Handbook of Dragonflies and Damselflies
Handbook of Dragonflies and Damselflies
Handbook of Dragonflies and Damselflies
Department of Zoology, Royal University of Bhutan, Sherubtse College, Kanglung, Bhutan
Zoological Survey of India. M-Block. New Alipore, Kolkata 700 053
ISBN 978-=81-8171-220-2
Indian Rs. 350.00
Foreign : $ 25; £ 20
Published at the Publication Division by the Director Zoological Survey of India, 2341
4, Ale Bose Road, 2nd MSO Building, 13th floor, Nizam Palace, Kolkata 700020 and
printed at Mis Shiva Offset Press, Dehradun - 248 001 (Uttarakhand).
We are grateful to Dr. Ramakrishna, Director, Zoological survey of India for his
kind permission for the present project and for providing all possible facilities.
Shri Rati Ram Verma, Production and Publication Officer and his staff deserves
our sincere thanks for their whole hearted cooperation and technical support in the
publication of this handbook.
We are indebted to Mr. Keith Wilson of Hong Kong for the photograph of
Macrodiplax cora, Mr. Oleg Kosterin for Pseudagrion australasiae, Mr. Michael Wolf,
Technical Consultant, Cypher International Ltd, Rm. 2901, Saxon Tower, Hong Kong
for lschnura senegalensis, Mr. Phil Benstead Ornithological and Editorial services, The
Old Stables, Church Street, Reepham, Norwich NR 10 4JW for Bradinopyga
geminata and Mr. Yong San of Singapore for the photograph of Lathrecista a. asiatica.
Special thanks are due to the scientists and staff of Odonata section for their
untiring support during the study period.
Amit Mitra
Bulganin Mitra
Acknolvledgements ................................................................................................................. iii
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1
GENERAL MORPHOLOGY .................................................................................................. 4
HABIT, HABITAT AND BEHAVIOURAL PATTERNS ...................................................... 9
ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE ............................................................................................... 12
SYSTEMATIC LIST ............................................................................................................ 12
FIELD IDENTIFICATION .................................................................................................. 15
CLOSED WING POND DAMSELFLIES ......................................................................... 15
Superfamily COENAGRIONOIDEA ................................................................................ 15
Family COENAGRIONIDAE ............................................................................................ 15
Subfalnily PSEUDAGRIONINAE ..................................................................................... 15
Genus Ceriagriol' ........................................................................................................... 15
1. Ceriagrion cerinorubellum (Brauer, 1865) ...................................................... 16
2. Ceriagrion coromandelianum (Fabricius, 1798) ............................................. 17
Genus Pseudagrion ........................................................................................................ 18
3. Pseudagrion australasiae Selys, 1876 .............................................................. 18
4. Pseudagrion decorum (Rambur, 1842) ............................................................. 19
Subfamily COENAGRIONINAE ....................................................................................... 20
Genus Cercion ................................................................................................................ 20
5. Cercion malayanum (Selys, 1876) .................................................................... 20
Subfamily ISCHNURINAE ................................................................................................ 21
Genus /schllura ............................................................................................................... 21
6. Ischnura senegalensis (Rambur, 1842) .................................................................. 22
7. Ischnura aurora aurora (Brauer, 1865) ................................................................. 23
Subfamily AGRIOCNEMIDINAE ..................................................................................... 24
Genus Agriocllell1is ........................................................................................................ 24
8. Agriocllelnis pyglnaea (Rambur, 1842) .................................................................. 24
Dragonflies along with Mayflies represent the most ancient flying insects. Their
ancestors first appeared in the Carboniferous period and forms similar to modern
genera can be found in deposits of the subsequent Permian period (Campbell and
O'Toole, 1987). One of the basic factors leading to such prolonged survival is the
after emergence dispersal and other is the extreme efficiency of the basic body
design, a design that has proved capable of adapting to the many fundamental changes
that have occurred on earth during the past 300 million years (Silsby, 2001).
The Dragon and Damsel flies belong to the insect order Odonata and is divided into
three suborders: Anisoptera - the dragonflies; Zygoptera - the weakly flying, slender,
damselflies; and Anisozygoptera - a combination of both and represented by only two
species under a single genus all over the world. However, the present day
Odonatologists sometime use the word 'dragonfly' to represent all the three
Sunderban biosphere reserve, the largest contiguous mangrove area in the world,
is one of these thriving grounds of odonata and is situated in the world's' largest Delta
formed by the rivers Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna at 21 0 30' to 22 0 15' N latitude
and 88 0 10' to 89 0 10 'E longitude. This tropical humid mangrove habitat covers nearly
10,000 sq.km, of which 40% lies in West Bengal, India and within the scope for the
present book and the rest remains in Bangladesh.
One third of the Sunderban is water logged, and the face of this forest is in
perpetual flux. At high tides the jungle is afloat and when the water recedes, the
forest unveils its myriad facets of precious biosphere. It houses an amazing aqua-
terrestrial ecosystem where land and water both play an equal role. The predominance
of 'Sundari' tree (Heritiera fomes) is the origin for naming the forest as Sunderban,
which represents the largest mangal diversity in the world with 81 mangal plant
species. It also provides ideal habitat for 35 species of mammals including the
threatened Royal Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris); a long array of reptile species
including the Estuarine Crocodile; 260 different species of birds; few amphibians and
2 Zool. Surv. India
extremely large nUlnber of fishes. The entire Eastern India and Bangladesh is
dependent on the fishery resources from Sunderban. The core area of the Sunderban
National Park has also been designated as a World Heritage Site.
The mangrove forest ecosystems like other wetlands are of Inajor ecological and
economic importance. They act as a cleansing system, recycling nutrients and organic
matter brought down by rivers and streams. They provide feeding and breeding
grounds for many fish and crustaceans. They are a feeding, breeding and roosting
habitat for a number of important bird species. They stabilize the land and help to
prevent coastal erosion. They provide fodder for domestic animals and are sources
of firewood.
