04 Foundation Modeling
04 Foundation Modeling
04 Foundation Modeling
1 User Guide
Some components or processes may be licensed under one or more of U.S. Patent Numbers 5,570,106; 5,615,171;
6,765,570; and 6,690,820.
Some components or processes are patented by Paradigm and/or one or more of its affiliates under U.S. Patent Numbers
5,563,949; 5,629,904; 5,838,564; 6,092,026; 6,430,508; 6,819,628; 6,859,734; 6,873,913; 7,095,677; 7,123,258;
7,295,929; and 7,295,930. In addition, there may be patent protection in other foreign jurisdictions for these and other
Paradigm products.
All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
Contents iii
Dragging a Curve Point ...................................................................2-24
Deleting a Curve Point ....................................................................2-24
Bridging Curve Points ......................................................................2-24
Collapsing a Curve Point .................................................................2-25
2.3.7 Editing with Curve Parts ..................................................................2-25
Merging All Curve Parts...................................................................2-25
Merging Selected Curve Parts ..........................................................2-26
Keeping Only a Selected Curve Part .................................................2-26
Deleting a Selected Curve Part .........................................................2-27
Translating a Curve Part...................................................................2-27
Filtering Small Curve Parts ...............................................................2-27
2.3.8 Performing Editing Operations in Curve Regions ...............................2-28
Keeping Only the Points in a Curve Region .......................................2-28
Deleting Points in a Curve Region ....................................................2-28
Moving Points in a Curve Region .....................................................2-29
4.2.3 Creating a 2D-Grid from a Voxet Section ........................................... 4-9
4.2.4 Creating a 2D-Grid from Step Vectors or Corner Points .....................4-10
4.2.5 Creating a 2D-Grid from Step Lengths and Angle .............................4-11
4.3 Editing 2D-Grids ..........................................................................................4-13
4.3.1 Resizing a 2D-Grid ..........................................................................4-13
Resizing a 2D-Grid with Points .........................................................4-13
Resizing a 2D-Grid with Vectors .......................................................4-14
Fitting a 2D-Grid Vertically to a Surface ............................................4-14
Fitting a 2D-Grid to Object Points ....................................................4-15
4.3.2 Deleting Points from a 2D-Grid ........................................................4-15
Deleting Selected 2D-Grid Points .....................................................4-15
Deleting Points in a 2D-Grid Region .................................................4-15
Deleting 2D-Grid Points in Fault Polygons .........................................4-16
Chapter 7 Creating and Editing Wells and Well Data ............................................... 7-1
7.1 About Wells ................................................................................................. 7-2
7.2 Creating a Well from a Curve ........................................................................ 7-3
Chapter 9 Computing Object Measurements and Properties ................................... 9-1
9.1 Computing Object Lengths, Areas, and Volumes ............................................ 9-2
9.1.1 Computing the Length of a Curve or Curve Part ................................ 9-2
9.1.2 Computing the Map Area of a Curve ................................................ 9-3
9.1.3 Computing the Area of a Surface or Surface Part............................... 9-3
9.1.4 Computing the Area of a 2D-Grid ..................................................... 9-4
9.1.5 Computing the Surface Area of a Voxet or SGrid Region .................... 9-5
9.1.6 Computing the Volume of Surface Parts ............................................ 9-5
9.1.7 Computing the Volume of a Voxet or SGrid Region............................ 9-6
9.1.8 Computing the Number of Cells in a Grid Region .............................. 9-6
9.2 Computing Properties ................................................................................... 9-7
9.2.1 Computing Vertical Thickness Between 2D-Grids ............................... 9-7
9.2.2 Computing Geobodies in a Voxet or SGrid Region ............................. 9-7
9.2.3 Computing the Sum of a Voxet or SGrid Property .............................. 9-9
9.2.4 Computing the Cell Volume Property in an SGrid ..............................9-10
9.2.5 Computing the Cell Size Property in an SGrid ...................................9-10
12.7 Setting a Region as Active or Inactive ......................................................... 12-10
12.8 Editing a Region ........................................................................................ 12-11
12.8.1 Emptying a Region ........................................................................ 12-11
12.8.2 Filling a Region ............................................................................. 12-11
12.8.3 Replacing a Region with Its Complementary Set ............................. 12-12
12.8.4 Intersecting One Region with Another ........................................... 12-12
12.8.5 Subtracting One Region from Another ........................................... 12-13
12.8.6 Joining One Region with Another .................................................. 12-14
12.9 Initializing Regions ..................................................................................... 12-15
12.9.1 Property Range Region .................................................................. 12-16
12.9.2 From Geologic Features ................................................................. 12-17
12.9.3 Z Region ....................................................................................... 12-19
12.9.4 Inside Closed Polygons .................................................................. 12-20
12.10 Filtering a Region of a 2D-Grid ................................................................... 12-22
12.10.1 Filtering a 2D-Grid Region Automatically ........................................ 12-22
12.10.2 Filtering a 2D-Grid Region Manually ............................................... 12-23
12.11 Expanding a Region ................................................................................... 12-24
12.12 Shrinking a Region .................................................................................... 12-25
12.13 Creating a Region from Fault Blocks ........................................................... 12-26
12.14 Filtering a Region Automatically ................................................................. 12-27
12.15 Filtering a Region Manually ........................................................................ 12-28
12.16 Expanding a Region ................................................................................... 12-29
12.17 Shrinking a Region .................................................................................... 12-30
12.18 Initializing a Region from Points ................................................................. 12-31
12.19 Computing Cell Connectivity from a Seed Cell ............................................ 12-32
12.20 Initializing an SGrid Region from a PointsSet ............................................... 12-33
12.21 Initializing an SGrid Region from a Curve .................................................... 12-34
12.22 Initializing an SGrid Region from a Surface ................................................. 12-35
Activating Slope ........................................................................... 13-47
Deactivating Slope ........................................................................ 13-47
13.2.19 Editing Control Vectorial Links ....................................................... 13-48
Setting Displacement Along a Fault................................................ 13-48
13.2.20 Checking a Constraint Against Faults ............................................. 13-49
13.2.21 Computing Error on a Controlled or Controller Object .................... 13-50
13.3 Interpolating Object Geometry with DSI...................................................... 13-52
13.3.1 Fitting Geometry on an Entire Curve or Surface .............................. 13-52
13.3.2 Fitting Geometry on an Entire Surface ............................................ 13-53
13.3.3 Fitting Geometry on a Part ............................................................ 13-55
13.3.4 Fitting Geometry in a Region ......................................................... 13-56
13.3.5 Interpolating 2D-Grid Geometry .................................................... 13-57
Index ..................................................................................................Index-1
In this chapter • "About PointsSets," page 1-2 • "Editing PointsSet Parts," page 1-11
Overview These topics include information about PointsSet objects and the most common methods
to create and work with them in Paradigm™ GOCAD® 2009.
1-2 Creating and Editing Point Sets (PointsSets) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
1.2 Creating Point Sets (PointsSets)
You can digitize a point set or create it from points in another object. For more
information, see:
• "Before You Create a PointsSet," page 1-3
• "Digitizing a PointsSet," page 1-3
• "Creating a PointsSet from a PointsSet, Curve, or Surface," page 1-4
• "Creating a PointsSet from an Object Region," page 1-5
• "Creating a PointsSet from a PointsSet, Curve, or Surface Part," page 1-6
• "Creating a PointsSet from a Gridded Surface," page 1-7
Shared vertices PointsSets you create from other objects share vertices with the source objects. If you
move the points of the newly created PointsSet, you are also moving the points of the
source objects. All creation dialog boxes where this sharing can occur have a dissociate
vertices option which removes all shared vertices. This option is selected by default so that
moving the points of the new PointsSet does not move the points of the source objects.
PointsSet name If you assign a name to a PointsSet and that name is used by an existing PointsSet object,
GOCAD will add the new PointsSet to the existing PointsSet. This design feature allows
you to build a PointsSet that contains pieces built from different objects.
To digitize a PointsSet 1 In the Object Tree, right-click PointsSet, and then click From Digitized Points.
2 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click where you want the new points
to appear. For each selected point, a small rectangle will appear in the 3D Viewer.
3 To end digitization, right-click the last point, and the dialog box opens.
4 In the Name box, type the name you want to give to the PointsSet you are creating.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 1.2 Creating Point Sets (PointsSets) 1-3
3 In the Name box, type the name you want to give to the PointsSet you are creating.
4 In the AtomsSet points box, enter the name of the object that you want to use to
create the new PointsSet.
5 In the Region box, enter the name of the region that you want to use to create the
new PointsSet.
6 If you want to copy property values of the source object onto the new PointsSet,
select the Copy properties check box.
7 If you want greater control over creation of the PointsSet, click Advanced.
a Select or clear the Dissociate vertices check box to specify whether the new
PointsSet shares vertices with the source object. If the check box is selected, the
objects will not share their vertices.
b Select or clear the select Merge parts check box to specify whether you want to
merge the possible parts of the new PointsSet. If the check box is selected, the
possible parts of the new PointsSet are merged.
8 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
1-4 Creating and Editing Point Sets (PointsSets) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
1.2.4 Creating a PointsSet from an Object Region
You can create a PointsSet from a region of another object.
To create a PointsSet 1 Select the PointsSet commands, click New, and then click From Object Region to
from an object region open the dialog box.
2 In the Name box, type the name you want to give to the PointsSet you are creating.
3 In the AtomsSet points box, enter the name of the PointsSet that you want to use to
create the new PointsSet.
4 In the Region box, enter the name of the region that you want to use to create the
new PointsSet.
5 If you want to use the properties of the source object, click Advanced, and then
select the copy property check box.
Note You can copy all the properties or only a specific one.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 1.2 Creating Point Sets (PointsSets) 1-5
To create a PointsSet 1 Display one or more source objects in the 3D Viewer, and click Parts on the
from a PointSet, Attribute toolbar for each one.
Curve, or Surface part 2 Select the PointsSet commands, click the New menu, and then click From Part to
open the dialog box.
3 In the Name box, type the name you want to give to the PointsSet you are creating.
4 If you want greater control over creation of the PointsSet, click Advanced to expand
the dialog box.
a If you want to copy property values of the source object onto the new PointsSet,
select the Copy properties check box.
b Select or clear the Dissociate vertices check box to specify whether the new
PointsSet shares vertices with the source object.
If the check box is selected, the objects will not share their vertices.
c Select or clear the select Merge parts check box to specify whether you want to
merge the possible parts of the new PointsSet.
If the check box is selected, the possible parts of the new PointsSet are merged.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
6 Move the pointer to the 3D Viewer and click one node that belongs to the part you
want to use to create the new PointsSet.
1-6 Creating and Editing Point Sets (PointsSets) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
1.2.6 Creating a PointsSet from a Gridded Surface
You can create a PointsSet from the geometry of a 2D-Grid object, a gridded surface. The
result will be a set of points with the same spatial position and sampling as the w-axis of
the gridded surface. GOCAD adds the properties of the gridded surface to each point in
the point set.
To create a PointsSet Tip You may want to display the source 2D-Grid object in the 3D Viewer before you start.
from a 2D-Grid
1 Select the PointsSet commands, click New, and then click From 2D-Grid to open
the dialog box.
2 In the Name box, type the name you want to give to the PointsSet you are creating.
3 In the 2D-Grid Surface box, enter the name of the 2D grid.
4 If you want to create fewer points than 2D grid nodes, click Advanced.
a Select or clear the Use decimation check box to specify whether a decimation
algorithm is used to retain specific Surface nodes. If the check box is selected,
you must specify a decimation distance.
Note Using this option significantly increases processing time.
b In the distance box, type the decimation distance. All the gridded surface nodes
that have an elevation higher than the specified distance will be kept.
c Select or clear the Keep border points check box to specify whether you want
the borders kept intact by the decimation. If the check box is selected, borders
points are kept.
Note This option is really helpful to keep the outline shape of your gridded surface when
using high decimation values.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 1.2 Creating Point Sets (PointsSets) 1-7
1-8 Creating and Editing Point Sets (PointsSets) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
To move a point to a 1 Display the object in the 3D Viewer.
new location
2 Select the PointsSet commands, click the Tools menu, point to Node, and then click
Move To to open the dialog box.
3 In the point XYZ boxes, type the coordinates for the new the location of the point.
You can also leave the boxes blank and manually select the location in step 5.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
5 If you entered the XYZ at step 3, move the pointer into the 3D Viewer and click the
point that want to move to the new location.
If you left XYZ blank at step 3, move the pointer into the 3D Viewer and click the
point that want to move, and then click the point on the object that you want to be
the new location.
Translating a Point
The Translate command is a generic command that operates on a PointsSet, Curve, or
Surface object. Use this command to move a point from its current position to a new
This command is similar to the one described in "Moving a Point to a Specific Location"
on page 1-8, except you specify how far to move the point, not where to move it to.
3 In the vector XYZ boxes, enter the XYZ coordinates of the translation vector.
You can also click the arrow tool to digitize the translation vector in the 3D Viewer.
When digitizing the vector, draw in an empty part of the 3D Viewer.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
5 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer and click the point that you want to move.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 1.3 Editing Points in Point Sets 1-9
1-10 Creating and Editing Point Sets (PointsSets) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
1.4 Editing PointsSet Parts
For information, see:
• "Merging All PointsSet Parts," page 1-11
• "Merging Selected PointsSet Parts," page 1-11
• "Keeping Only Selected PointsSet Parts," page 1-12
• "Removing Selected PointsSet Parts," page 1-12
• "Translating a PointsSet Part," page 1-13
• "Filtering Small PointsSet Parts," page 1-13
Note Another method to edit a PointsSet object is to apply a script to change the xyz-coordinates of
the entire point set. For information, see "Applying a Property Script on an Object" on page 11-27.
To merge several 1 In the 3D Viewer, display the PointsSet containing the parts you want to merge.
parts inside a
2 Click Parts on the Attribute toolbar to display the parts.
3 Select the PointsSet commands, click the Tools menu, point to Part, and then click
Merge Several.
4 Move the pointer into the Workspace and select the parts to merge by holding down
CTRL while you click the parts that you want to merge.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 1.4 Editing PointsSet Parts 1-11
To keep only selected 1 In the 3D Viewer, display the PointsSet containing the parts you want to keep.
parts in a PointsSet
2 Click Parts on the Attribute toolbar to display the parts.
3 Select the PointsSet commands, click the Tools menu, point to Part, and then click
Keep Selection.
4 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer and select the part to keep. If you want to keep
more than one part, hold CTRL while you click the parts you want to keep.
To remove a part in a 1 In the 3D Viewer, display the PointsSet whose points you want to delete. Click Parts
PointsSet on the Attribute toolbar to display the parts.
2 Select the PointsSet commands, click the Tools menu, point to Part, and then click
Delete Selection.
3 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer and select a point in the part that you want to
remove. If you want to remove more than one part, hold down CTRL while you click
the parts you want to remove.
1-12 Creating and Editing Point Sets (PointsSets) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
1.4.5 Translating a PointsSet Part
The Translate command is a generic command that operates on a PointsSet, Curve, or
Surface object. Use this command to move a part from its current position to a new
This command is similar to the one described in "Moving a Point to a Specific Location"
on page 1-8, except you specify how far to move the part, not where to move it to.
To move a part to a 1 Display the object in the 3D Viewer. Click Parts on the Attribute toolbar to display
new location with a the parts.
vector 2 Select the PointsSet commands, click the Tools menu, point to Part, and then click
Translate to open the dialog box.
3 In the vector XYZ boxes, enter the XYZ coordinates of the translation vector.
You can also click the arrow button to digitize the translation vector in the 3D Viewer.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
5 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer and click the point that you want to move.
To delete small 1 Select the PointsSet commands, click the Tools menu, point to Part, and then click
PointsSet parts Filter Small Parts to open the dialog box.
2 In the PointsSet box, enter the name of the point set that contains the parts that you
want to delete.
3 In the Minimum number of points box, type a value for the minimum number of
points a part can contain.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
GOCAD deletes any parts with fewer points than the number specified.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 1.4 Editing PointsSet Parts 1-13
To keep only the 1 Select the PointsSet commands, click the Tools menu, point to Region, and then
points inside a click Keep Points to open the dialog box.
PointsSet region
2 In the PointsSet box, enter the name of the PointsSet that contains the region to
work on.
3 In the Region box, enter the name of the region where the points will be kept.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To delete points from 1 Select the PointsSet commands, click the Tools menu, point to Region, and then
a PointsSet region click Delete Points to open the dialog box.
2 In the PointsSet box, enter the name of the PointsSet that contains the region to
work on.
1-14 Creating and Editing Point Sets (PointsSets) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
3 In the Region box, enter the name of the region containing the points to be deleted.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To move points inside 1 In the 3D Viewer, display the PointsSet region containing the points you want to
a region to a new move.
location with a vector 2 Select the PointsSet commands, click the Tools menu, point to Region, and then
click Move Points to open the dialog box.
3 In the PointsSet box, enter the name of the PointsSet containing the region.
4 In the Region box, enter the name of the region containing the points to move.
5 In the vector XYZ boxes, enter the XYZ coordinates of the transportation vector.
You can also click the arrow button to digitize the translation vector in the 3D Viewer.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 1.5 Editing PointsSet Regions 1-15
1-16 Creating and Editing Point Sets (PointsSets) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Creating and Editing Curves
In this chapter • "About Segmented Lines," page 2-2 • "Editing Curves," page 2-14
Overview These topics include information about Curve objects and some of the most common
methods to create and work with them in Paradigm™ GOCAD ® 2009.
What are Curves? A Curve object is a segmented line consisting of connected and/or disconnected
segments; each segment connects two points.
Open part
Closed part
Control points
Segment Two connected points form a segment (see Figure 2–1). A point cannot belong to more
than two segments (branching cannot occur within a segmented line). See Figure 2–2.
Part A segmented line may consist of multiple disconnected pieces. Each piece is called a part
(see Figure 2–1).
Extremity The two end points of a part are called the extremities of the part (see Figure 2–1).
Closed curve A part can be a closed loop. There are no extremities in a closed loop (see Figure 2–1).
2.2 Creating Curves
You can digitize a curve or create it from another object.
For more information, see:
• "Before You Create a Curve," page 2-3
• "Digitizing a Curve," page 2-3
• "Creating a Curve from Other Curves," page 2-6
• "Creating a Curve from Other Curves," page 2-6
• "Creating a Curve from Surfaces," page 2-8
• "Creating a Curve from a Well," page 2-9
Shared vertices Curves you create from Surface objects share vertices with the Surface objects. The
inverse is also true. If you move the points of the surface, you are also moving the points
of the curve.
Control point If any of the points in the source object(s) are control points, the points in the created
inheritance curve at those corresponding locations will be set as control points.
Curve name A curve can consist of multiple disconnected pieces, called parts. See Figure 2–1. If you
assign a name to the curve and that name is used by an existing Curve object, GOCAD
will add the new curve as a new part to the existing curve. This design feature allows you
to build a curve that contains parts built from different processes.
Dimensions Many commands in this menu require the input of certain dimension values. If your
current project contains objects, you can use the XYZ? (Locate) and Distance buttons in
the 3D Viewer to learn the dimensions of the existing objects. This allows you to enter
reasonable values for the new object.
To create a curve from 1 Display any objects in the3D Viewer that you want to use as a reference location for
digitized points the digitized curve. On the Camera Snapshot and Options toolbar, select Parallel/
Perspective View and in the Camera View toolbar, select View from Top.
2 To digitize the points, do either of the following:
• In the Object Tree, right-click Curve, and then click From Digitized Polyline.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 2.2 Creating Curves 2-3
3 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then do the following:
a Click where you want the curve to start.
b Click to select each successive curve point. If you click a wrong location, click the
middle mouse button to undo the last pick.
c To finish the curve and end digitization, right-click the last point. The Create
Curve from (Digitized) Points dialog box opens.
4 In the Name box, type the name you want to give to this new Curve object.
5 If you want to create a closed curve, select the Closed check box. If you clear the
check box, the curve is open.
Note If you selected only two points, do not select the Closed check box. You cannot form a
closed Curve with only two points.
6 The Points box lists the coordinates of the selected points. You can edit them if you
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Figure 2–3 Convex hull of a PointsSet projected onto the XY plane and curves created from the convex hull with different scale
The PointsSet used in Figure 2–4 is the same one used in Figure 2–3 to create a Curve
from the specified Convex Hull of the selected PointsSet.
To create a curve from 1 Display the PointsSet in the 3D Viewer. Select the Parallel and Top View buttons
the convex hull of a from the 3D Viewer toolbar. This view setting allows you to see clearly what the
PointsSet created Curve will look like.
2 Select the Curve commands, click the New menu, point to Convex Hull, and then
click Of PointsSet Part to open the dialog box.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 2.2 Creating Curves 2-5
To create a curve from 1 Display the curves you want to group in the 3D Viewer.
a set of curves
2 Select the Curve commands, click New, and then click Curves to open the dialog
3 Select the Curve commands, click New, and then click Curve Parts to open the
dialog box.
4 In the Curve box, enter the Curve(s) containing the parts from which new curves will
be created.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
One new curve appears in the Object Tree for each curve part included in step 4.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 2.2 Creating Curves 2-7
6 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer and click the border from which you want to
create the Curve. The Curve will be displayed in the 3D Viewer.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 2.2 Creating Curves 2-9
To create a curve from 1 Display the well and the desired well curve in the 3D Viewer.
a well log
2 Select the Curve commands, click New, point to Well Log, and then click One to
open the dialog box.
If the even sampling check box (step 11) is selected, the increment does not need to
be given. The dz (sampling interval) will be used instead to sample the curve.
Note Many well curves have a measurement every 0.5 foot. You may want to use a number
greater than 1 as the increment.
11 Select or clear the Even sampling check box to specify whether to use the sampling
interval (dz) instead of the increment.
If the check box is selected, the dz box is available.
12 Type a number in the dz box to specify the sampling interval at which to resample the
well curve to create the line.
13 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open. The new Curve will be displayed in
the 3D Viewer.
To create a curve from 1 Display the well group and the desired well curve in the 3D Viewer.
a well group
2 Select the Curve commands, click New, point to Well Log, and then click Group to
open the dialog box.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 2.2 Creating Curves 2-11
If this check box is not selected, the beginning point of the well curve will be used as
the beginning point of the new curve object.
6 Enter an existing well to use as a Top marker. The depth of the marker selected here
will be the beginning depth of the new curve.
7 Select or clear the Use bottom marker check box to specify whether to use a well
marker depth as the ending point of the new curve.
If this check box is selected, the Bottom marker option (step 8) is available.
If this check box is not selected, the ending point of the well curve will be used as the
ending point of the new curve object.
8 Enter an existing well to use as a Bottom marker. The depth of the marker selected
here will be the ending depth of the new curve.
9 In the increment box, type a positive integer to specify the sampling rate of the well
points used to create points in the new curve. The default value is "1", which means
every well point will become a point in the new curve object.
If the even sampling check box (step 10) is selected, the increment does not need to
be given. The dz (sampling interval) will be used instead to sample the curve.
Note Many well curves have a measurement every 0.5 foot. You may want to use a number
greater than 1 as the increment.
10 Select or clear the Even sampling check box to specify whether to use the sampling
interval (dz) instead of the increment.
If the check box is selected, the dz box is available.
11 Type a number in the dz box to specify the sampling interval at which to resample the
well curve to create the line.
12 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open. The new Curve will be displayed in
the 3D Viewer.
To create a curve from 1 Select the Curve commands, click New, point to Well Path, and then click One to
a well path open the dialog box.
Creating a Curve from Well Group Paths
You can copy the well paths from a series of wells inside a curve. For each well inside the
well group, a new line will be created inside the curve.
To create a curve from 1 Select the Curve commands, click New, then point to Well Path, and then click
well group paths Group to open the dialog box.
To create a curve from 1 Select the Curve commands, click New, then point to Well Path, and then click
a Well Zone From Well Zone to open the dialog box.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 2.2 Creating Curves 2-13
2h / r = 1.2
The global commands perform this operation on every segment in the selected curve. The
local commands perform this operation only on the selected segment.
Quite often, the selected curve has been created from the same PointsSet using the From
Convex Hull command (see "Creating a Curve from the Convex Hull of a PointsSet" on
page 2-4).
These commands are meant to work in the particular situation where all the points in the
PointsSet are on one side of the Curve when projected onto the XY plane. You can use
these commands even if the Curve is in the middle of the PointsSet, but it probably won’t
make sense.
For information, see:
• "Fitting a Curve to a PointsSet Globally," page 2-15
• "Fitting a Curve to a PointsSet Locally," page 2-16
To create concave 1 Display the PointsSet in the 3D Viewer. Select the Parallel and Top View buttons
geometry in a curve from the 3D Viewer toolbar.
2 Select the Curve commands, click Tools, point to Fit to Points, and then click
Globally to open the dialog box.
3 Enter the name of the PointsSet you want to use to modify the curve.
4 If you want to control the concavity of the curve, click Advanced to expand the
dialog box.
5 In the Concavity factor box, type a number to indicate the amount of concavity to
give the curve. Higher values result in greater concavity.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 2.3 Editing Curves 2-15
6 If you want to use a special normal, select the Use normal check box, and then enter
the normal of the plane on which to project the points.
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
8 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer and click on the Curve you want to modify.
To fit a curve to a 1 Display a curve and a PointsSet. Select the Parallel and Top View buttons from the
PointsSet locally 3D Viewer toolbar.
2 Select the Curve commands, click Tools, point to Fit to Points, and then click
Locally to open the dialog box.
3 In the PointsSet box, enter the name of the PointsSet you want to use to modify the
4 If you want to control the concavity of the curve, click Advanced to expand the
dialog box.
5 In the Concavity factor box, type a number to indicate the amount of concavity to
give the curve. Higher values result in greater concavity.
6 If you want to use a special normal, select the Use normal check box.
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
8 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer and click on the particular segment you want to
3 In the Curve box, enter the name of the curve from which you want to filter out small
4 In the minimum size box, type a number specifying the minimum segment length
that is allowed in the curve. You can use Get 3D and 2D Distances on the Camera
Tools toolbar to get an idea of the distance to enter.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 2.3 Editing Curves 2-17
angle = 177o
if minimum angle = 5
3 In the Curve box, enter the name of the Curve from which you want to filter out
near-parallel segments.
4 Specify the minimum or maximum angle allowed:
• If you want to remove sharp angles, click Remove spikes then, in the maximum
spikes angle box, type a number specifying the maximum angle allowed. This
selection is the default and removes angles smaller than the specified value.
• If you want to remove flat angles, click Remove flat angles, then, in the
Remove flat angles box, type a number specifying the minimum angle allowed.
This selection removes angles greater than the specified value. See Figure 2–8.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
3 The name of the curve displayed in the 3D Viewer appears in the Curve box.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 2.3 Editing Curves 2-19
3 In the Curve box, enter the name of the Curve you want to densify.
4 In the Maximum length box, type a number specifying the maximum segment
length allowed in the curve.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
3 In the Curve box, enter the name of the curve whose segments you want to split.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Deleting a Curve Segment
You can delete a selected curve segment.
3 In the pt XYZ boxes, type the coordinates for the X, Y and Z of the location for the
new vertex.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
5 Move the pointer to the 3D Viewer and click the segment that you want to break. The
selected segment breaks into two new segments that share a vertex at the point
specified in step 3.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 2.3 Editing Curves 2-21
Extend node
Move node
to point
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 2.3 Editing Curves 2-23
Delete node
Bridge node
Collapsing a Curve Point
The following figure illustrates the Collapse command for a curve point.
Collapse node
Part 1
Part 2
Curve H1
Curve H1
Fault F1
For information about how to perform editing operations on curve parts, see:
• "Merging All Curve Parts," page 2-25
• "Merging Selected Curve Parts," page 2-26
• "Keeping Only a Selected Curve Part," page 2-26
• "Deleting a Selected Curve Part," page 2-27
• "Translating a Curve Part," page 2-27
• "Filtering Small Curve Parts," page 2-27
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 2.3 Editing Curves 2-25
3 Select the Curve commands, click the Tools menu, point to Part, and then click
Merge All to open the dialog box.
Note If you select the Exactly check box (the default setting), extremities of parts must be in
the same location or the command does not merge the parts.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
4 Click the part that you want to keep. All other parts are removed.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 2.3 Editing Curves 2-27
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To keep only the 1 Select the Curve commands, click Tools, point to Region, and then click Keep
points in a curve Nodes to open the dialog box.
2 In the Curve box, enter the name of the curve that contains the region to work on.
3 In the Region box, enter the name of the region where the points will be kept.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To delete points in a 1 Select the Curve commands, click Tools, point to Region, and then click Delete
curve region Nodes to open the dialog box.
2 In the Curve box, enter the name of the curve that contains the region to work on.
3 In the Region box, enter the name of the region containing the points to be
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 2.3 Editing Curves 2-29
In this chapter • "About Surfaces," page 3-2 • "Editing Surfaces," page 3-24
Overview These topics include information about Surface objects and the most common methods to
create and work with them in Paradigm™ GOCAD® 2009.
What are Surfaces? A Surface is made of connected (and/or disconnected) triangles; each triangle is made up
of three points, one on each corner. Loose points can be also be part of a Surface, but
these can create confusion and are not recommended.
Border extremities
The Surface shown here consists of two parts; one of the parts (the larger one) has a hole.
The Surface also has two loose points, which is allowed but is very confusing and not
Triangles Triangles are composed of three connected points; each point forms one corner (vertex) of
the Triangle. A surface cannot have wings, which means no more than two Triangles can
share an edge. See Figure 3–2.
Illegal connectivity
Part Every patch of connected Triangles is called a part. A Surface can have one or more parts
(see Figure 3–1).
Border The boundary of a part is called a Border. A single boundary can be made up of multiple
Borders; each Border defines a piece of the boundary (see Figure 3–1).
Border extremity Borders that share the same boundary are separated from each other by Border
Extremities (see Figure 3–1).
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.1 About Surfaces 3-3
Shared vertices Surfaces that you create from Curve objects share vertices with the Curve objects. The
inverse is also true. If you move the points of the newly created Surface, you are also
moving the points of the Curve objects. All creation commands where this sharing can
occur have a Dissociate Vertices option which removes all shared vertices.
Control point If any of the points in the source object(s) are control points, the points in the created
inheritance surface at those corresponding locations will be set as control points.
When you create a surface from a closed curve (see "Creating a Surface from a Closed
Curve" on page 3-10), the points on the border of the new surface will all be set as
control points. Because an interpolation operation is performed on the new surface as
part of the process, the border points are set as control points to prevent them from
Surface name A surface can be made up of multiple disconnected pieces that are called parts. If you
assign a name to the surface and that name is used by an existing Surface object, GOCAD
will add the new surface as a new part to the existing surface. This feature allows you to
build a surface that contains pieces built from different processes.
Dimensions Many commands in this menu require the input of certain dimension values. If your
current project contains objects, you can use the XYZ? Locate and Distance tools in the
3D Viewer window to learn the dimensions of the existing objects so you can enter
reasonable values for the new object.
Creating a Surface from a PointsSet
You can create an open surface (a surface with borders) that best fits the spatial
distribution of a given PointsSet. See "Control point inheritance" on page 3-4 and
"Surface name" on page 3-4.
The command works very well if the desired Surface is a horizon that does not have
overturned folds.
Do not use a PointsSet to try to build a Surface with multiple Z values (overturned or
thrusted). Such a Surface is too ambiguous for GOCAD to interpret correctly. Figure 3–4
illustrates that there are too many ways to build a Surface from those eight points, and
the GOCAD solution is only one of them. For example, Figure 3–4 shows four possible
surfaces (among many more) that can be built from the given 8-point PointsSet. The
algorithm that GOCAD uses produces the lower left surface.
? ?
When creating a surface from a PointsSet, GOCAD uses Delaunay Triangulation algorithm
to triangulate the points. To find the best projection plane for the triangulation, GOCAD
uses the eigenvalues of the entire PointsSet.
GOCAD also allows you to specify the projection plane based on your knowledge of the
geology. See Figure 3–5 on page 3-7.
You can increase the odds of getting a more complicated surface built correctly by
increasing the data density.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.2 Creating Surfaces 3-5
3 In the Name box, type the name you want to give to the Surface you are creating.
4 In the AtomsSet points box, enter the name of the PointsSet that you are going use
to create the Surface.
Note The points are not really projected onto different positions. The projection is used to
established the connectivities among the points (triangulation). The points never change their
spatial locations.
5 If you want greater control over creation of the surface, click Advanced to expand
the dialog box.
6 Select or clear the Use normal check box to specify whether you will provide the
projection plane (see Figure 3–5). If you select the check box, you must type the
coordinates in step 7. If the check box is cleared, GOCAD will select a projection
plane based on the eigenvalues of the PointsSet.
7 In the normal XYZ box, type the X, Y, Z coordinates of the normal. See Figure 3–5.
Note The “use_normal” check box allows you to handle multi-Z-value horizons, if you can
find a direction in which the horizon is not multi-valued. An example of such horizons is given
in Figure 3–5
8 Select or clear dissociate vertices to specify whether you want the surface to share
vertices with the PointsSet. If you select this check box, vertices are not shared. If you
clear this check box, vertices are shared. See "Shared vertices" on page 3-4.
9 If you want to copy all the PointsSet properties into the new surface, select the Copy
properties check box.
10 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Figure 3–5 How to use the normal option
(0,0,1) (1,0,1)
Figure 3–5 Illustrates a horizon that has multiple values in the z-direction and a single
value in a different direction, (1,0,1) in this example. Using that as the projection plane
normal allows the triangulation algorithm to work nicely.
If fault traces exist inside the surface and you want to take them into account when
creating the surface, use the command described in "Creating a Surface from Borders and
Faults" on page 3-16.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.2 Creating Surfaces 3-7
To create a surface 1 Select the Surface commands, click the New menu, and then click PointsSet and
from a PointsSet and Curve. The dialog box appears.
a curve
2 In the Name box, type the name you want to give to the Surface you are creating.
3 In the Curve box, enter the name of the curve in which the surface will be created.
4 In the Atom Set Point box, enter the PointsSet to be used to densify the inside of the
surface. Each point of the PointsSet (and only these points) will be inserted in the
5 In the Densification type box, select one of the following options:
a The No densification option first triangulates using only the points of the curve,
and then the PointsSet points are used to add new triangles.
b The Homogeneous triangles option triangulates and adds points inside the
curve and then uses the PointsSet points to make every triangles roughly the
same size. The size of the triangles is given by the length of the segments of the
outside curve. The factor densification factor is used to control the ratio between
the outside segment length and the triangle average edge length.
c The Few triangles option adds points inside the curve to create a mesh, but the
triangles will not have all the same size.
d The Enforce adding points option is used in certain extreme case (such as a
pinchout), to add points between borders.
6 The Densification factor slider specifies the new surface triangle size.
Figure 3–7 Densification Homogeneous No densification Few triangles
df = 1. df = 0.5 df = 0.2
7 If you want greater control over creation of the surface, click Advanced.
8 Select or clear the Use normal check box to specify whether you will provide the
normal of the plane on which the points will be projected. If this check box is
selected, you will have to enter the normal XYZ coordinates (See step 9 on
page 3-9). If this check box is cleared, GOCAD will compute automatically the best
plan to project the data into from both the points set and the outside border.
9 In the normal XYZ box, type the X, Y, Z coordinates of the normal. See Figure 3–5 on
page 3-7.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.2 Creating Surfaces 3-9
10 Select or clear the dissociate vertices check box to specify whether you want the
surface to share vertices with the PointsSet. If you select this check box, vertices are
not shared. If you clear this check box, vertices are shared. See "Shared vertices" on
page 3-4.
11 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
If the curve contains any control points, the new surface will inherit the constraints.
2 Select the Surface commands, click the New menu, and then click Closed Curve.
The dialog box appears.
3 In the Name box, type the name you want to give to the Surface you are about to
4 In the Densification type box, select one of the following options:
• The No densification option first triangulates using only the points of the curve,
and then the PointsSet points are used to add new triangles.
• The Homogeneous triangles option triangulates and adds points inside the
curve and then uses the PointsSet points to make every triangles roughly the
same size. The size of the triangles is given by the length of the segments of the
outside curve. The factor densification factor is used to control the ratio between
the outside segment length and the triangle average edge length.
• The Few triangles option adds points inside the curve to create a mesh, but the
triangles will not have all the same size.
• The Enforce adding points option is used in certain extreme case (such as a
pinchout), to add points between borders.
5 The Densification factor slider specifies the new surface triangle size (See
Figure 3–8 on page 3-9).
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.2 Creating Surfaces 3-11
6 If you want greater control over creation of the surface, click Advanced.
7 Select or clear the Use normal check box to specify whether you will provide the
normal of the plane on which the points will be projected. If this check box is
selected, you will have to enter the normal XYZ coordinates (See step 9 on
page 3-9). If this check box is cleared, GOCAD will compute automatically the best
plan to project the data into from both the points set and the outside border.
8 In the normal XYZ box, type the X, Y, Z coordinates of the normal. See Figure 3–5 on
page 3-7.
9 Select or clear the dissociate vertices check box to specify whether you want the
surface to share vertices with the PointsSet. If you select this check box, vertices are
not shared. If you clear this check box, vertices are shared. See "Shared vertices" on
page 3-4.
10 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
11 Move the pointer to the 3D Viewer where the closed curve is visible.
12 Click the closed curve.
The curves can be both open or both closed curves. The new surface is a single part
stretched between the two curves. In some cases it is necessary to control the
triangulation between the two surfaces. It is then necessary to add links between the
curves to force a triangle edge between two points.
