Lecture 1
Lecture 1
Lecture 1
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Renewable Energy: An Overview Fundamental of Renewable Energy Supply Utilization of Passive Solar Technology Solar Thermal Heat Utilization Solar Thermal Power Plants Photovoltaic Power Generation Wind Power Generation (TH) Renewable Energy Generation in Power System (TH) Impact of Renewable Energy on Frequency Control and Reliability (TH) Frequency Response Service from Renewable Energy Renewable Energy and Electricity Market Future Towards a Sustainable Electric Supply System
Martin Kaltschmitt, Wolfgang Streicher, Andreas Wiese: Renewable Energy: Technology, Economics and Environments, Springer 2007 Leon Freris, David Infield: Renewable Energy in Power Systems, Wiley 2008
*other than our discussed topic in this lecture (you may consider tidal power, biomass, geothermal, small scale hydro power)
Todays Lecture
Renewable Energy: An Overview
A. Preface B. Energy System Energy terms Energy Consumption C. Applications of Renewable Energy Renewable energy classification Investigated possibilities D. Structure & Procedure Principles Technical description Economic & environmental analysis
Utilization of renewable energies is not at all new!!!
(in the history of mankind renewable energies have for a long time been the primary possibility of generating energy)
However, Undesirable Side effects of fossil fuel utilization: (Increasingly sensitized to possible environmental and climate effects) ---realized in the beginning of 21st Cent.) Price increase for fossil fuel energy on the global energy markets in the last few years Results: The search for environmental, climate-friendly and social acceptable, alternatives suitable to cover the energy demand has become increasingly important.
Energy system
Our current living standard could not be maintained without energy!!! As the energy utilization increases "energy problem" in conjunction with the underlying "environmental problem continues to be a major topic in energy engineering, as well as in the energy and environmental policies in the world. Energy system: Energy terms & Energy Consumption
Energy carriers definition: a substance that could be used to produce useful energy, either directly or by one or several conversion processes Energy carriers: primary, secondary & final energy carriers
Energy carriers that are produced from primary or other secondary energy carriers, either directly or by one or several technical conversion processes energy streams directly consumed by the final user energy available to the consumer after the last conversion step to satisfy the respective requirements or energy demands
Worldwide consumption of fossil primary energy carriers and hydropower according to regions and energy carriers in the year 2005
*On a regional level these fractions are strongly dependent on local and national characteristics due to varying national energy politics or available primary energy resources *For instance, in Asia the major share of the given demand for fossil primary energy carriers is covered by coal (this applies in particular to the Peoples Republic of China), whereas this energy carrier is of almost no importance in regions such as the Middle East.
While this energy carrier only had a share of roughly 17 % in the overall consumption of fossil energy carriers and hydropower in 1965, it contributed with about 24 % to cover the overall primary energy demand in 2005. In 1965, nuclear energy had still no importance on a global scale; in the year 2005; however, it covered roughly 6 % of the global primary energy demand and still has a strong tendency to increase. Coal consumption diminished from 40 % in the year 1965 to scarcely 28 % in 2005
Worldwide consumption of fossil primary energy carriers, hydropower and biomass according to energy carriers
The energy flows available on earth that directly or indirectly result from these renewable energy sources vary tremendously, for instance, in terms of energy density or with regard to spatial and time variations.
there are tremendous variations in terms of utilization methods, status of technology and given perspectives
solar heat provision by passive systems (i.e. architectural measures to use solar energy), solar thermal heat provision by active systems (i.e. solar thermal collector systems), solar thermal electrical power provision (i.e. solar tower plants, solar farm plants, Dish/Stirling and Dish/Brayton systems, solar chimney plants), photovoltaic conversion of solar radiation into electrical energy (i.e. photovoltaic systems), power generation by wind energy (i.e. wind turbines), power generation by hydropower to provide electrical energy (i.e. hydropower plants), utilization of ambient air and shallow geothermal energy for heat provision (i.e. utilization of low thermal heat by means of heat pumps), utilization of deep geothermal energy resources for heat and/or power provision (i.e. utilization of the energy stored in deep porous-fractured reservoirs by means of open and closed systems) and utilization of photosynthetically fixed energy to provide heat, power and transportation fuels (i.e. energy provision on the basis of biomass).
Structure & Procedures The possibilities and boundaries to convert renewable energies into end or useful energy largely depend on the (Principles)
respective physical and technical conditions. Efficiency: the ratio of useful power output (e.g. electricity, heat) to the power input (e.g. solar radiation, geothermal energy). It depends on the respective operating conditions of the conversion plant, as well as a series of other factors, which vary over time . Utilization ratio: the ratio of the total output of useful energy to the total energy input within a certain period of time (e.g. one year). The observed time periods may include part load periods and breaks as well as start-up and shutdown times. Technical availability: describe the portion of the time period under observation, within which a plant has actually been available for its intended purpose and thus considers time periods during which the plant has been unavailable due to malfunctions.
*physical principles and supply characteristics: Appropriate conversion plants into secondary or end energy carriers, or directly into useful energy
Discussion includes: characteristic curve energy flow respective losses given within the entire provision or conversion chain further aspects related to the respective conversion technology
Definition of reference plants: Based on the current market spectrum, appropriate reference plants are defined according to the present state of technology.
*Heat provision & Power provision (must be distinguished): Heat provision: supply tasks are also defined, because no nation-wide heat distribution grids exist and heat provision must always be considered in the context of secured consumer supply. Power provision: the respective renewable energy supply to be tapped by the reference plants is defined. These typical plants for the current situation will later on serve as a basis for the actual economic and environmental analyses.
Supply tasks for the heat provision: three different single family houses (SFH) with a different heat demand one multiple family house (MFH) three district heating networks (DH)
these supply tasks are characterized by heat demand for domestic hot water and space heating (SFH and MFH) or the corresponding total heat demand (DH).
The analyzed single-family-houses represent the heat demand of: a low-energy house (SFH-I) a building realized with state-of-the-art heat insulation (SFH-II) a building with heat insulation typical for Central Europe (SFH-III)
More about heat provision. The system boundary for the economic as well as environmental investigations is defined by the respective feed-in points into the house distribution network for domestic hot water (e.g. storage tank exit) or space heating (e.g. boiler exit). However, heat distribution losses within the respective buildings as well as the power consumption of the circulating pumps for the heating system and the domestic hot water system have not been considered. These system elements have been assumed to be the same for all observed technologies based on fossil and on renewable energies.
Key figures of any energy generation opportunity are the costs. For this purpose, Concerning: *The initial investments for the most important system components of the applied conversion technology *the overall investment volume
The specific energy provision costs is calculated based on: the basis of the monetary value of the year including inflation-adjusted costs In general, the indicated costs refer to the overall economy; i.e. plants are depreciated over the technical lifetime L of the respective plant or respective plant component that may vary according to the applied technology or system. Some parameters need to be considered for economic calculations : taxes (e.g. value added tax), subsidies (e.g. granted within the scope of market launches, credit from public bodies which reduce interest rates) extraordinary depreciation possibilities.