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PPG Week J WEEK 7 OCT 7-10

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LESSON Teacher April Shayne Flores Learning Area Philippine Politics and Governance
LOG Teaching Week Week 7 Quarter 2ND


M-TH 10:10AM- 11:00 AM

Date October 7, 2019 October 8, 2019 October 9, 2019 October 9, 2019

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Objectives must be met over a week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities. May be done for developing content knowledge and
competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum

The learners demonstrate an understanding of....

A. Content Standards The historical background of Philippine democratic politics, the executive, the legislative, the judiciary, and decentralization and local governance

The learners shall be able to...

B. Performance Standards Explain the roles of different political institutions

C. Learning The learners are expected to: The learners shall be able to...
Competencies/Objectives 1. Identify the different levels of the Philippine Local Government 2. Explain the roles and functions of Local Government Unit
Write the LC code for each
HUMSS_PG12-IIa-b-1 HUMSS_PG12-IIa-b-2
II. CONTENT Decentralization and Local Governance


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages  Textbook on the Philippine Constitution, Hector S. De Leon
Pages 458-481
 Philippine Politics and Governance, R.A. Pawilen
Pages 68-72
 Philippine History and Constitution, Ronald Corpuz
Pages 355-360
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources  https://www.slideshare.net/jobitonio/role-of-local-government-9022661
 https://www.slideshare.net/jobitonio/ph-local-government-system
A. Reviewing previous lesson 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
or presenting the new Pick-Tell Jumbled Words Fact or Bluff Picture Prompt Show students an image
lesson Students will pick a picture and will Rearranged the words to find the correct Different levels of the Government. of Roles of the Local Government Unit
infer meaning behind the pictures. answers to the questions. with no explanation and the students
1. Supreme court will be asked to explain it.
2. Maria Lourdes Sereno
3. Sandiganbayan
B. Establishing a purpose for 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
the lesson
Activity: Activity: Activity: Activity:
Identify Me Name the Leader Name That Word Brainstorming (Group Experts).
Show students an image with no Students will answer the following: The teacher will tell the students to identify Learners will be grouped into 5. Give
explanation, and ask them to 1.Your Barangay Chairman the terms that will be given to them. each group different topics. (Planning
identify/explain it. 2.Mayor of your town/city  health services and Monitoring, Service Delivery,
1. Senate 3.Vice Mayor of your town/city  environmental management Lawmaking and enforcement, policy
2. Capitol 4.Governor of your town  agriculture development, and representation).
3. Municipal Hall 5.Your District Representative  infrastructure
4. Malacañang Palace  tourism
5. Supreme Court
6. Barangay Hall
7. House of Representatives
C. Presenting 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes
examples/instances of the
new lesson Activity: Concept Mapping Activity: Relate It Group Activity Group Discussion
Students write keywords about Write a word or a phrase that relates to The students will be grouped into 5. They will Each group will discuss something about
National government and Local City, Municipality, Province, Barangay. explain the word assigned to them. the topic assigned to them.
government and then draw
connections they make between
National Local
Government Government


D. Discussing new concepts 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes

and practicing new skills #1
Ask: Ask: Ask: Ask:
1. Can the National Government 1. What are the commonalities of city, Among the LGU’s which do you think plays a What do you think is the most
transfer its power and authority to municipality, province and barangay? very important role in the community? In what important function of the Local
the Local government? How? 2. How are city, municipality, province and manner? Government Unit in our country?
2. What are the functions or barangay interrelated with one another?
powers of Local government unit?
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (leads 20 minutes 20 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes
to Formative Assessment 3)
Discuss the following: Discuss the following: Talk and Tell Group Activity
1. Decentralization and Local 1. Different levels of the Philippine Local Procedure : Form a group of 8 members. Each
Governance Government 1. Learners will be grouped into 6 member must identify at least 3 best
a. Local Autonomy a. Province 2. The teacher will utter an important term practices in their barangay and discuss
b. Forms of Decentralization b. City and Municipality and then the learner will create questions that them with their group.
2. Aims of Local Government c. Barangay correspond to the given term.
( Terms to be used in the said activity:
1. Barangay
2. City/ Municipality
3. Province
G. Finding practical 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living How does your Local government Is your barangay relevant to you as a Among the roles of the Local Government What your municipality or city or
help your community? student? Explain your answer by citing Unit, what do you think is the most important province actually do for the people.
personal experience in your respective to you as a student?
H. Making generalizations and 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
abstractions about the
lesson Lesson Summary Summary Diagram What are the roles of the Local Government What are the functions of the Local
Students to complete the following In this activity, the learners will summarize Unit? The roles of the Local Government Government Unit?
statement that would summarize the main idea of each levels of the Unit are the following: 1.Approve ordinances and pass
the lesson. Philippine Local Government. 1.Health and Social Services. resolutions necessary for the efficient
1. The lesson was about … 2.Environmental Management local administration.
Levels of Philippine Local
 Local governance and Government 3.Agriculture 2.Generate and optimize the use of
decentralization 4.Infrastructure resources and revenues for the
2. One key idea was … Baranga City/ Province 5.Tourism development plans and programs.
 Local government unit is a y Municip - 3.Grants franchise, approve the
-sub ality interme-
political subdivision of a nation municip -basic diate issuances of permits or licenses or
or state. al unit units of unit enact ordinances and levy taxes.
-provide the local -provide
 Local governance means face to governm supervisi
4.Approve ordinances which shall
management of political, face ent on to ensure the efficient and effective
interacti -deliver the delivery of basic services and facilities.
economic, and administrative on services municip
affairs of the state. for the ality/
 Local autonomy which refers to people
who live

self-governing. together
 Decentralization is the transfer
of power and authority from
central institution to lower or
local levels of government
I. Evaluating learning Ask: Ask: True or False (5items) Recitation:
1. What are the aims of Local What are the different levels of the 1.LGU are authorized by law to impose certain Give one function of the LGU and cite an
Government? Philippine Local Government? taxes to support their activities. (TRUE) example of that function that you
2.LGU are not authorized to managed and observed in your municipality.
control of communal forest. (FALSE)
3.LGU are authorized to maintain and
rehabilitate roads and bridges. (TRUE)
4.Enforcement of fishery laws in municipal
waters including the conservation of
mangroves is one of the roles of the LGU’s.
Local. (TRUE)
5.Government officials does not make political
decisions. (FALSE)
 Honesty  Trustworthiness  Solidarity  engage in the service of Society
V. VALUES  Responsibility

Prepared by: Checked: Noted:

Subject Teacher Coordinator Principal, Junior & Senior High School

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