Quite a lot of work has already been done on the entomofauna of different
mangrove ecosystem. According to Kathiresan & Binghaln (2001), the insects
constitute a significant portion of the fauna in many mangrove communities. They
Inay be permanent residents of the mangal or only transient visitors. In either case,
they often play important roles in the ecology of the system and contribute to the
unique character of these habitats. Surveys of mangrove insects are revealing complex
assemblages of species filling a wide variety of niches. For example, Veenakulnari et
a I. (1997) found 276 insect species in the mangals of Andalnan and N icobar Islands
of India; 197 of these were herbivores, 43 were parasites and 36 were predators. A
recent study (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mangrove_Swallow) have reported the
Mangrove Swallow, Tachycineta albilinea, a passerine bird that breeds in coastal
regions from Mexico through Central America to Panama to thrive primarily on the
Dragonflies. Other study (http://fmel.ifas.ufl.edu/whitep/chll.htm) have reflected the
efficient use of Dragonfly larvae as the bio-control agents for the Inosquitoes breeding
in salt marshes along Florida's coast that were the major source of human complaints.
So far no consolidated research work have been conducted on the insect fauna of
Sunderban with the contribution by the scientists of Zoological Survey of India,
provides an opportunity for the field unknown and students to know the ilnportance
of the beautiful dragonflies in the conservation area like Sunderban Inangrove
Eight super families, 29 families and some 58 sub-families of these elegant insects
for approximately 600 genera and 6000 named species have so far been described all
over the world (Silsby, 2001). However, as far as Indian subcontinent is concerned,
Prasad & Varshney (1995) have listed 499 species and subspecies of these diurnal
fliers under 139 genera, 17 families, seven superfamilies and 3 suborders. The present
hand book deals with 2-6 species and subspecies under 23 genera, 3 families, 3
superfalnilies and 2 suborders.
The present specimensltnaterials have been collected by A.K. Hazra & party, 1983,
1990-2005; A.K. Mondal & party, 1984; A.K. Sanyal & party, 1992-94; Mitra & party,
1992 from different areas and islands of Sunderban.
C . lopterygoidea
(8 oad Wings)
S border
Zygoptera (Damselflies)
-----t -----""!"'.-----
(Closed Wings)
Head Region : The head contains one pair of maxillae, a bypopharynx, a labium,
one pair 'Of mandibles" a labrulll,. a fronto-'clypeal area, the vertex region, a pair of
large compound eyes comparatively smaller in Zygopter,a, ,8 pair of small
inconspicuous antennae, three ocelli and the OCCIPUt. Each maxilla carries a lobe like
unsegmented palp ,and a dentate m,a a. The prementum of the labium is exp,anded by
the development 'o f side pi,eces or squama,e and each squam,a supports the latera lobe
of its side. Each lobe tenninates in an end-hook followed bya movable hook. The
mandibles are stout with v,ery powerful teeth (Imm.s" 197.3). The fronto·,clypeal area
is divided into an upper frons and lower clypeus by the epistornal suture. In
Anisoptera, the clypeus is again subdivided into an upper postclypeus and a low'er
anteclypeus. 'O'cciput, vertex ,and frons ar'e three distinct s'c lerites in case of
M'ITRA AND MITRA : Pictorial H.alldbook ,o tl the common Dragon ,and Damselflies 5
Anisoptcra where as in Zygoptera tbe sutures of the cranium between these regions
are less distinct or ,a bs,e nt (lmms, 1973). In Zygoptera, the compound eyes are widely
sep,a ratcd and the vert'ex region is quite well established while in Anis'o ptera, the
compound eyes are broadly confluent on the vertex region. The thre,e oc,e lli situated
between and in front of the compound eyes or sOlnetim'es grouped round :a sm:all
,eminence known as vesicle (Fraser, 1933). 'Two post ocular ,coloured spo ts are onen
visible in the Zygopt'era. The exc'e ptionaHy mobile bead is alt.a,ehcd toO a narrow,ed
mcnlbranous regIon or cervix which is supported on eith,e r side by four cervical
s'c lcritc$.
The Thorax : The thorax is divided into ,a greatly reduced prothorax and a fused
meso ,a ndmetathor,ax ,c ollectively called pterothorax or synthorax (Fraser, 1933). The
prothor,ax possess'e s three distinct lobes. The Prosternum is greatly reduced and the
proepimeron and proepisternum of the pleura 1 gives origin to the coxa I foHowed
by the pair of prothoracic legs. The synthorax posses last two pairs of thoracic legs
and two p,a irs of wings. The mesepisterna extends dorsally to meet in front of the
tnesotergum ,a nd form the dorsal carina; by this me,a ns the terga are pushed
ba,e kwards and lie betwe,en the wing b.ases. On the other hand, the metepimeron
extends downward and b.ackward to fuse v,e ntrally behind the metasternum; by this
m,e ans the sterna are pushed forwards ,a long with tbe legs whi'c h lie close behind the
mouth to hold the pf,ey.
The legs are mainly used for clinging and catching the prey. They are long and
slender consisting of a short ,a nd robus t coxae; two segmented trochanters, long
6 Zoo I. Slirv. India
spined femor.a, ,spined tlbia,e (sometim·es keeled) and thre·e segmented tarsi. The
terminal tarsal segment bears a pair of claws which sometime possess hooks.
