South Cotabato State College College of Hospitality Management

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The document outlines the syllabus for a course on Kitchen Essentials and Basic Food Preparation including course objectives, expected outcomes, instructor details and grading rubrics.

The course objectives include learning basic culinary techniques, food preparation and presentation skills, safety procedures, and menu planning.

At the end of the course students should be able to identify kitchen equipment and food products, prepare different types of dishes, apply food safety standards, and present dishes appropriately.

Republic of the Philippines


Dajay, Surallah, South Cotabato

Kitchen Essentials and Basic Food Preparation
1st Semester, AY 2020-2021

VISION A Premier Technological Institution in Agriculture and Allied Sciences in the Region.

Advancing agriculture, allied sciences and technological development through production, research, extension, management,
instruction, entrepreneurship for rural development.

QUALITY SOUTH COTABATO STATE COLLEGE as a Premier Technological Institution in Agriculture and Allied Sciences commits to the
POLICY teaching-learning philosophy that is outcome-based, holistic, relevant and responsive to the needs of society.

1. Provide quality instruction to produce graduates with substantive knowledge to function effectively in a diverse environment.
2. Undertake activities that will provide students opportunities to develop their analytical, critical and strategic thinking skills in
dealing with various issues.
3. Conduct trainings and workshop that will improve students’ leadership, communication, inter-personal and social skills.
CTHM 4. Produce entrepreneurs within the hospitality industry.
GOALS 5. Provide a common body of knowledge in hospitality management coupled with a broad education and awareness of skills
and attitudes which will prepare students to be responsible leader in the hospitality industry.
6. Develop employable skills required in Hospitality Management and culinary professionals through the use of a outcome-
based program.
7. Provide students with relevant hands-on operational experience in some facet of the hospitality industry.

A graduate of BS in Hospitality Management should be able but not limited to:

1. Apply basic techniques of Commercial Cookery and Food Processing;

2. Apply management skills in Bartending and F&B Operations;
3. Perform and provide full guest cycle services for front office;
4. Perform and maintain various housekeeping services for guest and facility operations;
5. Plan and implement a risk management program to provide a safe and secure workplace;
6. Provide food & beverage service and manage the operation seamlessly based on industry standards;
7. Utilize interpersonal skills to lead/manage first-level employees in hospitality setting;
8. Produce food products and services complying with enterprise standards.

Name LOLITA M. AGTAS Contact Number 09108258561
Email [email protected] Consultation Hours Monday-Friday, _______________
Address m
Course Code HPC 2 Cours Kitchen Type Lecture (1hour) Credit Units 3
e Title Essentials Laboratory (6 hours)
and Basic

The student will learn theoretical knowledge and demonstrate practical skills in basic culinary task, basic food preparation and
food presentation in a commercial establishment. Topics will include the following; application of basic techniques of commercial
cookery. Application of standards safety procedures for handling food stuffs; Clean and maintain kitchen equipment and
utensils; organize and prepare food products and meals; Prepare and store on a safe and in hygienic manner; Receive and
securely store in coming goods; Establish and maintain quality control in food production; identify, prepare and portion various
meats; Prepare and store food in a safe and hygienic manner; Prepare appetizers and salad; Prepare soups stock and sauces;
Prepare vegetables, eggs and farinaceous dishes; Present and display food products.

Course Prerequisites/(Co-requisites) None Course Schedule & Rm

At the end of the course, the students can:
1. Identify the appropriate chemicals, equipment and their uses for cleaning and sanitizing kitchen premises;
2. Enumerate uses and characteristics of basic food products and types of menus;
3. Select and identify vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry, seafood, dairies and starchy dishes required for menu items;
4. Identify and prepare ingredients according to standard procedures, special dietary requirements and cultural needs;
5. Prepare appetizer, salad, soup, stock, sauces and farinaceous dishes;
6. Apply principle of stock control and classify food items for storage and segregation;
7. Ensure food presentation is properly garnish using appropriate garniture in accordance to standard temperature.

Teaching and Learning Values

Intended Learning Outcomes-based
Week Topic (Reference) Activities (TLA) Integrati
Outcomes (ILO) Assessment (OBA)
1 Cleaning and maintaining At the end of the unit, the Written Lecture, Involvem
kitchen premises students are expected to: Examination, Group Discussion, ent
 Familiarize Oral Question, Dynamis
3G Elearning; Course Introduction, m
Commercial Cooking: Syllabus and Course Enthusia
page 113-126,153-170, 193-  Clean, sanitize and Demonstration Direct Observation while
204 store equipment (cleaning, sanitizing cleaning a kitchen
 Clean and sanitize and maintaining premises kitchen equipment, *see attached rubrics Cleanlin
 Dispose waste surfaces, cleaning ess
 Recognize the equipment and Orderlin
importance of cleaning supplies) ess
kitchen premises Environ
Reflection Paper Film Viewing mental
Compare and  Basic Food Safety: Friendly
contrast the Chapter 5 Cleaning and Teamwo
traditional and Sanitizing by rk
modern ways of eFoodhandlers.Inc
cleaning and  How to Clean and
sanitizing kitchen Sanitize Kitchen Tools and

tools and equipment Equipment by It’s Plonyyy Logic
 Cleaning and Sanitizing Adaptabi
Foodservice by Human lity
Sciences Extension
 Food Safety training
Video by krosestewart1

