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Wide angle

the vital challenges of a scientific debate
Liz-Rejane Issberner and Philippe Léna

The term Anthropocene

was coined to take into
account the impact of the
accelerated accumulation of
greenhouse gases on climate
and biodiversity, and also
the irreversible damage caused
by the over-consumption of
natural resources. But do we
need to turn this into a new
geological epoch? While the
debate continues among
scientists, solutions have yet
to be found. We are, in effect,
© Daniel Beltrá / Greenpeace

witnessing a collective form of

denial – the result of a naive
faith in progress, consumerist
ideology and powerful
economic lobbies.
Aerial photograph documenting
deforestation in the northern Other research, started in the 1950s
The term Anthropocene appears in
area of Pará State, Brazil (2013). and based on samples of ancient ice
the titles of hundreds of books and
According to the French newspaper from the Antarctic and the present
scientific articles and in thousands
Le Monde, Brazil reduced composition of the atmosphere
of citations. Its use in the media also
deforestation by 84 per cent between – analysed at the Mauna Loa observatory
continues to grow. Defining Earth’s
2004 and 2012 before it started in Hawaii, United States – have revealed
most recent geological epoch in which
to increase again. an accelerated build-up of greenhouse
human actions have started to provoke
biophysical changes on a planetary scale, gases (GHG), essentially carbon dioxide
the word was coined in the 1980s by (CO2). In 1987, the Intergovernmental Panel
American biologist Eugene F. Stoermer They proposed that the beginning of on Climate Change (IPCC) was set up to
and popularized in the early 2000s by this new epoch should be symbolically set evaluate the impact of these phenomena
Paul Crutzen, the Dutch atmospheric at 1784, the year in which Scottish inventor on climate.
scientist and winner of the Nobel Prize James Watt substantially improved upon
in Chemistry 1995. The scientists noticed the steam engine with new inventions
– it also corresponded to the beginning
The Great Acceleration
that these changes were leading the Earth
system away from the relative equilibrium of the Industrial Revolution and the use By pooling this data, in 2009 and again
it had known since the beginning of the of fossil fuels. in 2015, environmental scientists Johan
Holocene, 11,700 years ago. From 1987 to 2015, a vast, Rockström (Sweden), Will Steffen (US)
multidisciplinary research project, and their colleagues at the Stockholm
the International Geosphere-Biosphere Resilience Centre drew up a list of the nine
Programme (IGBP), collected a mass planetary boundaries that it would be
of data on anthropogenic changes dangerous to cross.
to the Earth system.

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Wide angle

Four of these boundaries have already

been crossed – climate change,
vegetation cover, biodiversity loss and
extinctions (the Sixth Extinction) and
biogeochemical flows – with phosphorus
and nitrogen cycles playing a particularly
crucial role. They also showed that all
available indicators on the consumption
© Guillaume Bression - Carlos Ayesta (www.fukushima-nogozone.com)

of primary resources, energy use,

population growth, economic activity
and biosphere degradation, skyrocketed
after the Second World War. This period
was dubbed the Great Acceleration.
Other observers have even spoken,
since the 1970s, of a period of hyper-
acceleration. These trends are believed
to be unsustainable.

Metaphor or real
geological epoch?
There seems to be a consensus that several
parameters of the Earth system have recently
started to develop beyond the spectrum
of the natural variability of the Holocene Bad Dreams, part of a series by
– it is now more or less accepted that photographers Guillaume Bression and After all, who’s responsible for crossing
the term Anthropocene be used, to specify Carlos Ayesta in the no-go zone around the biogeophysical boundaries if not
changes that are of human origin. A handful Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power Western humans and a particular
of scientists have nevertheless decided to go plant, in 2013. The artists, from France socio-economic system? This has
beyond using the term metaphorically or as and Venezuela, chose to use transparent led to several alternative proposals –
a practical, interdisciplinary reference tool. plastic to depict radiation, which is both Occidentalocene, etc. Others, such as
They have proposed that the Anthropocene, invisible and odourless. specialists in global or environmental
just like the Holocene and the Pleistocene, history, feel that there is no ontological
should be elevated officially to the rank of discontinuity and that the exceptional
geological epoch. nature of Western growth
The AWG is therefore suggesting that (the Great Divergence) will have to be
An Anthropocene Working Group (AWG) the change of epoch should be in 1950, repositioned in the longer term.
has been set up to present this proposal the year in which various chemical
to the International Union of Geological According to them, humans have always
constituents and plastic particles of
Sciences (IUGS). But for a new epoch to be – or at least for the last 40,000 years
anthropogenic origin began to appear in
named by stratigraphers, there has to be – had an increasing impact on their
sediments. This is also the beginning of the
an observable and universal rift between surroundings. They have contributed,
Great Acceleration. In any event, a possible
the sedimentary layers of two epochs. for example, to the disappearance of
failure to recognize the Anthropocene
Although the presence of anthropogenic American and Australian megafauna.
as a geological epoch would in no way
carbon has been noted in sediments Some  researchers are thus arguing for
invalidate the scientific use of the term as
since the 1850s, this is not considered a long Anthropocene, with sub-periods,
it stands today.
to be sufficient. such  as capitalist industrialization
The concept of the Anthropocene has (1850-1950) and the Great Acceleration.
sparked several controversies in spite of Most, though, recognize the need to
its brief existence – the term itself has been abandon a linear and deterministic vision
queried. Historians and anthropologists of historical time.
have questioned the reference to
anthropos, the generic human being.

