Lesson Plan: I - Objective

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I – Objective:
At the end of the lesson the student will be able to:
a. Understand what are the methods in fertilizer application.
b. Identify different methods in fertilizer application.
c. Appreciate the importance in fertilizer application.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Methods in fertilizer application
Reference: Agricultural Book, www.agri.com
Materials: Visual aids, Manila paper, marker, text book

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

Requesting everybody to please stand for the (everybody stand up)

prayer to be lead by Mr. Humpa Mr. Humpa lead the prayer!
Thank you!

Everybody please be seated.

Good morning everyone! Good morning ma’am

For today’s attendance, please sign the

attendance sheet that I will pass to you.

Before we will proceed to our new topic.

Lets us review first our past lesson.
Class who can recall the meaning of fertilizer
Ms. Dwinz? Ms. Dwinz
It’s correct! Fertilizer – is any substance that can add nutrients to
the plants.

What are the two types of Fertilizer Ms. Ms. Noralyn

Noralyn? The two types of fertilizer are organic and inorganic

B. <Motivation>

I will give you this envelope, and you need to Yes, ma’am!
assemble the picture inside of it and paste it
here in board.

(Give the envelope to the learners each 6 table (The students do the task silently and quickly.)
have to finish the activity for just 2 minutes
after that they will post it in board.

C. Abstraction:
Here are the objectives for our topic to be Ms. Vergie read the objects!
discussed today. (show the objectives)
Ms. Virgie!
Ok ma’am!
Class our lesson for today is all about the
methods in fertilizer application.

1. Broadcasting – even and uniform spreading of

fertilizer by hand over the entire surface of
(Students will raise his/her hand and read.)
2. Side Dressing – it refers to the spread of
fertilizer in between the rows and around the

3. Foliar Application – by applying liquid

fertilizer to the leaves.

The importance in fertilizer application is to improve

growth and productiveness of the plants. Fertilizers
enhance the natural chemical elements taken from the
soil by pervious crops (Organic Fertilizer).

D. Analysis/Generalization:

I have some questions hope you answer it, as Well the important in fertilizer application is to enhance
far as what you’ve understand about the topic… the soil fertility.

What is the significance in fertilizer


Yes correct Yes, Ma’am!

E. Application:

We will have our group activity we have 6 Students started to read the standards and the rubrics
groups only for this interesting activity. I have and after reading it they go to their respected groups.
the sets of standards and also the rubrics for
today’s activity.
(show the students & rubrics on the board and
let the students to read. Finish the task on the 5


Cooperation – 10 points
Content – 10 points
Presentation – 10 points
30 points

Explain the difference between the 3 types of Students present their activities!
fertilizer application.
IV. Evaluation/Assessment
We will have a short quiz for me to test if you
understand our lesson today. Okay ma’am!
Please get a ¼ sheet of paper.

(Teacher read the direction for the quiz) Yes, ma’am very clear!
You are going to write fact if the statement is true and
bluff if it is false. Is that clear?

Are you ready? Here’s the first statement. Yes, ma’am we are ready!

(The teacher gives the 2 statements for the quiz and after (The students correct their answer & total the score the
they correct the answer of her students by exchanging of and pass it to the teacher…)
paper to their seatmate.)

Answer key:
1. Fact
2. Bluff

V. Assignment:
To end this class proper I want you answer this question
to your notebook, this will serve as your assignments for
today & I will check that one by one next meeting. Yes, ma’am
Would that be okay class?

The teacher shows the assignment in the board.

Thank you for the cooperation class & you may now
enjoy your lunch.

Goodbye and Thank you once again learners… Goodbye & thank you also ma’am!

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