Journal of Cleaner Production: Jin Li, Danping Wang, Jianghua Zhang
Journal of Cleaner Production: Jin Li, Danping Wang, Jianghua Zhang
Journal of Cleaner Production: Jin Li, Danping Wang, Jianghua Zhang
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this paper, we study an emission-based heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing problem (E-HFFVRP)
Received 1 February 2018 with considerations of fuel and carbon emissions. This problem involves routing a fleet of a fixed number
Received in revised form of vehicles with various capacities to serve a set of customers. It seeks to minimize the objective function,
6 July 2018
which incorporates the fixed expenses and variable costs consisting of fuel consumptions and carbon
Accepted 7 August 2018
Available online 13 August 2018
emissions. It is a new variant of the heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing problem (HFFVRP), in
which a fleet consists of a fixed number of vehicles with different capacities, fixed costs and variable
costs. We formulate this problem with a mixed integer programming model by introducing an approach
Vehicle routing
to calculate fuel and carbon emissions. Moreover, a split-based adaptive tabu search (SATS) algorithm
Freight transportation using an optimal split scheme and an adaptive tabu search algorithm is proposed. Its key features and
Heterogeneous fleet components are designed accordingly. Results of numerical experimentations on two sets of generated
Fuel instances confirm the efficiency and effectiveness of the algorithm.
Carbon emissions © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0959-6526/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 201 (2018) 896e908 897
pollution and emission reduction under various environmental amount of fuel and carbon emissions. Traditional approaches usu-
policies, such as carbon tax and carbon cap-and-trade mechanism. ally use a linear function with respect to travel distance or vehicle
Vehicle fixed costs are mainly related with the costs of hiring, load. In contrast, our approach takes into account the effects of not
maintenance, depreciation and insurances, etc. The task of the just travel distance but also lots of other factors, such as vehicle
decision-maker is how to arrange the fleet and routing of these weight, load and speed. Moreover, we propose a mixed integer
different vehicles to achieve the minimization of total transport programming model for the E-HFFVRP, and adapt adaptive memory
network costs. programming to develop a split-based adaptive tabu search (SATS)
Our study is related to green vehicle routing problem (GVRP), algorithm. A few promising characteristics of this algorithm are
which is an alternative to regular well-established vehicle routing introduced to improve its computational performance. In partic-
models. Literature reviews on GVRP are presented in the papers ular, the algorithm incorporates an optimal split scheme and an
such as Lin et al. (2014) and Zhou et al. (2016). GVRP has been used adaptive tabu search algorithm. The optimal split scheme is applied
recently for purposes such as making routing decisions to minimize to generate the adaptive memory, and the adaptive tabu search
fuel consumptions Zhu et al. (2014); Hosseini-Nasab and Lotfalian algorithm is used to improve each temporary solution.
(2017) or reduce carbon emissions Niu et al. (2018); Xiao and The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2
Abdullah Konak (2017), recovery and distribution of remanufac- introduces an approach of calculating the fuel and carbon emis-
tured products considering sustainability and green criteria sions, and then describes the E-HFFVRP model. In Section 3, the
Soleimani et al. (2018) or routing a capacitated multi-depot dis- algorithm named SATS is presented. Its main features and different
tribution system Jabir et al. (2017). components are given in detail. In Section 4, results of numerical
As a typical GVRP, the pollution routing problem (PRP) is also an studies on two sets of test problems are shown to illustrate the
extension of the traditional VRP and has a broad objective function efficiency of the proposed algorithm and analyze the effect of split
that accounts for carbon emissions. It was first introduced by strategy. Finally, Section 5 summarizes the final conclusions.