2 Organizing and Preparing  Identify Written Lecture, Involvem

Foodstuff theMethods of Cooking Examination, Group Discussion, ent
Food Oral Question, Dynamis
3G Elearning;  Familiarize The Moving Examination m
Commercial Cooking: Standardization of Recipe Enthusia
ADVANCED and its Construction sm
Page131-151  Discuss The Reflection Paper Significa
Kitchen, it’s Structure, Write a reflection Film Viewing nce
Food Selection, Preparation Use and Care paper about  Kitchen Organization
and Preservation:  Identify importance of Ideas- Countertop
Page1-30 appropriate tools, organizing kitchen Organization by Simplify Your
equipment and tools and recipes Space Logic
Graham Dark, Deirdre ingredients to be used  Recipe Organizer: How Adaptabi
Mclean & Sarah Weather  Discuss on How to to Organize Recipes in a lity
Head; Kitchen Operations Measure Food Materials Binder by Home Organizing
page 43  Enumerate uses
and characteristics of  Restaurant Owners
Deirde Mclean, Loretta Satori basic food products and Kitchen Checklist and Prep
Coral Walsh & Stuart Walsh: types of menus List by The Restaurant Boss
Professional Cook’sbook:
 Prepare food
Commercial Cookery
requisition form for
page 43
dairies, dry goods, fruits,
vegetables, meat, poultry
and seafood for approval
 Reflect on the
importance of organizing

Kitchen tools and recipes
3 Receiving and storing food  Receive and Written Lecture, Involvem
supplies deliver food supplies Examination, GroupDiscussion, ent
 Apply principles of Oral Question, Dynamis
3G Elearning; stock control and classify Moving Examination m
Commercial Cooking: food items for storage Enthusia
ADVANCED and segregation Demonstration: sm
page 131-151  Check for slow Demonstrate the Film Viewing Significa
moving items (FIFO) proper receiving and  Organize/ Refrigerator nce
Arduser L. Brown. D; The  Participate in the storing food supplies by WhatsUpMom
Professional Caterer’s group discussion  23 Smart and Cheap
Handbook  Maintain Storage Ideas to Organize Your Logic
page 9 Area Kitchen by Jansen’sDIY Adaptabi
 How to Organize a lity
Brown Douglas: 4th Edition. Fridge by The Design
The Restaurant Manager’s Network
Handbook  Purchasing and
page 25 Receiving Food Supplies by
Integrated Food Safety
FeintesteinAndrew H.  Purchasing Receiving
Stefanulli John M. 2nd and Storing Food Supplies by
Edition; Purchasing for Kelly Balverde
Chefs; a concise Guide  Receiving and Storing
page 41 by Chef Ann foundation
 ServSafe Food
Manager Study Guide-
Purchasing by
 Tips for Safe Food
Storage in your Restaurant

4 Preparing and presenting  Distinguish Written Lecture, Involvem

stocks, sauces, and soup different variety of Stock, Examination, Group Discussion ent

Sauces and Soup Oral Question, Dynamis
3G Elearning;  Discuss proper Moving Examination m
Commercial Cooking: storing of Enthusia
INTERMMEDIATE Stock, Sauces and Soup Demonstration sm
page 205-217  Prepare stocks, (1. stocks: beef Direct Observation of the Significa
glazes and essences stock-brown/white, Students while preparing nce
3G Elearning; required for menu items chicken stock: Stocks, Soups, Sauces,
Commercial Cooking:  Prepare soups brown/white, fish Thickening Agents ,
ADVANCED required for menu items stock and vegetable Seasonings and Flavorings Cleanlin
page 224  Prepare sauces stock ess
required for menu items *see attached rubrics Orderlin  Organize the steps 2. soups: CLEAR- ess
in preparing soup using consommé and Environ
flow chart bouillon, THICK- mental
cream, puree, Friendly
chowder, bisque Teamwo
SOUPS: Leaders
national/regional hip
soup Artistry
3. sauces: béchamel,
veloute, espagnole,
hollandaise, tomato
4. thickening agent:
roux, beurremanie,
slurry/white wash,

