Expert Systems With Applications: G. Poonthalir, R. Nadarajan

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Expert Systems With Applications 100 (2018) 131–144

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A Fuel Efficient Green Vehicle Routing Problem with varying speed

constraint (F-GVRP)
G. Poonthalir∗, R. Nadarajan
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A bi-objective Fuel efficient Green Vehicle Routing Problem (F-GVRP) with varying speed constraint is
Received 13 September 2017 discussed in this paper as an extension of Green Vehicle Routing Problem (G-VRP). F-GVRP is modelled
Revised 29 January 2018
to minimize both route cost and fuel consumption using goal programming. The problem is solved using
Accepted 30 January 2018
Particle Swarm Optimization with Greedy Mutation Operator and Time varying acceleration coefficient
(TVa-PSOGMO). The objective of this paper is to study the behaviour of F-GVRP under varying speed
Keywords: environment and its impact on the route cost and fuel consumption. Experiments are conducted with
Green Vehicle Routing Problem constant and varying speed constraints and it is observed that better routing plan with minimum fuel
Bi-objective optimization consumption can be achieved under varying speed environment.
Particle Swarm Optimization
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction studied under varying speed environment and is simulated using

triangular distribution. To the best of our knowledge, the impact
Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is an important combinatorial of varying speed on fuel consumption minimization for G-VRP is
optimization problem in distribution logistics. Green logistics is not available in literature.
routing vehicles with a concern towards environment. Recently, There are some considerable differences between G-VRP and
several routing and scheduling of VRP emulate that are of eco- the proposed F-GVRP. G-VRP is a single objective optimization
nomic, social, and environmental importance. Research on green problem that aims to reduce the overall route cost but F-GVRP is
routing is gaining importance due to its impact on the envi- a bi objective optimization problem that aims to minimize both
ronment and on the society. This motivated us to model a VRP route cost and fuel consumption. In G-VRP, vehicle speed and fuel
with environmental concern that aims to reduce fuel consumption consumption rate are kept constant, but in the proposed method,
which is an important parameter in Green House Gas (GHG) emis- speed is a varying entity and hence, fluctuations arise in deter-
sion. mining the fuel consumption rate which is not constant. G-VRP
Green Vehicle Routing Problem (G-VRP) was proposed by is solved using Modified Clarke and Wright Savings Algorithm
Erdogan and Miller-Hooks (2012). The objective of the problem is (MCWS) and Density Based Clustering Algorithm (DBCA) and F-
to devise low cost route for a set of homogenous vehicles stationed GVRP is solved using Particle Swarm Optimization with Greedy
at a depot. Each vehicle takes a tour serving a set of geographi- Mutation Operator along with Time Varying acceleration (TVa-
cally distributed customers with limited fuel capacity and time. A PSOGMO).
vehicle can refuel in a set of refuelling stations and can continue
the trip within the time limit. To have environment friendly rout- 2. Literature review
ing, the refuelling stations are replaced by Artificial Fuelling Station
(AFS). Many models under VRP are studied since its inception by
The proposed model addresses the green objective of environ- Dantzig and Ramser (1959). Literature on VRP mostly span around
ment friendly routing as minimal fuel consumption leads to min- some traditional variants like Capacitated VRP (CVRP), VRP with
imal GHG emission, carbon-di-oxide in particular. Generally, vehi- Pickup and Delivery (VRPPD), VRP with Time Windows (VRPTW),
cles travel within a maximum and a minimum speed rather than Stochastic VRP (SVRP) etc., The literature on VRP is rich with many
travelling at a constant speed. Hence, the behaviour of F-GVRP is exact and heuristic approaches for solving variants on VRP.
VRP continues to be an active area of research because of its

Corresponding author. practical relevance and considerable difficulty. Apart from tradi-
E-mail addresses: (G. Poonthalir), tional VRP, several variants exist with the introduction of practical
(R. Nadarajan). constraints associated with real world problems. Although many
0957-4174/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
132 G. Poonthalir, R. Nadarajan / Expert Systems With Applications 100 (2018) 131–144

