200 Basic Electronic Terms Final
200 Basic Electronic Terms Final
200 Basic Electronic Terms Final
188. Voltage - (V) Term used to designate electrical pressure or force that causes current to
189. Voltage rating - Maximum voltage a component can withstand without breaking down.
190. Voltage source - Circuit or device that supplies voltage to a load.
191. Voltaic cell - Primary cell having two unlike electrodes immersed in a solution that
chemically interacts to produce a voltage.
192. Voltmeter - Instrument used to measure difference in potential between two points.
193. Watt - Unit of electrical power required to do work at the rate of one joule per second.
One watt of power is expended when one ampere of direct current flows through a resistance of
one ohm. In an AC circuit, true power is the product of effective volts and effective amperes,
multiplied by the power factor.
194. Wavelength - (l) Distance between two points of corresponding phase and is equal to
waveform velocity divided by frequency.
195. Winding - One or more turns of a conductor wound in the form of a coil.
196. Wire - Single solid or stranded group of conductors having a low resistance to current
flow. Used to make connections between circuits or points in a circuit.
197. Wire gauge - American wire gauge (AWG) is a system of numerical designations of wire
198. Wireless - Term describing radio communication that requires no wires between two
communicating points.
199. Work - Work is done any time energy is transformed from one type to another. The
amount of work done is dependent on the amount of energy transformed.
200. Zener Diode - Semiconductor diodes in which reverse breakdown voltage current causes
the diode to develop a constant voltage. Used as a clamp for voltage regulation.