed matrix membrane filtration for treatment of raw waste-
stacking of GO nanosheets with relatively intrinsic low mass transfer water.
resistance [8]. However, the reactions at GO surface are further ex-
panded to non-covalent due to the sp2 and sp3 domains on the surface. 2. Material and methods
van der Waals bonding and π–π stacking are the primarily non-covalent
reactions [8]. π–π stacking is the attractive interactions between aro- 2.1. Raw wastewater and treated effluent after eMBR
matic rings. This staking arises from the π bonds in the rings. A π bond
is formed from two p-orbitals. π interactions are more pronounced in Raw wastewater (Table 1) from a municipal MBR wastewater
GO as a result of the transformation of sp2 carbon to sp3 carbon caused treatment plant at Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates was
by defects or distortions during its production from graphene [10]. obtained. It was then fed into a 31.5 L rectangular polycarbonate eMBR
Hence, ensuring adequate adhesion between GO in GO-assisted operated at a hydraulic retention time of 13 ½ h and sludge retention
mixed matrix membranes is critical for the long-term performance of time of 240 days. A current density of 1.5 mA/cm2 was applied to the
these membranes. A poor interaction could cause rapid decline in the configuration at an intermittent cycle of 5 min ON and 5 min OFF for
selectivity of the membrane due to leaching and formation of non-se- 120 days. Full details on the design of eMBR can be found in our pre-
lective voids at the interfacial region [11]. The incorporation of an vious research studies [2,3,5]. The effluent from the eMBR (Table 1)
external adhesive layer between GO and polymer phases is a common was used as an input for the performance tests of the PES-fGO mixed
strategy used to address adhesion but this layer-by-layer self-assembly matrix membranes developed in this study.
approach provides non-covalent bonding [12]. With such a concern,
choosing linkers that can provide intrinsic and integral chemical lin- 2.2. Nucleophilic-functionalized graphene oxide-incorporated mixed matrix
kages between the polymer and GO is essential. Therefore, in this paper, membranes
mixed matrix membranes consisting of GO integrally linked with ad-
hesive functional groups were studied for the removal of residual heavy The materials used for the fabrication of the nucleophilic-functio-
metal ions in eMBR effluent. Polyethersulfone (PES) was used as the nalized GO-incorporated membranes include: (i) 99.5% pure tetra-
polymer in the mixed matrix membrane and integral adhesion between hydrofuran (THF), bought from LOBA Chemie Pvt Ltd; (ii) the materials
GO and PES was achieved via nucleophilic substitution of GO. The purchased from Sigma Aldrich, i.e. GO (4 mg/mL dispersion in water,
carboxyl, hydroxyl and epoxy groups of GO have electrophilic carbon greater than95% purity); branched PEI with average molecular weight
centers that can be attacked by nucleophiles [11,12]. On the other of ~25,000; 99% pure maleic acid powder; ≥99.8% pure acetic acid;
hand, PES is composed of two repeating functional groups: sulfonyl and 99.8% pure anhydrous N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF); chitosan
ether groups (Fig. 1(a)) that may be involved in polycondensation re- powder with molecular weight of 50,000–190,000 Da; 99.8% pure
actions. ethanol; 99% pure sodium chloride; 99% pure N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone
In these reactions, new polymer derivatives might be formed from (NMP); 99.5% pure anhydrous citric acid; and sodium hypochlorite;
the attack of the sulfonyl and ether groups, as shown in Fig. 1(b) and (iii) the materials purchased from VWR International LLC, i.e. anhy-
1(c) [13]. Crosslinking might occur during these reactions via pheny- drous sodium phosphate monobasic and sodium phosphate dibasic; and
lation of the CeS and CeO bond cleavages [14]. The phenyl rings and (iv) PES with molecular weight of ~75,000, bought from Prakash
oxygen moieties in the functional groups might also be attacked by Chemicals Pvt. Limited.