To create a surface 1 Display two separate curves in the 3D Viewer. The two curves must have the
from two curves following characteristics:
a They must be both closed or both open (or you will get a core dump).
b Their shapes should be fairly simple (see the figure below).
c If the curve contains more than one disconnected part, only the one part that is
clicked is selected.
2 Select the Surface commands, click the New menu, and then click Two Curve Parts.
The dialog box appears.
3 In the Name box, type the name you want to give to the Surface you are about to
4 In the Number of levels box, specify how many layers of triangles there should be
between the two curves. The default value is 4.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.2 Creating Surfaces 3-13
5 If you want to dissociate vertices in the Surface you’re creating, click Advanced.
6 Select or clear the dissociate vertices check box to specify whether you want the
surface to share vertices with the PointsSet. If you select this check box, vertices are
not shared. If you clear this check box, vertices are shared. See "Shared vertices" on
page 3-4.
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
8 Move the pointer to the 3D Viewer where the two curves are visible.
9 Click the top curve and then click the bottom curve. The new surface appears in the
3D Viewer window, indicating the surface has been created.
Note If the created Surface does not stretch along an entire curve, the curve contains more
than one part. Select the Show Extremities option (see "Extremity" on page 2-2) in the
Attribute Manager of the curve to see how many curve parts are in the curves.
Creating a Surface from Several Curves
Creating a surface from several curves is an extension of the command described in
"Creating a Surface from Two Curves" on page 3-12. It creates a surface from a series of
cross sections.
3 In the Name box, type the name you want to give to the Surface you are about to
4 In the Number of levels box, specify how many layers of triangles there should be
between the curves. The default value is four.
5 If you want to dissociate vertices in the Surface you’re creating, click Advanced.
6 Click dissociate vertices to specify whether or not you want the surface to share
vertices with the PointsSet. If you select this check box, vertices are not shared. If you
clear this check box, vertices are shared. See "Shared vertices" on page 3-4.
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
8 Move the pointer to the 3D Viewer, and hold down the CTRL key as you click the
curve parts in the order the curves are to be triangulated.
9 Release the CTRL key, and the new surface appears in the 3D Viewer window.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.2 Creating Surfaces 3-15
To create a surface 1 Select the Surface commands, click the New menu, and then click Border and
from borders and Faults. The dialog box appears.
2 In the Name box, type the name you want to give to the Surface you are about to
3 In the Curve border box, enter the name of the border curve. The curve must have
only one element,
4 In the Curve faults box, enter the name of the curve that contains the sets of fault
polygons to used for the construction of the surface.
5 In the PointsSet box, enter the name of the PointsSet to use to densify the
triangulation. This is an optional field If no Pointsset is entered, no densification will
6 In the Densification type box, select one of the following options:
a The No densification option first triangulates using only the points of the curve,
and then the PointsSet points are used to add new triangles.
b The Homogeneous triangles option triangulates and adds points inside the
curve and then uses the PointsSet points to make every triangles roughly the
same size. The size of the triangles is given by the length of the segments of the
outside curve. The factor densification factor is used to control the ratio between
the outside segment length and the triangle average edge length.
c The Few triangles option adds points inside the curve to create a mesh, but the
triangles will not have all the same size.
d The Enforce adding points option is used in certain extreme case (such as a
pinchout), to add points between borders.
7 The Densification factor slider specifies the new surface triangle size (see Figure 3–8
on page 3-9).
8 If you want greater control over creation of the surface, click Advanced.
9 Select or clear the Use normal check box to specify whether you will provide the
normal of the plane on which the points will be projected. If this check box is
selected, you will have to enter the normal XYZ coordinates (See step 9 on
page 3-9). If this check box is cleared, GOCAD will compute automatically the best
plan to project the data into from both the points set and the outside border.
10 In the normal XYZ box, type the X, Y, Z coordinates of the normal. See Figure 3–5 on
page 3-7.
11 Select or clear dissociate vertices to specify whether you want the surface to share
vertices with the PointsSet. If you select this check box, vertices are not shared. If you
clear this check box, vertices are shared. See "Shared vertices" on page 3-4.
12 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.2 Creating Surfaces 3-17
For users building a Model, this is the easiest way to create the outer bounding box
3 In the Name box, type the name you want to give to the Surface you are about to
4 In the Voxet box, select the Voxet.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Creating a Surface from a Voxet Section
You can create a Surface from a Voxet Section. The trick is to get the section number
right, since you are allowed to manually change the starting index of Voxet Section while
this create command always start counting with section (see "Creating a Surface from an
SGrid Section" on page 3-20).
1 Display the Voxet in the 3D Viewer.
2 Click the Attribute Manager and enter the Section attribute of the Voxet in the
3D Viewer.
3 Select the Surface commands, click the New menu, point to From Grid, and then
click Voxet Section. The dialog box appears.
4 In the Name box, type the name you want to give to the Surface you are about to
5 In the Voxet box, enter the name of the voxet.
6 In the Axis box, Enter U, V or W. Usually in a SGrid the third plane is the XY plane. In
the location panel of the attribute editor, the third plane is often referred as axis-w.
7 In the Index box, type the index of the plane along the given axis. You can find this
value in the Location panel of the Voxet Attribute Manager.
8 If you want to copy voxet properties values onto the new Surface, select the copy
properties check box. You can copy all the properties (all_properties) or only a
specific one.
9 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.2 Creating Surfaces 3-19
4 In the Name box, type the name you want to give to the surface you are about to
5 In the Stratigraphic Grid box, enter the name of the SGrid.
6 In the Axis box, enter U, V or W. Usually, in an SGrid, the third plane is the XY plane.
In the location panel of the attribute editor, the third plane is often referred to as
7 In the Index box, type the index of the plane along the given axis. You can find this
value in the Location panel of the SGrid Attribute Manager.
Important In the Sections attribute, section numbers begin with one, whereas in
this dialog box the index begins with zero.
Note If the SGrid was created with the SKUA Flow Simulation Grids Workflow and
contains a reverse fault or mixed faults, you must extract several U and V sections to
cover your entire model.
8 If you want to copy SGrid properties values onto the new Surface, select the copy
properties check box. You can copy all the properties (all_properties) or only a
specific one.
9 Select or clear the Use cell centers check box to specify whether the points of the
new surface will correspond with the center of each grid cell. If the check box is
selected, you can copy a property or properties from a cell-centered SGrid to a
Surface. If the check box is cleared, the points of the created surface will correspond
to the four corners of each SGrid cells. The option must be selected to copy a
property or properties from a corner-point SGrid to a Surface.
10 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.2 Creating Surfaces 3-21
To create a surface 1 The Voxet or SGrid with the property you want must be displayed in the 3D Viewer.
from an Isovalue
2 Select the Surface commands, click the New menu, point to From Grid, and then
click Grid Iso-Property. The dialog box appears.
3 In the Name box, type the name you want to give to the Surface you are about to
4 In the Grid object box, enter the name of the Voxet or the SGrid that has the property
you are going to use.
5 From the Property box, select the property that you are using to create the new
Surface. This list is automatically updated once you select the grid object.
6 In the Iso value box, type the value that you want to use to create the isovalue shells.
The value should fall within the data range of the property that you have selected.
7 From the Close shells surrounding box, select whether and how to close any open
Isovalue shells are always closed. The problem occurs at the margins of the grids
where there are no data beyond the boundary of the Voxet or SGrid. To handle this
particular space, GOCAD offers three options:
b High. The open Surfaces will be closed against the wall of the SGrid or Voxet to
form a closed Surface with property Values higher than the isovalue enclosed
in it.
c Low. The open Surfaces will be closed against the wall of the SGrid or Voxet to
form a closed Surface with property Values lower than the isovalue enclosed in it.
See Figure 3–19.
Figure 3–19 The three iso value = 1.5
options for open isovalue
shells (shown in 2D) at
the boundary of the
Voxet of SGrid
8 Select or clear snap to centers to specify whether the location of the isovalue surface
should not be determined by interpolation. If this check box is selected, the location
of the isovalue surface is at the middle between two points when one of them is
greater and the other smaller than the specified iso value.
3 7 3 7
isovalue = 4 isovalue = 4
Snap to centers = on Snap to centers = off
9 Select or clear the check normals check box to specify that the normals of the
triangles should be checked to assure integrity of the Surface before they are
connected to form the Surface. The check box should be cleared when the property
values are smooth and reasonable.
10 Select or clear the beautify triangles check box to specify whether to beautify the
triangles issued from the isovalue computation.
11 Select or clear the print statistics check box to specify whether GOCAD should print
out the related statistical numbers in the window where you launched GOCAD. If you
clear the check box, the statistics are not displayed.
12 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.2 Creating Surfaces 3-23
If the cutter Surface is larger than the target Surface (where they intersect), it will cut the
target Surface into two pieces (two Faces). If the cutter Surface is smaller than the target
Surface (where they intersect), it will only form a tear on the target Surface that can later
be modified. See Figure 3–21.
To cut a Surface (or 1 Display at least two Surfaces in the 3D Viewer.
Surfaces) by other
2 Select the Surface commands, click the Tools menu, point to Cut, and then click By
Surfaces Surfaces to open the dialog box.
3 In the Surface box, enter the Surfaces that you want to be cut by other Surfaces.
4 In the Surface by box, enter the names of all the Surfaces that you want to use to
cut the target Surfaces. The target Surfaces will be cut by every Surface you select
5 Select or clear the build constraints check box to specify constraints. Selecting the
check box specifies that the Set Border on Surface Constraint is set between the new
Borders (the cut lines) and their cutting Surfaces, that the Set Vectorial Constraint is
installed between the two borders issued from the same fault cut, and whenever
possible, also a Set Border Extremity on Border Constraint.
Note If you clear this check box, you can set Constraints later through the
Constraints menu.
6 Select or clear the Beautify intersection check box and specify whether to simplify
the triangles along the line of cut but keep in contact with the border points shared
on both sides of the line of cut.
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Figure 3–21 The differences between the Cut By Surfaces and the Cut And Surface commands
fa ce
S ur
t By
New Parts
"Surface" nd
r fa
"Surface by" (or "Surface and")
New Borders
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.3 Editing Surfaces 3-25
3 In the Surface list box, enter the list of Surfaces that you want to put on the mutual-
cut list.
4 Select the build_constraints check box to specify constraints. Selecting the check
box specifies that the Set Border on Surface Constraint is set between the new
Borders (the cut lines) and their cutting Surfaces, that the Set Vectorial Constraint is
installed between the two borders issued from the same fault cut, and whenever
possible, also a Set Border Extremity on Border Constraint.
Note If you clear this check box, you can set Constraints later through the Constraints menu.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
deform the surface the least. DSI fitting (if no other constraints are applied) tends to
minimize the curvature while passing to the points, i.e. making the surface planar. This
method uses DSI to interpolate the error and moves the surface using this computed error
as the only criteria.
Initial surface
To fit a surface to a 1 Select the Surface commands, click the Tools menu, point to Fit, and then click To
PointsSet PointsSet to open the dialog box.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.3 Editing Surfaces 3-27
6 In the Number of iterations box, type the number of iterations for DSI. The error
values computed at the location of the well markers will be interpolated on the full
surface using DSI.
7 Click Advanced to set control points and select additional options.
8 Select or clear the Set Control Nodes check box to specify whether to set control
points. If the check box is selected, the three corners of the triangle closest to a well
marker will be set as control points.
9 Select or clear the Keep mismatch check box to specify whether the interpolated
mismatched is kept as a property. If this check box is selected, the amount of
adjustment at each points will be recorded in a property called Intensity.
10 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Fitting a Surface to a Well Marker
The Fit to Well Marker command computes the error between the well marker and the
surface, interpolates the error, and translates the surface points according to the error. If
slope information is available on the well marker it will be used to better constrain the
To fit a surface to a 1 Select the Surface commands, click the Tools menu, point to Fit, and then click To
well marker Well Marker to open the dialog box.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.3 Editing Surfaces 3-29
To decimate a surface 1 Display the Surface you want to decimate in the 3D Viewer.
2 Click Mesh and Control Nodes on the on the Attribute toolbar.
3 Select the Surface commands, click the Tools menu, and then click Decimate to
open the dialog box.
4 In the Surface box, enter the surfaces that you want to decimate.
5 In the Tolerance box, type the value specifying the maximum relief that is allowed to
be deleted by this operation. In this case, relief is defined as the distance between the
point and its neighbors medium plane. If the distance is lower than the tolerance, the
point will be removed.
6 In the Length unit box, enter the surface orientation:
• For a horizon, choose XY unit.
• For a fault, choose Z unit.
7 In the Convergence box, type the reduction goal, which is a number between 0 and
1. This value specifies the ratio of the number of points after and before the
decimation. For example, if you enter 0.2 (e.g. 20%), GOCAD will try to reduce the
number of points in the surface by 80%.
8 Select or clear the Keep borders check box to specify whether points on borders are
allowed to be removed. If the check box is selected, borders are not removed. If the
check box is cleared, borders can be removed.
9 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
3.3.4 Splitting a Mesh Definition
This series of commands splits one triangle into four triangles, more or less at the
midpoint of each edge. You can specify whether to split every triangle in the surface or
just certain connected triangles.
Splitting is used to create a finer mesh, locally or globally, to allow the surface to better fit
a specified geometry. For example, you can never modify a tetrahedron made of four
triangles (the skin of a three sided pyramid) to look like a sphere, no matter how you
move the corners. You need a finer mesh.
For information, see:
• "Splitting All Triangles" on page 3-31
• "Splitting Triangles in a Region" on page 3-31
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.3 Editing Surfaces 3-31
3 Select the Surface commands, click Tools, point to Split, and then click Region to
open the dialog box.
4 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer and click any point in the target region. The
triangles in the selected region split into four or two.
3 Select the Surface commands, click the Tools menu, point to Parts, and then click
Delete Selection.
4 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer and click any triangle that is in the Part that you
want to delete.
Either the Part disappears from the 3D Viewer, or an error message in the status bar tells
you the pick was invalid. If the pick was invalid, go to step 1 and try again.
Filtering Small Surface Parts
Use the Filter Small Parts command to remove Parts from a Surface. This time several
Parts can be removed at the same time. The Parts to be removed can specified by a
triangle number or an area factor.
4 In the Surface box, enter the name of the Surface whose parts will be removed.
5 Specify the Parts to removed performing one of the following:
a Click Use nb trgls to remove Parts with less than a specified number of triangles.
Select this option and then type the specified number of triangles in the
Minimum nb of trgls box.
b Click Use area to remove parts with an area smaller than that specified. Select
this option and then type the specified area in the Minimum area box.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.3 Editing Surfaces 3-33
4 In the Surface box, enter the Surfaces containing Parts you are trying to merge. You
can select multiple Surfaces. Parts from different Surfaces will not be merged
5 Do one of the following to specify the merging criteria:
• If you select the Exactly check box check, two border points must be at the same
location for GOCAD to merge them and their corresponding parts.
• If you clear the check box, GOCAD calculates a tolerance based on the dimension
of the Surface (the larger the Surface the larger the tolerance). Two border points
(and their corresponding parts) will be merged only if the distance between them
is smaller than the tolerance.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
4 Select the Exactly check box to specifying the merging criteria.
If the check box is selected, two border points must be at the exact same location for
GOCAD to merge them and their corresponding parts.
If the check box is cleared, GOCAD calculates a tolerance based on the dimension of
the Surface (the larger the Surface the larger the tolerance). Two border points (and
their corresponding parts) will be merged only if the distance between them is smaller
than the tolerance.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
6 Move the pointer in the 3D Viewer where the Surface was shown. Press and hold the
CTRL key and click parts to select them. When you release the CTRL key, the selected
Parts merge.
4 If you have an exact amount of movement that you want to use, type the XYZ
translation vector values in the Vector XYZ boxes. You can also click the right arrow
button and then draw the vector in the 3D Viewer.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
6 Move the pointer in the 3D Viewer where the Surface was shown. Press and hold the
CTRL key and click parts to select them. When you release the CTRL key, the selected
Parts move.
Note You can use the Undo function to reverse the operation only if you do it immediately
after running the command. In cases where you want to move a Part back after have applied
other operations, you need to do so using the "reversing the vector value" method.
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To keep points inside 1 Select the Surface commands, click the Tools menu, point to Region, and then click
the Surface region Keep Nodes to open the dialog box.
2 In the Surface box, enter the name of the Surface that contains the region to work
3 In the Region box, enter the name of the region keeping the points.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To delete points 1 Select the Surface commands, click the Tools menu, point to Region, and then click
inside the Surface Delete Nodes to open the dialog box.
2 In the Surface box, enter the name of the surface that contains the region to work
3 In the Region box, enter the name of the region containing the points to be deleted.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Keeping Only the Triangles in a Surface Region
The Keep Triangles command is similar to Keep Nodes, but instead of keeping points
inside a selected region, this command keeps triangles inside a selected region.
To keep triangles 1 Select the Surface commands, click the Tools menu, point to Region, and then click
inside the Surface Keep Triangles to open the dialog box.
2 In the Surface box, enter the name of the Surface that contains the region to work
3 In the Region box, enter the name of the region keeping the triangles.
4 Select or clear the Only full triangles check box to specify whether the triangles
with no points within the region will be removed. If this check box is selected only
those triangles that are completely in the region are kept. If this check box is cleared,
the triangles with at least one point within the region will be kept.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To delete triangles 1 Select the Surface commands, click the Tools menu, point to Region, and then click
inside the Surface Delete Triangles to open the dialog box.
2 In the Surface box, enter the name of the Surface that contains the region to work
3 In the Region box, enter the name of the region containing the triangles to be
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.3 Editing Surfaces 3-37
4 Select or clear the Only full triangles check box to specify whether the triangles
with no points within the region will be removed. If this check box is selected only
those triangles that are completely in the region are removed. If this check box is
cleared, the triangles with at least one point within the region will be removed.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Deleting a Triangle
Use the Delete command to delete the selected triangle and leave a hole in the Surface.
Collapsing a Triangle
The Collapse command collapses the three vertices of the selected triangle into one, and
changes the triangulation of the immediately connected triangles. See Figure 3–25.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.3 Editing Surfaces 3-39
Breaking a Triangle
Use the Break command to break the selected triangle into three new triangles at a
specified point. The new point need not be on the old triangle.
4 If you have an exact amount of movement that you want to use, type the XYZ
translation vector values in the Vector XYZ boxes.
You can also use the arrow button and then click a position in the 3D Viewer to
specify the location for the new Vertex. Its coordinates will be automatically filled in
the Vector XYZ boxes.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open. No other triangles are affected by
this operation.
6 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer and click the triangle that you want to break.
The selected triangle breaks into three new triangles that share a Vertex at the point
that you specified.
Moving a Surface Point to a Specific Location
Use the Move To command to move the selected point to a specified location.
4 If you have an exact location to move the point, type the XYZ translation vector
values in the Point XYZ boxes.
You can also use the arrow button and then click a position in the 3D Viewer to
specify the location for the new Vertex. Its coordinates will be automatically filled in
the Point XYZ boxes.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
6 If you entered the XYZ points in step 4, move the cursor into the 3D Viewer and click
the point that want to move to the new location.
If you left the XYZ points blank in step 4, move the cursor into the 3D Viewer and
click the point that want to move; then click on a point on an object that you want to
be the new location.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.3 Editing Surfaces 3-41
4 In the vector XYZ boxes, type the XYZ of the transportation vector. You can also use
the right arrow button that let you digitize a vector.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
6 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer and click the point that you want to move by
the amount specified by the XYZ. The selected point shifts to the specified new
+ =
5 Select the Surface commands, click the Tools menu, point to Node, and then click
Drag With Mouse.
6 Move the pointer to the 3D Viewer, and then click on the point you wish to move and
hold the left mouse button while moving the mouse.
7 Release the mouse button at the desired location.
Collapsing a Surface Point
Use the Collapse command to delete the selected point and retriangulate the area
around it. See Figure 3–28 and "Deleting a Surface Point" on page 3-42.
Collapse point
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.3 Editing Surfaces 3-43
To extend a point 1 Display the Surface in the 3D Viewer.
2 On the Attribute toolbar, click Mesh and Nodes.
3 Select the Surface commands, click the Tools menu, point to Node, and then click
4 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer and click the two adjacent border points that
you want to be the edge of the new triangle. A new triangle will extend from the
selected edge.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.3 Editing Surfaces 3-45
4 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer and click the point on the border that you want
to set as a border extremity. The selected point will become a sphere, which is the
default symbol of a border extremity.
Note This command does not change the control point status of the point.
Setting Border Extremities on Corners
Use the Set on Corner command to add border extremities at "corners" of the boundary
of the selected surface.
Corners are mainly defined by the values, Angle, and Epsilon.
8 In the Epsilon box, type the minimum relative segment length at each potential
border extremity location.
This value is the ratio between the length of a border edge at a border point and the
average length of all the triangle edges this point is connected to. Both border edges
at a qualified point must have such a ratio greater than the specified epsilon for a
border extremity to be added there.
If you specify a very small epsilon value (e.g. 0.1), the angle becomes the sole
criterion in defining corners.
If you specify an epsilon value greater than or equal to 1, you will never be able to set
a border extremity at a corner triangle (a triangle that has two edges on a border).
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.3 Editing Surfaces 3-47
A very large epsilon, e.g. 10, with the Keep existing check box cleared, will reduce
the number of border extremities to one on each boundary (a single-border
9 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Translating a Border
You can move the selected border by a specified amount. Only points on the selected
border will be moved, therefore only the triangles directly connected with those points
will be modified. No new triangles are created; the border triangles are simply
4 In the vector XYZ boxes, type the XYZ of the transportation vector. You can also use
the right arrow button that let you digitize a vector.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
6 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer and click the border that you want to move. The
selected border shifts by the specified amount in the specified direction.
Extending a Border
You can extend the surface along a border by a specified distance.
• By default, the extended piece is a separate part, but you can choose to merge it into the
• If you apply this command on an internal border (for example, the border that lines a hole in
the surface) and specify a distance that is too large, the results will not be reasonable. For
instance, if the radius of the hole is 1000 on average and you specify a distance of 2000, you
cannot expect something reasonable.
3 Select the Surface commands, click the Tools menu, point to Border, point to
Extend, and then click One to open the dialog box.
4 In the Extension length box, type the height of the new border of triangles.
5 If you want to merge the extended piece into the surface, select the Merge check
box. If you leave the check box cleared, the command adds the extension to the
surface as a separate part.
6 In the Length unit box, select the unit of measurement you want to use for the
extension length:
• XY unit. Uses the area unit set in your project.
• Z unit. Uses the depth unit set in your project.
• Time unit. Uses the time unit set in your project.
• none. Means you do not want to specify a length unit. If you select none, the
unit is meters by default.
Note To check project units, on the File menu, click Project Properties.
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
8 In the 3D Viewer, click the border you want to extend.
A new set of triangles created along that border appears.
Note To see the different parts in the surface, click Parts on the Attribute toolbar. If you decide
you want to merge the parts, you can use the Merge All Parts command, as described in "Merging
All Surface Parts" on page 3-34.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.3 Editing Surfaces 3-49
7 In the Length unit box, select the unit of measurement you want to use for the
extension length:
• XY unit. Uses the area unit set in your project.
• Z unit. Uses the depth unit set in your project.
• Time unit. Uses the time unit set in your project.
• none. Means you do not want to specify a length unit. If you select none, the
unit is meters by default.
Note To check project units, on the File menu, click Project Properties.
8 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
A new set of triangles created along each border appears.
Note To see the different parts in the surface, click Parts on the Attribute toolbar. If you decide
you want to merge the parts, you can use the Merge All Parts command, as described in "Merging
All Surface Parts" on page 3-34.
Retracting a Border
This command removes one row of triangles on the selected Border. All the triangles that
are connected to any of the points on the selected Border are deleted. If every triangle of
the Part is connected to the selected Border, the entire Part will be deleted.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 3.3 Editing Surfaces 3-51
In this chapter • "About Gridded Surfaces (2D Grids)," • "Creating 2D-Grids," page 4-5
page 4-2
• "Editing 2D-Grids," page 4-13
Overview These topics include information about 2D-Grid objects and some of the most common
methods to create and work with them in Paradigm™ GOCAD ® 2009.
What is a 2D Grid? A 2D Grid object, also called a gridded surface, is a surface defined by an origin point, a
delta-x, a delta-y, and a series of z-values regularly spaced on a grid. A 2D Grid is similar
to a Surface object, except that the distribution of points is in a regular grid pattern. For
an example, see Figure 4–1.
2D grids are very popular in other programs like Z-MAP, CPS3, and Irap RMS. They are
used typically to represent horizons and simple faults. A 2D Grid requires less memory
compared to a surface, but it is much less flexible. For example, a 2D Grid cannot
represent a surface with multiple z-values, and the resolution cannot adapt locally to data
The recommended extension for a 2D Grid file is ".grs".
The cells in a 2D Grid are arranged along grid lines parallel to two axes (directions): u and
v. The two axes do not have to be orthogonal.
The distance between grid points along the u and v axes are step_u and step_v,
The numbers of grid points in the directions u and v are nu and nv, respectively.
Dimensions The size and position of a 2D Grid are defined by the following (see Figure 4–2):
• The 2D Grid origin (X0,Y 0,Z0)
• The directions of the two axes (two possibilities are given because the menu provides
two different ways of defining a 2D Grid.):
• The end points of the axes: point_u (X,Y,Z), point_v (X,Y,Z)
• The step vectors of each cell: step_u, step_v
4-2 Creating and Editing Gridded Surfaces (2D-Grids) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Grid components
A node,
point_v (X,Y,Z)
a grid point
4 nu =
st e nv = 5 point_u (X,Y,Z)
u v
s t ep_ Origin (X0,Y0,Z0)
A 2D Grid and its step vectors A 2D Grid and its end points
Origin. The origin of a 2D Grid is similar to the origin of a coordinate system. The origin
of a 2D Grid anchors the 2D Grid in space. It is defined by its coordinates (X 0,Y0,Z 0) (see
Figure 4–2).
u, v. The two axes of a 2D Grid are named u and v. There is no specific naming
convention as to which one should be u or v; they do not have to be orthogonal (see
Figure 4–2).
nu and nv. The number of grid points along the two axes (see Figure 4–2).
step_u and step_v . The two vectors that define the sides of a single Cell. They are not
coordinates of two points, nor are they simple lengths; they are vectors (see Figure 4–2).
These parameters are associated with a 2D Grid that is built using step vectors as
described in "Creating a 2D-Grid from Step Vectors or Corner Points" on page 4-10.
point_u (x, y, z) and point_v (x, y, z). The coordinates of the end points of the two axes
of a 2D Grid. They are not vectors; they are simply coordinates of points (see Figure 4–2).
These are parameters associated with a 2D Grid that is built using corner points as
described in "Creating a 2D-Grid from Step Vectors or Corner Points" on page 4-10.
Cage The outer edges of a 2D Grid. This is not necessarily a cube, since a 2D Grid is not
necessarily orthogonal, nor are the sides necessarily all of the same length.
Region You can divide a 2D Grid into multiple, overlapping subsets or portions. Each subset is
called a region.
You can also use property value limits or shadows of surfaces to create regions. For
information, see"Property Range Region" on page 12-16 and "From Geologic Features"
on page 12-17.
Grid connectivity During a global property interpolation process, the property value at any grid point is
affected by the values at grid points that it is directly or indirectly connected to.
Such connectivity is symbolized by the grid structure shown in Figure 4–2 and Figure 4–3
on page 4-4.
Property A 2D Grid object can carry multiple properties. When you create a 2D Grid, you can
specify whether the property information is to be carried at the centers of 2D Grid cells
(cell-centered 2D Grid) or at the corners of 2D Grid cells (corner point 2D Grid). See
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 4.1 About Gridded Surfaces (2D Grids) 4-3
Figure 4–3. This is different from a voxet, where the property information is always carried
at the grid points, which are always the centers of voxet cells. (For more information, see
"About Volumes (Voxets)" on page 5-2.)
In a cell-centered 2D Grid, the property value in a cell has a single value. In a corner point
2D Grid, the property value in a cell is linearly interpolated from the corner points of the
4-4 Creating and Editing Gridded Surfaces (2D-Grids) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
4.2 Creating 2D-Grids
For more information, see:
• "Creating a 2D-Grid from Points," page 4-5
• "Creating a 2D-Grid from a Surface," page 4-7
• "Creating a 2D-Grid from a Voxet Section," page 4-9
• "Creating a 2D-Grid from Step Vectors or Corner Points," page 4-10
• "Creating a 2D-Grid from Step Lengths and Angle," page 4-11
To create a 2D-Grid 1 Select the 2D-Grid commands, click New, and then click From Points to open the
from Points dialog box.
2 In the Grid surface name box, type the name for the new 2D-Grid.
Tip If you need help with 3 In the Nu box, type the number of nodes along the u-axis.
the terminology in this
dialog box related to the 4 In the Nv box, type the number of nodes along the v-axis.
2D-Grid geometry, see
"What is a 2D Grid?" on
5 If you want the 2D-Grid to carry its property values at its cell centers, select Property
page 4-2. cell centered. If you clear the check box, the 2D-Grid carries its property values at
cell corner points.
6 In the AtomsSet Object box, enter the name of the object from which to create the
7 Click one of the options to define the extension of the 2D-Grid:
• Use box. Defines the extension by computing the box of the PointsSet object.
You can increase the size of the 2D-Grid by specifying a scaling factor.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 4.2 Creating 2D-Grids 4-5
• Use cage. Defines the extension by computing the cage of the PointsSet object.
You can increase the size of the 2D-Grid by specifying a scaling factor.
• Specify step vectors. Uses an origin and step vectors to define the extension. To
use this option, you must know the approximate size and location of the 2D-Grid
you want to create.
• Specify step lengths and angle. Uses an origin, row and column lengths, and
an angle to define the extension. To use this option, you must know the
approximate size and location of the 2D-Grid you want to create.
8 If you selected Use box in step 7, do the following:
a In the U scaling box, type the scaling factor for the x-axis.
b In the V scaling box, type the scaling factor for the y-axis.
9 If you selected Use cage in step 7, do the following:
a In the U scaling box, type the scaling factor for the u-axis.
b In the V scaling box, type the scaling factor for the v-axis.
10 If you selected Specify step vectors in step 7, do the following:
a In the origin XYZ boxes, type the XYZ location of the origin of the 2D-Grid, or
click and use the pointer to pick the origin in the 3D Viewer.
b In the step_u XYZ boxes, type the XYZ length of the step vector of the u-axis, or
click and use the pointer to draw the step vector in the 3D Viewer.
c In the step_v XYZ boxes, type the XYZ length of the step vector of the v-axis, or
click and use the pointer to draw the step vector in the 3D Viewer.
11 If you selected Specify step lengths and angle in step 7, do the following:
a In the Origin XYZ boxes, type the XYZ location of the origin of the 2D-Grid, or
click and use the pointer to pick the origin in the 3D Viewer.
b In the Angle box, type the angle, in degrees (from the north).
c In the Column length box, enter the length of the column.
d In the Row length box, enter the length of the row.
12 Click one of the following options to define the domain of the grid:
• Time
• Depth
13 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
4-6 Creating and Editing Gridded Surfaces (2D-Grids) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
4.2.2 Creating a 2D-Grid from a Surface
You can create a 2D-Grid by vertically resampling a Surface object. This is useful when you
want to export a horizon to other programs that cannot handle triangles.
To create a 2D-Grid 1 Select the 2D-Grid commands, click New, and then click From Surface to open the
from a Surface dialog box.
2 In the Grid surface name box, type the name for the new 2D-Grid.
Tip If you need help with 3 In the Nu box, type the number of nodes along the u-axis.
the terminology in this
dialog box related to the 4 In the Nv box, type the number of nodes along the v-axis.
2D-Grid geometry, see
"What is a 2D Grid?" on
5 If you want the 2D-Grid to carry its property values at its cell centers, select Property
page 4-2. cell centered. If you clear the check box, the 2D-Grid carries its property values at
cell corner points.
6 In the Surface triangulated box, enter the Surface from which the 2D-Grid will be
7 In the Create borders polygons box, type the name of the object to be created.
8 In the Create faults polygon box, type the name of the object to be created.
9 Click one of the options to define the extension of the 2D-Grid:
• Use box. Defines the extension by computing the box of the PointsSet object.
You can increase the size of the 2D-Grid by specifying a scaling factor.
• Use cage. Defines the extension by computing the cage of the PointsSet object.
You can increase the size of the 2D-Grid by specifying a scaling factor.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 4.2 Creating 2D-Grids 4-7
• Specify step vectors. Uses an origin and step vectors to define the extension. To
use this option, you must know the approximate size and location of the 2D-Grid
you want to create.
• Specify step lengths and angle. Uses an origin, row and column lengths, and
an angle to define the extension. To use this option, you must know the
approximate size and location of the 2D-Grid you want to create.
10 If you selected Use box in step 9, do the following:
a In the U scaling box, type the scaling factor for the x-axis.
b In the V scaling box, type the scaling factor for the y-axis.
11 If you selected Use cage in step 9, do the following:
a In the U scaling box, type the scaling factor for the u-axis.
b In the V scaling box, type the scaling factor for the v-axis.
12 If you selected Specify step vectors in step 9, do the following:
a In the origin XYZ boxes, type the XYZ location of the origin of the 2D-Grid, or
click and use the pointer to pick the origin in the 3D Viewer.
b In the step_u XYZ boxes, type the XYZ length of the step vector of the u-axis, or
click and use the pointer to draw the step vector in the 3D Viewer.
c In the step_v XYZ boxes, type the XYZ length of the step vector of the v-axis, or
click and use the pointer to draw the step vector in the 3D Viewer.
13 If you selected Specify step lengths and angle in step 9, do the following:
a In the Origin XYZ boxes, type the XYZ location of the origin of the 2D-Grid.
You can also click the arrow button and use the pointer to pick the origin in the
3D Viewer.
b In the Angle box, type the angle, in degrees (from the north).
c In the Column length box, enter the length of the column.
d In the Row length box, enter the length of the row.
14 Click one of the following options to define the domain of the grid:
• Time
• Depth
15 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
4-8 Creating and Editing Gridded Surfaces (2D-Grids) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
4.2.3 Creating a 2D-Grid from a Voxet Section
You can create a 2D-Grid from a voxet section.
To create a 2D-Grid 1 Select the 2D-Grid commands, click New, and then click From Voxet Section to
from a voxet section open the dialog box.
2 In the Grid surface name box, type the name for the new 2D-Grid.
3 If you want the 2D-Grid to carry its property values at its cell centers, select Property
cell centered. If you clear the check box, the 2D-Grid carries its property values at
cell corner points.
4 In the Voxet grid box, enter the name of the voxet from which to create the 2D-Grid.
5 In the Axis box, select the axis along which to create the 2D-Grid.
6 In the Section index box, type a number indicating which plane of the voxet to take.
7 In the Property box, enter the property you want to transfer from the voxet to the
new 2D-Grid.
8 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 4.2 Creating 2D-Grids 4-9
To create a 2D-Grid 1 Select the 2D-Grid commands, click New, and then click From Step Vectors or
from step vectors or Corner Points to open the dialog box.
corner points
2 In the Surface name box, type the name for the new 2D-Grid.
3 In the Nu box, type the number of nodes along the u-axis.
Tip If you need help with 4 In the Nv box, type the number of nodes along the v-axis.
the terminology in this
dialog box related to the 5 If you want the 2D-Grid to carry its property values at its cell centers, select Property
2D-Grid geometry, see cell centered. If you clear the check box, the 2D-Grid carries its property values at
"What is a 2D Grid?" on cell corner points.
page 4-2.
6 Click to select either Specify step vectors or Specify corner points to specify
whether you want to create the 2D-Grid from step vectors or from corner points.
7 If you selected Specify step vectors, perform the following steps. Otherwise, skip to
step 8.
a In the origin XYZ boxes, type the XYZ location of the origin of the 2D-Grid, or
click and use the pointer to pick the origin in the 3D Viewer.
b In the step_u XYZ boxes, type the XYZ length of the step vector of the u-axis, or
click and use the pointer to draw the step vector in the 3D Viewer.
c In the step_v XYZ boxes, type the XYZ length of the step vector of the v-axis, or
click and use the pointer to draw the step vector in the 3D Viewer.
4-10 Creating and Editing Gridded Surfaces (2D-Grids) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
8 If you selected Specify corner points, perform the following steps:
a In the origin XYZ boxes, type the XYZ location of the origin of the 2D-Grid, or
click and use the pointer to pick the origin in the 3D Viewer.
b In the point_u XYZ boxes, type the XYZ location of the end point of the u-axis,
or click and use the pointer to digitize the end point in the 3D Viewer.
c In the point_v XYZ boxes, type the XYZ location of the end point of the v-axis,
or click and use the pointer to digitize the end point in the 3D Viewer.
9 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To create a 2D-Grid 1 Select the 2D-Grid commands, click New, and then click From Step Length and
from step lengths and Angle to open the dialog box.
2 In the 2D-Grid box, type the name for the new 2D-Grid.
3 In the Origin XYZ boxes, type the XYZ location of the origin of the 2D-Grid.
You can also click the arrow button and use the pointer to pick the origin in the
3D Viewer.
4 In the Angle box, type the angle, in degrees (from the north).
5 In the Column length box, type the distance between the two extremities in the
column direction.
6 In the Row length box, type the distance between the two extremities in the row
7 In the Number of columns box, type the number of nodes in the column direction.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 4.2 Creating 2D-Grids 4-11
8 In the Number of rows box, type the number of nodes in the row direction.
9 If you want the 2D-Grid to carry its property values at its cell centers, select Property
cell centered. If you clear the check box, the 2D-Grid carries its property values at
cell corner points.
