The disciplines of social sciences generally include: anthropology, While social science may explore broadly their distinct disciplines, some of their
economics, sociology, political science, history, criminology, psychology, input may easily become applied while others may remain theoretical. When social
geography, and communication studies. The goal of these disciplines is to explain science theories, concepts, methods, and findings gain application to problems
human behavior in its many cultural forms including the past and the present, identified in the wider society, then applied social science is achieved.
individually or in groups, national and international geopolitical contexts, and to
Functions and Effects of Applied Social Sciences
empower them as democratic participants in a rapidly changing world. The
Social sciences are described as generators of knowledge about the social world
disciplines of social science taken together provide a substantive insight to the
to cause understanding. Applied social sciences transcend this level though remain
understanding of society and of the relationship of individual members and groups
essentially providers of focus. They cede their passive stage to embrace the active
within the society. The disciplines also study all areas related to human behavior and
mode when they migrate into the applied space. Therefore, the following may be
society, the institutions and functioning of human society, and the interpersonal
considered functions and effects of applied social sciences.
relationships of individuals as members of society as well as dealing with a particular
They generate knowledge in an organic wav for evidence-based actions and
phase or aspect of human society. To put this in context, the enumerated disciplines
solutions to social problems and issues. They provide learning feedback by
above give the sense of complexity and specificity to the disciplines involved.
simultaneously engaging the experts and the stakeholders that form a social
Definition of Applied Social Science world.
Applied social science is an integrated science cutting across ard They cause social sciences to do things rather than just remain a source of
transcending various social science disciplines in addressing a wide range of issues factual knowledge with little or no utility at all.
in a contemporary, innovative, and dynamic way. It aims at presenting a well- They generate practical solutions to complex social problems.
developed understanding of social systems, social theory, and social policy It The provision of knowledge by social science becomes the moral basis for
integrates theory, social research, skills and professional experience, and critical applied science to address the issues m problems of society.
thinking skills necessary to fully address social phenomena. Applied social science, Communication provides accessibility to information and thereby serves the
therefore, is a broad field that draws on different social theories and perspectives and rights of an individual and the public to be informed and to he heard by their
combines theory and practice drawn from different social disciplines that highlight elders and communities.
the complexity of social issues. Historically, social science knowledge has been Counseling provides healing, courage, and strength for an individual to face
compartmentalized into different disciplines, which until the 1990s and 2000s his/her issues and take up the best possible option in moments of life crises.
became apparent to many social critics as fragmenting rather than promoting the The social work promotes social change, problem solving in human
holistic view and complexity of social reality. This view has advanced the position relationships, and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance their
that it is best that these different social science disciplines work together to produce a holistic well-being.
more effective and coherent insights on social issues under one umbrella of applied
science. In this sense, applied social science essentially reflects an interdisciplinary Public Perception of Social Sciences and Applied Social Science
and multidisciplinary view and approach to social issues, policy, and response. The Practitioners In the post-democratic era, social sciences are the myths of our
focus of applied social science is less fixed and allows for specialisms in other areas time and applied science practitioners have become the mythmakers. This perception
to provide perspectives. It is very important to understand that applied social science is generally based on facts such as how, through media communication and research,
is not an aggregation of various specialized social science disciplines. It transcends social sciences create phenomena that result to an emergence of the sense of new
individual specialized social science and finds its true essence through active ways of describing and acting that have ended up producing all sorts of effects
engagement with the larger society in action. It is praxis. Three of the applied social including such political renewals as Arab spring, EDSA, Green Revolution, and so
sciences are emphasized to demonstrate how theories and concepts drawn from other forth. Candidates in political processes understand too well how polls, opinion
disciplines can be brought together to bear upon one discipline in applied sense: columns, and even debates can make or unmake a candidate and his/her chances of
counseling, social work, and communication. winning. The candidates’ performance in polls generally affects how undecided
voters come to a decision or frame candidates. Using various tools, the social
Relationship between Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences sciences are capable and do create their phenomena through the procedures that are
As discussed above, social sciences are more specific and focused on a established to discover such phenomena. In general, the social sciences have played
distinct facet of a social phenomenon while applied social science attempts to focus a key role in the creation of opinionated persons and an opinionated society on
almost all issues of public interest. In some areas, however, the public has developed As a discipline, it is allied to psychology and deals with normal responses to
a skeptical attitude toward social sciences and applied social sciences practitioners normal life events, which may sometimes create stress for some people who, in turn,
largely due to their inability to provide formidable solutions to social problems. choose to ask for help and support. Counseling is generally a non-clinical
Other perceptions tend to be discipline-specific as how people view counselors, intervention. Traditionally in many societies, counseling is provided by family,
social workers, and media. In some societies like the Philippines, people rarely friends, and wise elderly. When these providers prove insufficient, counselors
present themselves a counselor unless they are heavily compelled to do so, while in become the choice. Counselors exist in a wide range of areas of expertise: marriage,
some counts. It is very much part of a professional service that people would family, youth, student and other life transitions dealing with managing of issues of
voluntarily seek for their own health. Media tend to be perceived as biased and in loss and death, retirement, divorce, parenting, and bankruptcy.
certain moments, confusing and therefore unreliable, Social work has been perceived
Counseling is widely considered the heart of the guidance services in
as purely distributors of goods during calamities and social welfare. Rarely do people
schools. In the school context, counseling is usually done as individual or group
perceive social work as: The social work profession promotes social change:
intervention designed to facilitate positive change in student behavior, feelings, and
problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of
attitudes. As a process, it involves two sides: an individual or group who needs help
people to enhance well-being. Utilizing theories of human behavior and social
and a mature professionally trained counselor. Through methods adapted to the
systems, social work. Intervenes at the points where people interact with their
needs of the client(s), the trained counselor helps in defining a problem and acquires
environments, Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social
initiative, determination, courage, and efficiency to solve that problem. It helps
clients understand and clarify their views of their life space and to learn to reach their
Therefore, both positive and negative perceptions do exist. Public self-determined goals through meaningful, well-informed choices and through
perception also changes sometimes depending on the issues and sometimes on the resolution or problems of an emotional or interpersonal nature (Burks & Steffire
outcomes. 1979). Counseling also utilizes appraisal and assessment to aid counseling by
THE NATURE OF THE DISCIPLINE OF gathering information about clients through the use of psychological tests and non-
psychometric devices. Psychometrics is a branch of psychology that deals with the
COUNSELLING design, administration, and interpretation of quantitative tests for the measurement of
psychological variables such as intelligence, aptitude, interests, and personality traits.
Definition of Counseling
The underlying assumption is that the variable being measured is a fixed and
The Discipline of Counseling is a relationship characterized by the unchanging attribute of a person. The intent of psychometric testing is to use a
application of one or more psychological theories and a recognized set of number of carefully calibrated short or multiple-choice questions to accurately
communication skills appropriate to a client’s intimate concerns, problems, or measure an individual’s aptitude or potential in a particular area, for example,
aspirations (Feltham & Dryden 1993). These clients are individuals or a group in a reading or arithmetic. Tests employed are strictly standardized and administered by a
demoralized, distressed, or in a negative state of mind about their situation or professionally trained psychometrician.
context. Therefore, counseling can be for one person or a group and may be
Counseling is not to be confused with psychiatry, which is a branch of
delivered through a number of methods such as through face-to-face dialog, group
general medicine that deals with the treatment of the mentally ill by medically-
work, telephone, email, or other written materials.
trained professionals using clinical interventions including drugs, surgical
Counseling procedures, and non-physical approaches.
The Collins Dictionary of Sociology defines counseling as -the process of Context and the Basic Concepts of Counseling
guiding a person during a stage of life when reassessments or decisions have to be Counseling is affected by the context and the surrounding factors. They are
made about himself x herself and his or her life course.” Counselors are explored here as part of the basic concepts of counseling that are very important to
professionally trained and certified to perform counseling. Their job is to provide consider. The National Institute of Health presents a very comprehensive
advice or guidance in decision-making in emotionally significant situations by understanding of the context of. Counseling as follows. First of all, context, as
helping clients explore and understand their worlds and discover better ways and defined by Urie Bronfenbrenner (1977, 1979, 1986, 1988), includes the peers, the
well-informed choices in resolving an emotional or interpersonal problem. culture, the neighborhoods, the counseling, client, the counselor, and the
contextual and the process factors. Much influence though is within the family as
being the primary context in which the child learns and develops and likewise for factors, contextual factors, and process factors should be managed well so as to
socializing of children and adolescents. contribute toward the success of the engagement.
A. Peers as Context - Friends’ attitudes, norms, and behaviors have a strong a. Client Factors - The client factors are everything that a client brings to the
influence on adolescents. Many personal issues are often introduced to the counseling context. He or she is not a passive object receiving treatment in
individual by their peers. Parents can have much influence over their the manner of a traditional doctor-patient situation. The clients bring so
adolescent children. Critical family issues involve family roles, both positively much to the counseling context and therefore it remains imperative that
and negatively. In most cases, the impact of parent influence can help counter they are considered as an active part of the process. Very often, the
the negative influence that peers have on the adolescents’ issues. expectations and attitude of the client define the result of a counseling
B. Neighborhood as Context - The interactions between the family and its process and experience. The success or failure of the counseling process
neighborhood as immediate context are also important to consider. A family depends so much on the client.
functions within a particular neighborhood. The behavioral problems in this b. Counselor Factors -The personality, skills, and personal qualities of a
particular neighborhood require that families work against crime and social counselor can significantly impact the outcomes of the counseling
isolation that may impact them. This is much easier in countryside relationship (Velleman 2001). The counselor’s personal style and qualities
communities where a community network of parents, teachers, grandparents, can make the interventions successful. The conditions for self-restoration
and civic leaders exist and where a sense of collaboration in raising the or experience of self-empowerment in a client are some qualities that a
children of the community forms part of shared ethos. For this reason, counselor usually brings about. The experience of positive or negative
neighborhood context is an important consideration in counseling. It can both conditions can be attributed to the counselor. This may be amplified or
introduce additional strengths or challenges to parenting and resources that aggravated by the choice of counseling methods that the counselor uses in
should be considered when working with families. his or her practice; this makes counseling both a science and also an art.