Bektas and Laporte (2011), and then some effective approaches are
developed to solve this problem, such as adaptive large neighbor- 2. Mixed integer programming model
hood search Demir et al. (2012) and disjunctive convex program-
ming Fukasawa et al. (2016). Some other variants of PRP are paid 2.1. Problem description
more attention in the literature such as the time-dependent PRP
Franceschetti et al. (2017), PRP with multiple conflicting objective The notations of E-HFFVRP are given as follows. We assume
functions Suzuki (2016), pickup and delivery PRP Tajik et al. (2014) that G ¼ ðV; EÞ is a digraph, V ¼ f0; 1; /; ng is the nodes set, and
and PRP with uncertain demand and travel time (Eshtehadi et al. E ¼ fði; jÞji; j2V; isjg is the arcs set between each pair of nodes. The
(2017). However, in practical business activities, outsourcing has depot denoted by node 0 contains different types of vehicles, and
been widely used. Outsourcing carriers may have limited number of other n nodes constitute a customer set C ¼ f1; 2; /; ng.
heterogeneous vehicles, each type with different capacities, fixed x ¼ f1; 2; /; Kg is the set of vehicles and j ¼ f1; 2; /; Mg is the set
costs, fuel consumptions and carbon emissions. This is so called E- of vehicle types. For each m2j, the vehicle capacity is Qm , and the
HFFVRP, which is to study how to arrange the routing of fixed fixed cost is Fm . The fuel cost per unit is Cf , and the emission cost
number of vehicles from the depot to a series of customers to
per unit fuel is Ce . The number of vehicle type m is fixed and equals
minimize a total cost consisting of fixed costs, fuel and carbon P
emissions. to Nm . Therefore, the total number of vehicles is M m¼1 Nm . For each
Another related problem is heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle customer i2C, its demand to be delivered from the depot is qi . For
routing problem (HFFVRP), which routes a fixed number of vehicles each arcði; jÞ2E, dij is assumed to be a non-negative distance.
from the depot to visit all customers with minimizing the overall Given above conditions, the objective function of the E-HFFVRP
fixed and variable costs. To address HFFVRP, different heuristics and is to minimize the sum costs of variable expenses (fuel consump-
metaheuristics have been developed, such as adaptive memory tions and carbon emissions) and fixed expenses, by determining a
programming metaheuristic Li et al. (2010), tabu search algorithm vehicle scheduling strategy. Unlike the HFFVRP, which only focuses
Branda ~o (2011), and lifted polynomial size formulations Leggieri on the economic costs, the E-HFFVRP considers both the economic
and Haouari (2017). However, different with our problem, and environmental costs (i.e. fuel cost and carbon emission cost) in
HFFVRP did not consider the effect of fuel and carbon emissions on its objective function.
vehicle routing arrangement.
One closely related literature is from Zhang et al. (2015), whose 2.2. Calculation of fuel and carbon emission costs
focus is on a capacitated vehicle routing problem to minimize the
sum of fuel cost, carbon emission cost and the vehicle usage cost. By Carbon emissions of vehicles depend on a number of factors
contrast, our study is centered on an E-HFFVRP to minimize not Sundarakani et al. (2010), such as transport mode, fuel type, fuel
only the variable costs of fuel and carbon emissions but also fixed consumption, and travel distance. For practical reasons, we intro-
costs. Hence, the study of E-HFFVRP in this paper is a new extension duce an emission calculation approach for road transport from
of VRP in (Zhang et al. (2015), and is quite different from them as Hoen et al. (2010). The total carbon emissions on an arc ði; jÞ are
well. To the best of our knowledge, E-HFFVRP has not yet attracted assumed to be EMij , which is related to FCij and the fuel emission
much attention in the extant literature and an appropriate method factor (FE). Thus, it can be calculated as follows:
that addresses this problem remains unexplored.
