Synopsis On VAWT
Synopsis On VAWT
Synopsis On VAWT
Abhay Narayan (1712240004)
Aman verma (1712240024)
Amit Patel (1712240025)
With populations increasing exponentially and our natural resources being strainedby
increases in demand, it is more important than ever to invest in renewable energy.
Ourconsumption of fossil fuels as energy has been traced to be a leading cause
inenvironmental issues. The by-product of fossil fuel consumption is carbon dioxide,
whichhas been named to be a primary constituent leading to Global Warming. The
amount ofcarbon dioxide that someone or something produces is known as its “carbon
footprint”. The media has been focusing on this issue and many green movements
have started to try
and reduce our “carbon footprint.”
There are only a few types of energy that do not produce carbon dioxide. These
arenuclear power and renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and hydro-
power.Renewable energy sources are the cleanest from of these sources, because there
is nowaste formed as by-products of these sources. Nuclear energy produces nuclear
wastewhich could take up to but not limited to 100 years until it can be disposed of
properly.Wind turbines have been used throughout the world to generate electricity
from off shorewind farms to residential smaller scale wind turbines. (California
Energy Commission, 2012)
There are two main types of wind turbines. The two general categories for
windturbines include vertical axis or horizontal axis wind turbines. The turbines are
classifiedupon how the shaft of the generator is mounted. The horizontal axis wind
turbine HAWTwas invented before the vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT), which led
to its popularity and wide use.
The research in this project was intended to improve VAWT efficiency andmaximize
the energy generation from the wind’s available power. This was done byconsidering
alternate turbine designs and placing it on highways.
1. The main project objective is to utilize the energy that can be produced from
the wind turbulence caused by the moving vehicles on the highways.
2. To design and build a self starting vertical axis wind turbine to operate in low
wind speed condition.
3. To produce electricity at low cost as compared to horizontal axis wind
4. To use natural energy resources easily available i.e wind energy to produce
electricity and use it to run traffic lights and street lights.
5. To raise awareness amongst key decision makers with regards to the benefits
of wind energy system and there potential role in contributing towards climate
change and socio economic objectives of cities.
6. To model and explore the vertical axis wind turbine of savonius rotor (s-rotor)
wind turbine adapted for household electricity generation as well.
7. To understand the fundamental of turbine design and to evaluate the best blade
Wind is generated from solar energy unevenly heating the earth. This unevenheating
creates pressure changes in the atmosphere, generating wind. This wind can thenbe
harnessed by a wind turbine. As the wind pushes the blades of a turbine, a
generatorattached to the axis of the shaft and when spun creates electricity that can be
sent to thegrid and used in households for electricity. (, 2012)Wind
turbines are a clean way to generate power, yet there are many significantproblems
with them as well. One problem is that they are extremely expensive to designand
install, and in order to generate enough energy for communities and cities
requirespace for wind farms. Another issue is that they have to be created in locations
where thereis enough wind energy to generate enough electricity to justify the cost of
the machine.
Power Density –
Geography can greatly affect wind speed, and in effect the power from the
wind.Knowing this information prior to setting up a wind turbine is imperative.
Equation indicates the importance of wind speed in power generation because
powergeneration increases proportionally as wind increases to the third power.
Knowing thepower density will allow wind turbines to be placed in efficient locations
for generating electricity. Wind class one andtwo contain relatively low amounts of
power and have been tested to not be efficient forwind energy generation. Class three
does not have sufficient power for large scale energygeneration, yet it does potentially
have value in personal wind turbine generation. Classes4-6 have enough energy to be
efficient in large scale wind turbine generation intended topower communities and
Nationwide these efficient locations can be utilized to find where wind speeds
Wind Speed –
Another important factor is the height of the turbine rotor. One of the major
reasonswind turbine costs are so high is because the higher altitude the turbine is
located, thehigher the velocity of the wind, which in turn increases the power output
from thegenerator. Equation 2 is the power model which estimates the effect that
height has onwind.