5. seasonings and

flavorings: bases,
bouillon cubes or
powders, flavor
enhancers, instant

Write appRopriate Film Viewing

procedure in  Simple Tips for Stock &
preparing a selected Broths-Kitchen Conundrums
soup using flow chart by Everyday Food
 How to make fresh
chicken stock by Gordon
 How to make amazing
pumpkin soup by Curtis
 How to make Logic
Homemade Chicken Soup Adaptabi
by All Recipes lity
 What are the Five
Mother Sauces by P Allen
 Fast Food Sauces V.1
by Sweet y Saldo
 Fast Food Sauces V.2
by Sweet y Saldo

5 Preparing and Presenting  Define and Written Lecture, Involvem

Appetizers enumerate different Examination, Group Discussion ent
variety of Appetizer Oral Question, Dynamis
3G Elearning;  Discuss proper Moving Examination m

Commercial Cooking: storing of Appetizer Enthusia
INTERMMEDIATE  Perform Mise’ en sm
page 218-224 Place Demonstration Significa
 Prepare a range of (1. appetizers: HOT- Direct Observation of the nce Appetizers tapas and Hors d’ students while preparing
 Present a range of oeuvres, COLD- appetizers
Appetizers canapes, antipasto,
 Describe relish, terrines, *see attached rubrics Cleanlin
appetizers through cocktails and Hors d’ ess
descriptive essays oeuvres Orderlin
2. plating dishes: Environ
appeal, color and mental
contrast, temperature Friendly
of food service, Teamwo
equipment and rk
classical and Leaders
innovative hip
arrangement styles) Artistry

Film Viewing
 9 Delicious Appetizer
Group activity Recipes-Family Meal
Select an appetizer Recipes by Wow! Delicious
presented in the Food
videos and write a  Anytime & Party
descriptive essay Appetizers by Lupie
 Easy-To-Make
Appetizersthat will Logic
ImpressEverybody by Tasty Adaptabi
 Tapas Platter Recipe- lity

Sorted by SORTEDfood
 3Easy Hors D’oeuvres
by Happily Eva After
 Canape by
 How to make a
vegetable terrineby Escoffier
 How to make: Seafood
Terrine by Chef Al
 Pate de Campagen
Recipe-How to Make a
Country-Style by Food
6 Preparingand Presenting  Define salad Written Lecture, Involvem
Salad (hot and cold) and  Distinguish Examination, Group Discussion ent
Salad Dressing different variety of Salad Oral Question, Dynamis
and Salad dressing Moving Examination m
3G Elearning;  Discuss proper Enthusia
Commercial Cooking: storing of Salad and Demonstration sm
INTERMMEDIATE Salad Dressing (1. variety of salads: Direct Observation of the Significa
page 229-243  Perform Mise’ en leafy, non-leafy, students while preparing nce
Place protein, combination, variety of salads and  Prepare a variety congealed, fruit and dressings
of salads and Salad cooked Cleanlin
Dressings *see attached rubrics ess
 Present a variety 2. dressings: Orderlin
of Salads and Salad temporary emulsions ess
Dressings and permanent Environ
emulsions) mental
 Help others know
the importance of salad
Reflection Paper rk

Write the importance hip
of salad in individual’s Film Viewing Artistry
diet  How to make vegetable Thrifty
salad by Salad Recipes
 8 Healthy Salad
Dressings (REALLY QUICK)
by ErwanHeussaff
 How to make the
perfect salad by Ellen Fisher
 How to make lettuce
salad by Food.comHot Logic
Zucchini Salad-Quick salad Adaptabi
Recipe by Rajshri Food lity
 Roasted Vegetable Apprecia
Salad Recipe/Quick & Easy tion
Baked Vegetables by Rajshri
 How to make seafood
salad by Cooking with Tovia

7 Preparing Sandwiches  Distinguish Written Lecture, Involvem

different variety of Examination, Group Discussion ent
3G Elearning; Sandwiches Oral Question, Dynamis
Commercial Cooking:  Discuss proper Moving Examination m
INTERMMEDIATE storing of Sandwiches Enthusia
page 244-253  Perform Mise’ en Demonstration sm
Place (1. SANDWICHES: Direct Observation of the Significa  Prepare a variety regular, baked, students while preparing nce
of sandwiches grilled, fried, open sandwiches and preparing
 Present a variety faced, specialty, fillings
of sandwiches multi-decker wraps, Cleanlin
 ComPare the pinwheel, domino or *see attached rubrics ess

traditional and modern check board Orderlin
ways of preparing sandwiches ess
sandwiches Environ
2. TECHNIQUES: mental
garnishing, Friendly
spreading, layering, Teamwo
piping, portioning, rk
molding and cutting Leaders
ingredients of a Thrifty
temperature and

