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Activity 1 – Similarities & Differences VENN DIAGRAM

The difference of Social Science in The difference of Applied Social

The similarity between Applied Social
Applied Social Science is that: Science in Social Science is that:
Science and Social Science is that:
1. The purpose of Applied Social
1. The purpose of Social Science 1. They are both base on the Science is to apply make the
is in theory proven. scientific research. theory and solving problem.
2. The Social Science is triggered 2. They also contribute to have a 2. The Applied Social Science is
new knowledge. triggered because it is needed
by curiosity.
to be developed (apply).
3. The Social Science is more in 3. It is done by science
3. The Applied Social Science is
Methodology. more on inventing (invention)
theory and hypothesis
4. They are both proven and technology.
(w/proof). 4. The Applied Social Science
4. The Social Science is focused uses both research platform
5. Necessary to human life,
in qualitative research (no the Qualitative and
community, society, and root
calculation involved).
of science.

The Applied Social Science and Social Science are important in the field of science and discovering new things and non things that
can be useful to the humans to our community or society. Regards in their differences they both need each other so that there would
be a useful idea or new invention that will help for the betterment and prosperity of our country. They need each other because the
curiosity in social science can be a product when it will be applied social science.

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