V(zref) is the reference point that can be looked up in a chart, z is the height above
theground, and alpha is the power law exponent in which is affected by the surface
geometryof the land and needs to be researched. Figure contains equation 2 against
height toshow how wind velocities exponentially affect power output. The power
density increases at a faster rate than wind velocities increases. Thisdemonstrates that
the higher a wind turbine is, the more energy can be obtained from theturbine.
Power Coefficient
The power coefficient is the percentage of power received by the wind turbine
through the swept area of the turbine blades. Equation depicts how to calculate
thecoefficient of power.
The maximum theoretically possible coefficient of power is called the Betz limit
which is0.593. Most current turbines today have a power coefficient between 0.3 and
Defines the tip speed ratio is the ratio of the tip speed of the blade
divided by the wind speed.
The two major classifications of wind turbines are horizontal and vertical axis
windturbines, (HAWT and VAWT). The horizontal axis wind turbines are the most
common andhave blades rotate on an axis parallel to the ground.
The axel is enclosed in a nacelle. The nacelle is where the gearbox and generator
arelocated. Horizontal axis wind turbines utilize airfoil design to generate the spinning
of theblades. The concept of the wind foil of a HAWT blade is that the wind travels
over the top ofthe blade rather than under it, creating less pressure on top of the blade
generating lift andcreating rotational movement.
The results demonstrate poor potential for home rooftop windturbine potential
because the airfoil design (labelled as A3) has a cut in speed of 10 milesper hour. The
flat bladed design (labelled as B3) takes even higher wind speeds to initiatespinning
with a cut in wind speed of 20 miles per hour. The reason these results are poorfor a
rooftop wind turbine is because in Massachusetts the estimated wind speed that
willapproach a rooftop wind turbine is 6.24 miles per hour indicating that neither of
thesedesigns can be expected to generate significant amounts of energy throughout
the year. Theresults also do not indicate their real performance because there was no
load put on theturbine system, such as a generator. The wind speeds indicated to spin
the turbine aremuch lower than actual wind speeds required to rotate a turbine with
Further testing from the same project (Eagle, 2012) compares the previous test
withthe same turbines, but with a protective shroud and a funnel that accelerates wind
speed.The x-axis represents the wind speed that isproduced by the wind tunnel and
not the accelerated wind speed occurring within theenclosure.
This leads to a promising potential for vertical axis rooftop wind turbines. An
unexpectedresult from this test is that the flat bladed design (B3) performed better
than the airfoildesign (A3) in this test. This is very surprising because without the
funnel and shroud theairfoil design performed better than the flat bladed
design.Similarly during the test shown in figure 2.8, the airfoil design had a cut in
speedaround 10 miles per hour in the test depicted in figure 2.9. However, the design
peaked atabout 15 miles per hour and had a decrease in its rotation rate as speed
increasedthereafter. This still leaves these VAWTs at below performance levels for
the wind speedexpected on roof tops in the Worcester area. The flat bladed design
performed better thanexpected and outperformed the airfoil design in this test. The
decrease in speed was atabout 2.5 miles per hour which is below the expected wind
speed the product wouldencounter. The results are also encouraging because at 6.24
miles per hour the flat bladeddesign had a similar rotation rate to the airfoil designs
without a shroud at over 35 milesper hour. Again, this is without a load attached so
we can expect when attaching a load thatthe rotation rate will decrease as a resistance
is applied.
Savonius VAWT -
The Savonius VAWT design was created by Finnish inventor S.J. Savonius in
the1920’s. The design utilizes an open overlapping two half cup designs that is very
beneficialto wind turbine design. Some of the most appealing benefits of the Savonius
design are itsimple and cheap to construct, it has low noise and angular velocity when
in use, and it canaccept wind from any direction and can withstand extreme weather
conditions withoutsignificant damage. In addition there are multiple variations to the
design that change theperformance of the turbine depending on blade configuration.