Reflection Paper
Compare and Film Viewing
contrast the usual  The Art of making a
preparation of Sandwich by Cooking
sandwiches and the WithJack Show
artistic way of  13 Healthy Sandwich
preparing Recipe for Weight Loss by
sandwiches shown in TheSeriousfitness
the film using Venn  15 Quick Sandwich
Diagram Recipe 2019-Easy Sandwich
Ideas at Home by Wow! Logic
Delicious Food Adaptabi
 The Correct Way to lity
Make a sandwich by Inside
 Playing with your Food-
Subway, Quinos& More by
Cooking With Jack

 How to Make a Club
Sandwichby Scoff

8 PreparingMeat Dishes  Distinguish Written Lecture, Involvem

different variety of Meat Examination, Group Discussion ent
3G Elearning; Dishes Oral Question, Dynamis
Commercial Cooking:  Enumerate types Moving Examination m
INTERMMEDIATE of meat cuts Enthusia
page 257-272  Perform Mise’en sm
Place Significa
Food Selection, Preparation  Cook meat cuts for nce
and Preservation: service Demonstration
Page 67-82  Present meat cuts (1. cooking method: Direct Observation of the
for service DRY METHOD- students while preparing  Discuss the roasting, grilling, and cooking meat
different steps in broiling, baking, pan
preparing meat recipes frying and deep-fat *see attached rubrics Cleanlin
through informative frying, ess
article COMBINATION OF Orderlin
METHOD-braising ess
and stewing, Environ
boiling, steaming, Friendly
poaching, simmering Teamwo
2. dishes: offal and Leaders
meat) hip
Reflection Paper Thrifty
Write an informative
article discussing the Film Viewing
important details on  10 Amazing Quick Meat
how to prepare meat Recipes-Best Recipes by

recipes Wow! Delicious Food
 7 Easy Steak Dinners
by Tasty
 Gordon Ramsay’s
COURSE: How to Cook a
Perfect Steak by Hodder Logic
Books Adaptabi
 Gordon Ramsay’s lity
Home Cooking S01E11 by
cooking Pork frying recipe-
Cooking skill by Natural TV
 How To Cook
Meatballs, 3 recipes/ Gordon
Ramsay by Almost Anything
 7 Tasty Ground Beef
Recipes by Twisted

9 Preparing Vegetables Dishes  Distinguish Written Lecture, Involvem

different variety of Examination, Group Discussion ent
3G Elearning; Vegetable Dishes Oral Question, Dynamis
Commercial Cooking:  Discuss proper Moving Examination m
INTERMMEDIATE storing of Vegetable Enthusia
page 289-305 Dishes Demonstration sm
 Perform Mise’ en (1. vegetables: fresh, Direct Observation of the Significa
Food Selection, Preparation Place frozen, canned, dried students while preparing nce
and Preservation:  Prepare vegetable and bottled vegetable dishes
Page 59-66 dishes
 Present vegetable 2. cooking method: *see attached rubrics Cleanlin dishes DRY METHOD- ess
 Promote vegetable roasting, grilling, Orderlin
dishes through social boiling, baking, pan ess

media frying and deep fat Environ
frying, mental
METHOD-braising Teamwo
and stewing, MOIST rk
METHOD-boiling, Leaders
steaming, poaching hip
and simmer Artistry

Select a recipe
presented in the film Film Viewing
and promote it using  How To Cook buttered
facebook vegetables with quail eggs by
Kat’s Empire
 Easy Glazed Carrots
Recipe/ Stovetop Glazed
Carrots by Lamise O.
 Easy Vegetable
Lasagna Recipe-How to
make fresh Vegetable Logic
Lasagna by Inspired Taste Adaptabi
 Easy Oven Roasted lity
Vegetables Recipe by
 How to stir-fry any
vegetable-three basic flavors
and recipe by Chinese
 5 Easy Side dishes/
perfect for the Holidays by
The Domestic Greek


11-12 Preparing Egg Dishes  Distinguish Written Lecture, Involvem

different variety of Egg Examination, Group Discussion ent
3G Elearning; Dishes Oral Question, Dynamis
Commercial Cooking:  Enumerate and Moving Examination m
INTERMMEDIATE discuss the parts of Enthusia
page 273-281 eggs Demonstration sm
 Perform Mise’ en (1. egg dishes: Direct Observation of the Significa Place omelettes, souffle’s, students while preparing nce
 Prepare and cook fritatas and terrines egg dishes
Egg Dishes 2. cooking method:
 Present and cook boiling, poaching, *see attached rubrics Cleanlin
Egg Dishes frying andbaking ess
 Store Egg Dishes 3. eggs: fresh, frozen Orderlin
and powder) ess
 Organize ideas
about egg dishes
through photo essay
Prepare pictures of Friendly
different egg dishes Film Viewing Teamwo
and make a photo  Crunchy Egg Fingers/ rk
essay Easy Egg Starter/ Quick and Leaders
Easy by Piyas Kitchen hip
 5 Delicious Souffle Artistry
Recipes by Tasty Thrifty
 4 Levels of Omelets:
Amateur to Food Scientist/
Epicurious by Epicurious
 How to make an Logic
Omelet: Quick and Easy Adaptabi
Ham Omelette Recipe by lity