variants on VRP exist, this literature reviews various models on that gives solution to the problem. When vehicle equipped with
green VRP. artificial fuel need to take long distance tour, it has to halt for refu-
Literature on vehicle routing problems that halts for refuelling elling in alternate fuelling station. When AFS are limited, a vehicle
at fuel stations or recharging their batteries at re-charging sta- has to take up a route forcefully to refuel in the limited number of
tions are limited in comparison with other traditional variants. AFS which can increase the route cost. This problem can be tack-
VRP with a limitation on the capacity of vehicle was addressed led if vehicle can switch between battery and fuel depending on
by Bard, Huang, Jaillet, and Dror (1998) where the vehicle stops the requirements as proposed by Mancini (2017) in hybrid VRP. An
at satellite facilities to reload their capacity and continue the tour. MILP formulation of the problem is carried out and is solved using
Erdogan and Miller Hooks (2012) formulated a Green Vehicle Rout- a large neighbourhood search based matheuristic.
ing Problem (G-VRP) where the refuelling stations are modelled VRP that concentrates in minimizing GHG emission and their
with environment friendly fuel like biogas and the vehicle halts modelling is also discussed under Green VRP in literature. A fuel
for re fuelling with the idea conceived from Bard et al. (1998). emission minimization model that concentrated in reducing emis-
They solved the problem using Density Based Clustering Algo- sion for solid waste collection trucks was done by Apaydin and
rithm (DBCA) and Modified Clarke and Wright Savings (MCWS) Gonullu (2008). Emission minimization VRP was proposed by
algorithm. Schneider, Stenger, and Goeke (2014) extended G-VRP Figliozzi (2010) that concentrated in routing vehicles with less
and discussed Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Win- emission where emission minimization is taken as an additional
dows (E-VRPTW) and recharging stations. They solved the prob- objective. Bektas and Laporte (2011) developed a Pollution Rout-
lem using Tabu search with variable neighbourhood algorithm and ing Problem (PRP) which is an extension of VRPTW that considers
got better results than Erdogan and Miller Hooks (2012). Later, both load and speed as major factors in emission and proposed a
Schneider, Stenger, and Hof (2015) developed Vehicle Routing Prob- non linear mixed integer programming model to solve the prob-
lem with Intermediate Stops (VRP-IS) and solved the problem us- lem. Later, Demir, Bektaş, and Laporte (2012) solved the PRP using
ing adaptive variable neighbourhood search algorithm. Felipe, Or- an Adaptive Large Neighbourhood Search (ALNS) heuristic to min-
tuño, Righini, and Tirado (2014) have studied a variation of Electric imize fuel consumption, emission and driver cost. The algorithm
VRP (E-VRP) which includes partial recharges with several recharg- for solving PRP iterates between solving VRPTW and speed opti-
ing technologies. They determined the amount of energy recharged mization. Initial routes are formed for VRPTW using fixed speed
and solved the problem using constructive and local search heuris- and are improved using a speed optimization algorithm. They fur-
tics within a simulated annealing framework. Poonthalir, Nadara- ther extended the work to solve PRP as a bi objective optimiza-
jan, and Geetha (2015) discussed a bi objective vehicle routing tion problem (Demir, Bektaş, & Laporte, 2014a) that concentrated
problem with limited refuelling halts, where the number of halts in arriving at a trade off between the conflicting objectives of fuel
made by vehicles at refuelling station is minimized along with consumption and total driving time. The problem is modelled with
route cost. They solved the problem using Particle Swarm Opti- four different a posteriori methods using an enhanced ALNS pro-
mization with Greedy Mutation Operator (PSO-GMO). cedure where speed optimization is done at each iteration. They
A simulated annealing based exact solution approach using have used a comprehensive emission model to estimate the fuel
branch and cut technique (Koc & Karaoglan, 2016) was used to consumption.
solve G-VRP. An electric vehicle routing problem that considers ve- Pitera, Sandoval, and Goodchild (2011) formulated an emission
hicle load on battery consumption was studied by Lin, Zhou, and minimization routing decision for urban pick up system with het-
Wolfson (2016). A multi space sampling heuristic for G-VRP was erogeneous fleet. Their study demonstrated a significant improve-
solved by Montoya, Guéret, Mendoza, and Villegas (2016). They ment in emission reduction. A bi objective GVRP using NSGA II was
used a two phase approach that builds the routes using random- formulated by Jemai, Zekri, and Mellouli (2012) with objectives to
ized travelling salesman heuristic and in the second phase, they minimize distance and CO2 emission. A green vehicle distribution
solved it by formulating a set partitioning problem of the routes. model for public transport network was developed as a non lin-
The model concentrated in reducing the length of route and CO2 ear optimization problem by Jovanović, Pamučar, and Pejčić-Tarle
emission. The formulation of G-VRP as proposed by Erdogan and (2014). They designed an Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System
Miller Hooks (2012) includes multiple copies of AFS, to enable (ANFIS) model with environmental parameters, passenger costs,
each visit to the refuelling station. This increases the complexity of and their impact on green routing to solve the problem. Ćirović,
the problem. Bruglieri, Mancini, Pezzella, and Pisacane (2016) gave Pamučar, and Božanić (2014) concentrated in routing light deliv-
an alternate formulation which prevents the creation of multiple ery vehicles using adaptive neural network that concentrated in re-
copies of AFS which eventually reduces the use of number of vari- ducing air pollution, noise level, and logistics operating costs. They
ables. Their model includes a pre computation of AFS to be in- concentrated in routing limited Environmentally Friendly Vehicles
cluded between each pair of customers. (EFV) and Unfriendly Vehicles (EUV) separately. The input parame-
An exact algorithm to solve G-VRP (Andelmin & Bartolini, 2017) ters for neural network were logistics operating costs and environ-
was formulated as a set partitioning problem where columns rep- mental parameters which were used to assess the performance of
resented the feasible routes like simple circuits in multiple graphs network links for calculating routes and then a Clarke and Wright
and several valid inequalities were added. Computational exper- Savings algorithm was used.
iments were carried out on G-VRP test instances. Leggieri and Xiao and Konak (2015) presented a time dependent heteroge-
Haouari (2017) gave a non linear formulation for time and en- neous green vehicle and scheduling problem, with the objectives to
ergy consumption constraints of G-VRP. An MILP formulation of minimize CO2 emission and weighted tardiness. Travel schedules
the problem is proposed by linearizing the constraints using of vehicles were determined using travelled distance in different
Reformulation-Linearization technique. Their approach reduced the time periods and solved using dynamic programming approach.
use of number of variables and constraints and included a set A Satisfactory-GVRP was developed by Afshar-Bakeshloo, Mehrabi,
of pre processing conditions which made the problem to be ef- Safari, Maleki, and Jolai (2016) as an extension of pollution rout-
ficiently solvable using commercial solvers. A path based Mixed ing problem that takes into account the economic, environmen-
Integer Linear Programming formulation was done for G-VRP by tal, and customer satisfaction as objectives. A periodic G-VRP with
Pisacane, Bruglieri, Mancini, and Pezzella (2017). They generated all time dependent urban traffic and time window was studied by
feasible routes and eliminated all dominated paths from the feasi- Mirmohammadi, Babaee Tirkolaee, Goli, and Dehnavi-Arani (2017).
ble set which is given as an input to a set partitioning formulation They modelled the problem to minimize carbon emission, ear-
G. Poonthalir, R. Nadarajan / Expert Systems With Applications 100 (2018) 131–144 133