The wings during rest remain folded in Zygoptera whereas in Anisoptera they
remains open. They have a great taxonomic value in respect of their modified
v,enation .•
Five main veins that originate from the base of the wings ,a r,e Costa, Subcosta (Sc),
a eu,s ed Radius and Median (R + M), Cubitus and the single ,a nal vein (IA). Numerous
,c ross veins divides the wing into s,ever-al ,cells,. The costa runs along the anterior
margin of the wing,. The ,s ubcosta ends at the thickened cross-vein that constitutes
the node ,at about middle of (hewing. 'T he R+M after ,a short run divides into ,R ) (first
radius) ,a nd a backw,a rdly bent stalk of Rs+M which together with the cross-vein
behind it, forms arculas (arc). 'T ow,a rds tbe apex .of the wing, a thi'c kening .of wing
membr.ane be,t ween costa and Rl forms the pterostigma.Near the b.ase of the wing,
just beneath ,arc (little distal to or at), there is a conspicuous discoidal cell. It is
quadrilateral in Zyg.opt'er,a wher,eas in Anisoptera, it is divided by ,a ,c ross .. vein into the
triangle and the supr,8'trian,gle or hypertriangle-both of which may be again subdivided
by thin cross .. veins. The space between the arc and the wing base margined by R +
M and eu is known as medi.an space. Just behind it the space between Dis'c oidal e,e ll
and the wing bas,e is known ,as cubital space. Rs is divided into three branches
betw,e en which intercalary v'e ins mayoc,cur. Media is represented by anterior media
(MA) and the cubi,t us only by its posterior branch (Cu2). The space between MAand
Cu2, starting ,a ft'e r discoidal cell, runs to the hind margin 'Of wing is known as
discoidal field. The anal vein (IA) arises independ,e ntly and runs almost parallel to Cu2
(Fraser, 1933). The basal cross vein betwe,en fA ,and Cu2 is known as anal crossing
The Abdomen : It comprises t,e n e,o mplete s'e gments, parts of II th segmen,t ,a nd
the teJson. A pair of superio.r ,a nal appendages is pr,e sent just 'behind the tenth
abdominal segm,e nt and are well developed in males but reduced or vestigial in
females,. The 11 ch segment possesses an epiproct (tergit'e) and two paraprocts (dIvided
sternite). The epiproct is produ'c ed into the median inferior anal appendag'es in
Anisoptera males but othe wise
rudimentary. The paraprocts form
the paired inferi,or anal append,a ges
of male Zygoptera but are ,a bsent
or vestigial in Anisopter,a (Imms.,
'(973). The t,e lson is represented
by ,a m,edian dors,al lamina supra~
,a nalis and paired latero-ventral
lamina infra-analis surrounding the
anus .
true genital apertur'e opens on the 9 tb s'e g'm ent from which sperm transfer to the
secondary copula,tory organ occurs beforematin,g ,.
In aU the Zygop1tera and some .of the Anisopter,a (Aeshnidae, Neopetaliidae and
Petaluridae), the female copulatory organ
consists of a robust ovipositor ,o n the under
surface of s'e gm'e nt 9, enclos'e d by a pair ,o f
vulvar scales or plates furnished with styles.
They oviposit endophytically inserting their
long and cylindrical eggs in;to the holes m,a de
by long ovipo.sitor on the emergent stems of
the aquatic vegetation either little ,a bove or
under-water. While, ovipositors are
rudimentary in otbe'r members of the order
and they oviposit exophytic,aUy i ,e. , they
simply dips their abdomen ,a nd lay their broad
and ellipti,c al ,e ggs on open water surfaces.
,R arely do they ,a lso deposit their eggs into
mud at the ,e dge -of aquatic body.
F·g. ,6 . Endophytic oviposition in
Isch1.lura .a . .aurora
High degre,e of comp,a tibility betw,e en male and female genitalia, and tbe extreme
variation of the male secondary copulatory organ on the other hand reduces the
chance of interspecies copulation. This reproductive isolation is responsible for the
propagation and survival of the fittest species.
The 'O donata larvae ;a re opportunistic hunters ,a nd
are of two different types. In Anisopteran larvae, the
,a bdom,e n terminates in five spine-like appendages -
one median dorsal epiproct (EP), a p,a ir of ventro-
later.alp:arapr-oct's (PR) and .a small pair of dorso-
lateral c,e rci (C). The larvae ar'e short,e r ,a nd stoutly
built in ,c omparison to Zygopter.a. In case of the later,
the ,a bdom,e n terminates in three ,c audal lamella'e which
act as gills for aquatic r,e spiration.
(Butler, 1904). The terminology adopted in the present work for larval mouthparts is
that of Corbet (1953).
The three thoracic segments are well differentiated and of nearly equal size. The
legs are similar to those of adults. Distal end of the tibiae and tarsi are beset with a
number of setae of different shape. Terminology adopted in the present work for
larval legs is that of Mac Neill (1967).
In suborder Anisoptera, the abdomen is generally triangular in out line, with one
median-dorsal and two lateral ridges, the ventral side being normally flattened. The
hook-like or spine-like projections on the mid-dorsal aspect in Anisoptera are called
mid-dorsal spines and those on the lateral sides are called lateral spines. The abdomen
may be cylindrical (as in most Zygoptera) or flat (As in Gomphids).
The sex can be distinguished even in some early larval instars. In Zygoptera the
male gonapophyses are relatively small consisting of two triangular processes on the
ventral surface of the 9th abdominal segment, while the female gonapophyses are
conspicuous and extend ventrally on the 9th and 10th segment. In the case of
Anisoptera, the female larvae of the family Cordulegasteridae and Aeshnidae have
conspicuous gonapophyses more or less similar to that of the Zygoptera, where as
in the family Libellulidae, the male larvae possess a male projection situated dorsally
at the base of the epiproct.
Different types of behavioural patterns have been observed in the life cycle of
Odonates. The adult life is dominated by two main behaviour, i.e., feeding and
reproduction. The total life span is well Inarked into two periods, viz., pre-
reproductive and reproductive.
It does not mean that in the reproductive period, the dragonfly remains on fast.
But together with the feeding behaviour the most spectacular phenomenon of this
period are the different types of reproductive behaviour, which comprise territoriality,
pre-copulatory tandem formation, copulatory wheel formation, post copulatory flight
(mostly in Zygoptera) and oviposition.
Males of odonates, mostly, are strong territorial insects. Generally the male arrive
the rendezvous well before the females and perch on SOlne twigs or on stones near
the aquatic body and protect a well defined territory around. The radius of the
10 Zool. Sr,l rv. India
territory g,enerally depends on the eye size of the particular species. Upon
encroachment within ,their territory bya 'conspecific male ,the resident males display
aggressive wing. . flapping or abdom'en raising. Often it ,ends up with a long chase or
physical fight. If the intruder is a larger species, the resident l,eaves the perch and
waits until the intruder leave the territory. Otberwis,e they sear,ch out ,a new perch.
