A Qualitative Study On The Relationship Between Management and Communication Within Organization

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A qualitative study on the relationship between management and

communication within organization

Article in Journal of Student Research · July 2020

DOI: 10.47611/jsr.vi.935


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2 authors:

Lamees Almamari Mythili Kolluru

College of Banking and Financial Studies College of Banking and Financial Studies


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Journal of Student Research
Fourth Middle East College Student Research Conference, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
ISSN: 2167-1907 (www.jofsr.org)

A qualitative study on the relationship

between management and communication
within organization
Lamees Talib Hilal Ali Almamari College of Banking and Financial Studies
Dr. Mythili Kolluru College of Banking and Financial Studies

Management and communication complement each other, and there is no successful

management, without the existence of effective communication and its sophistication that
serve the work of the management departments with high efficiency. As the management has
gone through numerical stages today, we are witnessing the highest levels because they
benefit from all the developments witnessed in life. Communications become the bearer and
the carrier of the messages, concepts, and work of the management institutions efficiently
and very quickly, making the productivity and work of the organization up to the form desired
by the organization. Communication is the torch that illuminates the institutions' path by
transmitting its light everywhere. There are three main objectives of this research. The first
point is to understand the management process in organizations. How it ensures organization
success, Management process leads the organization to achieve its plans and many more by
focusing on every single detail that needs to be looked out for or managed. The second point
is to understand the process of communication in organizations and how it ensures
organizational success. Without communication, work will never be done, and these will result
in organizational failure. ?The third point is to establish a relationship between management
and communication processes in an organization and how this relationship is significant.
Management and communication will forever complement each other because they are
genuinely in need of each other. The research methodology used for this research is a
qualitative research method; it involved researching secondary sources of data like textbooks,
journals, newspaper clipping, and more. The paper proves that there is a substantial
relationship between management and communication, and for an organization to be
successful, this relationship needs to be adequately understood. Then only the organization
ensures success in all its endeavors.

1. Introduction
Since ancient times communication is very much and has evolved unexpectedly in today's era.
Communication and management are vital and essential for all humankind. Smart technologies
need to be understood as tools assisting management in communication. Rather than complicating
communication itself. Management and communication in this technology age should complement
towards using technology and effectively communicating towards organizational goals and

There are two main processes that organizations all over the world are trying to study, understand,
and look closely into, which has a significant impact on any organization, small or large. One is
understanding the process of management in an organization; a successful organization does not
exist without management. Management roles in an organization are more than necessary; they are
the true leaders of any organization. Management has many roles in an organization, such as
planning, mapping needed strategic activities, planning future steps, training, recruiting,
developing, communicating, and managing staff members. Management is like a signature in a
valid contract; it must be there.

Journal of Student Research
Fourth Middle East College Student Research Conference, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
ISSN: 2167-1907 (www.jofsr.org)

Secondly the process of communication in an organization much similar to management,

communication is an essential function for a successful organization, without communication
workplace conflict, poor operational results, low performance, low productivity, no trust, stress,
negative culture, the lousy relationship between employees and much more can occur within the
organization. Communication guarantees the flow of information sharing between all employees in
the organization, and this shows the fundamental relationship between communication and
management. Understating all these processes that are related to communication, management,
and the relationship that connects them is an essential and significant topic that guides
management and scholars, to think more about the two primary processes and the connection
between two different functions that complement each other. And not only that, but management
also focuses on other essential aspects that hold the foundation of any successful organization,
managing the people within the organization. Helping employees to manage and achieve their day-
to-day tasks as one of the management department roles in the organization, by "Manage self-
monitory employees" (Mayhew), Providing employees with a great leader that has the interest in
helping them be successful (Mayhew) and use practical tools such as motivation.

2. Research Objectives
1. To understand the management process in organizations.
2. To understand the communication process in organization.
3. To establish a relation between management and communication process within

3. Literature review
3.1 Literature review on management process

(Lodato, 2006), says at work, the success of all departments depends on the management process.
Management essential in the overall framework of any institution or company. With this system, the
different sections of the management rise, complementing each other as if they were one. We
cannot talk about scattered managements. It is also like the small rivers flowing down the big river.
The small management in any organization congregate and develops into the comprehensive
management of the institution.

(Kalpana R, n.d) The researcher discussed the management work environment and the role of this
environment and the diversity of departments and people in it. Many employees do not want to
change. They are happy to settle with the classical work and resist every new thing coming to the
advancement of management, but it has changed, and people are mostly not as resisting as they
were. The writer points out that there are people who do not like change because their interest will
decrease by the coming of new and sophisticated management. In this case, we find that static
management does not like change, and it does fit with the management sometimes, so they fail to
facilitate the organization. Resistor declines the new ideas and variables that are happening in the
world today. The researcher points out the importance of management development and the
presence of active managers and wise management developed by new executives who have
extensive powers of change and development.