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Wide angle

The emergence of the concept of

the Anthropocene confers upon them
the responsibility of explaining how human
societies have been able to provoke changes
of such magnitude to the modus operandi
of the planet, and what differentiated
impacts they will have on the world map.
The social sciences and humanities should
be developing and acquiring new subjects
and knowledge to respond to the questions
raised by this new epoch – including natural
disasters, renewable energy, the depletion
of natural resources, desertification, ecocide,
widespread pollution, migration, social and
environmental injustice.
The slow and feeble reactions of politicians
– and of societies in general – to climate
change, is also astounding. A mathematical
analysis of networks of citations has shown
that in scientific articles on the subject,
there has been a consensus, since the
early 1990s, that climate change exists.
Given that the crisis is worsening, it is hard
to understand why efforts to reduce GHGs
have been so half-hearted. What obstacles
Since the end of the Second World War,
several scientists have warned of the
Collective denial are preventing international negotiations
from being more effective? Besides the
non-generalizable and unsustainable Why are we refusing to see this? intentionality of these so-called obstacles,
character of the Western economic model. There could be a number of reasons: there is no doubt that communications
No boundary had yet been crossed, a blind faith in progress and development between science and society are sluggish,
and humankind had consumed less – in other words, in a system which at least when it comes to the climate
than one planet. But the process had increases available wealth indefinitely question. To address this, the IPCC has
been set in motion. In the early 1970s, – and a belief in the capacity of science adopted a new approach for its Sixth
the situation worsened, the warnings and technology to solve all problems Assessment Report (AR6), designed to
multiplied, and the scientific data and negative externalities (like pollution, raise awareness among the general public,
accumulated. On both these occasions, for example); powerful interests that not just decision-makers.
a historical change of course would benefit from this process and carry out
have been possible. It has become more intense lobbying; the media takeover
difficult today. of the minds of consumers, creating Overcoming deadlocks
a hunger for individual consumption,
One of the stumbling blocks of the
as much for comfort as to set oneself apart
Anthropocene is that to tackle it, the
and be recognized.
delicate subject of environmental justice has
It is surprising that the human and to be addressed. Climate change will amplify
social sciences have avoided this issue the existing risks, and create new ones,
for so long, given that it will determine for natural and human systems. Yet these
the future of humanity. Besides being risks are not distributed equally, generally
anthropocentric by definition, affecting disadvantaged individuals and
these disciplines believe that the groups the most. But it is not easy to find
field belongs to the natural sciences, a satisfactory solution to this problem,
par excellence. given the heterogeneity of countries in
terms of their level of development, size,
population, and natural resources, etc.

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Wide angle

© Mandy Barker / Greenpeace

WHERE? – No one wears a watch,

What’s more, the human ecological This is exactly what leads us to the a visual interpretation of the journeys
footprint has already overtaken, by fifty deadlocks that usually arise in international plastics make, the time it takes for
per cent, the planet’s capacity for negotiations – the search for culprits that them to degrade, and their impact on
regeneration and absorption, and eighty then dissuades countries from making the environment. It features plastic items
per cent of its population lives in countries commitments, for fear of compromising collected from islands off the west coast
whose biocapacity is already smaller their economic growth and their jobs, of Scotland (United Kingdom).
than its ecological footprint. A country or antagonizing powerful interests. The
like Brazil (and other countries on the solution that was reached in the Paris
American continent) still possesses a Agreement, signed on 22 April 2016, It seems as though humanity is being
large biocapacity surplus, even though was to ask countries to make voluntary lethargic – waiting for the end of the film,
it consumes 1.8 planets. But twenty-six commitments, rather than impose criteria when the heroes arrive to sort everything
per cent of its GHG emissions are due established on a planetary scale. This out, and we can all live happily ever after.
to deforestation. A significant part of its means each country commits to meet
ecological footprint comes from exporting targets for reducing its emissions in line
primary products, which is the reason for with what it considers to be viable. Liz-Rejane Issberner (Brazil) is an
a large proportion of this deforestation. economist and senior researcher at
This approach has helped to overcome
The competitive globalized system tries to the Brazilian Institute of Information in
deadlocks and to make action possible.
find supplies at the least cost, encouraging Science and Technology (IBICT) and
But  it has also created a tangle of
extractivism in many countries, and land- professor at the Postgraduate Programme
assessment criteria that complicates
grabbing in others. in Information Science (IBICT with
comparisons between national efforts.
Even if it were possible to suppress all Also, in spite of its universal character, the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro).
carbon dioxide emissions in high-revenue the Paris Agreement does not provide for Philippe Léna (France), is a geographer
countries right now, it would still not sanctions against countries that default and sociologist, and emeritus researcher
be enough to reduce the global carbon on their commitments. This is a sign of the at the French National Research Institute
footprint and meet the limits imposed weak governance of the climate question for Sustainable Development (IRD)
for the biosphere until 2050. In other which, in the absence of an institution and the National Museum of Natural
words, in spite of the considerable mandated to carry it out, is incapable of History (MNHN), Paris.
differences in the size of their economies prevailing over the economic interests of
and their reserves of natural resources, countries and enterprises.
all countries need to try to remedy
Submerged under contradictions,
the most pressing problem of the
dilemmas and ignorance, the extremely
Anthropocene – by drastically reducing
serious environmental issues of the
their GHG emissions.
Anthropocene are not getting the
required level of priority on national and
social agendas.

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