liness and lateness penalties and demonstrated their results for

some generated test problem instances. A detailed review on var-
ious green VRP can be referred from Lin, Choy, Ho, Chung, and
Lam (2014).
Fuel consumption act as an important parameter for CO2 emis-
sion and several models were proposed to calculate the fuel con-
sumption and its minimization in vehicles as the amount of fuel
consumption is directly proportional to the amount of CO2 emis-
sion. As stated in Demir et al. (2014a), fuel consumption estima-
tion can be done based on the various estimation models avail- Fig. 1. Triangular distribution.
able in literature or using the factors that affects the fuel con-
sumption like vehicle load, speed etc., Bektas and Laporte (2011),
Demir et al. (2012), Demir et al. (2014b) used comprehensive emis- problem with many constraints. Mathematically it is defined as in
sion model for fuel consumption estimation, Scott, Urquhart, and Eq. (1),
Hart (2010) and Jovici et al. (2010) used COmputer Program to
min( f1 (x ), f2 (x ), . . . , fk (x ))
calculate Emission from Road Transport (COPERT) to estimate fuel
such that (1)
consumption, Jabali, Woensel, and De Kok (2012) and Pan, Ballot,
and Fontane (2013) have used Methodology for calculating Trans-
port Emissions and Energy consumption (MEET) to derive an esti- Where k ≥ 2 defines the number of objectives. X represents a set of
mation and so on. A detailed report on various fuel consumption feasible decision vectors. Since, single objective function value can-
models can be found in Demir et al. (2014b) and Bektas, Demir, not satisfy all the objective function, the concept of Pareto domi-
and Laporte (2016). nance function is used.
Fuel consumption estimation is also done based on several in- A feasible solution x is said to be Pareto dominance on another
fluential parameters of vehicles like vehicle load, speed or travel solution y when fi (x) ≤ fi (y) ∀i, i ∈ {1, 2,..., K} and fj (x) < fj (y) for
time. Kuo (2010) used a string based Simulated Annealing to mini- at least one index j ∈ {1, 2,..., K}. A solution x∗ ∈ X and the cor-
mize fuel consumption for time dependent vehicle routing prob- responding f(x∗ ) is called Pareto optimal, if another solution domi-
lem. They solved the problem for retail stores. Their calculation nating it does not exist.
consists in formulating a route, calculating the transportation time
and finding the total fuel consumption for a time dependent VRP. 3.2. Goal programming
This work is based on the fuel consumption estimation used by
Kuo (2010). Suzuki (2011) studied a time constrained, multi stop F-GVRP is a bi objective optimization problem and is modelled
truck routing problem to minimize fuel consumption and pollutant using Goal Programming (GP) approach. GP is a powerful method
emission. Xiao, Zhao, Kaku, and Xu (2012) proposed a fuel con- for solving multi objective optimization problem. It is one of the
sumption model which produces better routes with less fuel con- oldest multi criteria decision making techniques to optimize sev-
sumption for Time Dependent VRP (TDVRP). They used a regres- eral goals and at the same time minimize the deviation for each
sion model to estimate the fuel consumption. Their results demon- of the objectives from the desired target. It is a branch of multi
strated an improvement of 24.61% in fuel consumption with bet- criteria decision analysis. It aims to solve problems with multiple
ter routing plan, lower fuel consumption but longer transportation objectives. Each of the objectives is designed with a goal to achieve
time and distance. and aims to seek a solution that is close to the goal as possible. GP
Kara, Kara, and Yetis (2007) solved an energy minimizing was first used by Charnes and Cooper (1977). It is an analytical
vehicle routing problem which concentrated in minimizing the framework where a solution that optimizes the multiple objectives
weighted load function which minimizes the fuel consumption. is attained. The procedure used in GP strives to produce solutions
Li (2012) concentrated in developing a model to minimize fuel that satisfies the given constraints and are in the satisfactory level.
consumption in VRPTW. They solved the problem using Tabu The goal of GP is to obtain a solution with minimum deviation and
search with random variable neighbourhood decent procedure. with hierarchical satisfaction of the objectives. The modelling ap-
Teng and Zhang (2016) solved a green vehicle routing problem proach of goal programming is intended to maximize or minimize
with load factor that concentrated in minimizing total fuel cost and the desired goal but seek to minimize the deviations between the
driving distance and solved using simulated annealing. Jabir, Pan- obtained value and the desired goals. F-GVRP is modelled on two
icker, and Sridharan (2017) developed a hybrid ant colony opti- goals where Goal1 (G1) is to minimize route cost and Goal2 (G2)
mization for capacitated multi depot green vehicle routing prob- is used to minimize fuel consumption.
lem with an objective to reduce emission cost. Kazemian and Goal Programming in VRP was used by Ghoseiri and Ghannad-
Aref (2017) proposed a capacitated time dependent model on VRP pour (2010) for minimizing both distance and total number of ve-
which aims to minimize both fuel consumption and fuel emission. hicles in VRP with Time Windows (VRPTW), Calvete, Galé, Oliveros,
This work is based on the fuel consumption estimation used by and Sánchez-Valverde (2007) applied goal programming to solve
Kuo (2010). single objective VRP with soft Time Windows.

3. Problem definition and formulation 3.3. Triangular distribution

This section describes the modelling of F-GVRP as a bi objective Triangular distribution is used to design the varying speed con-
optimization problem using goal programming and the simulation straint. A triangular distribution is a continuous probability distri-
of varying speed constraint using triangular distribution. bution with the lowest possible value a, the highest possible value
b and most likely value c where a < b and a ≤ c ≤ b. It’s proba-
3.1. Multi objective optimization bility distribution function is shaped like a triangle. It is a useful
tool when a variable is to be estimated subjectively. The expected
A general multi objective optimization deals with more than value of a triangular distribution is one third of the sum of the
one objective where a single objective is not possible to solve the three parameters. It is represented in Fig. 1.
134 G. Poonthalir, R. Nadarajan / Expert Systems With Applications 100 (2018) 131–144

For the triangular distribution, the probability density function

(pdf) for values less than a and greater than b is 0. For the values
between a and b, it is a piecewise linear function rising from 0 to
2/(b − a) and dropping down to 0 at b from c.
The pdf f(x) is defined in Eq. (2).

⎪0 x<a
⎪ 2(x−a)

(b−a )(c−a ) a≤x≤c
f (x ) = (2)

2(b−x )
⎩ (b−a)(b−c)
0 x>b
Triangular distribution is similar to normal distribution as both
the distributions raises to some point and falls. But, triangular dis-
tribution is more flexible and intuitive than normal distribution. A
triangular distribution is also skewed if the value of c is closer to
either a or b. It is mostly used for stochastic modelling rather than
statistical modelling.
In real time, a vehicle is not allowed to travel at a constant
speed and is likely to travel within a maximum and minimum Fig. 2. Triangular distribution.