The smaller trespasser gets a fatal prose,cution. Only theconspe,cific fem,ales are
welcome within the territory and the resident male leaves the perch ,and quickly tries
to make a tandem link (Pre-copulatory tandem). 'The cbase continues until the male
,catch hold of the female's prothorax with his anal append,ag,es or before the female
manages to flyaway. Orf ,course hawkers are not quite making their territory rather
ke,eps on hovering across the wetland in search of their food and mate.
After the form,ation of
precopulatory tande'm,
quickly the intram,ale
sperm translocation occurs
as has been discussed
earlier. After this, the
spectacular copulatory
wheel (s,e,e cover page) is
form,ed when the female
curls her abdomen to get
the vulv,ar region fixed
wi th the ps'eudopenis
under the second
abdominal segment of the males. Interestingly,
in odonates, the male intromittent organ after
penetration, scoops out the older stock ,o f
sperms from the spermatheca and injects the
new stock, thus, avoiding t.he mixing of
fertilized ova by the spenns of dtfferent males,
ensuring a cte,an progeny from a single male.
'This well documented 'Sperm Competition'
m,ay 'well be another cause for their survival ab
before separation and then the male guarding happens as usuaL In other cases, the
tandem slays until the female totally submerges under water, while ovipositing. The
males then perch near the place and keep a close vigil over the spot. During this
period the female is vulnerable to the attack of insectivorous fishes, ,a quatic birds,
amphibians and some reptHes. If the female manages to come out of watler, tbe male
again chases her to bind in tandem link. Mostly the femal'e s flyaway ,a midst the
nearby bushes to take rest aner the tiresome 'e xercise. The oviposition is either
exophytic or endophytic as has been discussed earlier..
The dragonfly larvae on the other hand show the crucial emergence beh.aviour,
whi'cb is actually the transitional phase betw'een aquatic ,a nd aerial life. The full fed
last instaTs crawl out of the water climbing on some aquatic plants, parti.ally emerg'ed
stones or the nearby vegetation. This is another vulnerable period for the dragonflies.
This time they are voraciously eaten up by lizards, alnphibians and insectivorous
wetland buds.
Fig 11. Emergence of Neurothemis fulvia 'n Fi,g 10. In-tande m oviposition
12 Zool. Slirv. India
prefer sunny weather. Other species are crepuscular and only active in twilight and
spend the day hiding amidst the vegetation. There are even species that are most
active during rain. Dragonflies show a seasonal pattern and in order to get a good
impression of the dragonfly fauna of an area it is necessary to visit a broad range of
habitats during different times of the day and different periods in the year.
• Dragonflies are really the deadly dragons for different flies like Mayflies,
Stoneflies, Aphids, Termites, noxious Dipterans like mosquito, some Lepidoptera,
including some pests and even for small Hymenopterans. They are often being
incorporated in biological control programmes as they consume large number of
harmful insects of crops, orchards and forests.
• Their larvae act as a natural bio-control agent for the mosquito larvae and thus
control several epidemic diseases like malaria, dengue, filaria, etc.
• Dragonfly larvae are ecologically significant being present at the apex of the
invertebrate food chain in a freshwater ecosystem. On the other hand they
themselves form an important food source for the insectivorous freshwater
fishes and waterfowls. Thus they have regulatory impact in the management of
the aquatic ecosystem.
Superfamily COENAGRIONOIDEA (Closed wings)
Family COENAGRIONIDAE (Pond damselflies)
Genus Ceriagrion Selys, 1876
1. Ceriagrion cerinorubellum (Brauer, 1865)
2. C. coromandelianum (Fabricius, 1798)
Genus Pseudagrion Selys, 1876
3. Pseudagrion australasiae Selys, 1876
MITRA AND MITRA : Pictorial Handbook Oil the common Dragon and Damselflies 13
Genus Acisoma Rambur, 1842
14. Aeisoma panorpoides panorpoides Rambur, 1842
Genus Brachythemis Brauer, 1868
15. Braehythemis eontaminata (Fabricius, 1793)
Genus Bradinopyga Kirby, 1893
16. Bradinopyga geminata (Rambur, 1842)
Genus Crocothelnis Brauer, 1868
17. Croeothemis servilia servilia (Drury, 1770)
Genus Diplacodes Kirby, 1889
18. Diplaeodes trivialis (Rambur, 1842)
Genus Neurothemis Brauer, 1867
19. Neurothemis tullia tullia (Drury, 1773)
Genus Trithemis Brauer, 1868
20. Trithemis pallidinervis (Kirby, 1889)
Genus Rhyothemis Hagen, 1867
21. Rhyothemis variegata variegata (Linnaeus, 1763)
Genus Pantala Hagen, 1861
22. Pantala flaveseens (Fabricius, 1798)
Genus Tramea Hagen, 1861
23. Tramea virginia (Rambur, 1842)
Genus Tholymis Hagen, 1861
24. Tholymis tillarga (Fabricius, 1798)
Genus Macrodiplax Brauer, 1868
25. Maerodiplax eora (Brauer, 1867)
Genus Urothemis Brauer, 1868
26. Urothemis signata signata (Rambur, 1842)
Note: All the scientific and common names of the different taxa are as per Fraser (1933, 34, 36),
Prasad and Varshney (1995), Silsby (2001) and Mitra (2006).
MITRA AND MITRA : Pictorial Handbook on the common Dragon and Damselflies 15
• The discoidal cell is sharply pointed and vein IRiii is at, while vein Riv is very
near to, the subnodus.
• The arculus and distal antenodal nervure lie about Inidway between the base of
the wing and the nodus (not unusual also in other subfamilies but here always
the case).
Field diagnosis : M,ale : Head : Frons above and vertex dark reddish-brown;
Occiput bright ochreous changing to brick red in old specimens. Eyes dark olivaceous
above changing to bluish-green in old adults, paler below.
Thorax : Pro- and ptero-thorax gr,een, changing to blue on the sides, yellow
Abdomen : This slender ,c lose-winged damselfly can easily be separat d from the
other spe,c ies of the genus by brick red abdomen at base and anal ends. Remaining
segm'e nts in between are black on dorsum.