C. Culture as Context - Culture provided meaning and coherence of life to any c. Contextual Factors - The context in which counseling takes place can
orderly life such as community or organization. Various sectors of community define the outcomes. Counselors are therefore concerned with the
families, peers, and neighborhoods are all bound together by a cultural context environment and atmosphere where to conduct the sessions. There are
that influences them all as individual members. Therefore, the cultural context ideal contexts and not ideal ones. For example, physical noise and distance
is a major consideration in counseling. Extensive research on culture and the trigger the feeling of emotional safety of the client. A noisy place can be a
family has demonstrated that so much influence on the individual child and distraction that prevents healing. A place where a client feels strongly
family is exerted by the cultural contexts. Culture is the source of norms, fearful can provide a blockage from genuine engagement with counseling
values, symbols, and language which provide the basis for the normal process and procedure. A client has to feel comfortable and positive.
functioning of an individual. Ideally, counseling should take place in a quiet, warm, counsel and
Understanding the cultural context of a client makes it easier for a counselor comfortable place away from any distraction. Unless the counselor
to appreciate the nature of their struggles as well as their cultural conditioning effective and client talk in comfort and safety, there is no way steps of
that informs certain personal characteristics such as degree of openness to share healing degree can commence and yield desirable outcomes.
personal concerns, self-revealing, making choices, and personal determination d. Process Factors - The process factors constitute the actual counseling in
for independence (Corey 1991). Therefore, effective counseling has to take into order undertaking. Vellemean (2001) presents the following six stages,
full consideration the culture of both the counselor and the client especially in which for him apply to all problem areas in the process of counseling.
multicultural situations. The cultures of the client and that of the counselor and i) Developing trust. This involves providing warmth, genuineness, and
other stakeholders can all affect the nature of counseling. empathy.
D. Counseling as Context - The National Institute of Health recognizes ii) Exploring problem areas. This involves providing a clear and deep
counseling itself as a context. Regardless of a therapeutic approach in use, the analysis of what the problem is, where it comes from, its triggers, and
counseling situation in itself is a context. There is a deliberate specific focus, a why it may have developed.
set of procedures, rules, expectations, experiences, and a way of monitoring iii) Helping to set goals. This involves setting and managing goal-directed
progress and determining results in any therapeutic approach (Corey 1991). interventions.
Counseling can therefore be affected by the counseling context. From the iv) Empowering into action. This means fostering action to achieve set
counseling context, other success factors such as client factors, counselor goals.
v) Helping to maintain change. This means providing support and other and tend to become more coherent and rational. The release of tensions helps
techniques to enable the client to maintain changes. remove mental blocks by providing a solution to the problem.
vi) Agreeing when to end the helping relationship. This implies that and D. Clarified thinking - Clarified thinking tends to take place while the counselor
assurances are there that guarantee the process is being directed by the and counselee are talking and therefore becomes a logical emotional release. As
client and toward independence. this relationship goes on, other self-empowering results may take place later as a
result of developments during the counseling relationship. Clarified thinking
Principles of Counseling
encourages a client to accept responsibility for problems and to be more realistic
Counseling is aimed at empowering a client. The general goal is to lead an
in solving them.
individual client or group to self-emancipation in relation to a felt problem. At some
E. Reorientation - Reorientation involves a change in the client’s emotional self
stage in the process, the client should attain insight and understanding of oneself,
through a change in basic goals and aspirations. This requires a revision of the
achieve better self-awareness and look at oneself with increased self-acceptance and
client’s level of aspiration to bring it more in line with actual and realistic
appreciation, and be able to manage oneself positively.
attainment. It enables clients to recognize and accept their own limitations. The
Client empowerment means that they develop skills and abilities that
counselor’s job is to recognize those in need of reorientation and facilitate
require self-management and improved motivation toward actions that are good for
appropriate interventions.
one’s self and develop a positive outlook toward the past leading to some sense of
F. Listening skills - Listening attentively to clients is the counselor’s attempt to
closure and attainment of relative inner and outer harmony resulting to improvement
understand both the content of the clients’ problem as they see it, and the
in relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and others.
emotions they are experiencing related to the problem. Counselors do not make
The scope of counseling is wide. Essentially, it involves application of some
interpretations of the client’s problems or offer any premature suggestions as to
psychological theories and recognized communication skills. It does not deal with
how to deal with them, or solve the issues presented. Good listening helps
clinical cases such as mental illness. It is a professional relationship that requires an
counselors to understand the concerns being presented.
eventual closure and termination of the counselee-counselor relationship. The
principles of counseling can be found in the basic process of counseling since they G. Respect - In all circumstances, clients must be treated with respect, no matter
govern each and every step: developing trust; exploring problem areas; helping to set how peculiar, strange, disturbed, weird, or utterly different from the counselor.
goals; empowering into action; helping to maintain change; and agreeing when to Without this basic element, successful counseling is impossible. Counselors do-
end (Velleman 2001). Counselors are to set aside their own value system in order to not have to like the client, or their values, or their behavior, but they have to put
empathize with their clients. Since the objective of counseling is to provide support their personal feelings aside and treat the client with respect.
in dealing with issues of concern effective when it is performed with clear objectives H. Empathy and positive regard - Carl Rogers combined empathy and positive
that include preparing some degree of advice, reassurance, release of emotional regard as two principles that should go along with respect and effective listening
tension, clarifies and reorientation. Counselors, must try to keep this principle in skills. Empathy requires the counselor to listen and understand the feelings and
mind at all times in order to be effective. perspective of the client and positive regard is an aspect of respect. For Rogers,
A. Advice - Counseling may involve advice-giving as one of the several functions clients have to be given both “unconditional positive regard” and be treated with
that counselors perform. When this is done, the requirement is that a counselor respect.
makes judgments about a counselee’s problems and lays out options for a course I. Clarification, confrontation, and interpretation - Clarification is an attempt
of action. Advice-giving has to avoid breeding a relationship in which the by the counselor to restate what the client is either saying or feeling, so the client
counselee feels inferior and emotionally dependent on the counselor. may learn something or understand the issue better. Confrontation and
B. Reassurance - Counseling involves providing clients with reassurance, which is interpretation are other more advanced principles used by counselors in their
a way of giving them courage to face a problem or confidence that they are interventions.
pursuing a suitable course of action. Reassurance is a valuable principle because J. Transference and countertransference - Other advanced principles deal with
it can bring about a sense of relief that may empower a client to function transference and countertransference. When clients are helped to understand
normally again. transference reactions, they are empowered to gain understanding of important
C. Release of emotional tension - Counseling provides clients the opportunity to aspects of their emotional life. Countertransference helps both clients and
get emotional release from their pent-up frustrations and other personal issues. counselors to understand the emotional and perceptional reactions and how to
Counseling experience shows that as persons begin to explain their concerns to a effectively manage them.
sympathetic listener, their tensions begin to subside. They become more relaxed
CORE VALUES OF COUNSELING Given that the youth are the future of every nation, the role of providing
Certain values are considered core to counseling and are reflected and guidance to them at critical moments of their growth is a serious nation-building
expressed in the practice of counseling. All counselors are expected to embrace these undertaking. Counseling is a process and a relationship between the client(s) and
and similar set of core values as essential and integral to their work. These values counselor. The role of the counselor is to assist the person or persons (clients) in
are: realizing a change in behavior or attitude, to assist them to seek the achievement of
Respect for human dignity. This means that the counselor must provide a client goals, assist them to find help, and in some cases, the role of counselors includes the
unconditional positive regard, compassion, non-judgmental attitude, empathy, teaching of social skills, effective communication, spiritual guidance, decision-
and trust. making, and career choices.
Partnership. A counselor has to foster partnerships with the various disciplines A counselor’s roles may sometimes include aiding one in coping with a
that come together to support an integrated healing that encompasses various crisis. In some settings, counseling includes premarital and marital counseling, grief
aspects such as the physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual. These and loss (divorce, death, or amputation), domestic violence, and other types of abuse,
relationships should be of integrity, sensitivity, and openness to ensure health, special counseling situations like terminal illness (death and dying) as well as
healing, and growth of clients. counseling of emotionally and mentally disturbed. Individuals. Counseling could be
Autonomy. This entails respect for confidentiality and trust in a relationship of short-term (brief counseling) or long-term.
counseling and ensuring a safe environment that is needed for healing. It also FUNCTIONS OF GUIDANCE COUNSELORS
means that healing or any advice cannot be imposed on a client. The Philippine Republic Act No. 9258 (Sec. 2-3) defines a guidance
Responsible caring. This primarily means respecting the potential of every counselor as a natural person who has been professionally registered and licensed by
human being to change and to continue learning throughout his/her life, and a legitimate state entity and by virtue of specialized training to perform the functions
especially in the environment of counseling. of guidance and counseling. The guidance counselor’s functions include the use of
Personal integrity. Counselors must reflect personal integrity, honesty, and an integrated approach to developing a well-functioning individual primarily
truthfulness with clients. through:
Social justice. This means accepting and respecting the diversity of the clients, 1) helping a client develop potentials to the fullest;
diversify of individuals, their cultures, languages, lifestyles, identities, 2) helping a client plan to utilize his or her potentials to the fullest;
ideologies, intellectual capacities, personalities, and capabilities regardless of 3) helping a client plan his or her future in accordance with his or her abilities,
the presented issues. interests, and needs;
4) sharing and applying the knowledge related to counseling such as counseling
From such core values, Ethical Principles of Counseling are broadened. The
theories, tools, and techniques; and
following principles contextualize the core values in action.
