ENED - Lecture Anthropocene PDF
ENED - Lecture Anthropocene PDF
ENED - Lecture Anthropocene PDF
the vital challenges of a scientific debate
Liz-Rejane Issberner and Philippe Léna
Metaphor or real
geological epoch?
There seems to be a consensus that several
parameters of the Earth system have recently
started to develop beyond the spectrum
of the natural variability of the Holocene Bad Dreams, part of a series by
– it is now more or less accepted that photographers Guillaume Bression and After all, who’s responsible for crossing
the term Anthropocene be used, to specify Carlos Ayesta in the no-go zone around the biogeophysical boundaries if not
changes that are of human origin. A handful Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power Western humans and a particular
of scientists have nevertheless decided to go plant, in 2013. The artists, from France socio-economic system? This has
beyond using the term metaphorically or as and Venezuela, chose to use transparent led to several alternative proposals –
a practical, interdisciplinary reference tool. plastic to depict radiation, which is both Occidentalocene, etc. Others, such as
They have proposed that the Anthropocene, invisible and odourless. specialists in global or environmental
just like the Holocene and the Pleistocene, history, feel that there is no ontological
should be elevated officially to the rank of discontinuity and that the exceptional
geological epoch. nature of Western growth
The AWG is therefore suggesting that (the Great Divergence) will have to be
An Anthropocene Working Group (AWG) the change of epoch should be in 1950, repositioned in the longer term.
has been set up to present this proposal the year in which various chemical
to the International Union of Geological According to them, humans have always
constituents and plastic particles of
Sciences (IUGS). But for a new epoch to be – or at least for the last 40,000 years
anthropogenic origin began to appear in
named by stratigraphers, there has to be – had an increasing impact on their
sediments. This is also the beginning of the
an observable and universal rift between surroundings. They have contributed,
Great Acceleration. In any event, a possible
the sedimentary layers of two epochs. for example, to the disappearance of
failure to recognize the Anthropocene
Although the presence of anthropogenic American and Australian megafauna.
as a geological epoch would in no way
carbon has been noted in sediments Some researchers are thus arguing for
invalidate the scientific use of the term as
since the 1850s, this is not considered a long Anthropocene, with sub-periods,
it stands today.
to be sufficient. such as capitalist industrialization
The concept of the Anthropocene has (1850-1950) and the Great Acceleration.
sparked several controversies in spite of Most, though, recognize the need to
its brief existence – the term itself has been abandon a linear and deterministic vision
queried. Historians and anthropologists of historical time.
have questioned the reference to
anthropos, the generic human being.