Knowledge Validation Question Bank (R3) PDF
Knowledge Validation Question Bank (R3) PDF
Knowledge Validation Question Bank (R3) PDF
A320 A321 A330
13. What is the maximum taxi speed? If > 76 Tons, 20 kt during turns. N/A
3. What is the safety relief valve setting? 8.6 psi 8.85 psi
9. What is the limitation regarding the use NAV mode may be used after takeoff, provided the
of the NAV mode after takeoff? FMGS runway updating has been checked.
A320 A321 A330
1,500 kg 5,200 kg
4. What is the minimum fuel quantity for
The WING TK LO LVL warning must not be
displayed on ECAM for takeoff.
A320 A321 A330
11. What is the limitation of the APU APU air bleed extraction for wing anti-ice is not
regarding the use of wing anti-ice? permitted.
3. What is the maximum time limit for using 5 Minutes under normal conditions
TOGA thrust? 10 Minutes in case of engine failure
3. What are the memory items associated State: "STALL, I have control"
with a STALL RECOVERY? Then: As listed in FCOM
4. What are the memory items associated State: "STALL, TOGA 15°"
OFF? Then: As listed in FCOM
8. What are the memory items associated State: “TCAS, I HAVE CONTROL”
with TCAS WARNINGS? Then: As listed in FCOM
4. What does the amber equals (“=”) sign This is the Vfe speed corresponding to the next flap
on the airspeed tape indicate? lever position to be selected.
8. What is the significance of a flashing The ILS approach mode is armed and the ILS Scale
“ILS” indication on the PFD? push button on the FCU panel is not selected
7. What does FMGC stand for? Flight Management and Guidance Computer
A320/321 ONLY
• Flight Envelope Function
o PFD speeds (characteristic speeds)
o Alpha-floor protection
A320/321 Only • Yaw Function
8. What does the Flight Augmentation o Yaw damping
Computer (FAC) provide? o Turn coordination
o Rudder trim
o Rudder travel limitation
• Low Energy Aural Alert Function
• Windshear Detection Function
A320 A321 A330
• Difference between RA indications greater than
15 ft
• FMGS detects long flare (A320)
11. What is the purpose of the LOC push This button is used to arm, disarm, or disengage the
button on the FCU panel? Localizer Mode.
18. What are the two Auto Thrust Modes? Speed Mode and Thrust Mode
19. On the thrust levers, what is the This stands for Flex Thrust or Maximum Continuous
meaning of the FLX/MCT setting? Thrust
20. What is the indication that the A/THR is The abbreviation A/THR in White letters is displayed
active (in use)? on the FMA.
A320 A321 A330
When in flight anytime the Alpha Floor Protection is
23. When does the A/THR automatically
engaged, regardless of the thrust lever position or
A/THR arming status.
Move the thrust levers to match the TLAs with the
24. How do you disconnect the A/THR? current thrust setting, and then pressing the
disconnect button on the thrust levers.
• Moving the thrust levers to IDLE
• Selecting the A/THR Instinctive cut out button to
25. What will cause the A/THR to OFF
disconnect? • Selecting the A/THR FCU panel push button to
• Loss of the arming signal
26. What happens if you press the The A/THR is becomes disconnected for the
instinctive disconnect button for more remainder of the flight. In addition, alpha floor
than 15 seconds? protection is lost.
27. With the autopilot engaged, what
The autopilot/FD reverts to Heading (HDG) mode or
happens when the aircraft over flies the
TRK mode depending on the selected mode on
last waypoint on the flight plan prior to a
28. The aircraft is currently level at 10,000
feet on an assigned heading during
Nothing, the aircraft cannot perform a managed
departure. ATC instructs you to climb to
climb in heading mode. The altitude knob must be
FL 250. What happens if you select 250
pulled to initiate an Open Climb.
in the Altitude window and PUSH the
Altitude knob?
A320 A321 A330
35. What happens if the A/THR push button
Autothrust will be disconnected and the THR LK
on the FCU panel is pressed in flight
function will activate.
when the A/THR system is active?
• One AP engaged:
o That related FMGC is master, uses
onside FD & A/THR. It controls FMA1 & 2
• Two APs engaged:
o FMGC 1 is master
36. What is the master FMGC logic? • No AP engaged & FD1 on:
o FMGC 1 is master
• No AP engaged, FD1 off & FD2 on:
o FMGC 2 is master
• No AP/FD engaged:
o A/THR controlled by FMGC 1
37. What to do if auto thrust fails? Switch the autopilot and try to reengage auto thrust.
40. During TCAS RA why FDs are selected So that the auto thrust system reverts to SPEED
off? mode.