Crouton Crackerjacks creativity
 How to ,ake a basic
Fritata by ForkNPlate
 Roasted Vegetable
 Chef Ryll How to make
a Terrineby Snhu Media

13 Preparing Starch Dishes  Identify different Written Lecture, Involvem

types of starches Examination, Group Discussion ent
3G Elearning;  discuss proper Oral Question, Dynamis
Commercial Cooking: storing of Starch Dishes Moving Examination m
INTERMMEDIATE  Perform Mise’ en Enthusia
page 306-313 Place Demonstration sm
 Prepare Starch (starch dishes: pasta, Direct Observation of the Significa
Food Selection, Preparation Dishes rice, tubers, polenta, students while preparing nce
and Preservation:  Present Starch noodles, couscous starch dishes
Page120-146 Dishes and flour)
 Describe a starch *see attached rubrics Cleanlin dish using parody ess
 Develop teamwork
Group Activity: Environ
Select one (1) type of Film Viewing mental
starches dish and  10 Creamy & Satisfying Friendly
compose a song Pasta Dishes by Tasty Teamwo
parody using the  8 One-Pot Pastas by rk
description of the dish Tasty Leaders
 10 Rice Recipes to Fill hip
You Up for Dinner by Tasty Artistry
 Rice Recipes/ 6 Thrifty
Different Rice Recipe by

Veggie Recipe House Logic
 How to Make Perfect Adaptabi
Polenta/ Serious Eats by lity
Serious Eats Awarene
 Polenta Italianaby ss
HIBREDD Cassiano
 The Art of Homemade
Noodles-How to Make
Chinese Noodles at Home by
Souped Up Recipe
 7 Nights of Tasty
Noodles by Tasty
 How to Cook the
Perfect Couscous/ Healthy
Couscous by Yummieliciouz
 Pan-fried salmon with
Tomato by Jamie Oliver
 How to make Cassava
Flour Tortillas by

14-15 Preparing Poultry and Game  Identify types of Written Lecture, Involvem
poultry and game Examination, Group Discussion ent
3G Elearning;  Distinguish Oral Question, Dynamis
Commercial Cooking: different variety of Moving Examination m
INTERMMEDIATE Poultry and Game Enthusia
page 280-285 Dishes Demonstration sm
 Discuss proper (1. Poultry or game: Direct Observation of the Significa
Food Selection, Preparation storing of Poultry and chicken, turkey,duck, students while handling and nce
and Preservation: Game goose, pheasant, cooking poultry and game
Page83-99  Perform Mise’ en quail, pigeon, Guinea dishes
Place fowl, wild duck, Cleanlin

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  Cook Poultry and rabbit, hare, boar and *see attached rubrics ess
Game Dishes goat Orderlin
 Plate/Present ess
Poultry and Game 2. poultry preparation Environ
Dishes and techniques: mental
 Present poultry deboning, stuffing, Friendly
and game dishes filleting, rolling Teamwo
through photo essay ,trussing, larding and rk
marinating Leaders
3. cooking method: Artistry
roasting, grilling,
broiling, baking,
panfrying and deep-
fat frying
and stewing
boiling, steaming,
poaching and

4.plating dishes:
appeal, color and
contrast, temperature
of food and service,
equipment, classical
and innovative,
arrangement styles

5. ways of presenting

poultry and game
dishes: carve,
portions and whole)

Group Activity:
Present a Photo
Essay showing
different poultry and
game dishes
Film Viewing
 8 Meaty Game Day
Recipes by Tasty
 7 Easy Chicken Dinners
by Tasty
 Easy Thanksgiving
Recipe: How to Cook Tender
Juicy by
 Incredible Duck Dishes Logic
Made with the Best Duck in Adaptabi
the World: Duckland by lity Awarene
 How to Cook ss
Comedor’s crispy Quail by
Boston University
 Rabbit Fricassee with
Tagliatelli by Gordon
 Gordon Ramsay’s Top
5 Lamb Recipes by Gordon