10 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
4-12 Creating and Editing Gridded Surfaces (2D-Grids) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
4.3 Editing 2D-Grids
For more information, see:
• "Resizing a 2D-Grid," page 4-13
• "Deleting Points from a 2D-Grid," page 4-15
To resize a 2D-Grid 1 Select the 2D-Grid commands, click Tools, and then click Resize With Points to
with points open the dialog box.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 4.3 Editing 2D-Grids 4-13
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To resize a 2D-Grid by 1 Select the 2D-Grid commands, click Tools, and then click Resize With Vectors to
using vectors open the dialog box.
Tip If you need help with 2 In the origin XYZ boxes, type the XYZ of the origin of the 2D-Grid.
the terminology in this
dialog box related to the 3 In the step_u XYZ boxes, type the XYZ length of the step vector in the u direction of
2D-Grid geometry, see
the 2D-Grid, or click and use the pointer to draw the step vector.
"What is a 2D Grid?" on
page 4-2. 4 In the step_v XYZ boxes, type the XYZ length of the step vector in the v direction of
the 2D-Grid, or click and use the pointer to draw the step vector.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To fit a 2D-Grid 1 Select the 2D-Grid commands, click Tools, and then click Fit Vertically to Surface
vertically to a Surface to open the dialog box.
2 In the 2D-Grid box, enter the name of the 2D-Grid you want to fit to a Surface.
4-14 Creating and Editing Gridded Surfaces (2D-Grids) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
3 In the Surface box, enter the name of the Surface.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To fit a 2D-Grid to 1 Select the 2D-Grid commands, click Tools, and then click Fit to Points to open the
points of an object dialog box.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 4.3 Editing 2D-Grids 4-15
To delete points in a 1 Select the 2D-Grid commands, click Tools, and then click Kill Nodes inside Region.
2D-Grid region
2 In the 2D-Grid box, enter the name of the 2D-Grid from which to remove points.
3 In the Region name box, select the region from which to remove points.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To delete points in 1 Select the 2D-Grid commands, click Tools, and then click Delete Points in Fault
fault polygons Polygons to open the dialog box.
4-16 Creating and Editing Gridded Surfaces (2D-Grids) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Creating and Editing Volumes
In this chapter • "About Volumes (Voxets)," page 5-2 • "Editing a Voxet," page 5-11
Overview These topics include information about Voxet objects and some of the common methods
to create and work with them in Paradigm™ GOCAD® 2009.
What are Voxets? A Voxet object is a regularly-spaced, 3D grid consisting of volume elements or cells.
Voxets are cell-centered, meaning that data values for voxets occur at the centers of cells.
The recommended file name extension for a voxet file is .vo.
The cells in a voxet are arranged along grid lines parallel to three axis directions: u, v, and
w. The three axes do not have to be orthogonal.
The distance between grid points along the u, v, and w axes are step_u, step_v, and
step_w, respectively.
The number of grid points in the u-, v-, and w-directions, are nu, nv, and nw, respectively.
Dimensions The size and position of a voxet are defined by the following (see Figure 5–2):
• The voxet origin (X 0,Y 0,Z 0)
• The directions of the three axes (two possibilities are given because the GOCAD menu
provides two different ways of defining a voxet.):
• The end points of the axes: point_u(X,Y,Z), point_v(X,Y,Z), point_w(X,Y,Z)
• The step vectors of each cell: step_u, step_v, step_w
5-2 Creating and Editing Volumes (Voxets) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
• The number of grid points along each axis: nu, nv, nw
Volume components
Section (u, 3)
nw = 5
A node, a
grid point
3 point_v(X,Y,Z)
nv = 5
st nv
ep =
_u 4
v =7
st ep _ nu
(X 0,Y0,Z 0) Origin (X 0,Y0,Z 0) point_u (X,Y,Z)
A voxet and its step vectors A voxet and its end points
Origin. The origin of a voxet is similar to the origin of a coordinate system. The origin of
a voxet anchors the voxet in space. It is defined by its coordinates (X 0,Y 0,Z0) (see
Figure 5–2).
u, v, w. The three axes of a voxet are named u, v, and w. There is no specific naming
convention as to which one should be u, v, or w. They do not have to be orthogonal (see
Figure 5–3). If the voxet is associated with a data set (for example, seismic data), u is the
fast axis and w is the slow axis.
nu, nv, and nw. The number of grid points along the three axes (see Figure 5–2).
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 5.1 About Volumes (Voxets) 5-3
step_u, step_v and step_w. The three vectors that define the sides of a single cell. They
are not coordinates of three points, nor are they simple lengths; they are vectors (see
Figure 5–2).
Note These parameters are associated with a voxet that is built in by using the Create Voxet from
Step Vectors command. For more information, see"Creating a Voxet from Step Vectors" on
page 5-6
point_u (x, y, z), point_v (x, y, z), and Z (of point_w). The coordinates of the end
points of the three axes of a voxet. They are not vectors; they are simply coordinates of
points (see Figure 5–2).
Note These are parameters associated with a voxet that is built in by using the Create Voxet from
Corners command. A voxet built this way always has an axis (w) parallel to the z-axis because you
can only specify the z-coordinate of point_w. For more information, see"Creating a Voxet from
Corner Points" on page 5-7.
Cage The outer edges of a voxet. This is not necessarily a cube because a voxet is not
necessarily orthogonal, nor are the sides necessarily all of the same length. See Figure 5–3
on page 5-3.
Region You can divide a voxet into multiple overlapping subvolumes. Each subvolume is called a
region. You can create regions by building a voxet model. In that case, each layer in the
voxet model will automatically become a region in the voxet. An empty voxet model is
created automatically when you create a voxet.
You can also use property value limits or surface projections to create regions. For
information, see"Property Range Region" on page 12-16 and "From Geologic Features"
on page 12-17.
Grid Connectivity During a global property interpolation process, the property value at any grid point is
affected by the values at grid points that it is directly or indirectly connected to.
The grid structure shown in Figure 5–2 on page 5-3 and Figure 5–4 on page 5-5
symbolizes such connectivity. You can cut the grid lines in a voxet by surfaces and thus
interrupt the connectivity between grid points to form regions isolated by connectivity. A
property-generating process will not cross grid lines that are cut. Therefore, property
values in different connectivity-isolated regions will not affect one another in a global
interpolation or simulation process.
Not all region boundaries are connectivity boundaries, only those region boundaries that
are created by building a voxet model and those that are created by using the Voxet Cut
with Surfaces command (see "Cutting a Voxet with Surfaces" on page 5-11).
Section A section on a particular voxet axis is a plane that is parallel to the other two axes of the
voxet. For example, a section on axis u is a plane that is parallel to axes v and w. It would
be incorrect to say that the section is perpendicular to u because a voxet does not have to
be orthogonal (the three axes of a voxet do not have be perpendicular to each other).
A section is defined by an axis and by a distance number, which is the number of cell-
lengths along the axis between the section and the origin of the voxet. For example, the
section denoted by (u, 3) is the plane parallel to v and w, and whose distance from the
origin is three times the distance of step_u (see Figure 5–2 on page 5-3). The section
consists of all the grid points whose coordinates are (3, v, w).
When you select a voxet section in the Attribute Manager, the axes are denoted as 1, 2,
and 3; not u, v, and w.
5-4 Creating and Editing Volumes (Voxets) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Property A voxet may contain multiple sets of information. Each set is called a property (or grid) of
the voxet and contains a value at each grid point of the voxet (see Figure 5–4). For this
reason, the property in a voxet is sometimes referred to as a grid. When you display a
voxet, you need to select a property to display; otherwise, you see only an empty cage
(see "Cage" on page 5-4.)
In a voxet, the cell boundaries do not coincide with the lines connecting the grid points;
the grid points are the centers of the cells. Therefore the grid structure is smaller than the
cell structure, and a section is slightly (half of a cell on each side) wider than the cage
boundary of the voxet.
The property values are carried at the grid points, that is, the center of the cells. The
entire cell has the same property value. That is why when you display a property on a
voxet section (if the antialiasing check box is off), it consists of tiny little blocks.
Voxet grid point structure Voxet cell structure Voxet property structure
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 5.1 About Volumes (Voxets) 5-5
To create a voxet 1 Select the Voxet commands, click the New menu, and then click From Step Vectors
from step vectors to open the dialog box.
5-6 Creating and Editing Volumes (Voxets) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
5 In the step_v XYZ boxes, type the XYZ length of the step vector of the v-axis, or
click and use the pointer to draw the step vector in the 3D Viewer.
6 In the step_w XYZ boxes, type the XYZ length of the step vector of the w-axis, or
click and use the pointer to draw the step vector in the 3D Viewer
7 In the nu box, type the number of nodes (grid points) along the u-axis.
8 In the nv box, type the number of nodes (grid points) along the v-axis.
9 In the nw box, type the number of nodes (grid points) along the w-axis.
10 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To create a voxet 1 Select the Voxet commands, click the New menu, and then click From Corners to
from corners open the dialog box.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 5.2 Creating a Voxet 5-7
5 In the point_v XYZ boxes, type the coordinates of the end point of the v-axis, or
click and use the pointer to digitize the end point in the 3D Viewer.
6 In the End Z value box, type the Z coordinate of the end point of the w-axis, or
click and use the pointer to digitize the end point in the 3D Viewer.
Note Because you can only specify the Z coordinate of point_w, a voxet created with this
command always has the w-axis parallel to the Z-axis of the 3D Viewer.
7 In the nu box, type the number of nodes (grid points) along the u-axis.
8 In the nv box, type the number of nodes (grid points) along the v-axis.
9 In the nw box, type the number of nodes (grid points) along the w-axis.
10 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
5-8 Creating and Editing Volumes (Voxets) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
11 In the jump w box, type the resampling interval along the third axis.
12 In the new nw box, type the new number of cells along the third axis, starting at w0.
13 If you want to copy properties of the source voxet into the new voxet, select the copy
properties check box.
14 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 5.2 Creating a Voxet 5-9
To create a voxet 1 Select the Voxet commands, click the New menu, and then click From SGrid to
from an SGrid open the dialog box.
5-10 Creating and Editing Volumes (Voxets) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
5.3 Editing a Voxet
You can modify a Voxet using the Voxet commands, on the Tools menu.
For information, see:
• "Cutting a Voxet with Surfaces," page 5-11
• "Uncutting a Voxet to Restore Grid Connectivity," page 5-12
• "Resizing a Voxet with Points," page 5-12
• "Resizing a Voxet with Vectors," page 5-13
The impact of this operation is visible only when you carry out an interpolation operation.
The interpolation does not cross the cut(s).The panel on the left of Figure 5–5 shows the
result of a property interpolation in a single-region voxet. The panel on the right shows
the result of a property interpolation in the same voxet after it has been cut by a closed
In theory, the cuts may divide the voxet into different regions (if the surface is a closed
surface or if it cuts the voxet from wall to wall). In practice, there is no user interface that
allows you to identify the different regions produced by the cuts.
To cut a voxet with 1 Select the Voxet commands, click Tools, and then click Cut With Surfaces to open
surfaces the dialog box.
2 In the Voxet box, enter the names of the voxets that you are cutting.
3 In the Surface with box, enter the names of the Surfaces that you are going to cut
the voxet with.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 5.3 Editing a Voxet 5-11
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To restore voxet grid 1 Display the voxet to edit in the 3D Viewer. Select the Cut lines on planes (section)
connectivity attribute and display some sections in the voxet.
2 Select the Voxet commands, click Tools, and then click Uncut to open the dialog
3 In the Voxet box, enter the name of the voxet whose grid connectivity you want to
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To resize a voxet by 1 Select the Voxet commands, click Tools, and then click With Points to open the
using points dialog box.
5-12 Creating and Editing Volumes (Voxets) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Tip If you need help with 2 In the origin XYZ boxes, type the XYZ location of the origin of the voxet, or click
the terminology in this
dialog box related to the and use the pointer to pick the origin in the 3D Viewer.
voxet geometry, see "What
3 In the point_u XYZ boxes, type the XYZ of the end point of the u-axis. See
are Voxets?" on page 5-2.
Figure 5–2 on page 5-3. You can use the right arrow button to digitize the end point.
4 In the point_v XYZ boxes, type the XYZ of the end point of the v-axis. See Figure 5–2
on page 5-3.
5 In the point_w XYZ boxes, type the XYZ of the end point of the w-axis. See
Figure 5–2 on page 5-3.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To resize a voxet by 1 Select the Voxet commands, click Tools, and then click With Vectors to open the
using vectors dialog box.
Tip If you need help with 2 In the origin XYZ boxes, type the XYZ location of the origin of the voxet, or click
the terminology in this
dialog box related to the and use the pointer to pick the origin in the 3D Viewer.
voxet geometry, see "What
3 In the step_u XYZ boxes, type the XYZ length of the step vector of the u-axis, or
are Voxets?" on page 5-2.
click and use the pointer to draw the step vector in the 3D Viewer.
4 In the step_v XYZ boxes, type the XYZ length of the step vector of the v-axis, or
click and use the pointer to draw the step vector in the 3D Viewer.
5 In the step_w XYZ boxes, type the XYZ length of the step vector of the w-axis, or
click and use the pointer to draw the step vector in the 3D Viewer.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 5.3 Editing a Voxet 5-13
5-14 Creating and Editing Volumes (Voxets) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Creating and Editing
Stratigraphic Grids (SGrids)
In this chapter • "About Stratigraphic Grids (SGrids)," • "Creating an SGrid," page 6-5
page 6-2
• "Editing an SGrid," page 6-8
Overview These topics include information about stratigraphic grids (SGrid objects) and the most
common methods to create and work with them in Paradigm™ GOCAD® 2009.
New SGrids look similar to Voxet objects, and many of the SGrid commands are nearly
identical to corresponding Voxet commands. These topics describe only the differences
between them. For more information about a specific command, refer to the equivalent
command in Chapter 5, "Creating and Editing Volumes (Voxets)."
What are SGrids? This object is important in reservoir geology and engineering where anisotropy plays a
significant role in hydrocarbon migration and accumulation.
The recommended extension for an SGrid file is .sg.
When you first create an SGrid, it has the same components as a Voxet object. See
Figure 6–2. However, unlike a voxet, the grid structure of a stratigraphic grid can be
either: coincident with its cell structure or cell-centered. An SGrid object can contain
property values either at the centers or the corners of its cells. You can specify the
structure when you create the grid. See also Figure 6–4 on page 6-4.
6-2 Creating and Editing Stratigraphic Grids (SGrids) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Figure 6–2 Graphic A corner point
examples of an SGrid A cell-centered
object and its SGrid cell SGrid cell
nw = 4
nw =5
Section (u, 3)
A node,
a grid point point_w (x,y,z)
nu point_v (x,y,z)
ste nv = 5 nv
p_ =
u v 7
step_ Property point 4 nu = point_u (x,y,z)
x0,y0,z0 Grid point (Node) Origin (x0,y0,z0)
a) an SGrid and its step-vectors b) an SGrid and its end-points
Dimensions The dimensions of the SGrid are defined by its origin, the three axes, the number of
points along each axis, and the three step vectors of each cell:
• Origin. The origin of the SGrid is similar to the origin of a coordinate system. The
origin of an SGrid anchors the grid in space. It is defined by its coordinates (x 0, y0,
Z 0). See Figure 6–2.
• u, v, w. The three axes of an SGrid are named u, v, and w. There is no specific naming
convention as to which one should be u, v, or w. See Figure 6–2.
• nu, nv, and nw. The number of points along the three axes. See Figure 6–2.
• step_u, step_v, and step_w. The three vectors of an SGrid cell. These are vectors,
not the coordinates of three points. See Figure 6–2.
For any given grid point (u, v, w) in an undeformed SGrid, you can calculate its
coordinates (x,y,z) in the real world coordinate system by using the above dimension
However, once you select one or more controlling surfaces and conform the SGrid to
them, the cells in the SGrid are deformed and no longer share the same shape or
For every grid point (u,v,w) in the conformed (or deformed) SGrid, GOCAD maintains a
record of its coordinates (x, y, z) in the real world coordinate system, but you can no
longer calculate the coordinates (x, y, z) of a grid point (u, v, w) in a conformed SGrid by
simply using the original dimension values.
Cage The edges of an SGrid. The cage of an SGrid follows the discontinuity of the borders.
Thus, it is offset by faults.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 6.1 About Stratigraphic Grids (SGrids) 6-3
A section in a conformed SGrid has a similar definition. For example, a section on the u-
axis is a plane that contains all the grid points (constant, v, w). However, in a conformed
SGrid, u, w, and w are no longer vector directions, and a section is not necessarily a flat
surface. See Figure 6–3.
u u
v v
Properties An SGrid object can contain multiple properties. The user can specify whether the
property information in an SGrid is stored at the centers of SGrid cells (cell-centered
SGrid) or at the corners of SGrid cells (corner point SGrid). See Figure 6–4. This is different
from a Voxet object, where the property information is stored at the grid points, which
are always the centers of voxet cells. (See "About Volumes (Voxets)" on page 5-2.)
In a cell-centered SGrid, the property value in a cell has a single value. In a corner point
SGrid, the property value in a cell is linearly interpolated from the eight corner points of
the cell.
SGrid grid structure SGrid cell structure SGrid cell-centered SGrid corner point
property structure property structure
When you display a section from a cell-centered SGrid, it consists of small blocks; a
section from a corner point SGrid is always blurred because the property values are always
A property data file of an SGrid can be a separate binary or ASCII file.
You can generate a property for an SGrid by interpolation, Kriging, or even geostatistical
simulation of a property from another object. You can also generate a property for an
SGrid by using the Apply Script command (SGrid commands, Compute menu).
6-4 Creating and Editing Stratigraphic Grids (SGrids) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
6.2 Creating an SGrid
For information, see:
• "Creating an SGrid from Step Vectors," page 6-5
• "Creating an SGrid from an Objects Box," page 6-6
• "Creating an SGrid from a Voxet," page 6-7
To create an SGrid 1 Collect the information necessary to describe the unit vectors of the SGrid you want
from step vectors to build.
For example, if you want to associate with the new SGrid with other objects in the
3D Viewer, you can use the Get XYZ Coordinate and the Get Distance
tools (Camera Tools toolbar) to get information about those objects.
2 Select the SGrid commands, click the New menu, and then click From Step Vectors
to open the dialog box.
3 In the Name box, type the name for the new SGrid.
4 In the Origin XYZ box, type the coordinates of the origin of the SGrid. See
Figure 6–2 on page 6-3.
5 In the step_u XYZ box, type the XYZ of the step vector in the u direction of the
SGrid. See Figure 6–2 on page 6-3.
6 In the step_v XYZ box, type the XYZ of the step vector in the v direction of the SGrid.
See Figure 6–2 on page 6-3.
7 In the step_w XYZ box, type the XYZ of the step vector in the w direction of the
SGrid. See Figure 6–2 on page 6-3.
8 In the nu box, type the number of Nodes along the u-axis of the SGrid.
9 In the nv box, type the number of Nodes along the v-axis of the SGrid.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 6.2 Creating an SGrid 6-5
10 In the nw box, type the number of Nodes along the w-axis of the SGrid.
11 Select or clear the Property cell centered check box to specify whether the SGrid
will carry its property values at its centers or its corner points. If the check box is
selected, the SGrid carries its property values at its cell centers.
12 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Note If you need more detailed information than are given here, see"Creating a Voxet from Step
Vectors" on page 5-6.
To create an SGrid 1 Display the objects you want to use in the 3D Viewer.
from an objects box
2 Select the SGrid commands, click the New menu, and then click From Objects Box
to open the dialog box.
3 In the Name box, type the name for the new SGrid.
4 In the Object box, enter the names of the objects that you want the new SGrid to
5 In the Scale X dimension by box, type a number to specify the scaling factor to
apply to the computed box along the u-axis direction.
6 In the Scale Y dimension by box, type a number to specify the scaling factor to
apply to the computed box along the v-axis direction.
7 In the Scale Z dimension by box, type a number to specify the scaling factor to
apply to the computed box along the w-axis direction.
8 In the nu box, type a positive integer, specifying the number of Nodes along the u-
axis. See Figure 6–2 on page 6-3.
6-6 Creating and Editing Stratigraphic Grids (SGrids) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
9 In the nv box, type a positive integer, specifying the number of Nodes along the v-
axis. See Figure 6–2 on page 6-3.
10 In the nw box, type a positive integer, specifying the number of Nodes along the w-
axis. See Figure 6–2 on page 6-3.
11 Select or clear the Property cell centered check box to specify whether the SGrid
will carry its property values at its centers or its corner points. If the check box is
selected, the SGrid carries its property values at its cell centers.
12 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To create an SGrid 1 Display the objects you want to use in the 3D Viewer.
from a Voxet
2 Select the SGrid commands, click the New menu, and then click From Voxet to
open the dialog box.
3 In the Name box, enter the name for the new SGrid.
5 Select or clear the cell centered properties check box to specify whether the Voxet
properties will be copied into the new corner-point SGrid. If the check box is selected,
the Voxet properties will be copied into the new corner-point SGrid.
6 Select or clear the copy properties check box to specify whether the Voxet
properties are copied to the SGrid. If the check box is selected, you must specify, in
step 6, which property you want to copy from the Voxet. If the check box is cleared,
you can go to step 8.
7 In the Property box, select which properties you want to copy from the Voxet.
8 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 6.2 Creating an SGrid 6-7
Important If the SGrid was created by using the Flow Simulation Grids Workflow, using these
commands to edit the SGrid breaks the link between the SGrid and the workflow, removing the
ability to use important functionality on the SGrid (for example, property upscaling from a geologic
SGrid and
Controller Surfaces Deformed SGrid
If the extent of the Surfaces is smaller than the SGrid, the user can specify whether to
extrapolate the grid structure where the SGrid is not covered by the Surfaces, or whether
to abruptly discontinue the deformation. See Figure 6–6 on page 6-9 and Figure 6–9 on
page 6-11.
6-8 Creating and Editing Stratigraphic Grids (SGrids) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Figure 6–6 What if the
surfaces are smaller than
the SGrid?
SGrid and
Controller Surfaces With Interpolation Without Interpolation
To deform an SGrid 1 Display the SGrid and the Surfaces in the 3D Viewer.
proportionally to fit
If the two Surfaces do not cover the entire SGrid in the X or Y direction, decide
between multiple whether you want the "uncovered" portion of the SGrid to be deformed also, using
Surfaces an interpolation process, or whether this portion should not be deformed, forming an
abrupt interruption in the grid structure. See Figure 6–6 on page 6-9.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 6.3 Editing an SGrid 6-9
2 Select the SGrid commands, click the Tools menu, and then click Proportional
Between Multiple Surfaces to open the dialog box.
3 In the Stratigraphic Grid box, enter the name of the SGrid you want to deform.
4 In the Object surfaces box, select the Surfaces.
Note The Surfaces do not have to be in any particular order.
5 Click Advanced if you want to set additional options for the initialization.
6 Select the interpolate check box if the Surfaces are smaller than the SGrid. Clear the
check box if the Surfaces are not smaller than the SGrid. See Figure 6–6 on page 6-9.
7 Select or clear the check thickness check box to specify whether the minimum
thickness of the SGrid is checked. If the check box is selected, the minimum thickness
box becomes available, and the specified minimum thickness of the SGrid is checked.
8 In the minimum thickness box, type the minimum vertical thickness for the SGrid.
If at some points, the layer defined by the top and bottom surface is of thickness less
than the minimum thickness, cells will be created using above and below the top and
bottom surfaces respectively to respect exactly the minimum thickness.
9 Select or clear the constrain check box to specify whether the top and the bottom
Surfaces should be set as geometry controllers for later Interpolation operations. If
the check box is selected, the top and bottom Surfaces are set as geometry
10 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
6-10 Creating and Editing Stratigraphic Grids (SGrids) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
6.3.3 Initializing an SGrid Parallel to Top or to
You can bend an SGrid, so that every section that was originally near-horizontal in the
SGrid becomes conformable to the specified Surface and will be moved below (or above)
that Surface. See Figure 6–8.
• The portion of the SGrid that is not under (or above) the shadow of the Controller Surface is
not deformed.
• This function is designed to work on an SGrid that has one of its axes parallel to the Z axis. It
does not work properly otherwise.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 6.3 Editing an SGrid 6-11
To deform an SGrid to 1 Display the SGrid and the Surface(s) in the 3D Viewer.
fit the geometry of a
2 Select the SGrid commands, click the Tools menu, and then click Parallel To Top or
Surface Bottom to open the dialog box.
3 In the Stratigraphic Grid box, enter the name of the SGrid you want to deform.
4 In the Object reference surface box, enter the name of the controller Surface.
5 Select or clear the top check box to specify whether the SGrid is to fit under the
Surface specified in step 4.
If check box is selected the Surface is used as the Top.
If the check box is cleared, the Surface is used as the Bottom, and the SGrid will be
bent and shifted to fit on top of the Surface. See Figure 6–8.
6 Click Advanced if you want to set additional options for the initialization.
7 Select or clear the Truncate check box to specify whether the SGrid (after being bent
to fit the Surface) should be truncated by an erosional Surface.
If the top check box is selected in step 5, the portion below the erosional Surface will
be eliminated.
If the top check box is cleared in step 5, the portion above the erosional Surface will
be truncated.
Note The assumption is that you wouldn’t want to cut off the conformed end of the SGrid.
8 In the Object truncating box, enter the name of the erosional Surface.
Note This box is only available if you selected the Truncate check box in step 7.
9 Select or clear the Store valid cells in region check box to specify whether the SGrid
Nodes and non-collapsed (valid) cells can be stored in a region.
You can later confine all your reservoir modeling to this region instead of the entire
SGrid, which still contains all the cells.
6-12 Creating and Editing Stratigraphic Grids (SGrids) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
10 In the Valid cell region box, enter the name of the region in which to store the valid
Note This box is only available if you selected the Store valid cells in region check box in
step 9.
11 Select or clear the constrain check box to specify whether the top (or bottom)
Surface should be set as a geometry Controller for later Interpolation operations.
12 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To erode an SGrid by 1 Display the SGrid and the Surface in the 3D Viewer.
a Surface
2 Select the SGrid commands, click the Tools menu, and then click Erode by Surface
to open the dialog box.
3 In the Stratigraphic Grid box, enter the name of the SGrid you want to deform.
4 In the Surface by box, enter the name of the Surface that you want to use to erode
the SGrid.
5 Select or clear the Erode top check box, to specify whether the top portion of the
SGrid is eroded down to the Surface.
If the check box is selected, the top portion of the SGrid is eroded down to the
Surface, and all the cells located below the erosional surface are collapsed (cell with
no volume).
6 Click Advanced if you want to set additional options for the initialization.
7 Select or clear the Store valid cells in region check box to specify whether the SGrid
Nodes and non-collapsed (valid) cells can be stored in a region.
You can later confine all your reservoir modeling to this region instead of the entire
SGrid, which still contains all the cells.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 6.3 Editing an SGrid 6-13
8 In the Valid cell region box, enter the name of the region in which to store the valid
Note This box is only available if you selected the Store valid cells in region check box in
step 7
9 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
6-14 Creating and Editing Stratigraphic Grids (SGrids) GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Creating and Editing Wells
and Well Data
In this chapter • "About Wells," page 7-2 • "Creating and Editing Well Markers
and Marker Sets," page 7-14
• "Creating a Well from a Curve,"
page 7-3 • "Creating and Editing Well Zones,"
page 7-24
• "Editing a Well," page 7-4
• "Working with Casings, Perforations,
• "Creating and Editing Well Logs," and Tubings," page 7-27
page 7-9
Overview These topics include information about Well objects and well data and the most common
methods to create and work with them in Paradigm™ GOCAD ® 2009.
Well logs
Well zone
Well path
7-2 Creating and Editing Wells and Well Data GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
7.2 Creating a Well from a Curve
You can create a well from an open curve.
3 In the Name box, type the name of the well you want to create.
4 In the Unit box, select the unit of measured depth (MD) on the well path:
• ft. MD in feet.
• m. MD in meters.
5 If you want to specify an event resolution for well logs, click Advanced, select the
Specify logs resolution check box, and then type the value in the Sampling
interval box. The sampling interval is specified with the given MD unit.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
7 In the 3D Viewer, click the curve.
GOCAD creates a well whose path follows the selected curve.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 7.2 Creating a Well from a Curve 7-3
To relocate a well 1 Select the Well commands, click Tools, then under Well Position, click Relocate to
open the dialog box.
7-4 Creating and Editing Wells and Well Data GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
To edit the KB 1 Select the Well commands, click the Tools menu, and then, under Well Path, click
elevation of a well Edit KB to open the dialog box.
0 +10
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 7.3 Editing a Well 7-5
This option shifts the well path, well logs, and well markers, as shown in the
following image.
5 If you want to correct the measured depth values, click Correct MD.
Convert MD (XYZ file example) from 0 KB to +10 KB
0 0
7-6 Creating and Editing Wells and Well Data GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
This option shifts only the well logs and markers (not the well path), as shown in the
following image.
6 If you want to just set the KB elevation, but not apply it to either z or measured depth
values, click Just set KB information.
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To set the well datum 1 Select the Well commands, click Tools, and then, under Well Path, click Set Datum
to open the dialog box.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 7.3 Editing a Well 7-7
3 In the Datum box, select the well datum—for example, kelly bushing, ground level,
or sea level.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To translate a well 1 Select the Well commands, click Tools, and then, under Well Path, click Translate
to open the dialog box.
7-8 Creating and Editing Wells and Well Data GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
7.4 Creating and Editing Well Logs
With the Well commands on the Property menu, you can perform basic operations on a
well log such as resetting the measured depth unit, converting a log to match the
measured depth unit for the well path, or defining a sampling interval, resampling,
filtering, or upscaling a well log.
When you work in a cross section view or log display view (the Cross Section window or
Log Display window), you can use objects, facies interpretations, and other well data as
guides for editing well logs. With a well property displayed on a log track in either a
log display view or cross section view, you can edit the log by adding, moving, or deleting
points on the well curve. (For more information about working in cross section views and
log display views, see Chapter 1, "Getting Started with Maps, Cross Sections, and
Log Displays.")
For more information about editing a well log, see:
• "Extracting a Log Curve from a Stratigraphic Grid, Voxet, or Well," page 7-9
• "Creating an Upscaled Well Log at Grid Resolution," page 7-9
• "About Converting Well Logs to TVDSS or MD," page 7-9
• "Editing a Well Log in a Cross Section or Log Display," page 7-10
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 7.4 Creating and Editing Well Logs 7-9
Well Curves toolbar In the Log Display window and Cross Section window, the Well Curves toolbar
(see Figure 7–2) is initially hidden. When you show this toolbar, it normally appears near
the top of the window. However, you can undock the toolbar and move it anywhere you
Tip Before editing a log, • Edit a particular point: Drag the pointer to the point you want to edit, and then
turn on Line Symbols in the release the button to perform the operation on that point.
Attributes for the log. The
symbols identify the location • Cancel the operation:
of points on the curve. For
information, see Part III: • When changing the value of a point, release the mouse button without dragging
Visualization , "To display the pointer to the left or right.
points on a log curve" on
page 3-49. • When collapsing, deleting, or inserting a point, drag the pointer away from the
curve, and then release the button.
The tools for editing well curves include:
Edit Log Value with Mouse. Change the value of a point at a specific depth or
time (z-axis value). Click , point to a curve in a log track and hold down the
mouse button to identify the location of the point you want to change. Drag the
point you want to change to the right or left in the track. This tool remains active
until you switch to another editing or selection mode.
7-10 Creating and Editing Wells and Well Data GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Remove Data Point Without Introducing Hole. Delete a point and create a
continuous curve segment between the adjacent points above and below.
Click , point to a curve in a log track and hold down the mouse button to
identify the point you want to collapse, and then drag the pointer to that point
before releasing the button. This tool remains active until you switch to another
editing or selection mode.
Remove a Data Point, Introducing Hole. Delete a point and the curve segment
between it and the points above and below without reconnecting the curve;
create a no-data area. Click , point to a curve in a log track and hold down
the mouse button to identify the point you want to delete, and then drag the
pointer to that point before releasing the button. This tool remains active until
you switch to another editing or selection mode.
Insert Point Between Two Values. Add a point to the curve at a specific
location (value, depth or time) and redraw a continuous curve through the new
point. Click , point to a curve in a log track and hold down the mouse button
to identify the location you want to add the point, and then drag the point to
that location before releasing the button. This tool remains active until you
switch to another editing or selection mode.
To change the value With a well property displayed on a log track in a log display or cross section, do the
of a point following:
Tip To help identify points,
turn on Line Symbols in the 1 On the Well Curves toolbar, click Edit Log Value with Mouse , point to the
Attributes for the log. curve and hold down the mouse button to identify the location of the point you want
to change.
Tip If the pointer is not over 2 When you identify the point you want to change, drag the point to the right or left
the correct point, release the within the track.
mouse button without
dragging it to the right or
The point and the curve move as you drag the pointer. When you release the pointer,
the value of the point changes, and the curve remains continuous.
Note For log curves, a point is defined as a depth-value or time-value pair. You cannot change
the depth or time (the z-axis) for a point, only the value of the point at a specific depth or time.
3 When you are finished changing points, click another editing tool or click
Select Objects to switch back to the selection mode.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 7.4 Creating and Editing Well Logs 7-11
To collapse a point With a well property displayed on a log track in a log display or cross section, do the
Tip To help identify points, 1 On the Well Curves toolbar, click Remove Data Point Without Introducing
turn on Line Symbols in the
Attributes for the log. Hole , point to the curve, hold down the mouse button to identify the location
of the point you want to delete, and then drag the pointer to the correct point before
releasing the button.
Tip To cancel the operation,
before releasing the mouse
button, drag the pointer
away from the curve.
To delete a point With a well property displayed on a log track in a log display or cross section, do the
Tip To help identify points,
turn on Line Symbols in the 1 On the Well Curves toolbar, click Remove a Data Point, Introducing Hole ,
Attributes for the log. point to the curve, hold down the mouse button to identify the location of the point
you want to delete, and then drag the pointer to the correct point before releasing
the button.
Tip To cancel the operation,
before releasing the mouse
button, drag the pointer
away from the curve.
7-12 Creating and Editing Wells and Well Data GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
To insert a point With a well property displayed on a log track in a log display or cross section, do the
Tip To help identify points,
turn on Line Symbols in the 1 On the Well Curves toolbar, click Insert Point Between Two Values , and then
Attributes for the log. click the curve at the depth/time where you want to add the point.
Tip To cancel the operation,
before releasing the mouse
button, drag the pointer
away from the curve.
Inserting a point
When you release the mouse button, a point is added to the curve at the location of
the pointer on the curve. Segments are also added between the new point and the
adjacent points above and below, maintaining a continuous curve.
2 When you finish adding points, click another editing tool or click Select Objects
to switch back to the selection mode.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 7.4 Creating and Editing Well Logs 7-13
7-14 Creating and Editing Wells and Well Data GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
7.5.3 Creating Marker Sets
For information, see:
• "Creating a Marker Set for a Well," page 7-15
• "Creating a Global Marker Set," page 7-16
To create markers sets 1 In the Object Tree, expand the name of the well for which you want to create a
for a well marker set, right-click marker_sets, and then click Create Marker Set to open the
dialog box.
Tip You can also create a 2 In the Well box, select the wells for the new marker set.
new marker set by copying
an existing marker set. 3 In the New name box, type the name of the new marker set.
Right-click the marker set
and select Copy. When you
4 In the Add to box, select the name of the global marker set associated with the new
copy an active marker set, marker set.
the copy is inactive.
5 To activate the new marker set, select the Activate new marker set check box.
When you activate the new marker set, it is put in the active global marker set.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
In the Object Tree, the marker set you created is displayed for each of the selected wells.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 7.5 Creating and Editing Well Markers and Marker Sets 7-15
To create global You can create new global markers sets that contains the markers sets of multiple wells.
marker sets
1 In the Object Tree under Resources, right-click Global Marker Sets, and then click
New to open the dialog box.
Tip You can also create a 2 In the New name box, type a name for the new global marker set.
new global marker set by
copying an existing global 3 To select the marker sets to include in the new global marker set, select the Edit
marker set. Right-click the check box.
global marker set and select
Copy. 4 To make this global marker set the active global marker set in the project, select the
Activate check box.
5 Click OK or Apply to open the Edit Global Marker Set dialog box.
6 Define the marker sets to associate with each well by clicking click to add, and then
selecting the marker set.
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
7-16 Creating and Editing Wells and Well Data GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
In the Object Tree, the global marker set you created is displayed under Resources,
Global Marker Sets. If you selected the Activate check box, the global marker set is
shown with the active label.
To edit global marker 1 In the Object Tree, under Resources, expand Global Marker Sets, select the global
sets marker set that you want to edit, and then click Edit to open the dialog box.
The dialog box shows the well, marker sets associated with the well, and information
about the well markers in the marker set.
2 To change the marker sets associated with a well, click the name of the marker set in
the Sets column, and then select the marker set.
3 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 7.5 Creating and Editing Well Markers and Marker Sets 7-17
To assign markers to 1 In the Object Tree, expand Well, expand the name of the well that has the markers
marker sets defined, right-click marker_sets, and then click Edit Marker Sets to open the dialog
2 In the Well box, enter the name of the well that has the marker set defined.
3 To assign a marker to a different marker set, click the Set column associated with the
marker, and then select the marker set.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
In the Object Tree, the markers you assigned appear under the marker set to which you
assigned them.
7-18 Creating and Editing Wells and Well Data GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
7.5.6 Specifying the Active Marker Set
Only one marker set per well and one global marker set in a project can be active at a
given time.
