Format For Course Curriculum: Functional Knowledge of Level 4 of French Language
Format For Course Curriculum: Functional Knowledge of Level 4 of French Language
Format For Course Curriculum: Functional Knowledge of Level 4 of French Language
Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)
Module I: Two candidates: a difficult choice!
Talking about people/objects
Talking about places
Expressing wishes/polite requests/suggestions & advice
Expressing a possibility
Usage of Some/ Any/ It /One – ‘En’
Situation / Movement- ‘Y’
Reporting Questions
The students would be capable to describe the people around them using adjectives.
Categorize the shops in France and be able to converse with a shop keeper.
They will be able to express their wishes and desires in a polite manner.
The students will be able to converse rapidly by using pronouns instead of repeating nouns.
Ability to translate from French to English will be enhanced as vocabulary will be enriched.
100% NA
Weightage (%) NA NA NA NA NA
Text Reading:
1. A Propos - A1, Livre de l'eleve et Cahier d'exercices by Christine Andant, Catherine Metton, Annabelle Nachon, Fabienne Nugue
1. Harrap's French-English-French Dictionary by Langers
2. Get Ready (Writing Skills) by Goyal Saab Publishers
3. Tech French by Goyal Saab Publishers
4. Mon livre de français 4 by FK publications
5. Apprenons la grammaire ensemble by Saraswati House pvt. Ltd