nucleophiles via addition polymerization to form co-polymers and Solutions of the nucleophilic modifiers were first prepared by dis-
conjugates (Fig. 1(d–f)). The electrophilic carbon of the phenyl rings solving them in appropriate solvents. 5 wt% aqueous solution of maleic
might be attacked by the nucleophilic terminal groups of another acid was mixed with 5 wt% sodium dihydrogen phosphate used as
polymer to form co-polymers (Fig. 1(d)) and reactions with additional catalyst. 10 wt% HPEI was dissolved in THF:DMF solution (1:1 wt ratio)
reagents might produce conjugates of these co-polymers (Fig. 1(e)) at 70 °C. 10 wt% chitosan was dissolved in 0.1 M acetic acid at room
[15,16]. Also, addition polymerization might occur via the coordina- temperature. These solutions were then used to prepare functionalized
tion of the ether bond and the oxygen moieties of sulfone group to GO (fGO) suspensions. 1 L solution of pH 7.0 tris-H3PO4 buffer was
oxides (Fig. 1(f)) [17]. Meanwhile, coordination reaction without the prepared by mixing 0.477 mol of sodium dihydrogen phosphate
use of nucleophilic modifiers would not ensure that the PES and GO monohydrate and 0.523 mol of sodium phosphate dibasic in 950 mL of
phases are covalently bonded. DI water. The pH of the buffer solution was adjusted to 7.0 by adding
The most nucleophilic modifiers are compounds bearing donate- 0.1 M sodium hydroxide. Once pH 7.0 was reached, deionized water
able electrons such as organic amines and charged molecules. was added to bring the total volume of phosphoric acid buffer to 1 L.
Therefore, three routes of GO functionalization by nucleophilic sub- The resistivity of the deionized water used throughout this study was
stitution were compared in this study, using three modifiers: Chitosan, 15 MΩ cm. Then, three samples of 4 mg/mL GO solution were diluted
hyperbranched PEI (HPEI), and maleic acid. The studied routes were: by adding 20 mL of the prepared tris-H3PO4 buffer solution in tightly
crosslinking of GO with naturally-derived chitosan containing nucleo- sealed sample vials to ensure that the maximum charge of GO was
philic amino and hydroxyl groups; co-polymerization with HPEI with maintained. Each solution of nucleophilic modifier was added dropwise
excess amino group; and crosslinking of GO with maleic acid containing to a buffered GO solution in the ratio 8:1 vol/vol. The resulting sus-
nucleophilic dicarboxyl groups. The comparison was carried out by pensions were stirred continuously with a magnetic stirrer for 24 h at
investigating the influence of the reactive terminal groups of the 60 °C. The suspensions were then centrifuged using HERMLE
A. Giwa and S.W. Hasan Separation and Purification Technology 241 (2020) 116735
Fig. 1. Schematic of molecular interactions of PES showing (a) the chemical structure of PES with the functional groups and phenyl ring; phenyl radical formation by
the cleavage of (b) CeS and (c) CeO bond; (d) co-polymer formation by the nucleophilic attack of the phenyl ring; (e) conjugation of the co-polymers by addition
reaction; (f) polycondensation reaction between PES and an oxygenated material represented by AO, such as GO.
Table 1 respectively. Each exfoliated fGO in NMP was mixed with PES using
Pollutant concentrations in raw wastewater and eMBR effluent. 18:82 PES:NMP weight ratio. The weight ratio of fGO in the mixture
Contaminant Raw wastewater eMBR effluent was kept at 0.5 wt% of PES. The mixtures or dope solutions containing
fGO prepared from maleic acid, HPEI, and chitosan were denoted as
Fe2+ (µg/L) 281 28 M1, M2, and M3, respectively. Continuous magnetic stirring of the PES-
Zn2+ (µg/L) 2250 476 NMP-fGO dope solutions was ensured at 70 °C and 120 rpm for 6 h.
Cd2+ (µg/L) 63 13
Cr6+ (µg/L) 1400 14
After stirring at 70 °C, clear dope solutions were ensured by allowing
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) (mg/L) 880 36.9 stirring to continue at room temperature for additional 12 h. Then,
Biological oxygen demand (BOD) (mg/L) 640 26.8 stirring was discontinued for the next 6 h to ensure air bubble removal.
Bacteria (CFU/100 mL) 3,900,000 18,300 The procedure for fabricating the membranes is shown in Fig. 2.