(Dr. M. Subba Rao, 2013) The writer points out the importance of higher management in the
organizations so that they are creative and can make any appropriate decisions at the right time to
achieve the desired success for the company or organization. Updated to the management from a
regional and global perspective that makes these executives jump to the organizations to achieve
great success and also can run the organization in modern ways using the maximum means of
communication and also the resources that the organization for minimum cost.

Journal of Student Research
Fourth Middle East College Student Research Conference, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
ISSN: 2167-1907 (www.jofsr.org)

3.2 Literature review on the communication process

(Maria Therese Jensen, 2003) The researcher points out the importance of organizational
communication as the most critical episodes in order to communicate its role in organizations, and
Organizational communication is a structured communication-based on establishing relationships
within the boundaries of management and creates an identity that is recognized by all employees in
the organization. In any organization, the communication process is essential to achieve employee
and customer satisfaction. Therefore, it establishes an open dialogue between the entire members
of the organization and makes its employees confident in their roles and relationship with other
parties. In each institution must be clear organizational communication plays a role effectively to
the success of the work of the institution.

(Neeta Sharma,2010) In this article, the author focuses on the importance of communication in
society. It connects people. The various means of expression, including electronic communications
and satellite broadcasting, are in usage to bridge the views and establish connections within and
outside the organization. Communication supports the exchange of ideas and enhances employee

(Dr. Shipra Agarwal, Mr. Ashish Garg, 2012) According to the authors here, effective
communication is required at all levels of the institution, pointing out that effective communication
does not come easily to most people. It requires a willingness to accept, and skill requires practice
and application. Staff to be open-minded to develop their skills. The researchers give examples of
how children cry to communicate their wants to their parents. The author believes s that humans
are aware of communication since the early days to the last days of their life span. As human
communication helps us to meet these needs, the organizations also need to communicate to reach
their performance and mission to the highest levels.

3.3 literature on the relationship between management and

communication processes,

(Dr. Lovlyn Ekeowa Kelvin-Iloafu, 2016) In this research, the researcher points out that effective
communication is the lifeblood of any institution. Here, we find that communication in
organizations depends on the success of the way organizations establish their communication
methods, and it can be in a constructive manner leading to results that strengthen the relationship
between the pillars of the institution. The relationship between effective communication and
management is as essential as strategies that organizations prioritize their work for the success of
the organization. Positive communication channels enhance the organizational workforce and
strengthen their relationships.

(Roxana-Lucia MIHAI, 2017) Communication with management organizations aims to achieve

organizational tasks and objectives by working with people and also linking higher management
with lower management in order to share knowledge and to Increase managerial efficiency. Many
departments see communication as a performance tool to achieve the goal, something the
administration should take into account. Communication makes responsibility more significant and
decisions more critical.

(Leigh Richards, 2019) The writer states that communication is useful in the work of management;
it helps management in finding and discovering itself. The management has an essential role in the
development of products. It strengthens and the management relations with customers. Therefore,
we find that there are channels open with customers permanently and continuously to achieve the
continuity of management work with a more creative mind.

0A study about the relationship between both management and communication within the
organization is not a very vast topic, so this review brings out the significance of both sides of

Journal of Student Research
Fourth Middle East College Student Research Conference, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
ISSN: 2167-1907 (www.jofsr.org)

management and communication and how they complement each other.

4. Research Methodology
Qualitative research methods have taken their origin from social and behavioral sciences. The
qualitative research quickly communicates complex relationships clearly and descriptively. The
method selected for the qualitative research is record keeping, where various sources of
information like notes, videos, audio recordings, journals, textbooks, library, internet sourced
informed documents are read and analyzed to describe new research. The research involved an
analysis of large volumes of data which was collected through secondary sources. Inference of the
content is presented through schematic and written descriptions.

5. Result and discussions

5.1 Management Process in organizations

Management is the process of decision-making for the organization, making the best of all available
resources. There are many types of departments, and each unit has different perspectives. The goal
of each Department is to make decisions that achieve the productivity and profitability of the
organization. There are short, medium, and long term charts and programs. To achieve the
objectives for which the institution was established, they use all means available to the institution
and achieve the goal by a successful management. The human factor must be the basis because
humans are the masterminds behind all management and decision-making processes and the plans
that run the work of the Department in such a way that it overcomes the difficulties that can they
encounter. So, the concept of management, as we mentioned, is broad. The management varies in
the way it operates from simple management that we may find in a small organization to
transcontinental companies and multinationals companies, as well.

