Original Operating Manual For KWB Super Alloy (G80) Chain Slings
Original Operating Manual For KWB Super Alloy (G80) Chain Slings
Original Operating Manual For KWB Super Alloy (G80) Chain Slings
Working load limit for Super Alloy G80 standard sling chains:
Original operating manual for KWB Super Alloy (G80) chain slings 1
March 2016
sling depends on the chain dimension (d), number Shortening of the chain: the available chain shorteners
of chain legs, angle of inclination (β) and the type of (type P, PK, VKL) can be used to vary the length of the
the sling – see table with working load limit values. chain. Chain shorteners are also used in order to modify
The working load limit is given by the marking on the the angle of inclination and to compensate asymmetries
identification tag. The given working load limit is only in the distribution of the lifting points to a large extent,
valid for applications according to regulations. so that the load can be lifted horizontally and the weight
of the load is equally shared among all chain legs. In this
Admissible operating temperature: -40 °C to 200 °C. process, the desired length between the lifting point and
the shortening hook is set up and the nearest chain link
Angle of inclination: the angle of inclination is the is hooked into the slot of the hook. After this process, a
angle defined by the chain leg and the imaginary vertical readjustment of the chain may be required. Please, take
line. When using multi-leg chain slings, the angles of following figures also into account.
inclination must be in the range 0-45° or 45-60° and must
not differ more than 15° from each other. Avoid angles of
inclination of less than 15°.
The weight of the load to be lifted must be equally shared
among all chain legs. This is the case when chain legs are
symmetrical to each other.
pull direction
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March 2016
In the case of multi-leg chain slings, hook tips must point Restrictions of use
outwards unless the hooks are specifically designed to be
used otherwise (e.g. BH/S Sheet Metal Plate Hook – from
Star Alloy program). The orientation of the hook tips can Special chain sling types: there are some types of chain
be changed by rotating the master link – the bottom side slings that are very common but when used, a reduction
to the top. of the working load limit must be applied.
Basket hitch: the chain sling is passed through or under Wrap and choke hitch: this method is designed to provide
the load. In this case, the lower fittings are connected extra security of loose bundles and involves taking an extra
directly to the master link or to the hook of the crane or loop of chain completely around the load (see figure). If a
hoist. Generally this method requires two sling chains wrap and choke hitch is used, the working load limit (WLL) of
and must not be used for the chain sling must not be more than 80 % of the working
lifting loose bundles since load limit on the identification tag (see table above).
some parts of the load could If two or more chain legs are used in a choke hitch or in a
fall when decelerating in wrap and choke hitch, attention must be paid to following
the direction of the lifting criteria:
process. Where the load • If it is important to avoid imparting a torque to the load, a
geometry permits, a single choke hitch in the same direction is to be used (see figure)
leg chain sling can be used • If it is important to avoid the load rolling when first lifted,
provided that the chain sling a reverse choke hitch is to be used (see figure)
passes through the load
directly above the centre of If more than two chain legs are used in a choke hitch or in
Basket hitch
gravity of the load, so that it a wrap and choke hitch, the weight of the load will not be
cannot swing. equally shared among all chain legs.
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March 2016
Temperature: chain slings can also be used with no chain leg is overloaded. In the extreme case, the leg
temperatures above normal values by taking into which is vertically disposed will carry the entire load.
consideration the reduction factors. When used with high Angles of inclination of less than 15° must be avoided,
temperatures, the working load limit must be reduced. since this constitutes a bigger risk factor to the stability
The table below describes the allowed operating of the load. Chain legs could be overloaded if the load
temperatures with their corresponding reduction factors. swings.
Safe working load values with high temperatures are In the case of doubt, it should be assumed that only one
calculated by multiplying the working load limit defined chain leg is carrying the load. In such a case, the working
on the identification tag with the reduction factor defined load limit of the chain sling must be reduced accordingly.
in the table. In practice, it is difficult to estimate which Alternatively, the chain sling can be rated at half of the
temperature the chain sling could support. Choose, marked WLL.
therefore, the highest one.
The reduction of the working load limit with high Example of asymmetry:
temperatures must be taken into consideration until the
chain and other components reach room temperature
Chain slings must not be used with temperature ranges
other than the ones mentioned below. If the chain sling is
accidentally used with higher temperatures than the ones
allowed, it has to be discarded.