speed limit ϑmax and ϑmin respectively. This is better represented

using triangular distribution as vehicle speed fluctuates between a
Let the average expected speed between two nodes i and j is
minimum and a maximum speed and may travel with some most
defined as asij . The total Distance travelled Per Gallon is given by
likely speed.
DPGij , then the fuel consumption in gallons per hour (fgph) is cal-
To know the probability distribution of an area, Eq. (3) is used
culated as in Eq. (4),
which returns the expected value of the speed.
 q f gphi j = asi j /DP Gi j (4)
E (X ) = x. f (x )dx (3)
p If the total distance travelled is dij with average expected speed
asij , then the fuel consumption FCij between the nodes i and j is as
Assume that the speed of the vehicle fluctuates between 30 and
in Eq. (5),
60, and the speed is taken in an interval of 10 from 30 to 60 as [30
40 50 60] where the expected speed within each interval needs F Ci j = f gphi j ∗ di j /asi j (5)
to be calculated and the average of these expected speed is the
speed taken by the vehicle within the interval 30–60. To calculate 3.3.2. Fuel consumption calculation with an example
the expected speed of the vehicle between the speed range 30 and The fuel consumption calculation defined above is explained
40, let a to be the initial speed limit 30, b be the maximum speed with an example.
limit 40 and let 37 be the most likely speed limit which is taken
at random between 30 and 40 or it can be a mean value. Then, the Average expected speed between i and j = 38 miles/h
expected speed E(X) is calculated as, Total distance travelled = 160 miles.
Total miles travelled per gallon = 6 miles/gallon
b Fuel consumption in gallons per hour = 38/6 = 6.33 gallons/h
E (X ) = x f ( x )d ( x ) Total time travelled = total distance/average expected speed
= di j /asi j
= 160/38 = 4.21 h
= x f ( x )d ( x )
30 Total fuel consumption = 6.3∗ 4.21 = 26.523 gallons
37 40 The expected speed between any two nodes whose distance is
2(x − 30 ) 2(40 − x )
= x dx+ x dx 160 miles is calculated using triangular distribution. The total fuel
(40 − 30 )(37 − 30 ) (40 − 30 )(40 − 37 )
30 37 consumed varies for each part of the route and hence, the total fuel
= 32 miles/gallon consumption will not be uniform, which predicts the behaviour of
vehicles in real time.
and the corresponding triangular distribution is given in Fig. 2.
Similarly, the expected speed is calculated for the remaining speed 3.4. Bi objective optimization model of F-GVRP using goal
intervals and the average expected speed is taken. programming

3.3.1. Fuel consumption calculation for varying speed in F-GVRP using F-GVRP is defined on an undirected connected graph G = (V, E)
triangular distribution where the vertex set V has a set of N customer nodes C = {C1 ,C2 ,...,
This section describes the fuel consumption calculation for the CN }, M Refuelling Stations (RFS) R = {R1 ,R2 ,..., RM } and depot (V0 ).
vehicles that travel from node i to node j. In real life, it is not pos- The vertex set V is defined as a combination of V = C∪{V0 }. There is
sible for vehicles to travel with constant speed. Given a minimum a limited number of RFS available with unlimited capacity of fuel.
speed limit ϑmin and maximum speed limit ϑmax , a vehicle may A set R is used to represent several visits to each RFS to enable
travel with varying speed within ϑmin and ϑmax . To portray this, multiple visits to refuelling station R. Hence, the set of vertices is
a triangular distribution is used. If a vehicle travels with constant represented by V = V∪R . The depot V0 has a set of homogenous ve-
speed, fuel consumption will be a constant. Since varying speed is hicles K, with fuel capacityQ gallons. Each vertex i ∈ V has a service
used, the fuel consumption is calculated as explained below and is time ρ i which is the time a vehicle spends at customer location or
based on the work of Kuo (2010). at refuelling station. The depot can also be served as a refuelling
G. Poonthalir, R. Nadarajan / Expert Systems With Applications 100 (2018) 131–144 135

station. Each vehicle is refuelled to its maximum capacity Q. T is 

the maximum time allocated for each vehicle. xi jk ≤ 1 ∀i ∈ R k ∈ K (15)
An edge corresponds to an arc between i and j where i, j ∈ V j∈V,i = j
and i = j. Each edge has a measure of distance dij and time tij .
Each vehicle is allowed to serve a set of customers and a customer  
is served once by one vehicle only. It is not possible for vehicles to
xilk − xljk = 0 ∀l ∈ V, k ∈ K (16)
i∈V,l =i j∈V,l = j
travel with uniform speed for the entire distance. Due to a range
of speculation about traffic, road repair or rain, vehicles may have 
varying speed within a specified upper bound. xV0 ik ≤ K (17)
To formulate the problem, the following notations are used and i∈V \{V0 }
are defined as follows,

dij distance between node i and node j xiV0 k ≤ K (18)
ti travel time till node i
i∈V \{V0 }
μij travel time between nodes i and j
T maximum time for each vehicle ti + (μi j + p j )xi jk − T (1 − xi jk ) ≤ t j i ∈ V, j ∈ V\{V0 }, i = j (19)
ρi service time at node i where i ∈ C∪R
r fuel consumption rate in miles per gallon (mpg)
asij expected average speed between nodes i and j t j ≤ T − (μ jV0 + ρ j ) ∀j ∈ V\{V0 } (20)
fi remaining fuel at node i
fgphij fuel consumption in gallons per hour between nodes i

and j dij asij  
f j ≤ fi − xijk + Q 1 − xijk ∀ j ∈ C, i ∈ V, k ∈ K (21)
asij mpg
The objective is to minimize

min di j xi jk ≤ G1 (6) fj = Q ∀j ∈ R ∪ V0 (22)
i, j∈V,k∈K,i = j

 di j ∗ 

min f gphi j ∗ yi j ≤ G2 (7) d jV0 dji
asi j f j ≥ min r, r + diV0 where j ∈ C, i ∈ R (23)
i, j∈V,i = j mpg mpg
Where The objective function is redefined to include only the deviation

1 if vehicle k travels from i to j necessary for a minimization problem and is given in Eqs. (10) and
xi jk = (8) (11). Constraints (12) and (13) specify the difference between the
0 otherwise
goals and the attained solution. Constraint (14) specifies that from

