Disasters and Communication Technology: Perspectives From Asia

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Disasters and Communication Technology: Perspectives from Asia

Dr. Suvit Yodmani*

David Hollister†
Presented at the Second Tampere Conference on Disaster Communications, 28-30 May 2001.

I. Introduction

The role of communication technology has been recognized as integral to disaster

management for a long time. Although application of communication technology has a
role in all the four distinct phases of disaster management namely, mitigation,
preparedness, response and recovery, most of the application has traditionally been in
response and recovery phases. The new communication and information technologies
that have emerged over the last two decades lend themselves to greater possibilities of
integration of different communication systems. The interoperability of various
communication systems including internet, mobile phones, fax, e-mail, radio and
television is increasingly becoming functional. As a result, the possibilities for
application of communication technologies in mitigation and prevention of disasters are
also increasing. There are both social and technical aspects to the application of
communication technologies in disaster management. The effective application of these
technologies for disaster management depends greatly upon their appropriateness for the
social and economic context in which they are applied. In this paper we describe the
emerging role of communication technologies in mitigation, preparedness, response and
recovery phases of disaster management and highlight the emerging challenges in making
the application of these technologies effective.

Dr. Suvit Yodmani is the Executive Director of the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)

David Hollister is the Deputy Executive Director of ADPC
This paper draws heavily upon the work of ADPC and its partners in the Asia and Pacific regions. The
authors acknowledge the contribution of ADPC staff, in particular, Kamal Kishore, Director, Information,
Research and Network Support, to the substance and structure of this paper.

II. Application of Communication Technologies in Disaster Mitigation

The advancements in earth observation systems and telemetry associated with the relay of
information from sensing technologies (such as stream gauging stations) have
tremendously enhanced the potential for application of communication technologies in
disaster mitigation. For areas vulnerable to flooding, remotely sensed images can be used
to generate digital terrain models for the simulation of potentially disastrous conditions
and the identification of vulnerable areas. During and after event, mapping of sequential
inundation phases is possible, including the duration, depth of inundation, affected areas
and direction of current. It has been demonstrated that using satellite data for flood
mapping becomes economically advantageous with respect to ground survey for areas
larger than a couple of ten square kilometers.

Similar applications are possible for mitigating the impacts of earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, landslides, forest fires and drought. In the Asian region, particularly in the
Indonesian archipelago, remote sensing is being widely used to monitor and detect the
areas vulnerable to forest fires in almost real time. The hot spots generated by remotely
sensed images coupled with real time meteorological observations give a drought index
which can help narrow down areas vulnerable to forest fires and where fire prevention
and suppression resources need to be mobilized. However, the experience of 1997-98
forest and land fires in Indonesia indicates that effectiveness of these systems depends to
a great extent on the institutional arrangements put in place on the ground to receive these
early warnings and take necessary action to prevent and mitigate the impacts of these

Advancements in telemetry associated with ocean and atmosphere observation systems

has also contributed to upgrading in climate prediction. The El Nino 1997-98 was
predicted with several months lead time. However, in the absence of local and national
capacities to downscale these forecasts to local level and make them usable for specific
action, these forecasts could not be used to mitigate the negative impacts of El Nino and
enhance the potential benefits.

While it is clear that recent advancements have increased the potential for application of
communication technologies in disaster mitigation, most of it has remained in the
scientific and technical realm. There are discussions underway in the scientific
community in the Lower Mekong sub-region in Southeast Asia as well as in Ganga-
Meghna-Brhamaputra basin in South Asia to share real-time hydro-meteorological data to
strengthen flood mitigation systems. However, in order to ensure maximum societal
benefit, this scientific dialogue will have to extend to other disciplines and take into
consideration the societal and institutional aspects of application. This will also call for
greater integration of advanced technologies with more conventional (sometimes even
indigenous) technologies.

III. Application of Communication Technologies in Preparedness

Communication technologies can help establish preparedness networks that link

emergency operation centers, emergency broadcasting systems and front-line emergency
responders or communities. This network can be used to educate communities about
disaster preparedness, track approaching hazards, alert authorities and warn people who
are likely to be affected.

Here we present an example from Bangladesh to illustrate both technical as well as social
aspects of a communication system for preparedness.

The Cyclone Preparedness Program (CPP) in Bangladesh, managed jointly by the

Government of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Red Crescent Society, is one of the most
successful cyclone preparedness programs in the world. The CPP operates an extensive
network of radio communications facilities in the coastal area, linked to its
communication center at its headquarters in Dhaka. The network consists of a
combination of HF and VHF radios which covers the high-risk cyclone zone areas. The
telecommunication network of the CPP is composed of the following three elements:

• High Frequency (HF) transceiver radios with a main base station located at the Dhaka
headquarter to transmit information related to the cyclone. From the field station
local information related to the progress and effects of the cyclone is sent to Dhaka-

• A field station system of Very High Frequency (VHF) transceivers to receive and
transmit messages from HF Field Station to Sub-Stations located at Union (group of
villages) level.

• Transistor radios used at village level to receive meteorological information and

cyclone warning signal bulletins transmitted by Radio Bangladesh special weather
bulletin on regular basis during the time of cyclones or depressions.

The effectiveness of this extensive telecommunication network depends largely on a

well-trained, large volunteer base at different levels. These volunteers are well-trained
and are equipped with appropriate warning equipment such as megaphones, sirens, public
address equipment, signal lights and signal flags. The volunteers are also provided with
appropriate gear such as rain coat, gum boots, hard hats, life jackets and torch lights.

The entire program has a significant training and public awareness component. On
recruitment, the volunteers are given preliminary training by the CPP officers. A three-
day basic training is then given to the volunteers, batch by batch, on different aspects
such as dissemination, evacuation, sheltering, rescue, first aid and relief operation. The
training of volunteers is complemented by an extensive public awareness program that
includes cyclone drills and demonstration, staging of dramas/ folk songs, distribution of
posters, leaflets and booklets, film/ video shows and radio and TV programs.