At any specific time, the management of company must first understand the environment and then
develop the human workforce working in it to become productive. They can also adapt to the
development of society, technologies, means of communication, and management. Humans are
receptive to changes and improve their performance. Management has multiple characteristics that
maybe the scope of its work in a particular part and maybe of a multi-account nature of the activity
that is required to serve the community or the environment in which it exists. Management has
become complex at present. It has become intertwined with other parties that help them to
complete their work towards achieving a higher goal in the presence of Global management
standards. Management in organizations and corporations have become more comfortable today,
but more complex in terms of overlapping decisions with each other and also under international
laws, regulations, under transparency and accountability. Most large corporations the decision
making is centered at the top management, yet they have many divisions to manage, similar to the
legs and hands of an octopus so communication plays a vital role in ensuring that dissemination of
information and delegation of work takes place across all sections of the organization in an efficient
and effective manner.

Journal of Student Research
Fourth Middle East College Student Research Conference, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
ISSN: 2167-1907 (www.jofsr.org)

Figure 1. The management process

The diagram shows and mentions some primary management actives that take place in
organizations all over the world. The diagrams clearly mention five parts which reflects what
happens in an organization or known as the management organization process.

5.2 Communication process in organizations

Communication is a tool used to achieve the delivery of information and ideas within each
organization. Every organization, no matter how large or small, communication is its focal point. In
the past, organizations relied on direct and personal communication between members of the
organization. In the past, communication was mostly a top-down approach, but now it has evolved
in several ways. Communication between the departments in the organization has become mutual,
which provides mobile and adequate access to the work of the departments, more organized ways,
and the speed required by the work. Moreover, these communications have exited the company to
multiple destinations, such as channels of communication linking the organization with other

In more sophisticated modes of communication, support for this development has enabled the
company and the organization to communicate its business message to its customers more and to
achieve better results to achieve the organizational objectives. Communication has connected
companies with people. Communications have become an essential activity in the work of
organizations. However, these communications have moved those organizations to strengthen their
role in achieving the desired objectives at the highest levels of efficiency and speed record.
Communications have benefited from a reciprocal relationship between it and management in a
dynamic relationship in order to develop the successful activities of the institution they serve by
raising the performance of the institution by linking it not at the local or regional level. However,
the international level to achieve effective communication based on solid foundations that serve
management and strengthens the activity of the institution and have successful management and
more responsive to the requirements of the times.

Journal of Student Research
Fourth Middle East College Student Research Conference, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
ISSN: 2167-1907 (www.jofsr.org)

Figure 2. The communication process

(Beckham, 1992) clear explains how communication take place within organizations, the flow of
information between the sender and the receiver and the feedback which the most important
element of the communication process which ensures that the communicated message has been
understood in the right context.

5.3 The Relationship between management and communication

The relationship between management and communication plays an integral role in each other's
activity. Management needs communication, and communication stimulates and operates within
departments. With rising technological developments, communication has also regularized itself. As
a result of technological advancements, organizations are managing their work remotely, rising
beyond geographical limitations. So, the relationship between communication and management is
both complementary and supportive. This synergistic relationship helps the organization to reach
its desired objectives. Management finds that the departments have expanded significantly by
linking their presence and communication and expanded this relationship so that it covers all parts
of the institution. This expansion is present in a way that reigns over human activity. In some
organizations, communication technology has become a substitute for the lack of weakness in
human performance. Communication has the power, and it has made the relationship more
accessible and easier for the benefit of the institution. Today, communications are more critical in
all organizations worldwide, and the relationship is expanding more exponentially than before. The
dramatic developments in communication have influenced management radically. Here we find that
success is an ally of this magical mix of the work of these processes.

Journal of Student Research
Fourth Middle East College Student Research Conference, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
ISSN: 2167-1907 (www.jofsr.org)

Figure 3. The relationship between management and communication

6. Conclusion
The management today in its work has become close to the means of communication and
commitment itself. It is not possible to talk about management on its own and talk about
communication alone; they are two close points that lead to the success of the organization. Here
we find that successful organization are those where management uses the maximum availability of
communications, only to serve the organization between its departments, multiple sections, and
also branches all over the world. The means of communication have made working in organizations
more flexible and effective. We find that this relationship between management and means of
communication is active in the world today. The management process cannot do without
communication. Management is more credible and more practical thanks to communication
techniques that have helped the administration to be more transparent in dealing with the work in
a spirit of more collective and greater productivity and high efficiency.

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ISSN: 2167-1907 (www.jofsr.org)

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