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Republic of the Philippines


Cabanatuan City

2nd Semester, A.Y. 2023-2024



ACTIVITY NO. 1 Revision No. ____

Thesis Topic Proposal


Adonis M. Guzman
Name of Student

Year and Section

Engr. Roselle C. Gonzales


Due Date : January 31, 2024

Date Submitted : January 18, 2024


Proposed Research Title: “Level of Effectiveness of the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and

Management Committee in Flood-Prone Barangays in San Antonio, Nueva Ecija”

Researcher/Author: Adonis M. Guzman

(2) SITE(S) OF IMPLEMENTATION: San Antonio, Nueva Ecija, Philippines


The researchers believe that the final results/outcome of this study could be highly

significant and beneficial to the following:

To the provincial government - it is better for provincial government to know the level of

effectiveness of the implemented BDRRMC’s in their province because it will provide guidance

for them on enhancement and improvement of their policies.

To the barangay – The result of this study will greatly help in providing hint, guidance

and ideas for barangays for them to become aware and safe.

To the Future Researchers - The whole structure of the study will serve as a reference

material and basis for future researchers who wish to conduct the same kind of study. Also, this

study will may provide guidance for them on how to construct research materials like questions

and problem that is needed lot of consideration when constructing it.


There is no country that is immune from natural disasters. There may be differences in

terms of disaster management strategies but no one and no place is exempted from disasters.

Typhoons, earthquakes, floods, landslides, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions are natural disasters

commonly experienced not only by the Philippines but also by other countries in the world.

The Philippines is exposed to disasters and hazards because of its geography and

geology. It has been ranked third (3rd) among 173 countries in terms of exposure to hazards,

such as typhoon, earthquake, flooding, landslide, volcanic eruption, and tsunami, according to

the World Risk Index 2012 released by the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster

Reduction (UNISDR)

The awareness of BDRRMCs was measured against the goals and objectives of Republic

Act (RA) No. 10121 otherwise known as “Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

Act of 2010” (PDRRM-2010) was enacted on May 27,2010 to strengthen the Philippine disaster

risk reduction system. It specifically provides for the development of policies and plans, and the

implementation of actions and measures pertaining to all aspects of disaster risk reduction and

management including good governance, risk assessment and early warning, building and

awareness raising, reducing underlying factors, and preparedness for effective response and early

recovery. Included in this law is a mandate to create a separate office that will principally be

responsible for the implementation of DRRM programs. Through this Act, the National DRRM

Framework (NDRRMF) and National DRRM Plan (NDRRMP) were developed. Both the

NDRRMF and NDRRMP foresee a country which has “safer, adaptive and disaster-resilient

Filipino communities toward sustainable development”. Together with the paradigm shift is the

creation of the four thematic areas namely; a) Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, b) Disaster
Preparedness, c) Disaster Response, and d) Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery. Each area has

long term goals and activities which will lead to the attainment of overall vision in DRRM.

According to the NDRRMF, resources invested in the four thematic areas must prioritize disaster

prevention and mitigation, disaster preparedness and climate change adaptation to be more

effective in attaining its goal and objectives. All of these were cascaded from national

government to the barangay, the smallest political unit in the archipelago; and the nearest to the

people in the localities serving as the primary planning and implementing unit of government

programs, projects and activities. As the political unit in the grassroots level, the Barangay

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committee (BDRRMC) was mandated to implement

RA 10121 (Sec. 12 (a)).

A disaster's severity depends on how much impact a hazard has on society and the

environment. The scale of the impact in turn depends on the choices we make for our lives and

for our environment. These choices relate to how we grow our food, whereand how we build our

homes, what kind of government we have, how our financial system works and even what we

teach in schools. Each decision and action make us more vulnerable to disasters or more resilient

to them. Disaster risk reduction is the concept and practice of reducing disaster risks through

systematic efforts to analyze and reduce the causal factors of disasters. Reducing exposure to

hazards, lessening vulnerability of people and property, wise management of land and the

environment, and improving preparedness for adverse events are all examples of disaster risk

reduction. Disaster risk reduction includes disciplines like disaster management, disaster

mitigation and disaster preparedness, but DRR is also part of sustainable development. In order

for development activities to be sustainable they must also reduce disaster risk. On the other

hand, unsound development policies will increase disaster risk - and disaster losses. Thus, DRR
involves every part of society, every part of government, and every part of the professional and

private sector (National Meteorological and Hydrological Services, 2010).