According to Dept. OfMechanical Engineering at IIT, a split Savonius has a
coefficient of power of 0 .35compared with the simple two half cup design with a
coefficient of Power of 0 .15. (Saha,2008)Some of the disadvantages of the Savonius
design are that the turbine is not a verystable design. Large scale models of a
Savonius are not applicable because the design is notsturdy enough to handle the
heavier weight of the turbine blades for large sizes. Someadditional facts that should
be considered when using a Savonius design are that they aremost effective at lower
speeds rather than high speeds and they can operate in turbulentwinds.
Home wind turbines are a relatively new field that companies are looking toexamine.
Currently home turbines that can be mounted on the roof of a house are tooexpensive
and do not generate enough electricity to break even over the machinesexpected
lifetime. What many companies are currently researching is a way to reduce theprice
of personal wind turbines to make it marketable to the average citizen who is on
thegrid and is not willing to lose money on a wind turbine just to benefit the
environment.An example of a home wind turbine is the Bergey 1KW system that has
an initialcost of about $6,000 and a 20 year lifespan. An independent study concluded
that thissystem will on average generate 100KW hours a month. At this rate the
citizen using thesystem is essentially paying 26 cents a KW over the course of the 20
years of the systemwhich is more expensive than just purchasing electricity from the
grid. The averagehousehold uses about 11,500 KWh a month (, 2012), so this
system would onlygenerate 1/12th of the average household system. Even Bergeys 10
KW system with windspeeds at 10mph only generates about 30,000 KWh a year at a
much higher initial cost.
There are personal wind turbines that can be attached to a tower in a yard that arecost
effective, but they require land space and permits. In many towns and
urbancommunities land space and permits are not an option. (Popular Mechanics,
2009)Placingwind turbines on roofs is the solution to most permit and space issues.
However, like theBergey described above, they are not cost efficient and have other
issues, this is why only1% of personal wind turbines have been mounted on roofs.
Some of the non-cost relatedissues of turbines mounted on roofs are vibrations
leading to structural damage of the roofand noise that bothers occupants in the house.
Solving these issues is the future goal forpersonal home wind turbine designs.
Mounting system –
The most common method for a mounting structure for wind turbines is amonopole
design. This consists of some sort of base, usually concrete, with a steelstructured
pole that extends to the owners desired height. As the progression of turbineshas
grown there has been desire for highway mounted systems. These highway mounted
system have not had the amount of research as the traditional monopole design. As
the growth ofhighway mounted turbines rises there is an urge to design out the flaws
that has beenshadowing previous highway mounted systems.
Wind turbine working can cause noise and vibration and in this project we will focus
on how to make it more stable and reduce vibration and noise problems to increase its
efficiency as much as possible.
The goal of this project was to design a vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) that
couldgenerate power under relatively low wind velocities. To accomplish this goal,
theobjectives were to (1) analyze how different geometry of the wind turbines within
variousenclosures affect wind turbine power output (2) test how the vibrations caused
from therotations of the wind turbine affect the structural integrity of various aspects
housingstructures, and (3) compare the operation of VAWTs that are directly placed
in the windwith VAWTs that placed on highways.
Background Research -
Old Projects –
enclosedsituations but they have increased performance in enclosures. The report test
results statethat the flat bladed designs enclosed in 90° shroud perform better than
airfoil designs inthe 90° enclosure and they also outperform the airfoil design with a
Additional Research –
Research started with basic aerodynamic principles and different blade designs
thathave potential to work effectively in an enclosure. Research showed that
aerodynamicallyefficient blades have great potential to work for a vertical axis wind
turbine. (Ponta, Otero,2007) In addition aSavonius design, which is shown in figure
3.1, is able to operate atpeak efficiency with turbulent wind, which meets one of the
criteria for roof mounted turbines.
