Primary Science FPD 5es Final

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5E’s- ENGAGE (1-2 lessons)

TERM / WEEKS:  To capture student interest and find out what they know about XXXXX TOPIC: YEAR 1

TERM 2 WEEK 1-5 To elicit students’ questions/ prior knowledge about XXXXX
Diagnostic assessment used- in this lesson you will find out what the students already know about Biological Sciences
XXXXX. This will allow you to take account of students’ existing ideas when planning learning

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES
Human Endeavour Skills ENGAGE
Living things live in (ACSHE022) (ACSIS025) Children are - Introduce the topic by reading the text Welcome Home Bear by Il Sung Na. The text is used as a
different places confident and stimulus to give students knowledge about the content of the lesson.
where their needs involved - The text aims to introduce the idea that all animals have different needs in order to survive, and
are learners
that their habitats meet these needs.
met (ACSSU211) Children are
- The educator focuses on the habitats in the story and explains that as the text showed, different
communicators animals need different habitats to ensure their needs are met.
- The educator shows some images of different types of habitats and what types of animals live in Habitat
sensory tubs
certain habitats, engaging in a class discussion about each habitat.
Materials in
LESSON OBJECTIVES - The educator asks key questions to see if students know of some animals that live in particular each habitat
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: habitats.
 Match the corresponding name of a habitat with the correct - The educator asks students if they have any questions they have about the topic, and then Playdough
explains the learning activities for the lesson. Clay
Animals for
 Create a habitat of choice using provided materials, and label each habitat
what animals live in that habitat. - ACTIVITY 1: The educator has set up 4 different environments using a range of different materials Features of
 Create and perform a role play depicting a certain habitat. in a learning centre (playdough, clay, natural materials, construction). The students’ task is to habitats
ASSESSMENT (DIAGNOSTIC) investigate the different habitats, followed by attempting to name 3 animals they think belong in
that habitat. Then students put the habitat name label into the corresponding matching habitat. Materials
- ACTIVITY 1: The educator is to take a photo of the students at for role play
each learning centre, and mark a checklist on whether the label - ACTIVITY 2: Playdough/clay sensory station. The childrens’ task is to use the clay/playdough/ which can
matches the correct habitat. materials provided and create a habitat of their choice in the mini sensory bins. Once they have be used as
created a habitat, they are to label what animals would live in that habitat and why they live costumes
- ACTIVITY 2: Educator is to take photos of the students with their
created habitat and use them for assessment. there.
- ACTIVITY 3: Observe role play and record whether students - ACTIVITY 3: The students are put into 2 groups within the larger group of their station. The
depicted a habitat correctly. student’s’ task is to create and engage in a role play in order to depict a particular habitat. Once
completing their role play, students perform their role play to the other half of the group, asking
the group to guess the habitat they acted out.
To conclude the lesson, the educator asks key questions to ensure that students have a strong
understanding of what a habitat is, and that the lesson objectives have been met.
Key questions include:
- What are 3 different types of habitats? Consider having answers to questions listed here?
- What habitat do we live in?
- What are some features of our habitat?
- What needs do we have as human beings?

Extending: Students select one animal from each activity and discuss how the habitat provides for the
needs of the animal.

Enabling: Students are given pictures of animals that live at each habitat as a guide to assist with
identification of matches.


- Ask students not to eat the clay/playdough in activity 2.
- Ask students to be careful and respectful of others during role play.
- Ask students to be respectful of the classroom materials at each learning centre.


5E’s- EXPLORE (2-3 lessons)
TERM / WEEKS:  To provide hands on, shared experiences of XXXXX TOPIC: YEAR 1

TERM 2 WEEK 1-5 To support students to investigate and explore ideas about XXXXX
Formative assessment Biological Sciences
Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


Science Understanding Science as a Human Science Inquiry EXPLORE (1 LESSON) EY QUESTIONS
Endeavour Skills

Living things live in (ACSHE022) (ACSIS025) Children are - Begin the lesson by giving a brief overview of the lesson objectives. Powerpoint
different places confident - To introduce the topic to the students, the educator begins by playing this short video to the Text
where their needs and involved students.
are learners
- Once finishing the video, the educator has a discussion about habitats and brainstorms
met (ACSSU211)
some main ideas the students noticed in the video.