Vibrations: KWB chain slings and accessories are rated Edge load: packing may be required when a chain comes
for 20.000 load cycles. At high dynamic forces there into contact with a load in order to protect either the chain
may nevertheless be a risk of damage to the chain and or the load or both, since sharp corners of hard material
accessories. According to the Berufsgenossenschaft Metall may bend or damage the chain links or, conversely, the
Nord Süd, this risk may be prevented if the stress at load chain may damage the load due to high contact pressure.
capacity is reduced by using a chain of a larger nominal Edge protectors, such as wooden blocks, may be used to
dimension. prevent such damage. For correct and incorrect use, see
following figures:
Symmetrical loading: if the chain sling legs are not
symmetrically disposed and do not have the same angles
to the vertical – as described under angle of inclination
and conditions of use – the load must be considered
asymmetrical and the weight will not be equally shared
among all chain legs. The determination of the working
load limit and lifting procedure in this case is to be assessed
by a competent person. Following criteria are applied:
Original operating manual for KWB Super Alloy (G80) chain slings 4
March 2016
When lifting with chains directly on lugs, it is size and same grade at the same time. If this is not the
recommended that a lug diameter of at least 3 x the pitch case, the working load limit of the chain sling of the
of the chain (inside length of the chain link) is used. If a smaller nominal size must be used.
lug diameter of less than stipulated above is used, the
WLL needs to be reduced by 50 %. Type of chain sling Number of chain Factor to be applied
legs in use to the marked WLL
If chains are in contact with the edges without edge 2-leg chain sling 1 1/2
protectors, the working load limits of the chains must be 3- and 4-leg chain sling 2 2/3
reduced. The criteria for correct edge protection and for 3- and 4-leg chain sling 1 1/3
the extent of the reduction when incorrect or missing edge
2 x 1-leg chain sling 2 1.4
protection occurs, depends on the radius of the edge.
2 x 2-leg chain sling 3 or 4 1.5
It does not matter whether the edges of the load or the
edges of the edge protectors are concerned, this is applied
in both cases. The table below describes certain criteria Extremely dangerous conditions: all instructions given
with their corresponding reduction factors. Safe working in this operating manual assume the absence of extremely
load values are calculated by multiplying the working dangerous conditions. Such extremely dangerous
load limit on the identification tag with the corresponding conditions include offshore activities, lifting of people
reduction factor. and potentially dangerous loads, such as liquid metals
or nuclear material. In these cases, the admissibility and
extent of the risks are to be assessed by KWB.
Reduction factors
Safe working load values are calculated by multiplying the working load limit on the identification tag with ALL corresponding reduction factors defined in the table.
Original operating manual for KWB Super Alloy (G80) chain slings 5
March 2016
not permitted. Stripping and pickling are also dangerous the load could fall causing injuries or fatalities among the
processes and must not be carried out without the workers who operate and work in the danger zone of the
approval of the manufacturer. lifting equipment.
When using four-leg chain slings for lifting rigid loads, the
Food, pharmaceutical products, cosmetics and largest mass portion will only be lifted by three or two of
chemical substances: KWB standard chain slings the chain legs; the remaining chain legs will serve only
are not designed to be used with food, cosmetics or to stabilize the load. This is the case when the chain legs
pharmaceutical products, and must not be subjected to are not correctly shortened, they do not have the same
severe corrosive influences (e.g. acids, sewage, ...). They length and/or the lifting points are not correctly disposed.
must not be used in explosion-protected areas or exposed This could also lead to the overloading or breaking of
to the fumes released by acids or chemicals. the chain sling. When the angle between the chain sling
legs is increased, apart from the force acting in the chain
Other: chain legs must not be knotted or twisted. leg, the clamping force acting on the load (horizontal
component of force) will also increase. This could lead to
Tip loading of the hooks is not allowed. damage or to the breaking of the load or lifting points.
When the centre of gravity of the load acts on the lifting
points, the load could become unstable and tilt. Tilting risk
increases by using inclination angles of less than 15° or
Replacement parts when the load swings.
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March 2016
Inspections: chain slings need to be in a clean condition Load test: it is recommended to subject chain slings to a
when inspected – they must not contain oil, dirt or load test at least every two years. The load test is followed
rust. Painting is only permissible if an evaluation of the by a visual and functional check. However, this period
chain sling condition is possible. When cleaning, do not must be shortened up in view of the conditions of use –
subject chain slings to processes which cause material e.g. because of frequent use with maximum load capacity
embrittlement (e.g. pickling), overheating (e.g. flame or under conditions with restrictions of use. The load
cleaning), material abrasion (e.g. sand blasting), etc. test is carried out by subjecting the chain to 2 times the
Surface cracks or other defects must not be covered. permitted working load limit. It can also be replaced by
Adequate lighting has to be provided when inspecting. a crack detection test – e.g. by a magnetic crack test or a
Chain slings shall be examined throughout its length. In dye-penetration method. In this case, the chain sling must
the case of doubt, they must be sent to the manufacturer be checked throughout its length.
for further inspection.
Withdrawal: the chain sling must be taken out of service if
Inspection before the first use: before the first use, one or more of the following criteria are met:
following criteria must be applied: • Broken parts
• the delivered chain sling corresponds to the ordered • Missing or illegible identification tag
chain sling • Unrecognizable identification marking of the parts
• test certificate, certificate of compliance and declaration • Deformation of suspension parts, accessories or the
of conformity are provided chain itself
• the information given by the marking and the working
load limit coincide with the information given by the test Elongation of the chain: when chain links are provided
certificate and the certificate of compliance with different lengths, there is a lack of space between
• when necessary, all the details about the chain sling them, or there is an appreciable difference between
must be saved in a file the lengths of the chain legs in multi-leg chain slings,
• this operating manual has to always be available to elongation of the chain could have occurred.
the user and must be read and understood by the The chain must be discarded if the inside pitch of the link
corresponding personnel t > 1,05 tn, whereas tn is the nominal pitch from the chain
link (see figure).