41. During CLB or OP CLB with AP not Since the auto thrust commands climb thrust
engaged and A/THR on, what happen if (THRUST MODE) the aircraft accelerates. Both FDs
the FD bar is not followed and a lower disengage when VMAX+4 is reached and A/THR
pitch is flown (i.e. below FD horizontal reverts to SPEED mode and reduces the thrust to
bar) recover the speed target.
42. During DES or OP DES with AP not Since the auto thrust commands idle thrust (THRUST
engaged and A/THR on, what happen if MODE) the aircraft decelerates. Both FDs disengage
the FD bar is not followed and a higher when VLS-2 is reached and A/THR reverts to SPEED
A320 A321 A330
pitch is flown (i.e. above FD horizontal mode and increases the thrust to recover the speed
bar) target.
53. During go-around what is the SRS target Current speed at go-around engagement or VAPP
speed? whichever is higher. It is limited to:
A320 A321 A330
• VLS +25 (two engine)
• VLS +15 (engine failure)
A320 A321 A330
change press the prompt next to the new inserted
• Flight planning
• Aircraft position
• Flight plan display on ND
• No AP/FD NAV mode
• Limited lateral revision
64. What functions are available during nav
back up? o B/UP F-PLN
o B/UP IRS for onside IRS & IRS3
• Flight plan automatic sequencing
65. Is there a procedure to operate with an Yes, refer to OLB (system description, auto pilot, flight
out of date navigation database? management)
5. What is the purpose of the EMER CANC To cancel continuous or spurious caution messages
key on the ECAM control panel? that are known and/or incorrect
A320 A321 A330
6. If a caution message was cancelled
By pressing and holding for 3 seconds the RCL key
using the EMER CANC key, how can
on the ECAM control panel.
the system be returned to normal?
7. What happens if the upper E/WD screen The data normally displayed on the upper E/WD is
fails? automatically transferred to the lower screen.
8. If the lower Systems Display (SD) By pressing and holding the applicable system key
screen fails, how can the crew access on the ECAM control panel. This will display the
the system display information? information on the upper E/WD screen.
A330 Only
A330 Only
9. What is the significance of the
This is an indication of a Display Management
appearance of a white diagonal line
Computer failure.
across a display screen?
This memo appears to remind the crew that most of
10. What is the significance of a magenta the failure titles and the associated checklists are
LDG INHIBIT memo on the E/WD? suppressed in order to prevent unnecessary
distractions during a critical phase of flight.
3. What happens when an engine bleed It closes the engine bleed valve and the high
switch is selected to OFF? pressure engine bleed valve.
5. Can wing anti-ice be used in a single Yes, as long as the Engine Fire push button is not
engine situation? released.
A320 A321 A330
• If LO is unable to maintain the desired
8. If the Pack Flow control is set to LO,
• If one pack fails, the other pack will automatically
when will it automatically revert to a
run at HI
higher setting?
• If the APU is supplying the bleed air, both packs
will run at HI
6. Is it possible to switch from one pressure Yes, by selecting MAN on the Cabin Press Panel for
controller to another in flight? 10 seconds, and then switching back to AUTO
8. Can the pilot manually control the By selecting MAN on the pressurization panel and
outflow valve? How? then using the V/S CTL toggle switch
1. What does and illuminated SEL light on It indicates that an RMP is being used to control a
the RMP indicate? radio other than the one it is associated with.
2. If RMP 1 fails, can the Captain regain Yes. The CM1 can use RMP 3 by using the AUDIO
control of the radio? SWITCHING to CAPT ON 3.
8. If you find that you are unable to tune a One of the NAV buttons on one of the RMPS may be
VOR using the MCDU because it will not selected on. When this happens, the entries on the
accept any entries, what might be the RAD-NAV page of the MCDU go blank and no
problem? entries can be made.
9. Is it possible for the flight deck crew to
communicate to multiple cabin crew Yes. If the EMER CALL button is used, the
members simultaneously via the interphones at all cabin stations become “active”.
interphone system? If so, how?