Female : Quite similar to the males in colouration only except the dorsum of
thorax is suffused with golden brown and anal segments .of abdomen are dull
H ,a bits and Habitat preference : Adults ,a re common in the agricultural fields and
in the marshy areas near ponds, ditches and irrigation channels. These weakly flying
insects are quite cryptic in finding their perching ground. In tandem oviposition takes
place endophytically among the floating algae and other subtnerged vegetation,.
Distribution : Found in Bangladesh, 'C hina, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Myanlnar,
Malaysia, Philippines, Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand and Viet Nam.
M'ITRA AND MITRA : Piclorilli flcmdbook Qlllhe common Dr«gon and Dams,e lflies 17
Field diag.no:sis ! M,a le : Head : Frons bright citron y,eUow; vertex oliv,aceous;
occiput ochr,e ous. Eyesolivaceous above, pale greenish yellow below.
Thorax : Pro· and ptero- thorax uniformly olive green, laterally greenish-yellow.
L1egs pale yellow with short black spine.
Wings : Hyaline. Pt'erostigma golden yellow" framed in brown nervure, covenng
,one ,celL
Abdo,men : 'Uniform bright citron .. yellow, without markings.
F,e male : Larger and p,ater than the m,ates. Pro . . and Pt,ero- thorax golden
,olivaceous brown., paler ,at th,e sides and beneath, here usually thinly pruinos,ed.
Abdomen uniformly olivaceous with ,an ochreous tint on dorsum.
Habits and Habitat preference : ,Occurs sympatri,eally with the above species of
the genus. Commonly available on both pennanent and tetnporarywater.. bodies. Adu lts
are weak fliers; still the males show aggressive
territoriality. The fate of the smaller species, like
.lschnuraa. aurora, entering tbe territory may
als'o be fatal. Endophytic ,oviposition OC'C UfS in
• No ridge on frons.
• Post-ocular ,c oloured spots present.
• Pterostigmain fore .. and hind- wings of same size; longer than broad.
Thorax ': Pro,t horax pale blue, a black ,c rown ,e nclosing three blue spots on dorsuln
of Iniddle lobe. Pterothorax azure blue, hUlneral stripes black, a broad black band on
rnid-dorsum, laterally a small spot in the middle of mesepimeron ,a nd another at the
upper ,end of postero-Iateral suture. L'e gs pale blue, femora b lack on extensor
Wings : Hyaline. Pterostigma pale yellow, cov,e ring less than one cell.
Abdomen : Pale azure blue marked with black S,e gments 8 and 9 entirely blue
exc,e ptan apical line of black spines. The elongate vase-shaped black spot on seglnent
2, extending froln base to apex; the X mark on segment 10 and the bifid superior anal
appendages shorter than segment 10, are sufficient ,enough to distinguish the sp,e cies
in field.
MITRA AND MITRA : Pictorial Halulbook on the ,common Dl"<agon ,and Damselflies 19
Female : Quite shnilar to, but paler than the tnales. Pale blue dorsum of
pterothorax tinted with ferruginous, sides palegreen:i sh .. blue. Pterostiglna golden
yellow. Abdominal black dorsal marking on segment 2 broader than males; segment
10 blue, unmarked.
Ilabits and Habitatpreferenc,e : Territonal males are generally Cound perching on
the overhanging vegetation around freshwater as well as brackish-water wetlands.
Flight period : May-August.
Distribution : Found in Hainan, Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, India"
Myanmar and Bangladesh.
Field diagno,sis : Male : Head! Face, frons and vertex p,a le bluish green; Iarg,e
triangular azure blue postocular spots confluent by a narrow b luish-gr,e en b ridge.
Eyes pale blue above, bluish-green below.
Thorax : Prothorax pale blue. Pterothorax bluish-green on dorsum to slightly
beyond level of humeral suture; lat,e rally pale ,a zure blue,; mid dorsa l carina very finely
black, and two similar parallel bla,ck lines running close to it, one on each sid,e;
hum'e ral stripes narrow, b lack, laterally a small spot at the upper ,e nd of postero-lateral
suture. Legs bluish~white.
IPings : Hyaline. Pterostigma covering less than one c,elL
Abdonlen : Pale azure blue marked with black on dorsum. Segments :8 toO 10
entirely azure b lue ,e xcept an apical line of black spines. 'T he elongate arrow-head
black spot on seglnent 2; the light blue ground colour with Htnited thoracic bla'c k
Inarkings are sufficient enough to distinguish the species in field. Anal app'e ndagcs
20 Zool. Surv. India
Female : Display strong sexual dilnorphism. Head and prothorax Inorc greenish
than the greenish-blue of males. Pterothorax light greenish-blue, with hUlneral sutures
and dorsal black markings bordered with golden yellow. Pterostiglna pale golden
yellow. Abdomen pale blue, with a greenish tinge at base and tenninal segments.
Dorsum more or less striped black on all segments.
Habils and Habitat preference : Adults fly low over the water surfaces along
marshy water channels and side pools around. Males show strong territoriality. Upon
encroachlnent by a conspecific male, the resident male shows an aggressive flapping
of wings and raising of abdomen until the intruder left the area. Endophytic
oviposition occurs in tandeln. During oviposition, when the female is completcly
under water, the male hovers on top and display aggressive behaviour to the
conspecific males, if any.
Field diagnosis: Male: Head: Face and frons pale azure blue; vertex and occiput
black; large oval bluish-green postocular spots confluent by a narrow bluish-green
line. Eyes olivaceous, paler below.
MITRA AN D MITRA : Pictorial Handbook on the common Dragon and Damsel flies 21
Thorax : Pro thorax black marked with azure blue. Pterothorax bronzed black on
dorsum; humeral suture broad, greenish-yellow; laterally bluish-green, with a short
black streak on the upper part of each lateral suture. Legs bluish-white.
Abdomen : Pale blue tnarked with black on dorsum. Creamy yellow beneath.