5) Administering a wide range of human development services.
In all these agencies and programs, social workers perform a variety of PRIVATE SECTORS SETTING
professional tasks and functions for the government agencies, ranging from clinical In the private sector, particularly corporate setting, occupational social work
practice to program management / administration. Functions vary from agency to is practiced. The type of social work typically has five structures within which it
agency but essentially include: case management; individual and group therapy; generates interventions: employee assistance programs, labor union social services,
psychosocial assessments; treatment and discharge planning; substance use human resource management offices, community relations offices, and
counseling and treatment; and administration. They are integrated into different organizational development initiatives (Segal, Gerdes, & Steiner 2005).
programs that address health care, behavioral health, criminal justice, social services,
and child welfare issues. They also play a significant role in formulating policies and CIVIL SOCIETY SETTING
developing program standards and guidance for federal programs. For those who The civil society sector sees itself as a champion of the people with regard
practice in a government agency, they are usually integrated into a broader to ensuring accountability in government services; hence, social workers in civil
continuum of services along with other disciplines such as physicians, nurses, and society tend to work for advocacies of human rights and social justice. Their work
substance abuse counselors. ensures the delivery to concerned sectors of universal basic needs that may range
from physical needs, intellectual development, emotional development, social
In the Philippines, a number of social work services are undertaken by the growth, and spiritual growth. In some cases, civil society work fosters the delivery of
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD). For its mandate: motivational needs such as physiological necessities, security, belongingness, esteem
needs, and self-actualization as advocated by Abraham Maslow’s (1970) hierarchy of
needs. Others align their commitments to personal development needs as identified Majority of government and non-government institutions designed to deliver social
and articulated by Charlotte Towle (1957), that is, biological, psychological, services and other services with social work component are embedded in the
interpersonal, social, and cultural. Civil society is generally organized by the social community. Social work in community settings is essentially defined by social
sector, representing any marginalized individuals and groups. There are those who policy and realities. Therefore, community setting primarily calls for generalist
work with and for street children and other children who are in danger. Some social work practitioners who possess a broad range of training and employ their
organizations are committed to women or environmental issues. skills to guide and coordinate services for the clientele. Johnson and Yanca (as cited
Some work for migration and migrants. Some work with groups like gays in Segal, Gerdes, & Steiner 2005) describe generalist social work practice as an
and lesbians, cancer patients, the elderly, and workers. Each of these areas of civil approach that “requires the social worker to assess the situation with the client and
society concerns provide a unique setting that may call for distinct social work decide which systems are the appropriate units of attention or focus of work for the
specializations and general practice. change effort. As the units of attention may include an individual, a family, a small
group, an agency or organization, a community, or the transactions among these, the
generalist approach emphasizes knowledge that can be applied to a variety of
The school is a social service and within it lies similar situations that arise
elsewhere: violation of human rights, injustice, violence, sexual harassment,
discrimination, and so on. Internally, social work embedded structures see to it that
The community setting orients social work to a generalist framework that
where violations occur, social workers can respond appropriately. Externally, the
divides work into micro-practice and macro-practice. Whereas micro-practice social
school does also works with communities in its extension services and community
workers target their service at helping individuals, families, and small groups to
service where students and teachers work with communities to deliver voluntary
function better in a larger environment, macro-practice social workers focus on
services. Here, the social workers can facilitate school entry into the community,
changing the larger environment in ways that benefit individuals, families, and
understanding the community, engagement with the community, selecting and
groups (Segal, Gerdes, & Steiner 2005).
implementing correctly social development intervention, and exit strategically.
In general, community setting social work interventions include a wide
A school social worker is a liaison between the school and students’
array of approaches with different theories and emphasis that social workers have to
families, sustainer of effective communication among parents, teachers, and students,
comfortably employ on two or three levels: individuals and families, groups, and
and essentially bridging the children’s personal lives and education to ensure that
students’ needs are being met. In some cases, the responsibilities crisscross with the
functions of guidance counselors when qualified social workers take care of special SOCIAL WORK SERVICES, PROCESSES, AND METHODS
needs of children to facilitate their integration into mainstream classes. In the same
DuBois and Miley (2008) argue that the purpose of social work services,
sense, some social workers assume responsibility for other related school issues like
processes and methods is wide. Primarily, they enhance social functioning of
formulation and implementation of behavioral intervention programs, truancy
individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. They also serve to
prevention programs, sexual education programs, health education programs, crisis
link the service recipient systems with the needed resources. They likewise seek to
intervention, and disaster prevention and management programs.
improve the operation of social service delivery network and systems. They strive to
COMMUNITY SETTING promote respect for human rights and social justice through the development of
A community consists and represents all kinds of social work services. It is social policy and legislation. To attain success in these endeavors, social work sets
the locus of social work challenges. It is in the community where human rights of goals that include enhancement of people’s capacities to resolve problems, cope, and
individuals and groups are denied or violated; it is in the community where injustices function effectively; create connections between the social work service users and
are made and committed; it is in the community where marginalization for the needed resources; prove mechanism for accountability in effective and efficient
individuals and groups occur. Racism, sexism, homophobia (fear of lesbians and gay delivery of social services; and advocating social policy through public awareness
men), classism, ableism (discrimination of people with disability), ageism campaign and political lobbying.
(discrimination based on age), anti-Semitism (oppression of Jews), and islamophobia
(fear of followers of Islam) exist in the community caused generally by the presence
of mainstream or dominant groups who tend to enjoy certain privileges which are
built in their lives (Segal, Gerdes, & Steiner 2005).
Social work services are not launched without careful and proper planning. they contain needs to be understood. In this way, we can further appreciate the
Anticipation of needs and the scale as well as allocating necessary resources is part process, the content, and the effects of communication in all its various forms.
of guarantying effective and efficient delivery of social work services. Needs
assessment for individuals, groups, organizations, and communities is a step taken to
systematically identify the actual needs. This is done through interviews, The Discipline of Communication deals with how humans use verbal and
observation, and surveys that are done in a setting. The results of analysis of the non-verbal messages to create meaning in various contexts. This can be from one
collected information become the basis for planning, identifying the kinds of social person to another, from person to groups, in a government setting, private sector
work needed, the processes, methods, and tools needed to deliver efficient and setting, civil society setting, school setting, community setting to mass audiences
effective services. Where there is heavy drug addiction and substance abuse, the across cultures using a variety of channels and media. This discipline is also
social work practice may decide to focus on rehabilitation, care, and prevention that interested in the impact that communication has on human behavior.
are supported by social policy of any form. This ends in the planning phase. The
There is no way to enable others to know what is going on in our minds—
phases that come next would be the implementation and post implementation phases.
our need to reach out and to be reached out to—unless communication occurs
MONITORING AND EVALUATING SOCIAL WORK EFFECTIVITY between them and us. The discipline of communication is very broad. It can include:
the study of communication in interpersonal relationships, groups, organizations, and
When social work intervention is planned, implementation is accompanied
across cultures; rhetorical theory and criticism; performance studies; argumentation
by a detailed process documentation to be able to explain what is happening on both
and persuasion; technologically mediated communication; and popular culture.
sides, the social work, and on the recipients of services. Hence, this is called,
Essentially, this discipline provides us with understanding of how we construct the
monitoring. After a certain period of implementation, or after accumulating a number
world of meanings and be able to both send and receive the same. The dynamic
of services recipients, or at the very end of the intervention program, a more
process of sending and receiving information or messages, and the meanings that
comprehensive examination of the impacts and influence of the services on the
they contain needs to be understood. In this way, we can further appreciate the
recipients is done to determine the efficacy and effectivity of the program and
process, the content, and the effects of communication in all its various forms.
services and to make an informed decision of what to do next about the program. It
can be phased out or the need to expand it may be found necessary. This is the
COMMUNICATION - The processes that bond humans together are founded on
meaning and intent of the evaluation of social work services.
communication. It is by communication that one opens up to another and receives
confirmation of some kind. Communication in this sense is essentially transactional,
The Discipline of Communication deals with how humans use verbal and non- giving and receiving content, which may take a wide variety of forms. What we
verbal messages to create meaning in various contexts. This can be from one person communicate is meaning but communication simultaneously involves the
to another, from person to groups, in a government setting, private sector setting, construction of meaning. It constitutes both the construction of meaning and the
civil society setting, school setting, community setting to mass audiences across exchange of meaning. Unlike other forms of exchange, communication accounts for
cultures using a variety of channels and media. This discipline is also interested in so many other elements, which make the study of communication a fascinating task.
the impact that communication has on human behavior. The context, the culture, the relationship, the society, the message, and the medium
—all form part of the communication process. Communication involves acting on
There is no way to enable others to know what is going on in our minds— information, responding to stimulus, a creative act, making sense of the world,
our need to reach out and to be reached out to—unless communication occurs assigning meaning to experience and feelings, and can also be intentional as well as
between them and us. The discipline of communication is very broad. It can include: unintentional.
the study of communication in interpersonal relationships, groups, organizations, and
across cultures; rhetorical theory and criticism; performance studies; argumentation Alberts, Nakayama, and Martin (2007) defines communication as a
and persuasion; technologically mediated communication; and popular culture. “transactional process in which people generate meaning through the exchange of
Essentially, this discipline provides us with understanding of how we construct the verbal messages in specific contexts, influenced by individual and societal forces
world of meanings and be able to both send and receive the same. The dynamic and embedded in culture.” Culture here is considered as the provider of patterns of
process of sending and receiving information or messages, and the meanings that perceptions, values, and behavior that the group transmits and makes a shared
heritage. Context tends to be culturally defined so much that the individual is made
to discern from the given options available to society; hence, culture provides the context to understand people, have identified several “frames of reference” within
strongest fabric to societal forces. Therefore, the role of culture cannot be which people construct and interpret “reality” and communicate or interact with
underestimated, “culture affects all or almost all communication interaction” others.