- Begin a discussion with a slide show starting “Where do animals live?” Ocean slime
Sea creatures
- This will begin the class discussion on the topic of the lesson.
- Go through lesson objectives and ask key questions to find out students’ prior knowledge. Tub
- “What is a habitat?” “A habitat is a place where an animal lives, where their needs are Shells
- “Can you name some different types of habitats?” “Sea, bush, backyard, forrest etc” Clay
Bush animals
- Give students some background knowledge and information on each habitat that is being Honey nuts, pine
explored in the lesson. Once explanation is over, give explicit instructions on each activity cones etc
that will be occurring. Send a group of students to each activity- giving each group about 10
mins at each station. Sensory materials
for the bin, toy
ACTIVITY 1- THE SEA: Students are to explore the ocean slime with their hands, pressing the sea insects, soil,
gloves, flashcards,
creatures into the slime. Students use magnifying glasses to look at the features of sea paper
creatures. Place creatures into the sand and ocean slime. They are placed according to what
lives in sand and what lives in ocean.
ACTIVITY 2- THE BUSH: Students are to look at everything that is placed in the bush
environment. They are then asked to select what doesn’t belong in the bush and remove it.
Students then answer key questions such as: Why doesn’t it belong in the bush? Where does it
belong? Discuss with group. Teacher to make anecdotal notes on their discussion.
ACTIVITY 3: THE BACKYARD: Students are to find an animal which is hidden in the sensory bin.
Once selecting an animal from the sensory bin, students find matching flash card for that
particular animal, draw the animal, and then label it with the features on the flashcard. Teacher
to collect work samples.

- Pair students with other students who are at a higher ability then them, to ensure they stay
on track and are engaged in the lesson.
- Use sensory objects for students who have a visual impairment. This will ensure they can
actively participate and learn.


- Ask students not to eat any of the materials.
- Ask students to use the materials safely and correctly.
- Ask students to share resources with other students.
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Explore the main features of the backyard, the sea and the
 Identify what animals live in each environment

- ACTIVITY 1: Educator to take a photo of the activity of the
evidence in the sea activity.
- ACTIVITY 2: Take anecdotal notes on discussion in the bush
activity. Refer to notes for assessment.
- ACTIVITY 3: Collect students work samples of their labelled
animal drawings.
5E’s- EXPLAIN (1 lesson)
TERM / WEEKS:  To support students to develop explanations for experiences and make TOPIC YEAR 1
TERM 2 WEEK 1-5 representations of developing conceptual understandings
Formative assessment Biological Sciences
Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