1 if route exists between i and j a customer vertex, any vertex can be visited. Constraint (15) shows
yi j = (9) that refuelling station can have customer /refuelling station/depot
0 otherwise
as its successor. Flow conservation is ensured using (16). Con-
The objective function defined in (6) is to minimize route cost straints (17) and (18) ensure that, the number of vehicles entering
with target defined as G1 and the objective function defined in and leaving the depot is at most K. The arrival time at each vertex
(7) aims to reduce fuel consumption with target as G2. Eqs. (8) and is tracked using (19). Constraint (20) ensures that each vehicle re-
(9) specify the decision variables. As goal programming does not turns to depot within the maximum time. The remaining fuel level
maximize or minimize the objective function directly as in linear is tracked using constraint (21), based on the distance between i
programming problem, it seeks to minimize the deviation between and j and the average expected speed between i and j. Constraint
the goals and the obtained solution. Hence, the objective functions (22) ensures that the fuel level reaches its maximum capacity Q in
(6) and (7) are written as, refuelling station and depot. Constraint (23) is used to check that
there is enough fuel to reach either refuelling station or depot and
di j xi jk − w1 + v1 = G1
i, j∈V,k∈K,i = j no vehicle is left stranded.
di j ∗
asi j
f gphi j ∗ yi j − w2 + v2 = G2
i, j∈V,i = j 4. Proposed TVa-PSOGMO for solving F-GVRP
Where w1, w2, v1 and v2 are non negative deviational variables
and w1, w2, v1, v2 ≥ 0, and are used to measure the deviation PSO is a stochastic search technique. It mimics the behaviour
between the set goals. Then, the objective is to minimize the devi- of fish schooling or birds flocking. The highlight of PSO is group
ation given as, behaviour and the interaction among individuals that motivates
to make a bigger move. PSO is a population based Meta heuris-
Min w1 (10) tic. Each individual solution is called a particle in PSO. Each par-
ticle has d dimension and is represented as a vector as, X i =
Min w2 (11) (xi1 , xi2 , . . . , xid , ) which indicates the position of the ith parti-
cle in the swarm. Each particle is updated by a velocity V i =
Subject to, (vi1 , vi2 , . . . , vid , ) which guides the PSO to achieve global best po-
 sition. Each particle has its personal best solution pbest that gets
di j xi jk − w1 + v1 = G1 (12)
updated with iteration once better position is obtained than the
i, j∈V,k∈K,i = j
current position. Each swarm has a global best solution gbest which
 di j ∗ identifies the best move over all iterations. Each particle in the
f gphi j ∗ yi j − w2 + v2 = G2 (13)
asi j swarm tries to achieve the global best solution. To prevent PSO
i, j∈V,i = j
from local or premature convergence, a Greedy Mutation Opera-
 tor (GMO) proposed by Poonthalir et al. (2015) is used with time
xi jk = 1 ∀j ∈ V k ∈ K (14)
varying acceleration which guides the search for better exploration.
i∈C,i = j
136 G. Poonthalir, R. Nadarajan / Expert Systems With Applications 100 (2018) 131–144

Multi objective PSO has an archive α which is used to store the 4.1.5. Velocity updation
set of all global non dominated solutions and also stores the best Each particle (xi1 ,xi2 ,..., xiN ) is updated by a velocity as given in
solution attained by each particle as suggested by Coello, Pulido, Eq. (28)
and Lechuga (2004). A detailed study on multi objective PSO can
vi+1, j = ω.vi j + c1 r1 ( pbest − xi j ) + c2 r2 (gbest − xi j )
be found in the works of Hu and Eberhart (2002), Tripathi, Bandy- (28)
xi+1, j = xi j + vi+1, j
opadhyay, and Pal (2007) and Parsopoulos and Vrahatis (2002).
pbest is particle’s personal best and gbest is particle’s global best po-
sition. Each particle’s position is updated using velocity based on
4.1. Sequential steps of TVa-PSOGMO
the particle’s individual performance which is captured in pbest and
the particle’s global performance which is captured in gbest that are
This section describes the steps carried out in TVa-PSOGMO.
influential in guiding the particle in the search space. In each iter-
ation, both pbest and gbest are updated based on individual best po-
4.1.1. Initial population sition and global best position of the particles. Here, c1 and c2 are
An initial swarm of particles are generated. Each particle has called cognition and social parameters respectively which are used
only customer positions {C1 ,C2 ,..., CN }. To generate initial swarm of to enhance the individual and social performance of the particle. c1
particles Nearest Neighbour Heuristic (NNH) is used with a ran- is responsible for exploration and c2 for exploitation of particles. r1
dom selected customer. Almost, 75% of particles are generated us- and r2 are random numbers defined within the interval [0, 1].
ing NNH and the remaining 25% of the particles are generated ran-
domly. Let (xi1 ,xi2 ,..., xiN ) be a representation of the ith particle 4.1.6. Time varying inertia
with N customers {C1 ,C2 ,..., CN } with swarm sizes S. Generally, to improve the convergence of the particles inertia
weight (ω) is used. Since the search space of the multi objective
optimization is complex, a time variant inertia weight is used. Ini-
4.1.2. Solution encoding
tially, particles are subjected to high inertia weight which leads
Each generated particle represents the sequence of customers
to high global exploration and as iteration progresses the parti-
to be served. These particles are converted to feasible routes
cles are subjected to low inertia weight to guide local exploitation.
by inserting refuelling stations and depot. Let (V0 ,xi1 ,xi2 ,RFS1 ,...,
Hence, varying inertia weight (ωcurr_iter ) is used to optimize the be-
xiL ,V0 ,...xij ,...., V0 ) be the solution encoding of the particle (xi1 ,xi2 ,...,
haviour of the search with global exploration and local exploitation
xiN ) with depot and refuelling station. Hence there are two rep-
as specified in Eq. (29).
resentations used, particle represents the customer sequence and
solution represents the route formed. max _iter − cur r _iter
ωcurr_iter = (ωmax − ωmin )∗ + ωmin (29)
max _iter