Existing literature review shows that pure HFFVRP without fuel EMij ¼ FE$FCij (1)
and carbon emissions is well studied. However, low-carbon trans-
portation and logistics are paid more attention recently by gov- where FE is defined as a gram of CO2 emitted per liter of fuel, i.e., the
ernments and customers. To fill this gap, in this paper, we present efficiency of converting the fuel into carbon emissions, which is
the E-HFFVRP that integrating both economic and environmental affected by vehicle type, fuel type and other factors.
impacts. To reduce fuel consumptions and carbon emissions of The traditional calculation of fuel consumption is a linear
vehicle routing, we use a comprehensive approach to calculate the function of travel distance, which is not in line with industry ap-
plications. Instead, we adopt a comprehensive fuel consumption
898 J. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 201 (2018) 896e908
n 3. Metaheuristic for the E-HFFVRP
þ Fm xm
m¼1 k¼1 j¼1 Since the E-HFFVRP is a new extension of the classical VRP, a
(4) metaheuristic algorithm should be used to solve this NP-hard
problem. Based on the general framework of adaptive memory
programming procedure Olivera and Viera (2007), a split-based
ym adaptive tabu search (SATS) algorithm that incorporates an
s:t: ik ¼ 1; cis0 (5)
m¼1 k¼1 optimal split scheme and embedded adaptive tabu search algo-
rithm is proposed. To facilitate the presentation, we define the
following notations: a is the adaptive memory that comprises some
xm m
ijk ¼ yjk ; cj; m; k (6) solutions; b is the set of temporary solutions constructed based on
i¼1 a at each iteration; nb is the number of temporary solutions found
at each iteration; xi is the ith solution in b; x0i is the ith improved
n solution for xi ; xcb is the best solution obtained in the current
xm m
ijk ¼ yik ; ci; m; k (7) iteration; xgb is the global-best solution obtained from the start of
the algorithm; and nb is the number of best solutions in the current
iteration. In order to help the readers understand the whole picture
of the proposed algorithm, the basic structure of the SATS is shown
qi ym
ik Qm ; ck; m (8) by a flow chart in Fig. 1.
The steps of SATS are described in the following. First, a is set to
store the E-HFFVRP solutions, which are denoted as sequences
without delimiters and then organized by a split algorithm. To
enhance the diversification strategies, the solutions in a are
Table 1
selected in probability to generate temporary solutions in each
Symbols representation referred in the E-HFFVRP model.
iteration step. Next, an adaptive tabu search (ATS) is used to
Symbols Descriptions Values (ranges) improve each temporary solution. To better utilize the search
cf Fuel cost per liter (CNY) 7.30 memory and history, several best improved solutions are selected
ce Emissions cost per liter (CNY) 0.64 to update a. The above steps are repeated until the maximum
FE Fuel emissions factor (kilogram/liter) 2.32 number of iterations IM is satisfied. Finally, after the main loop, a
vij Average arc speed (kilometers/hour) 40e100
post-optimization procedure (POP) is added to further improve the
aij Arc specific constant 0.09e0.15
best solution. Specifically, the algorithmic framework of SATS
J. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 201 (2018) 896e908 899
cði; jÞ2A : qSk Qm (13)
3.3. Adaptive memory initialization and temporary solutions one of the Nd ðSi Þ. The double insertion removes any pair of cus-
generation tomers ðSi ; Sj Þ from one tour and inserts them into any different
position of another tour that has at least one of the Nd ðSi Þ or Nd ðSj Þ.
In the initial stage of SATS, a is composed of various solutions. The swap allows a customer node Si from one tour to be exchanged
Let am be the size of a. We generate random permutation of with a customer node Sj from another tour while satisfying that at
customer nodes as initial solutions. Then, these solutions are ar- least one customer in route j falls inNd ðSi Þ. For the 2-opt, non-
ranged in descending order and put in a. First, Each solution x is adjacent arcs ðSi ; Siþ1 Þ and ðSj ;Sjþ1 Þare replaced by ðSi ; Sj Þ and ðSiþ1 ;
assigned with a triple ðfðxÞ; f ðxÞ; FðxÞÞ, where fðxÞ is the total load Sjþ1 Þ in the same tour, and then the direction of the sub-tour ðSiþ1 ;
excess value of the capacity in x. Second, there are three possible
/; Sj Þ which has at least one of the Nd ðSi Þ or Nd ðSjþ1 Þ is reversed.