To activate a marker ♦ In the Object Tree, expand Well, expand the name of the well that contains the
set marker set that you want to activate, right-click the marker set that you want to
activate, and then click Activate.
The marker set is shown with the label active.
To activate a global ♦ In the Object Tree, expand Resources, expand Global Marker Sets, right-click the
marker set name of the global marker set that you want to activate, and then click Activate.
In the Object Tree, the global marker set you activated appears in the list of global marker
sets with the label active.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 7.5 Creating and Editing Well Markers and Marker Sets 7-19
To add a well marker 1 Select the Well commands, click Tools, under Well Marker point to Add, and then
defined by a depth click From Depth Value to open the dialog box.
2 In the Well box, enter one or more wells you want to add the new marker to.
3 In the Marker name box, type the name for the new well marker.
4 If you want to specify depth along the path as the value for the new well marker, do
the following:
a Click Measured depth.
b In the MD box, type the measured depth value or pick it on the path.
c In the box on the right, select the unit for measured depth on the well path.
• ft. MD is in feet.
• m. MD is in meters.
5 If you want to specify a true depth as the value for the new well marker, do the
a Click True Depth.
b In the Z box, type the true depth value or pick it on the path.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
7-20 Creating and Editing Wells and Well Data GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
To create well 1 You must have a well and at least one Surface in GOCAD.
markers from
2 Select the Well commands, click Tools, under Well Marker point to Add, and then
intersection with click From Horizons Intersection to open the dialog box.
3 In the Well box, enter name of the well for which a well marker will be computed.
Note You can show the well markers that intersect a surface by showing the associated feature from
the Object Tree (Features category). For information, see, "To change the graphic attributes of a
feature" on page 8-9.
4 In the Surface box, enter the Surfaces used to compute the intersection with the well
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To edit a well marker 1 In the Object Tree, right-click the name of the well marker you want to edit (a
shortcut menu opens), and then click Edit to open the dialog box.
Tip You can also edit markers in the Edit Well Markers and Stratigraphic Units
dialog box. For more information, see "Checking and Editing Stratigraphic Units
Along a Well" on page 10-33.
2 In the Well box, enter the well containing the well marker to be edited.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 7.5 Creating and Editing Well Markers and Marker Sets 7-21
3 In the Marker name box, enter the name of the well marker to edit.
4 Select or clear the Change depth of marker check box to specify whether you want
to change the depth value of the marker.
If the check box is selected, perform the following steps:
a In the Depth System box, select either Measured depth or True Z as the depth
nature of the well zone Z coordinate.
b In the Depth box, type the new measured depth or Z value (depending upon
your choice in step b).
Tip You can edit features 5 If you want to change the geologic feature of the selected marker to a predefined
for multiple markers from feature, do the following:
the Well Marker and Unit
Editor (see "Checking and a Select the Change Geologic Feature check box.
Editing Stratigraphic Units
Along a Well" on a In the From box, type the existing geologic feature.
page 10-33).
b In the To box, select the new geologic feature.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To rename a well 1 Select the Well commands, click Tools, and then, under Well Marker, click Rename
marker to open the dialog box.
2 In the Well box, enter the name of the well containing the well marker to be
3 In the Old name box, enter the well marker to rename.
4 In the New name box, type the new name for the well marker.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
7-22 Creating and Editing Wells and Well Data GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
7.5.10 Deleting Well Markers
For information about how to delete well markers, see:
• "To delete a well marker for a selected well," page 7-23
• "To delete well markers from one or more wells," page 7-23
Note You can also delete markers for a selected well from the Edit Well Markers and
Stratigraphic Units dialog box. For information, see "Checking and Editing Stratigraphic Units
Along a Well" on page 10-33.
To delete a well ♦ In the Object Tree, right-click the name of the marker for the well you want to edit (a
marker for a selected shortcut menu opens), and then click Remove.
well The marker disappears from the markers list for the selected well.
To delete well 1 Select the Well commands, click Tools, and then, under Well Marker, click Delete
markers from one or to open the dialog box.
more wells
2 In the Well box, enter the name of the well or wells containing the marker you want
to delete.
3 In the Marker name box, enter the name of one or more well markers to delete.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
In the Object Tree, the markers you select disappear from the list of markers for the
selected wells.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 7.5 Creating and Editing Well Markers and Marker Sets 7-23
To add a well zone 1 Select the Well commands, click the Tools menu, point to Well Zone, and then click
Add to open the dialog box.
2 In the Well box enter the name of the well to receive the new well zone.
3 In the Zone name box, type the name of the new well zone.
4 Specify the domain by clicking either Measured depth or True depth for the z-
coordinate of the well zone.
5 In the Top box, enter the z-value of the well zone top, and then select the unit in the
next box.
6 In the Base box, enter the z-value of the well zone wall, and then select the unit in
the next box.
7 In the index box, type the index value of the well zone.
8 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
7-24 Creating and Editing Wells and Well Data GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
7.6.2 Editing a Well Zone
You can edit the characteristics of an existing well zone.
To edit a well zone 1 Select the Well commands, click the Tools menu, point to Well Zone, and then click
Edit to open the dialog box.
2 In the Well box, enter the name of the well containing the well zone to be edited.
3 In the Zone name box, enter the name of the well zone to edit.
4 In the Depth System box, select either Measured depth or True Z as the depth
nature of the well zone Z coordinate.
5 Select or clear the Change ztop check box to specify whether you want to change
the Z value of the well zone top.
6 In the ztop box, type the new ztop value. This box is available only if the Change
ztop check box is selected in step 5.
7 Select or clear the Change zwall check box to specify whether you want to change
the Z value of the well zone wall.
8 In the zwall box, type the new value for the zwall. This box is available only if the
Change zwall check box is selected in step 6.
9 Select or clear the Change index check box to specify whether you want to change
the well zone index value.
10 In the Index box, type the new index value. This box is available only if the Change
zwall check box is selected in step 9.
11 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 7.6 Creating and Editing Well Zones 7-25
To delete a well zone 1 Select the Well commands, click the Tools menu, point to Well Zone, and then click
Delete to open the dialog box.
2 In the Well box, enter the name of the well containing the well zone to be deleted.
3 In the Zone names box, enter the name of one or more well zones to delete.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
7-26 Creating and Editing Wells and Well Data GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
7.7 Working with Casings, Perforations, and
You can add casings, perforations, and tubings to a well by either working in the
Object Tree or on the View Objects tab for a log display view. You can also display them
in schematic tracks.
Note For information about how to display items in a schematic track in a log display view, see
Part III: Visualization, "Changing the Appearance of a Schematic Track," page 3-36.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 7.7 Working with Casings, Perforations, and Tubings 7-27
7-28 Creating and Editing Wells and Well Data GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Defining and Working with
Geologic Features
In this chapter • "What Are Features?," page 8-2 • "Visualizing Features," page 8-9
Overview These topics include information about features and how to define them and assign
objects to features in Paradigm™ GOCAD ® 2009.
8-2 Defining and Working with Geologic Features GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Features are important for these tasks because the geologic classifications associated with
objects define how GOCAD identifies the objects in a model. For example, the GOCAD
Structural Modeling Workflow and 3D Reservoir Grid Builder Workflow both use geologic
features to identify the input data as horizons or faults.When you define features, they
appear in the Features list of the Object Tree.
The Features list also appears in 2D views (Map, Cross Section, or Log Display views). For
more information, see Part III: Visualization , "Map, Cross Section, and Log Display Quick
Tour" on page 1-5.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 8.1 What Are Features? 8-3
8-4 Defining and Working with Geologic Features GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
8.2 Methods to Define Features
There are several ways to define a geologic feature and associate it with objects in your
project, both automatically and manually. Some of the methods include:
• Defining features automatically when you import well markers. When you import well
markers, GOCAD automatically defines a feature with the same name as each well
marker and assigns the well marker to the feature in the Features list. For more
information about how to import well markers, see "Importing Well Data" on
page 1-71.
Note If you plan to build a stratigraphic column, this is the preferred, time-saving method
because wells and markers are useful throughout the process of building and checking the
quality of a stratigraphic column.
• Defining features automatically during structural modeling when you add faults and
horizons to a structural model. For more information about how to add faults and
horizons to a structural model, see "Adding or Removing Fault Data" on page 1-12
and "Adding or Removing Horizon Data" on page 1-17.
• Defining features manually by assigning objects to the Features list in the Object Tree.
For information, see "Setting Feature Information for an Object" on page 8-6.
Important If you define or edit features manually and you intend to add or import well
markers later, you should create features with the same names as the well markers. When
you import the well markers, GOCAD will automatically assign them to the correct feature
if the names are the same. This is important for consistency between features, well
markers, and (if applicable) stratigraphic units in the model.
Caution If you edit features after you build a structural model or reservoir grid, the
changes do not update automatically in these models. To update these models, you need
to edit them or recreate them with the new information.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 8.2 Methods to Define Features 8-5
To set feature 1 In the Object Tree, drag a geometric object to the feature type in the Features list,
information for an and then click Set Geologic Information to open the dialog box.
object – or –
Select the Curve or Surface commands (for example), click the Tools menu, and
then click Assign Geologic Feature to open the dialog box.
2 In the Object box, enter the name of the geometric object to which you want to
assign geologic information and that you want to represent this particular feature.
The object must represent a surface (for example, a fault or horizon or a salt or
erosion surface).
3 In the Geologic feature box, type the name of the feature represented by the object.
Typically, a geologic feature also corresponds to the name of a geologic event — for
example, JurassicTop.
Important If you intend to add well markers later, you should create the features
with the same names as the well markers you will add. This is important for
consistency between the features, well markers, and (if applicable) stratigraphic units
in the model.
4 In the Geologic type box, select from the list of geologic types for the object—for
example, Stratigraphic Horizon, Fault, or Unconformity.
Important The geologic type is significant when you are correlating well data or
building a stratigraphic column, a structural model, or a reservoir grid.
5 If you want to assign additional information, click Advanced.
8-6 Defining and Working with Geologic Features GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
a In the Stratigraphic age box, type a stratigraphic age for the object, such as
Jurassic. The command uses this information to build default stratigraphic units
in the project. This name can be linked to the global stratigraphic column that
can be loaded from the following reference file:
VersionNumber \Gocad\lib\templates\global_time_scale.xml.
For more information, see "Referencing the Geologic Time Scale" on
page 10-38.
b In the Stratigraphic time box, type a numeric stratigraphic time for the object in
millions of years if you want to cross-reference your horizons with the global
stratigraphic column (global_time_scale). If you are building a 3D model without
reference to the global time scale, this value should be a number indicating the
stratigraphic age of the feature relative to the other features. The command uses
this information to create stratigraphic units in the right order.
For example, if you build a model by using five stratigraphic horizons and you
want to indicate that one of them is the second youngest, enter any number in
the box for this surface as long as it is the second smallest among the five.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
In the Features list of the Object Tree, the names of the feature and the object appear
under the feature type you selected.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 8.3 Setting Feature Information for an Object 8-7
To change the type of ♦ In the Features list of the Object Tree , drag the name of the feature from the existing
an existing feature feature type to the new type, and then click Change Feature Type.
The feature and any objects assigned to the feature are reassigned to the new type in the
Features list.
Caution If you change the feature type of an object that is used in an existing structural
model or reservoir grid, the changes do not update automatically in these objects. To
update these objects, you need to edit them or recreate them with the new information.
8-8 Defining and Working with Geologic Features GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
8.5 Visualizing Features
You can use the Object Tree to show and hide features in the 3D Viewer. You can also
show all well markers linked to a particular feature (Intrusive Boundary and Stratigraphic
Horizon categories only).
Additionally, you can change how a feature appears in the 3D Viewer by editing the
graphic attributes of an object. For example, you can change the well marker color and
size associated with a feature and you can show or hide well and well marker names.
For information about displaying and changing features, see:
• "To show or hide a feature in the 3D Viewer," page 8-9
• "To change the graphic attributes of a feature," page 8-9
To show or hide a ♦ In the Features list of the Object Tree, select or clear the check box next to the name
feature in the of a feature to show or hide the feature in the 3D Viewer.
3D Viewer
The objects assigned to the feature appear in the 3D Viewer.
To change the graphic 1 In the Features list of the Object Tree, right-click the name of the feature, and then
attributes of a feature click Attributes to open the dialog box.
2 To change the color of the feature, click the Color button, and then click a color on
the palette.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 8.5 Visualizing Features 8-9
To do this Do this
Show only markers in the active 3D or 2D view. In the Display Mode box, select
Show all objects assigned to the feature In the Display Mode box, select show_all.
Show the last objects of the feature that have been In the Display Mode box, select
changed in any way (to show the latest representation of show_last_edited.
a feature, for example, the last fault surface of a model).
Show only the original objects that were initially put into In the Display Mode box, select
the feature. This is usually the input data for the feature show_first_created.
(for example the PointsSet of a fault).
Show only the original objects and the most recently In the Display Mode box, select
changed objects. For example, show the input data and show_first_and_last_edited.
the last representation of a feature simultaneously.
Show or hide well markers. Select or clear the Visible check box.
Show or hide well marker names. Select or clear the Name check box.
Show or hide the well names. Select or clear the Well Name check box.
To increase or decrease the size and roundness of Drag the Size and Roundness sliders to the
objects. right or left.
To change the color of the dip marker. Click the Dip marker color button and then
click a color on the palette.
To increase or decrease the dip marker size. Drag the Dip marker size slider to the right
or left.
To display the markers as spherical shapes in the Select the Show as balls check box.
3D Viewer.
To show or hide the stratigraphic unit that follows each Select or clear the Show stratigraphic unit
well marker. associated with marker check box.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
8-10 Defining and Working with Geologic Features GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
8.6 Managing Geologic Features
You can change feature types or rename features so it has a more meaningful name. You
can also remove objects from features.
• Deleting or renaming a feature does not affect the object in its original location in the
Object Tree. The results of the following procedures only appear in the Features list.
• You cannot delete or rename a feature that is associated with well markers.
To delete a feature 1 In the Features list of the Object Tree, right click on the feature name and click Delete
Feature to open the dialog box.
2 In the Geologic type box, select the feature type where the feature is assigned. If a
feature is assigned to more than one type, the command removes only from the one
you select.
3 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To remove curves or 1 Select the Curve or Surface commands on the menu bar (depending on the type of
surfaces from a objects that you want to edit), click the Tools menu, click Unassign Geologic
feature Feature to open the dialog box.
To remove a surface ♦ In the Object Tree, under Features, right-click the name of the surface or point set,
or pointset object and then click Remove Object from Feature.
from a feature
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 8.6 Managing Geologic Features 8-11
To rename a feature 1 In the Object Tree, under Features, right-click the name of the feature, and then click
Rename to open the dialog box.
8-12 Defining and Working with Geologic Features GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
8.7 Creating, Editing, and Deleting Features
in the Features Manager
You can create, delete, or edit a feature directly from a log display view by using the
Features Manager. You can then access the Stratigraphic Column Editor from the
Feature Manager to define the order of units and geologic features.
To create, delete, or 1 Open the Features Manager (Figure 8–1) by doing one of the following:
edit a feature using
the Features Manager • Click Feature Manager on the Feature Correlation toolbar.
• Right-click the stratigraphic track in the log display view or in the browser
(StratigraphyTrack) and click Edit Features.
2 In the Feature category box, select the category. For more information, see
"Categories and Feature Types" on page 8-4.
3 In the Feature type box, select the type. For more information, see "Categories and
Feature Types" on page 8-4.
5 Type the name of the feature and click OK to close the dialog box and add the
feature. The feature is added to the feature category and type in both the browser
and the Object Tree.
6 To delete a feature, select the feature in the table and click . The feature is
removed from the feature category and type in both the browser and the Object Tree.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 8.7 Creating, Editing, and Deleting Features in the Features Manager 8-13
7 To change the feature type of an existing feature, in the row for the feature that you
want to edit, select a new feature type in the Type column.
8 To add a new feature to a stratigraphic column, click .to open the Stratigraphic
Column Editor. For more information, see "Creating a Stratigraphic Column" on
page 10-18.
8-14 Defining and Working with Geologic Features GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Computing Object
Measurements and Properties
In this chapter • "Computing Object Lengths, Areas, • "Computing Properties," page 9-7
and Volumes," page 9-2
Overview These topics include information about calculating measurements and properties for
objects in Paradigm™ GOCAD ® 2009.
9-2 Computing Object Measurements and Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
9.1.2 Computing the Map Area of a Curve
You can compute the map area of a closed curve.
3 In Surface box, enter the name of the Surface whose area you want to compute.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
5 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer click the Surface. The area value of the entire
Surface appears.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 9.1 Computing Object Lengths, Areas, and Volumes 9-3
3 Select the Surface commands, click Compute, point to Get 3D and Map Areas, and
then click Of Part to open the dialog box.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
5 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer and click the part that you want to get the area
of. The area value appears.
To compute the area 1 Select the 2D-Grid commands, click Compute, and then click Get Area to open the
of a 2D-Grid dialog box.
2 In the 2D-Grid box, enter the name of the 2D-Grid with the area you want to
3 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open. The computed value of the area
appears on the status bar at the bottom of the GOCAD window.
9-4 Computing Object Measurements and Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
9.1.5 Computing the Surface Area of a Voxet or
SGrid Region
Use the Get Region Area command to calculate the surface area of a selected region of
a grid or voxet.
To get the area of a 1 Display the voxet or grid and the region in the 3D Viewer.
grid region
2 Select the Voxet commands, click the Compute menu, and then click Get Region
Area to open the dialog box.
3 In the Grid Object box, enter the name of the grid object.
4 In the Region name box, select the name of the region whose surface area you want
to calculate.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open. A dialog box containing the surface
area of the selected region appears. The surface area also appears in the status bar at
the bottom of the GOCAD window.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 9.1 Computing Object Lengths, Areas, and Volumes 9-5
To get the volume of 1 Display the grid object and the region in the 3D Viewer.
a grid object region
2 Select the Voxet commands or the SGrid commands, click the Compute menu, and
then click Get Region Volume to open the dialog box.
3 In the Grid Object box, enter the name of the grid object.
4 In the Region name box, select the name of the region whose volume you want to
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open. A dialog box containing the region
volume appears. The region volume also appears in the status bar at the bottom of
the GOCAD window.
3 In the Grid Object box, enter the name of the grid object.
4 In the Region name box, select the name of the region for which to calculate the
number of cells.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open. A message displays the number of
cells in the selected region. The number of cells also appears in the status bar at the
bottom of the GOCAD window.
9-6 Computing Object Measurements and Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
9.2 Computing Properties
For information, see:
• "Computing Vertical Thickness Between 2D-Grids," page 9-7
• "Computing Geobodies in a Voxet or SGrid Region," page 9-7
• "Computing the Sum of a Voxet or SGrid Property," page 9-9
• "Computing the Cell Volume Property in an SGrid," page 9-10
• "Computing the Cell Size Property in an SGrid," page 9-10
To compute the 1 Select the 2D-Grid commands, click Compute, and then click Compute Vertical
vertical thickness Thickness to open the dialog box.
between 2D-Grids
2 In the 2D-Grid box, enter the name of the first 2D-Grid of the pair.
3 In the Thickness box, enter the property name.
4 In the 2D-Grid bottom box, enter the name of the 2D-Grid to use as the bottom
when computing the vertical thickness.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 9.2 Computing Properties 9-7
For example, if the selected region consists of three "blobs" and the created property is
named BlobCount, when you display the property BlobCount in that grid object, there are
four possible values:
• -1, for all the Points outside of that region
• 1, for the points in one of the blobs
• 2, for points in another blob
• 3, for points in the last blob
You cannot specify which blob gets which integer value.
To compute 1 Display the grid object in the 3D Viewer. Use the Attribute Manager to display
geobodies in a grid regions and make sure that you are selecting the right region.
region 2 Select the Voxet commands, click the Compute menu, and then click Compute
Geobodies to open the dialog box.
3 In the Grid Object box, enter the name of the grid object. All regions of the selected
grid object appear as selections in the Region Name box.
4 In the Region name box, select the name of the desired region.
5 In the geobody rank name box, type the name for the new property used to group
geobody cells and class geobodies per volume.
Cells belonging to the same geobody will have the same rank. Rank 1 is the geobody
of bigger volume. You can use transparency scheme for these properties to remove
visually small bodies
6 In the geobody volume name box, type the name of the new property that will be
used to store the volume of each cell belonging to the same geobody.
7 In the Connectivity box, select one of the three possible definitions for grid cell
connectivity, or how you consider two cells are connected (belong to the same blob):
• faces. Two cells connected only if they share a common cell face.
• edges. Two cells considered connected if they share an edge (grid line).
• nodes. Two cells are considered connected as long as they share a cell corner
point (node).
8 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
9-8 Computing Object Measurements and Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
9.2.3 Computing the Sum of a Voxet or SGrid
Use the Compute Sum command to compute the sum of a voxet or SGrid property value
along an axis and store it in a new property.
To compute the sum 1 Select the Voxet commands or SGrid commands, click the Compute menu, and then
of a grid property click Compute Sum to open the dialog box.
2 In the Grid Object box, enter the name of the voxet or SGrid containing the property
whose sum you want to compute.
3 In the Property name box, enter the name of the property whose sum you want to
4 In the New Property name box, type the name that corresponds to the sum of the
property entered in step 3.
5 In the New Property class box, select the name of the new property class.
6 In the axis box, select the axis (U, V, or W) along which to compute the sum.
7 In the Grid Direction box, select the direction (normal or inverse) in which to
compute the sum.
8 In the Region name box, select the region in which to compute the sum. The sum
can be computed in all regions or in a specified region. If you want to compute the
sum in the whole voxet, select everywhere.
9 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 9.2 Computing Properties 9-9
To compute cell 1 Select the SGrid commands, click Compute, and then click Compute Cell Volumes
volumes to open the dialog box.
3 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Cell edges
9-10 Computing Object Measurements and Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
To compute cell size 1 Select the SGrid commands, click Compute, and then click Compute Cell Sizes to
open the dialog box.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 9.2 Computing Properties 9-11
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Tip To check the project When you compute the cell size, the specified property names appear in the Object Tree
units, on the File menu, beneath the SGrid name. The cell size properties represent cell size, expressed in the
click Project Properties. project units.
9-12 Computing Object Measurements and Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Creating and Working with
In this chapter • "Defining Classifications," page 10-2 • "Building and Working with
Stratigraphic Columns," page 10-15
• "Using Dynamic Regions to Filter for
Property and Spatial Conditions," • "Changing Unit Preferences,"
page 10-3 page 10-46
Overview These topics include information about resource objects and how to create and work with
some of the common resources in Paradigm™ GOCAD ® 2009. In GOCAD 2009, you can
find resources in the Object Tree under the Resources category. Some of the resource
categories are specific to the modules that you load with the project. For information
about one of these resources, see the documentation for the associated module.
To create 1 In the Object Tree (Resources list), right-click Classifications, and then click Define
classifications facies/lithology.
2 On the menu bar in the Classification Editor, click Classification, and then click
New. A new classification, "NewClassification," appears in the Classification Name
3 To specify a name for the new classification, double-click the name, type a new name
for the classification, and then press ENTER.
4 Ensure that the name of the classification that you want to edit is selected in the
Classification Name column, and then click Insert Element (or Insert Category).
The selected classification appears in the Class elements pane.
5 To change the name of the class element, double-click the name, highlight the text,
type a new name, and then press ENTER.
6 To change the pattern for the class element, click the Pattern box for the element,
and then select a pattern from the list.
7 To change the color of the pattern, click the Color box for the element, and then
select the color that you want to assign to the pattern.
8 To add more class elements, repeat step 4 through step 7.
9 When you finish adding classifications and class elements, click Apply, and then close
the dialog box.
10-2 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
10.2 Using Dynamic Regions to Filter for
Property and Spatial Conditions
A dynamic region (like a static region) is a subset of an object where a group of nodes or
cells match a set of conditions. Unlike static regions, dynamic regions store the conditions
that define the region. Thus, dynamic regions are updated automatically when the
conditions are changed.
For more information about static regions, see Chapter 12, "Creating and Editing
By using dynamic regions, you can improve the efficiency of memory usage because you
do not need to update your regions every time you edit a property. You can create a
dynamic region for a specific object or create a template to apply the dynamic region to
multiple objects.
In the reservoir properties workflow (see "Creating a Reservoir Simulation Run" on
page 4-1), after you run a simulation with categorical property (Facies), a dynamic region
is created automatically for each facies category corresponding to the cells in the reservoir
grid filled with that particular facies category.
You can specify one or more of any one of these condition types in dynamic regions:
• Property conditions. To filter for continuous properties that have a range greater or
less than a specific value or to filter for discrete properties that equal a specific value.
For example, you can create and display the set of cells in your reservoir grid that
have a porosity range between 0 and 0.5.
• Spatial conditions. To filter areas that fall above, below, or between specific horizon
features. You can also filter areas that are inside or outside specific stratigraphic units.
• Existing regions. To use an existing static region or other dynamic region as a
condition. These conditions are automatically added to the conditions list when you
perform region commands such as the Intersect command.
The conditions for a dynamic region are specified in the Dynamic Region Editor.
You can also create a dynamic region template and apply it to multiple objects.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.2 Using Dynamic Regions to Filter for Property and Spatial Conditions 10-3
If you specify multiple conditions, you can reorder the condition list and combine them
using logical operators (AND, OR, and NOT).
Tip To better control the logical rank of multiple conditions, display the list in advanced mode (on
the Edit menu, click Advanced Mode).
10-4 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
10.2.1 Dynamic Region Example
The following illustrates how a dynamic region is used to display changes to a property.
1 A dynamic region "Sand_reg" is created only once on the object and then two facies
realizations are run on the object.
2 The dynamic region "Sand_reg" is updated automatically when the property data
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.2 Using Dynamic Regions to Filter for Property and Spatial Conditions 10-5
To create a dynamic 1 Expand the property in the Object Tree, right-click regions, and then click Create
region for a single Dynamic to open the dialog box.
2 In the Region box, type the dynamic region’s name and specify the conditions as
described in "Specifying the Conditions that Define a Dynamic Region" on
page 10-7.
To create a dynamic 1 Right-click the dynamic region and then click Condition to open the Dynamic
region template from Region Editor.
an existing region 2 Click Dynamic Region and then click New from Region to open the dialog box.
3 Type the name for the dynamic region template, and then click OK.
The command adds the name of the new template to the Object Tree (Resources list).
After you create a template you can specify conditions. For more information, see
"Specifying the Conditions that Define a Dynamic Region" on page 10-7.
10-6 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
To apply a dynamic 1 In the Object Tree (Resources list), right click the dynamic region template, and then
region template to click Edit Dynamic Region to open the dialog box.
multiple objects 2 Click Region, and then click New from Dynamic Region to open the dialog box.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.2 Using Dynamic Regions to Filter for Property and Spatial Conditions 10-7
If you have multiple conditions, you can arrange them in the table by clicking Up and
Down and by using logical operators (AND, OR, and NOT) to establish each condition’s
priority. For more information, see "Combining Multiple Conditions" on page 10-10.
For information about specifying conditions for dynamic regions, see:
• "To add a property range condition," page 10-8
• "To add a spatial condition," page 10-9
• "To add a region as a condition," page 10-9
• "To delete a condition," page 10-9
To add a property 1 Right-click the dynamic region, and then click Conditions to open the Dynamic
range condition Region Editor.
2 On the button, click New Property Range Condition to add the condition to
the list.
3 Click the Condition cell in the table to open the options on the right side of the
dialog box.
4 In the Property box, select the property to show the operator and value boxes.
5 Select the relational operators and type the values in the boxes. For example, porosity
is >= 0.2 and <= 0.3 to create a region that has porosity values greater than or equal
to 0.2 and less than or equal to 0.3.
• If you accessed the dynamic region from an object in the Object Tree (under the Objects
category), the minimum and maximum values allowed are displayed adjacent to the boxes.
• If the property is continuous, use >, >=, <, or <=
• If the property is discrete, use =.
10-8 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
To add a spatial 1 Right-click the dynamic region, and then click Conditions to open the Dynamic
condition Region Editor.
2 On the button, click New Spatial Condition to add the condition to the table.
3 Click the Condition cell in the table to open the options on the right side of the
dialog box.
4 In the To be box, do one of the following:
• Select Below or Above and select a horizon feature in the box.
• Select Between and select the top and bottom horizon features in the boxes.
• Select Inside or Outside and select a stratigraphic unit in the box.
5 Click Apply to add the condition to the table.
To add a region as a 1 Right-click the dynamic region, and then click Conditions to open the Dynamic
condition Region Editor.
2 On the button, click Existing Region to add the condition to the table.
Note The existing region must already be applied to the object and listed under regions for it
to be available as a choice.
3 Click the Condition cell in the table to open the option on the right side of the
dialog box.
4 Click the Region box, and then click the existing region.
5 Click Apply to add the condition to the table.
To delete a condition ♦ Click the condition row in the table, and then click Remove.
– or –
Right-click the condition row, and then click Delete.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.2 Using Dynamic Regions to Filter for Property and Spatial Conditions 10-9
These are the logical operators that you can use in the condition list:
• AND Filters for the conditions if all of the parameters are true in the current row and
the row that follows.
Note If you do not specify an operator, the AND operator is applied by default.
• OR Filters and displays the condition if the parameters are true in either the current
row or the row that follows.
• NOT Filters for the condition if the parameters are not true.
You can also use parenthesis with the logical operators to group conditions together to
ensure they are analyzed before the next conditions in the list are considered. For
example, in the following equation and figure:
(Property 1 AND Spatial 2 OR Property 3) AND Property 4 AND NOT Spatial 5
The conditions within the parenthesis have the highest priority and everything within the
set must be true before the other conditions are addressed. The fifth condition in the
example uses the NOT operator (shown in advanced mode only) which means if the
parameters are true, the property data does not appear in the region.
10-10 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
For information about setting condition precedence for dynamic regions, see:
• "To reorder conditions," page 10-11
• "To set the precedence of conditions," page 10-11
To reorder conditions 1 Right-click the dynamic region, and then click Conditions to open the Dynamic
Region Editor.
2 Click the condition in the table that you want to move, and then click or to
move it up or down one level.
To set the precedence 1 Right-click the dynamic region, and then click Conditions to open the Dynamic
of conditions Region Editor.
2 Show the Not and And/Or columns in the table by clicking Advanced on the Edit
3 Click the condition in the table, right-click, and then click one of the following:
• Not to negate the condition in the region.
• And/Or > Or to specify that either one of the conditions must be true.
To edit the conditions 1 Right-click the dynamic region, and then click Condition to open the Dynamic
of a dynamic region Region Editor.
2 Change the conditions as described in "Specifying the Conditions that Define a
Dynamic Region," page 10-7.
3 If you want to, you can edit another dynamic region by selecting it in the Region box.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.2 Using Dynamic Regions to Filter for Property and Spatial Conditions 10-11
To join a dynamic ♦ Right-click the dynamic region, and then click Union to open the Union Regions
region with another dialog box. For more information, see "Joining One Region with Another" on
region page 12-14.
To subtract a dynamic ♦ Right-click the dynamic region, and then click Subtract to open the Subtract
region from another Regions dialog box. For more information, see "Subtracting One Region from
region Another" on page 12-13.
To intersect a ♦ Right-click the dynamic region, and then click Intersect to open the Intersect
dynamic region with Regions dialog box. For more information, see "Intersecting One Region with
another region Another" on page 12-12.
To replace a dynamic ♦ Right-click the dynamic region, and then click Complement to replace the region
region with its with its complementary region. For more information, see "Replacing a Region with
complementary set Its Complementary Set" on page 12-12.
You can also make a dynamic region static either for a single object or for multiple objects
in a single step. A dynamic region is related to the condition(s) that were used to create it;
thus, if the conditions change, the region will change as well. You can break this link by
changing a dynamic region into a static region. Once a region becomes static, it is not
linked to the condition anymore.
For information about managing dynamic regions, see:
• "To delete a dynamic region from an object," page 10-12
• "To rename a dynamic region," page 10-12
• "To make a dynamic region static," page 10-13
• "To make a dynamic region static for multiple objects," page 10-13
To rename a dynamic ♦ Complete the steps described in "Renaming a Region" on page 12-8.
10-12 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
To make a dynamic 1 In the Object Tree, expand the object, expand regions, right-click the dynamic
region static region, and then click Conditions to open the Dynamic Region Editor.
2 Click the Region menu, and then click Make Static.
The dynamic region becomes static for only the selected object.
To make a dynamic 1 Select the General commands, click Region, and then click Make Static to open the
region static for dialog box.
multiple objects
2 In the Object box, enter the objects containing the dynamic region.
3 In the Region filter name box, enter the name of the dynamic region you want to
make static.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To delete a dynamic 1 In the Object Tree, under Dynamic Regions, right-click the template, and then click
region template Edit Dynamic Region to open the Dynamic Region Editor.
2 Click the Dynamic Region menu and then click Delete.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.2 Using Dynamic Regions to Filter for Property and Spatial Conditions 10-13
To rename a dynamic 1 In the Object Tree, right-click the template under Resources, and then click Edit
region template Dynamic Region to open the Dynamic Region Editor.
2 Click the Dynamic Region menu and then click Rename to open the dialog box.
3 Type the new name, and then click OK.
10-14 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
10.3 Building and Working with Stratigraphic
In GOCAD, a stratigraphic column is a fundamental part of a reservoir model. A
stratigraphic column is necessary for many 3D modeling techniques because it defines the
order and classifications of strata in the model. For example, for structural modeling and
reservoir grid building, stratigraphic columns determine the order of horizons, the relative
importance of the horizons, and their depositional relationships.
To define strata, you need to first identify the geologic "events" of interest in your model
by defining features to represent them. In GOCAD, features are classifications that
describe the nature of geologic events. Once defined, you can find features in the
Object Tree under Features. For more information about features and how to define them,
see Chapter 8, "Defining and Working with Geologic Features."
After you define features, you can use them to specify the boundaries of stratigraphic
units and build a stratigraphic column.
• Stratigraphic units. A stratigraphic unit is a body of rock that you classify by
stratigraphic type, by geologic events that mark beginning and ending boundaries,
and by a property or combination of properties of the rock.
Stratigraphic units that you derive from a particular property will not necessarily
coincide with units that you derive from another property. Therefore, you cannot
express the distribution of all of the rock properties with a single set of stratigraphic
units. However, if you define more than one set of units, the sets should relate closely
because they express different aspects of the same rock bodies.
In GOCAD, geologic features define the boundaries of stratigraphic units, one at the
top and bottom of each unit. When you classify units, you associate them with the
geologic events (features) that define the order of the units. You can control the
definition of stratigraphic units by choosing the features that you want to use to
define the units.
• Stratigraphic column. A stratigraphic column is an ordered list of geologic events
(features) and stratigraphic units with geologic time as the vertical axis. The time or
relative age of the events determines the order of features and stratigraphic units in
the column.
Tip After you create You can build a stratigraphic column and define the stratigraphic units in your model by
stratigraphic columns, you using the Stratigraphic Column Editor. This section describes this process and some of
can find them in the the uses for stratigraphic columns in GOCAD.
Object Tree under
Resources, Stratigraphic For more information about stratigraphic columns, see:
• "Stratigraphic Classifications," page 10-16
• "What Can I Do with a Stratigraphic Column?," page 10-16
• "Creating a Stratigraphic Column," page 10-18
• "Working with Subunits in a Stratigraphic Column," page 10-22
• "Managing Stratigraphic Columns," page 10-25
• "Analyzing Well Markers and Stratigraphic Units," page 10-26
• "Displaying Stratigraphic Units in the 3D Viewer," page 10-32
• "Checking and Editing Stratigraphic Units Along a Well," page 10-33
• "Referencing the Geologic Time Scale," page 10-38
• "Stratigraphic Column Examples," page 10-39
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.3 Building and Working with Stratigraphic Columns 10-15
10-16 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
represents a significant gap in the stratigraphic succession. The unconformity may be
angular when the bedding planes above and below the unconformity are at an angle.
A stratigraphic unit may be limited above and/or below by angular unconformities.
• Unconformities and unit bedding. During the modeling phase the presence of
unconformities around a given unit determines its bedding. If unconformities are not
present, the unit bedding aligns with all of the horizon data inside the unit including
the top and base of the unit. If one of the unit boundaries (top or base) is an
unconformity the data corresponding to that boundary does not define the bedding
of the unit.
• Nested stratigraphic units (subunits). You can group stratigraphic units with
similar properties into a larger unit, creating a hierarchy of units. The position of a
subunit within a unit is sometimes referred to by the terms lower, middle , and upper.
For example, you may want to model subunits when you have interpreted horizons
from seismic data that represent major boundaries, and you want to identify
additional horizons between these boundaries that are only visible when you examine
the stratigraphy at a smaller scale along well paths. When you build the stratigraphic
column, GOCAD automatically determines the level of each horizon you include in
the model, and then you can define the hierarchy of subunits within the column. For
more information, see "Working with Subunits in a Stratigraphic Column,"
page 10-22.
You can find more information about stratigraphy from the International Commission on
Stratigraphy at http://www.stratigraphy.org/ .
Check stratigraphic After you define a stratigraphic column, if you have wells in your project, you need to
consistency define the sequence of layers traversed by the wells by using the information in the
stratigraphic column to propose the stratigraphy along each well. When you associate a
stratigraphic column with wells, GOCAD attempts to match the stratigraphic units to the
features (and the associated well markers) along the well paths. For more information, see
"Analyzing Well Markers and Stratigraphic Units" on page 10-26.
