The Anthropecene
The Anthropecene
The Anthropecene
Author(s): Will Steffen, Jacques Grinevald, Paul Crutzen and John McNeill
Source: Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences , 13
March 2011, Vol. 369, No. 1938, The Anthropocene: a new epoch of geological time? (13
March 2011), pp. 842-867
Published by: Royal Society
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Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
TRANSACTIONS pM ^^ R ^ ^ ^^ ^ 842_867
THE ROYAL A' doi:10.1098/rsta.2010.0327
society íü,
The human imprint on the global environment has now become so large and active that
it rivals some of the great forces of Nature in its impact on the functioning of the Earth
system. Although global-scale human influence on the environment has been recognized
since the 1800s, the term Anthropocene, introduced about a decade ago, has only recently
become widely, but informally, used in the global change research community. However,
the term has yet to be accepted formally as a new geological epoch or era in Earth history.
In this paper, we put forward the case for formally recognizing the Anthropocene as a
new epoch in Earth history, arguing that the advent of the Industrial Revolution around
1800 provides a logical start date for the new epoch. We then explore recent trends in
the evolution of the Anthropocene as humanity proceeds into the twenty-first century,
focusing on the profound changes to our relationship with the rest of the living world and
on early attempts and proposals for managing our relationship with the large geophysical
cycles that drive the Earth's climate system.
Keywords: Anthropocene; global change; planetary boundaries; Industrial Revolution;
1. Introduction
Climate change has brought into sharp focus the capability of contemporar
human civilization to influence the environment at the scale of the Earth as a
single, evolving planetary system. Following the discovery of the ozone hole ov
Antarctica, with its undeniably anthropogenic cause, the realization that the
emission of large quantities of a colourless, odourless gas such as carbon dioxid
(CO2) can affect the energy balance at the Earth's surface has reinforced th
concern that human activity can adversely affect the broad range of ecosyste
* Author for correspondence ([email protected]).
One contribution of 13 to a Theme Issue 'The Anthropocene: a new epoch of geological time?'.
services that support human (and other) life [1,2] and could eventua
to a 'crisis in the biosphere' ([3], cited in Grinevald [4]). But climate
is only the tip of the iceberg. In addition to the carbon cycle, huma
(i) significantly altering several other biogeochemical, or element cycle
as nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur, that are fundamental to life on the
(ii) strongly modifying the terrestrial water cycle by intercepting river flow
uplands to the sea and, through land-cover change, altering the water v
flow from the land to the atmosphere; and (iii) likely driving the sixth
extinction event in Earth history [5]. Taken together, these trends are
evidence that humankind, our own species, has become so large and acti
it now rivals some of the great forces of Nature in its impact on the fun
of the Earth system.
The concept of the Anthropocene, proposed by one of us (P.J.C.) about a
ago [6,7], was introduced to capture this quantitative shift in the relati
between humans and the global environment. The term Anthropocene su
(i) that the Earth is now moving out of its current geological epoch, ca
Holocene and (ii) that human activity is largely responsible for this exit f
Holocene, that is, that humankind has become a global geological force in
right. Since its introduction, the term Anthropocene has become widely a
in the global change research community, and is now occasionally ment
in articles in popular media on climate change or other global environm
issues. However, the term remains an informal one. This situation may
as an Anthropocene Working Group has recently been formed as part o
Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy to consider whether the term
be formally recognized as a new epoch in the Earth's history [8].
it gave us. ... In thousands of years, when, seen from the distance, only the
lines of the present age will still be visible, our wars and our revolutions will c
for little, even supposing they are remembered at all; but the steam engin
the procession of inventions of every kind that accompanied it, will perha
spoken of as we speak of the bronze or of the chipped stone of pre-historic tim
it will serve to define an age.' (Creative Evolution, transi, by Arthur Mit
New York, The Modern Library (1911) 1944, p. 153.)
