The Role of Public Relations in Organization
The Role of Public Relations in Organization
The Role of Public Relations in Organization
Article in Nigerian Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review · September 2013
DOI: 10.12816/0003699
3 60,962
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Shahram Gilaninia1
Mohammad Taleghani2
Mohsen Eshghi Mohammadi3*
Associate Professor of Department of Industrial Management, Islamic Azad University Rasht Branch,
Rasht, Iran
M.A. Student of Business Management, Islamic Azad University Rasht Branch, Rasht, Iran
(corresponding Author)
Public relations are the art and social science of that link inside and outside the organization
together. Public relations draw purpose, and how programs. Public relations in organizations in
term of work quality means assist to organization management in achieving organizational goals,
believe to the transparency affairs and accountability, respect citizens' rights, identify duties and
responsibilities of government, the right control of people to the work and the right people in
criticize and evaluate programs and practices of the organization and having specific strategies.
With the computerization of work, institutional staff decrease and the role of public relations
consultants developed. This paper explain public relations and its role of public relations in
1. Introduction
The term “Public Relations “was used for the first time in the United States and the United
States Post Office Railway Union and in the first decade of the twentieth century, this country
was created the office of public relations at the institute. In 1906, the first private company
which the public services offered to its customers was created. In 1987 Association of Public
Relations (IPR) provides a definition of public relations, which is still used. In this definition, PR
is planned and continuous efforts to establish and maintain goodwill and understanding between
an organization and its target audience (Skandari, 2004). Words "planning" and "continuous"
show that goodwill and understanding itself does not obtained easily and in fact, must "create"
and "maintain" and also determined that public relations activities are planned and the purpose
of public relations is to create goodwill and understanding. In last definition of the IPR, PR is
consider method that the organization use to maintain the credibility, products, services or staff
with the aim of obtaining recognition and support. For public relations are also used other words
and expressions: Public relations is vital artery and permanent and brain and engine of
organization. Public relations are the art and social science of that link intra-and extra
organization together. Public relations draw purpose, and how programs. Public relations are a
trusted advisor of manager and all personnel; so it is essential that managers and employees can
have cent per cent trust him. Public relations must see everything and everything also show
beautiful. The present century are called the conquest of space, nuclear, computer, laser and ...
Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Nigerian Chapter) Vol. 1, No. 10, 2013
but as interpretations index has been named the communications era that would be like a global
village (Armour, 2006). Public relations can be bridge linking between people and organizations.
Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Nigerian Chapter) Vol. 1, No. 10, 2013
Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Nigerian Chapter) Vol. 1, No. 10, 2013
public relations and we see that the majority of public relations by addressing to have quick
impact work, not important to the long-term plans and do not perform the necessary investment.
5. Need and Importance of Community to Public Relations
Today science and art of public relations is as quasi-civil institutions to facilitate two-way
communication between the government and the people and by more complex the need for social
system is achieved the development of new knowledge and professional consensus more than
before. As far as an institution or organization finds needless from public relations department.
6. Media and Public Relations
Lack of mutual trust between the media (especially newspapers) with public relations is a
historical problem that is overall problem effects in social - political structure. These
relationships have more challenges especially between public relations and the journalists of the
press because newspapers have more critical to the performance organization and governmental
powers and devices. The media and public relations have found independent identity and their
professional from long time. Discussion of public relations with media and interact media with
public relations is associated with its own challenges (Culbertson & et al, 1993). Media usually
know public relations as hide and believe that they hide needed the news media according to the
interests and needs of their organization and public relations also believe that media don’t show
news really and against dissemination of news and information related of media, have expected
rates of material and spiritual in organizations. Lack of trust social and professional &
relationship problem between these institutions directed and making ideas for making is due to
underdevelopment of country. Thus the problem posed will be resolved by the growth of
democracy in society and response of power institutions and political - social structures
(Hirschhorn, 1986). As growth and development media and the press is possible in the same
way. Public relations and media are two important factors of informing in community that can
together help the free flow of information and organization reputation and trust of people. Public
relations should always be proactive for relations of academic and constant with media, in order
to take more advantage of potentials in the media and just do not rely on hold meetings of press.
To realize it means better and more use of the media power subject to a reasonable and practical
engagement with media that share of public relations and efforts to make this relationship is
7. Empowerment of Public Relations:
Serious consideration to the minds of all staff in creating amended, and the safe flow regardless
of the political desires and destructive approaches unfortunately it is one of the problems in
public relations. Provide effective advice to the Chief Executive Officer will be realized if
director of public relations have known science of counseling, psychology, education, sociology,
anthropology and ... that this is large gap in many the director of public relations (Daymon,
Defending position of public relations against irresponsible units and individuals intervention.
Protecting the privacy organization against the contradiction, the lies, threats and ... while it is
realized that the public relations director himself is innocent of these issues.
8. Result
In public relations, said: "The customer is always right”, it should be strongly emphasized
“informing is public relations functions." But perhaps the most important questions in the age of
the internet is how can to use e-services to reach the objectives of public relations and more
importantly, how can by these services create relationships with customers or audience by public
relations. But the things that should not forget;
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