(Alberts, Nakayama, & Martin 2007).
A frame of reference is a lens through which reality is perceived and filtered to
The human communication factors include the important role of individual
create meaning or a standpoint formed through a complex set of criteria or assumed
and societal forces, contexts, and culture that shape and give coherence to the
values against which measurements, understanding, or judgments are made. The six
communication process. It is possible and very common to analyze the
commonly identified frames of reference are psychological frame of reference,
communication process on the technical level, the semantic level, and the pragmatic
cultural frame of reference, social frame of reference, spatial frame of reference,
temporal frame of reference, and historical frame of reference.
On the technical level, it can understand the message by ascertaining the GOALS OF COMMUNICATION
extent to which information or message is clearly or not clearly transmitted. Every day, we communicate with a variety of people, for a variety of
On the semantic level, it can understand the unity of communication by reasons, in a variety of ways. We have defined communication as a meaning-making
clarifying the extent to which the intended meaning of the information or message system that follows the goal of conveying the intended message from the sender to
being transmitted is understood or misunderstood by the receiver due to all forms of the receiver as accurately as possible. Communication conveys messages to parties
noise. involved through the different mediums such as through speech, email, letters, and so
on. In this way, people who believe in a common cause can be linked together with a
On the pragmatic level, it can understand a unit of communication by view to strengthen their relationship. Communication also allows people with
gauging the kind and extent of the actual impact, effect, or outcome or result of the opposing views to communicate with one another in order to better understand each
communication process including the relationship field of experience and the sender- other and connect. It also provides opportunity for communicators to disseminate
receiver dynamics. information, to transduce emotions and/or thoughts from one to another. This,
however, has the potential to either create harmony or result to dissonance between
Communication as a transaction, going by the above definition, requires a the sender and receiver. Ultimately, the goal of all communication is to change
more comprehensive consideration for the specific context, the individual and behavior and that is why people read new books or seek help to understand things or
society forces, and the culture itself as a semantic unit. Simply put, when two or reality.
more persons interact, communication structure is created and a system of
relationships is formed within a cultural context. That is what communication is and The aim is to create social and political change, say, by exposing the
does. absurdities and injustices of the courts, schools, prisons, and workhouses of the
CONTEXT AND THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF COMMUNICATION context. Communication can be deeply political in intent or shaped by a social and
Context is among the most essential aspects in human communication, and political agenda: the desire to normalize certain kinds of human behavior (and
by and large, listeners base their interpretation of expressions of language and incidentally to demonize others), see the world in new ways, and act in new ways as
actions on their prior knowledge and wide range of contextual information. It is the a consequence. Communication shapes the receiver’s behavior in a way that is
context that gives meaning to the communication process. Even if we understand compatible both with their own goals and the goals of the communicator. By helping
words in a language, it is difficult to fully appreciate meaning unless it is people reach their behavioral goals, a communicator wins their consent to behave in
contextualized. The context can be email, television, with a friend, with family, a ways that favor his /her message too.
political campaign or a protest rally, a celebration, or a religious or social event. Communication is essential for everyday life. The goal is to make group life
Many communication scholars and experts affirm that it is the context of possible through socialization, enculturation, intergenerational solidarity, nation
what is done or said that determines how that message is interpreted. Actions and building, and social change. In more specific terms, the goals of communication are:
words in themselves mean less outside of context. Joking with a friend is considered expressing one’s needs and wants; transferring or conveying information;
normal but joking with a grieving person may be considered being insensitive. Many establishing social closeness or sustaining relationships with others; and facilitating
conflicts, particularly in intercultural communication, tend to be associated with social etiquette, that is, to conform to the social conventions of politeness.
context. Hence, intercultural communication researchers, using the concept of
Ultimately, when two or more persons interact, the communication structure is face. In mass media, the channels may be radio, records, television,
erected upon which a system of relationships is formed. newspapers, magazines, etc.
BASIC ELEMENTS OF THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS d) Feedback - A feedback is a response of the receiver to the sender and vice
Communication, as a process where people share information, feelings, and versa. This is very important in communication since it tells how ideas and
ideas, consists of four basic elements: the message, the medium, the sender, and the feelings have been shared in the way they are intended to.
reliever. Basically, communication happens when a message is conveyed. In the
process, there is the means by which such message is conveyed, the generator and e) Noise - Noise keeps a message from being understood or accurately
communicator of the message, and the recipient to whom that message is intended. interpreted. It occurs between senders and receivers. Noise may be an external
However, due to the complexity of the communication process, these elements may or internal interference in transmitting and receiving the message. External
be modified and detailed in several ways. Alberts et al. (2007) present six basic noise is any noise that comes from the environment that keeps the message
elements of communication: the setting, participants, message creation, channels, from being heard or understood. Internal noise occurs in the minds of the
noise, and feedback to explain how communication interaction unfolds. Other writers senders and receivers such as prior experience, absent-mindedness, feeling or
put it as follows: sender-receiver, message, channel, noise, feedback, and setting thinking of something other than the communication taking place. Semantic
(Bovee & Thill 1992 & 1998; Burnett & Dollar 1989; Gibson & Hodgetts 1990). noise is also a form of internal noise caused by people’s emotional reactions
a) Sender-Receiver - Communication means that the sender and the receiver get to words such as reactions to ethnic or sexist remarks.
involved in communication because they have ideas and feelings to share.
f) Setting - The setting is essentially the context where communication occurs. It
This sharing, however, is not one-way or turn-taking process. In most
may be a venue, formal or informal seating arrangements, attire, use of sound
communication situations, people are senders and receivers at the same time.
system, etc.
They are the participants in a communication.
In this communication process, the six elements can be summed up as: Who, the
b) Message - The message is made up of the ideas and feelings that the
source (sender); what, the message; How, the medium; To Whom, the recipient
senders/receivers want to share. Moreover, ideas and feelings can only be
(receiver); Why, the influence, impact, world view; and Where, the context.
shared if they are represented by symbols. Symbols are things that stand for
something else. All communication messages are made up of two symbols:
verbal and non-verbal.
i) The verbal symbols are all the words in a language, which stand for a COMMUNICATION
particular thing or idea. A word is used to generally mean one thing.
Communication involves the interactions between and among people. The
Verbal symbols can be even more complicated when they are abstract
prefix inter- signifies reciprocity, being carried between, and shared or derived from
than concrete. Abstract symbols stand for ideas rather than objects.
two or more. This means that a meaningful communication entails a two-way
When two people use abstraction (e.g., love, beauty, justice), they may
principle, mutuality, and influence or being acted upon. Therefore, “inter + action”
have different meanings because they had different experiences with
means reciprocally influencing or affecting each or one another. Communication as
the concept.
such takes place on several levels. There is the face-to-face communication and the
ii) The non-verbal symbols are anything we communicate without using mediated communication, which may take the form of print such as newspapers,
words such as facial expressions, gestures, posture, colors, vocal newsletters, and other written forms, or non-print using electronic equipment such as
tones, appearance, etc. They have certain meanings attached to them, computer technology, TV, radio, etc.
which are culturally or even personally encoded and decoded.
Intrapersonal Communication. This refers to communication that occurs
within us. This involves feelings, thoughts, and the way we look at
c) Channels - The channels are routes traveled by a message as it goes between
ourselves. The self is the only sender and receiver. The channel is your
the senders/receivers. Sound and sight are primary channels in face-to-face
brain. The feedback is in the form of talking to oneself or discarding certain
communication, and even in not face-to-face. At present, it is increasingly
ideas and replacing them with others.
common to use social networking sites for communication where we see and
hear the person we are communicating within a manner similar to face-to-
Interpersonal Communication. The communication that occurs on one-to- In this way, their functions follow naturally: to collect and document
one basis usually in an informal, unstructured setting is interpersonal information, facts and opinions, and present them for public analysis and deepening
communication. Messages consist of both verbal and non-verbal symbols. to the root of reality. To communicate is to deliver truth and facts. Professional
The most channels are sight and sound. communicators and journalists are at the service of truth. They gather news, facts,
and information that are critical to public life and well-being. The functions include
Intercultural Communication. This is an interpersonal communication being present where the news is happening and having the ability to record what is
that occurs between or among members of different cultures or people who happening accurately with available technology.
are enculturated differently. This is more apparent between persons coming
from two different cultures of upbringing but it can also be among people of
The competencies of communicators and journalists are along their delivery
the same culture but brought up in different times or cultural contexts.
of roles and functions. They need to have listening, reading, writing, and speaking
Interviewing. Interviewing makes use of a series of questions and answers skills. Listening and reading are data- and information-gathering skills necessary for
usually involving two people or groups. Its purpose is to obtain information accurate writing and speaking. But writing and speaking skills are necessary for
on a particular subject. In an interview, communication takes place verbally communication as tools. Poor writing and speaking skills can distort the message
in a face-to-face setting, and a lot of non-verbal information are exchanged. regardless of the good intentions of the communicator.
Feedback is very high and instant and drives the conversation.
Small Group Communication. Small group communication occurs when a JOURNALISTS
small group of people meets to solve a problem. There is cooperative Communicators and journalists can work in a number of areas of
thinking; there is a specific purpose. Communication process in small specialization: speech writing and taking minutes of a meeting; advertising,
groups is more complicated than in interpersonal communication. marketing, and sales; communication education; electronic media, radio-television,
and broadcasting; public relations; journalism; theater, performing arts, and dramatic
Mass Communication. The sender-receiver (speaker) sends a message arts; public communication and opinion management; and international relations
(speech) to an audience in a highly structured manner. Additional visuals management and negotiations.
may be used.
