120H Caf 2 Start Relay
120H Caf 2 Start Relay
120H Caf 2 Start Relay
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Bienvenido: pvaldez
Producto: MO TO R GR ADER
Mode lo: 120H MO TO R GR ADER C AF
C onfiguración: 120H Motor Grade r C AF00001-UP (MAC HINE)
PO W ER ED BY 3126B Engine
Illustration 1 g01853834
Schematic of the start relay
This diagnostic code is associated with the start relay. The FMI 03 means that the ECM has determined that the voltage
of the relay circuit is above normal.
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15/8/2020 120H Motor Grader CAF00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY 3126B Engine(SEBP3617 - 68) - Documentación
Note: The following test procedure may create other diagnostic codes. Clear these diagnostic codes when the original
diagnostic code has been corrected. Ensure that the diagnostic code of CID 0444 FMI 03 is active before
performing this procedure.
Note: Use a calibrated Digital Multimeter for the measurements in this procedure.
System Response:
When this diagnostic code is active, the ECM will turn off the current to the failed relay.
A. Turn the key start switch and the disconnect switch to the OFF position.
B. Disconnect the machine harness connectors from the relay and the ECM.
C. At the machine harness connector for the ECM, measure the resistance from contact J1-8 (wire 306-GN) to all
contacts that are used in the machine harness connectors for the ECM.
Expected Result:
OK - Each resistance measurement is greater than 5000 ohms. The machine harness is correct. Proceed to Test
Step 2.
NOT OK - Each resistance measurement is not greater than 5000 ohms. There is a short in the machine harness.
The short is between J1-8 (306-GN) and the circuit that has a low resistance measurement.
Expected Result:
OK - The CID 0444 FMI 03 is active. The problem has not been corrected. The ECM may have failed.
Repair: It is unlikely that the ECM has failed. Exit this procedure and perform this procedure again. If the cause
of the diagnostic code is not found, replace the ECM. See the Testing and Adjusting, "Electronic Control Module
(ECM) - Replace" Story in this manual for additional information.
NOT OK - The CID 0444 FMI 03 is not active. The problem does not exist at this time.
Repair: The initial diagnostic code was probably caused by a poor electrical connection or a short at one of the
harness connectors that was disconnected and reconnected. Resume normal machine operation.
C opyright 1993 - 2020 C ate rpillar Inc. Sat Aug 15 2020 11:06:19 GMT-0500 (hora e stándar orie ntal)
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