When you associate a stratigraphic column with a well, GOCAD proposes a status for
each well marker (eroded, missing, etc.) and associates a stratigraphic unit with the
marker, defining the sequence of units along the well path. After GOCAD proposes the
sequence, you need to check the markers and the units along each well because this
initial solution may not accurately reflect the stratigraphy along every well. For example,
for a highly faulted region, some of the units defined in the stratigraphic column may not
cross the well path or may cross the well path multiple times. You may want to create
another stratigraphic column to represent the stratigraphy in such a region. For more
information, see "Checking and Editing Stratigraphic Units Along a Well" on page 10-33.
Note When you display wells in the 3D Viewer after associating a stratigraphic column with them, a
name and color mark each stratigraphic unit on the well paths. For more information, see
"Displaying Stratigraphic Units in the 3D Viewer," page 10-32.
Model localized You can create additional stratigraphic columns to model special cases, such as erosions
stratigraphy or other complex stratigraphy in a localized area. After you create another column, you
can verify the stratigraphy by associating the column with one or more wells in the area
and then checking the sequence along those wells.
Build a structural Depending on the type of work you are doing, you may not need to associate a
model stratigraphic column with wells. For example, you can build a structural model without
wells, and, in this case, you would only need to create the stratigraphic column for use
during the modeling process.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.3 Building and Working with Stratigraphic Columns 10-17
Prerequisites for GOCAD requires the information defined in the Features list of the Object Tree to build a
stratigraphic columns stratigraphic column. This means, before you build a column, you need to specify the
geologic features of interest in your model. A stratigraphic column can include only
stratigraphic horizons, unclassified horizons, and unconforming features. You should also
have some knowledge of the geologic events that these features represent. For more
information about features and how to define them, see Chapter 8, "Defining and
Working with Geologic Features."
To access the ♦ In the Object Tree, under the Resources category, do either of the following:
Stratigraphic Column
Editor • To create a stratigraphic column, right-click the Stratigraphic Columns
category, and then click New Stratigraphic Column.
• To edit an existing stratigraphic column, expand the Stratigraphic Columns
category, right-click the name of a stratigraphic column, and then click Edit.
10-18 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
With either command, the Stratigraphic Column Editor opens.
For information about how to build a column, see "To build or rebuild a stratigraphic
column" on page 10-19, or to edit an existing column, see "Checking and Editing
Stratigraphic Units Along a Well" on page 10-33.
To build or rebuild a 1 Open the Stratigraphic Column Editor (see "To access the Stratigraphic Column
stratigraphic column Editor" on page 10-18), and then do one of the following:
• To create a stratigraphic column, specify a name for the new column in the
Create box.
Tip To create a stratigraphic Note If you specify the name of an existing column, GOCAD appends _n to the end of the
column that contains some name.
of the units in an existing
column, copy the existing • To rebuild an existing stratigraphic column, select the name of the column that
column and then edit it. For you want to edit in the Select box, or load a stratigraphic column from a data file
more information, see "To
copy a stratigraphic by clicking Load Stratigraphic Column (see Part I: Getting Started,
column" on page 10-25.
"Loading an Object from a Data File" on page 3-14).
2 Select the horizon features that you want to use to build the stratigraphic column
from the list of features, and then click Build Column.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.3 Building and Working with Stratigraphic Columns 10-19
The list includes features that you previously defined as Stratigraphic Horizons,
Unclassified Horizons, and Unconformities (see Features in the Object Tree). For
information about features, see "Prerequisites for stratigraphic columns" on
page 10-18 and Chapter 8, "Defining and Working with Geologic Features."
GOCAD defines stratigraphic units by assigning the selected features to the top and
base of each unit. GOCAD uses the average depth of the features and any
information from other stratigraphic columns to determine the order of units in the
column from youngest (top) to oldest (bottom). The name of each stratigraphic unit
follows the pattern TopFeatureName .
3 Ensure that the order of the horizons is from youngest (top) to oldest (bottom) by
doing any of the following in the Horizon column:
• To move a horizon up or down, click the horizon in the list, and then click
Move Up or Move Down .
• To add a horizon below the selected horizon, click Insert a horizon , type a
name for a new horizon feature or select an existing horizon, and then click OK.
The list includes only those horizons that are not already associated with a
stratigraphic unit boundary.
• To remove a horizon, click the horizon, and then click Remove selected
horizon .
StratEarth removes the horizon from this stratigraphic column, but does not
delete the horizon feature in the project.
• To specify the age of a horizon in global geologic time, click the horizon in the
list, and then type a number in the Age column.
The age indicates the relation of the horizons to global chronostratigraphy. (For
example, the age of the Jurassic base horizon is 199.6.)
Note You need to specify the age of horizons only if you plan to compare the chronology
of your stratigraphic model with the global Geologic Time Scale. For more information, see
"Referencing the Geologic Time Scale" on page 10-38.
10-20 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
4 Edit the name, color, and layering style for each unit as necessary. For information,
see "To edit the name, color, or layering style of a unit" on page 10-21.
5 Create subunits or change the level of units in the column as necessary. For
information, see "Working with Subunits in a Stratigraphic Column" on page 10-22.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
If you specified a name for a new column in the first step, GOCAD adds the new
stratigraphic column to the Object Tree under Resources, Stratigraphic Columns.
You can also find the name of each new stratigraphic unit in the Object Tree under
Features, Formation, Stratigraphic Unit.
To edit the name, 1 If necessary, open the column in the Stratigraphic Column Editor and build or rebuild
color, or layering style the column. For information, see "To access the Stratigraphic Column Editor" on
of a unit page 10-18 and "To build or rebuild a stratigraphic column" on page 10-19.
2 Edit the name, color, and layering style for each unit as necessary:
• To edit the unit name, double-click the name in the graphic display, and then type
the new name.
Tip You may want to match • To change the color of a unit or horizon, right-click the unit or horizon in the
the colors to those of the graphic display, and then select a new color from the palette.
surfaces as they appear in
the active view.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.3 Building and Working with Stratigraphic Columns 10-21
• To specify the layering style, in the graphic display, select one of the styles from
the list. A diagram illustrates each style.
Note If you want to create subunits or edit the hierarchy of units in the column, see "Working
with Subunits in a Stratigraphic Column" on page 10-22.
3 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Subunit tools
Insert a unit above the selected unit. Inserts a new subunit above
the existing subunit.
Insert a unit below the selected unit. Inserts a new subunit below
the existing subunit.
10-22 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
To create subunits in 1 If necessary, open the column in the Stratigraphic Column Editor and build or rebuild
a stratigraphic the column. For information, see "To access the Stratigraphic Column Editor" on
column page 10-18 and "To build or rebuild a stratigraphic column" on page 10-19.
2 To add a subunit by splitting an existing unit:
In the example, Unit A splits into two subunits: A1_unit2 and Top_Lower_A_unit2.
a Click Add a subunit to the selected unit for the stratigraphic unit that you
want to split.
b In the dialog box, enter a horizon name for the top horizon of the subunit in the
Horizon name box, and then click OK. The list includes any horizons in the
project that are not associated with a unit boundary in the column.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.3 Building and Working with Stratigraphic Columns 10-23
Tip You can edit the name, 3 To add a subunit above or below an existing subunit:
color, and layering style for
each subunit. For more
information, see step in "To
build or rebuild a
stratigraphic column" on
page 10-19.
z 4a
a Click Insert a Unit Below the Selected Unit or Insert a Unit Above the
Selected Unit for the unit.
b In the dialog box, enter a horizon name for the top or base horizon of the new
unit in the Horizon name box, and then click OK. The list includes horizons that
do not already define a unit boundary.
In the example, Top_Middle_A_unit2 is added below.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To change the level of 1 Select a level in each box at the top of the column.
a unit or subunit
2 To change the level of a unit, click Move Horizon or Promote Horizon for
the unit.
3 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
10-24 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
To specify the level of 1 Select a level in each box at the top of the column.
stratigraphic intervals
The choices are various intervals of geologic time, where Era is the highest level
(largest interval) and Sub-Age is the lowest level (smallest interval).
Note You need to specify the level of the units in the column only if you plan to compare the
chronology of your stratigraphic model with the global Geologic Time Scale. For more
information, see "Referencing the Geologic Time Scale" on page 10-38.
3 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To copy a 1 In the Object Tree (Resources list), under Stratigraphic Columns, right-click the
stratigraphic column name of the stratigraphic column that you want to copy, and then click Copy.
2 If you want to copy a different stratigraphic column, enter the name in the
Stratigraphic column box.
3 In the New name box, type a name for the new stratigraphic column.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
GOCAD copies the stratigraphic column and adds the new column in the Object Tree.
To delete a ♦ In the Object Tree (Resources list), under Stratigraphic Columns, right-click the
stratigraphic column name of the stratigraphic column that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
Caution GOCAD immediately deletes the stratigraphic column without confirmation.
To rename a 1 In the Object Tree (Resources list), under Stratigraphic Columns, right-click the
stratigraphic column name of the stratigraphic column that you want to rename, and then click Rename.
2 Type a name in the New name box.
3 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
GOCAD changes the name of the column in the Object Tree.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.3 Building and Working with Stratigraphic Columns 10-25
To save a 1 In the Object Tree, under Resources, Stratigraphic Columns, right-click the name of
stratigraphic column the stratigraphic column you want to save, and then click Save.
to a file 2 Find and open the folder in which you want to save the column.
3 If you want to save the column with a different name, enter another name in the File
name box.
4 Click Save.
GOCAD saves the stratigraphic column as an XML file.
Caution If the file already exists, Save overwrites the file without confirmation.
To load a 1 In the Object Tree, under Resources, right-click the Stratigraphic Columns category,
stratigraphic column and then click Load.
2 Find and select the file that contains the stratigraphic column (a file ending in .xml),
and then click Open. GOCAD loads the file and adds the new stratigraphic column in
the Object Tree.
10-26 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
To associate a 1 In the Object Tree, right-click Stratigraphic Columns, and then click Analyze Well
stratigraphic column Markers and Stratigraphic Units.
with wells and check – or –
the units
Right-click the Well category in the Object Tree, and then click Analyze Well
Markers and Stratigraphic Units.
2 Initially, the selection includes all of the wells in the project. If you want to show only
specific wells in the table, do one of the following:
• In the Wells box, enter the names of the wells that you want to show.
• If you want to filter the selection in the Wells box by selecting wells that are or
are not associated with specific markers, select the Filter wells with markers
check box, and then select options in the expanded area—such as wells with or
without all selected markers, at least the selected markers, or only selected
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.3 Building and Working with Stratigraphic Columns 10-27
• If you want to filter the selection in the Wells box by selecting wells that are or
are not associated with specific stratigraphic columns, select the Filter wells
with stratigraphic column check box, and then select options in the expanded
area—such as wells associated with a defined, undefined, or specific stratigraphic
3 In the Show features box, enter the well markers that you want to show in the
table. The list includes all of the well markers in the project.
Tip To see the stratigraphic 4 Initially, features are shown in the table. If you want to hide or show them again,
unit that follows each well select or clear the Show features check box (below the table).
marker, select the Show
units check box (below the 5 To display the thickness of the stratigraphic unit between the two well markers that
define the top and bottom of the unit, click Create Thickness Map . For
information about how to complete this command, see Part III: Visualization,
"Visualizing Features on a Map," page 4-43.
6 In the table, select all of the wells to which you want to associate a stratigraphic
column by clicking and dragging across the column headings or by clicking the
headings while holding down the CTRL or SHIFT key.
a In the Propose Stratigraphy Along Wells Using box, select the name of a
stratigraphic column. The list includes all of the stratigraphic columns in the
project. (For information about how to create one, see "Creating a Stratigraphic
Column" on page 10-18.)
Caution If you carry out this command more than once for the same well, the
command normally overwrites the stratigraphic units for the well. However, if you
have manually edited units or the sequence of units for individual wells, you may
not want to overwrite those changes.
b To keep any manual edits for the selected wells, clear the Overwrite units check
box before you carry out the command.
10-28 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
c Click Propose .
GOCAD proposes the sequence of stratigraphic units for the selected wells based on
the units in the stratigraphic column and the well markers shown. The table displays
the name of the stratigraphic column below each well.
8 If GOCAD detects a missing marker, it attempts to determine why the marker is
missing and labels the marker with a status. Review and edit the status for any
missing markers as necessary.
For information about marker types and how to edit the status, see "To edit the
status of well markers" on page 10-30.
9 To check or edit the markers and units along a particular well, click the name of the
well (at the top of the column), and then click Check or Edit Selected Well .
The Edit Well Markers and Stratigraphic Units dialog box opens. For information
about editing markers and units, see"Checking and Editing Stratigraphic Units Along
a Well" on page 10-33
10 When you finish checking the stratigraphy along each well, click Close.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.3 Building and Working with Stratigraphic Columns 10-29
To edit the status of In the Analyze Well Markers and Stratigraphic Units dialog box, until you associate a
well markers stratigraphic column with wells, GOCAD labels any missing markers as N/A or Unknown.
When you associate a stratigraphic column with a well, GOCAD proposes the sequence of
stratigraphic units and well markers. If GOCAD detects that a marker occurs more than
once on the well path or a marker is missing, it attempts to determine why—such as
whether there is an unconformity or a fault.
To change the status for a specific marker, do the following:
1 In the Object Tree, right-click Stratigraphic Columns, and then click Edit Well
Markers and Units to open the dialog box.
Caution Changes that you make in this dialog box take effect immediately in the
project. Clicking Close does not cancel your changes.
2 Click the label for the marker that you want to edit, and then select an option:
• Baselap. If you defined a baselap in the stratigraphic column, the editor labels a
missing marker as Baselap and makes the stratigraphic unit below the missing
marker different than the unit above. See Figure 10–5 on page 10-31.
• Eroded. If a missing marker corresponds to a unit that you defined as eroded in
the stratigraphic column, the editor labels the marker as Eroded and makes the
stratigraphic unit below the missing marker the same as the unit above.
• FaultedOut. If a missing marker corresponds to where the well path crosses a
fault, the editor labels the marker as FaultedOut , and makes the stratigraphic unit
below the missing marker different than the unit above.
10-30 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
• Multiple (or Multiple Inconsistent). If the well path crosses a feature more
than once, the editor labels the marker status as Multiple . For example, a
horizontal well may cross a horizon multiple times.
Note If a marker or unit occurs on a well path more than once, you should check the
markers and units for the well to ensure that the units are in the correct sequence.
• Not in Column. If the features selected in the Show features box do not occur
on the well path, the editor labels the markers as Not in Column.
• Unknown. If a missing marker is the first expected marker on a well path, the
editor labels the marker as Unknown and makes the stratigraphic unit below the
missing marker match the first unit in the stratigraphic column.
• Unpicked. If a missing marker corresponds to a unit that you defined as
conformable in the stratigraphic column, the editor labels the marker as
Unpicked and makes the stratigraphic unit below the missing marker different
than the unit above. See Figure 10–5.
• Unreached. If the well path does not cross a particular unit, the editor labels the
markers for those units as Unreached and does not apply any stratigraphic units
below the marker. For example, a horizontal well might not reach some of the
units defined in a stratigraphic column. See Figure 10–5.
3 If you changed the status of a marker, you will then need to check or edit the
stratigraphic units for the well. For information, see "Checking and Editing
Stratigraphic Units Along a Well" on page 10-33.
4 When you finish checking and editing wells, click Close to close the dialog box.
To propose To propose stratigraphy along wells by quickly associating a stratigraphic column with the
stratigraphy along wells, without checking the units and markers along the well paths, do the following:
wells without 1 In the Object Tree under StratigraphicColumns, right-click the name of the
checking the units stratigraphic column that you want to apply, and then click Propose Stratigraphy
Along Wells.
Tip You can also apply a
stratigraphic column from
the Analyze Well Markers
and Stratigraphic Units
dialog box, where you can
also check and edit the
markers and units along the
wells. For information, see
"Analyzing Well Markers
and Stratigraphic Units" on
page 10-26.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.3 Building and Working with Stratigraphic Columns 10-31
2 In the Stratigraphic column box, the selection is the stratigraphic column that you
selected in step 1. If you want to apply another stratigraphic column, enter the name
of the column you want to apply.
3 In the Wells box, the default selection includes all the wells in the project. If you want
to apply the column to only specific wells, enter the names of those wells.
4 If you do not want to overwrite the existing stratigraphic units for the selected wells,
click Advanced, and then clear the Overwrite existing column information and
Overwrite well information check boxes.
Otherwise, if you leave these options selected the stratigraphic units in the selected
column will overwrite the units for the selected wells.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
GOCAD associates the stratigraphic column with the wells, overwriting any existing
column for the wells (unless you cleared the check boxes in the Advanced area).
10-32 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
To display 1 Click the Attributes tab in the Task Pane to switch to the Attribute Manager.
stratigraphic units
2 In the Object box (at the top of the panel), enter the name of one or more wells for
and markers on well which you want to show the stratigraphic units, and then select the Graphic category
paths in the next box.
3 Under Well Path, if necessary, select the Visible check box to display the well path
for each well in the 3D Viewer.
Tip For better visibility of the units, increase the width of the well paths (Path width).
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.3 Building and Working with Stratigraphic Columns 10-33
The Edit Well Markers and Stratigraphic Units dialog box has three sections:
• The top section is where you specify the well, marker set, and the markers you want
to work on.
• The middle section contains the table where you can see and edit information about
the well markers and stratigraphic units along the well path.
In the table, you can add, delete, append markers, and specify any of the following:
• The feature associated with the marker.
• The geologic type of the feature associated with the marker.
• The measured depth, dip, and azimuth.
• The marker color.
• The units that follow the marker.
• The bottom section is where you can see and edit stratigraphic column information.
For more information, see
• "To access the Edit Well Markers and Stratigraphic Units dialog box," page 10-34
• "To select the well, marker set, and markers," page 10-35
• "To define markers and the units after," page 10-35
• "To define additional stratigraphic information," page 10-37
To access the Edit To access the dialog box, do one of the following, depending on where you are working
Well Markers and in the interface:
Stratigraphic Units
• In the Object Tree, from the well markers for a well: right-click the markers category
dialog box
for the well that you want to check or edit, and then click Edit Well Markers.
• In the Object Tree, from a well: right-click the name of the well, and then click Edit
Well Markers and Stratigraphic Units.
• From the Analyze Well Markers and Stratigraphic Units dialog box: click the
name of the well that you want to check (at the top of the table), and then click
Check or Edit Selected Well (near the bottom of the dialog box).
10-34 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
• In a cross section view or log display view, from the Objects tab: Expand a pillar in
the Pillars list, right-click the markers category or the name of a specific marker in
the list, and then click Edit Well Markers and Stratigraphic Units.
• In a cross section view or log display view, with markers displayed in a track: click
Select Objects on the Selection toolbar, right-click a marker in the track, and
then click Edit Well Markers and Stratigraphic Units.
With any of these commands, the Edit Well Markers and Stratigraphic Units dialog
box opens. And, if you started from a well, the dialog box displays well markers for the
well you selected.
Note You can also edit well markers in the Edit Well Marker dialog box. For information, see
"Creating and Editing Well Markers and Marker Sets" on page 7-14.
To select the well, From the Edit Well Markers and Stratigraphic Units dialog box, do the following:
marker set, and
1 If you want to edit markers for a different well (or if you selected the command from
markers the menu bar), enter the name of the well in the Well box.
The list updates to show the markers for the well you select.
2 In the Markers Set box, enter the name of the well marker set that contains the
markers that you want to edit.
3 In the Markers box, enter the names of the well markers that you want to show. The
list updates to show the markers you select.
To define markers Caution Changes that you make in the Well Marker and Unit Editor take effect immediately in
and the units after the project. Clicking Close does not undo your changes.
1 If you want to add a marker after a specific marker, click in the row of the existing
marker and click to add a new row and marker below it.
2 If you want to add a marker to the lowest extremity of the well (except for the BHM
in cross sections or log displays), click to create a new row and marker at the
bottom of the table.
Note New markers are named new_marker_1. The number at the end of the name increments
by one for each new marker that is added.
3 If you want to delete a marker, click to remove the marker from the table and the
Caution You cannot recover a marker after deleting it. Delete Marker permanently
deletes the marker from the project.
The marker disappears from the markers list and from the markers category for the
selected well in the Object Tree.
Note For information about other ways to delete well markers, see "Deleting Well Markers"
on page 7-23.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.3 Building and Working with Stratigraphic Columns 10-35
4 To specify the unit below the marker, in the Units After box, select the names of an
existing unit of the stratigraphic column attached to the marker set. If you want to
see a visual representation of the units after as shown below, select the Show the
units after each marker in separate rows check box at the bottom of the dialog
5 In the MD box, type a new number for the measured depth of the marker (distance
along the well path) and press ENTER.
6 In the Dip box, type a new number for the angle of the marker from horizontal in
degrees (0–90) and press ENTER.
7 In the Azimuth box, type a new number for the angle of the marker from north in
degrees (0–360) and press ENTER.
8 To associate the marker with another feature, in the Feature column type the name
of an existing feature or provide a new name. To edit the feature that the marker is
assigned to, click Feature Manager to open the Feature Manager. For more
information, see "Creating, Editing, and Deleting Features in the Features Manager"
on page 8-13.
This associates the marker with the feature that you specify. In the Object Tree, the
name of the marker appears under the name of the feature in the Features list.
For more information about features, see Chapter 8, "Defining and Working with
Geologic Features."
9 In the Type box, select the feature type that you want to associate the marker with,
such as a fault, fluid contact, intrusive boundary, stratigraphic horizon, unclassified
horizon, or an unconformity.
10 To change the color of a marker, click the colored line in the Color box to open the
Select Color dialog box, click another color, and then click OK.
The color of the marker in the Marker Name box changes to the color you select.
10-36 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
To define additional 1 If you want to edit the stratigraphic column for the well, click (near the bottom
stratigraphic of the dialog box).
The Stratigraphic Column Editor opens. For information about how to edit the
stratigraphic units in the column, see:
• "To build or rebuild a stratigraphic column," page 10-19
• "Checking and Editing Stratigraphic Units Along a Well," page 10-33.
2 To apply another stratigraphic column to the selected well or estimate and overwrite
units for the well (if you modified the stratigraphic column):
Select the name of the stratigraphic column in the Associated stratigraphic column
box, and then click .
• If necessary, you can apply or reapply a stratigraphic column to multiple wells at the same
time. For information, see "Analyzing Well Markers and Stratigraphic Units" on
page 10-26.
• The table in the bottom right corner of the dialog box lists the horizons that are not
represented by markers and labels each with a status. For more information, see "To edit
the status of well markers" on page 10-30.
3 In the Units above the first marker box, select the units that come before the first
marker. This is necessary when you want to indicate that the top stratigraphic
boundaries have not been picked in the marker set.
4 When you finish checking or editing units for wells, click Close.
In the Stratigraphic Information area of the Edit Well Markers and Stratigraphic
Units dialog box, the horizon status table (in the bottom right of the dialog box) reflects
the Units After information for each marker. For examples in well correlation, see
Part VII: Geologic Interpretation, "Correlation Examples," page 2-3.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.3 Building and Working with Stratigraphic Columns 10-37
You can load this time scale into any project as a stratigraphic column from the following
reference file:
InstallationPath\PDGM\GOCAD-SKUA- Version \Gocad\lib\templates\global_time_scale.xml
Where InstallationPath is the path to the GOCAD 2009 installation folders and Version is
the version designation if any.
For information about how to load a stratigraphic column, see "To load a stratigraphic
column" on page 10-26.
To display your stratigraphic model along with the global chronostratigraphy, you need to
first specify the age of horizons and units in your stratigraphic column, associate the
column with wells to verify the stratigraphy along the well paths, and load the Geologic
Time Scale as a stratigraphic column. You can then do the comparison by creating a 2D
log display view and adding two tracks, a stratigraphy track for the units along the well
path and a chronostratigraphy track for the global time scale. For more information about
how to create a log display view and add these tracks, see Part III: Visualization,
"Visualizing Data in Log Displays" on page 3-1.
10-38 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
10.3.10 Stratigraphic Column Examples
• "Example: Conformable Units and Reverse Fault," page 10-39
• "Example: Baselap Unconformity and Fault," page 10-42
Example: For this example, the stratigraphic model includes conformable stratigraphic units with a
Conformable Units reverse fault (Figure 10–7).
and Reverse Fault
Figure 10–7 Stratigraphic
units, reverse fault
• For well3, a well marker is missing, and the well path does not reach some of the
stratigraphic units.
• For well4, the well path intersects the same stratigraphic units more than once.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.3 Building and Working with Stratigraphic Columns 10-39
First, build the stratigraphic column, and then apply it to the wells.
Compare the markers on each well path with the units in the stratigraphic column:
• For well1, each marker is present along the well path, in the expected order when
compared to the stratigraphic column. The marker fault appears in the list; however,
this well does not cross the fault, and the editor correctly determined that the marker
status is "N/A" (not applicable) for this well.
• For well2, because the well path crosses the fault, the marker C_top is occurs twice
on the well path, and the editor determined that the marker status is "Multiple."
• For well3, the marker B_top was "Unpicked" (a missing marker), and the markers
D_top and E_top are "Unreached" because the well path does not reach these units.
• For well4, the marker D_top occurs on the well path more than once (the marker
status is Multiple) and the well path does not reach the unit E_top (the status is
10-40 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Next, check the stratigraphic units for each well.
For well1, the units match the markers above each unit. For well2, after the fault, the well
path crosses back into the stratigraphic units B_top and C_top before crossing into D_top.
For well3, because the marker B_top is missing, it does not appear in the list. However,
you can see that both A_Top and B_Top appear in the Units After box for the marker
For well4, well path crosses the horizon D_top three times. Therefore, the marker D_top
also appears on the well path three times, and the stratigraphic units C_top and D_top
both appear twice.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.3 Building and Working with Stratigraphic Columns 10-41
Example: Baselap For this example, the stratigraphic model includes conformable units with a baselap
Unconformity and unconformity and a reverse fault (Figure 10–8).
Well5 Well6
A3 Unconformity
B5 B5
The units deposited first, B6, B5, B3, and B2, are conformable. An unconformity event
occurred, and another set of units, A4, A3, and A1, deposited on top of the unconformity
in discordance. Afterwards, a faulting event occurred; the normal fault crosses the whole
For Well5, the well path intersects horizons A1, A3, A4, Unconformity, B2, B3, B5 and B6.
The well path does not intersect the fault, and it crosses each of the units only once.
For Well6, on the hanging wall side (the left side in the figure), the well path intersects
units A1, A3 and A4, crosses the unconformity, and intersects unit B3. Because of the
truncation of unit B2 and B3, the well path does not intersect the unit above B2. On the
footwall side of the fault, the well path intersects only units B5 and B6.
10-42 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
First, define the stratigraphic column, and then associate it with the wells.
Compare the markers on each well path with the units in the stratigraphic column:
The model for Figure 10–8 includes an unidentified unit above B2; in the stratigraphic
column this is defined as B0.
Because Well6 crosses the fault, but Well5 does not, the editor correctly determined that
the marker fault is not applicable (N/A) for Well5.
For the marker Unconformity, the editor determined that the marker occurs on the well
path for Well5 and is the upper limit for the unit B0.
For Well6, the markers B2 and B3 are missing because these horizons are eroded. The
marker B5 is faulted out because the well path does not cross the horizon on either side
of the fault.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.3 Building and Working with Stratigraphic Columns 10-43
Next, verify the sequence of units after the unconformity for Well5.
For Well5, the unit after each marker is correct, except for the unit after the unconformity.
The well path crosses the unit that is above B2, which is defined as B0 in the stratigraphic
10-44 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Check the units and markers for Well6:
For Well6, after the unconformity, the units B0, B2, and the top of B3 are eroded.
However, the part of the unit B3 still occurs on the path just below the unconformity.
After the fault, the well path intersects the unit B5.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.3 Building and Working with Stratigraphic Columns 10-45
10-46 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Figure 10–9 Unit
Preferences templates
You can also edit any unit preferences template by using Unit Preferences. Subsequently,
you can use the changed preferences in other projects by saving the template and loading
it into another project. You can access Unit Preferences from the following:
• Object Tree, under Resources, Unit Preferences (see "Creating, Copying, and Editing
Unit Preferences Templates" on page 10-49).
• Information pane (see "Instantly Converting Units of Measurement" on page 10-56)
• Production Data Analysis Workflow (see "Setting Units and Scenarios" on page 5-20)
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.4 Changing Unit Preferences 10-47
Table 10–1 shows some examples of the categories, property types, and measurement
unit choices that are available in Unit Preferences.
1. For information about how to create a user-defined property, see Part IV: Foundation Modeling,
"Creating an Object Property" on page 11-3.
10-48 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
10.4.2 Creating, Copying, and Editing Unit
Preferences Templates
You can create a new unit preferences template or copy an existing template, edit it, and
then save your changes.
For information about how to create and edit unit preferences templates, see:
• "To create a new unit preferences template," page 10-49
• "To copy a unit preferences template," page 10-49
• "To edit a unit preferences template," page 10-50
To create a new unit 1 In the Object Tree, under Resources, right-click Unit Preferences, and then click
preferences template New to open the dialog box.
2 In the Name box, type the name of the new unit preferences template.
3 If you want to make the new unit preferences template the default template for your
project, click Advanced, and then select the Set as default selection check box. For
more information about the default template, see "About Unit Preferences
Templates" on page 10-46.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
The new template is based on the default template. For information about how to edit it,
see "To edit a unit preferences template" on page 10-50.
To copy a unit 1 In the Object Tree, under Resources, expand Unit Preferences, right-click the
preferences template template you want to copy, and then click Copy to open the dialog box.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.4 Changing Unit Preferences 10-49
To edit a unit 1 In the Object Tree, under Resources, expand Unit Preferences, right-click a unit
preferences template preferences template, and then click Edit to open Unit Preferences.
2 In the Name box, select the unit preferences template that you want to edit.
3 In the Property Type list, expand the category, and then click to select the property
type that you want to edit. In the examples, Permeability is selected.
10-50 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
4 In the Default unit box, select the unit of measurement that you want to use for the
property type. In the examples, the default unit is changed from mD to D.
Important Changes you make to property types from this window take effect immediately
in the project as you make them. Clicking Close does not cancel your changes.
5 In the Decimal places box, enter the number of decimal places that you want to
appear in the value. The default is 6. In the examples, the decimal places is changed
from 6 to 2.
6 In the Format area, click one of the following options to specify the format in which
values will be shown:
• Most concise. The value is expressed in the format (scientific or number) using
the fewest digits possible. This is the default setting.
• Scientific. The value is expressed in scientific notation; for example, 1.2 X 104 or
1.2 E4.
• Number. The value is expressed as a decimal number; for example, 0.002812.
In the examples, the format is changed from most concise to scientific.
7 To save the changes to your personal settings, click Save. If you want to save the
changes to a file in a local folder, follow the procedure described in "To save one or
more unit preferences templates to a file" on page 10-53. If you want to save your
changes in this project, save the project.
– or –
To delete the named unit preferences template from your personal settings, click
Note If the named unit preferences template has not been saved in your personal settings,
Delete is unavailable.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.4 Changing Unit Preferences 10-51
If you clicked Save to save the template to your personal settings, you can load the
template into another project in future sessions by clicking Load. For more information,
see "To load a unit preferences template from your personal settings" on page 10-54).
You can also specify where to apply the template. For more information, see "To apply a
unit preferences template" on page 10-55.
To delete a unit 1 In the Object Tree, under Resources, expand Unit Preferences, right-click the
preferences template template that you want to delete, and then click Delete to open the dialog box.
2 In the Name box, select the name of the template that you want to delete.
3 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
• If you are deleting a template that you saved to your personal settings by clicking Save in Unit
Preferences (see step 7 on page 10-51), a dialog box opens asking you if you want to also
delete the template in your personal settings. Click Yes if you want to delete it from the project
and your personal settings. Click No if you only want to delete if from the project.
• You cannot permanently delete the predefined GOCAD templates; if you deleted them in this
procedure, they will reappear when you reopen the project.
10-52 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
To rename a unit 1 In the Object Tree, under Resources, expand Unit Preferences, right-click the
preferences template template, and then click Rename to open the dialog box.
2 In the From box, select the unit preferences template that you want to rename.
3 In the To box, type the new name for the unit preferences template.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
The unit preferences template is renamed in your personal settings.
To save one or more 1 In the Object Tree, under Resources, right-click Unit Preferences or the name of a
unit preferences unit preferences template, and then click Save to open the dialog box.
templates to a file
2 In the Names box, enter one or more unit preferences templates that you want to
save to a file.
3 Click to open the Select File dialog box, browse to the folder where you want
to save the file, type the file name (ensure you include the .xml extension), and then
click Save.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
GOCAD saves the selected unit preferences templates to a file in XML format. For
information about how to load the file into another project, see "To load a unit
preferences template from a file," page 10-53.
To load a unit 1 In the Object Tree, under Resources, right-click Unit Preferences, and then click
preferences template Load to open the dialog box.
from a file
2 Click to open the Select One or More Files to Open dialog box, browse to the
folder, click the file that contains the unit preferences template or templates, and
then click Open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.4 Changing Unit Preferences 10-53
3 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
• If you load a template that was saved to a file and the name already exists, _n is added to the
name. For example, if you save the Metric template and then load it into a new project, two
templates called Metric and Metric_1 are listed in the Object Tree and they will have the same
settings. If you do not want this to happen, delete the existing file before you load the
• Loading templates from a file is a good method for sharing templates between users; however,
you must remember where you stored the file. An alternative method is to load a template that
was saved to your personal settings. For more information, see "To load a unit preferences
template from your personal settings" on page 10-54.
To load a unit If you save a unit preferences template to your personal settings (see step 7 on page 10-51),
preferences template you can load it into existing projects. Any project you create after saving a template to
from your personal personal settings will include the template automatically.
settings 1 Create a unit preferences template that has the same name as the template you want
to load from your personal settings. For information, see "To create a new unit
preferences template" on page 10-49.
2 In the Object Tree, under Resources, expand Unit Preferences, right-click the name
of a unit preferences template, and then click Edit to open the Unit Preferences
3 In the Name box, select the unit preferences template that you want to load from
your personal settings.
4 Click Load.
The units of measurement specified in the template will now be used in the project
wherever the template is applied (see "Applying Unit Preferences Templates" on
page 10-54).
Note If you load a template that was saved to your personal settings and the template already exists
in the current project, GOCAD merges the settings from both templates.
10-54 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Figure 10–11 shows the default unit preferences template applied to display (the values
that are displayed in the Information pane) and my_unit_prefs applied to PDA (the
Production Data Analysis Workflow). The other templates in the example are not being
used in the current project.
To apply a unit 1 In the Object Tree, under Resources, expand Unit Preferences, and then right-click
preferences template the unit preferences template to open the shortcut menu.
2 Click Apply to open the dialog box.
• PDA. Applies the unit preferences template to the Production Data Analysis
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.4 Changing Unit Preferences 10-55
Note The property value displayed when you use must have a property type assigned to it for
this feature to work. For more information, see Part IV: Foundation Modeling, "Creating and
Working with Object Properties" on page 11-1.
The results of the following commands appear also in the Information pane, and you can
instantly convert the displayed measurement units:
• Get Region Area
• Get Region Map Area
• Get Region Volume
These commands are under Value on the Compute menu for SGrid, Voxet, Surface, and
2D-Grid objects. For more information about these commands, seePart IV: Foundation
Modeling , "Computing Object Measurements and Properties" on page 9-1.
Note Unit conversions in GOCAD are based on Energistics' Reference Data Standards for Units
Conversion. You can find information about the standards at http://www.energistics.org/posc/
To convert units of 1 In the Information pane, click the hyperlinked unit abbreviation adjacent to a value
measurement in the to show the conversion options.
Information pane
10-56 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Tip To revert to the original
value, click Refresh.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 10.4 Changing Unit Preferences 10-57
10-58 Creating and Working with Resources GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Creating and Working with
Object Properties
In this chapter • "About Object Properties," page 11-2 • "Painting a Property Onto an Object,"
page 11-19
• "Creating an Object Property,"
page 11-3 • "Managing Memory for Voxet or
SGrid Properties," page 11-22
• "Copying, Deleting, and Renaming an
Object Property," page 11-5 • "Defining Property Values with the
Property Calculator," page 11-27
• "Editing Property Settings,"
page 11-7 • "Defining Facies with the Facies
Calculator," page 11-34
• "Transferring Properties from Another
Object," page 11-14 • "Analyzing Data," page 11-37
Overview These topics include information about object properties and the most common methods
to create and work with them in Paradigm™ GOCAD® 2009.
What are object By using commands on the Property menu in the General commands and on the object-
properties? specific commands, you can create and edit properties within objects that contain
property information. GOCAD stores property data within objects as follows:
• Properties of geometric objects (such as PointsSets, Curves, and Surfaces) occur at
points within the object.
• Properties of gridded objects (such as SGrids and Voxets) occur either at cell centers
or at corner points.
• Properties consisting of well log sampling data are specific to each log.
Most commands are applicable for all objects (Well objects included) for example:
creating, coping, deleting, and renaming properties; editing property settings; applying a
property script (by using the Property Calculator); and analyzing property data.
Commands for transferring and painting properties are more specific to object types.
11-2 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
11.2 Creating an Object Property
You can create a property for one or more objects or a well log for one or more wells.
When you create a property for a voxet or a stratigraphic grid, GOCAD creates a new
voxet or grid and assigns the no-data value specified in the definition of the property.
When you create a property for a surface, GOCAD stores a new property value at each
point on the surface and assigns the no-data value specified in the definition of the
To create a new 1 Select the General commands, click the Property menu, and then click Create to
property open the dialog box.