2 only)
Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES
Human Skills
Living things live in (ACSHE022) (ACSIS025) Children are - To begin the lesson, as the students are sitting on the mat, the educator
different places confident and introduces a puppet to use as the hook for the lesson.
where their needs involved - The puppet is a shark, and the educator uses the shark to talk about the
are met (ACSSU211) learners
sharks’ habitat where the shark lives, and why it lives in the ocean.
Living things have a - The shark puppet is used to introduce the idea to the students of features
variety of external of different animals.
features (ACSSU017) - The educator uses the shark’s voice to explain to students: “I have many
different features that make me need the water to survive! If I got put in
the dessert or the bush, I would not survive because the ocean gives me
life. I have features that need the ocean!”
- The educator then removes the puppet and explains that in today’s lesson, Craft materials for diorama
the students will be looking at some different features of animals, and how Shoe boxes
Glue, tape, craft
their needs are met in different habitats.
- ACTIVITY 1: In pairs the students are to create a habitat diorama of their
choice. The students are encouraged to use a range of materials in their
habitat, as well as a selection of animals that can be found in that habitat.
This activity can be completed over a few days. Once all habitats are Ipad
completed, students can present to the rest of the class. Picollage app
- ACTIVITY 2: The student’s task is to use the Pic Collage app on the iPads to
create an informative poster about a selected habitat. The poster must
include the following:
LESSON OBJECTIVES - Heading Box construction materials
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: - 3 pictures of different habitats Permanent markers
 Create a diorama on one habitat, with correct features of that - 3 animals that would live in each of those habitats Glue
habitat. - The poster must include details about the features of the habitat, animals Tape
 Create a PicCollage poster on a specific habitat, including the that can be found in that habitat, images of the habitat and explanation to Paint
required features. go along with it.
 Create an insect using materials
- These will be handed in and put on display around the classroom.
ASSESSMENT (FORMATIVE) - ACTIVITY 3: The student’s task is to go on a nature walk with the EA,
around the outdoor environment at the learning centre. The students are
- ACTIVITY 1: Students are to present their diorama to a group or
class. The educator is to watch their presentation and assess the each given magnifying glasses and are asked key questions along the way.
finished product. “What insects can you see? What are some features of the insects?” Once
- ACTIVITY 2: The educator collects the work samples of the posters. returning to learning centre #3, the student’s task is to select an animal
Posters are put on display around the room. Students are assessed which they noticed on their nature walk. Using box construction, the
on the content on their informative poster. students make an insect they saw on the walk and label its features using a
- ACTIVITY 3: EA makes anecdotal notes on the answers that the
permanent marker.
students gave in response to the key questions on the nature walk.
The educator also collects the work samples and uses them for The educator concludes the lesson by using the shark puppet to gain students
assessment purposes. attention and review the lesson objectives.
The puppet asks key questions: “Why do animals live in different habitats?”
What are some features of animals that live in the backyard/garden?”

Students who have ADHD and struggle to focus during tasks, can be given
specific tasks and activities, and possibly modified tasks to ensure it makes it
more simple and clear for them.
Students who need extending could be given a more complex, challenging
habitat or animal with more features.


Ask students to be safe with the materials and resources they are using
Ask students to take care and use the iPads respectfully and sensibly.


5E’s- ELABORATE (1-2 lessons)
TERM / WEEKS:  To challenge and extend students’ understandings in a new context or make TOPIC YEAR 1
TERM 2 WEEK 1-5 
connections to additional concepts through a student planned investigation
To use investigative/ inquiry skills Biological Sciences
Summative assessment of science inquiry skills

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


2 only)
Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES
Human Skills

Living things live in (ACSHE022) (ACSIS025) Children are - To introduce the lesson, the educator begins by holding up a range of toy
different places confident and animals to the students.
where their needs involved - The educator asks students questions about each animal to assess prior
are met (ACSSU211) learners
- Key questions include:
- “What features does this animal have for it to survive in it ‘s habitat?”
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: - “What habitat would this animal live in?”
 In groups, create a powerpoint presentation on a habitat, its
- “What needs does this animal have?”
features and the animals that live in that habitat.
 Record findings about the outdoor habitat and compare them - The educator brainstorms each of these answers on the whiteboard, and
with a peer. discusses the features of each animal in order to review the information for
the students.
- To commence the learning centres, the educator explains each task at
leach space in the class.
- ACTIVITY 1: The students are split into 4 groups within the class. Each group
‘s task is to create a PowerPoint presentation on one habitat. The
powerpoint must include the following:
- Heading
ASSESSMENT (SUMMATIVE – Science Inquiry Skills) - 3 pictures of different habitats
ACTIVITY 1: Educator uses a rubric to mark and assess students - Simple information about each habitat – added this as an extension to the
PowerPoint presentation and the students inquiry skills. Pic Collage
ACTIVITY 2: The educator is to make observations and record a video - 3 animals that would live in each of those habitats
of the students as they share their information with a peer in the Students then present each PowerPoint presentation to the remainder of the
group. class.
ACTIVITY 2: The student’s task is to conduct an observation of the schoolyard
Magnifying glasses for
environment. The students are to record the observations and the findings of
their observation. Students are given gardening gloves and magnifying glasses Gardening gloves
to explore and find insects. Once the observation is complete and they have
recorded their findings students are asked to find a partner in their group and
discuss their findings. This will allow students to appreciate the work of a
classmate and compare their findings.