In the chapter 'Carbon and living matter in the earth's crust' of his
Geochemistry, Vernadsky wrote: 'But in our geologic era, in the psychozoic
era - the era of Reason [28, p. 66] - a new geochemical factor of paramount
importance appears. During the last 10000 or 20000 years, the geochemical
influence of agriculture has become unusually intense and diverse. We see a
surprising speed in the growth of mankind's geochemical work. We see a more
and more pronounced influence of consciousness and collective human reason
upon geochemical processes. Man has introduced into the planet's structure a new
form of effect upon the exchange of atoms between living matter and inert matter.
Formerly, organisms affected the history only of those atoms that were necessary
for their respiration, nutrition and proliferation. Man has widened this circle,
exerting influence upon elements necessary for technology and for the creation of
civilized forms of life. Man acts here not as homo sapiens, but as homo sapiens
faber' [21, p. 342; 23, pp. 219-220]. In the original French text of La Géochimie,
Bergson's Evolution Créatrice is quoted as source of inspiration. The same idea
was developed in the second edition, in French, of La Biosphère [22]. More
recently, James Lovelock, the father of the Gaia hypothesis and a proponent of
geophysiological homeostasis, has provided another global conceptual framework
for human influence on biogeochemical cycles [29,30].
However, in the beginning of the twentieth century, nobody, except perhaps
Vernadsky in the USSR and Henry Adams in the USA, imagined the Great
Acceleration of the second phase of the Anthropocene - the post- World War
II worldwide industrialization, techno-scientific development, nuclear arms race,
population explosion and rapid economic growth. In the interwar period,
nobody took seriously the global warming scenario first calculated by Svante
Arrhenius [31] in his 1896 fundamental study of greenhouse theory, or by Guy
Stewart Callendar [32] in the interwar period. These events occurred before the
emergence of our modern planetary ecological conscience.
The diverse notions of noösphere, or similar ideas under different terminology,
are, however, not equivalent to the new concept of the Anthropocene, now
advocated by the recently elected President of the Geological Society of London
for 2010-2012, who wrote in his book: 'The time in which we now live would then,
sadly and justly, surely become known as the "Anthropocene". We have received
an important message from a warm planet. We can understand it, and we should
respond - as if people mattered' [33, p. 196].
The history of interactions between humans and the environment in which they
were embedded goes back a very long way, to well before the emergence of
fully modern humans to the times of their hominid ancestors. During virtually
least four continents - Asia, Australia and the Americas - went extinct
Despite the long-standing debate about whether human hunting pressur
climate variability was the ultimate cause of the demise of the megafau
seems clear now that humans played a significant role, given the close cor
between the timing of the extinctions and the arrival of humans. A
these extinctions were likely significant for the ecology of these contine
large areas, there is no evidence that they had any appreciable impact o
functioning of the Earth system as a whole.
The second was the advent of agriculture - the so-called Neolithic Revo
in the early phases of the Holocene. This hypothesis for the beginning
Anthropocene argues that two agriculture-related events - the clearing of
and conversion of land to cropping about 8000 years ago and the develo
of irrigated rice cultivation about 5000 years ago - emitted enough C
methane (CH4), respectively, to the atmosphere to prevent the initiation
next ice age [43]. The hypothesis is that the early forest clearing rev
downward trend in CO2 concentration that had been established in the Ho
by increasing CO2 concentration by 5-10 ppm. A recent model-based an
claims that these modest increases in greenhouse gas concentrations were
to trigger natural ocean feedbacks in the climate system strong en
raise global mean temperature significantly and release additional CO2 t
atmosphere [44].
On the other hand, there are considerable arguments against the
Anthropocene hypothesis. First, if the very modest increases in gre
gas concentrations 5000-8000 years ago drove significant increases in
mean temperature, it would imply that very high global heating would
from the present greenhouse gas concentrations. Furthermore, analyses
change in solar radiation owing to orbital forcing suggest that the E
presently in an unusually long interglacial period and is not due to e
another ice age for at least 10 000 years without any increases in greenh
emissions [45,46]. In addition, the variation of atmospheric CO2 concent
through the Holocene can be explained by the natural dynamics of the
cycle [47,48]. This latter point is buttressed by a recent analysis, using
of-the-art dynamic global vegetation model, which shows that CO2 chang
to land-use change, even assuming double the maximum estimated r
land-use change in the past, is less than 4ppm up to 1850, well with
bounds of natural variability [49]. Thus, the early Anthropocene hyp
does not seem plausible, and does not have widespread support wit
research community.
of 260-285 ppm [59]. Only by 1850 did the CO2 concentration (285 ppm)
the upper limit of natural Holocene variability and by 1900 it had climb
296 ppm [58], just high enough to show a discernible human influence b
natural variability. Since the mid-twentieth century, the rising concentra
isotopie composition of CO2 in the atmosphere have been measured direct
great accuracy [60], and has shown an unmistakable human imprint.