2 In the Object box, select the objects for which you want to create a property
(including Well objects if you want to create a well log).
3 In the Property name box, type the name of the property you are creating. If the
object already has a property with this name, the result is unspecified.
4 Do the following to select a property type, or go to step 5 to define a new one.
a In the Category box, select the property category.
The property types available in the Property box (step b) change, depending on
which category you selected.
b In the Property box, select the property type for the selected category.
5 If you need to define a new property type, do the following:
a Click Add to create a user defined property type, and the dialog box opens.
b In the Property type name box, type the name for the property type you are
c In the Property type unit box, type the abbreviated unit of measure to use for
the property type.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 11.2 Creating an Object Property 11-3
d Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box.
e In the Category box, select User Defined.
f In the Property box, select the property you created.
Note You can define a classification by selecting "Discrete" as a Category, and then
clicking Add. For information about classifications, see "Defining Classifications" on
page 10-2.
9 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
11-4 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
11.3 Copying, Deleting, and Renaming an
Object Property
You can copy an existing GOCAD object property into a new or already existing one,
delete a property from an object, and rename a property.
For information, see:
• "To copy an object property," page 11-5
• "To delete a property from an object," page 11-6
• "To rename an object property," page 11-6
Note You can also transfer a property from one object to another and paint properties onto an
object. For more information, see "Transferring Properties from Another Object" on page 11-14 and
"Painting a Property Onto an Object" on page 11-19.
To copy an object 1 Select the General commands, click the Property menu, and then click Copy to
property open the dialog box.
2 in the Object box, enter the name of the object that contains the property to copy.
3 In the From box, enter the name of the property to copy.
4 In the To box, enter the name of the property to receive the copied property values.
5 If you want the two properties to share a property class, click Advanced, and then
select the share property class check box.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 11.3 Copying, Deleting, and Renaming an Object Property 11-5
3 In the Object box, enter the object containing the property you want to delete.
4 In the name box, select the property that you want to delete from the selected
Note You cannot delete a GOCAD built-in property, such as Z.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To rename an object 1 Select the General commands, click the Property menu, and then click Rename to
property open the dialog box.
2 In the Object box, select the object containing the property you want to rename.
3 In the Old name box, select the property name that you want to change.
4 In the New name box, type the new name you want to use.
Note You cannot rename the property class.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
11-6 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
11.4 Editing Property Settings
You can edit the property setting for the property type, unit display template, and no-data
Typically, you would want to edit a property setting:
• When the property was unknown at the time you imported.
• When the unit is different from project default units. The unit difference may occur,
for example, if the property was imported prior to version 2.1. (Prior to version 2.1
properties were imported without the units being specified at the time of import.)
• For a given object, to separate different properties of the same type for statistical
purposes. However, we do not recommend that you create a property, if one of the
existing properties applies.
After you create a property value, you can also link the value to a classification (for
example: Type = discrete).
Some property types are affected by project settings. Default units are linked with the
coordinate system as shown in the following table.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 11.4 Editing Property Settings 11-7
To access property 1 Select the General commands, click Property, and then click Edit Property
settings and select Settings to open the dialog box.
properties to edit
2 In the Object box, select the objects that contain the property you want to edit.
3 Properties on the objects you selected appear in the Properties box. If you want to
change the current properties, select different ones from the list. Here is a list of
guidelines for changing the current property:
• It is not possible to edit several properties that have incompatible types. Such as
number of fields is different, or data storage is different.
• You must edit raster properties individually. For information about raster
properties, see "Troubleshooting" on page 11-13.
• If you select several incompatible properties, the Category, Type, Unit, and
Display Template boxes are deactivated and a warning message appears.
11-8 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
To edit the property The Category and Type boxes and Original unit default to the way property was loaded
type and unit for the selected objects. You can change the defaults, and you can also use these boxes to
add a property characteristics.
1 When you select a category, options available for identifying how the category is
measured appear in a list in the Type box. If you want to change the category, select a
different one from the list, or if you want to define your own category, select User
defined, and then select the Type and Original unit.
2 When you select a type, the Original unit, Display template, and the No Data
Value boxes show the values currently set for that type.
• Original unit. The measurement unit in which the current values (before
applying changes) are displayed. When you change the original unit, the values
will be converted from the original unit to the reporting unit.
• Reporting unit. The measurement unit related to the selected Type and in which
the values will be displayed after applying the changes. This is informational only.
You cannot change this value.
For example: Suppose you have a property with value range = 10–20 m, and you
want to set the property Type to height. The original unit of the property is meter. If
the depth unit of the project setting is feet, the reporting unit will be feet and the
property values will be converted from meter (original unit) to feet (reporting unit).
The property range, after applying changes, will be 32.8–65.6 ft. If you set the
original unit to ft (reporting unit), the values will not be converted and only the unit is
corrected: range = 10–20 ft.
Do either of the following:
a To change the default, select a different Category and/or Type in the
appropriate box.
b To add a property click Add to open User Property Type Definition dialog box.
This is the same dialog box you use when you are creating a property. For
information, see "To create a new property" on page 11-3, step 5
3 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 11.4 Editing Property Settings 11-9
To edit the display The display template is a group of properties that share the same attributes for displaying
template the property. Shared property attributes are those that you find for Properties, under
Attributes, in the Object Tree. The most commonly used display attributes are colormap,
high clip, low clip, and no-data value (NDV).
Note Previously, Display Template was known as Property Class.
Figure 11–1 shows an example of sharing a property class. (A) shows two objects
(PointsSet and SGrid) with properties that do not share the same display template. The
low and high clip of the colormap are set to the minimum and maximum of the property,
individually. (B) is the same image after resetting the property to the same display
template (porosity). The objects share the same property display attributes and can be
compared more easily.
If you look at the members of the display template porosity, you will find the two
properties PORO_1 and Porosity.
Note The default display template at property creation has the name of the property. Therefore, if
you have several properties carried by different objects, but with the same name, they have the
same display template. To separate the display attributes, you have to edit each property individually
and type a new display name in the Display box.
If properties have incompatible types, they cannot share the same display template. For
more information, see "Troubleshooting" on page 11-13.
11-10 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
z z
Figure 11–1 Example of
changing the display A B
1 In the Display template box, assign a display template to the property. The default
template has the name of the selected Type. If the name was suffixed by the data
type, it means the default display template already exists and is either related to
another Type, or assigned to a property with an incompatible data type
2 If the display template already exists in the project and you want to view a list of the
properties assigned to the selected objects, click View members to open the dialog
The information in this box is informational only. You cannot edit it.
Click Close to close the dialog box.
3 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To edit the no-data The no-data value (NVD) means that (for the selected objects), all properties assigned that
value data value are ignored by algorithms. You can correct the no-data value, or convert the
existing no-data value to another value.
1 To change the NDV, type the new value in the No Data Value box.
2 If you want to set this value on all the no-data value properties for the selected
objects, leave the Convert previous values check box selected. This is the default.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 11.4 Editing Property Settings 11-11
3 If the NDV is correctly defined, but you want to change it to another value (for the
selected objects), clear the Convert previous values check box.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To reset values You can reset values (in the dialog box) to the way they were before you made any
1 To reset all the values in this dialog, click Reset Settings. You must do this before
you click OK or Apply.
Note After you click OK or Apply the Reset Settings command is no longer available.
2 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
11-12 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Troubleshooting This section lists messages you may receive while editing a property setting.
(Prefixed with "Edit property kind")
Type and display template cannot be To preserve the object geometry, the x, y, z, and normal
modified for x, y, z and normal properties are protected and cannot be edited by the
properties. command.
Private display templates cannot be Private display templates are the display templates related to
shared with another property. object x, y, and z properties. These templates cannot be applied
to other properties.
There is already a display template A display template is associated to a property type and cannot
Display Template Name with a be moved to the new type, once a property references it.
different property type than Property To view the list of the properties that reference a display
Type Name template, you can type the template name in the Display
Template box and click View members.
Once no property references a display template, that template
is deleted and can be then created again in a new type.
The display template Display Template All properties that share the same display template must have
Name does not have the same number the same number of elements.
of element as the property Property To check the number of elements, you can display the property
on object, click Get XYZ Coordinates , click the object.
The Pretty Print returns the property values for each field.
For example, proportions: 10, 20, 30
The display template Display Template All the properties that share a same display template must have
Name does not have the same storage the same data type, that is, number of bits used to store the
type as the property Property Name property values.
To check the data type of a property, Select the Voxet
commands, click Property, and then click Get bit size.
The display template Display Template To check whether a property is a raster property, Select the
Name is already used. Raster Voxet commands, click Property, and then click Get bit size.
properties cannot share the same If the data type is different from Float, this is a raster property.
display template (Raster properties are properties whose bit size has been
reduced to save memory.)
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 11.4 Editing Property Settings 11-13
11-14 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
To paint an object 1 Display the target objects (the object into which you want to transfer the property)
with an property and the source object (the volumetric object that contains the property that you want
from a volumetric to transfer) in the 3D Viewer.
object 2 Select the General commands, click the Property menu, and then click From
Nearby Grid or Cell to open the dialog box.
3 In the Point property client box, enter the objects you want to receive the property.
4 In the Region box, enter the region that you want to paint. Only points belonging to
this region will be painted.
5 In the New property name box, enter the name of the property on the receiver that
will receive the values from the provider. This name does not have to be the same as
the source property.
• If this property already exists on a receiver object, its current values will be
overwritten by the new values.
• If this property does not exist, GOCAD will create the property and store in it the
new values received from the provider.
6 In the From region box, enter the region you want to extract the data from. If a
query fall outside of the selected region, the value will be the no-data value.
7 In the Property box, select the provider property that will be painted onto the
receiving objects.
8 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 11.5 Transferring Properties from Another Object 11-15
Z Target (client)
For each point of the target, GOCAD searches along both Z directions for an impact point
in the source, takes the property value at that point, and then assigns it to the point in the
target. See Figure 11–2.
Therefore, only the portions of the target objects that are underneath or above the source
surface will contain the transferred property values. For the portions of the target that are
outside the source surface, GOCAD assigns either the no-data value (if specified) or the
value of 1e-30.
To transfer property 1 Display the objects that are receiving the property and the surface that is providing
values from one the property in the 3D Viewer.
surface object to 2 Select the General commands, click the Property menu, and then click By Vertical
another object Projection to open the dialog box.
3 In the Vertical property client box, enter the objects to receive the property.
4 In the Region box, enter the region to be transferred. Only points belonging to this
region are transferred.
11-16 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
5 In the new property name box, enter the name of the property on the receivers that
you want to receive the values from the provider. This name does not have to be the
same as the source property.
• If this property already exists on a receiver object, the current values replaced by
the new values from the provider's property.
• If this property does not exist, GOCAD will create the property and store in it the
new values received from the provider.
6 In the Vertical property server from box, enter the surface to provide the property
7 In the From region box, enter the region you want to extract the data from. If a
query falls outside the selected region, the value will be the no-data value.
8 In the Property box, enter the property in the provider surface to be transferred to
the receiving objects.
9 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To propagate 1 Select the PointsSet commands, click the Property menu, and then click From
properties Collocated Points to open the dialog box.
2 In the AtomsSet client box, enter the name of the object to receive the information.
3 In the AtomsSet Server box, enter the name of the object to provide the
4 Do one of the following:
• If you want to propagate all properties at once, select the all properties check
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 11.5 Transferring Properties from Another Object 11-17
• If you want to propagate only a specified property, clear the all properties check
box, and then, in the Property box, enter the name of the property to
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
11-18 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
11.6 Painting a Property Onto an Object
You can use paint commands on the Property menu to transfer property values from one
object to another object such as a Voxet, SGrid, or Solid. You can also use paint
commands for voxets to set property control nodes at the nearest cell center location. This
can have the effect of constraining the voxet cell property with the corresponding
property of the other object.
Properties can be painted onto a Surface, Voxet or SGrid object for visualization of the
characteristics of a geometric shape. You may want to paint with a PointsSet, Curve,
Surface, Upscaled Well Log, or Channel property onto a Voxet, SGrid or Solid for
visualizing geologic features. You can paint with a model property such as velocity or
amplitude to visualize seismic attributes.
For information, see:
• "Painting a Voxet with an Object Property," page 11-19
• "Painting a Voxet with a Channel Property," page 11-20
• "Painting a Voxet with a Channel Index," page 11-21
• The procedure for painting a voxet with a model property is explained in Part VI: Velocity
Modeling , "Painting a Voxet with a Velocity Model Property" on page 2-25.
• For a comparison of transfer and paint commands, see "Transfer Vs. Paint" on page 11-14.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 11.6 Painting a Property Onto an Object 11-19
To constrain a voxet 1 Display the voxet and the other object in the 3D Viewer. The object must be at least
property by an object partially inside the voxet, and only the part inside the voxet has any impact.
property of the same 2 Select the Voxet commands, click the Property menu, and then click With
name ObjectType under Paint to open the dialog box.
Note The Surface property is used as an example to demonstrate this procedure.
3 In the Voxet box, enter the name of the voxet that you are painting.
4 In the ObjectType with box, enter the name of the object that has the property
values you want to paint onto the voxet.
5 In the Property box, select the property you want to paint onto the voxet.
Note If the voxet does not have a property of the same name, the command creates a new
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To constrain a voxet 1 Display the voxet and the channel in the 3D Viewer. The backbones of the channel
property by a channel must be at least partially inside the voxet; only the part that is inside the voxet has
property of the same any impact.
name 2 Select the Voxet commands, click the Property menu, point to With Channel under
Paint, and then click Property to open the dialog box.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 In the Voxet box, enter the name of the voxet that you are painting.
11-20 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
4 In the Channel with box, enter the name of the object channel has the property
values you want to paint onto the voxet.
5 In the Property box, select the property you want to paint onto the voxet.
Note If the voxet does not have a property of the same name, the command creates a new
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To paint a voxet 1 Display the voxet and the channel in the 3D Viewer. The backbones of the channel
property with a must be at least partially inside the voxet; only the part that is inside the voxet has
channel index any impact.
2 Select the Voxet commands, click the Property menu, point to With Channel under
Paint, and then click Index to open the dialog box.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 In the Voxet box, enter the name of the voxet that you are painting.
4 In the Channel with box, enter the name of the channel that has the property values
you want to paint onto the voxet.
5 In the Property box, select the property you want to paint onto the voxet.
Note If the voxet does not have a property of the same name, the command creates a new
6 In the Index box, enter the corresponding index number for the property you want to
paint onto the voxet.
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 11.6 Painting a Property Onto an Object 11-21
To determine the bit 1 Select the Voxet commands, click the Property menu, and then click Get Bit Size to
size of an object open the dialog box.
2 In the Grid Object box, enter the name of the voxet or stratigraphic grid that carries
the property.
3 In the Property box, enter the name of the property for which you want to find the
bit size.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
GOCAD displays the result in a message window.
11-22 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Changing Property Bit Size
You can use the Convert Bit Size command to convert a given voxet property from an
8-bit (signed or unsigned), 16-bit (signed or unsigned), or 32-bit property, into an 8-bit
(signed or unsigned), 16-bit (signed or unsigned), or 32-bit property.
The algorithm uses the current property range specified for the color map. It takes the low
clip value as the minimum and the high clip value as the maximum range for the
conversion. (You can see and edit the range in the Attribute toolbar for the property or
in the Attribute Manager.) These values are used to ensure that after conversion the visual
aspect of the converted property—that is, the dynamic range of the property—will be the
If you decrease the number of bits used for a property (32 bits to 16 bits, 32 bits to 8 bits,
or 16 bits to 8 bits), the algorithm will modify the property values to fit to the maximum
legal range allowed in 16 bits (65536 values, [0,65535] unsigned, [-32768,32767] signed)
or 8 bits (256 values, [0,255] unsigned, [-128,127] signed).
In GOCAD, a property will allow you to change the property bit size without changing the
value range of the property. For example, for a conversion to 8-bit unsigned data, 0 will
be assigned as the minimum (low clip of the color map) and 255 as the maximum (high
clip of the color map), and the values in between will be linearly interpolated.
To change property 1 Select the Voxet commands, click the Property menu, and then click Change Bit
bit size Size to open the dialog box.
2 In the Voxet box, enter the name of one or more voxets that carry the properties.
3 In the Properties, box enter the names of the properties whose bit size you want to
4 In the Data Type box, select the bit size and, in the case of 8- or 16-bit data, whether
you want the data to be unsigned (positive values only—for example, 0 to 256 for
8-bit data) or signed (both negative and positive values—for example, -128 to 127 for
8-bit data).
5 In the Minimum box, type the minimum value of the range used for bit conversion
when the bit size decreases.
6 In the Maximum box, type the maximum value of the range used for bit conversion
when the bit size decreases.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 11.7 Managing Memory for Voxet or SGrid Properties 11-23
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Note Changing the property bit size can take a long time on big grids. You can cancel the
command with the progress indicator.
To swap between 1 Select the Voxet commands, click the Property menu, and then click Storage Swap
memory or disk or to open the dialog box.
brick a property
2 In the Object box, enter the name of the stratigraphic grid or voxet.
3 In the Property box, enter the property whose storage you want to change.
4 Click the option you want:
• Memory. Stores the property in memory. Access is faster with this method, but it
uses a large amount of memory.
11-24 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
• Disk. Stores the property on disk.
• Bricks. Divides a large volume into smaller "bricks." This option helps you
manage memory resources by allowing a partial loading of the volume into
5 If you selected the Bricks option, do the following:
a In the Memory usage box, type the maximum memory in megabytes available
for this volume.
Note For comfortable interactive visualization, it is recommended that you have at least
one-sixth of the volume loaded in memory (500 MB for a 3-GB volume). You can use less
memory if your hardware is limited in memory (256 MB for a 10-GB volume) and still do
some tasks. Using less memory is adequate for doing an interpretation of a 3D horizon
using the Interpreter Assistant, for example. Autopicking of a horizon is far less demanding
on memory resources than interactive 3D visualization (such as using a probe or an
arbitrary slice in Volume Explorer).
For more information, see "About dynamic memory allocation with bricks" on
page 11-25.
b In the nu, nv, and nw boxes, type the dimension of the brick in terms of number
of samples along each side. A brick size of 128 creates small bricks of
128x128x128 samples (2 MB volumes for 8 bit properties and 16 MB volumes for
32 bit properties).
We recommend using only 16, 32, 64, 128, or 256 for the brick size:
• 16 for an 8-bit volume smaller than 100 MB or a 32-bit volume smaller than
400 MB
• 32 for an 8-bit volume smaller than 800 MB or a 32-bit volume smaller than
3.2 GB
• 64 for an 8-bit volume smaller than 2 GB or a 32-bit volume smaller than
8 GB
• 128 for an 8-bit volume smaller than 10 GB or a 32-bit volume smaller than
40 GB
• 256 for an 8-bit volume larger than 10 GB or a 32-bit volume larger than
40 GB
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
About dynamic If you use the bricks option, GOCAD automatically keeps the memory resources for the
memory allocation property to the memory size value given. It will allocate the memory in the area where you
with bricks are working and release memory in parts that have not been used recently.
Figure 11–3 shows that as a cubic probe in Volume Explorer is moved, the memory (red
bricks) is dynamically allocated around the probe and released on the inline plane. The
total number of loaded bricks (total memory usage) is constant.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 11.7 Managing Memory for Voxet or SGrid Properties 11-25
11-26 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
11.8 Defining Property Values with the
Property Calculator
You can use the Apply Script commands to define a property using C-language
commands. When you use the Apply Script commands, a property calculator is available
to help you enter the script. You can apply a script to generate or to change property
values on an object, or on a part of an object, or on stratigraphic grid points.
For information, see:
• "Applying a Property Script on an Object," page 11-27
• "Applying a Property Script on a Part," page 11-32
• "Applying a Script to Stratigraphic Grid Points," page 11-33
About multiple If you have enable multiple processing in GOCAD, the Apply Script on Object command
processing while can use multiple threads to improve performance under the following conditions:
applying scripts
• You are applying a script to a Voxet or SGrid object.
• The script has no order dependency; a cell operation does not depend on the results
from the operations on the previous cell.
The script command displays a message in the Information pane stating whether
multiple processing is used.
You can access the settings for multiple processing by selecting Preferences from the
Edit menu and then selecting the Multi-Processing tab. For more information, see Part I:
Getting Started, "Setting Multiple-Processing Preferences" on page 1-58.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 11.8 Defining Property Values with the Property Calculator 11-27
To apply a script to 1 Select the General commands, click the Compute menu, and then click On Object
define property to open the dialog box.
11-28 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
5 In the Main script area, type the definition of the property (in awk- or C-like
programming language). You can include the following components in the script:
• Numbers
• X, Y, and Z
• Logical expressions (click Logic, above the Main script area, to see a full list).
• Variables that you have defined for this layer property using the Add Variable
• Predefined functions (click Functions, above the Main script area to see the full
• Hyperbolic
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 11.8 Defining Property Values with the Property Calculator 11-29
• neigh(x,delta_I,delta_J,delta_K)
x = name of the property used
delta_I,delta_J,delta_K = values indicate cell displacement from the
actual grid cell.
For example, say that you want to compute the difference of porosity
between SGrid layers. The result will be stored in the difference_porosity
property, as follows:
difference_porosity = porosity - neigh(porosity,0,0,-1);
From the initial grid cell, the computations are performed along the
vertical grid axis, cell-by-cell (0,0,-1), and the difference_porosity
property will store the difference between the actual property value and
property value in the (I, J, K-1) cell.
6 Scripts can be saved and used in different properties.
a Once you have created a script, you can save it by clicking Save As. The dialog
box opens, allowing you to save the script as a text file. Only the definition of the
property script itself is saved, not the name of the object it is applied to.
b If you want to use a saved script on an object, click Load. The dialog box opens,
allowing you to select the text file that contains the script you want. Load
deletes the current text and replaces it with the text in the selected file.
c Insert. Inserts text from a file at the pointer location inside the text area.
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To apply a script using This example shows the script syntax for using this Winland R35 equation:
a Winland R35
R35 = 10(0.732 + 0.588 log K -0.864 log PHI)
1 Create a property and name it R35. (For information, see"Creating an Object
Property" on page 11-3.)
2 Select the surface in step 2 on page 11-28.
3 View the Properties list as described in step 4 on page 11-28 to make sure the desired
property R35 is there.
4 In the script area, type:
R35 = pow(10, (0.732 + (0.588 * log10(K)) - (0.864 * log10(PHI)) ));
To apply a script to This example shows the script syntax for moving an object to generate noise on a surface.
generate noise on a
1 Select the object you want to move in step 2 on page 11-28.
2 In the script area, type:
Z + uran(2,2)
11-30 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
To apply a script to This example shows the script syntax for moving an entire object by coordinates on the
move an entire object vector—in this example c1, c2, c3.
by a vector 1 Select the object you want to move in step 2 on page 11-28.
2 In the script area, type:
{X += c1; Y += c2; Z +=c3;}
To apply a script to This example shows the script syntax for using a property to create relief on a surface. In
create relief on a this example the property is P1.
surface 1 Create a dummy property for the surface and name it Zstored. (For information,
see"Creating an Object Property" on page 11-3.)
2 Select the surface in step 2 on page 11-28.
3 View the Properties list as described in step 4 on page 11-28 to make sure that both
the desired property P1 and the dummy property Zstored are there.
4 In the script area, type:
{Zstored=Z ; Z= P1 ;}
where P1 is the property you want to display as relief.
5 When you want the original surface back, select the surface and then type the
following in the script area:
{Z = Zstored ;}
To export a two- This example shows the script syntax for exporting a two-element property named
element property Proportions to an ASCII file.
1 Select the object you want to export in step 2 on page 11-28.
2 The print syntax is:
print> file_name val1, val2, . . .;
For this example, you would type:
print> "facies_proportions.txt" Proportions(0), Proportions(1);
• print> Overwrites the file, if it already exists
• print>> Appends to the end of existing file
• ASCII file is saved in the working directory
3 To create a file header, use the following command in the Initialize variables area:
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11-32 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
11.8.3 Applying a Script to Stratigraphic Grid Points
Important If the SGrid was created by using the Flow Simulation Grids Workflow, using
this command to edit the SGrid geometry breaks the link between the SGrid and the
workflow, removing the ability to use important functionality on the SGrid (for example,
property upscaling from a geologic grid).
The Apply Script to Points command works the same way as Apply Script on Object
(see "Applying a Property Script on an Object" on page 11-27), except it applies to only
the points of a stratigraphic grid and not to other object types or an entire stratigraphic
grid. This script is applicable to only the X,Y, and Z properties.
To apply a script to 1 Select the SGrid commands, click the Tools menu, and then click Apply Script to
stratigraphic grid Points to open the dialog box.
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To define facies with 1 Select the General commands on the menu bar, click the Compute menu, and then
the Facies Calculator click Facies Calculator.
Or, from a cross section view or log display view, do any of the following:
• Right-click an interval track in the active view or the name of the track in the
Task Pane, and then click Facies Calculator.
2 In the Object box, select the object on which you want to define a facies.
3 In the Region box, select the region where the operation will take place.
4 In the Classification box, select the rock material classification for the facies.
If no classification exists, click Create, and then complete step 2 through step 8 in
"Defining Classifications" on page 10-2.
5 In the Property box, type the name of the facies property being created.
11-34 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
6 In the Version of the criteria box, enter a unique identifier for the criteria used to
create the facies property.
If you have already created a definition of cutoffs for this classification, you can select
that version of the cutoffs values and their associated facies.
7 To define cutoffs on existing properties, click Add Property. A line appears in the
Property selector area.
8 Do the following to define the property cutoffs to use in defining the facies
a From the drop-down list box in the Property column, select the object property
you want to define. The minimum and maximum values appear in the Property
selector area.
b In the Cut offs box, type a value for each cutoff, separated by spaces, that fall
within the minimum and maximum levels, and then press ENTER. The values
appear in the calculation pane at the bottom of the dialog box.
c In the calculation pane, change the Logic operators for each cutoff value, as
The drop-down arrow for each Logic operator becomes available when the
cursor moves over it.
d In the calculation pane, change the Facies description for each cutoff value, as
The drop-down arrow for each Facies description becomes available when the
cursor moves over it.
You can define the facies individually at different levels of the logical graph. If
defined at the upper level, the definition applies to all levels. If needed, the
definitions at lower levels can be changed individually.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 11.9 Defining Facies with the Facies Calculator 11-35
e Repeat step a through step c for each property cutoff you are defining for the
9 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
The calculation pane displays the different cutoff ranges for each of the properties
(Figure 11–4). If two cutoffs were defined, three ranges are defined. For each of the
ranges, you must select the facies. If you have two properties and two cutoffs for each
property, the number of ranges will be 9.
11-36 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
11.10 Analyzing Data
You can analyze object properties with the Histogram, Crossplot 2D, and Crossplot 3D
For more information, see:
• "Histogram," page 11-37
• "Crossplot 2D," page 11-39
• "Crossplot 3D," page 11-40
11.10.1 Histogram
This window displays the statistics of a property of a specific object, not of the entire
property class. The histogram, CDF, and a suite a statistical measurements are shown.
In general, the number of samples used in the statistical analysis is equal to the number of
elements that compose the object. For example, for a Surface object, the number of
samples corresponds to the number of triangles that make up the surface.
To display property 1 Select the General commands, click the Compute menu, and then click Histogram
statistics to open the window.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 11.10 Analyzing Data 11-37
5 In the Upper diagram area, the population distribution of the selected property on the
selected object is displayed as a histogram. The number of bins and clip values are
specified in the panel below.
6 In the lower diagram area, the cumulative distribution of the selected property on the
selected object is displayed as a CDF. The number of bins and clip values are identical
to the histogram display.
7 The Statistics box automatically displays a series of statistical measurements of the
specified object property, such as minimum, maximum, and mean.
8 The Property characteristics box automatically displays the characteristics of the
object property, such as the no-data value, property class, and unit of measure.
9 Control the appearance of the histogram with the following:
a Use the Histogram attributes to control the display of the histogram diagram,
• Number of bins. How many "sticks" to divide the property range into
• Line color. The display color of the outline of each bin
• Fill color. The display color of the interior of each bin
b Use the Percentile attributes to control the display of the CDF diagrams,
• Color. The display color of the CDF function line
• Width. The width of the CDF function line
c Use the Normal curves attribute to specify whether normal curves are displayed
and to set the width of the curve.
d Use the Range attribute to set the minimum and maximum values displayed on
the axis.
e Use the Axis attribute to control the appearance of the axes, including:
• Color
• Label size
• Number of main tick marks
• Number of small tick marks
f Use the General attributes to control the appearances of the histogram and the
CDF diagram, including:
• Background color
• Whether or not to display the primary grid lines
• Whether to display the secondary grid lines. The primary grid lines must be
displayed for the secondary to be displayed.
• Number of main tick marks
• Number of small tick marks
11-38 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
11.10.2 Crossplot 2D
This window displays crossplots between two properties of an object (not the entire
property class). A third property can be added in color.
To display a 2D 1 Select the General commands, click the Compute menu, and then click Cross Plot
crossplot 2D to open the window.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 11.10 Analyzing Data 11-39
• Symbols
• Regression lines
• Background display color
• Colormap. Controls the color property (same attribute as for the colormap
section of the Attribute Manager)
11.10.3 Crossplot 3D
With a 3D crossplot you can plot three properties against each other. The result is a 3D
scattergram, which is also called a 3D cloud.
The 3D Crossplot is displayed in a 3D Viewer identical to the one in the GOCAD window
(without all the icons, though).
To create a reasonable display space, GOCAD automatically scales the 3D Viewer (after
you have selected the three properties) so that the display space is a cube. You can
change the scaling after the plot is created by changing the scaling factor along each axis.
11-40 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
To display a 3D 1 Select the General commands, click the Compute menu, and then click Cross Plot
crossplot 2D to open the window.
• Symbols
• Regression lines
• Background display color
• Colormap. Controls the color property (same attribute as for the colormap
section of the Attribute Manager)
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 11.10 Analyzing Data 11-41
11-42 Creating and Working with Object Properties GOCAD® 2009.1 User Guide
Creating and Editing Regions
In this chapter • "About Regions," page 12-2 • "Creating a Region from Fault
Blocks," page 12-26
• "Using the Region Editor to Create or
Edit a Region," page 12-3 • "Filtering a Region Automatically,"
page 12-27
• "Creating a Region," page 12-6
• "Filtering a Region Manually,"
• "Deleting a Region," page 12-7 page 12-28
• "Renaming a Region," page 12-8 • "Expanding a Region," page 12-29
• "Copying a Region," page 12-9 • "Shrinking a Region," page 12-30
• "Setting a Region as Active or • "Initializing a Region from Points,"
Inactive," page 12-10 page 12-31
• "Editing a Region," page 12-11 • "Computing Cell Connectivity from a
• "Initializing Regions," page 12-15 Seed Cell," page 12-32
Overview These topics include information about regions and the most commonly used methods to
create and work with them manually in Paradigm™ GOCAD ® 2009.
What is a region? A region in an object is a user-defined set of nodes in that object. A node can belong to
multiple regions. With regions you can perform operations on a specified portion of the
object instead on the entire object.
You can have as many regions in an object as you want, because each node can belong to
multiple regions.
You can also create dynamic regions to filter and categorize the points or cells of one or
more objects. Dynamic regions store one or more conditions that define the region
allowing you to update the region automatically when you add or edit data. For more
information, see "Using Dynamic Regions to Filter for Property and Spatial Conditions" on
page 10-3.
12.2 Using the Region Editor to Create or Edit
a Region
You can use the Region Editor (see Figure 12–1 on page 12-3) to create regions in
PointsSet, Curve, Surface, 2D-Grid, or Solid objects.
When you create a region on a surface, you should always select the Mesh attribute so
you can see the points (the vertices of the triangles) and the connectivities (the triangles).
Create Remove
Paintbrush Eraser
Region List
Expand Shrink
Object A pull-down list allowing you to select the target object either by name or with the
Paintbrush With the paintbrush tool, you can specify the center Node of the group of Nodes that you
want to add to the selected region.
Polygon With the polygon tool, you can digitize a Polygon that enclose a group of Nodes that you
want to add to the selected region.
Eraser With the eraser tool, you can specify the center Node of the group of Node that you want
to remove from the selected region.
Shrink With the shrink tool, you can reduce the size of the region by the specified number of
rings. For more information, see "Number of rings" on page 12-4.
Expand With the expand tool, you can increase the size of the region by the specified number of
rings. For more information, see "Number of rings" on page 12-4.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 12.2 Using the Region Editor to Create or Edit a Region 12-3
Yin-Yang With the yin-yang tool, you can create a complementary region; it adds the current non-
member Nodes to the region and remove the current member Nodes from the region.
Number of rings A numerical value, specifying the number of the Nodes to select in terms of the number
of rings of points connected to the center Node.
Intersect Intersects the selected region, with a second region. Only points that belong to the two
regions remain in the current region.
Substract Substracts the current region with another region. Only points that do not belong to the
second region remain in the current region.
Union Join the current region with another region. Points belonging to the second region will be
added to the current region.
With Select the second region with which operations of Union, Intersect and substraction will
be performed.
To create a new 1 Display the PointsSet, Curve, Surface, 2D-Grid, or Solid object in the 3D Viewer.
2 Click Mesh on the Attributes toolbar.
3 Select the PointsSet, Curve, Surface, 2D-Grid, or Solid commands, click Region,
and then click Region Editor. The Region Editor appears (see Figure 12–1 on
page 12-3).
4 In the Object box, select the object on which to create the region.
5 Click Create, and Region_1 appears in the Region List box. (To change the name of
the region, right-click the region name, and then click Rename to open the Rename
Region dialog box.)
6 To create the region, click the region name to select it. Two options can be use to
digitize the region.
7 To use the paintbrush tool, do the following:
a In the Number of rings box, specify the size of the region.
b Click Paintbrush.
c Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer and click the Node that is at the center of
the group of Nodes to be added to the highlighted region.
8 To use the polygon tool, do the following:
a Press Polygon.
b Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer and click the Nodes until the desired closed
polygon is created. Click the right mouse button to complete the digitization.
Click the middle mouse button to undo the last pointer selection.
The Nodes in the region are displayed as Tetras and Nodes outside of the region are
displayed as crosses.
12.2.3 Editing a Region with the Region Editor
To edit a region, click the region you want to edit. The selected region will be highlighted.
You can now edit the region.
For information, see these procedures:
To add another group 1 In the Number of rings box, change the current value.
of Nodes to the
2 Click Paintbrush.
selected region
3 Click the Node at the center of the added group.
To expand the 1 In the Number of rings box, change the current value.
selected region
2 Click Expand.
To reduce the selected 1 In the Number of rings box, change the current value.
2 Click Shrink.
To intersect the 1 In the With box, select the region to intersect with the selected region.
selected region with
2 Click Intersect.
another region
To substract the 1 In the With box, select the region to substract with the selected region.
selected region with
2 Click Substract.
another region
To join the selected 1 In the With box, select the region to join with the selected region
region with another
2 Click Union.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 12.2 Using the Region Editor to Create or Edit a Region 12-5
3 In the Object box, enter the object in which you want to create a new region.
4 In the Region box, type the name the new region. It must be a single word with no
special characters (underscore, "_", is allowed)
5 Click Fill to specify whether the region includes the entire object. If this check box is
selected. the new region will include the entire object. If this check box is cleared, the
new region will be an empty set.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
12.4 Deleting a Region
Use this command to remove an existing region from an object. It does not delete any
portion of the object.
4 In the Object box, enter the object from which you want to remove a region.
5 In the Region box, enter the name of the region you want to delete.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 12.4 Deleting a Region 12-7
To rename an existing 1 Select the General commands, click Region, and then click Rename to open the
region of an object dialog box.
2 In the Object box, enter the name of the object containing the region you want to
3 In the Region box, enter the name of the region you want to rename.
4 In the New name box, type the new name for the region.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
12.6 Copying a Region
Use this command to copy an existing region into a new or existing region.
To copy a region on 1 Select the General commands, click Region, and then click Copy to open the dialog
an object box.
2 In the Object box, enter the object containing the region to copy.
3 In the From box, enter the region to copy.
4 In the To box, enter the name of the region to copy the region characteristics.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 12.6 Copying a Region 12-9
4 In the Object box, enter the object containing the region you want to set as active.
5 In the Region box, select the region that you want to set as the active current region.
6 Click Active to set the current region active or inactive. If this check box is selected,
the current region is active. If this check box is cleared, the current region is inactive.
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
12.8 Editing a Region
For information about how to edit regions using commands on the menu bar.
• "Emptying a Region" on page 12-11
• "Filling a Region" on page 12-11
• "Replacing a Region with Its Complementary Set" on page 12-12
• "Intersecting One Region with Another" on page 12-12
• "Subtracting One Region from Another" on page 12-13
• "Joining One Region with Another" on page 12-14
You can also edit regions with the Region Editor. For information, see "Using the Region
Editor to Create or Edit a Region" on page 12-3.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 12.8 Editing a Region 12-11
3 Select the General commands, click Region, and then click Fill to open the dialog
To intersect two 1 Display the object in the 3D Viewer.
2 Select the region display in the Attribute Manager to make sure that you are
operating on the correct region.
3 Select the General commands, click Region, and then click Intersect to open the
dialog box.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 12.8 Editing a Region 12-13
12.9 Initializing Regions
You can modify an existing region (E in Figure 12–2) by redefining it as the sum of a
temporary region and the existing region, E = E || T; or as the intersection between the
two regions, E = E && T.
and, E = E && T
T or, E = E || T
To redefine the existing region as the sum of the two, use the or option. To redefine the
existing region as the intersection of the two, use the and option.
