Daily Learning Activity Sheet Trends Gas 12 4TH Week

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Name: _______________________________________________ Score: __________________
Year & Section: ___________________ Day & Date Accomplished: __________________
Subject: TNCT 12 Parent/ Guardian Signature: _________________
Activity Title: Economic Globalization (Modified True or False)
Learning Targets: Understand the Economic Globalization
References Title: Arzadon.R.Z., et,al. (2018)Trends,Networks, and Critical Thinking. Vibal Group Inc. G. Araneta
Avenue co. Ma. Clara Sreet, Talayan, Quezon City.
Author: Arzadon.R.Z.,et,al. (2018) Page No.: 142-146
Main Idea
Globalization is a situation where in the world is becoming increasingly interconnected. As a consequence, the world is imagined as
one global village. Globalization eliminates spatial barriers. An event that is happening in one part of the globe can be experienced by
the rest of the world through the networked technologies of the media. All these brought about tumultuous changes in
communications, travel, technology, migration, governance, education, and in other ways of living. It is acknowledged that for
centuries, people from various places would travel and sell their goods in other lands. But what marks modern globalization is the
enormous speed that reconfigures time and space. Theories of globalization vary in its approach and analyses of the phenomenon, they
tend to gravitate towards two major perspectives-one would focus on inequality, while the other would foreground the complexity.
Forty Year After: “Designed in USA, Made in China” Global Free Trade: Historical Background
Visit the department stores and look at the brands of goods Early 1970s, an economic crisis struck the world, marked by
such as electronics, apparel, shoes, and accessories. You will rising prices and unemployment. The Philippines, along with
likely find that most of them are made in china. Some many countries, was influenced to abandon its protectionist
premium goods that were once known as American-made now stance in favor of an open and market-based economy. This
sport the label “Designed in USA, Made in China” move was labeled Structural Adjustment Programs (SAP), an
economic structuring method recommended and facilitated by
international lending agencies such as IMF and World Bank in
END OF THE COLD WAR AND THE ICT BOOM exchange for financial assistance. The shift towards free trade
The other significant event that intensifies global trade took was cemented when the Philippines became a signatory of the
place in 1989, when the Berlin Wall fell. It symbolized the GATT in 1979. The agreement aimed to abolish quotas and the
end of the Cold War. Within the same period, from the 1970s reduction of tariff duties among the contracting nations. GATT
awards, another major shift was occurring through the was replaced by the World Trade Organization (WTO) in
development of electronics-based technologies. The invention 1996. WTO's purpose was "to ensure that trade flows as
of microprocessor in 1971 paved the way for the rise of the smoothly, predictably and freely as possible".
computer. In the past, computers were so huge that one unit
would take up a whole room. Computers were mostly used by
the military institutions. But now, it has become small,
portable, and useful at home and even among school children.


Deregulation requires the government to transfer full or partial
INTERNATIONALIZATION ownership of enterprises to private companies, which can be
Globalization opens up borders that allow expansion of locally or foreign owned. Along with privatization is the
production and trade. This means that a producer of certain practice of minimal government involvement. The government
goods need not be limited to the number of consumers in its should not interfere with the local industries and should not
country of origin but can aim to sell their goods and services provide subsidies that would undermine the natural flow of the
to other countries. market.


Directions: Identify whether the following statements are true or false. Write the word TRUE if the statement is
correct otherwise CHANGED THE UNDERLINED WORD/S to make the statement true.

____________1. Deregulation requires the government to transfer full or partial ownership of

enterprises to private companies.
____________2. Globalization opens up borders that allow expansion of production and trade.
____________3. The invention of microprocessor in 1971 paved the way for the rise of the computer.
____________4. Some premium goods that were once known as Indian-made now sport the label
“Designed in USA, Made in China”
____________5. Along with privatization is the practice of minimal government involvement.


Name: _______________________________________________ Score: __________________
Year & Section: ___________________ Day & Date Accomplished: __________________
Subject: TNCT 12 Parent/ Guardian Signature: _________________
Activity Title: Economic Globalization (Explain It !)
Learning Targets: Explain how does globalization affect our daily lives
References Title: Arzadon.R.Z., et,al. (2018)Trends,Networks, and Critical Thinking. Vibal Group Inc. G. Araneta Avenue co. Ma.
Clara Sreet, Talayan, Quezon City.
Author: Arzadon.R.Z.,et,al. (2018) Page No.: 146-151
Main Idea
Trade liberalization requires reduction or ARRANGEMENTS- Due to intense emergence of transnational goods has
total elimination of any restriction to market competition, businesses facilitated the globalization of
foreign trade. Foreign businesses can explore every possible means to production. Complex production
bring in their goods and services easily minimize the cost of labor and other processes that used to occur in one
production inputs so they can offer locality underwent fragmentation and
and with lesser tariff duties (or tax) into a
their goods and services at the most decentralization but were functionally
WTO member state. They can also
affordable prices. To achieve this integrated into vast global chains of
partially own, set up, and operate their goal, businesses came up with the idea production and distribution (Robinson
businesses in the country. of a flexible and contractual labor. 2010).