The dope solutions were then used to laminate non-woven PES
support, such that flat sheet PES-fGO mixed matrix membranes were
Labortechnik Z 326 K centrifuge at 9000 rpm for 30 min to recover the
fabricated. The PES substrate was initially positioned on a glass plate.
fGO while the supernatant was decanted away. Each fGO was washed
Then an active layer containing each dope solution was uniformly cast
many times with 10 wt% dilute solution of ethanol and deionized water
on the substrate at a casting thickness of 100 µm and traverse speed of
to remove residual unreacted chemicals. Each fGO was then dried in the
60 cm/min using MSK-AFA-III Compact Tape Casting Coater. Non-sol-
oven at 35 °C and the % yield was computed using Eq. (1).
vent induced coagulation was first achieved by, drying the as-coated
wfGO − wGO membranes for 15 min in the oven to ensure uniform phase separation
%yield = × 100
wGO (1) and then by, immersing the dried membranes in deionized water for
24 h. The membranes were then washed with additional deionized
where wfGO is the weight of fGO and wGO is the initial weight of GO water to remove impurities on the membrane surface and dried by air at
before the nucleophilic modification. room temperature.
2.3. Fabrication of PES-fGO membranes 2.4. Characterization of fGO suspensions, dope solutions and membranes
NMP solvent was used to disperse each fGO sample. Branson 1510 fGO and PES-fGO membrane characteristics such as average fGO
Ultrasonic Cleaner was then used to exfoliate each fGO sample by ul- particle sizes in fGO suspensions, isoelectric point of fGO particles in
trasonication at a frequency and duration of 40 KHz and 60 min, fGO suspensions, viscosity of dope solutions, mechanical strength of
A. Giwa and S.W. Hasan Separation and Purification Technology 241 (2020) 116735
M1 M2 M3
membranes, membrane morphology, chemical functionalities on projection of the membrane surface was used to obtain the water
membranes, membrane hydrophilicity and pore structures were mea- contact angle. PMI Capillary Flow Porometer was used to measure the
sured to assess the properties of the dope solutions and membranes, in mean pore sizes of the membranes. Membrane porosity was determined
relation to the performance of the two-stage treatment system. All using the gravimetric method. In this approach, the membranes were
measurements were performed at room temperature, i.e. 21 ± 1 °C. dipped inside a wetting liquid, Silwick™ in the membrane pores was
HORIBA LA 950V2 Particle Size Analyzer (PSA) was used to measure displaced by the wetting liquid in order to displace the air in the
the mean sizes of fGO particles. The PSA was fitted with red and blue membrane pores by the wetting liquid. For each membrane, the volume
laser diodes, such as the absorbance or transmittance of emitted lights of the air displaced by Silwick™ was considered as the membrane pore
by the particles was converted to particle sizes. NanoBrook ZetaPALS volume. The ratio of the measured pore volume to the total membrane
potential analyzer was used to measure the isoelectric point of the fGO volume was then estimated and considered as the membrane porosity,
particles in the suspensions. The zeta potentials of the particles were as shown in Eq. (2).
measured via light scattering technique at a scattering angle of 15° and
for each fGO sample, the pH at which zero potential occurred was de- Vp (mF − mI )/ ρ
Membrane porosity = =
noted as the isoelectric point. HAAKE RheoStress 6000 rheometer was VT Axδ (2)
used to measure the viscosity of the dope solutions. Viscosity was
measured by shearing the dope solutions for 120 s at a rate of 240 1/s. Vp is estimated pore volume; VT is membrane’s total volume; mF is
membrane’s weight after dipping in Silwick™; mI is membrane’s initial
The mechanical strength of the membranes was determined from the
tensile strength and maximum allowable load. Blue hill mechanical weight before dipping in Silwick™; ρ is density of Silwick™ (0.7031 g/
cm3); A is membrane’s effective area; and δ is thickness of the mem-
compression device was used to deform the membrane at a rate of
1 mm/min and measure the maximum stress on each membrane before brane.
break (i.e. tensile strength). Nova NanoSEM 650 Scanning Electron
Microscopy (SEM) device was used to observe the surface morphology 2.5. PES-fGO membrane performance tests
of the membranes. Membrane morphology was observed at an electron
beam energy of 5 kV and spot size of 4.0. Before SEM analysis, mem- Membrane performance was assessed in terms of the permeate flux
brane samples were coated with gold and platinum (at a thickness of and pollutant removal efficiency. To evaluate membrane performance,
10 nm) to make them become electrically conductive. Bruker’s Vertex each PES-fGO mixed matrix membrane was placed in a module, pres-
80v Fourier Transform InfraRed (FT-IR) spectrometer was used to ob- surized for 6 h at 0.6 MPa, through which the effluent from the eMBR
serve the chemical functionalities on the membranes. FT-IR analysis was made to flow through as shown in the schematic illustration in
was carried out at a wavenumber range of 400–4000 cm−1 and 4 cm−1 Fig. 3.