A Hi/Low chime sounds in the cabin and a pink and
10. What happens if you press the AFT green light flashes in the cabin. “CAPTAIN CALL”
button on the CALLS panel? annunciates on the associated Flight Attendant
A Hi/Low chime sounds in the cabin 3 times and a
pink light flashes in the cabin. “EMERGENCY CALL”
11. What happens if the EMER pushbutton annunciates on ALL Flight Attendant Panels.
on the CALLS panel is pressed?
Additionally, in the cockpit the CALL flashes in
amber and the ON light flashes in white.
A buzzer sounds in the cockpit and the amber CALL
12. How is a Flight Attendant Emergency
light on the EMER switch of the CALLS panel
Call signaled in the cockpit?
A320 A321 A330
The EVAC lights flash at the forward and aft flight
13. What happens when the EVAC
attendant stations, and the loud, high pitched alert
COMMAND button is pushed?
sounds throughout the cabin.
14. What are the indications when a flight The EVAC light on the Command switch of the
attendant initiates the evacuation EVAC panel will illuminate, and an aural warning will
signal? sound in the cockpit.
16. What occurs when the MECH button is An external horn (buzzer) sounds at the nose section
pressed on the calls panel? COCKPIT CALL lights up blue.
5. What is the significance of an The APU is at 95% and ready to accept a load.
illuminated AVAIL light? (Ready for use)
7. If you inadvertently turn the APU Yes, provided the AVAIL light is still illuminated. If is
MASTER SW to OFF, can you abort the still ON, turn the APU Master SW to ON and the APU
shutdown? will continue to run.
A320 A321 A330
8. The external power panel includes an
APU Fire Warning Light. Can the APU
be selected OFF from the external
power panel?
9. What must be checked for the APU The RED thermal discharge pressure disc on the left
during the external preflight inspection? side of the APU exhaust area.
• Overspeed
• High EGT
11. What will cause an APU auto shutdown
• Slow Start
on the ground?
• Low Oil Pressure
• Fire
3. What is the purpose of the GALLEY To manually turn off the main and secondary galley
switch on the electrical panel? busses.
7. What is the significance of an It indicates high IDG Oil Temperature or Low IDG Oil
illuminated IDG FAULT light? Pressure
A320 A321 A330
9. What are two important precautions to • Do not press the button for more than 3 seconds
remember when pressing the IDG • Do not press the button when the engine is not
switch? running
A fault has been detected by the Generator Control
10. What is the significance of the FAULT
Unit (GCU), or the Generator Line Contactor has
light on the GEN pushbutton?
failed to close when the switch is selected to on.
GEN 1 will power AC Bus 2 through the AC Bus Tie.
11. What happens if you lose GEN 2 in
All buses remain powered except for the Main Galley
flight with the APU off?
12. What is the maximum continuous load
of a generator?
It allows the generator to power the opposite AC bus,
13. What is the purpose of the BUS TIE
and allows the APU and external power to power both
AC busses on the ground.
14. What is the significance of an External power is connected and its power is within
illuminated EXT PWR AVAIL light? acceptable limits.
16. How do you select APU power with By pressing the EXT PWR push button, (thus
external power powering the aircraft? deselecting Ground Power.)
19. What is the purpose of selecting ALTN This switches the power source for AC ESS BUS from
on the AC ESS FEED switch? AC Bus 1 to AC Bus 2.
21. How can the AC ESS Bus be powered It automatically gets supplied by AC Bus 2, or by
if AC Bus 1 is not available? pressing the AC ESS Feed pb.
A320 A321 A330
• AC Bus 2 supplies AC ESS ESS TR
Bus, and ESS TR can supply automatically.
DC ESS Bus automatically with
AC ESS Feed Auto Switching.
29. What is the significance of the SMOKE Smoke has been detected in the
light on the GEN 1 LINE push button? avionics ventilation duct.
A320 A321 A330
35. What busses are powered in the • AC ESS & Shed Bus
Emergency Electrical Configuration? • DC ESS & Shed Bus
36. Do the aircraft batteries continue to
charge while the Emergency
Generator is powering the aircraft in No.
the Emergency Electrical
37. In the Emergency Electrical Yes, both
Yes, but each engine is restricted
Configuration, is engine fire bottles are
to bottle 1 only.
extinguishing still available? available
A320/321 Only
38. After the gear is retracted during a go A320/321 Only
around in the emergency electrical
Yes, by pushing EMER ELEC PWR MAN ON. This
configuration, can the emergency
recouples the emergency generator.
generator be reconnected to the
electrical system?