GLOBAL CITIES-Managing the global

network of production and distribution
also involves forming teams of managers, KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION SOCIETY-The primacy of knowledge
specialists, and technicians in certain and information and the sudden growth of many metropolitan regions are explained
strategic places in the globe who will through the globalization theory of Manuel Castells (1996). The emergence of
participate in the global production and "the network society" has two features. One is the development of new
distribution of goods and services. These information technology (IT), particularly, computers and the Internet, representing a
strategic places are described as new technological paradigm. The other is how technology would retool capitalism
knowledge sites and the nodes or "nodal into "information capitalism." This new economy is information and knowledge-
landing places” of the global network. based, organized at global scale, and networked, meaning that productivity is
dependent on global networks of interaction (Castells 1992 as quoted in Ritzer

Imported goods will be sold in the local market and compete ARRANGEMENTS
with locally made products. At the same time, raw materials In the past, workers of private corporations were assured of
produced by the country, as well as its services, can also be lifetime work or what was called security of tenure. Today
sold to other countries. companies would divide the tasks into projects and hire
workers based on the length of a certain project.


of global market, the general manager establishes the hub of GLOBAL CITIES-Economies of scale are created in these
operation in his home country then sets up satellite offices and places. They should have a "multidimensional infrastructure of
production sites in many places around the world. Through connectivity: on air, land, and sea multimodal transportation;
the years, mechanization and specialization have been and the on telecommunication networks; on computer networks, on
sources of cheap and high-quality raw materials, labor, advanced information systems; and on the whole infrastructure
machine, and other input have made the production process of ancillary services (from accounting and security to hotels
more complex as it now requires crossing national borders. and entertainment) required for the functioning of the node"
(Castells 2011).

Directions: Write a short essay about “how does Human advances in the development of computers,
globalization affect our daily lives?” Use Long Bond Paper communications system, and genetic decoding and
to answer this activity. programming have made it possible that such materials and
systems are made to be the extension of the human mind.
Criteria Points
Content 4
Creativity 3
Neatness 3
Total Points 10
Name: _______________________________________________ Score: __________________
Year & Section: ___________________ Day & Date Accomplished: __________________
Subject: TNCT 12 Parent/ Guardian Signature: _________________
Activity Title: Globalization and its Ideological Claims (Neoliberalism Web)
Learning Targets: Define the meaning of Neoliberalism
References Title: Arzadon.R.Z., et,al. (2018)Trends,Networks, and Critical Thinking. Vibal Group Inc. G. Araneta Avenue co. Ma.
Clara Sreet, Talayan, Quezon City.
Author: Arzadon.R.Z.,et,al. (2018) Page No.: 146-151
Main Idea

The changes brought by globalization at the global scale are influenced by certain ideologies. These are widely
shared ideas, values and beliefs that are accepted as truth. They explain and organize the complexities of the world into
fairly simple, but frequently distorted, images and slogans to provide direction for social and political endeavors.



 The ideology of neoliberalism underpins globalization

 Right and freedom of private entities to conduct their affairs and be protected not only by oppression but from any
form of intervention.
 Promotes individualism
 Goods should be differentiated and customized to make it more marketable to each consumers preference
 Individualism may lead to isolation when taken to extreme
 It also discourages cooperation and collective action

Directions: Define the term “Neoliberalism” as you understand it. Use the concept web below to show your answer.


Name: _______________________________________________ Score: __________________
Year & Section: ___________________ Day & Date Accomplished: __________________
Subject: TNCT 12 Parent/ Guardian Signature: _________________
Activity Title: Winners and Losers of Globalization (True or false)
Learning Targets: Evaluate how globalization affects the lives of people
References Title: Arzadon.R.Z., et,al. (2018)Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking. Vibal Group Inc. G. Araneta
Avenue co. Ma. Clara Sreet, Talayan, Quezon City.
Author: Arzadon.R.Z.,et,al. (2018) Page No.: 146-151
Main Idea
Advocates of globalization identify the impact of technological revolution on why globalization is important.
Technologies such as radios, TV’s, phones and the internet have become widely available, enabling people, families and
communities across the globe to connect each other in real time and at more affordable prices.

An overseas call from the Philippines to Middle east in early 2000s cost two dollars per minute but this amount
eventually became lower in the subsequent years. The cost of travel has also dropped by about 50 percent since 1978. The
emergence of low-cost carriers that provide special price offer such as “Piso flights” made the transition possible.

However, not all participants in the global free trade end up as winners. There are countries that are expelled from
the global networks and have sunk in serious debt crisis and depletion of human and natural resources. One major
criticism hurled against globalization is how it has made the rich richer and the poor poorer. In the other words,
globalization has worsened inequality. According to a study conducted by a global financial service company credit
Suisse, half of world’s wealth is now in the hands of one percent of the world’s population. The wealthiest are found most
in US, while those in China and in the United Kingdom are at a distant second and third, respectively. More than half (52)
of the 100 top global brands are US based companies (the top 3 are Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Facebook).

Activity/ Exercises

Directions: Read and Analyze the statement/s below, write TRUE if the statement/s corresponds to the globalization and
FALSE if not. Put your answer inside the box.

Statements TRUE/FAL
1. Globalization is indeed a hotly issue.
2. Globalization is also blamed for the destruction of the environment.
3. Globalization is a phenomenon that has caused dramatic changes in the way
people think, live and relate with each other.
4. Globalization advocates (sometimes called globophilia) trumpet prosperity, greater
mobility, connectivity, and the growth of the science and technology.
5. The anti-globalization individuals (globophobia) are concerned about the
unfettered capital accumulation, economic and cultural domination, inequality,
foreclosures, destruction of the environment, and fragmentation of families and
6. The dramatic increase of prices of some goods and services happened due to the
privatization and end of business monopolies.
7. Low income countries like the Philippines remain to be a supplier of raw materials,
resulting in the depletion of its forest reserves and other natural resources.
8. Global warming is linked to the emission of green house gasses coming from
factories, transportation, power plants, and waste processing facilities.
9. The link between global warming and climate change has been hotly contested.
10. A continuation of western imperialism.

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