For information, see:
• "Property Range Region," page 12-16
• "From Geologic Features," page 12-17
• "Z Region," page 12-19
• "Inside Closed Polygons," page 12-20
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 12.9 Initializing Regions 12-15
4 In the Object box, enter the object containing the region you want to modify. The
Region and Property boxes automatically update to contain all the regions and
properties, respectively, of the selected object.
5 In the Region box, select the region you want to modify.
6 In the Property box, select the property you wish to use to define the range.
7 To define the property range, you have three options:
A range that is greater than a certain value: complete the following step a–step b.
A range that is smaller than a certain value: complete the following step c–step d.
A range that is between two values: complete the following step a–step d.
a Select or clear Use min to specify whether the temporary region is defined as
having Property values greater than the value specified in the Min box.
If this check box is selected, you must type the minimum value in the Min box.
b In the min box type the minimum property value to be included in the temporary
c Select or clear Use max to specify whether the temporary region is defined as
having property values less than the value specified in the Max box.
If this check box is selected, you must specify the maximum value in the Max
d In the Max box, type the maximum property value to be included in the
temporary region.
8 In the Operation type on selected region box, specify whether you want to add
the temporary region (defined by the property range in step 7) to the selected region,
or to intersect the selected region with the temporary region (defined by the property
range in step 7). The following two options exist:
a If you select or, the region that you selected in step 5 will be modified as its
original extent plus the temporary region that you defined in step 7.
b If you select and, the region that you selected in step 5 will be modified as the
intersection between its original extent and the temporary region that you
defined in step 7.
If you are modifying a region that you have just created, and if the region was created
with the fill check box cleared, select or in step a; if the region was created with the
fill check box selected, select and in step b.
9 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
This command does not handle multiple occurrences of a single feature (multiple-Z-value
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 12.9 Initializing Regions 12-17
3 Select the General commands, click Region, and then click From Geologic Feature
to open the dialog box.
4 In the Object box, enter the object containing the region you want to modify. The
Region box automatically updates to contain all the regions of the selected object.
5 To define the geologic features range, you have three options. You can define the
region as either:
• below a geologic feature (perform step a and step b),
If you are modifying a region that you have just created, and if the region was created
with the fill check box cleared, select or in step a; if the region was created with the
fill check box selected, select and in step b.
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Notes about geologic A geologic feature, by definition, is a geologic event that has been identified with a well
features marker along a well path. In GOCAD, you can also define geologic features from other
objects, such as surface, by giving the feature a name and assigning objects to the feature
(see "Defining and Working with Geologic Features" on page 8-1). When you assign a
surface to a geologic feature, if there are well markers with that feature name, the
surface also will be associated with those markers.
You must be aware that a Surface object alone is not a geologic feature until you define
the feature by giving it a name (which can be the same name as the name of the surface)
and assign the surface to that feature in the Set Geologic Information dialog box.
12.9.3 Z Region
This command allows you to modify the spatial extent of an existing region by adding
another region to it, or by intersecting it with another region.
It allows you to specify a region that is above or below a certain depth (Z), or between
two depths (see step 5 on page 12-20); then add it to, or intersect it with the selected
region that you want to modify (see step 6 on page 12-20).
4 In the Object box, enter the object containing the region you want to modify. The
Region box automatically updates to contain all the regions of the selected object.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 12.9 Initializing Regions 12-19
5 To define the depth range, you have three options. You can either define the region
• below a certain depth (perform step a and step b).
3 Select the General commands, click Region, and then click Inside Closed Polygon
to open the dialog box.
4 In the Object box, enter the object containing the region you want to modify. The
Region box automatically updates to contain all the regions of the selected object.
5 In the Curve polygon box, enter the name of the Curve to use
6 In the Operation type on selected region box, select either or or and.
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 12.9 Initializing Regions 12-21
To remove region 1 Select the 2D-Grid commands, click the Region menu, point to Filter, and then click
blobs Automatically to open the dialog box.
• nodes. Two cells are considered connected as long as they share a cell corner
point (node).
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
12.10.2 Filtering a 2D-Grid Region Manually
Use this command to manually remove region blobs.
To filter a region 1 Display the 2D-Grid in the 3D Viewer, and then use the Attribute Manager to
manually display regions and make sure that you are selecting the right region.
2 Select the 2D-Grid commands, click the Region menu, point to Filter, and then click
Manually to open the dialog box.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 12.10 Filtering a Region of a 2D-Grid 12-23
To expand a 2D-Grid 1 Display the 2D-Grid in the 3D Viewer, and then use the Attribute Manager to
region display regions and make sure that you are selecting the right region.
2 Select the 2D-Grid commands, click the Region menu, and then click Expand to
open the dialog box.
12.12 Shrinking a Region
This command shrinks an existing region.
To shrink a 2D-Grid 1 Display the 2D-Grid in the 3D Viewer, and then use the Attribute Manager to
region display regions and make sure that you are selecting the right region.
2 Select the 2D-Grid commands, click the Region menu, and then click Shrink to open
the dialog box.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 12.12 Shrinking a Region 12-25
To create a 2D-Grid 1 Select the 2D-Grid commands, click the Region menu, and then click From Fault
region from a fault Block to open the dialog box.
12.14 Filtering a Region Automatically
You can remove regions blobs which have less than a certain number of cells. Regions
bodies are defined the same way as in the previous command.
Filtering a Voxet 1 Select the Voxet commands, click the Region menu, point to Filter, and then click
region automatically Automatically to open the dialog box.
2 In the Grid Object box, enter the name of the grid object.
3 In the Region name box, select the region containing the blobs you want to remove.
4 In the Nbcels box, type the minimum number of cells a blob must have to be kept
inside the region.
5 The Connectivity box is a pull-down list containing the three possible definitions for
grid cell connectivity, or how you consider two cells are connected (belong to the
same blob).
• faces: Two cells connected only if they share a common cell face.
• edges: Two cells considered connected if they share an edge (grid line).
• nodes: Two cells are considered connected as long as they share a cell corner
point (node).
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 12.14 Filtering a Region Automatically 12-27
3 In the Grid Object box, enter the name of the grid object.
4 In the Region name box, select the region containing the parts you want to remove.
5 The Connectivity box is a pull-down list containing the three possible definitions for
grid cell connectivity, or how you consider two cells are connected (belong to the
same blob).
• faces: Two cells connected only if they share a common cell face.
• edges: Two cells considered connected if they share an edge (grid line).
• nodes: Two cells are considered connected as long as they share a cell corner
point (node).
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
12.16 Expanding a Region
You can expand an existing region.
To expand a Voxet 1 Display the grid object in the 3D Viewer. Use the Attribute Manager to display
region regions and make sure that you are selecting the right region.
2 Select the Voxet commands, click the Region menu, and then click Expand to open
the dialog box.
3 In the Grid Object box, enter the name of the grid object.
4 In the Region name box, select the region you want to expand.
5 In the Nb rings box, type the number of points to select in terms of the number of
rings of points connected to the center point.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open. The region expands by the specified
number of rings.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 12.16 Expanding a Region 12-29
To shrink a Voxet 1 Display the grid object in the 3D Viewer. Use the Attribute Manager to display
region regions and make sure that you are selecting the right region.
2 Select the Voxet commands, click the Region menu, and then click Shrink to open
the dialog box.
3 In the Grid Object box, enter the name of the grid object.
4 In the Region name box, select the region you want to expand.
5 In the Nb rings box, type the number of points to select in terms of the number of
rings of points connected to the center point.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open. The region is reduced by the
specified number of rings.
12.18 Initializing a Region from Points
You can initialize an existing region from the points of a selected object.
3 In the Voxet box, enter the Voxet containing the region you want to initialize.
4 In the Region name box, enter the name of the region to initialize.
5 In the AtomsSet points box, enter the name of the object whose points will be used
to initialize the region.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 12.18 Initializing a Region from Points 12-31
To compute cell 1 Display the grid object in the 3D Viewer. Use the Attribute Manager to display cut
connectivity in a lines and sections.
Voxet region from a 2 Select the Voxet commands, click the Region menu, and then click From Seed to
seed cell open the dialog box.
12.20 Initializing an SGrid Region from a
To initialize a region 1 Select the SGrid commands, click Region, and then click From Points to open the
from a PointsSet dialog box.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 12.20 Initializing an SGrid Region from a PointsSet 12-33
12.22 Initializing an SGrid Region from a
You can modify a region from a surface.
The selected surface cuts the SGrid into two portions (one that includes the origin and
one that does not). The user can select one of the two portions to add to the existing
region, or to replace the existing region.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 12.22 Initializing an SGrid Region from a Surface 12-35
9 Select or clear the only intersected cells check box to specify whether the region
will contain only intersected cells.
If the check box is selected the region contains only intersected cells.
10 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Overview You can interpolate the geometry of the following object types in Paradigm™
GOCAD® 2009: Surface, Curve, Solid, Channel, and 2D-Grid. The goal of interpolation is
to reduce the relief of an object; that is, to minimize the curvature between nodes. There
must be connectivity between nodes for an interpolation to work. Therefore, you cannot
interpolate a PointSet object. Because there is no connectivity between the nodes in a
PointSet object, nothing will happen if you try to interpolate it.
One way GOCAD minimizes curvature during an interpolation is to reduce the distance
between nodes. To keep objects from being reduced to minimal size, you must set
constraints as described in this chapter.
Note You can also interpolate object properties. See "Interpolating Object Properties" on
page 14-1.
If you run DSI to interpolate a property with no constraints or property control nodes, DSI
will try to move the property values toward the mean until the property becomes a
If you set some constraints on the object, DSI will try to modify the object to fit the
constraints and achieve the original goal of reducing the relief of the geometry or
property. Therefore, you must remember to set additional constraints or control nodes to
maintain the geometry or property values in the area of the object that you do not want
to be modified.
During an interpolation, DSI could move every single node that is not a control node to fit
the constraints and its original goal.
DSI honors all active constraints and control nodes. Therefore, we recommend that you
display all the constraints and control nodes before running DSI.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.1 Basic Interpolation Concepts 13-3
Constraint and Constraints do not change the geometry or property values of an object; interpolation
interpolation does. When you set a constraint, nothing will happen until you actually run DSI. For more
information, see "About the DSI Interpolator" on page 13-2.
Once you set a constraint on an object, it will affect every DSI operation on that object
until you deactivate or delete the constraint. You may have multiple sets of active
constraints set on an object. They will all affect the DSI results.
Multiple constraints If you have multiple sets of constraints set on an object, DSI will try to honor all of the
active ones. If you have conflicting constraints, you could end up with an "ugly" object.
Therefore, it is always a good practice to select all the constraint attributes so you can see
what constraints you have set.
Direction constraints (see "Geometry constraints" on page 13-5) override the shoot
directions that you may have specified in other constraints.
Property constraints When you set a property constraint, the constraint covers every property of both the
controller and the constrained surface. You cannot single out one specific property to be
If there are properties on the constrained surface that you do not want to be wiped out by
the same properties on the controller, change their names, so the controller does not have
properties of the same names. You can change the names back after the property
interpolation is complete. For more informatin, see "Copying, Deleting, and Renaming an
Object Property" on page 11-5.
dir_shoot Most of the time, this set of options is used to specify a two-way line rather than a one-
way vector, which means that (x, y, z) has the same effect as (-x, -y, -z). GOCAD will shoot
in both directions to find impact points. This is similar to the two-way constraint, except
you are not limited to shoot along the z direction.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-5
Shooting points
Impact points
Shoot lines Sometimes shoot lines are also called constraint lines . The term is loosely used to describe
the direction in which constraints are applied. If you have displayed the proper attributes,
when a constraint is set, the shoot line is shown as a long tail extending between the
constrained surface and the controller.
• Shoot lines and direction constraints. Direction constraints do not involve a
controller; therefore, the constraint lines only show up near the constrained surface.
The shoot line depicts the path of movement of nodes or the direction of projection
of values during an interpolation.
• Shoot lines and geometry constraints. When you carry out a geometry
interpolation with the constraints, GOCAD moves the constrained surface along the
shoot lines to fit the controller.
• Shoot lines and property constraints. When you carry out a property interpolation
or initialization command, GOCAD will project, along the shoot lines, the property
values from the controller onto the constrained surface.
Shooting point In some destination constraints, GOCAD shoots from the nodes of the controller along
the dir_shoot to set the constraints. In others, GOCAD shoots from the nodes of the
constrained surface to set the constraints. Therefore, the shoot lines could originate from
the constrained surface or from the controller surface, depending on the type of
constraint. You cannot change this behavior.
For the following types of constraints, shooting points are on the controller:
• Control points (see"Setting Control Points on a Surface" on page 13-17)
• Properties control points (see "Setting Properties Control Points on a Surface" on
page 14-2)
• Control curves (see"Setting Control Curves on a Surface" on page 13-18)
For other types of constraints, shooting points are on the constrainee:
• Thickness constraints (see "Setting a Thickness Constraint on a Surface" on
page 13-28)
• Range thickness constraints (see "Setting a Range Thickness Constraint on a Surface"
on page 13-32)
Impact point Impact points are where the shoot lines intersect the controller or the constrainee,
depending whether the shooting was conducted from the constrainee or the controller.
For more information, see "Shooting point" on page 13-6.
Not every shooting point can find an impact point, unless it is a fixed impact point. A
constraint shoot line is set only when an impact point is found (see Figure 13–1 on
page 13-6).
Once a shoot line is set, you can change the impact point (and, consequently, the
constraint line) using some of the editing commands in the Constraints menu.
Shoot control point Shoot control points (sometimes called shoot control nodes) are similar in concept to
control points (those points whose positions do not change during an interpolation
Unlike control points, which are always fixed, shoot control points are constraint-
dependent. A point can be a shooting point in multiple sets of constraints, each of which
has different shooting direction; the point can be a shoot control point in some sets of
constraints but not in others.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-7
For information about how to set or unset control nodes on a surface or curve, see:
• "Setting a Control Node on a Curve or Surface," page 13-8
• "Setting Control Nodes Everywhere on a Curve or Surface," page 13-8
• "Setting a Control Node on a Curve or Surface Part," page 13-9
• "Setting a Control Node in a Curve or Surface Region," page 13-9
• "Setting Control Nodes on a Surface Border," page 13-10
• "Setting a Control Node on All Surface Borders," page 13-10
• "Setting Control Nodes on a Surface from Control Point Constraints," page 13-11
• "Unsetting a Control Node on a Curve or Surface," page 13-12
• "Unsetting All Control Nodes on a Curve or Surface," page 13-12
• "Unsetting a Control Node on a Curve or Surface Part," page 13-13
• "Unsetting a Control Node in a Curve or Surface Region," page 13-13
• "Unsetting a Control Node on a Surface Border," page 13-14
• "Unsetting a Control Node on All Surface Borders," page 13-14
3 Select the Curve commands or the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu,
point to Control Nodes, and then, under Set, click Everywhere to open the dialog
4 In the AtomsSet box, enter the name of the object on which every node will be set
as a control node.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Every node on the object will be replaced by a control node symbol.
Note When you carry out this command successfully, GOCAD automatically displays control nodes.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-9
3 Select the Curve commands or the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu,
point to Control Nodes, and then, under Set, click In Region to open the dialog
3 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Control Nodes,
and then, under Set, click On All Borders to open the dialog box.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-11
3 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Control Nodes,
and then, under Set, click From Control Points to open the dialog box.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting Preferences" on page 1-48.
3 Select the Curve commands or the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu,
point to Control Nodes, and then, under Unset, click Everywhere to open the
dialog box.
4 In the AtomSet box, enter the name of the object that carries the control nodes to
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
All control node symbols disappear from the curve or surface.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-13
3 Select the Curve commands or the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu,
point to Control Nodes, and then, under Unset, click In Region to open the dialog
3 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Control Nodes,
and then, under Unset, click On All Borders to open the dialog box.
4 In the Surface box, enter the surface containing the control nodes you want to
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
All the control node symbols disappear from each border.
This constraint has no effect on the curve until you carry out a Fit Geometry on Entire
Curve command or Fit Geometry in Region command from the Interpolation menu.
When you do carry out a Fit Geometry on Entire Curve command or Fit Geometry in
Region command, GOCAD will modify the curve to fit the locations of the points in the
controller through a series of interpolations. See "Fitting Geometry on an Entire Curve or
Surface" on page 13-52 and "Fitting Geometry in a Region" on page 13-56.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-15
To constrain a curve 1 Select the Curve commands, click the Constraints menu, and then click Set Control
to fit a set of points Points to open the dialog box.
2 In the Curve box, enter the name of the curve to control and deform.
3 In the AtomsSet control points box, enter the PointsSet that will control the shape
of the line.
4 If you want to be able to deactivate constraints, click Advanced to expand the dialog
a If you want to deactivate the constraint if the control points are further than a
specified maximum distance, select the Range dependant activation check
b In the Maximum distance box, type a number specifying the distance at which
the control point will not be valid. The constraint is deactivated if the distance is
greater than the value entered.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Figure 13–4 Control
point constraints on a
This constraint has no effect on the surface until you carry out a Fit Geometry on Entire
Surface command or Fit Geometry in Region command (Interpolation menu).
When you do carry out a Fit Geometry on Entire Surface command or Fit Geometry in
Region command, GOCAD modifies the surface to fit the locations of the points in the
controller through a series of interpolations. See:
• "Fitting Geometry on an Entire Surface" on page 13-53
• "Fitting Geometry in a Region" on page 13-56
• "Setting Control Curves on a Surface" on page 13-18
For information about how to set control points and control curves on a surface, see:
• "Setting Control Points on a Surface," page 13-17
• "Setting Control Curves on a Surface" on page 13-18
To set control points 1 Display the surface and the object in the 3D Viewer.
on a surface
2 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Control Points,
and then click Set Control Points to open the dialog box.
3 In the Surface box, enter the surface that you want to set the constraints on.
4 In the AtomsSet control points box, select the object that you want to be the
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-17
5 If you want to control the shooting direction, click Advanced, and then do one of
the following:
• To optimize the shooting directions to better control the nearest triangles, select
the Optimize shooting direction check box.
• To specify the shooting direction, in the dir_shoot XYZ boxes, type the X, Y, and
Z coordinates of the direction along which you want GOCAD to pull the surface
to fit the controller (see "dir_shoot" on page 13-5 and Figure 13–1 on
page 13-6).
Note You can change the shoot direction later, using an editing command in the
Constraints menu.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
A set of points appears with tails extending from the controller object to the target
surface. The points are the ultimate goal for the surface to fit (they show the position of
the nodes in the controller). The tails show which part of the surface will be pulled, and in
which direction, to fit the goal.
You can now either carry out a Fit Geometry on Entire Surface command or Fit
Geometry in Region command to move the surface, or you can use one of the editing
commands in the Constraints menu to edit the shoot direction.
This constraint has no effect on the surface until you carry out an interpolation command.
This constraint has no effect on the surface until you carry out a Fit Geometry on Entire
Surface command or Fit Geometry in Region command in the Interpolation menu.
When you do carry out a command to fit geometry on an entire surface or fit geometry in
a region, GOCAD will pull the surface to fit the locations of the curve through a series of
Despite the similarities between this command and the Set Control Points command,
two differences exist:
• There is connectivity among the nodes in a curve; therefore, there is connectivity
among the constraints.
• Theoretically, this command also honors the segments, but, currently, it does not.
To set control curves 1 Display the surface and the curve that will control its shape in the 3D Viewer.
on a surface
2 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Control Points,
and then click Set Control Curves to open the dialog box.
3 In the Surface box, enter the surface that you want to set the constraints on.
4 In the Curve box, select the curve that you want to be the controller.
5 If you want to control the shooting direction, click Advanced, and then do one of
the following:
• To optimize the shooting directions to better control the nearest triangles, select
the Optimize shooting direction check box.
• To specify the shooting direction, in the dir_shoot XYZ boxes, type the X, Y, and
Z coordinates of the direction along which you want GOCAD to pull the surface
to fit the controller (see "dir_shoot" on page 13-5 and Figure 13–1 on
page 13-6).
Note You can change the shoot direction later, using an editing command in the
Constraints menu.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-19
A set of points appears with tails extending from the controller curve to the target
surface. You can now either carry out a command to fit geometry on an entire surface or
fit geometry in a region to move the surface, or you can use one of the editing commands
in the Constraints menu to edit the shoot direction.
This constraint has no effect on the surface until you carry out an interpolation command.
Setting All Surface Borders on a Straight Line
Use the Set All Borders on a Straight Line command to constrain all the borders of a
surface to move on a straight line. For details about this type of constraint, see "Setting
One Surface Border on a Straight Line" on page 13-20.
4 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the surface border whose
movement direction you want to constrain to be along the z-direction.
You will see a polygon extending in two directions (positive or negative z) from the
selected border. The points make up the selected border. The polygon shows the surface
on which the points will be allowed to move.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-21
This constraint has no effect on the surface until you carry out a Fit Geometry on Entire
Surface or Fit Geometry on Region command in the Interpolation menu. (See "Fitting
Geometry on an Entire Surface" on page 13-53 or "Fitting Geometry in a Region" on
page 13-56.)
When you fit geometry on an entire surface or fit geometry in a region, GOCAD uses a
series of interpolations to pull the selected border of the target surface to fit the
controller surface.
To set a border on a 1 Display the target surface and a controller surface in the 3D Viewer. Their geometry
surface must be suitable for this constraint (see Figure 13–7 on page 13-22).
2 Use the Attribute Manager to display the control nodes and borders (in the Graphic
category) and the surface constraints (in the Constraints category). For more
information, see "About Constraints" on page 13-2.
3 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Constraints on
Border, and then click Set on Surface to open the dialog box.
4 In the Surface controller box, enter the surface that you want to be the controller
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
6 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the border that you want to
move onto the controller surface.
If the selected border can be "stretched" onto the controller surface, you will see:
• A set of points with small bars on the selected border. The points are those of the
target surface that may be moved onto the controller. The small bar on a point shows
the shooting direction along which GOCAD tries to find an impact point on the
controller for this point to move to.
• Some of the points have tails extending all the way to the controller surface. These
are the border points that are within "reasonable" distance to the controller. The tails
show the direction in which the points will be pulled onto the controller during a DSI
run. Those without such long tails do not have a clear destination; some of them may
"tag along" during the interpolation while some of them may not move at all.
You can now either carry out a command to fit geometry on an entire surface or fit
geometry in a region to move the surface, or you can use one of the editing commands in
the Constraints menu to edit the shoot direction. (See "Fitting Geometry on an Entire
Surface" on page 13-53 or "Fitting Geometry in a Region" on page 13-56.)
This constraint has no effect on the surface until you carry out an interpolation command.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-23
Border on Curve
To constrain a border 1 Display the surface on which you want to set the control nodes in the 3D Viewer.
to fit a given curve
2 On the Attributes toolbar, click the Borders button to display borders of the surface
so you can select the correct border.
3 On the Surface menu bar, click the Constraints menu, point to Constraints on
Border, and then click Set on Curve to open the dialog box.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
4 In the Curve controller box, enter the curve that you want to control the surface
5 In the Maximum activation distance box, type a positive number that determines
the distance of action of the curve on the surface border. All the nodes of the
selected surface borders located within this distance from the curve will be set as
Border on Curve constraints.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Figure 13–9 Fuzzy
vectorial link constraints
along fault cuts FVL
Must often, this constraint is installed, inactive, during the cut operation. When the
surface is deformed by other constrained the FVL tag along, being inactive. Then you can
make them active and set displacement information. The cut procedure inserts the
constraint automatically. Although inactive, it is possible to use the Vectorial Link
constraints (in conjunction with the On TSurf constraint) to compute fault displacement.
To do this, you use the Compute Fault Displacement command on the Compute menu.
To constrain a border 1 Display the surface and borders. Ensure that each border is well defined through
to stay at a certain proper border extremities.
distance from 2 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Constraints on
another border Border, and then click Set Veclink to open the dialog box.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 In the Nb links box, type the number of segments along the border. The number
must be approximately equal to the number of triangle edges along the border, so
that every point along the border is well constrained.
4 If you want to insert a property vectorial link constraint between the two borders also
(see "Setting a Properties VecLink on Surface Borders" on page 14-15), select the
Continuous properties check box.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
6 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, click one surface border, and then click the
other surface border. The constraint treats each border symmetrically; therefore, the
order of the clicks is not important.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-25
To constrain a border 1 Display the target surface and the controller surface in the 3D Viewer.
extremity of the
2 On the Attributes toolbar, click the Borders button, Border Extremities button,
constrained surface and the Control Nodes button so you can select the correct border extremity for
to lie on a border of a both surfaces.
controller surface
3 If you cannot see the border extremity you want, turn off the control point display for
a moment. If the border extremity you want is masked by the control point symbol, it
is a control point. It will not move during a DSI even if you set the current constraint
on it.
4 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, and then click Set
Border Extremity on Border.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
5 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer where the target surface and the controller are
visible, click the border extremity of the target surface, and then click the controller
border of the controller surface.
A point appears on the target surface with a tail extending onto the controller border. The
point is the border extremity that will be moved onto the controller border. The tail shows
the direction in which the border extremity will be moved during the DSI interpolation.
Remember that a control node will not move during a DSI.
You can now either carry out a command to fit geometry on an entire surface or fit
geometry in a region to move the surface, or you can use one of the editing commands in
the Constraints menu to edit the shoot direction. (See "Fitting Geometry on an Entire
Surface" on page 13-53 or "Fitting Geometry in a Region" on page 13-56.)
This constraint has no effect on the surface until you carry out an interpolation command.
DSI with this as the only set of constraints, you will eventually get a flat surface, which
can be done a lot faster by applying a script on the object (see "Applying a Property Script
on an Object" on page 11-27).
1 Ensure that you have some other form of constraints to provide control over the
shape of the surface.
2 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to On Straight
Line, and then click Set Everywhere to open the Set Surface Nodes on Straight
Lines Constraints dialog box.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 In the Surface box, select the name of one or more surfaces whose movement you
want to constrain to the positive and negative z directions.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open..
A set of points appears with tails extending in two directions (positive and negative z)
from the selected surface. The points are those of the target surface. The tails show the
directions in which the points will be moved during DSI interpolation.
4 In the Surface box, select the name of the surface whose movement you want to
constrain in the direction of the property.
5 In the Property 3D box, select the vector property that you are going to use to set
the direction of the OSL constraints on the surface.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-27
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
7 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the constraints whose direction
you want to change.
Current Error
Once a top or bottom surface is created, this command makes it very easy to create a
layer with a predetermined thickness. The thickness can be either a constant (same
thickness everywhere) or a property on the surface (different thicknesses at different
To set a thickness 1 Display a controller surface and the surface to be modified in the 3D Viewer. If you
constraint on a target have thickness information stored in the surface as a property, you can use that
surface property instead of a constant to constrain the thickness.
2 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, and then click Set
Thickness Constraint to open the dialog box.
3 In the Surface box, select the name of the surface that you want to constrain to lie at
a given distance from the controller.
4 In the Surface target controller box, enter the name of the controller surface.
5 Select or clear the Constant thickness check box to specify whether to use a
constant thickness or a varying thickness with a value determined by a property on
the controller surface.
a If the check box is selected, you must type a value in the Thickness value box.
Type the position of the controller surface compared to that of the target surface.
Whether the value is positive or negative determines the final position of the
constrained surface (see Figure 13–10 on page 13-30).
Specify the Thickness value by subtracting the desired position from the
controller position, measured along the dir_shoot (see Figure 13–10 on
page 13-30).
b If the check box is cleared, in the Thickness property box, enter the name of the
surface controller property containing the thickness information. Whether the
value associated with this property is positive or negative determines the final
position of the constrained surface (see Figure 13–10 on page 13-30).
6 If you want to control shooting direction, click Advanced, and then do one of the
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-29
• To optimize the shooting directions to better control the nearest triangles, select
the Optimize shooting direction check box.
• To specify the shooting direction, in the dir_shoot XYZ boxes, enter the X, Y,
and Z coordinates of the thickness direction. See Figure 13–10 on page 13-30 for
the relationship among the dir_shoot, thickness, and the desired position of the
constrained surface.
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
The following are visible:
• A set of points is visible on the constrained surface. These are the nodes of the
constrained surface. Their positions may be changed when you run an interpolation.
• Some points have tails extending to the controller surface. The tails show the
direction in which those nodes will be moved during a DSI interpolation. Nodes
without tails do not have a clear destination; some of them may "tag along" during
the interpolation, while some of them may not move at all.
Figure 13–10 Relationship between dir_shoot, thickness, and the relative position between the controller and the desired
surface position
thickness = positive thickness = negative
i re
i re
i re
l le
In the diagrams on the left, the desired position is further along dir_shoot compared to
the controller; therefore, the thickness needs to be a positive number. In the diagrams on
the right, the controller is further along the dir_shoot; therefore, thickness is a positive
number. You can adjust the signs of the thickness and the dir_shoot to give the proper
constraint. If you are using a property as the thickness control, you can still adjust the
dir_shoot to ensure the constrained surface will show up on the correct side of the
controller after DSI.
It may be easier to think of the dir_shoot as the "up" direction: if the controller is
"above" the desired position, the thickness is positive; if the controller is "below" the
desired position, the thickness is negative.
The specified thickness can be a constant or a property carried by the curve. This is
different from the Set Thickness Constraint command for a surface (see "Setting a
Thickness Constraint on a Surface" on page 13-28), where the thickness property is
carried by the controller.
Once you have set the constraint, you can modify the shoot_dir to change the thickness
direction from uniform to least-distance (see "Optimizing Shooting Directions" on
page 13-39).
To constrain a curve You must have a curve and a surface that at least partially overlap in the direction you are
to be at a fixed setting the constraint. If you are using property thickness instead of constant thickness,
distance from the the property must be carried by the curve.
specified surface 1 Display the curve and the surface in the 3D Viewer.
2 Select the Curve commands, click the Constraints menu, and then click Set
Thickness Constraint to open the dialog box.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 In the Curve box, enter the name of the curve you want to constrain.
4 In the Surface target box, enter the name of the surface you want to be the
5 Do one of the following:
• To specify that the thickness used in this constraint will be a constant everywhere,
select the Constant thickness check box, and then enter the constant thickness
value in the Thickness value box. If you want the curve to lie on the surface,
type 0 (zero).
• To use a property carried by the curve to specify the thickness constraint, clear
the Constant thickness check box, and then, in the thickness property box,
select the name of the property on the curve that carries the thickness value at
each point.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-31
6 If you do not want the thickness to be measured in the z direction, click Advanced,
and then do one of the following:
• If you want to change the thickness direction from uniform to least-distance (see
"Optimizing Shooting Directions" on page 13-39), select the Optimize
shooting direction check box.
• If you want to specify the shooting direction, in the dir_shoot XYZ boxes, enter
the direction along which you want the thickness to be measured. The default (0,
0, 1) means the thickness will be measured in the z direction.
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Constraint Range
You can constrain the target surface to remain within a range of distances from the
controller. At each constraint point, a maximum thickness and a minimum thickness are
specified. When DSI is run:
• If the distance between the constrained surface and the controller surface is greater
than the maximum thickness specified at that point (using the absolute value), the
constrained surface will be pulled closer to the controller surface to make the
thickness less than the maximum thickness at that point.
• If the distance between the constrained surface and the controller surface is less than
the minimum thickness specified at that point (use the absolute value at this point),
the constrained surface will be pulled away from the controller surface to make the
distance greater than the minimum thickness at that point.
• If the distance between the constrained surface and the controller surface is within
the specified range (less than the maximum and greater than the minimum), the
position of the constrained surface at that point can still be modified to achieve
• The negative or positive sign of the thickness value and the dir_shoot are at last
combined to specify which side of the controller this adjusted surface should be on
(see Figure 13–10 on page 13-30). The constrained nodes of the surface will then be
moved, along the shooting direction, to the desired side.
Although you can manipulate the sign of the thickness values and the dir_shoot to
move the constrained surface from one side of the controller surface to the other (see
Figure 13–10 on page 13-30), you will get a much more predictable result if the
original and desired positions of the constrained surface are on the same side of the
controller surface.
The maximum and minimum thickness can be either constant (the same range
everywhere), or they can be defined by two properties on the controller surface
(different ranges at different points).
To set a range 1 Display a controller surface and a target surface in the 3D Viewer.
thickness constraint
If thickness information is stored in the surface as a property, you can use that
on a target surface property instead of a constant as the maximum or minimum thickness.
2 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, and then click Set
Range Thickness Constraint to open the dialog box.
3 In the Surface box, enter the name of the surface that you want to constrain to lie at
a given distance from the controller.
4 In the Surface target controller box, select the name of the controller surface.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-33
5 Select or clear the Constant minimum thickness check box to specify whether to
use a constant minimum thickness or a varying minimum thickness with a value
determined by a property on the controller surface.
a If the check box is selected, you must type a value in the Minimum thickness
value box. Whether the value is positive or negative determines the final position
of the constrained surface (see Figure 13–10 on page 13-30).
Specify the Minimum thickness value by subtracting the desired position from
the Controller position, measured along the dir_shoot (see Figure 13–10 on
page 13-30).
b If the check box is cleared, in the Minimum thickness property box, enter the
name of the surface controller property containing the minimum thickness
information. Whether the value associated with this property is positive or
negative determines the final position of the constrained surface (see
Figure 13–10 on page 13-30).
6 Select or clear the Constant maximum thickness check box to specify whether to
use a constant maximum thickness or a varying maximum thickness with a value
determined by a property on the controller surface.
a If the check box is selected, you must type a value in the Maximum thickness
value box. Whether the value is positive or negative determines the final position
of the constrained surface (see Figure 13–10 on page 13-30).
b If the check box is cleared, in the Maximum thickness property box, enter the
name of the surface controller property containing the minimum thickness
information. Whether the value associated with this property is positive or
negative determines the final position of the constrained surface (see
Figure 13–10 on page 13-30).
Note The default property name is max, but you can change it to whatever the real
property name is.
7 If you want to control the shooting direction, click Advanced, and then do one of
the following:
• To optimize the shooting direction to better control the nearest triangles, select
the Optimize shooting direction check box.
• To specify the shooting direction, in the dir_shoot XYZ boxes, enter the X, Y,
and Z coordinates of the thickness direction. See Figure 13–10 on page 13-30 for
the relationship among the dir_shoot, thickness, and the desired position of the
constrained surface.
8 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
The following are visible:
• A set of points is visible on the constrained surface. These are the nodes of the
constrained surface. Their positions may be changed when you run an interpolation.
• Some of the points have tails extending to the controller surface. The tails show the
direction in which those nodes will be moved during a DSI interpolation. Nodes
without tails do not have a clear destination; some of them may "tag along" during
the interpolation, while some of them may not move at all.
To delete an existing 1 Display the curve or surface whose constraints you want to delete in the 3D Viewer.
set of constraints
2 Use the Attribute Manager to display the set of constraints you want to
delete. Turn off the display of the other sets of constraints so that you do not make a
mistake in picking.
3 Select the Surface commands or the Curve menu bar, click the Constraints menu,
and then click Delete One Constraint.
4 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the constraints that you want to
The selected constraints disappear from the 3D Viewer.
To delete all 1 Select the Surface commands or the Curve commands, click the Constraints menu,
constraints or all of a and then click Delete All or Selected Type to open the dialog box.
selected type
2 In the AtomsSet box, enter the curve or surface whose constraints you want to
3 In the Constraints type box, select the type of the constraints that you want to
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-35
You can use another command, Set Activation Distance, to specify that a constraint will
be active during an interpolation only if the target and controller objects are within a
certain distance of each other. Types of constraints that take this distance into account are
those that link two objects together, such as border on surface, border stone on border,
border on curve, and fuzzy control points.
For information, see:
• "To activate a currently inactive set of constraints," page 13-36
• "To activate all inactive constraints or all of a certain type," page 13-36
• "To set a constraint activation distance," page 13-37
To activate a currently 1 Display the constraints that you want to activate in the 3D Viewer. Turn off the
inactive set of display of the other sets of constraints so that you do not make a mistake in picking.
constraints 2 Select the Curve commands, click the Constraints menu, and then click Activate
– or –
Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Activate, and
then click One.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the constraints that you want to
To activate all inactive 1 Select the Curve commands, click the Constraints menu, and then click Activate
constraints or all of a All to open the dialog box.
certain type – or –
Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Activate, and
then click All to open the dialog box.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
2 In the AtomsSet box, enter the name of the curve or surface whose constraints you
want to activate.
3 In the Constraints type box, select the type of the constraints that you want to
activate—all, border on cylinder, border on straight line, border on surface, border
stone on border, control points, property control points, or fuzzy vectorial link.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To set a constraint 1 Display the target and controller objects in the 3D Viewer to determine the activation
activation distance distance. Then you can turn off the display of the target object and keep only the
object carrying the constraint (the controller).
2 On the controller object, display the constraints for which you want to set an
activation distance. Turn off the display of the other sets of constraints so that you do
not make a mistake in picking.
3 Select the Curve commands, click the Constraints menu, and then click Set
Activation Distance to open the dialog box.
– or –
Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Activate, and
then click Set Activation Distance to open the dialog box.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting Preferences" on page 1-48.
4 In the Activation distance box, type a value indicating the length of the vector
representing the constraint, computed along the shooting direction. The constraint
will be deactivated if the distance between the controller and the target is greater
than the given distance.
5 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the constraints you want to
apply the activation distance to.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-37
Control node symbols remain on nodes for which the length of the constraint is greater
than the activation distance, but the link between the objects disappears.
Note If results are unexpected, check whether the command has been properly applied by looking
in the Session History pane. If the message, "nothing was picked," is displayed, you did not click a
valid constraint. Otherwise, try adjusting the activation distance.