Inspection before each use: the safe working condition
of the chain sling must be visually checked before each Wear: wear by contact with other objects occurs normally
use. During the inspection, pay attention to visible on the outside surface of the chain links. This type of
signs of damage. In the case of doubt or when one or wear is easily determined and measured. The other type
more withdrawal criteria are met (see below), the chain of wear appears between the chain links and is hidden.
sling must be removed from service and inspected by a When inspected, the chain must be slack and chain links
competent person. rotated in a way so that the cross section that must be
measured (e.g. one of the inner contact surfaces of the
Inspection after extraordinary events: extraordinary link) is exposed. The mean diameter dm is permitted to
events – e.g. accidents, overheating, overloading, be 90 % of the nominal size dn. dm is determined as the
collision, influences of acids or chemical substances – mean value of the diameters d1 and d2 measured at right
affect the safe working condition of the chain sling. In angles on the corresponding cross section. The chain must
these cases, the chain sling must immediately be taken be discarded if:
out of service and inspected by a qualified person.
Original operating manual for KWB Super Alloy (G80) chain slings 7
March 2016
Maximal dimensional change permitted: missing identification tags must be replaced by new ones
as long as the working load limit can be clearly determined
Designation Dimensions Max. Change due to the marking of every individual part and the type of
Permitted chain sling.
Chain D -10 %
P +5 % Welding processes must only be carried out by KWB.
Rings d -10 %
t +10 % Documentation: Inspections and repairs have to be
Hooks *) e +5 % documented on the file and must be retained during
h, d2 -10 % the entire service life of the chain sling. Records of
g, g1 +10 % inspections and repairs, as well as the test certificate or
V, RSK Both halves must be free No change the manufacturer’s certificate of compliance must always
to move permitted
be available so that they can be shown upon request to
e +5 %
the corresponding national authority.
c -10 %
Connecting link VU Bolts must be free to No change
move permitted
e +5 %
d and M -10 % Storage, transport
Clevis Bolts and Bolts for d -10 %
Connecting Links +
Webbing Coupling Links
HSB, HKSB, WSB Tip opening 2 x s max.
When not in use, chain slings should be kept on a
properly designed rack. They must not be left lying on the
ground where they may be damaged. If chain slings are
to be left suspended from a crane hook in an unloaded
• Cuts, nicks, gouges, cracks etc.: these faults, especially condition, chain sling hooks must be attached into the
if they are transversely placed to the direction of the lift, master link or, if it is the case, the end links into the
can lead to broken parts crane hook in order to reduce the risk of chain sling legs
• Excessive corrosion, discoloration swinging freely or accidentally unhooking. If it is likely that
caused by heat, coating-burned off, chain slings will be out of use for some time, they shall be
signs of welding processes stored clean, dry and protected from corrosion, e.g. lightly
• If the safety latch is missing or not oiled. When the chain sling has been stored for a long
working correctly, as well as signs period and the regular inspections have not been made,
of „opening out“ of hooks. The or it has been stored incorrectly (see also inspections), an
enlargement of the hook opening must inspection must also be carried out before the first use.
not exceed 10 % of the nominal size.
A swing-out safety latch indicates the
overloading of the hook
Recommendations for the lifting
Repair: chain slings are only to be repaired by a qualified process
person. If any leg of a chain sling is required to be replaced
then the whole chain within that leg must be replaced.
Components that are cracked, visibly deformed or twisted, Following recommendations are to help the user for the
severely corroded, or have deposits which cannot be preparation and lifting process. However, they do not
removed (e.g. welding spatter), deep cuts, nicks, gouges or substitute the chain sling training course. References to
cracks must be discarded and replaced. Components that this matter can also be found on the ISO 12480-1.
were overheated must also be discarded and replaced.
Missing safety devices like safety catches, triggers and Before starting the lift, ensure that the load is free to move
safety pins, as well as damaged, broken or missing springs and is not bolted down or otherwise obstructed.
are to be replaced. When replacing, only use the original
spare parts and accessories of the same nominal size and It is essential that the mass of the load to be lifted is
grade provided by KWB. When repairing KWB Super Alloy known. If the mass is not marked, the information is to
chain slings, KWB Star Alloy accessories can also be used. be obtained from the consignment notes, manuals, plans
Only new bolts, pins and other safety devices are to be etc. If such information is not available, the mass will be
used during the repair or replacement process. assessed by calculation.
After inspection and possible repair of the chain sling,
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March 2016
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March 2016
Declaration of conformity
In accordance with the requirements established in Annex
II, part A, of the EU Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and
in the Machinery Safety Regulations (MSV) 2010
for components in lifting accessories:
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