To conclude the lesson, the student’s share their presentations. while the
educator completes anecdotal records.
The educator concludes the lesson by asking students in the class questions
about the content that was covered throughout the lesson.

Students with Autism can seek help from the EA to ensure they stay on task and
have questions answered if needed.
Students who need extending could observe more than one insect during the
observation session.


- Use the ipads correctly only using them to research appropriate
- Treat the environment with respect and safely.


5E’s- EVALUATE (1 lesson)
TERM / WEEKS:  To provide opportunities to review and reflect on their learning about XXXXX and TOPIC YEAR 1
TERM 2 WEEK 1-5 represent what they know about XXXXX
Summative assessment of science understanding e account of students’ existing ideas when planning Biological Sciences
learning experiences

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


2 only)
Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES
Human Skills
Living things live in (ACSHE022) (ACSIS025) Children are - To begin the lesson, the educator mirrors a photo of a habitat with
different places confident and incorrect features and incorrect animals in the habitat.
where their needs involved - The educator begins explaining the habitat as if nothing is wrong with it.
are met (ACSSU211) learners
- If the students don’t pick up on the mistakes, the educator asks questions
to draw the student ‘s attention to the incorrect features of the habitat
which is being shown.
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: - Once students have identified the incorrect features of the habitat, the
 Create a scientific reflection journal on all knowledge which has
educator asks students if they can specifically identify the incorrect
been learnt in the previous weeks.
 Complete a “What habitat do I belong in?” poster including features and animals which are placed in the environment, as well as
appropriate information. asking them where they are meant to belong.
- The educator then asks students if they can recall the last few weeks of all
the work they have done on habitats and the different features of animals.
ASSESSMENT (SUMMATIVE – Science Understanding) - The educator asks more in depth key questions which were asked in the
- Educator to give students a short simple ‘Form’ on the iPad based on engage lesson. The questions include:
the content which has been taught over the past 5 weeks. - What are 5 different types of habitats?
- Educator to read each student ‘s science reflection journals and mark - What habitat do we live in and what are our the needs in our habitat?
appropriately on information included.
- What are some features of our habitat and what are some features of a
human being?
- What features does xxx have in their habitat of xxx”
Once gaining a general understanding of how the students have progressed
with the lesson content, the educator begins to explain the activities of the day
to the students.

ACTIVITY 1: The students’ task is to create a science reflection journal on what

they have learned in the past 5 weeks. The educator provides each student with
a blank reflection journal, where the students are to write or draw a detailed
description of all the acquired knowledge they have on a range of habitats and
animals from those habitats. Reflection journal
The educator makes it clear to students that they must include as much detail Coloured pencils/textas
as possible as if they are teaching somebody about the topic. Pencils
ACTIVITY 2: The students’ task is to complete a “What Habitat Do I Belong in?
poster. The educator has prepared a class set of “What habitat do I belong in?”
posters. Each poster is open ended, meaning the students can decide what
habitat and animal belongs in that habitat. The students must include:
what the animal is, the features of that animal, and the habitat it belongs in Pre made poster template
Students are able to add extra information to their poster if they like.

Once the activities are completed in the learning centre, the educator collects
all the work samples which have been completed. With the habitat posters, the
educator turns the habitat posters into a book which the students can explore
during individual reading time in class.
To conclude the lesson, the educator plays a song about habitats in the world,
to the class. The educator encourages students to sing along and create dance
moves to the lyrics of the song.
- What new things have you learnt over the last 5 weeks?
- What are some local habitats in your environment?
- What have you learnt that you didn’t know before?
- What features help animals to live in their habitat?

Students with ADHD can be given a simplified version of each task, to ensure
they don’t struggle and are able to focus on specific details.
Students who need extending can be encouraged told to include more
information in their reflection journals with some extra detailed features of

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