resolution. Alpha 300R confocal micro-Raman imaging spectrometer The module contained two opposite channels that were structured
was further used to observe the Raman signals from the membranes and equally. Each channel had dimensions: 4 cm × 9 cm × 3 mm. Nitrile
study the vibrational characteristics of the chemical bonds. Raman rubber gasket was used to cover these halves to prevent leakage and
spectroscopy was performed using a 532-nm visible laser source. The provide structural support. Membrane permeability and permeate flux
sessile drop technique in Krüss GmbH Drop Shape Analyzer (DSA) was were estimated from the volume of the eMBR effluent that passed
used to measure the hydrophilicity of the membranes in terms of the through each membrane at 0.6 MPa. The volume of the permeate was
water contact angle. By dropping 1 µL deionized water onto each measured periodically for 5 h. Membrane permeability and permeate
membrane sample, the intersection point between the drop contour and flux were estimated using Eqs. (3) and (4), respectively.
A. Giwa and S.W. Hasan Separation and Purification Technology 241 (2020) 116735
Fig. 3. The integrated system of eMBR and PES-fGO mixed matrix membrane. The streams and units in the system include: (1) raw wastewater; (2) eMBR recycled
sludge; (3) eMBR influent; (4) drained sludge from eMBR; (5) stored sludge for possible end uses; (6) eMBR effluent; (7) concentrate from module; (8) influent to PES-
fGO membrane; (9) final product water; (10) the module in cross flow or dead-end configuration.
A. Giwa and S.W. Hasan Separation and Purification Technology 241 (2020) 116735
Fig. 4. Schematic of the proposed research showing the nucleophilic routes and links for membranes fabricated from GO (a) functionalized with MA (M1), (b)
functionalized with HPEI (M2), (c) functionalized with chitosan. The hydroxyl groups in chitosan might also form hydrogen bonds with the epoxy groups on the basal
plane of GO.
A. Giwa and S.W. Hasan Separation and Purification Technology 241 (2020) 116735
Fig. 6. The morphology of the surfaces of (a) M1, (b) M2, and (c) M3 membrane observed at 2 µm resolution.
A. Giwa and S.W. Hasan Separation and Purification Technology 241 (2020) 116735
A. Giwa and S.W. Hasan Separation and Purification Technology 241 (2020) 116735
Table 3 (pH 8.0). The eMBR effluent pH avoided the deprotonation of possible
Removal efficiencies (%) of eMBR and overall removal efficiencies of the in- unreacted amino groups on the membrane during filtration. M1 mem-
tegrated system of eMBR and PES-fGO mixed matrix membrane filtration. brane removed 86% Cr6+, 71% Zn2+, 65% Fe2+, and 60% Cd2+.
Contaminant eMBR PES-fGO membranes
M1 M2 M3
3.4.2. Removal of residual bacteria and organics
In spite of electrostatic repulsive force offered by M2 and M3
Fe2+ 90.0 96.5 97.1 96.9 membranes due to the amino groups, these membranes also showed
Zn2+ 78.8 93.8 95.3 95.0 higher rejection of residual soluble organics and bacteria (Fig. 11). The
Cd2+ 79.4 91.6 92.7 92.5
Cr6+ 99.0 99.9 99.9 99.9
nanosized pores and hydrophilic channels on the membrane surface,
COD 95.8 98.0 98.0 98.0 rather than electrostatic repulsion, were mainly responsible for the
BOD 95.8 98.0 98.0 98.0 removal of organics and bacteria. However, as expected, negatively
Bacteria 99.5 99.98 99.99 99.99 charged organic matter became attracted to the membrane surface and
caused a shield effect on the positively charged membrane. The mem-
branes removed more bacteria than organic matter (BOD) because the
3.4. Removal mechanisms of contaminants in PES-fGO membranes
sizes of bacteria are larger than those of the soluble organics. Therefore,
the nano-sized membrane pores contributed to the selectivity of the
3.4.1. Removal of heavy metal ions
membranes for bacteria and ensured higher rejection of bacteria. M2
The efficiencies of the membranes to remove residual contaminants
showed the highest removal of residual bacteria (i.e. 98.3%) because
from eMBR treated effluent are shown in Fig. 11. The highest removal
the lowest mean pore size was exhibited by this membrane. M1 and M3
efficiencies of heavy metal ions were provided by M2 membrane be-
removed 96.5 and 97.4% bacteria, respectively. However, in spite of
cause the nucleophilic modification via HPEI increased the surface
the lowest mean pore size provided by M2 membrane, M3 membrane
charge of the membrane more significantly. HPEI imparted positive
exhibited the highest removal efficiency of residual soluble organics
charge to the membrane due to the abundance of amino group which
(i.e. 52.8% BOD), possibly due to the bio-adhesive and bio-compatible
resulted in high rejection of the multivalent ions. The positively
characteristics of the chitosan functionality in M3 membrane [23].