Pulling these breakers increase
39. What is the purpose of the yellow
battery life from 22 minutes to N/A
ringed circuit breakers?
approx. 30 minutes.
40. What is the purpose of a STATIC
To convert DC power to AC power
1. What does ADIRS stand for? Air Data Inertial Reference System
2. What does ADIRU stand for? Air Data Inertial Reference Unit
3. What is the source of information to Captain’s pitot tube, static port, AOA probe and TAT
ADIRU 1? probe
A320 A321 A330
This light illuminates when the unit is initially
6. What is the significance of an amber
powered as part of an internal test. It also indicates
BAT light on the ADIRS control display
that one or more Inertial Reference units is operating
on aircraft battery power.
• No present position entered 10 minutes after the
IR is turned on
7. What is the significance of a flashing • The position entered differs by more than one
ALIGN light on the ADIRS panel? degree of latitude or longitude from the position
at shutdown
• An IR alignment fault
9. What is the significance of a flashing IR The IR has lost its position. However, the ADR may
FAULT light? still be functional.
18. How do you display the terrain By pressing the TERR push button on the center
information on the ND? console.
A320 A321 A330
20. If the terrain push button is turned OFF, Yes. The ND will automatically display terrain
can terrain information be displayed on information if a terrain ahead caution or warning is
the ND? generated.
22. What does an underlined M next to the This indicates that the VOR has been manually
VOR data line on the ND represent? tuned
24. What is the purpose of the SHIFT field This is used if the takeoff will be initiated from a
on the FMGS takeoff PERF page? location other than the full runway length position.
A320 A321 A330
• Deactivates the APU Generator
• Closes the APU Bleed Valve
• Closes the Crossfeed Valve
• Both Master Warning Lights
5. What indications should you see when • APU Fire Push Button Illuminates
performing the APU fire test with the
aircraft powered up? • The AP SQUIB and DISCH lights
• The ECAM APU Fire Warning procedures
6. What indications should you see when • APU Fire Push Button Illuminates
performing the APU fire test with the
aircraft on battery power only? • The AP SQUIB and DISCH lights
A320 A321 A330
18. During the preflight exterior inspection,
This is a normal indication of the APU blowout disk.
you observe a red disk on the left side
The disc should always be present. If the disc is
of the APU compartment (tail section).
missing, then the APU fire bottle has performed a
What does the presence of this disc
thermal discharge.
A320/321 Only
A320/321 Only
19. What is the significance of an
Smoke has been detected in the avionics ventilation
illuminated amber SMOKE light on the
GEN 1 LINE push button?
3. What happens if the wing anti-ice switch The wing anti-ice valves will close on the ground
is left in the ON position following a after a test time limit (30 seconds), and then open
ground test? after liftoff.
The outboard
4. Which slats are anti-iced in flight? The three outboard slats
9. What is the function of the The probes and cockpit windows are heated on the
PROBE/WINDOW HEAT switch in the ground with at least one engine running, or anytime
AUTO position? in flight.
A320 A321 A330
13. When is the rain repellent system ever When the aircraft is on the ground and the engines
inhibited? are stopped.
14. What is a taxi precaution when engine Ground IDLE speed is higher and taxi speeds may
anti-ice is used? increase.
A320 A321 A330
Tested: During second engine start.
Engine 1
8. What pressurizes the blue hydraulic
Blue electric pump or the RAT Pump & Blue
Elec. Pump
• Engine 2 Pump
9. What pressurizes the yellow hydraulic • Yellow Electric Pump
system? • Hand Pump
• PTU (A320/321 Only)
11. What flight control law would result if Alternate Law (Initially)
two hydraulic systems failed? (A320/321 loss of Blue & Yellow - Normal Law)
A330 Only
A330 Only The Green and Yellow pumps run automatically to
retract surfaces following the failure of the hydraulic
14. When do the hydraulic electric pumps
Green/Yellow Engine driven pumps. The blue pump
is manually switched on to pressurize the Blue
hydraulic system.
15. What would be the significance of a
No flight controls would be available, not even in
complete failure of all hydraulic
mechanical back-up mode.
16. How can you quickly determine which
hydraulic system powers a particular The diagram in the back of the QRH
aircraft system?
A320 A321 A330
17. Is it possible to recover the Hydraulic
Yes, it might be possible to recover when reservoir
system if it was lost due to reservoir
overheat is out.
