Case Study - I

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The key takeaways are that the course introduces strategic, tactical and logistical aspects of operations management. It covers topics such as facilities location, manufacturing processes, quality management, planning and control of operations, inventory management and modern concepts. Techniques discussed include MRP sheets, scheduling, supply chain management and different inventory control systems.

The main topics covered in the course include introduction to operations management, managing operations, design of service systems, quality management, planning and control of operations, operations logistics and materials management, inventory planning and control, and maintenance management.

Some of the techniques discussed for operations management include facilities location, manufacturing processes, types of layouts, quality definitions and parameters, QC, CWQC, TQC, TQM, resource planning using MRP sheets, scheduling of operations, and basics of supply chain management and vendor management.


Course objectives:
1. To develop awareness in the field of ‘Operations’ in manufacturing and service organizations.
2. To understand and appreciate the association, interrelationships and interdependence of
‘Operations Management’ with other functional disciplines of management.
3. To get acquainted with simple tools and techniques of ‘Operations Management’ that ensures
effective and efficient utilization of resources in different functional areas.
Pre requisites:
1. Knowledge and practice of basic mathematics.
2. Basic understanding of roles and responsibilities of different functional areas in the
3. Awareness of different categories and products of manufacturing and service organizations
Course description:
The course introduces the strategic, tactical and logistical aspects of operations management to
students of non-operations specializations such as HR, Marketing or Finance.
The course starts with introduction to historical evolution of ‘operations’ as a management
discipline; defining manufacturing and service characteristics; understanding main functions in
manufacturing and service areas and their relationships with other management functions.
It then covers initial planning aspects such as process, capacity & location decisions, and layouts
for setting-up new manufacturing or service facility.
Further, the course deals with operational aspects such as quality management, material
procurement and inventory management, operations scheduling and plant maintenance.
Lastly, it presents some modern trends such as lean manufacturing, world class manufacturing etc.
1. Introduction to Operations Management (3 Hours)
(a) Operations management Introduction : History , Evolution (1.5 Hours)
(b) Operations management- processes and definition (1.5 Hours)
2. Managing Operations (6 Hours)
(a) Facilities Location (2 Hours)
(b) Manufacturing Processes (2 Hours)
(c) Types of layouts (Fixed Position , Product , Process) (2 Hours)
Case Study Presentation –I

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3. Design of Service Systems (3 Hours)
(a) Characteristic aspects, Customer contact in services (1.5 Hours)
(b) Services Layouts (1.5 Hours)

4. Quality Management (4.5 Hours)

(a) Quality definitions, terminology and important parameters (3 Hours)
(b) QC , CWQC , TQC and TQM (1.5 Hours)
Case Study Presentation –II
5. Planning & Control of Operations (4.5 Hours)
(a) Resource Planning – MRP sheet (L4L) (1.5 Hours)
(b) Scheduling of Operations (3 Hours)

6. Operations Logistics & Materials management (1.5 Hours)

(a) Basics of Supply chain management & vendor management (1.5 Hours)
Case Study Presentation –III
Class Test (20 Marks): (It covers from Topic no 1 to 6 of the syllabus) (Unit-I to III)
7. Inventory Planning & Control (4.5 Hours)
(a) Types of inventory (1.5 Hours)
(b) Inventory classification, Inventory control systems (1.5 Hours)
(c) Inventory control for deterministic demand items (1.5 Hours)

Case Study Presentation –IV


8. Maintenance Management (Breakdown, Preventive, TPM) (1.5 Hours)
9. Modern concepts in operations management (Poka Yoke, 5S, Toyota Wastes)
(1.5 Hours)
TOTAL (30 Hours)

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Text book:
1. Operations Management – Theory & Practice: B. Mahadevan, published by Pearson, 3rd,
2018, ISBN978-93-325-4109-2
Reference books:

1. Production & Operations Management: K. Aswathappa & K. Shridhara Bhat, published by

Himalaya Publishing House, 2013, 2nd edition, ISBN:- 978-93-5097-188-8

2. Production & Operations Management: S. N. Chary, published by McGraw Hill, 5th edition
7th reprint, 2016, ISBN:- 978-1-25-900510-7

3. Operations & Supply Chain Management: Chase, Shankar & Jacobs, published by McGraw
Hill, 14th edition, 2016 (6th reprint), ISBN:- 978-93-392-0410-5

4. Production & Operations Management: Chunawalla & Patel, published by Himalaya

publishing house, 7th edition, 2008.

5. Operations Management: William Stevenson – 9th edition McGraw Hill publication, 6th
reprint, 2011, ISBN:- 978-0-07-066821-8

6. Operations Management: Norman Gaither, Greg Frazier, published by Thomson Publishing,

Cengage learning, ISBN:- 978-81-31-50048-4

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