The specialization can be in copy writing, production directing;
professional blogging, communication education, language arts coordination,
ROLES, FUNCTIONS, AND COMPETENCIES OF COMMUNICATORS forensic and debate coaching, drama directing, film and tape librarian, news editing,
AND JOURNALISTS news directing, news writing, news anchoring, transmitter engineering, and technical
The discipline of communication is populated by a wide variety of directing. As journalists, they can also specialize in field reporting, news editing,
professionals who are in communication practice. They are creative artists, writers, news casting, author, copywriting, script writing, publishing, news service research,
editors, journalists, bloggers, educators, social advocates, businessmen and technical writing, acquisition editing, and interviewing.
businesswomen, preachers, scientists, politicians, and news announcers and anchors.
These professionals are bind together by a desire and dive to send and receive CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR COMMUNICATORS AND
messages and make an impact on their audience. Because communication is the most JOURNALISTS
natural thing for humans, these professionals specialize to serve the general public The field of communication is wide and almost every aspect of business and
and the public of their choices. They operate with a wide variety of mediums and human organization has communication specialists or roles. Companies have to
media. relate with customers, clients, and other stakeholders. The same is true for
The foremost important role of communicators and journalists is to make government and public individuals because the need to be heard, to be understood, to
available information and evidence to inform the public about issues that matter to be followed, and to convince others require communication. Professionals pursuing
them in the most neutral way possible. They provide facts for the public to form careers in communication have many options. Albert’s, Nakayama, and Martin
judgment and decisions. In some cases, they facilitate accurate processing and (2007) present some as follows: speech writers, press secretary, public information
analysis of such facts in a professional and ethical way. officer, public affairs specialist, communication assistant, meetings secretary,
customer service representative, marketing assistant or officer, advertising, sales
assistant and account executive, research associate, and operations manager. translator, student tour coordinator, diplomat, foreign relations officer,
Broadly, other opportunities include careers in advertising; careers in communication host/hostess for foreign dignitaries, and foreign correspondent.
education; careers in electronic media, radio-television, and broadcasting; careers in
public relations; careers in journalism; careers in theater, performing arts, and
dramatic arts; careers in communication in government and politics-related; and
careers in international relations and negotiations. In modern times, the media have exerted enormous power and assumed a
o Advertising and marketing specialists can work as copywriter, account powerful position unprecedented in human history to serve as valuable means for the
executive, sales manager, media planner, media buyer, creative director, media articulation on a large scale of popular aspirations and problems, of entertainment
sales representatives, and can also function as public opinion researchers and and pleasure, of advertising and economic information, of shared strengths as well as
pollsters (such as in Social Weather Station and Pulse Asia). They can find their weaknesses. In this sense, the rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities have to be
niche in professional blogging for fashion and lifestyle, products and services established to safeguard the integrity of media and protection of the general public in
marketing, and communication. Some bloggers focus on paid work or the form of accountability. In the name of freedom of expression, abuses happen
freelancing news and current affairs reporting. and certain aspects remain largely unaccountable. Accountability is a necessity
o Communication educators can work as college or university professors, and for communicators and journalists. It is also part of the responsibility of
may also serve as speech communication department chairpersons, language arts communicators and journalists to ensure that citizens are able to originate content
coordinators, elementary and high school speech teachers, forensic and debate and contribute to media content, and not just remain passive consumers of media
coaches, or drama directors. output.
o Broadcasting careers can include opportunities to work as broadcasting station There are respective codes of conduct and official laws and rules that
manager, director of broadcasting, film and tape librarian, community relations regulate these media. However, these parameters do not always work for the
director, unit manager, film editor, news editor, news director, news writer, citizens. Communicators and journalists have rights, responsibilities, and
news anchor, transmitter engineer, and technical director. Other opportunities accountabilities to exercise and live by and which must provide guarantees against
include advertising sales coordinator, traffic and continuity specialist, market censorship and protection of freedom of expression, safeguarding the confidentiality
researcher, actor/actress, disc jockey, public relations manager, comedy writer, of journalistic sources, and ensuring that information held by the government can be
casting director, floor manager, talk show host, account executive, media buyer, timely and easily accessed by the public. There are also general media laws and
and many more. regulatory frameworks at both the national and international levels to comply with.
o In journalism, one can work as a reporter, editor, newscaster, author, copy There are regulatory bodies featuring existing press councils and relevant
writer, script writer, publisher, news service researcher, technical writer, professional networks, and different types of media ombudsmen.
acquisition editor, and interviewer.
o In public relations, one can work as publicity manager, advertising manager, It is the responsibility of communicators and journalists to ensure that
marketing specialist, press agent, lobbyist, corporate public affairs specialist, citizens have convenient access to all media which is subject to just and fair law
account executives, development officer, fund-raiser, membership recruiter, and universally recognized principles of human rights.
sales manager, media analyst, media planner, creative director, audience analyst, In 2005, the Global Campaign for Free Expression by the International
news writer, and public opinion researcher. Federation of Journalists recognized that developing self-regulatory mechanisms
o In theater and performing arts, graduates can work as performing artists, across the communication and journalism sector can help ensure a more
scriptwriter, producer, director, arts administrator, performing arts educator, comprehensive approach to developing and upholding media ethics. It can help to
costume designer, theater critic, makeup artist, stage manager, art and prop deliver genuine accountability to the public and to protect the principle and practice
curator, stage manager, model, theater professor, and casting director. of freedom of expression. But this is not easy; it is complex and challenging. Codes
o In communication in government and politics-related, communication of ethics provide a way forward in guaranteeing rights, responsibilities, and
graduates can work as a public information officer, speechwriter, legislative accountabilities.
assistant, campaign director, research specialist, program coordinator,
negotiator, lobbyist, press secretary, and elected officer.
o In international relations and negotiations, communication graduates can Communicators and journalists have codes of ethics and professional
serve as on-air international broadcasting talent, corporate representative, standards based on self-regulation. The general rule is respect for truthfulness and
respect for people’s rights. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Does not by way of statement, voice, or appearance endorse by advertisement
Organization (UNESCO) considers the code of ethics as being at the heart of good any commercial product or service save for the promotion of his/her own work
communication and journalism for it fosters professional self-censorship among or of the medium by which she/he is employed
professionals in the industry. It argues that codes of ethics, under their different Shall normally seek the consent of an appropriate adult when interviewing or
denominations, are an essential instrument of media self-regulation. They are a photographing a child for a story about his/her welfare
fundamental point of reference, guiding journalists on their role, their rights and Avoids plagiarism
accountabilities and how they can best perform their job—all while representing a
standard against which their work can be assessed. With the code of ethics, It is the duty of the press and other mass media to discharge their functions with
journalists are served; publishers & owners of media outlets are protected against a sense of responsibility toward the community and toward the individual citizens.
legal claims & critics. For this purpose, it is desirable to institute (where not already done):
1)professional training for journalists under the responsibility of editors and
The code of ethics contributes to the accuracy, fairness, and reliability of journalists;
the information, therefore also benefiting the general public as consumers of 2)a professional code of ethics for journalists; this should cover, inter alia, such
information which form part of the basis of individual, family, community, matters as accurate and well-balanced reporting, rectification of inaccurate
corporate, and national decisions. The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) provides information, clear distinction between reported information and comments,
a sample of a code of ethics in 1936. avoidance of calumny, respect for privacy, respect for the right to a fair trial as
The NUJ’s Code of Conduct has set out the main principles of British and guaranteed by Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights; and
Irish journalism since 1936. The code is part of the rules and all journalists joining 3)Press councils empowered to investigate and even to censure instances of
the union must sign that they will strive to adhere to it. Members of the National unprofessional conduct with a view to the exercising of self-control by the press
Union of Journalists are expected to abide by the following professional principles: itself.
At all times upholds and defends the principle of media freedom, the right of From the very genesis of human existence, the need to communicate has
freedom of expression and the right of the public to be informed been part of human beings. Our life with others and in the community requires us to
Strives to ensure that information disseminated is honestly conveyed, accurate, interact with the people around us, to share ideas, thoughts, feelings and experience
and fair with others, to make sense of the world, and to position ourselves in a wider social
Does his/her utmost to correct harmful inaccuracies and cultural reality. In so doing, we listen and speak, and receive and give
Differentiates between fact and opinion information, which is a two-way process. Communication connotes ‘communion,’
Obtains material by honest, straightforward, and open means, with the exception community/ ‘making common,’ or `to share.’ The message transmitted is intentional
of investigations that are both overwhelmingly in the public interest and which and meant to convey meaning from a sender to a receiver through a medium or
involve evidence that cannot be obtained by straightforward means channel that includes struggle with interference and barriers. Communication is
Does nothing to intrude into anybody’s private life, grief, or distress unless complex. We use symbols, words, pictures, facial expressions, hand signs, voice,
justified by overriding consideration of the public interest tone, graphics, silence, writing, painting, dressing, dancing, and body language.
Protects the identity of sources who supply information in confidence and Formally and informally, every person communicates and therefore everybody is
material gathered in the course of his/her work clientele and audience of communication.
Resists threats or any other inducements to influence, distort, or suppress However, to make communication effective and attainable, the specific or
information and takes no unfair personal advantage of information gained in the intended clientele and audience in an instance of communication need to be clearly
course of his/her duties before the information is public knowledge understood so that message packaging, forms, and medium can be properly
Produces no material likely to lead to hatred or discrimination on the grounds of customized. Effective communication assumes the audience’s perspective and
a person’s age, gender, race, color, creed, legal status, disability, marital status, ensures that the message is relevant to them. This means that the method of
or sexual orientation communication is carefully selected as most effective for the target audience.