cases in which these solutions are sorted: (1) When x1 and x2 are
both feasible, x1 has a higher level than x2 if and only if f ðx1 Þ < f ðx2 Þ;
(2) when x1 is feasible and x2 is infeasible, x1 has a strictly higher 3.4.2. Tabu status and tabu tenure
level than x2 ; (3) when x1 and x2 are both infeasible, x1 has a higher To avoid local cycling, we don't allow recent solutions found to
level than x2 if and only if Fðx1 Þ < Fðx2 Þ. Note that if f ðx1 Þ ¼ f ðx2 Þ or be used in the next q iterations and put some relevant attributes of
Fðx1 Þ ¼ Fðx2 Þ, x1 and x2 is chosen randomly to be assigned with a these solutions into a tabu list. For each action that generates a new
higher level. solution, the inverse action will be taboo in subsequent q iterations
A multi-start strategy is used to enhance diversification and thus and is then inserted into the tabu list. The status of an operator is
increase the probability of generating better solutions, that is, nb required that a customer removed from a position of a tour cannot
solutions in a are probabilistically selected to be temporary solu- go back to it during the tabu tenure. The tubu tenure is changed
tions at each iteration. As mentioned above, a solution with a higher systematically as the search evolution. Due to the fact that the tabu
level is more likely to be selected in probability. Hence, the prob- restriction may prohibit promising moves, a common aspiration
ability of selecting the ith solution is defined as pi ¼ ðns i þ 1Þ=n2s , criterion is used if the move action produces a better solution.
where ns represents the total number of available solutions in a. In
terms of the solution level in a, the first solution with the highest
level is certain to be selected, and the final one with the lowest level 3.4.3. Restart and shaking
has least selection probability. As tabu search algorithm is easy to fall into local optimal, to
address this problem, restart and shaking is often used to obtain
3.4. ATS for solution improvement better solutions. By changing parameters, restart can make a good
tradeoff between intensification and diversification. The restart of
An improvement-based procedure is applied to improve all our algorithm is done from the best-so-far solution xgb if no
solutions in b and push to their local optima. We use an ATS as a improvement is found within iL iterations. Furthermore, to escape
solution improvement procedure in SATS. Some related notations local optimum at the end of the search, it is necessary to shake the
in the ATS are listed as follows: i0 represents the iteration counter of best known solution and reach better solutions. Shaking technique
no improvement in current best feasible or infeasible solution; iL is is often used when the search falls into local optimum within a
the limit of i0 in the current cycle; q is the tabu tenure; d is the given neighborhood structure. In our implementation, a random
number of nearest neighbors of a customer; IA is the total limitation move is performed on the current neighborhood by randomly
number of iterations; FS FD ,FW and FO are the frequencies of the executing one of the three movements: GENI, US Gendreau et al.
neighborhood operators of single, double, swap and 2-opt, (1994) and 2-opt.
respectively. A typical feature of ATS is that it can adaptively adjust
several key parameters with search evolution, such as the tabu
3.5. Adaptive memory update
tenure and the frequencies of the neighborhood operators. In
particular, once the search reaches to the middle of the cycle (iL =2)
After the solution improvement procedure ATS is implemented,
or the end of the cycle (iL ), accordingly, the ATS changes some
several poor solutions are removed from a and replaced by the
parameters (qdFS FD FW FO ) to enhance the diversification. POP and improved solutions. First, we select nb (nb < nb ) best solutions from
restart strategy are also used to achieve the intensification. The
nb improved solutions according to the following conditions: (1)
outline of the ATS is described in Algorithm 3 in Appendix.
