Psyc355 PDF
Psyc355 PDF
Psyc355 PDF
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Course Objectives:
The students will understand the importance of caregivers Informal caregivers play a central role in patient care, and care giving can provide positive and
negative experiences. It will enhance awareness of those factors that underlie the motivation to care for others. The students will appreciate caregivers’
understanding as to the dynamics that support and undermine self-caring activity. The Students will be able to help and encourage caregivers’ to experiment
with changing existing self-defeating patterns and acquiring or strengthening more constructive ways of being.
Prerequisites: NIL
Module I Introduction
Concept of care-giving
Nature & Scope
Historical Foundations
Module II: Classification
Primary Care-givers
Secondary Care-givers
Tertiary Care-givers
Module III: Care-giving in different settings
Rehabilitation & Palliative Care 20%
De-addiction centers
Old Age Home
Module IV Psychological Perspective
Quality of Life
Hope, Optimism, Love, Happiness
Social Support
Religion & Spirituality
Module V: Burn Out in Caregivers
Identification of Burn Out
Types of Burn Outs: Physical, Social, Emotional, Cognitive
Dealing with Burn out: Remedial Measure
Pedagogy for Course Delivery: The class will be taught using theory and case based method through remote learning using vedios, ppts etc.
i. Report
ii. Movie Analysis
iii. Case Study
NA 70%
Project ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Home ✓ ✓ ✓
Presentation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Text Reading:
• Hilary Schofield, Sidney Bloch, Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, Helen Herrman, Barbara Murphy, Julie Nankervis, Bruce Singh, Family
caregivers: disability, illness and ageing. Published by Allen & Unwin, 1998
• Ilene Morof Lubkin, Pamala D. Larsen, Chronic illness: impact and interventions. Published by Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2005
• Karen Dahlberg Vander Ven, Ethel Tittnich , Competent caregivers--competent children: training and education for child care practice, Haworth Press,