All people are clientele and audience in communication. However, THE DIFFERENT COMMUNICATION MEDIA CHANNELS
communication can only be effective when communicators take into consideration Communication that is mediated or transmitted through channels such as
the characteristics of the intended clientele and audience. Characteristics like social television, film, radio, social networking sites, fax, e-mail, cell phone, overnight
position, education level, age range, race and ethnicity, primary language, health couriers, messengers, and print is generally referred to as media, a plural form of
status, job type, and information sources are worth considering. medium (Alberts, Nakayama, & Martin 2007). The only communication that is not
mediated is perhaps face-to-face communication, which takes place among people
Social position is the status that a person enjoys in a communication context. who understand each other’s language. All other non-face-to-face communications
One may be a president or leader, middle manager, a colleague or co-equal, or a go through channels.
subordinate in an organization of community. These social positions dictate how A. MASS MEDIA - All forms of communication that are devoted to transmitting
one gets communicated to and how that communication has to be crafted,
standardized messages to widespread audience are called mass media. This
packaged, contained, and delivered. includes newspapers, magazines, books, e-books, radio, social networking
Education level may suggest the reading skills and healthy literacy and the sites and the Internet, television, and motion picture. By and large, much of
ability to engage with more complex topics—new and even unfamiliar. An mass media has become electronic media and covers radio, television, media
audience that has limited literacy skills may find it difficult to use written technology, and web design with streaming audio and video.
materials; with such audience, oral presentations may be more effective. Generally, communication involves the giving, receiving or
Age range can affect choice of communication format or distribution. The exchanging of information, opinions, or ideas to ensure that the message is
communication materials may be relevant to people of all ages but the age of the completely understood by everybody involved. It is essentially a two-way
audience may affect the communication format or distribution channels. Social process, comprising the elements of the sender, message, channel, receiver,
media websites and mobile texting for example may be more appropriate for feedback, and context. Mass media does not consist much of these. It is a one-
providing information to younger audience while printed materials, emails, way system. In mass media, the audience is not obliged to pay attention or
phone calls, meetings, and memos may be more effective for older audience. give feedback.
Race and ethnicity is an important consideration in communication particularly
in deciding on graphics and photos. It is important to design the graphics and B. New Media and Social Media - Under new media and social media,
photos in the communication materials to reflect the demographics of the communication is not necessarily relational but the issue and interest-based
intended audience. instead. With the help of technology, new media has helped transform the
Primary language has to be considered if the message is to be effective. If the notion of a community based on geography to a community based on interest,
language used is different from the one used by the target audience, there is a from citizens to netizens. People forge a conversational community driven by
need to translate the communication materials into the primary language. the common interest and generally focused on a single issue and are virtually
Health status matters a lot as it dictates people’s disposition to listening and located. Blogging and social networking, the most prominent forms of social
responding and the ability to’ make meaning out of the communicated material. media, tend to resemble a typical mass media style in the sense that there is
Although people with certain health conditions tend to be more informed health- impersonality, no privacy nor the specific recipient of the messages nor the
care consumers with a greater awareness of issues within the health-care system, obligation to respond. Yet, it has the provision for concerned people to
it is important that the materials are more personal and relevant to specific respond and sustain a discussion and exchange of views in a two-way style.
health conditions or issues. This can be done online and in real-time using instant messaging. Unlike a
carefully researched response, in this communication, people are more
Job type of the audience can affect the format of materials and the distribution
methods to be used. For an audience without access to their own computers, concerned with expressing their opinions and feelings about the issue at hand.
New media and social media have also challenged the profession of
disseminating the materials through an Internet site or email messages may not
be effective. communication and ethics of communication. It is not regulated by members
of the profession but by the discourse of participants. There is more self-
Information sources matter for they affect the format and distribution of the
censorship than professional and public censorship since participants can
communication materials and also the medium they trust.
choose to go by any name, may portray a self-image, and they may choose to
remain anonymous. New media and social media have also redefined
participatory democracy with new political implications. Open debates and
consensus on issues are increasingly sought and achieved through new media Enforce applicable domestic and international laws, rules and regulations,
and social media. prosecute violation thereof and impose appropriate penalties/sanctions
C. Telecommunication - Telecommunication refers to the transmission of Issue licenses to operate land, maritime, aeronautical, and safety devices
information by electromagnetic means. Large volumes of information in the Perform such other telecommunications/broadcast-related activities as may be
form of words, sounds, or images, over long distances, are transmitted in the necessary in the interest of the public.
form of electromagnetic signals, by telegraph, telephone, radio, or television. There is also a private sector, the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng
The term covers a vast range of information transmitting technologies Pilipinas (KBP), organized in 1973 to provide mechanism for self-regulation in the
including mobile phones, landlines, VoIP, and broadcast networks. broadcasting industry.
The data is transmitted in the form of electrical signals, modulated into analog or
digital signals for transmitting the information. Analog modulations used in radio
broadcasting are amplitude modulation and digital modulation. Telecommunications
and broadcasting are administered worldwide by the United Nations specialized
agency for information and communication technologies (ICT). This agency
allocates global radio spectrum and satellite orbits, develop the technical standards
that ensure networks and technologies seamlessly interconnect, and strives to
improve access to ICTs to underserved communities worldwide. The organization is
based on a public-private partnership since its inception. FUNCTIONS OF APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCES
The disciplines of applied social sciences are informed by the core values of
respect for the inherent dignity and worth of persons, pursuit of social justice,
In the Philippines, the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) is the
integrity -of professional practice, confidentiality in professional practice, and
nation’s regulatory agency responsible to steer the telecommunications sector as a
competence in professional practice. What we have discussed in this book are
primary engine for national progress and development. It is responsible for the
counseling, social work, and communication. They help individuals fit well in
maintenance and continuous improvement of a regulatory regime conducive to the
society and challenge the social environment to become a better place for all. These
development and provision of an affordable, viable, reliable, and accessible
sciences cover a broad field, drawing on different social theories and perspectives
telecommunications infrastructure and services. NTC fulfills the following mandates:
and combines theory and practice to deal with the complexity of social issues that
regulate the installation, operation, and maintenance of radio stations both for private
cover human pain, stress, threat to dignity, and threat to human rights experienced by
and public use (RA 3846, as amended); regulate and supervise the provision of
individuals, groups and communities.
public telecommunications services (RA 7925, CA146, as amended); manage the
radio spectrum (RA 3846, as amended and RA 7925); and regulate and supervise Applied social sciences are the purveyors of social justice, inclusion, and
radio and television broadcast stations, cable television (CATV) and pay television caregiving. Their presence is strongly felt in areas like: children and family agencies,
(E0546 and E0205). health care settings, including community-based clinics and hospitals; schools;
correctional facilities; settings that serve older adults, such as nursing homes; and
The functions of NTC include:
military veterans and active duty military personnel agencies. Applied social
Grant certificates of public convenience and necessity/provisional authority to sciences services are indispensable to the full transformation of a child because they
install, operate and maintain telecommunications, broadcast, and CATV services are critical to unblocking all barriers to the individual’s, group’s, and community’s
Grant licenses to install, operate, and maintain radio stations holistic development. They help the society to see beyond the behavior
Allocate/sub-allocate and assign the use of radio frequencies manifestations by looking beneath them, and to address and uproot the root causes
Type-approve/type-accept all radio communications, broadcast and customer through communication and journalism, social work, and guidance and counseling
premises equipment leadership. Applied social sciences help us consider all helping situations to be
Conduct radio communications examination and issue radio operators certificate multicultural in the sense that people’s uniqueness—such as personal history,
Prepare, pin, and conduct studies for, policy and regulatory purposes culture, gender, social class, religion, language, etc. of individuals, groups and
Monitor the operation of all telecommunications and broadcast activities communities—has to be recognized in the helping process.
DIFFERENT SITUATIONS IN APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCES are forms of mass communication that are useful and educational, and uplift the
inner feelings of individuals, groups, and communities. They create a consistent
atmosphere of excitement and vitality that encourages public and private
The functions of applied social sciences for self-development have been
investments, impressive and successful activities and special events, and reflects
discussed in the previous posts—counseling, social work, communication—each of
shared values related to social and cultural diversity. They raise awareness for
which has distinct contributions in services they put out for self-development.
important issues drawing on the tools of applied social sciences particularly
Counseling offers guidance to individuals in varying situations of conflict,
communication and journalism. They bring humor in depressing and stressful
confusion, and crisis and provides the tools for the individual to address issues of
moments, hence expanding the people’s ability to endure extreme forms of suffering
self-development. Social work offers a wide range of services, particularly in aid of
and optimism.
emancipating the marginalized individuals and facilitating participation in the public
goods and services that are necessary for self- development. Communication
Art and entertainment professionals and practitioners work in cruise lines,
empowers the individual with listening and speaking skills in order for them to be
convention services, theme parks, concerts, film companies, TV stations and radio
effective. The individual has to be sure that the message comes across accurately by
stations, music companies, theater, and numerous other live entertainment venues.
considering the message itself, the audience or receiver, and how the message is
The industry requires creativity, adaptability, and offers the opportunity for travel.
likely to be received. Self-development has to do with taking an active role in one’s
The art and entertainment industry offers a wide range of career opportunities from
own development.
onstage to behind the scenes, from the recording studio to convention services and
Persuasion and Applied Social Sciences multimedia companies, functioning as Performers, artists, and technicians.