16-17 Preparing Seafood Dishes  Explain different Written Lecture, Involvem
variety of Seafood Dishes Examination, Group Discussion ent
3G Elearning;  Discuss proper Oral Question, Dynamis
Commercial Cooking: storing of Seafood Moving Examination m
INTERMMEDIATE  Perform Mise’ en Enthusia
page 317-327 Place Demonstration sm
 Handle Seafood (1. Seafood: Direct Observation of the Significa
Food Selection, Preparation  Cook Fish and SHELLFISH- students while preparing nce
and Preservation: Shellfish mollusks, and cooking fish and
Page100-119  Plate/Present crustaceans and seafood
Seafood cephalopods Cleanlin FISH-flat fish and *see attached rubrics ess
 Present different
round Orderlin
seafood dishes through
short video clip
2. fish: Environ
STRUCTURE-fish mental
and shellfish Friendly
BODY SHAPE-flat Teamwo
and round rk
fillet, drawn, whole, hip
butterfly fillet and Artistry
steak Thrifty
fish and fat fish
salt and fresh water
dried, smoked and

3. variety of cooking:

roasting, grilling,
boiling, baking, pan
frying and deep-fat
METHOD- braising
and stewing
boiling, steaming,
poaching and

Publish a movie
presentation of Film Viewing
dishes that can be  Pinoy Fish Recipesby
made out from Christ Lopez
different seafoods  Gordon Ramsay’s Top
5 Fish Recipe by Gordon
 7 Recipes for Seafood
Lovers by Tasty
 5 Easy Ways to Cook
Fish by Tasty Logic
 Top6 Fish Recipes by Adaptabi
Food Fusion lity
 Pinoy Seafood Recipe
by Christ Lopez
 7 Recipes for Seafood
Lovers by Tasty
 Gordon Ramsay’s Top
5 Fish Recipes by Gordon


Total Hrs: 126Hrs

Each student is required to:
1) attend at least 80% of the class hours (i.e., at least 14 sessions);
Course 2) submit accomplished assignments, research critique, and research report;
Requirements 3) participate in workshops and present in research conference; and
4) pass the major exams.

Class Policy
Lateness. A student will be marked “late” if he/she enters the class 5 minutes after the indicated time. Any student who comes to
class 15 minutes after the scheduled time or always late for two consecutive meetings shall be marked “absent”.
Missed work or exam. Any student who missed to submit a work assignment or to take a test should consult the concerned
instructor for immediate compliance.
Cheating and plagiarism. Any student who committed any form of academic dishonesty (e.g., copy-paste plagiarism) shall be
given disciplinary action provided in the South Cotabato State College Student’s Handbook.
Use of technology. Cell phones should be turned off while the session is in progress. Using laptops, notebook PCs, smart phones,
and tablets shall be allowed only when needed.

Laboratory Policy.
Absent. A studentwho enters the Laboratory Room30 minutes after the indicated time will be marked “absent” and will not allowed
to enter the laboratory class.A student who leave the laboratory without asking permission from the Instructor will also be marked
Laboratory Attire/PPE. A student without a complete Laboratory Outfit/PPE are not allowed to attend the laboratory class.
Incomplete Ingredients. A student/group who has incomplete ingredients are not allowed to perform laboratory activities.
Borrower’s Card must be filled up before the issuance of equipment, tools and utensils for laboratory. And must be returned clean
and in good condition.
In case of breakage of borrowed equipment, tools, utensils should be replaced by the concern student/ group before the
scheduled major examination
Smoking, eating and playing during Laboratory is strictly prohibited.

Observance of Personal Hygiene should be strictly followed.
Students are not allowed to Loiter in the Laboratory Room ifit is not their scheduledlaboratory.
Use of technology. Cell phones should be turned off while the session is in progress. Using laptops, notebook PCs, smart phones,
and tablets shall be allowed only when needed
All electrical equipment, faucetand gas tanksmust be turned-off before leaving the Laboratory Room.
Students are required to follow the proper waste segregation and emptying of garbage bins after laboratory.


Attendance 10% Hector Moura (20017). Menu Planning
Quizzes/Project 20% Nora Narvaez Soriano. A GUIDE TO FOOD SELECTION AND PRESERVATION
Written Examination 40% 3G Elearning FZ LLC (2016). COMMERCIAL COOKING: ADVANCED.
Laboratory 30% 3G Elearning FZ LLC (2016). COMMERCIAL COOKING: INTERMEDIATE.
Total 100% Training Regulations Cookery NCII (Tourism Sector)
Graham Dark, Deirdre Mclean & Sarah Weather Head; Kitchen Operations
Midterm 50% Deirde Mclean, Loretta Satori Coral Walsh & Stuart Walsh: Professional Cook’sbook: Commercial
Final 50% Cookery
------- Arduser L. Brown. D; The Professional Caterer’s Handbook
100% Brown Douglas: 4th Edition. The Restaurant Manager’s Handbook
Feintestein Andrew H. Stefanulli John M. 2nd Edition; Purchasing for Chefs; a concise Guide
Basic Food Safety: Chapter 5 Cleaning and Sanitizing by eFoodhandlers.Inc
How to Clean and Sanitize Kitchen Tools and Equipment by It’s Plonyyy
Cleaning and Sanitizing Foodservice by Human Sciences Extension
Food Safety training Video by krosestewart1
Kitchen Organization Ideas- Countertop Organization by Simplify Your Space
Recipe Organizer: How to Organize Recipes in a Binder by Home Organizing
Restaurant Owners Kitchen Checklist and Prep List by The Restaurant Boss
Organize/ Refrigerator by WhatsUpMom
23 Smart and Cheap Ideas to Organize Your Kitchen by Jansen’sDIY
How to Organize a Fridge by The Design Network
Purchasing and Receiving Food Supplies by Integrated Food Safety

