330D Gear Pump

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7/9/2020 330D L Excavators JLP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C9 Engine(SEBP4865 - 39) - Documentation

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Welcome: pvaldez
Product: EXC AVATO R
Mode l: 330D L EXC AVATO R JLP
C onfiguration: 330D L Ex cavators JLP00001-UP (MAC HINE) PO W ER ED
BY C 9 Engine

Systems Operation
330D, 336D and 340D Excavators Hydraulic System
Media Number -RENR9584-12 Publication Date -01/08/2018 Date Updated -07/08/2018


Gear Pump (Pilot)

SMCS - 5073; 5085

Illustration 1 g01230561
Pilot pump

The pilot pump is a gear type pump that supplies oil flow to the pilot system. The pilot pump is located inside the main
pump compartment and mounted externally to the main pump. The pilot pump shaft is mechanically connected to the idle
pump shaft. The pump delivery rate with load is approximately 34 L/min (9.0 US gpm).

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