At the heart of persuasion is the ability to understand well one’s audience
and its complexity. In this kind of communication, the communicator deals with News and Information and Applied Social Sciences
people’s basic attitudes, values, and beliefs on issues and how to tailor the message The proliferation of news outlets, channels, and purposes require increased
for the audience in order to convince them to adopt a particular point of view through ability for the audience and participants in the news making and consumption. The
appropriate channels—TV, radio, Internet, magazines, and newspapers. Persuasion new media and social media are providing the possibility of driving the
often consists or contains very few words making sure each one is very important, democratization of information by undercutting the agenda-setting of large media
simple, specific, and exciting. Other than communication and journalism skills, outlets and their ability to control news and information flows. The overall
counseling and social work skills facilitate the ability to empathize, listen well, and information ecosystem has changed. More small publishers have been created
to respond effectively. Drawing on the skills of applied social sciences, persuasion forming new clusters of new players and build pathways for interesting ideas and
energizes itself to move audiences to desired and immediate action. statements that are finding broader audiences.
Art and Entertainment and Applied Social Sciences The society is informed by simply reading, listening to, or watching just
Art is a human creativity that involves the perceptions and imagination of about anything; through a formed intermediary that tells them what is good,
an artist trying to communicate a selective recreation of reality and giving it form important or meaningful; and by simply accessing a wide range of the means for
into the immediate perceptual awareness. Art includes theater and drama, which are them to sort things out for themselves and find their own version of the truth. Today,
generally live, about people, and collaborative art forms. They tell a story. Art and we live in a digitally networked world that aspires to fulfill the dream of the
entertainment require active viewing, provide self-examination, challenge audience, democratization of thought, ideas, and flows of information.
and are directed at the largest possible number. Art and entertainment offer and not
necessarily require an intellectual demand on the viewer and have great potential for
social change. Through art and entertainment, we are able to see life differently, Applied social science in this context can provide encouragement and empowerment
without imposing our values and perceptions on it. It allows us to expand our to underserved communities to avail open and free media channels to voice out and
experience, intensify our perceptions, challenge conventional wisdom and norms, to consume critical information. The increased vulnerability can also be addressed
and introduce another frame of reference that is conceptualized by the artist. like falling victim to the online prostitution industry and blackmails and developing
self-protection from all sorts of personal threats. This ultimately leads to
Art and entertainment can provide nurturance and keep communities participatory journalism, an ultimate empowerment of all peoples. Participatory
mentally and socially healthy. Art and entertainment such as music, dance, or theater journalism and peer-to-peer cascading of news is taking a large share in news
making and will probably increase its capacity to share information in the future. We
are entering an era where the audience employs self-censorship and plays a bigger
role in engaging, remixing, commenting, and ultimately filtering what is important.
Learning to Know - This type of learning is radically different from ‘rote learning.’
Organizing Advocacy and Applied Social Sciences It implies ‘the mastery of the instruments of knowledge themselves and acquiring
In our present-day of free speech and democracy, organizing advocacy is knowledge in a never-ending process and openness to be constantly enriched by all
very much part of social cohesion. Issues that matter to individuals, groups, and forms of experience. It encompasses the development of the faculties of memory,
communities have to be raised to political platforms and find public solutions and imagination, reasoning, problem-solving, and the ability to think in a coherent and
policies where possible. In organizing advocacy for issues of great concern, one can critical way. It involves the discovery and going deeper into the
benefit from core values of applied social sciences. These values foster the common information/knowledge that is presented or encountered. It presupposes learning to
good and inclusion and a greater sense of life in community. People are encouraged learn: application of the discipline and power of concentration, memory, and thought
to be in solidarity with one another and very often, go beyond oneself. Some people throughout life, informally and formally. This kind of learning is both a means and
from the middle class have come out in support of the poor, or the whites come out an end in itself. As a means, it enables individual learners to understand nature,
in support of the black Americans who have suffered from police brutality in places humankind, history, environment, and society at large. As an end, it enables the
like New York and Ferguson, Missouri. In the most recent case, Americans from all learner to experience the pleasure of knowing, discovering, and understanding as a
racial backgrounds, went out in protest across the United States against what they process.
perceived as racially biased police brutality after the Missouri grand jury voted not to
indict white Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson who shot to death an unarmed Learning to Do - This pillar of learning implies the application of what learners
black teenager Michael Brown in August of 2014. have learned or known into practices. It means putting to use one’s education,
knowledge, skills, and attitudes as the case in technical-vocational education and
Education and Applied Social Sciences
work skills training. It implies a shift from skill to competence, or a mix of higher-
The educational process is a well-recognized global framework and means
order skills specific to each individual. The dominance of knowledge and
of socialization and enculturation. Education is an ongoing process of improving
information as factors of production systems in the knowledge economy is making
knowledge and skills, and it is an exceptional means of bringing about personal
the idea of occupational skills obsolete and is bringing personal competency to the
development and building relationships among individuals, groups, and nations.
fore. It means mastering the ability to communicate effectively with others; aptitude
Following the principles and ideas upon which UNESCO was founded, education
toward teamwork; social skills in building meaningful interpersonal relations;
brings hope for a world that is a better place to live in, where people respect the
adaptability to change in the world of work and in social life; competency in
rights of women and men, and show mutual understanding and advances in
transforming knowledge into innovations and job creation; and a readiness to take
knowledge to foster human development rather than to create barriers between
risks and resolve or manage conflicts.
people. But each nation puts in place a framework to ensure that its young and the
total population are guided in their personal and social development and to ensure
that they take their rightful place in the society and in its fruition. Learning to Live Together - This type of learning is critical in the increasingly
globalizing world. It implies that education has to take two complementary paths: on
one level, discovery of others and on another, experience of shared purposes
In many instances, education has played a big role in reducing poverty, social
throughout life. This will need developing qualities such as: knowledge and
exclusion, ignorance, oppression, and war. From this perspective, the link between
understanding of self and others; appreciation of the diversity of the human race and
education and applied social sciences can be considered to be highly interwoven.
an awareness of the similarities among, and the interdependence of, all humans;
Quality education has extremely relevant role in development that is truly global and
empathy and cooperative social behavior in caring and sharing; respect of other
national; one that can ensure a just, inclusive, and sustainable future. The best
people and their cultures and value systems; capability of encountering others and
defense for every individual, group, and community is to have at least a good
resolving conflicts through dialog; and competency in working toward common
education that can empower them with the ability to defend themselves when their
rights are threatened and to take an active role in claiming what is due them and in
contributing positively to their communities as contributors to community well-
being. Learning to Be - This type of learning echoes the possibility of becoming
dehumanized as a result of technical change and therefore puts on scaffolds. It
fosters the principle that ‘the aim of development is the complete fulfillment of experience to be able to work with individuals, groups, and communities to improve
humankind, in all the richness of his or her personality, the complexity of his or her their well-being and social functioning. Professionals here are eligible to apply for
forms of expression and of his or her various commitments as individual, member of roles such as alcohol and drug worker, caseworker, school counselors, client service
a family, and of a community.’ It means being a citizen and producer, an inventor of officers, community social workers, contact supervisors, and rehabilitation officers,
techniques and creative dreamer leading humankind to become more human, through among others. They can also fit well in all other sectors requiring the application of
acquisition of knowledge, skills, and values conducive to personality development in psychological knowledge, including the human resource offices, personnel, market
its intellectual, moral, cultural, and physical dimensions. It includes enhancing research, community services, health, and social welfare.
qualities of imagination and creativity; acquiring universally shared human values;
With the applied social sciences processes, standards in social service
developing aspects of a person’s potential; strengthening memory, reasoning,
delivery are observed. A set of core values is considered in the delivery of human
aesthetic sense, physical capacity, and communication/social skills; developing
and social services. Services are given with quality. Social justice is pursued. Every
critical thinking and exercising independent judgment; and developing personal
person is considered to have dignity and worth. The importance of human
commitment and responsibility.
relationships is a. factor in social service delivery. Integrity and competence are
expected of all professionals in the practice of social service. They are expected to
work within their areas of competence and to develop and enhance their professional
expertise. People in need are helped by social workers to address social problems.
Socialization and Enculturation and Applied Social Sciences
Social injustice is challenged.
Socialization is the process by which society turns an individual from being
a child into a full-fledged responsible adult or from being an outsider to becoming an SOCIAL AWARENESS, SELF-AWARENESS, AND SELF-KNOWLEDGE
insider. The educational system is part of that. The other process that runs parallel to
Social awareness, self-awareness, and self-knowledge are very essential for
this one is the enculturation process. Enculturation is a process by which one
quality participation and functioning in society for they incorporate one’s
acquires a culture of his or her environment (Sampa 2008). Since culture is a
appreciation of both the inner-ecology and the social ecology. We become aware of
meaning-making system, there are five elements included in the meaning production:
who we are as individuals, because of the presence of others with whom we share
symbols, language, values, norms, ideal-real or worldview-ethos. To be enculturated
our existence. When we come to recognize that there are other people and that they
means that one can understand the cultural symbols, the language, the values, the
are essentially distinct and different from us, that is the start of our social awareness
norms, and is capable to negotiate the thin line of meanings called ideal-real or
that simultaneously leads us to become conscious and aware of ourselves as beings
or persons.
The last element has to do with subtle ambiguity in what people consider
should be (worldview) verses what is (ethos) (e.g., man is head of the house but there Social awareness is important for managing own response to change, and it
are many instances in which women are). We often assume that we are born with forms an essential part of interpersonal intelligence. For students, this involves
culture or inherit it, but actually we learn it. We acquire it over time of upbringing, recognizing others’ feelings and knowing how and when to assist others. It involves
observing, participating, and active imitation and simulation of our social- learning to show respect for and understand others’ perspectives and their emotional
environmental reality. Another concept closely associated with enculturation is states and needs. It likewise involves learning to participate in positive, safe, and
acculturation, a concept that refers to the process of acquisition of a second culture respectful relationships, defining and accepting individual and group roles and
(Sampa 2008). Nowadays, most people are multicultural, operating in two or more responsibilities. This becomes the foundation of student understanding of their role
cultural mediums. The moment that one encounters a new culture and begin to make in advocacy in society and to build their capacity to critique societal constructs and
sense of it or actively learn it, he/she is undergoing the acculturation process. forms of discrimination, such as racism and sexism. Social awareness capacitates
The skills learned in applied social sciences can enrich and facilitate both individuals to appreciate diverse perspectives, contribute to civil society, and
socialization and enculturation. Empathy and good listening and speaking skills are understand relationships.
very effective tools in the socialization process.