Yes, it might be possible to recover. The probability
18. Is it possible to recover the Hydraulic of cavitation increases with altitude (indicated by
system if it was lost due to reservoir low pressure fluctuations). Therefore, it may be possible
air pressure? to restore the system after descending to a lower
19. On the A320 Family, in case if Dual
Yes, if the Yellow system was lost due to engine
Hydraulic Failure involving the Yellow
driven pump low pressure then the system might be
system, is possible to recover the
recovered by the use of Yellow electric pump
Yellow system?
If one engine fails the electric pump runs
20. A330: when does the Green electric automatically in flight, for 25 seconds, when the
pump runs? landing gear is selected up (to ensure gear retraction
proper time).
The pump can be manually or automatically
Automatic operation:
21. A330: when does the Yellow electric • In flight, in the event of Engine 2 failure, if the flaps
pump run? lever is not a 0 (to ensure flap retraction in a
proper time at takeoff). It remains running until last
engine shutdown.
• On ground during cargo door operation.
Yes, both engine green hydraulic fire shut off valves
close automatically by the HSMU in the event of green
22. A330: in case of Green system low reservoir low level. In case of a further blue or yellow
level, would the RAT still be available? reservoir low level (i.e. dual hydraulic low level) the
green fire shut off valve remains closed enabling the
green system to be restored by using the RAT.
The pump automatically shuts down. The fault light
23. A330: what happens is case of Green,
stays on even if the overheat has stopped until the
Blue or Yellow electric pump overheat?
system is reset on the ground.
5. When do the Autobrake DECEL lights When the aircraft deceleration rate is at least 80 % of
illuminate? the selected rate.
A320 A321 A330
14. Which brake system pressure is
indicated on the brake pressure triple Alternate System
• By pushing the auto brake pushbutton.
• By applying sufficient force to at least one brake
pedal while auto braking is active in LO or MED,
15. How can the auto brakes be deselected or both pedals if MAX is in use.
(turned off)? • One or more arming conditions is lost.
• After takeoff / touch and go.
• Also, the auto brakes automatically disarm if the
ground spoilers are retracted.
A320 A321 A330
During training flights the system can be reset in flight
after gravity extension (if Green Hydraulic in
• Normal braking, Green hydraulic system
• Alternate braking with anti-skid. Yellow hydraulic
system (A330 Blue)
• Alternate braking without anti-skid. Yellow
24. What are the various braking modes?
hydraulic system (A330 Blue)
And which hydraulic system supplies
them? • Alternate braking without anti-skid on
accumulator. Yellow hydraulic system (A330
• Parking brake. Yellow hydraulic system (A330
Fusible plugs are fitted to the main gear wheels.
25. What is the function of the fusible plug? These protect against tire burst in the event of
There is one BSCU, however it has two channels. A
26. How many BSCU are there? And when changeover between the two BSCU channels takes
does the changeover occur? place at each DOWN landing gear lever selection, or
in case of one channel failure.
• Green pressure available
• Anti-skid electrically powered
27. What are the conditions for arming the
auto brake? • No failure in the braking system
• At least one ADIRU is available (& two PRIMs
For the auto brake to activate the command for ground
28. If the takeoff is rejected at low speed spoiler extension must be detected. Therefore, if the
with the auto brake armed, will the aircraft speed is under 72 kt, the automatic braking will
system activate the brakes? not activate because the ground spoilers will not
29. A320/321: during alternate braking The brake pressure is automatically limited to 1000
without antiskid, what happens if the psi, by the ABCU, to avoid wheel locking and limit the
crew apply full brake? risk of tire burst.
• If Green hydraulic available, then antiskid is
• If Green hydraulic is lost ,then:
o Yellow system automatically takes over
30. What happens when the A/SKID & N/W (A330 Blue)
STRG sw is ON? o Antiskid nose wheel steering remain
o Triple indicator shows yellow system
brake pressure (A330 Blue)
o A330, nose wheel steering is lost
A320 A321 A330
• Yellow system supplies brakes (refer to triple
indicator) (A330 Blue)
• Antiskid deactivated
31. What happens when the A/SKID & N/W
• Nose wheel steering lost
STRG sw is OFF?
• Differential braking remains available
• Triple indicator shows yellow system brake
pressure (A330 Blue)
6. What does ELAC stand for? Elevator and Aileron Computer N/A
A320 A321 A330
Flight Control
9. What does SEC stand for? Spoiler and Elevator Computer
Computer –
Direct control
Spoiler control. laws, including
yaw damper
Standby elevator and stabilizer function
10. What is the purpose of the SECs? control.
Rudder trim,
Note: if a SEC fails, the spoiler it rudder travel
controls are automatically retracted. limit and pedal
travel limit.