Segments 8 and 9 entirely azure blue; segment 10 blue, with a narrow dorsal black
band. Superior anal appendages slightly shorter than segment 10, broadly conical and
slightly notched at the apex; inferiors nearly as long as superiors.
Female : Ground colour more greenish-yellow than blue. Dorsum more or less
striped black on all segments; segment 10 blue only at apical border. A robust ventral
spine is present at the apex of segment 8.
Ilabits and Ilabitat preference: Adults are very shy insects and weakly fly along
marshy water channels.
• Wings are more petiolate than Coenagrioninae, to about the level of Ac.
• Discoidal cell acutely pointed with costal side in fore wing about half the length
of posterior side and that of hind wing about two-third the length of posterior
• Very small damselflies.
• Arculus is well distal of the second antenod,al.
Thorax: Proth.orax black marked with pale green. Pt,e rothorax black on dorsum;
humeral suture black, broad; antehuffileral stripe narrow, pale green; sides pale green.
Legs yellow, extensor surface of femor,a black.
,W ings: Hyaline . Pterostigma pale yellow in the fore-wings, black in the hind; that
of hind-wIng slightly shorter than in the fore.
Abdom,en : Ground colour pale-greenish yellow, dorsum .of segments 1 to .s with
varied bIa,ek, apical region of segment 8, the whole of segments 9 and 10 brick·red.
Anal appendages brick-red, sup,eriors slightly long,er than inferiors.
Female : Polychrom,ati,c. Hence males are the best for field identification.
Habits and Habitat preference: Their population is larger along the irrigati.on
channels and m,arshy streams than the st.agnant water-bodies. L,arva'e commonly occur
among the aquatic weeds ,and algae around.
Flight period: Late February ... September.
Di:s tribution : Found in 'G uand'ong, Guangxi, Hainan, Hong K.ong, Taiw,an,
Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Japan,
Myanmar and Bangladesh.
MITRA AND MITRA : Pklor;,al Handbook ,Oil the common Dr~gon an,d Damselflies 25
Subfamily ARGIINAE
Thorax: Prothorax and pt,e rothorax velvety black, the latter with a deep purplish
reflex on dorsum; humeral suture broad, the narrow antehutneral stripes and the sid'es
citron-yellow to bluish"green depending on the age of the sp,e cim,en. A broad oblique
black stripe is present over the postero .. lateral suture. Legs bla,ck 'w ith some fine
yellow lines ,o n posterior femora.
Wings .H yaline. Pterostigma
oliv8ce,o os yellow, covering slightly less
th,a none 'cell.
Abdomen : Black, with ,c itron-yellow
markings on the sides of s,e gment I, a
lat,eral stripe on segment 2, and a less
'e vident one on :s egment 3; segments 3
to 6 with narrow bluish basal rings
broadly interrupted on dorsum. Anal
appendag,e s black:; sup,e riors shorter
than segm,e nt 10.
Fig. 21. Onychargia atrocyana Selys, 1865
26 Zool. Surv. India
• Eyes seperated.
• Females have a reduced ovipositor in which the terebra, even if well developed
(usually they are vestigial) do not enclose the usual complement of valves.
• Last segments of abdomen at times enlarged.
• Secondary branch of IR2 very distinct and more parallel to it, therefore IR2
appears to be dichotomously forked distal of the lestine oblique vein.
• Discoidal cell divided in more than two cells in both pairs of wings.
• At least in forewings the basal part of the subdiscoidal cell is traversed by
supplementary cubi to-anal-crossveins.
• Hypertriangle divided by at least two or more crossvelns.
Field diagnosis : Male : Head : Face and frons greenish-yellow with occasional
black stripes; postciypeus black, with a large lat'e ral yel ow spot on either side; vertex
black; occiput greenish-yellow, fringed with short yellow hairs. Eyes bluish-grey.
Thorax: Prothorax and pterothorax black marked with yellow. Yellow on the latter
is distributed as follows:- a complete mesothoracic collar, oblique dorsal spots, a
large c1e ntral spot on alar sinus, spots on tergum, humeral stripes and most of the
lateral areas except the two prominent black bands.. Posterior border of thorax
margined with black. Legs largely black with some yellow on flexor surface of
anterior femora. Cox.a e and trochant,e rs yellow.
Wings : SlIghtly enfumed in mature adults. Pterostigma bl.ack, braced, long
covering 5 to 6 cells.
• Smaller species.
• Rests with the body pointing up and the wings pointing down.
Female : The yellow ground colour and black thoracic stnpes are visible in the
absence of pruines,c,e nce.
Habits and Habitat preference : Adults ,a re found hawking among the vegetation
ne,a r the side pools and slow running marshy streams during May to September.
Exophytic oviposition occurs singly hy the female in some small weedy side pools.
Larvae are found in the same habitat.
'D istribuf'on ! Found in Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Bangladesh .
Field diagnosis : Male : Head : Face and lower border of frons and sides broadly
creamy-yellow, upper surface of frons steely black; vesicle and occiput black with
a geminate yellow spot on the posterior border of latter. Eyes brownish above, bluish-
grey with black spots below.
Thorax : Prothorax blackish brown with anterior lobe yellowish. Pterothorax dark
coppery-brown on dorsum, bright yellow laterally with black sutures. Legs blackish-
brown with some yellow on anterior femora.
Abdomen : Blood red with segments 9 and 10 purely black. Anal appendages black.
Female : Similar to male except the colour of the abdomen, which is rich
olivaceous-brown instead of red.
Habits and Habitat preference : Adults are rapid fliers and found In the dirty
forest pools, marshy ponds amidst the bamboo jungles.
Field diagnosis : Male : Head: Face and frons yellowish, becoming brighter
citron-yellow on upper surface of latter; vesicles black tipped with yellow; occiput
black. Eyes greenish during 1i fee
Habits and Habitat preference : Adults are quite ComlTIOn around the perennial
and seasonal monsoon ponds, agricultural
fields and the irrigation channels. They
oviposit exophytically within different
types of algal growth in the sam'e habitat.
• Supplementary crossveins in the cubito-anal space and the bridg,e .. space present.