Purchasing Receiving and Storing Food Supplies by Kelly Balverde
Receiving and Storing by Chef Ann foundation
Serve Safe Food Manager Study Guide-Purchasing by StudyEverywhere
Tips for Safe Food Storage in your Restaurant
Simple Tips for Stock & Broths-Kitchen Conundrums by Everyday Food
How to make fresh chicken stock by Gordon Ramsay
How to make amazing pumpkin soup by Curtis Stone
How to make Homemade Chicken Soup by All Recipes
What are the Five Mother Sauces by P Allen Smith
Fast Food Sauces V.1 by Sweet y Saldo
Fast Food Sauces V.2 by Sweet y Saldo
9 Delicious Appetizer Recipes-Family Meal Recipes by Wow! Delicious Food
Anytime & Party Appetizers by Lupie Housewife
Easy-To-Make Appetizersthat will ImpressEverybody by Tasty
Tapas Platter Recipe-Sorted by SORTEDfood
3Easy Hors D’oeuvres by Happily Eva After
Canape by TheSeasonrdCook
How to make a vegetable terrineby Escoffier Online
How to make: Seafood Terrine by Chef Al
Pate de Campagen Recipe-How to Make a Country-Style by Food Wishes
How to make vegetable salad by Salad Recipes
8 Healthy Salad Dressings (REALLY QUICK) by ErwanHeussaff
How to make the perfect salad by Ellen Fisher
How to make lettuce salad by Food.comHot Zucchini Salad-Quick salad Recipe by Rajshri Food
Roasted Vegetable Salad Recipe/Quick & Easy Baked Vegetables by Rajshri Food
How to make seafood salad by Cooking with Tovia
The Art of making a Sandwich by Cooking With Jack Show
13 Healthy Sandwich Recipe for Weight Loss by The Serious fitness
15 Quick Sandwich Recipe 2019-Easy Sandwich Ideas at Home by Wow! Delicious Food
The Correct Way to Make a sandwich by Inside Edition
Playing with your Food-Subway, Quinos& More by Cooking With Jack
How to Make a Club Sandwich by Scoff
10 Amazing Quick Meat Recipes-Best Recipes by Wow! Delicious Food

7 Easy Steak Dinners by Tasty
Gordon Ramsay’s ULTIMATE COOKERY COURSE: How to Cook a Perfect Steak by Hodder
Gordon Ramsay’s Home Cooking S01E11 by TsuiHon-LungYummy cooking Pork frying recipe-
Cooking skill by Natural TV
How To Cook Meatballs, 3 recipes/ Gordon Ramsay by Almost Anything
7 Tasty Ground Beef Recipes by Twisted
How To Cook buttered vegetables with quail eggs by Kat’s Empire
Easy Glazed Carrots Recipe/ Stovetop Glazed Carrots by Lamise O.
Easy Vegetable Lasagna Recipe-How to make fresh Vegetable Lasagna by Inspired Taste
Easy Oven Roasted Vegetables Recipe by PrinyaVantalu
How to stir-fry any vegetable-three basic flavors and recipe by Chinese Cooking
5 Easy Side dishes/ perfect for the Holidays by The Domestic Greek
Crunchy Egg Fingers/ Easy Egg Starter/ Quick and Easy by Piyas Kitchen
5 Delicious Souffle Recipes by Tasty
4 Levels of Omelets: Amateur to Food Scientist/ Epicurious by Epicurious
How to make an Omelet: Quick and Easy Ham Omelette Recipe by Crouton Crackerjacks
How to make a basic Fritata by ForkNPlate
Roasted Vegetable Fritata
Chef Ryll How to make a TerrinebySnhu Media Services
10 Creamy & Satisfying Pasta Dishes by Tasty
8 One-Pot Pastas by Tasty
10 Rice Recipes to Fill You Up for Dinner by Tasty
Rice Recipes/ 6 Different Rice Recipe by Veggie Recipe House
How to Make Perfect Polenta/ Serious Eats by Serious Eats
Polenta Italianaby HIBREDD Cassiano
The Art of Homemade Noodles-How to Make Chinese Noodles at Home by Souped Up Recipe
7 Nights of Tasty Noodles by Tasty
How to Cook the Perfect Couscous/ Healthy Couscous by Yummieliciouz Food
Pan-fried salmon with Tomato by Jamie Oliver
How to make Cassava Flour Tortillas by Downshiftology
8 Meaty Game Day Recipes by Tasty
7 Easy Chicken Dinners by Tasty