4.1.3. Fitness function Where ωmax and ωmin are the maximum and minimum iner-
To evaluate the strength of each particle, an evaluation method tia weights respectively and max _iter , cur r _iter are the maximum
called fitness function is defined. It is calculated based on the dis- number of iterations and current iteration number, respectively.
tance between two nodes k and l where k, l ∈ V. As already men-
tioned, there are two encoding used, one is customer encoding 4.1.7. Time varying acceleration
which is stored as particle which is subjected to velocity update Time varying acceleration concentrates in enhancing global
and the other is solution encoding which takes the particle en- search in the early part of the search and convergence in the lat-
coding and converts it to route by inserting refuelling station and ter part of the search. c1 and c2 are used to achieve this, where
depot. Fitness/cost of the route are calculated using Eq. (24). Eq. c1 is the cognitive acceleration coefficient and c2 is the social ac-
(25) gives the total route cost of k ∈ K vehicles. The second ob- celeration coefficient. In the initial stage of the iteration c1 is re-
jective which aims for calculating fuel consumption is done as de- duced from a specified maximum value c1max to a minimum value
fined in Eqs. (4) and (5) c1min and cognitive acceleration coefficient c2 is increased from
c2min to c2max As explained by Ratnaweera, Halgamuge, and Wat-
 son (2004), a small cognitive component and a large social com-
Route_Costb = CostV0 ,depot + Costi, j +Cost j,V0 ∀i ∈ V/{V0 }
ponent allows particle to converge to global optimum in the latter
i, j∈V/{V0 }
part of the optimization process and is given in Eqs. (30) and (31).
cur r _iter
c1 = (c1 max − c1 min )∗ + c1 min (30)
 max _iter
T otal _Route_Cost = Route_Costb (25)
k∈K cur r _iter
c2 = (c2 max − c2 min )∗ + c2 min (31)
max _iter
4.1.4. pbest and gbest Time variant acceleration coefficients are employed to have a
The initial fitness of the particle constitutes the initial pbest better compromise between exploration and exploitation for multi
value and the best of all pbest value is the gbest value for the swarm. objective optimization. The performance of PSO improves with the
Each particle’s pbest is calculated using Eq. (26) and gbest using Eq. introduction of acceleration and inertia coefficients varying it over
(27). the iterations.

fitnesst t=1
pbest = (26) 4.1.8. Particle encoding and decoding
min ( pbest , fitnesst ) t>1 Each particle is converted to a feasible route and the dimension
of each particle will be different based on the inclusion of refu-
  elling station and depot. To update velocity, routes are converted to
gbest = min pbestt ∀t = 1 . . . max _iter (27) particle positions using Rank of Value (ROV) as given by Eq. (32),
where fitnesst is the T otal _Rout e_C ost at iteration t and is updated
(xmax − xmin )
with the best of pbest xi j = xmin + ( yi j − 1 + r1 ) (32)
G. Poonthalir, R. Nadarajan / Expert Systems With Applications 100 (2018) 131–144 137

Algorithm 1 Archive updation. Algorithm 2 TVa-PSOGMO for F-GVRP.

Let current _solution ∈ α and new_solution ∈/α Initialize swarm S

If new_solution < current _solution then Initialize particles in swarm S using NNH and random
α = α − current _solution ∪ new_solution Initialize pbest and gbest
else if new_solution > current _solution then Let Xb be the particle in S
α not updated Xb (j)represents position of jth customer in Xb
m is an index for number of iterations and m = 1
r _c is an index for Route and r _c = 1
where yij represents ith particle with dimension j, r1 is a random
b is an index for a particle with size N, where N is the number of customers
variable in the interval [0, 1]. xmin and xmax are boundary values max _iter is the maximum number of iterations
of particle positions and N represents the number of customers. f uel, rem_ f uel represents fuel consumed and remaining fuel respectively
t ime, rem_t ime represents the time consumed and remaining time respectively
4.1.9. Greedy mutation operator (GMO) While m ≤ max _iter
The problem with PSO is pre mature convergence and local while b ≤ S
minima. To avoid this, better exploration is required and hence PSO Let Xb = {xb1 ,xb2 ,..., xbN }
is equipped with GMO as suggested in Poonthalir et al. (2015). Let Route = {Vo }
Let r _c = 1
4.1.10. Archive for j = 1 to N // j is an index for Xb
Calculate f uel = F CRoute(r_c ),Xb ( j ) , time = tRoute(r_c ),Xb ( j )
After each iteration, the Pareto optimal solutions are main- Calculate rem_ f uel, rem_time
tained in an archive (α ) and is updated with the best solutions. if fuel ≤ Q and time ≤ T
Updating the archive is an important step for any multi objec- include j in route and check for fuel/time availability to visit k
tive optimization problem. A total of δ non dominated solutions where k ∈ V and k = Xb (j + 1)/V0 /RFS
flag = 1
are available in the archive and gets updated with better solution
Route = Route∪{j}
as the iteration progresses. The process of archive updation is de- j=j+1
scribed in the following algorithm. Algorithm 1 r _c = r _c + 1
4.2. TVa-PSOGMO algorithm for solving F-GVRP if fuel > Q or time > T then
if j = 1 then
Xb (j) not served; j = j + 1
This section presents the TVa-PSOGMO algorithm for F-GVRP. else
Algorithm 2 if fuel > Q then
Route = Route∪{RFS} // nearby refueling station
4.3. Theoretical analysis r _c = r _c + 1
If time > T then
This section is used to justify the claim made by the proposed Route = Route∪{V0 } // introduce new vehicle
TVa-PSOGMO on F-GVRP r _c = r _c + 1
Lemma 1. All routes obtained using TVa-PSOGMO are feasible. end while
Calculate fitness for the route
Proof. Consider a random particle Xi with customer positions Update pbest and gbest
given asXi = (xi1 ,xi2 ,..., xik ,xil ,xim ,..., xiN ). To justify whether the route Store the best gbest in archive α
produced is feasible is to verify that the constraints defined from Remove RFS and V0 from Route
Convert Route to particle using ROV
Eqs. (12) to (23) are satisfied. To convert each particle Xi to Route,
Update velocity, inertia and acceleration for each particle
depot (V0 ) and RFS are inserted. From a customer, say, xik to reach End while
xil , several factors are checked. Apart from the check made on time
and fuel to reach xil , constraint (23) should be satisfied i.e. no ve-
between the distance (dist) xil and xim is to be determined. To carry
hicle is stranded in the middle. To check that, there should be suf-
out this, the speed intervals are used. Assume that there are τ in-
ficient fuel and time left to reach say, xim after serving xil in the se-
tervals with some defined difference σ in the speed. Then, the av-
quence Xi or to reach depot V0 or to reach any of the nearest RFS.
erage expected speed aslm over the interval 1...τ with difference σ
Consider a partial Route as Route = (V0 ,xik ,...xil ), to check whether
is estimated using triangular distribution. Let szi zi be the speed de-
next customer xim is to be inserted into Route, any one of the fol-
fined over the interval [zi ,zj ]. Let the τ intervals and the respective
lowing conditions may happen. If tm > T then, Route = Route∪{V0 }
speed be represented as sz0 z1 , sz1 z2 , . . . , szτ −1 zτ . Then, the average
or fk is not sufficient to reach xim , then Route = Route∪{RFS} which τ −1
s zz
makes the route feasible, or if tm < T and fk is sufficient to expected speed is determined using aslm = i=0 τ i i+1 . Since, the
reach xim , Route = Route∪{xim } and hence, constraints (19)–(21) speed travelled between xil and xim covers the distance with speed
are satisfied. The process gets repeated for each xij in the se- between a defined minimum and maximum speed ϑmin and ϑmax ,
quence. Hence, all routes produced by TVa-PSOGMO are feasible. the distance is covered with both ϑmin and ϑmax , maintaining an
Schneider et al. (2014) solution for G-VRP requires a penalization expected average speed aslm . So, the fuel consumption also varies
mechanism with in-feasible routes. This requires an extra opera- which is computed using Eqs. (4) and (5). On the other hand, con-
tor to be used for the insertion/removal of refuelling stations. So, stant speed covers the entire distance with a given constant speed
an additional operator for checking in-feasible solution is not re- and constant fuel consumption rate. Hence, the fuel consumption
quired with TVa-PSOGMO as the route built satisfies all feasibility with varying speed is less than the fuel consumption with constant
conditions of the route.  speed. 