Pterothorax azure-blue with different patterns of black, sutures finely black. Legs
black with yellow striped femora.
Abd"men : Azure blue, marked with black. Segments 8 to 10 entirely black. Anal
appendages dirty white above, blackish beneath.
Habits and Habitat preference : Adults perch on the grasses and other vegetation
around small stagnant pools and semi-saline ponds. They oviposit exophytic ally in the
marshy stagnant water. Larvae occur also in the same habitat where oviposition takes
Field diagnosis : Male : Head : Face and frons olive-yellow, occiput brown. Eyes
brownish above, olivaceous below.
Abdomen : Reddish-ochreous,
marked with obscure dOTs,at and
sub ... dorsal brown stripes; Segment
8 and occasionally 9 ,m ay have
some black on dorsum. Anal
appendages ferruginous.
Habits and Habitat preference : Adults fly conspicuously over the water surface
or perch on the adjacent vegetation around the agricultural fi,e lds, fresh w,a ter ,a nd
:s'emi.. saline ponds, fish ponds ,a nd tanks. Females usually oviposit exophytically at
afternoon on the surface water. Larva,e o("cur among the aquatic weeds or on
submerged parts ,o f aquatic plants.
Thorax: Prothorax ,a nd pterothorax dirty pale yellow, marbled and peppered with
black in an irregular manner. Legs greyish, thinly pruinosed.
Wings : Hyaline.Pterostigm,a black at the centre, pure white in both the ends,
between thick black nervures.
small cemented tanks especially around the construction sites. With their body colour,
they are quite invisible in the above habitats and are correctly called the granite
ghosts. They breed in cemented water tanks, rainy hollows in the rock, and even in
the dirty waters of seasonal ditches along the roads.
Flight period : Almost throughout the year except very colder months.
Field diagnosis : Male : Head : Labium ferruginous, labrum blood-red. Face and
frons bright blood-red, vesicle red and occiput bright orange. Eyes blood-red, bluish
at the postero-Iateral extremity, paler below.
38 Zoo/. Surv. India
Thorax: Prothorax ferruginous, with a spot on middle of the anterior lobe; borders
of the posterior lobe brighter rust-red; transvers·e ridged on middle lobe incorporated
with a ruff of stiff reddish hair.. Pterothorax blood. .red. L~gs ochreous. Fig.31.
Wings: Ilyaline. Bases of all marked with rich amber. . ye low. Pterostigma dark
ochreous betw·e en black nervures .
Abdomen : Blood red with mid-dorsal carina of segments 8 & 9 blackish.
Female : Differs frotn the tnale in the colour of labium, labruln, face frons,
vesicle, occiput, eyes, pro- and pterothorax and abdomen, which tends to be rather
yellowish than the bright red of tnales.
Flight period : Almost throughout the year except the extreme winter months.
Remarks : Only exc'e pt the little higher range of hind wing (21 - 25mm) in the
pr,e sent males, the other det.ails are saIne as the carlier description of Fraser (1936) ,
Abdomen : Segments 1 to 3 greenish-yellow, with the sutures finely black and mid-
dorsal and subdorsal black stripes extending from jugal suture on segment 2 and
expanding broadly at apical borders of segments 2 and 3; all these markings more or
less obscured by blue pruinescence in adults; remaining segments black, pruinosed
densely in old adults, but with subdorsal yellow stripes on segments 4 to 7, extending
from base to apex of segments 4 to 6 and nearly to apex on 7 in subadults. Anal
appendages bright yellow.
Female : Resembles the subadults or teneral male in colour and markings, but the
abdominal markings broader and continued on to segments 8 to 10, the latter entirely
yellow as well as anal appendages, whilst the spots on segments 8 and 9 are of
variable length. Vulvar scales broad but short, scoop-shaped.
Habits and Habitat preference : The species occurs in the agricultural fields,
near the slow-running marshy streams, semi-saline water-bodies, but mostly seen on
the roads, little away from these actual habitats, camouflaging quite well amidst the
soil and difficult to locate.
Flight period : Late April-August.
Distribution : Found in Guandong, Guangxi, Hainan, Hong Kong, Taiwan,
Peninsular Malaysia, Lao, Viet Nam, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Philippines,
Japan, Myanmar and Bhutan.
Abdomen : Black. A broad mid . . dorsal interrupted creamy-'w hite stripe on segments
1 to 8, broad at base of segments, tapering to apical end and becoming lost on
segment 7 or 8. Anal appenda,ges creamy white tipped with black.
Female : Exhibits strong sexual dimorphism. 'O livaceous occiput bears a bright
citron-yellow geminat,e spot behind. Eyes pale brown above, pale oliva,c'eoU's laterally
and beneath. Pro- and pterothorax greeni sh ... yell ow.. B,a ses of wings bright amber-
yellow up to the node or little distal. Blackish-brown subcostal line broadening into
a irregular same colour spot near node. Apices broadly opaque blackish brown up to
the middle or inner end of pterostigm.a Pale yellow between these two opaque ,area.
Abdomen bright yellow with a bro,ad black stripe extending from segm,e nt I to the
,end. Short, conical anal appendages are bright yellow in colour.
Habits and Habitat preference : These weak fliers flutter near swampy ,o r weedy
freshwater or semi-saline ponds.
olivaceous-brown on dorsum, which is thickly coated with greyish hairs; three black
stripes on each side. Legs very long and spidery, black, anterior pair of femora bright
yellow for basal half.
Wings : Hyaline with reddish reticulation and bright amber-yellow basal fascia at
the extreme base. Pterostigma bicolourous, black with creatny-white ends.
Abdomen : Black, marked with bright yellow. Segments 9 and 10 entirely black.
Anal appendages yellow at base, black for the apical half.
Female: Closely resemble males but little paler than the later. Unlike males, the
segment 10 yellow dorsally.
Habits and Habitat preference : Adults occur sympatrically along the marshy
lakes and freshwater as well as brackish-water ponds.