Easy Thanksgiving Recipe: How to Cook Tender Juicy by PhillyBoyJayCookingShow
Incredible Duck Dishes Made with the Best Duck in the World: Duckland by
How to Cook Comedor’s crispy Quail by Boston University
Rabbit Fricassee with Tagliatelli by Gordon Ramsay
Gordon Ramsay’s Top 5 Lamb Recipes by Gordon Ramsay
Pinoy Fish Recipes by Christ Lopez
Gordon Ramsay’s Top 5 Fish Recipe by Gordon Ramsay
7 Recipes for Seafood Lovers by Tasty
5 Easy Ways to Cook Fish by Tasty
Top 6 Fish Recipes by Food Fusion
Pinoy Seafood Recipe by Christ Lopez
7 Recipes for Seafood Lovers by Tasty
Gordon Ramsay’s Top 5 Fish Recipes by Gordon Ramsay

Prepared by: Noted by: Approved:


100% Performance Requirements for Cooking Laboratory
1 Points 2 Points 3 Points 4 Points
Lack of effort, improper Participated with only Practiced good Shows leadership skills
behavior or use of minimal effort, tendency to teamwork skills, within group and class,
equipment, wandered wander, minimal clean-up completed all personal, shows professionalism,
out assigned group or effort, skill level needs pre-preparation and mastered techniques,
didn’t do assigned improvement preparation skills , shows creativity, and
kitchen duties completed kitchen completes assigned
duties, shows jobs and kitchen ideas.
professionalism, good
attitude, shows
creativity, practices
good technique



Measuring, chopping and otherwise Did not measure out all Student completed most Student completed all Student practiced
preparing the ingredients , job ingredients and have of preparation steps but the steps but did not excellent time
assignments, rubric them lined-up in order missed one or more of the use time management management in
of use. Did not read procedures did not preparation procedure
recipe before beginning participate in all and complete all steps
preparation, missed a preparation steps or successfully
preparation step wandered out of group
during the process


Follows and completes recipe Student did not focus Student attempted tasks Student show proper Student demonstrated
instructions as demonstrated by the on task at hand, left but got distracted or did cooking methods and proper cooking

teacher resulting in a food product equipment on stove not complete assigned techniques, but did not technique, showed
unattended , did not task, followed only part of practice good time professionalism ,
control heat, did not the instructions management completed all
follow instructions instructions
successfully and
finished within the
allotted time


PREPARATION Student does not Student completed most Student completed all Student practiced
Preparing the kitchen and him/herself for complete all necessary of tasks, but missed one the steps but did not excellent time
the laboratory and gathering all things preparation techniques or more steps use time management management in
necessary to carry out the laboratory such as handwashing, completing personal
tying hair back , apron, and pre-preparation
reading recipe, getting task
out equipment and
ingredients and
sanitizing the laboratory


Practiced proper safety and sanitation Student did not Student only Student demonstrated Student demonstrated
techniques demonstrate proper demonstrated some safety proper safety and safety and sanitation
safety and sanitation and sanitation practices sanitation practices practices and ensured
practices such as using most of the time they were practiced by
equipment in the others in a group
appropriate manner,
sanitizing, cleaning up
as needed,
dishwashing and final


Poor cooperation/ Fair cooperation Good cooperation Excellent cooperation
Burnt/ undercooked, Poor final product, several Good final product but Excellent final product.
inedible, poor product mistakes apparent slightly off Turned out just as


5 or lower in clean-up Fair clean-up but missed Good clean-up but Excellent clean-up.
evaluation. Oven or 3-4 items. Oven, hood, fan missed 1-2 items
burner left on. and or light left on.


Team duty was not Team duty was done Team duty was done Team duty was done
done poorly or incompletely correctly and



Completion Of All Kitchen Duties Student did not Student only partially Student completed Student completed
complete assigned completed kitchen duties most kitchen duties kitchen duties and
kitchen duties helped other student’s


Social Responsibility Student exhibit multiple Student exhibited several Student showed safe Student exhibit safety
or very unsafe practices unsafe practices such as practices and behavior and behavior and set a
such as improper use of improper use of great example for the
equipment, towels or equipment, towels or group
wondering wondering


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