Flooding is the primary hazard in San Antonio, Nueva Ecija due to its location. Despite

the importance of reducing risk during manmade or natural made calamities, there are visible

differences regarding how to assess the performance of government agencies tasked with

reducing the effects of disasters. There is currently no accepted method for evaluating their

efficiency in carrying out tasks.

For these reasons, the researcher was motivated to measure the level of effectiveness of

the DRRM in the San Antonio area which may contribute to the effort of the provincial

government of Nueva Ecija, Philippines in making DRRMC efficient and reliable at all times.

Performance measurement and program evaluation have been used and is essential for a

more efficient, effective and accountable public sector. Thus, an assessment at the barangay level

is vital in the performance management of the local governments. Either way, according to

Walker and Andrews (2013) a focus on service-delivery is important in the local government

because local government represents the public face of the state and is where citizens experience

of government is derived on a day-to-day basis.


General Objective:

The objective of the study is to measure the level of effectiveness of the BDRRMCs in

flood-prone barangays in San Antonio, Nueva Ecija in terms of Disaster Prevention and

Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery and Rehabilitation.

Specific Objectives:

This study aims to measure the level of organizational effectiveness of flood-prone

barangays in San Antonio, Nueva Ecija along the areas of:

1.) Disaster Prevention and Mitigation using as parameters:

a) Risk Assessment and information dissemination

b) Budget, Plans and Policies

c) Early Warning System

d) Risk Financing

e) Environmental Management

f) Infrastructure Resilience

2.) Disaster Preparedness in terms of:

a) Presence of a functional Barangay Development Council (BDC)

b) Presence of an institutionalized Barangay DRRM Committee

c) Enough equipment or rescue tools

d) Approved plans

e) Community capacity development activities

f) Partnership Mechanisms

3.) Disaster Response;

4.) Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery;


Quantitative data will be collected to reach the proposed aims and goal measuring the

level of effectiveness of the BDRRMC’s in flood-prone area in San Antonio, Nueva Ecija.

Robson (2007) said that a researcher should use the simplest manner of collecting the data to get

answers to the research question and should not collect any more data than necessary.

The gathered data in the survey will be tallied, coded and analyzed using the following

statistical tool: The mean (average) score of given by the three (3) respondents each barangay

will be used by the researchers to validate the points for their barangay. The effectiveness of the

points from the four thematic areas are corresponds to the following score and verbal description.


The primary deliverable will be a comprehensive research paper detailing the

methodology, experimental findings, and conclusions of the study. This paper will be suitable for

submission to peer-reviewed academic journals specializing in materials science, sustainable

construction, or related fields.

A dataset containing raw experimental data will be compiled. This data will be organized

and analyzed to support the conclusions drawn in the research paper.

Presentation slides and materials will be prepared for academic conferences, workshops,

and seminars. These materials will effectively communicate the research methodology, key

findings, and implications to a wider audience.


This study will focus on measuring the level of effectiveness of the BDRRMC’s in San

Antonio, Nueva Ecija. The researchers will limit the respondents for the flood-prone area only

due to the limited time given in conducting the research.


Cuya-Antonio, O. C. M., & Antonio, H. D. P. (2017). Effectiveness of the Barangay Disaster

Risk Reduction and Management Committees (BDRRMCs) in Flood-Prone barangays in

Cabanatuan City, Philippines. OAlib, 04(07), 1–16.

Lagmay, A. M. (2015). Lessons from Disasters in the Philippines: The Project NOAH

Experience. Up-diliman.


Robson, C. (2007). How to do a Research Project: A guide for undergraduate students.

Qualitative Research in Psychology, 4(4), 349.

Rogers, D. P., & Tsirkunov, V. V. (2013). National Meteorological and Hydrological Services.

In The World Bank eBooks (pp. 31–70).

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