charged membrane surface facilitated repulsive electrostatic force be-
tween the membrane and residual cations, such that the heavy metal
ions experienced a drift away from the membrane surface. The cations 3.5. PES-fGO membrane antifouling and anti-leaching properties
with higher oxidation states exhibited more electrostatic force. So, the
% rejection of multivalent ions with greater co-ion charge/Stokes ra- The surface hydration due to the hydrophilicity of all membranes
dius such as Cr6+ was higher due to stronger repulsive force between ensured the formation of a tightly-bounded water layer that imparted
the membrane surface and these ions [19]. The order of % rejection of anti-fouling properties to the membranes. However, the electrostatic
residual heavy metal ions for all membranes was attraction and bio-adhesion of negatively charged residual con-
Cr6+ > Zn2+ > Fe2+ > Cd2+. M2 membrane removed 91% of taminants to the membranes also influenced the temporal profile of
Cr6+, 78% of Zn2+, 71% of Fe2+, and 64% of Cd2+. water flux across the membranes. Initially, all membranes exhibited
The presence of positively charged amino groups in M2 was con- high water permeability (Fig. 9). The initial permeability across the
firmed from the isoelectric point of fGOb using zeta potential analysis. membranes were 279, 37, and 48 LMH/bar for M1, M2, and M3, re-
The zeta potential of fGOb reached the isoelectric point at pH value of spectively. However, as the negatively charged organics were adsorbed
9.6, which was favorable for the rejection of heavy metal ions. As GO is on the membrane surfaces, the water molecules within the oxidized
negatively charged (GO has a zeta potential of −59 mV in neutral regions of the fGO exhibited lower mobility and the flux changed
aqueous solution), the inclusion of HPEI in M2 moved the isoelectric drastically. The most drastic change was observed for M2 membrane
point towards highly alkaline pH and imparted positive charge via because of its highly positively charged surface. The IR spectrum of the
nucleophilic addition. M3 membrane also showed higher removal ef- fouled M2 membrane obtained after performance test is shown in
ficiencies of heavy metal ions, compared to M1, due to the cationic Fig. 12.
charge density provided by the positively charge amino group in chit- Few new peaks that can be attributed to carbon (organic matter)
osan. M3 membrane removed 90% Cr6+, 77% Zn2+, 70% Fe2+, and appeared in the FT-IR signal of the fouled membrane. These peaks re-
64% Cd2+. The unreacted amino groups were protonated and provided mained after physical cleaning of the membrane with deionized water.
positive charges on the membrane surface at the pH of eMBR effluent However, the new peaks disappeared after chemical cleaning except the
ones at 2850–2900 cm−1, which can be ascribed to CeH stretch. These
Fig. 11. Efficiencies of the membranes to remove heavy metal ions, COD, BOD, and bacteria from eMBR treated effluent.
A. Giwa and S.W. Hasan Separation and Purification Technology 241 (2020) 116735
This study
Fig. 12. IR spectra of virgin, fouled, physically cleaned or water-cleaned (WC),
and chemically cleaned or antifouling chemical-cleaned (AC) M2 membrane.
4. Conclusions
contact angles of M1, M2, and M3 membranes were 72, 81, and
77°, respectively.
(iv) M1 membrane had the most open structure due to the attack of the
hydroxyl groups on the basal plane of GO by the terminal ester
(eCOO) groups of maleic acid. Consequently, the highest mean
Membrane components
of filtration.
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