The feasible solution should be selected in advance when feasible
and infeasible solutions are all available; (2) When only feasible
3.4.1. Neighborhood structure solutions are derived, we select the one with the least objective
In a tabu search algorithm, the degree and quality of solution value; and (3) When only infeasible solutions are generated, we
search are determined by neighborhood structure. We use three select the one with the least penalty value. Then, these solutions are
intra-route neighborhood operators (single insertion, double assigned and sorted with the triple given in Section 3.3. Finally, the
insertion and swap) and one inter-route neighborhood operator (2- nb worst solutions in a are deleted and replaced by the same
opt). We limit the search of these operators by d neighborhood number of best solutions with assigned order level.
restriction to reduce the number of potential moves at each itera-
tion, which thus not only saves the computing time but also drives
the search to find better solutions. For any node s2S, we define its 3.6. POP
d neighborhood Nd ðsÞ as the set of the d nodes on the tour that is
closet to s with respect to the total costs. This concept was proposed At the end of the ATS or SATS, in order to promote intensifica-
and used by Gendreau et al. (1994). However, the main difference tion, we use a POP to further improve the best found solution.
with them is that the d in our algorithm varies with the search Similar to those operators in the shaking stage, GENI, US, and 2-opt
evolution, that is, the initial d is very small and increases gradually are also executed. However, they are not used by random selection,
during the search evolution. instead they are implemented in sequence using the best-accepted
The single insertion removes a customer Si from one tour and criterion, i.e., they search the entire neighborhood of the solution
inserts it into various positions in another tour that contains at least space to find the best improvement.
J. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 201 (2018) 896e908 901
Table 2
Data for the testing problems of Set 1.
VT VP Problem VT VP Problem
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
r0 95.39 88.45 94.76 94.76 95.38 95.38 76.74 95.92 r0 95.39 88.45 94.76 94.76 95.38 95.38 76.74 95.92
Table 3
Data for the testing problems of Set 2.
VT VP Problem VT VP Problem
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8
n 150 150 200 200 250 250 300 300 n 150 150 200 200 250 250 300 300
r0 88.53 95.43 96.40 93.90 88.15 95.77 95.52 94.29 r0 88.53 95.43 96.40 93.90 88.15 95.77 95.52 94.29
A QA 80 100 150 100 60 120 200 150 D QD 200 400 350 300 250 300 350 300
FA 300 350 400 320 200 340 600 410 FD 550 2200 1500 1200 750 1100 1800 1200
NA 4 3 4 2 6 5 3 5 ND 3 1 2 2 3 2 2 2
bA 2.11 2.60 3.05 2.60 1.84 2.67 3.37 3.05 bD 3.37 4.14 4.05 3.75 3.70 3.75 4.05 3.75
B QB 120 160 200 160 120 160 250 200 E QE 250 400 350 300 350 400 400
FB 350 500 550 450 350 500 800 600 FE 600 2100 1800 1200 1600 2100 2100
NB 4 3 3 4 4 5 3 3 NE 1 2 1 2 1 1 2
bB 2.67 3.13 3.37 3.13 2.67 3.13 3.70 3.37 bE 3.70 4.14 4.05 3.75 4.05 4.14 4.14
C QC 150 300 300 250 200 200 300 250 F QF 350 350 400
FC 500 1500 1200 800 510 560 1500 850 FF 2200 1600 2100
NC 3 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 NF 1 2 1
bC 3.05 3.75 3.75 3.70 3.37 3.37 3.75 3.70 bF 4.05 4.05 4.14
the optimal split strategy. The experiment is conducted by per- 10.11% for Set 1 instances and from 2.93% to 12.92% for Set 2 in-
forming four versions of SATS with different split strategies as stances. In particular, the average deviation from the random split
follows: (1) SSA-SATS, a SATS with a simple split strategy in which strategy is above 10%. Moreover, when the split strategy is used, the
available vehicles of different types are assigned in ascending order computational time required to obtain the best solutions is not
of capacity; (2) SSD-SATS, another simple split strategy in which significantly increased. These figures suggest that the optimal split
available vehicles of various types are assigned in descending order strategy can be used to obtain good-quality solutions. Therefore,
of capacity; (3) RS-SATS, where a random split strategy is imple- the optimal split strategy should be adopted in the SATS to derive a
mented, i.e., available vehicles of different types are assigned at better balance between computational time and solution quality.