So when did the Anthropocene actually start? It is difficult to put a
date on a transition that occurred at different times and rates in different p
but it is clear that in 1750, the Industrial Revolution had barely begun
1850 it had almost completely transformed England and had spread to m
other countries in Europe and across the Atlantic to North America. W
suggest that the year AD 1800 could reasonably be chosen as the beg
of the Anthropocene. Note that we have used a Christian calendar date to
mark the beginning of the Anthropocene, rather than the 'before present (BP)'
date that is normally used to mark events earlier in the Holocene. Studies of
the Holocene, especially those quoting radiocarbon dates, often use BP although
that 'present' is defined as a rapidly receding 1950. We use the standard Christian
calendar here both for familiarity and also for the importance of near-historical
events and dates in our analysis. It is striking, however, that the radiocarbon
'present' date is very close to the beginning of both the nuclear age and
the Great Acceleration, which comprise one of the several candidates for a
beginning-of- Anthropocene date.
The human enterprise switched gears after World War II. Although the im
of human activity on the global environment was, by the mid- twentieth cent
clearly discernible beyond the pattern of Holocene variability in several impor
ways, the rate at which that imprint was growing increased sharply at m
century. The change was so dramatic that the 1945 to 2000+ period ha
called the Great Acceleration [61].
Figure 1 gives a visual representation of the Great Acceleration. As sho
in figure la, which displays several indicators of the development of
enterprise from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to the beginning o
new millennium, every indicator of human activity underwent a sharp in
in rate around 1950 [5,55]. For example, population increased from 3 to 6
in just 50 years, while the leap in economic activity was even more drama
rise of 15- fold over that period. The consumption of petroleum grew by a
of 3.5 since 1960. Some of the indicators were virtually 0 at the beginnin
the Great Acceleration but exploded soon after the end of World War II.
number of motor vehicles rose from only 40 million at the end of the war to
700 million by 1996, and continues to rise steadily. The post-war period h
seen the rapid expansion of international travel, electronic communicatio
economic connectivity, all from very low or non-existent bases.
One of the most dramatic trends of the past half-century has been
widespread abandonment of the farm and the village for a life in the
Over half of the human population - over 3 billion people - now live in u
Figure 1. (a) The increasing rates of change in human activity since the beginning of the Industri
Revolution. Significant increases in rates of change occur around thel950s in each case and illustra
how the past 50 years have been a period of dramatic and unprecedented change in human histo
From Steffen et al. [5], including references to the individual databases on which the individ
figures are based, (b) Global scale changes in the Earth system as a result of the drama
increase in human activity: (i) atmospheric CO2 concentration; (ii) atmospheric N2O concentrati
(iii) atmospheric CH4 concentration; (iv) percentage total column ozone loss over Antarctica, us
the average annual total column ozone, 330, as a base; (v) Northern Hemisphere average surfac
temperature anomalies; (vi) natural disasters after 1900 resulting in more than 10 people killed
more than 100 people affected; (vii) percentage of global fisheries either fully exploited, overfish
or collapsed; (viii) annual shrimp production as a proxy for coastal zone alteration; (ix) mod
calculated partitioning of the human-induced nitrogen perturbation fluxes in the global coas
margin for the period since 1850; (x) loss of tropical rainforest and woodland, as estimated f
tropical Africa, Latin America and South and Southeast Asia; (xi) amount of land converted
to pasture and cropland; and (xii) mathematically calculated rate of extinction. Adapted fro
Steffen et al. [5], including references to the individual databases on which the individual figu
are based.