After designing the components and structures desired for testing power output
forwind turbine designs and the structures desired to be tested, we created the
experimentalset-ups required to test the prototypes and structures.
Generators -
Generators will be used to convert the rotatory motion of the shaft to produce
electricity and store it in the battery.
Power output tests included recording power from the Savonius and the fourflat
bladed turbines. The first test is the Savonius..
SavoniusSet up with 90° enclosure and 90° enclosure on right.
The adjustable angle wind turbine followed similar testing procedures as the
Savonius, although we started with the blades at a zero degree angle of attack
andincreased the angle of attack by 4 degree increments up to 28 degrees. Then, we
willanalyzethe data and performance further testing with the most effective angle of
attack. We will alsoinclude an orientation with the blades inverted on the adjustable
angle turbine, since afew studies suggest that this could potentially improve efficiency
as well.
acceleration. These datawere then used to test how the vibrations affect the highway
The vertical shaft that held the turbine was manufactured out of quarter inchstainless
steel with press fits designed to attach to the generator and the anemometer. Italso had
two set screws which kept the shaft connected to both instruments as well as a
setscrew in the middle to lock turbine in place.
Testing -
Turbine testing -
To test the effectiveness of the turbine the model will be tested and power generated
will be calculated for a interval of time and then repeated again to get the average
power generated in a whole day by setting up the model on the dividers of the
Using the data received we made recommendations for future studies regarding
thepotential of commercial rooftop wind turbines. These recommendations will
hopefully aidin the development of a technology that would allow green energy to
reduce energy costsin the average household and better the environment. Future tests
The wind turbine works on the principle of converting kinetic energy of the wind
tomechanical energy. The kinetic energy of any particle is equal to one half its mass
times the square ofits velocity,
K.E = kinetic energy
m = mass
v = velocity,
M is equal to its Volume multiplied by its density ρ of air
M =ρAV..................................... (2)
K E = 1⁄2ρAV.V^2
K E = 1⁄2ρAV^3watts.
A= swept area of turbine.
ρ= density of air (1.225 kg/m3)
V=wind velocity.
For 35 Watt power, calculate design parameters of turbine, P=35 watts.
Stimulation Model -
λ =R × w/v………………(2)
where w is the rotational speed of turbine (rad/s), R is the radius
(m), and v is the wind speed (m/s). The parameter λ1 is defined as,
1/λ1=1/λ + 0.08β−0.035/β^3 + 1…………………(3)
CQ =Cp/λ……………………(6)
Electrical energy from the generatorThe next step in the design process is the
conversion of mechanical power into electrical energy. PMG is designed with multi
magnet poles and considered effective even for low rotational speed.This subsystem
has accounted for the copper losses, iron losses, mechanical frequency, electrical
frequency, induce voltage, inducecurrent, net electrical power and efficiency (Kurt et
al., 2014).
Table 1 shows the mathematical equations for the estimation ofelectrical energy. All
these mathematical relations are written inthe Matlab script for the evaluation of net
electrical power.
The moving vehicle on highway may be all types such as small or heavy vehicles.
Whenever vehicle moves on both side of the highway divider then some pressurized
air is produced due to the speed of vehicle. This pressurized air is strike on the blade
of vertical axis wind turbine and turbine makes a rotation. The shaft of the vertical
axis wind turbine is connected to generator with the help of gear mechanism. The
generated electricity is an alternating quantity; the output of the generator is rectified
by rectifier and stored in the battery. The wind or variation in flow of wind due to the
pressure difference caused by the moving vehicle will apply a drag force on the blades
of the turbine which will make them rotate with the shaft and this rotating motion will
cause the generator to generate power in the form of electricity which can be stored in
a battery and can be used further for lightning of street lights and traffic lights.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
6. Rehan Jamil, Zahid Hussain, Vertical axis wind turbine – A review of various
configurations anddesign techniques, Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Reviews, Volume 16, Issue 4, May 2012,
7. (
9. (
10. (