To deactivate a 1 Display the constraints that you want to deactivate in the 3D Viewer. Turn off the
currently active set of display of the other sets of constraints so that you do not make a mistake in picking.
constraints 2 Select the Curve commands, click the Constraints menu, and then click Deactivate
– or –
Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Deactivate, and
then click One.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the constraints that you want to
To deactivate all 1 Select the Curve commands, click the Constraints menu, and then click Deactivate
active constraints or All.
all of a certain type – or –
Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Deactivate, and
then click All.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
2 In the Surface box, enter the name of surface whose constraints will be deactivated.
3 In the Constraints type box, select the constraint type you want to be deactivate—
all, border on cylinder, border on straight line, border on surface, border stone on
border, control points, property control points, or fuzzy vectorial link.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
To change the 1 Display the constraints that you want to change in the 3D Viewer. Turn off the display
dir_shoot of an of the other sets of constraints so that you do not make a mistake in picking.
existing set of 2 Select the Surface commands or the Curve commands, click the Constraints menu,
constraints point to Shooting Direction, and then click Initialize to open the dialog box.
3 In the dir XYZ boxes, enter the X, Y, Z of the new shooting direction. Remember, in
the thickness constraints, the sign of the shooting direction will determine the final
position of the constrained surface. (For information about thickness constraints, see
"Setting a Thickness Constraint on a Surface" on page 13-28.)
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
5 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the constraints.
The shoot lines change to the new direction you specified.
Note If the shoot-line direction does not change and the message, "nothing was picked," displays
in the Session History pane, you did not click a valid constraint.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-39
The direction of the shortest distance will become the new dir_shoot at that shooting
point. This command often points the shoot lines of the selected constraints in different
directions (see Figure 13–11).
For a curve, the optimization can be done on one selected constraint. For a surface, the
optimization can be done on one selected constraint, all constraints, or all constraints of a
specified type, including:
• Border on cylinder • Control points
• Border on straight line • Property control points
• Border on surface • Fuzzy vectorial link
• Border stone on border
For information, see:
• "To optimize shooting directions of an existing constraint," page 13-40
• "To optimize the shooting directions of all surface constraints or all of a selected
type," page 13-41
To optimize shooting 1 Display the constraints that you want to optimize in the 3D Viewer. Turn off the
directions of an display of the other sets of constraints so that you do not make a mistake in picking.
existing constraint 2 Select the Curve commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Shooting
Direction, and then click Optimize.
– or –
Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Shooting
Direction, and then click Optimize One.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For informationinformation to
change the user level, see "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the constraints.
The shoot lines change to the new direction.
Note If the shoot-line direction does not change and the message, "nothing was picked," displays
in the Session History pane, you did not click a valid constraint.
To optimize the 1 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Shooting
shooting directions of Direction, and then click Optimize All of Selected Type to open the dialog box.
all surface constraints
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information to change the
or all of a selected user level, see "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
2 In the Surface box, enter the name of the surface that carries the constraints.
3 In the Constraints type box, select the constraint type to be optimized—all, border
on cylinder, border on straight line, border on surface, border stone on border,
control points, property control points, or fuzzy vectorial link.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
The shoot lines change to the new direction.
Con Shooting Co n
tro tro
l l in Directions l lin
e e
Constrainee Constrainee
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-41
Usually, you use this command after you have locally changed some of the shoot lines in
the constraints (see "Editing Constraint Lines Locally" on page 13-43). This command will
then readjust the rest of the shoot lines in that set of constraints to form a smoother array
of shoot lines. You can also apply this command to shooting points that are from a
surface, but you may find the results confusing.
If there are any shooting points whose dir_shoot you do not want to have altered during
the smooth operation, you can set those shooting points as shoot control nodes (see
"Shoot control point" on page 13-7) using the Set Control Direction command
explained in "Setting a Shoot Direction Control Locally" on page 13-45. If you individually
set the dir_shoot at a shooting point, that point is automatically set as a shoot control
point for that particular set of constraints.
To smooth the 1 Display the constraints that you want to smooth in the 3D Viewer. Turn off the
shooting directions in display of the other sets of constraints so that you do not make a mistake in picking.
the selected 2 Select the Surface commands or the Curve commands, click the Constraints menu,
constraints point to Shooting Direction, and then click Smooth.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information to change the
user level, see "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the constraints.
The shoot lines in the selected constraints are smoothed.
Note If the shoot lines are not smoothed and the message, "nothing was picked," displays in the
Session History pane, you did not click a valid constraint.
To project the 1 Display the constraints whose shooting direction you want to change in the
shooting directions 3D Viewer. Turn off the display of the other sets of constraints so that you do not
onto a plane make a mistake in picking.
2 Select the Surface commands or the Curve commands, click the Constraints menu,
point to Shooting Direction, and then click Project.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information to change the
user level, see "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 In the Constraints type box, select the constraint type whose shooting direction you
want to change—all, border on cylinder, border on straight line, border on surface,
border stone on border, control points, property control points, or fuzzy vectorial link.
Picking in step 6 will be restricted to the selected constraint type.
4 In the plane_normal XYZ boxes, enter the vector that is normal to the projection
plane (either direction will do).
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
6 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the constraints.
Shoot lines are projected onto the specified plane.
Note If the shoot lines are not projected and the message, "nothing was picked," displays in the
Session History pane, you did not click a valid constraint.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-43
To set the dir_shoot 1 Display the particular shooting point whose dir_shoot you want to change in the
by a vector 3D Viewer. Turn off the display of the other sets of constraints so that you do not
make a mistake in picking.
2 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Local Editing,
and then, under Shooting Direction, click Set with Vector.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information to change the
user level, see "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 In the dir XYZ boxes, enter the X, Y, Z coordinates of the new dir_shoot. This is
identical to the "Initializing Shooting Directions" on page 13-39 command, except
this command only affects one shoot line.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
5 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the particular shoot point whose
dir_shoot you want to set.
If there is an impact point found for this new dir_shoot, a new shoot line appears at the
selected shooting point and a small cube with an arrow in it appears at the selected
shooting point.
Note If the result is unexpected and the message, "nothing was picked," displays in the Session
History pane, you did not click a valid constraint.
To set the dir_shoot 1 Display the particular shooting point whose dir_shoot you want to change in the
by specifying the 3D Viewer. Turn off the display of the other sets of constraints so that you do not
impact point make a mistake in picking. If you plan to specify the new impact point by clicking it,
display the impact surface also.
2 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Local Editing,
and then, under Shooting Direction, click Set with Impact Point.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information to change the
user level, see "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
To set a shooting 1 Display the particular shooting point of interest in the 3D Viewer. Turn off the display
point as a shoot of the other sets of constraints so that you do not make a mistake in picking.
control node 2 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Local Editing,
and then, under Control Direction, click Set.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information to change the
user level, see "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the shooting point.
A small cube with an arrow in it appears at the selected shooting point.
Note If you do not get the expected result and the message, "nothing was picked," displays in the
Session History pane, you did not click a valid constraint.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-45
To unset a shoot 1 Display the particular shoot control node that you want to unset in the 3D Viewer.
control node Turn off the display of the other sets of constraints so that you do not make a mistake
in picking.
2 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Local Editing,
and then, under Control Direction, click Unset.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information to change the
user level, see "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the shoot control node.
The small cube with the arrow on it disappears from the selected shoot control node.
Note If you do not get the expected result and the message, "nothing was picked," displays in the
Session History pane, you did not click a valid constraint.
To reactivate an 1 Display the particular shoot point that you want to activate in the 3D Viewer. Turn off
inactive shoot line the display of the other sets of constraints so that you do not make a mistake in
(constraint line) picking.
2 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Local Editing,
and then, under Control Point, click Activate.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information to change the
user level, see "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the inactive constraint point.
If your click was valid, a shoot line reappears at the selected shoot point, indicating that
the particular control point is activated.
To reactivate an 1 Display the particular shoot line that you want to deactivate in the 3D Viewer. Turn
inactive shoot line off the display of the other sets of constraints so that you do not make a mistake in
(constraint line) picking.
2 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Local Editing,
and then, under Control Point, click Deactivate.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information to change the
user level, see "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer where the active constraint line is visible, and
then click the control point.
If your click was valid, the shoot line disappears from that particular shooting point,
indicating that the particular constraint line is deactivated.
Activating Slope
The Activate Slope command (on the Local Editing submenu) makes the slope portion
of the constraint active if it has been deactivated before. It is used the same way as the
Activate Constraints command explained in "Activating Constraints" on page 13-36.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information to change the user
level, see "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
Deactivating Slope
The Deactivate Slope command (on the Local Editing submenu) makes the slope portion of the
constraint inactive. The constraint will be used only as a control point constraint. The slope
information will not be used. It is used the same way as the Deactivate Constraints command
explained in "Deactivating Constraints" on page 13-38.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information to change the user
level, see "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-47
Constrained displacement
Current displacement
To control the 1 Display the surface and use the Attribute Manager to show the vectorial link
displacement along a constraint and its direction, so that you can control the effect of your command.
fault 2 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Control
Vectorial Link, and then click Set Displacement.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information to change the
user level, see "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 If you want to compute the displacement from the current position of the two
borders you want to control, click Read on surface. The current separation between
the two extremities point of a link will be used.
4 If you want to set the displacement to a constant value, click Constant, and then
type the value in the Displacement box. The displacement sign interacts with the
direction of shoot.
5 If you want to read the displacement on the fault surface at each location of a
vectorial link, click Read on fault, and then do the following. The value will be read
at the location marked with a small square, which marks the middle point between
the up-side of the horizon and the down-side.
a In the Surface fault box, enter the name of the surface to read the displacement
b In the Property box, select the name of the displacement property on the fault
surface. The displacement sign interacts with the direction of shoot.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
7 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer where the horizon and its vectorial constraint is
displayed, and then click the vectorial constraint.
To check constraints 1 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, and then click QC Faults
against a fault Crossing.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information to change the
user level, see "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-49
To compute the 1 Display the constraints that you want to compute in the 3D Viewer. Turn off the
movement imposed display of the other sets of constraints so that you do not make a mistake in picking.
by selected 2 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Compute Error,
constraints on the and then click On Controlled Object.
controlled object
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information to change the
user level, see "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the constraints.
The command creates a property on the constrained object, or GOCAD displays a
message in the Session History pane that your pick was invalid.
To compute the error 1 Display the constraints that you want to compute in the 3D Viewer. Turn off the
on the controller display of the other sets of constraints so that you do not make a mistake in picking.
object 2 Select the Surface commands, click the Constraints menu, point to Compute Error,
and then click On Controlled Object.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information to change the
user level, see "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the constraints.
The command creates a property on the controller object, or GOCAD displays a message
in the Session History pane that your pick was invalid.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.2 Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry 13-51
To fit geometry on 1 Select the Curve commands, click the Interpolation menu, and then click On Entire
entire curve Curve to open the dialog box.
2 In the AtomsSet box, enter the name of the curve or surface to run DSI on.
3 In the Number of iterations box, type a number specifying the number of iterations
in this interpolation.
The default value is 10. You can change the value to a larger number if there is a
large difference between the current geometry of the object and the desired
4 If you want to increase the importance of similarity among neighboring points and
decrease the importance of the constraints, select the smooth check box.
Note Selecting this option results in a smoother result, but some of the constraints may not be
honored as much.
a If you want to use the conjugate gradient method to speed up DSI convergence,
select the Conjugate check box.
b In the Fitting factor box, type a number to specify the weighting ratio between
any active constraints and the smoothness of the surface.
If the number is zero, the result is the same as selecting the Smooth check box in
step 4.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
When the operation is complete, you can review the new geometry of the curve and
specify whether you are satisfied with the results or you want to run the command again.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.3 Interpolating Object Geometry with DSI 13-53
To fit geometry on an 1 Display the object you want to modify in the 3D Viewer.
entire surface
2 Use the Attribute Manager to display the Constraints attribute category of the
surface, and select the appropriate attributes that display the constraints.
3 Adjust the constraints as necessary. If needed, adjust them using the commands in
the Constraints menu (see "Setting and Editing Constraints on Geometry" on
page 13-4).
4 Click the Mesh button on the Attribute toolbar, and ensure there are enough
triangles in the area where you see the constraints so that the desired shape is
possible to achieve (you can move a single triangle forever and it will never turn into
a sphere).
If you think you will need more triangles in the action area, use the Triangle
Operations command in the Mesh menu.
5 Select the Surface commands, click the Interpolation menu, and then click On
Entire Surface to open the dialog box.
6 In the Surface box, enter the name of the surface to run DSI on.
7 In the Number of iterations box, type a positive integer specifying the number of
iterations in this interpolation. The default value is 10. You can change the iteration
count to a larger number if there is a large difference between the current geometry
of the object and the desired geometry.
8 If you want to increase the importance of similarity among neighboring points and
decrease the importance of the constraints, select the Smooth check box.
Note Selecting this option results in a smoother result, but some of the constraints may not be
honored as much.
9 If you want to speed up DSI convergence, click Advanced, and then do the
a If you want to use the conjugate gradient method to speed up DSI convergence,
select the Conjugate check box.
b In the Fitting factor box, type a non-negative number specifying the weighting
ratio between any active constraints and the smoothness of the surface.
If the number is zero, the result is the same as selecting the Smooth check box in
step 8.
10 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
4 In the Number of iterations box, type a positive integer specifying the number of
iterations in this interpolation. The default value is 10. You can change the iteration
count to a larger number if there is a large difference between the current geometry
of the object and the desired geometry.
5 If you want to increase the importance of similarity among neighboring points and
decrease the importance of the constraints, select the Smooth check box.
Note Selecting this option results in a smoother result, but some of the constraints may not be
honored as much.
6 If you want speed up DSI convergence, click Advanced, and then do the following:
a If you want to use the conjugate gradient method to speed up DSI convergence,
select the Conjugate check box.
b In the Fitting factor box, type a non-negative number specifying the weighting
ratio between any active constraints and the smoothness of the surface.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.3 Interpolating Object Geometry with DSI 13-55
If the number is zero, the result is the same as selecting the Smooth check box in
step 5.
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
8 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer and click the desired Part, and the new
geometry is created.
To fit geometry in a 1 Display the surface you want to modify in the 3D Viewer.
2 Use the Attribute Manager to display the Constraints attribute category of the
surface, and select the appropriate attributes that display the constraints.
3 Adjust the constraints as necessary. If needed, adjust them using the commands in
the Constraints menu.
4 Select the Region attribute to confirm that the specific region is defined as you want
it to be. Use the Region Editor to adjust the shape of the region, if necessary.
5 On the Attribute toolbar, click the Mesh button and ensure there are enough
triangles in the area where you see the constraints so that the desired shape is
possible to achieve (you can move a single triangle forever and it will never turn into
a sphere).
If you think you will need more triangles in the action area, use the Split Mesh
Definition command, as described in "Splitting a Mesh Definition" on page 3-31.
6 Select the Surface commands, click the Interpolation menu, and then click In
Region to open the dialog box.
7 In the AtomsSet box, enter the name of the object to run DSI on.
8 In the Number of iterations box, type a positive integer specifying the number of
iterations in this interpolation. The default value is 10. You can change the iteration
count to a larger number if there is a large difference between the current geometry
of the object and the desired geometry.
9 If you want to increase the importance of similarity among neighboring points and
decrease the importance of the constraints, select the Smooth check box.
Note Selecting this option results in a smoother result, but some of the constraints may not be
honored as much.
10 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
11 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the desired region.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 13.3 Interpolating Object Geometry with DSI 13-57
Overview These topics include information about setting, initializing, and interpolating object
properties in Paradigm™ GOCAD® 2009.
To set properties 1 Display an object with the property (properties) you want to initialize or interpolate
control points onto the target surface.
2 Use the Attribute Manager to display the property control points of the target
surface so you can see the results.
3 Select the Surface commands, click Constraints, and then click Set Properties
Control Points to open the dialog box.
4 In the Surface box, enter the surface you want to set constraints on.
5 In the AtomsSet property control points box, enter the object that has the
properties you want to propagate.
6 If you want to control the shooting direction, click Advanced, and then do one of
the following:
• To optimize the shooting directions to better control the nearest triangles, select
the Optimize shooting direction check box.
• To specify the shooting direction, in the dir_shoot XYZ boxes, enter the X, Y,
and Z coordinates of the direction along which you want to cast the properties
onto the target surface from the source object (see "dir_shoot" on page 13-5
and Figure 13–10 on page 13-30). The default is straight up or straight down
along the z-axis (0, 0, 1).
Note You can change the shoot direction later, using an editing command in the
Constraints menu.
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
A set of points appears with tails extending from the controller object to the target
surface. The points are the property control points in the controller. The tails show the
directions along which the property values on the controller will be projected onto the
target surface.
The new property name has been added to the property list. However, there are no
property values. You need to run an interpolation command to generate values (see
"Initializing a Surface or Curve Property" on page 14-16, "Interpolating All Properties of a
Surface or Curve" on page 14-20, or "Interpolating a Property of a Surface or Curve" on
page 14-22).
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 14.1 Setting and Editing Property Constraints 14-3
To set property You must first have a geometric object containing the property values you want to
constraints on a grid populate the grid object with.
object 1 Display the grid object and the geometric object in the 3D Viewer.
2 Select the Voxet commands or the SGrid commands, click the Constraints menu,
and then click Set Property Control Points to open the dialog box.
3 In the Grid Object box, enter the name of the grid object.
4 In the AtomsSet Data box, enter the name of the point set, curve, surface, solid, or
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
For information to set or unset a property control point, see:
• "Setting One Property Control Point," page 14-5
• "Setting Property Control Points Everywhere," page 14-6
• "Setting Property Control Points in a Part," page 14-7
• "Setting Property Control Points in a Region," page 14-8
• "Setting Property Control Points on a Surface Border," page 14-8
• "Setting Property Control Points on All Borders of a Surface," page 14-9
• "Unsetting One Property Control Point," page 14-10
• "Unsetting All Property Control Point Constraints," page 14-11
• "Unsetting Property Control Points in One Part," page 14-11
• "Unsetting Property Control Points in a Region," page 14-12
• "Unsetting a Property Control Point on a Surface Border," page 14-13
• "Unsetting Property Control Points on All Borders of a Surface," page 14-14
• "Setting a Properties VecLink on Surface Borders," page 14-15
To set a point as a 1 Display the curve or surface on which you want to set the property control point in
property control the 3D Viewer.
point on a curve or 2 Use the Attribute Manager to turn on the display of point markers so you will be
surface able to click the right point.
3 Select the Curve commands or the Surface commands, click Constraints, point to
Property Control Nodes, and then, under Set, click One to open the dialog box.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
4 In the AtomsSet box, enter the name of the geometric object (PointsSet, Curve,
Surface, Solid, or Channel) that contains the point to constrain.
5 In the Property box, select the constrained property.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
7 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the point that you want to set as
a property control point.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 14.1 Setting and Editing Property Constraints 14-5
A property control point symbol replaces the selected point, indicating that you
successfully set a property control point constraint.
To set all points as 1 Use the Attributes Manager to display the property control points, and then review
property control the property control points to be sure that you want to remove the current property
points on a curve or control point information.
surface 2 Select the Curve commands or the Surface commands, click Constraints, point to
Property Control Nodes, and then, under Set, click Everywhere to open the dialog
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 In the AtomSet box, enter the name of the curve or surface on which every point will
be set as a property control point.
4 In the Property box, select the constrained property.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
A property control point symbol (default is a cube) displays on every point, indicating that
you successfully set all the points to be a property control points.
Setting Property Control Points in a Part
You can set property control point constraints on all points of a selected part.
To set property 1 Display the object on which you want to set the property control points in the
control points in a 3D Viewer.
part of a curve or 2 On the Attributes toolbar, click the Parts button so you will be able to click the right
surface part.
3 Select the Curve commands or the Surface commands, click Constraints, point to
Property Control Nodes, and then, under Set, click On One Part to open the
dialog box.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
4 In the AtomsSet box, enter the name of the geometric object (PointsSet, Curve,
Surface, Solid, or Channel) that contains the points to constrain.
5 In the Property box, select the constrained property.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
7 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the part.
A property control point symbol replaces every point (vertex) of the selected part,
indicating that you successfully set property control point constraints in the part.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 14.1 Setting and Editing Property Constraints 14-7
To set property 1 Display the object for which you want to set the property control points in the
control points in a 3D Viewer.
curve or surface 2 Display the region for the object. (Later, you need to click the region in the
region 3D Viewer.)
3 Select the Curve commands or the Surface commands, click Constraints, point to
Property Control Nodes, and then, under Set, click In Region to open the dialog
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
4 In the AtomsSet box, enter the name of the geometric object (PointsSet, Curve,
Surface, Solid, or Channel) that contains the points to constrain.
5 In the Property box, select the constrained property.
6 In the Region box, select the region that carries the property control point.
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
A property control point symbol replaces every point (vertex) in the selected region,
indicating that you successfully set property control point constraints in the selected
To set property 1 Display the surface for which you want to set the property control points in the
control points on one 3D Viewer.
border of a surface 2 On the Attributes toolbar, click Border. (Later, you need to click the border in the
3D Viewer).
3 Select the Surface commands, click Constraints, point to Property Control Nodes,
and then, under Set, click On One Border to open the dialog box.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
4 In the Surface box, enter the name of the surface for which you want to set the
border constraint.
5 In the Properties box, select the constrained property.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
7 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the border that you want to
A property control point symbol replaces every point (vertex) on the selected border,
indicating that you successfully set property control point constraints on the selected
To set property 1 Display the surface for which you want to set the control points in the 3D Viewer.
control points on all
2 On the Attributes toolbar, click Border. (Later, you need to click the border in the
borders of a surface 3D Viewer.)
3 Select the Surface commands, click Constraints, point to Property Control Nodes,
and then, under Set, click On All Borders to open the dialog box.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
4 In the Surface box, enter the name of the surface for which you want to set the
border constraints.
5 In the Property box, select the constrained property.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 14.1 Setting and Editing Property Constraints 14-9
A property control point symbol replaces every point (vertex) on all the borders, indicating
that you successfully set property control point constraints on all of the borders.
To delete a property 1 Display the object from which you want to delete the property control point in the
control point from a 3D Viewer.
curve or surface 2 Use the Attribute Manager to display the property control point attribute. (Later,
you need to click the point in the 3D Viewer.)
3 Select the Curve commands or the Surface commands, click Constraints, point to
Property Control Nodes, and then, under Unset, click One to open the dialog box.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
4 In the AtomSet box, enter the name of the curve or surface that contains the
property control point to delete.
5 In the Property box, select the constrained property.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
7 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the property control point that
you want to delete.
The property control point symbol at the selected point disappears, indicating that you
successfully deleted a property control point constraint.
Unsetting All Property Control Point Constraints
You can remove every property control point constraint currently existing on an object
(also see "Unsetting All Control Nodes on a Curve or Surface" on page 13-12).
To remove all 1 Display and review the property control points to be sure that you do want to remove
property control all of the property control points.
points from a curve or 2 Select the Curve commands or the Surface commands, click Constraints, point to
surface Property Control Nodes, and then, under Unset, click Everywhere to open the
dialog box.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 In the AtomSet box, enter the name of the curve or surface that contains the
property control points to remove.
4 In the Property box, select the constrained property.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
All the property control point symbols disappear from the object, indicating that you
successfully deleted all of the property control point constraints.
To delete property 1 Display the curve or surface from which you want to delete the property control
control points from points in a 3D Viewer.
part of a curve or 2 Display the property control points and the part. (Later, you need to click the part in
surface the 3D Viewer.)
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 14.1 Setting and Editing Property Constraints 14-11
3 Select the Curve commands or the Surface commands, click Constraints, point to
Property Control Nodes, and then, under Unset, click On One Part to open the
dialog box.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
4 In the AtomSet box, enter the name of the curve or surface that contains the
property control points to delete.
5 In the Property box, select the constrained property.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
7 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the part.
All the property control point symbols disappear from the selected part, indicating that
you successfully deleted property control point constraints from the part.
To delete property 1 Display the surface from which you want to delete the property control points in the
control points from a 3D Viewer.
curve or surface 2 Display the property control points and region. (Later, you need to click the region in
region the 3D Viewer.)
3 Select the Curve commands or the Surface commands, click Constraints, point to
Property Control Nodes, and then, under Unset, click In Region to open the dialog
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
4 In the AtomSet box, enter the name of the curve or surface that carries the property
control points to delete.
5 In the Property box, select the constrained property.
6 In the Region box, select the region that carries the property control point.
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
All the property control point symbols disappear from the selected region, indicating that
you successfully removed property control point constraints from the region.
To delete property 1 Display the surface from which you want to remove the control points in the
control points from a 3D Viewer.
border of a surface 2 Use the Attribute Manager to display the property control point and borders so you
will be able to click the right border.
3 Select the Surface commands, click Constraints, point to Property Control Nodes,
and then, under Unset, click On One Border to open the dialog box.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 14.1 Setting and Editing Property Constraints 14-13
4 In the Surface box, enter the name of the surface that carries the property control
points to delete.
5 In the Property box, select the constrained property.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
7 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, and then click the surface border.
All the property control point symbols disappear from the selected border, indicating you
successfully removed property control point constraints from the selected border.
To delete property 1 Display the surface from which you want to delete the control points in the
control points from 3D Viewer.
all borders of a 2 Display the property control point and borders to ensure that you want to delete the
surface current property control point information.
3 Select the Surface commands, click Constraints, point to Property Control Nodes,
and then, under Unset, click On All Borders to open the dialog box.
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
4 In the Surface box, enter the name of the surface that carries the property control
points to delete.
5 In the Property box, select the constrained property.
6 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
All the property control point symbols disappear from all the borders, indicating you
successfully deleted property control point constraints from every border.
Setting a Properties VecLink on Surface Borders
The Set Properties VecLink command installs a constraint that ensures that property
values are continuous (as well as the gradient) across a fault boundary.
To constrain a border 1 Display the surface and borders in the 3D Viewer. Ensure that each border is well
to stay at a certain defined though proper border extremities.
distance from 2 Select the Surface commands, click Constraints, point to Constraints on Border,
another border and then click Set Properties VecLink to open the Set Properties VecLink dialog
Note Access to this command requires the Advanced user level. For information about how to
change the user level, see Part I: Getting Started , "Setting General Preferences" on page 1-49.
3 In the Nb links box, type the number of segments along the border. The number
must be approximately equal to the number of triangle edges along the border, so
that every point along the border is well constrained.
4 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
5 Move the pointer into the 3D Viewer, click one border you want to constrain, and
then click the other border. The constraint treats each border of the surface
symmetrically; therefore, the order of the clicks is not important.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 14.1 Setting and Editing Property Constraints 14-15
da ti on
G ra
Surface Surface
7 In the AtomsSet box, enter the Surface, Curve, or Solid objects on which you want
to initialize the property.
8 In the Property box, select the property that you want to initialize.
9 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Note If any property values of the same name already exist in the target object, those values will
be wiped out by the propagation.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 14.2 Initializing a Surface or Curve Property 14-17
To initialize a 1 Select the Voxet commands, click the Interpolation menu, and then click Initialize
constrained grid Property (multi-grid) to open the dialog box.
object property
2 In the Grid object box, enter the name of the grid object.
3 In the Property box, select the name of the property to initialize.
4 In the Region name box, select a grid region where the initialization will take place.
5 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
14.4 Initializing a Voxet or SGrid Property
Along a Plane
You can interpolate a grid object property only along a specified grid plane.
To initialize a property, you must already have done the following:
• Created a property in the grid object
• Constrained the grid object property by a property of another object whose spatial
extent overlaps that of the grid object. The property values may have been
constrained by property control points or by property control points.
To interpolate a grid 1 Display the grid object with its property constraints in the 3D Viewer.
object property along
2 Select the Voxet commands, click the Interpolation menu, and then click Initialize
a plane Property (plane) to open the dialog box.
3 In the Grid Object box, enter the name of the grid object.
4 In the Property name box, select the name of the property to initialize.
5 In the Plane box, enter the grid plane along which the property is going to be
initialized. The W plane is selected by default.
6 Select or clear the Propagate value to specify the extension of the initialization.
• If the check box is selected the whole grid is initialized.
• If the check box is cleared, the only the grid points inside the convex hull are
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 14.4 Initializing a Voxet or SGrid Property Along a Plane 14-19
If there are any property constraints set on the selected object, the constraints will be
used to guide the interpolation of the property; that is, the property values on the
controller object will be propagated onto the selected object using DSI.
Note If no property constraints are set, DSI simply interpolates the existing property values on the
selected object.
5 Select the Surface commands or Curve commands, click the Interpolation menu,
point to Interpolate Property, and then click All to open the dialog box.
6 In the AtomsSet box, enter the surface or curve on which you want to interpolate
7 In the Number of iterations box, type a positive integer specifying the number of
iterations in this interpolation. The default value is 10.
8 If you want to increase the importance of similarity among neighboring points and
decrease the importance of the constraints, select the Smooth check box.
Note Selecting this option results in a smoother result, but some of the constraints may not be
honored as much.
9 If you want to speed up DSI convergence, click Advanced, and then do the
a If you want to use the conjugate gradient method to speed up DSI convergence,
select the Conjugate check box.
b In the Fitting factor box, type a non-negative number specifying the weighting
ratio between any active constraints and the smoothness of the object.
If the number is zero, the result is the same as selecting the Smooth check box in
step 8.
10 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
When the operation is complete, review the new properties of the object to determine
whether you are satisfied with the results or you want to run the DSI Interpolator
(Interpolate Properties) again.
Note If you are running DSI with property constraints, any property values of the same name that
already exist in the target object will be wiped out by the interpolation.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 14.5 Interpolating All Properties of a Surface or Curve 14-21
6 In the AtomsSet box, enter the Surface, Curve, or Solid objects on which you want
to interpolate the property.
7 In the Property box, select the property you want to interpolate.
8 In the Region box, select the region of the object you want to interpolate.
9 In the Number of iterations box, type a positive integer specifying the number of
iterations in this interpolation. The default value is 10.
10 If you want to increase the importance of similarity among neighboring points and
decrease the importance of the constraints, select the Smooth check box.
Note Selecting this option results in a smoother result, but some of the constraints may not be
honored as much.
11 If you want to speed up DSI convergence, click Advanced, and then do the
a If you want to use the conjugate gradient method to speed up DSI convergence,
select the Conjugate check box.
b In the Fitting factor box, type a non-negative number specifying the weighting
ratio between any active constraints and the smoothness of the object.
If the number is zero, the result is the same as selecting the Smooth check box in
step 10.
12 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
Note If you are running DSI with property constraints, any property values of the same name that
already exist in the target object will be wiped out by the interpolation.
Rock & Fluid Canvas™ 2009 | Epos™ 4.0 14.6 Interpolating a Property of a Surface or Curve 14-23
To interpolate a voxet 1 Display the grid object with its property constraints in the 3D Viewer.
2 Select the Voxet commands, click the Interpolation menu, and then click
Interpolate Property to open the dialog box.
7 Click OK to carry out the command and close the dialog box, or click Apply to carry
out the command and leave the dialog box open.
edit well marker, From SGrid Init Proportionally
well 7-21 Section 3-20 Between Top And
Edit Well Zone 7-25 From Step Vectors Bottom 6-8
editing SGrid 6-5 Init Region From
Surface 12-35
cycle skip in log From Surface
data 7-9, 7-10 Border 2-8 Initialize Property
well log on log display From Surface on Surface
or cross Borders 2-9 with
section 7-9, 7-10 From Two Curves 3-12 Constraints 14-1
Empty Region 12-11 6
From Voxet (SGrids) 6-7
Eraser, in Subset Initialize Shooting
From Voxet Plane 3-19
Editor 12-3 Directions 13-39
From Well Curve 2-9
Erode SGrid by initializing an SGrid
From Well Group 2-11 region 12-33
Surface 6-13
FromSeveral Insert Point Between Two
Eroded 10-30
Curves 3-15 Values, tool on Well
eroded well
Curves toolbar 7-11,
marker 10-30
Expand, in Subset G
Editor 12-3 geologic
missing section in log
Extend all Borders 3-50 feature 8-6 data 7-9, 7-10
Extend Border 3-48 type 8-6 point in log data 7-13
Extend Node 3-44 Geometry Interpolate
in Curve 2-22 Constraints 13-5 Properties 14-20
extremity 2-2 Get Bit Size 11-22 Interpolate
Get Bit Size of GridObj Property 14-22
Properties dialog Interpolation
F box 11-22
of Property 14-20,
FaultedOut 10-30 Get Surface Area 9-3 14-22
features Get Surface Volume 9-5 Interpolation Menu
in stratigraphic
in Surface 13-52
columns 10-18
methods to H Interpolator 13-2
define 8-5, 10-18 histogram 11-37 Intersect Region 12-12
use in stratigraphic isovalue shell 3-22
columns 8-5
Fill region 12-11
ILine 2-2 K
Filter Small Angles 2-18
illegal connectivity Keep Nodes 3-36
Fit Geometry
in a Curve 2-2 Keep One Part 3-33
Surface 13-53
impact point KeepTriangles 3-37
Fit Geometry in
in Constraints 13-7 kill node
Region 13-56
Information pane in curve 2-24
From Border and
Faults 3-16 units of measurement Kill Segment 2-21
From Closed conversion 10-56
Curve 3-10 Init Parallel To Top Or
From Convex Hull 2-4 Bottom 6-11
load seismic properties in
From Isovalue 3-22 Init Property 14-16
memory 11-24
From PointsSet 3-5 Init Proportionally
log data
Between Multiple
Surfaces 6-9 changing point 7-11
Discrete Remove Node 3-42 Set Border Stone on
Apply Script 11-27 Remove Nodes 3-36 Border 13-26
Apply Script on Remove One Part 3-32 Set CN
Part 11-32 Everywhere 13-8
Remove Small
Cross-Plot Parts 3-33 Set CNP
2D 11-39 Everywhere 14-6
Remove Triangles 3-37,
Cross-Plot 3-39 Set Control Lines 13-18
3D 11-40 Remove Well Set Control Node 13-8
Init 14-16 Marker 7-23 Set Control Node From
of a Voxet, Remove Well Zone 7-26 FCP
definition 4-3, 5-5 Constraints 13-11
of an SGrid 6-4 Set Control Node On All
log data point 7-12
Borders 13-10
the Property Menu spike in log data 7-9,
Set Control Node On
in General 7-10
Border 13-10
Mode 11-1 Rename
Set Control Node
property a Property 11-6 Property 14-5
category 11-7 Rename Property 11-6 Set Control Node
discrete Rename Region 12-8 Property On All
histogram 11-37 Rename Well Borders 14-9
type 11-7 Marker 7-22 Set Control Node
Property resources Property On
Constraints 13-5 StratigraphicColumns Border 14-8
property storage 11-24 10-15 Set Control
Retract Border 3-51 Points 13-17
Set Current 12-10
R Set On Straight
Region S Line 13-26
in a Voxet, see Voxet Script Set Properties Control
Region on Discrete Points 14-2
region Property 11-27, Set Range Thickness
in geometric 11-32 Constraint 13-32
objects 12-2 Section Set Shoot Dir
Region Editor 12-3 of a Voxet, see Voxet with impact
object list 12-3 Section point 13-44
Region Menu 12-1 of an SGrid, see SGrid with vector 13-43
Section Set Thickness
Relocate Well Path 7-4
segment 2-2 Constraint 13-28
Remove a Data Point.
Introducing Hole, tool Segment SGrid
on Well Curves Operations 2-20 axes 6-3
toolbar 7-11, 7-12 seismic property Cage 6-3
Remove all Control brick 11-24 dimensions 6-3
Nodes 13-12 self-intersection 3-26 Origin 6-3
Remove all Control Set Border Extremities on Property 6-4
Nodes Property 14-11 Corners 3-47
Remove Border Set Border on Straight
Stone 3-46 definition 6-3
Line 13-20
Remove Data Point step_u,v,w 6-3
Set Border on
Without Introducing Surface 13-22 Shared Vertices
Hole, tool on Well Curves 2-3
Curves toolbar 7-11
unsigned bit 11-23 memory management inserting missing
brick section 7-9, 7-10
properties 11-24 inserting point 7-13
load seismic moving point 7-11
v, see u,v,w properties in removing point 7-12
Vector 3-40 memory 11-24
removing spike 7-9,
Voxet swap seismic 7-10
axes 4-3, 5-3 properties on
well marker
disk 11-24
Cage 4-3, 5-4 in stratigraphic column
dimensions 4-2, 5-2 eroded 10-30
number of W unpicked 10-30
Voxels 4-3, 5-3 w, see u,v,w well markers
Origin 4-3, 5-3 Well 7-4, 7-8, 7-14, in stratigraphic
Property 4-3, 5-5 7-22, 7-23, 7-25, 7-26 column 10-27
Region 4-3, 5-4 well 7-20 Wells 7-9
Section add a zone 7-24 window
definition 5-4 Well Curves PLineOptimizeWithVSe
step_u, v, w 4-3, 5-4 toolbar 7-10 t Dialog 3-26, 3-27,
unit vectors 4-3, 5-4 well log 3-32, 6-10, 6-12,
changing point 7-11 6-13, 12-34, 12-35
collapsing point 7-12 SegUseBreak
refining property with
Dialog 2-22
log data 7-9, 7-10 correlating well data
Voxet Properties preparing 7-9, 7-10
Bit Size deleting point 7-12 X
Convert Bit editing cycle skip 7-9, XYZ boxes 3-48
Size 11-23 7-10
Get Bit Size 11-22 editing on log display
voxet properties or cross Y
bit size 11-22 section 7-9, 7-10 Yin-Yang, in Subset
Editor 12-4