Wings : Save for the other characters, the species can easily he identified in the
field only by the colourful wings that show strong sexual dimorphism . The male with
whole of wing tint,e d amber-yellow., forew'ng with blackish brown spots at node,
discoidal cell and at apex. The spots of hind ... wing are similar to th.at of fore-wing
with additional spots at middle of RUi and two broad longitudinal basal bands; one
,~Iong tbe cubital space and another at tbe anal loop area.
IIabits and Habitat preference : Adults weakly flutter along marshy ponds and
weedy water tanks.
• Claw hooks shorter than the claws and arising from about middle of the latter.
• Borders of anal loop converge and meet before posterior border of wing.
• Discoidal cell in fore wing very narrow, its costal side is about one-third the
length of basal.
Field diagnosis : Male : Head : Labium variably pale brown or yellowish, with
middle lobe and apposed borders of lateral lobes dark brown; labrum bright ochreous
broadly bordered with black; anteclypeus pale olivaceous-yellow; postclypeus and
frons bright golden-yellow or orange, often suffused with reddish in front; vesicle
bright ochreous. Eyes reddish-brown above, bluish laterally and beneath.
Wings: Hyaline. Base of hind wing pale go l d c n ~ ye now as far distal as anal loop and
with a narr'ow ,a pical brown
spot limited toO posterior border
of wing; pterostigma reddish ..
brown, and unequal in fore and
hind wings.
Habits and Habitat prefe.r ence : Adults are COlnmon invariably ev.erywher,e, over
tbe paddy fields, irrigation channels, ponds, small pools of water, lakes and even high
on roads during the rainy seasons. Ovipositi,o n occurs in tandem in these fields.
Pantala flavescens is believed to be the only migratory odonata that Inigrates with
monsoon winds. I have recorded unusual time of oviposition from Dehradun valley,
which ascertains the presence of local population.
Field diagnosis : Male : Head: Face and frons olivaceous, the latter suffused with
bright rose-red and with a very broad black border at base above which has a metallic
violaceous reflex; occiput dark olivaceous. Eyes reddish-brown above, paler below.
MITRA AND MITRA : Pictorial Handbook o.n ,the common Dragon ,and Damsel flies 49
Thorax ': Prothorax d,a rk ochreous with a black stripe between anterior and the
middl'e lobes~ Pterothor,a x dark oliv,a ceous-green. L,egs bla'ck.
Abdomen : Bright red marked with black on last three segments. Anal appendages
black, red at extre'm e base.
Fern,ale : More or less same as males excepting the sexual characters. Base of
hind-wing s'e ems to have two spots by a large indentation.
Habits and Habitat preference : ,A dults are shy insects and fly along marshy
w,a ter ch,a nnels.
Flight period ,: May-July.
Distribution : Found in Guandong, Guangxi, Hainan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Viet
Nam, Thailand, Indonesia, India" Japan,Myanm,a rand Bangladesh.
Field diagnosis: Male: Head: Face and fr,ons yellowish t,o ochreous. Eyes brown
capped with reddish, oliva,c,eous below.
Wings: Hyaline, with a hrload golden-brown fascia extending from n'o de to base of
hind . .wing which, togetber with the above said opalescent white spot at the centre of
the same wing makes the species distinct in the field. Ptero.stigma reddish-brown ,and
is fr.amed in thick black oervures.
Habits and Habitat preference : Adults are cre,pus,e ular in habit and br,e eds in
marshy w,a ter bodies.
• The sectors of the arculus are not fused.
• Ven,ation quite open, with few antenodaI crossveins (about 5).
• Base ,o f discoidal cell in hind wing at level of ar'c uius ora shade distal.
• Costal side ,o f Dc in fore wing not angulated.
• Anal loop made up of more than 6 cells.
• Dis,c oid,al field in for,e wing beginning with 2 rows of ,c ells.
• Claw hooks sborter than the claws and arising from about middle of the latter.
• Bord,e rs of an.al loop converge ,and me'e t before postlerior border of wing.
• Disltal anten-odal nervure in for'e wing completle.
• Lobe of prothorax small and inconspicuous, usually naked.
• Frons non-metalli,c above.
• Only 1 or 2 rows of c,e lls between IRU; and Rspl.
'. Subtri,g'one in fore-wing 3-celled.
• Blalck dorsal markings on all abdominal s'e gments from 1 to 10.
Field dia'g no'sis : Male : Head : Fa'ce and frons dark red. Eyes ,capped with
reddish..b.rown, pale yellow below.
Thorax Prothorax
Pterothorax golden olivaceous on dorsum;
laterally bluish"green, with a short black
streak on the upper part of e,ach lateral suture.
Legs black.
Abdomen : Bright red on dorsum with mid dorsal black marking extending the
\vhole length. Anal appendages ochr'e ous.
Female : More or less similar to males but, more robust than the latt,er.
Habits and Habitat prefer,e nce : Adults are common along marshy water
channels, freshw,a ter ponds, semi-saline ponds and brackishw,a ter ne,a r estuaries.
Upoft disturbance the males flies high up and again returns lnostly to th,e same perch.
Flight period : April-S,e ptember.
Distribut" on : Found in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Peninsular Mal.,a ysia, Thailand,
Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Philippines ,and Jap,an.
• Base of dis,c oidal IClell in hind wing ,at level of arculus or a shade distal.
• Cost.al side of Dc in fore wing not ,an,gulat1ed.
• Anal loop made up of more than 6 ,c ells.
• Dis,c oidal field in fore wing beginning with 2 rows of cells.
• Claw hooks shorter than the claws and arising from about middle of the latter.
• Borders of anal loop Ic onv,e rgeand meet befor,e post,e rior border of wing.
e Distal antenodal nervur,e in for,e wing ,c omplete.
• Lobe of prothorax small and inconspicuous, usually naked.
• Frons non-metallic above.
• Only 1 or 2 rows of ,e'ells between IRiii and Rspl.
• Subtrigone in fore-wing 3 . . celled.
'. Black dorsal m,a rkings on abdominal segrn,e nts 9 and 10 only.
Corbet, P.S. 1953. A te~inology for the labium of larval Odonata. Entomologist, 86
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56 Zool. Surv. India
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