A330 Only
Flight Control Primary Computer – FCPC), three PRIMs
A330 Only used for:
11. What does PRIM stand for? • Normal, alternate and direct control laws
• Speed brake and ground spoiler control
• Protection speed computation
12. What does FAC stand for? Flight Augmentation Computer N/A
A320 A321 A330
19. Can the aircraft be manually
No! Even in mechanical backup, at least one hydraulic
controlled with a total loss of hydraulic
system must be powered.
20. What is the significance of an
illuminated green F.O. or CAPT light It illuminates on the side with authority when a
on the SIDE STICK PRIORITY push deactivated side stick is out of the neutral position.
button on the glare shield?
21. What is the significance of an
It illuminates on the side with the deactivated side stick
illuminated red arrow on the SIDE
STICK PRIORITY push button?
22. What is the purpose of the side stick It is used to disconnect the autopilot and to deactivate
priority switch? the opposite side stick if necessary.
24. What is the significance of an amber This is an indication that the speed brakes are
SPD BRK memo on the E/WD? deployed and thrust is greater than IDLE.
28. What is the indication that the aircraft The green equal signs on the PFD. The sign indicates
is in Normal Law? the maximum bank angle in normal law.
30. What is Alpha Prot (Alpha It is part of normal law, represented by the amber and
Protection)? black strip on the PFD.
A320 A321 A330
This is a low energy warning. Warns that the aircraft's
32. What does the annunciation of energy level is going below a threshold under which
“SPEED, SPEED, SPEED” indicate? thrust needs to be increased in order to regain a
positive flight path angle through pitch control.
33. What is does the term Alpha Floor This is an A/THR function that automatically engages
mean? TOGA thrust when a predetermined AOA is exceeded.
35. You look at the Engine Display and The thrust setting is locked into the TOGA position
see TOGA LK. What does this mean? regardless of the TLA position.
39. What does it mean if you see in amber This is an indication that the aircraft is in Direct Law,
“USE MAN PITCH TRIM’ on the PFD? and the pitch trim must be adjusted manually.
40. What does it mean if you see in red This is an indication that the aircraft is in mechanical
“MAN PITCH TRIM ONLY” on the back up mode. The only flight controls available may
PFD? be the rudder and the pitch trim.
41. What flap/slat configuration is
obtained by selecting Flap 1 on the Configuration 1 + F (Flaps 1 and Slats 1)
The trailing edge flaps automatically retract at 210 kt
42. What happens if you forget to retract
(A330 200 kt). The slats remain extended as they do
the flaps after takeoff?
not automatically retract.
• Speed above 72 knots.
• If spoilers are armed, they deploy when both levers
43. What are the requirements for
are at idle.
automatic ground spoiler deployment
during a rejected takeoff? • If spoilers are not armed, they deploy when both
thrust levers are at IDLE, and reverse thrust is
selected on at least one engine.
A320/321 Only A320/321 Only
44. What are the requirements for • Speed brake lever not in retracted position or
automatic ground spoilers during ground spoiler armed:
landing, FULL EXTENSION? o Both gears on ground, and
A320 A321 A330
o Both thrust levers at or below idle, or revers
selected on at least one engine (and the
other below MCT)
• Speed brake lever in retracted position but not
o Both gears on ground
o Reverse selected on at least one engine
(and the other below MCT)
A320/321 Only
Phased Lift Dumping (PLD) function allows ground
spoiler deploy with reduced deflection, when:
• Speed brake lever not in retracted position or
A320/321 Only ground spoiler armed:
45. What are the requirements for o One gears on ground, and
automatic ground spoilers during o Both thrust levers at or below idle
landing, PARTIAL EXTENSION? • Speed brake ever in retracted position but not
o One gears on ground
o Revers selected on at least one engine
(and the other below MCT)
A330 Only
• Ground spoilers armed
A330 Only o Both gears on ground, and
46. What are the requirements for o All thrust levers at idle
automatic ground spoilers during • Ground spoilers not armed
o Both gears on ground, and
o Reverse selected at least one engine
(remaining engine at idle)
A330 Only
A330 Only Ground spoiler partially extend when reverse is selected
on at least one engine (other remaining at idle).