Figure 1. {Continued.)
As the first decade of the twenty-first century comes to a close, many of the
established during the Great Acceleration have continued, but the Anthrop
has also taken some new directions. One of the most prominent of these
been the rapid development trajectories that have emerged in some of the w
largest developing countries, most prominently China but also India, Brazil,
Africa and Indonesia. While it is clear that the Great Acceleration of the 1945-
2000 period was almost entirely driven by the OECD countries, representing
small fraction of the world's population, the Great Acceleration of the twenty-firs
century has become much more democratic.
Figure 2, based on data through 2004, clearly shows the rapidly changin
pattern of human emissions of CO2 [65]. From a long-term perspective, developing
countries have accounted for only about 20 per cent of the total, cumulative
emissions since 1751, but contain about 80 per cent of the world's population
The world's poorest countries, with a combined population of about 800 mill
people, have contributed less than 1 per cent of the cumulative CO2 emission
since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. However, the most recent
data in the figure show the dramatic changes over the past decade. For 2004
the emissions from developing countries had grown to over 40 per cent of t
world total, and the emissions growth rate, based on a 5-year smoothed averag
for the 2000-2004 period, show that emissions from China and India have
grown much more rapidly than those of the OECD countries and the former
Soviet Union.
The global carbon budget for 2008 shows these trends even more sharply [66].
By 2008, coal had become the largest fossil- fuel source of CO2 emissions, with
over 90 per cent of the growth in coal use coming from China and India. China
has now become the world's largest emitter of CO2, and India has overtaken
Russia as the third largest emitter. However, about 25 per cent of the growth in
Figure 3. Forecasts for the peaking of the global production of conventional oil. The forecas
from 2009 to 2031 (adapted from Sorrell et al [67], which also includes references to the
lines in the graph).
Figure 4. Aggregated indices of (a) the state of biodiversity, (b) the human pressures on bio
and (c) the human responses to biodiversity decline. Shading shows the 95% CI, and sign
positive/upward (open circles) and negative/downward (closed circles) inflections are in
Adapted from Butchart et al [76], which also includes details on the methodology and th
used in the aggregation.
There are at least two additional, potentially serious problems. First, should
measures to limit CO2 emissions prove unsuccessful, growing uptake of CO2 will
lead to acidification of the upper ocean waters, leading to dissolution of calcifying
organisms [102]. Second, the effect of enhanced sulphur particle concentration
in the stratosphere on precipitation regimes around the world, and hence on
the water resources required to support human activities, may also be serious.
Reducing incoming energy (sunlight) to the Earth's surface will no doubt lower
global average temperature but it will also affect the global hydrological cycle. For
example, the eruption of Mt Pinatubo in 1991, which produced a large volume of
sulphur particles that were injected into the stratosphere, lowered global average
temperature for a few years and led to increases in the incidence of drought and
substantial decreases in global stream flow [103]. Data for the twentieth century
as a whole show that volcanic eruptions caused detectable decreases in global
land precipitation [104,105].
There is no doubt that, if geo-engineering is to play a significant role
in preventing the climate system to warm beyond the '2°C guardrail' [106],
much more scientific research is required. Even more importantly, legal,
ethical and societal issues, not to mention the challenges of global governance
described earlier, will need to be thoroughly explored and solved before
deliberate human modification of the climate system can be undertaken. Building
trust among international political leaders of many different cultures and
perspectives, and with the general public, would be required to make any
large-scale climate modification acceptable, even if it would appear scientifically
advantageous. Ultimately, the near inevitability of unforeseen consequences
should give humanity pause for serious reflection before embarking on any
geo-engineering approaches.
Up to now the concept of the Anthropocene has been confined almost entirely
the research community. How will it be perceived by the public at large and
political or private sector leaders? If the debate about the reality of anthropogenic
climate change is any indication, the Anthropocene will be a very difficult concep
Table 1. The planetary boundaries (adapted from Rockström et al. [107], which also
individual references for the data presented in the table). Those rows shaded in gr
processes for which the proposed boundaries have already been transgressed. Bou
processes in dark grey have been crossed.
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