Self-awareness is an important step toward self-understanding and self-
THE EFFECTS OF THE APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCES mastery and it forms an essential part of intrapersonal and emotional intelligence. It
Applied social sciences come with a wide range of practitioner skills in means having the capacity to understand your personality, behaviors, habits, and
areas such as advocacy, counseling, and case management, and the knowledge and
emotions. It includes being conscious of what you are good at (strengths) as well as Structural Change
of what you are not good at (weaknesses). As a student, it also involves identifying Structural change refers to the radical shift in the way reality is organized
and describing the factors that influence your emotional responses as well as develop and does not necessarily include substantive change. Structural change, in economic
a realistic sense of your personal. Abilities, qualities, and strengths. This is done terms, is the transformation of policy, legal, social, cultural, economic, and/or
through knowing what you are feeling in the moment, and having a realistic physical aspects of an environment that impede equity for all. As such, it requires
assessment of your own abilities resulting in a well-grounded sense of self- long-term interventions that build on knowledge, behavior, and attitude modification
knowledge and self-confidence. It involves reflecting on and evaluating your across multiple domains: public and private institutions, civil society, community
learning, identifying personal characteristics that contribute to or limit your groups, and the general population. Normally, this is only realizable when there is
effectiveness, learning from successes or failures, and being able to interpret your the transformation in dominant sectors that help to remove barriers to equity for all
own emotional states, needs, and perspectives. A self-aware individual acts with in every opportunity area such as health and safety, education, employment, housing,
personal and social capability through recognition of emotions, recognition of and income and wealth. The complexity of issues may require starting in one
personal qualities and achievements, understanding oneself as learner, and institution and breeding to another institution as well as long-term close monitoring
developing a reflective practice. of public policies.
ATTITUDE AND VALUE CHANGE Activity Sheets on Disciplines and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences
Tensions emanating from technological, social, and economic change bring
about attitude and value change. With all changes happening especially in the Name:_________________________________________
climate change context, social and cultural values that may not be in support of
survival need to give way to those that are life nurturing. Two frameworks for Note: STRICTLY NO ERASURES! Any erasure /s incurred will invalidate your
climate change resiliency suggested ask either for mitigation strategies or adaptation answer.
strategies to ensure human survival and prosperity.
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
Relying only on disaster risk reduction and effective management of
_____1. The discipline that studies the state and its basic elements such as people,
climate change is not adequate; there is a need to have attitudinal and value
territory, government and sovereignty.
transformation on negative inclinations like the “bahala na” attitude; these cannot
a. Political Science b. Economics c. Demographic
lead to individual, group, or community sustainability. Our attitudes and values must
d. Geography
change with time, so as to allow our new abilities to survive to emerge. Our lifestyles
_____2. The field that analyzes how individual interact within society to address
are as good as they are sustainable and supported by our life means.
major issues about the use of economic resources for production of goods
Behavior is acquired or developed slowly and once it’s part of your life, you a. Political Science b. Economics c. Demographic
will learn the difficulty of behavioral change. It is hard to break old habits or adopt d. Geography
new ones. Making a permanent change in behavior is never a simple process, and it _____3. This seeks to improve the client’s mental health and well-being by
requires a substantial commitment of time, effort, and emotion. Sometimes, one has discussing his or her emotional problems to help him or her emotional
to make several tries before succeeding. Achieving behavioral change demands problem to help him or her cope with them.
multiple solutions and even several different techniques. a. Counselling b. social work c. communication d.
Often, in the process of trying to change, many people become less public administration
motivated, discouraged, and give up on their goals to change their behaviors. _____4. It draws heavily from the social and behavioral sciences for its theoretical
Generally, behavioral change is highly transactional. The motivation is sustained by and knowledge base.
cost analysis. If change is perceived to bring immediate gratification with good a. Counselling b. social work c. communication d.
benefits compared to the status quo, the behavioral change process tends to be public administration
sustainable. Behavioral change management is never easy, but psychologists, _____5. Is a trained professional who serves clients through therapeutic
therapists, physicians, and teachers have developed a number of ways to effectively communication which entails encouraging disclosure, listening to the client,
help people change their behaviors. and giving advice among other things?
` a. Counselor b. Social worker c. client d. _____15. Social workers aim to create changes in society to address the plight of the
journalist vulnerable and the oppressed.
_____6. Understanding another’s experience as if it were your own. a. Social Justice b. Integrity
a. Empathy b. congruence or c. Importance of human relationship d. Dignity and worth
genuineness of the person
c. unconditional positive regard d. concreteness _____16. Social workers constantly develop their skills and knowledge to apply
_____7. They help senior citizens live a more fulfilling and comfortable life. them in professional practice.
a. Geriatric counsellor b. Religious counsellor c. Legal counsellor d. a. Competence b. Integrity
Hospital counsellor c. Importance of human relationship d. Dignity and worth
_____8. These counsellors can also be social workers providing assistance to of the person
indigent patients by linking them with charitable institutions. _____17. What statements can support “to respect human rights and prevent
a. Geriatric counsellor b. Religious discriminatory practices?”
counsellor a. Relative to clients’ b. relative to
c. Legal counsellor d. Hospital counsellor colleagues
_____9. This counselling can be done in private offices, schools, hospitals and c. Relative to self and the profession d. None of the above
parishes. _____18. What facts or ideas show individual clients in social work?
a. Individual counselling b. Group counselling a. They are people experiencing distress and physical or mental
c. organization counselling d. community health issues.
counselling b. Groups or organizations of migrant workers.
_____10. These involve facilitating self-disclosure and conversation which explore c. Informal settlers who migrated from other areas.
the client’s situation. d. None of the above
a. Verbal discussion b. Personality tests _____19. How would you classify this settings in social work? “They work at the
c. Journal or diaries d. structuring _____ Department of Social Welfare and Development”
_____11. Is a technique where the counsellor informs the client of what to expect a. Government b. Private Sector c. Civil Society d.
from the counselling process? Community
a. Structuring technique b, Verbal _____20. What is meant by Civil Society?
discussion a. NGO’s b. Foundations c. labor union d. All of the
c. strategies for dealing with hesitant clients d. Crisis above
intervention technique TRUE OR FALSE
_____ 12. This is necessary to determine how the client usually manages difficult
1) The applied social sciences also allows us to understand better and probe
situations and what skills have been available to him or her.
deeper into the different problems and issues affecting an individual, group,
a. Structuring technique b, Verbal discussion
and society.
c. strategies for dealing with hesitant clients d. Crisis intervention
2) Counseling allows us to understand one's personality including various
problems and issues that may affect an individual.
_____13. Refers to the timely intervention of the social worker before serious
3) Social work focuses only on individual and personal problems.
problems emerge.
4) The following are social workers' roles in direct service: social broker,
a. Prevention b. Restoration c. Remediation d.
enabler, therapist, documenter, and mobilizer.
Direct services
5) Primary settings in social work practice include the schools, hospitals,
_____14. This involves the elimination of existing problems such as drug addiction
correlational facilities, human resource departments, corporations,
or substance abuse
government planning departments, and political offices.
a. Prevention b. Restoration c. Remediation d.
6) The applied social sciences can introduce ways to achieve long lasting peace
Direct services
through a practitioner's knowledge and application of the political processes
that include peace-building processes and conflict management mechanisms.
7) Disaster risks cannot be prevented and mitigated through the use of the
applied social sciences.
8) The impact of climate change to society and its overarching effect on the
Philippines can be easily understood through the application of the social
9) The applied social sciences can help persuade people to change their beliefs,
attitudes and behavior.
10) The surveillance function of the media refers to the importance of the mass
media to national security.
11) In business organizations and public relations organizations, applied social
scientists are important because they serve as market research.
12) Entertainment-oriented programs are not important to society.
13) Social media is not a powerful channel of communication.
14) Journalism's first obligation is to the truth.
Contribution to
15) The way we perceive or view things, people, events, and our environment, is
the field
influenced by our values.
Founder /
Look for the provide words. Underlined it with a colored marker/ ballpoint
advice behavioral change broadcasting
core value culture drugs
history mass communications message
political science politics principles
reassurance respect rights self-
self-development social change social science
social work
b a s d r h k j z v y g o l o h c y s p y m q w s
e s a l s c i e n o o g n r e r y h p o x e b g t
h k o r w l i a c o s e r d r c e t l l u s c i h
a c v c a x c v b a d a s f a b n n o i o s c h g
v p o l i t i c a l s c i e n c e e d t l a g f i
i s b t n a v m e v b n m t y e m m i i t g v o r
o d f e r d l t e r d c b y u c p p e c y e h l m
r w e r t v p c c o u h u u k n r o p s s b f h n
a s a e y i o i h i s t o r y a e l c r e l y a u
l c y s f c i o a a v s l a y r w e g o a a a y p
a v k c g j g i e d b y e t a s t d d s e f v r t SCIENCES 11
n f l t h t y j l c h h j u u s e f x z s e d a g Senior High School
g b r o a d c a s t i n g t j e l l w d r u g s l
e s t a n d a r d s s d f h a r s e o j k k l p o
m a s s c o m m u n i c a t i o n s p r i n c i p Prepared by: Sherwin B. Fernando