47. What are the requirements for
automatic ground spoilers during This partial extension, by decreasing lift, will ease the
landing, PARTIAL EXTENSION? compression on the second main landing gear, and
consequently will lead to the normal ground spoiler
• Load factor protection
• Pitch attitude protection
48. In normal law, what are the • High-angle-of-attack (AOA) protection
protections available? • High-speed protection
• Bank angle protection
• Low energy aural alert (SPEED SPEED SPEED)
A320 A321 A330
A321 Only
A321 Only This is a load alleviation feature and is designed to
49. What is the purpose of the LAF? reduce wing loading during turbulence by deflecting
ailerons and certain spoiler panels.
A321 Only
A321 Only • Alternate & Direct Law
50. When is LAF inhibited? • Airspeed below 200 knots and above Vmo + 10
• Flaps not a 0
A330 Only
A330 Only The purpose of MLA is to redistribute the lift over the
wing to relief structural loads on the outer wing
51. What is Maneuver Load Alleviation?
surfaces (bending moment), utilizing spoilers 4, 5 and
6 together with the ailerons.
A320/321 Only
A320/321 Only • Alternate law
52. What are the various levels of o With reduced protection
configuration after a failure when o Without reduced protection
normal law is no longer available? • Direct law
• Mechanical
A330 Only
A330 Only • Alternate law
53. What are the various levels of o ALT 1
configuration after a failure when o ALT 2
normal law is no longer available? • Direct law
• Mechanical
56. How a retraced & extended faulty • Retraced: spoiler number (e.g. 1) in amber
spoiler is show on ECAM F/CTL • Extended: amber arrow
page? Note: X amber, indicates that the position is not valid.
57. Can you manually trim the rudder
while an autopilot is engaged?
58. When using the manual rudder trip 1 degree per second initially, then
knob, what is the rudder trim rate
without an engage autopilot? 3 degrees per second after the first 1.5 seconds
A320 A321 A330
59. If alternate law is active, what will A nose-up command will be automatically introduced to
happen if the aircraft exceeds Vmo if keep the speed from increasing further. This can be
the side stick is release? overridden by sidestick input.
65. What happens if one hydraulic system The corresponding surface (slats or flaps) operate at
is inoperative? half speed.
7. What is the significance of a green “CTR This is an indication that center tank
TK FEEDG” message on the E/WD? fuel is supplying the engines.
10. What is the significance of the message At least one transfer valve between the outer tank
“OUTER TK FUEL XFRD”? and the inner tank is open.
11. What is the significance of two amber This indicates that the Fuel Quantity Indicator (FQI)
dashes across the last two digits of the is in degraded mode. The FOB indication may not
FOB indication? be accurate.
A320 A321 A330
1. What lights illuminate when the EMER Emergency Exit Lights, Exit Signs, Floor Path
EXIT LT switch is selected ON? lighting
A320 A321 A330
3. What is the purpose of placing the
The emergency lights will illuminate if there is a loss
EMER EXIT lights switch in the ARM
of normal electrical power.
A330 Only
4. If the NO SMOKING switch is in the A330 Only
AUTO position, when will the No When the gear is down and locked
Smoking lights illuminate?
A330 Only
A330 Only
5. If the NO SMOKING switch is in the
When the gear is down and locked or if the cabin
AUTO position, when are the Exit Signs
altitude is above 11,300 feet.
6. What is the function of the AUTO The strobe lights come on automatically when the
position of the strobe lights switch? main landing gear is not compressed (in flight).
2. Which Doors are monitored by the All External Doors (not to be confused with access
ECAM? panels)
5. How can you determine that a slide is On the DOOR/OXY page, the word SLIDE appears
disarmed on the ECAM? in white if the associated door slide is armed
2. What is the purpose of the MAN START Pressing this button causes the start valve to open
push button? and the pack valves to close.
A320 A321 A330
• It Arms the engine MASTER switches and the
ENG MAN START switches.
A320 A321 A330
6 quarts, plus
9.5 quarts, plus 11 quarts, plus 0.7 quart for
15. What is the minimum oil quantity for 0.5 quart for 0.3 quart for each hour of
flight? each hour of each hour of flight but not
flight flight lower than 15
16. If armed, when will the Auto Thrust When the thrust lever is selected to the CLB detent,
engage after takeoff? or anywhere in the A/THR range
17. What is the A/THR range? From just above IDLE to the CLB detent
A320 A321 A330