The CPP is an excellent example of how the use of communication technology in

disasters can be made effective by preparing an appropriate social and cultural context in
which these technologies are applied. A well-planned warning system with equal

emphasis on both social and technical components, ensures that in case of an emergency,
one-point failure in the system does not lead to a complete break down.

IV. Application of Communication Technologies in Response and Recovery

Effective communication linkage between emergency operations center, broadcasting

systems, and front-line responders and affected communities is critical in the aftermath of
a disaster. The communication linkage is necessary for: assessing damage and need;
collecting information on supplies and other resources; coordinating rescue and relief
activities; accounting for missing people; and motivating public, political, and
institutional responses. It is important that communication infrastructure in a disaster-
prone area is resilient. In the aftermath of Gujarat earthquake in January 2001, the
communication infrastructure suffered serious damage. However, an efficient
communications unit was able to quickly assess the communication needs and restore
basic communication infrastructure within a short period of time.

In the aftermath of Gujarat earthquake a number of private web sites also sprung up that
provided highly localized damage and needs information. The government website was
no longer the only information provider to the outside world willing to pour help. This
example shows that the new communications technologies are going to transform the
nature of disaster communication networks from being a conventional "command and
control" type to a highly decentralized and perhaps multi-node network. In the long run,
in those areas where new web-based technologies have percolated, this has a potential to
redefine the role of the governments in disaster management. In a way, this is in
consonance with the increasing recognition of the importance of community-based
disaster management.

V. Challenges Ahead

Promoting an understanding of basic principles of effective early warning systems

The effective application of emerging communication technologies can be realized only

if they form part of a sound early warning system based on well-established basic
principles. For example, lack of emphasis on downstream end has led to less than
optimal performance of flood forecasting and warning in Bangladesh. While the quality
of flood forecasts and warnings is very good, its application on the ground is relatively
poor.‡ This is because most people potentially affected by the floods either do not have
access to the forecasts or do not understand the forecasts. Now, the flood forecasting and
warning center in Bangladesh is undertaking an end to end review of its dissemination in
three pilot locations. This example clearly indicates that effective application of new
technologies rests on their well thought out strategic application in sound early warning

Cross-sectoral integration of application of communication technologies

Over the last few years, the application of communication technologies has been marred
with sectoral isolation. For example, in a number of Asian countries, the communication
and information systems used to predict the behavior of water resources do not look into
its possible application in agriculture or public health. While the disaster management
community in Asia is recognizing the cross-sectoral nature of the problems of disasters,
this recognition has not led to sharing of communication resources across different
sectors to track emerging crises and manage their impacts. The region is replete with
examples where different departments and agencies have developed there own GIS for
looking into their sectoral interests.

Based on discussions with officials of Flood Forecasting and Warning Center in Bangladesh

Disparities in communication infrastructure

In the Asian region, there is significant disparity in communication infrastructure across

countries and across different kinds of users groups. While among the scientific and
technical community there is a lot of enthusiasm to make use of emerging
communications technologies to share real-time information as well as local knowledge
and experiences, the decision makers most responsible for managing disasters have to
rely on rather conventional means of communication. Low band-width, poor computing
infrastructure pose serious constraints. On a national and regional level this calls for
conscious integration of emerging and conventional communication technologies.

Exploiting local innovation

While disparities in communication infrastructure do exist, there is a lot of local

innovation in the Asian region which needs to be harnessed and integrated with new
technologies. The use local cable television for internet access and use of phone booths
for internet kiosks in India, wireless internet access in Lao are some of the examples of
local innovation that can be exploited for communications in disasters.

Towards a multi-node communication network for disaster management

Traditionally, the application of communication technology in disasters has been inspired

by parallels in military operations, which follow a well-defined command-and control
structure. However, growing emphasis on devolution of disaster management to
community level and greater recognition of effectiveness of community-based disaster
management would require that the disaster management community looks into
innovative approaches for the application of emerging communication technologies in
disaster management.

Overcoming the language barrier

While new communications technologies have made the sharing of knowledge and
information much faster and reliable, in the Asian region language is going to be a major
barrier in the effective application of these technologies. Translation software do not yet
address the needs of Asian communities. In the coming years, overcoming the language
barrier would be a major challenge and would require a combination of high-tech as well
as more down to earth human-based systems.

VI. Conclusion

The last decade has seen the emergence of new communication and information
technologies. On one hand this opens doors for innovative application of communication
technologies in different phases of disaster management, on the other this poses new
challenges for disaster management community. The effective application of new
communication technologies would require that these new technologies are integrated
with the more conventional technologies. The disaster management community will also
have deal with the disparity that exists between different regions and communities in
terms of communications infrastructure. The information technology revolution has also
led to local innovation in communications infrastructure. The disaster management
community will have to capitalize on these innovations and where possible integrate them
with new technologies. In the coming years, the new communications and information
technologies can potentially redefine the conventional disaster management systems.
There is a movement underway, away from strict "command and control" model to a
more devolved system of disaster management.


Stephenson, Robin, and Peter S. Anderson. "Disasters and the Information Technology
Revolution." Disasters 21-4 (1997): 305-334.

Gow, Gordon A. New Approaches to Disaster Communications: Towards a Global

Communications Lifeline Infrastructure. Unpublished graduate thesis. University of
Calgary, 1997. (downloaded from website: http://www.sfu.ca/~gagow/capcom/thesis.htm
on 14 May 2001).

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society. Cyclone Preparedness Programme at a Glance. CPP

Brochure. Edited by Abdul Wahid Miah. Dhaka, 2001.

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