Lemma 2. The fuel consumption with varying speed is less, com-

5. Results and discussion
pared to the fuel consumption with constant speed.

Proof. Consider a random particle Xi with customer positions The proposed algorithm is tested on the G-VRP data set of
asXi = (xi1 ,xi2 ,..., xik ,xil ,xim ,..., xiN ). To calculate the fuel consumption Erdogan and Miller Hooks (2012). Their results are improved
between any two customers, say, xil and xim , the speed travelled by many researchers and the Best Known Solution (BKS) from
138 G. Poonthalir, R. Nadarajan / Expert Systems With Applications 100 (2018) 131–144

Table 1
Fuel consumption and route cost of uniformly distributed customers.

Data set Best known solution F-GVRP using TVa-PSOGMO with varying speed Percentage deviation

BKS Fuel consumption Speed Route cost Expected fuel consumption Expected speed

20c3sU1 1797.49 359.49 40 1797.49 284.84 40.05 26.21

20c3sU2 1574.78 314.95 40 1574.78 277.66 39.91 13.43
20c3sU3 1708.48 341.69 40 1708.48 262.47 39.99 30.18
20c3sU4 1482 296.4 40 1482.00 302.48 40.65 −2.01
20c3sU5 1689.37 337.87 40 1689.37 231.72 44.5 45.81
20c3sU6 1618.65 323.73 40 1618.65 324.74 39.88 −0.31
20c3sU7 1713.66 342.73 40 1713.66 246.52 40.02 39.03
20c3sU8 1706.5 341.3 40 1706.50 294.58 39.55 15.86
20c3sU9 1708.82 341.76 40 1708.82 202.54 40.89 68.74
20c3sU10 1181.31 236.26 40 1181.31 284.84 40.05 −17.05

Montoya et al. (2016) are displayed against each data set. All the The results specify the total fuel consumption under constant
data set have 10 data instances. There are 4 small data sets with and varying speed environment with speed varying between a
20 customers each. There are 3 refuelling stations. Each vehicle has minimum and maximum speed limit of 10 and 70 respectively
a maximum time limit of 11 h and each vehicle travels at a con- taken in an interval of 10 as [10 20 30 40 50 60 70]. To derive the
stant speed of 40 miles/h with a constant fuel consumption rate comparison between constant and varying speed fuel consumption
of 0.2 gallons/mile. The capacity of the fuel tank is 60 gallons. The rate, the algorithm is run with the goal G1 taken as the BKS’s route
service time at customer and refuelling station is 30 and 15 min, cost and the corresponding non dominated solution obtained for
respectively. The locations of customer and refuelling station are the fuel consumption is displayed. It is observed that, as fuel con-
specified with latitude and longitude values and are converted to sumption is less, it is possible to serve more customers with less
Euclidean distance co-ordinates with the radius of the earth taken number of vehicles and a substantial decrease in the route cost can
as 4182.4449. It is implemented on Intel core I3-3220 processor be achieved, if goal G1 is relaxed. A positive percentage deviation
with 3.30 GHz and 4 GB RAM using MATLAB R2014a. is obtained for almost all data instances which represents the effi-
TVa-PSOGMO works well for all the data sets and the obtained ciency of the varying speed constraint.
route cost and fuel consumption details are projected in Tables 2– The results project that TVa-PSOGMO performs well and is
5. The first goal G1 is the route cost of BKS and the second goal competent with BKS. It is observed that, even though the route
G2 is the fuel consumption which is initially taken as a large value cost obtained using varying and constant speed is the same, the
and is updated with a better solution over the iterations. fuel consumption need not be the same. It is dependent on the
The parameter setting of TVa-PSOGMO is based on road condition, traffic conditions, the speed of the vehicle, and sev-
Tripathi et al. (2007). The swarm size is 30. The cognitive eral other factors which are influential in the fuel consumption cal-
and social acceleration coefficients are taken as c1max = 0.5 and culation. For example, if the route 0-2-8-5-0 costs 14.2 and the
c1min = 2.5, c2min = 0.5 to c2max = 2.5 A linearly decreasing in- route cost of 0-8-5-2-0 is also 14.2, it is not necessary that both
ertia coefficient is used with initial and final inertia weight as should travel with same fuel consumption as it may vary with the
ωmax = 0.4 and ωmin = 0.9 respectively. Particle positions are road condition, speed, traffic congestion, and many other factors.
taken as xmin = 2.0 and xmax = 0.0 respectively. The cross over and For data instances S2_4i6s, S2_4i8s, S2_4i10s, the cost of the route
mutation probabilities are taken as 0.9 and 0.4 respectively. The is the same and the constant fuel rate gives the same fuel con-
important advantage of using varying acceleration coefficient is to sumption for all the three instances. But, in varying speed environ-
have better compromise between exploration and exploitation as ment, the fuel consumption varies and is dependent on the speed.
specified in Ratnaweera et al. (2004). As observed from Tables 1–4, though the route cost is the same,
Comparison of fuel consumption with varying and constant speed the routes obtained for F-GVRP using TVa-PSOGMO is different
The route cost obtained with the proposed method is compe- from the route obtained using G-VRP. To show the structural dif-
tent with the BKS. To compare the fuel consumption of F-GVRP, ference between the routes obtained with fuel consumption as an
the fuel consumption of G-VRP should be calculated. Since G- additional objective, the route obtained for the data set 20c3sU1
VRP use constant speed with a constant fuel consumption rate of is plotted and is depicted in Fig. 3. It is seen that the routes ob-
0.2 gallons/mile, Eq. (33) is used to determine the total fuel con- tained for constant and varying speed is different and the vehicle
sumption of G-VRP. has taken a different route because of lesser fuel consumption. The
route obtained for F-GVRP is served by one vehicle less than the
fuel_consumption = route_cost × fuel_consumption_rate (33)
route obtained for G-VRP because the vehicle can travel for longer
To validate the performance of the proposed algorithm, the to- duration as the vehicle spends less time in the refuelling station,
tal increase or decrease in the fuel consumption is calculated using since fuel consumption is less. Almost in half of the data instances,
Eq. (34). there is a decrease in the use of the number of vehicles, attributed
by the fuel consumption.
optimal cost − obtained cost Pareto Optimal Front
× 100 (34)
optimal cost The problem is modelled as a bi-objective optimization problem
The results obtained for all 4 data sets contribute to a decrease to minimize both route cost and fuel consumption. The challenge
in the fuel consumption when varying speed is used. Tables 1–4 is to determine the route with the BKS’s route cost and to esti-
project the average expected speed of the entire route. A 20.48% mate the fuel consumption for the obtained route cost. Goal G1 is
decrease in the fuel consumption is realized using varying speed. set as BKS and the algorithm is run for a specified maximum num-
Since the entire distance is not travelled by the vehicle with uni- ber of iterations or till the best route is obtained. The best routes
form speed there is a drop in the use of fuel. Hence, up to 20% are stored in the archive. The route that archives G1 with compro-
in the cost of the fuel can be saved which indirectly contribute to mising fuel consumption is taken as the non dominated solution
lesser carbon footprint. and is displayed in Tables 1–4. As already noted, if G1 is relaxed,
G. Poonthalir, R. Nadarajan / Expert Systems With Applications 100 (2018) 131–144 139