random; and (4) OS-SATS, where the proposed optimal split
strategy is considered in SATS. Table 4 summarizes the comparison
results of testing problems in Set 1 and Set 2. For each instance, we
run four algorithms each 20 trials, and present the average value of 4.3.2. Comparison of SATS with other algorithms
the best solutions in the column labeled “Average” along with the In this subsection, we carry out simulation experiment to show
related CPU average time used in computing the algorithm. For the the performance of SATS by comparing it with some existing al-
last three columns, the column entitled DevA (%), DevD (%) and gorithms. For SATS, we also use the best parameter settings
DevR (%) shows the percentage deviations of OS-SATS from SSA- selected in the above sections. The selected algorithms include a
SATS, SSD-SATS, and RS-SATS, respectively. Furthermore, suppose pure tabu search and two methods used in HFFVRP as follows:
SðOSÞ is the optimal solution found with OS-SATS, and SðADRÞ
represents the solution value produced by one of the other three (1) TS: a tabu search algorithm, which is similar to ATS, except
split-based algorithms. Then, the percentage deviation is calculated that it use saving algorithm rather than the split-based
as 100ðSðADRÞ SðOSÞÞ=SðADRÞ. procedure to construct initialization solution. Its termina-
As shown in Table 4, from both solution quality and computa- tion condition is also the maximum number of iterations,
tional efforts, the optimal split strategy outperforms the other split 3000 n.
strategies. Moreover, the optimal split strategy is able to discover (2) BATA: a back-tracking adaptive threshold accepting meta-
the best solution in nearly all instances. The average deviations heuristic Tarantilis et al. (2004), which was implemented on
from the other three split strategies are significant from 4.98% to MS Visual Cþþ, Pentium II, 400 MHz, 128 MB RAM.
Table 4
The effect of split strategy in SATS.
Instances SSA-SATS SSD-SATS RS-SATS OS-SATS DevA (%) DevD (%) DevR (%)
13 2081.12 100 2085.96 109 2211.47 113 2065.96 95 0.73 0.96 6.58
14 11121.32 107 10192.37 105 11444.35 118 10034.51 98 9.77 1.55 12.32
15 2604.07 113 2591.58 108 2690.05 110 2520.39 90 3.21 2.75 6.31
16 2675.01 98 2658.66 104 2652.51 107 2631.22 89 1.64 1.03 0.80
17 2050.64 149 1991.98 153 2192.88 161 1825.06 143 11.00 8.38 16.77
18 2921.95 153 2859.11 160 3178.75 154 2723.14 151 6.80 4.76 14.33
19 11248.84 236 11455.49 227 11778.69 231 10215.39 225 9.19 10.83 13.27
20 4474.95 215 4493.63 208 4538.69 209 4060.80 206 9.25 9.63 10.53
Average 6.45 4.98 10.11
P1 12822.67 314 15005.69 290 15296.87 285 12950.24 283 0.99 13.70 15.34
P2 14386.42 326 16320.36 313 16318.78 328 13668.71 307 4.99 16.25 16.24
P3 21527.50 447 23377.88 435 23412.30 427 21273.17 416 1.18 9.00 9.14
P4 21384.31 412 22302.72 405 24760.75 410 20837.67 397 2.56 6.57 15.84
P5 23439.18 491 25400.64 462 24239.18 481 21658.77 446 7.60 14.73 10.65
P6 24509.41 524 26456.88 482 27030.09 497 23053.85 468 5.94 12.86 14.71
P7 26428.75 655 28060.79 624 28991.76 628 25985.84 611 1.68 7.39 10.37
P8 31338.07 673 34714.78 637 35043.96 649 31175.32 633 0.52 10.20 11.04
Average 2.93 11.34 12.92
J. Li et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 201 (2018) 896e908 903
aheuristic (Li et al., 2012; Li et al., 2010), which was
implemented on MS Visual Cþþ, Intel CPU 2.2G.
As the algorithms of BATA and MAMP have been tested on
benchmark problems Set 1, we use Set 1 to conduct an experi-
ment for all algorithms. Note that different algorithms are
executed on different computer environments. To offer a fair
garra tables Dongarra (2006) as follows: Pentium IId8 Tflop/s,
Intel 2.2Gd50 Tflop/s, Intel 2.26Gd55 Tflop/s. All benchmark
problems found through 20 runs of SATS and TS are compared.
Table 5 presents detailed results of the experiment. For each pair
of instance and algorithm, this table includes the best solution
(Best) and the computational time (CPUs/Tflop) obtaining the
14, 17 and 18. Finally, on average, the computing time for SATS is
Table 6
The percentage deviations of each algorithm from the best solution of all algorithms.
emissions at the minimal costs. Finally, from this paper, the policy- given instances.
maker can know how to formulate and adopt effective govern- Although the SATS algorithm yields good results in the given test
mental polices to affect the environmental performance of the lo- instances, some limitations should be noticed. Firstly, since the E-
gistic service providers. For example, sufficiently higher carbon HFFVRP is an NP-hard problem, if the data structure of the prob-
price may reduce the carbon emissions at a lower degree, but lems is large dimension and uniform, some additional difficulties
depress the logistic firms by increasing more economical costs. will be imposed on the algorithm. Secondly, in terms of the good
performance of the SATS, we believe that this algorithm can be
adapted to efficiently deal with other VRPs found in real-life, but
5. Conclusion several features with the algorithm may be returned, such as tabu
tenure, the frequencies of the neighborhood operators and shaking
In light of growing concerns about global warming, all modern mechanism. Moreover, other efficient algorithms will be incorpo-
industries are starting to increase their investment in reducing fuel rated in the solution improvement to solve more difficult problems
consumptions and carbon emissions. To achieve this objective, the with other strong constraints. In the future, we shall test the per-
transportation industries should optimize vehicle routings by formance of our algorithm through other large-scale real data.
focusing on minimizing variable costs (fuel and emission) and fixed
costs. Accordingly, we studied the emission-based heterogeneous
fixed fleet vehicle routing problem (E-HFFVRP) with reducing fuel Acknowledgments
and carbon emissions. A mixed integer programming model was
built along with introducing an approach of calculating fuel and This work was partly supported by a grant from the Natural
carbon emissions. A split-based adaptive tabu search algorithm is Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71571111); Zhejiang Pro-
proposed, which combines an optimal split procedure with an vincial Philosophy and Social Sciences Foundation of China (Grant
adaptive tabu search. A vehicle routing is denoted as a sequence No. 18NDJC180YB); Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation
without delimiters. The split algorithm is then used to extract an of China (Grant No. LY17G020005), and the National Natural Sci-
optimal solution from the sequence. In addition, an adaptive tabu ence Foundation of China (NSFC) (Grant Nos. 71302035, 71672179).
search (ATS) is embedded in SATS to improve the solution. We The authors also would like to thank the Qilu Young Scholars and
generated different sets of instances to evaluate the effectiveness of Tang Scholars of Shandong University for financial and technical
SATS. Then, some parameters are tuned systematically based on support.
previous knowledge and F-Race procedure. We tested this algo-
rithm on a series of problems. The results showed that optimal split Appendix
strategy could be incorporated to enhance the performance of SATS,
and the SATS can effectively search for high quality solutions on the
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