Table 2
Fuel consumption and route cost of clustered customers.

Best known solution F-GVRP using TVa-PSOGMO with varying speed Percentage deviation

Data set BKS Fuel consumption Speed Route cost Expected fuel consumption Expected speed

20c3sc1 1173.57 234.71 40 1173.57 200.69 40.22 14.49

20c3sc2 1539.97 307.99 40 1539.97 215.52 41.53 30.02
20c3sc3 880.29 176.06 40 880.29 151.61 38.57 13.89
20c3sc4 1059.35 211.87 40 1059.35 169.7 42.6 19.9
20c3sc5 2156.01 431.2 40 2156.01 288.56 40.12 33.08
20c3sc6 2758.17 551.63 40 2758.17 441.55 40.3 19.96
20c3sc7 1393.99 278.8 40 1393.99 254.81 40.5 8.6
20c3sc8 3139.72 627.94 40 3139.72 512.24 40.2 18.43
20c3sc9 1799.94 359.99 40 1799.94 285.23 38.5 20.77
20c3sc10 2583.42 516.68 40 2583.42 257.83 37.6 50.1

Table 3
Fuel consumption and route cost of both uniform and clustered customers.

Best known solution F-GVRP using TVa-PSOGMO with varying speed Percentage deviation

Data set BKS Fuel consumption Speed Route cost Expected fuel consumption Expected speed

S1_2i6s 1578.12 315.62 40 1578.12 278.13 40.43 11.88

S1_4i6s 1397.27 279.45 40 1397.27 253.80 40.01 9.18
S1_6i6s 1560.49 312.09 40 1560.49 278.91 39.96 10.63
S1_8i6s 1692.32 338.46 40 1692.32 261.12 40.01 22.85
S1_10i6s 1173.48 234.69 40 1173.48 201.43 40.02 14.17
S2_2i6s 1633.10 326.62 40 1633.10 298.48 40.95 8.62
S2_4i6s 1505.07 301.01 40 1505.07 325.48 40.28 −8.13
S2_6i6s 2431.33 486.26 40 2431.33 388.15 39.56 20.18
S2_8i6s 2158.35 431.67 40 2158.35 304.84 37.55 29.38
S2_10i6s 1585.46 317.09 40 1585.46 266.42 41.28 15.0

Table 4
Fuel consumption and route cost of both uniform and clustered customers.

Best known solution F-GVRP using TVa-PSOGMO with varying speed Percentage deviation

Data set BKS Fuel consumption Speed Route cost Expected fuel consumption Expected speed

S1_4i2s 1582.21 316.442 40 1582.21 283.71 39.98 11.54

S1_4i4s 1460.09 292.018 40 1460.09 137.83 40.2 63.29
S1_4i6s 1397.27 279.454 40 1397.27 236.88 41.35 17.97
S1_4i8s 1397.27 279.454 40 1397.27 242.59 39.62 15.2
S1_4i10s 1396.02 279.204 40 1396.02 124.57 40.8 59.94
S2_4i2s 1059.35 211.87 40 1059.35 184.14 38.90 8.27
S2_4i4s 1446.08 289.216 40 1446.08 267.12 41.52 15.06
S2_4i6s 1434.14 286.828 40 1434.14 245.84 39.65 16.67
S2_4i8s 1434.14 286.828 40 1434.14 253.25 40.25 13.26
S2_4i10s 1434.14 286.828 40 1434.14 248.91 39.99 15.23

Table 5
Impact of fuel consumption on uniform customers for different speed intervals.

BKS Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Data set Route cost Expected fuel consumption Expected speed Expected fuel consumption Expected speed Expected fuel consumption Expected speed

20c3sU1 1797.49 327.81 40.10 335.56 40.52 342.78 46.77

20c3sU2 1574.78 284.20 39.9 274.01 40.64 300.29 46.85
20c3sU3 1708.48 277.65 40.06 255.48 41.25 298.35 46.92
20c3sU4 1482 262.36 40.08 271.57 41.55 284.46 45.71
20c3sU5 1689.37 302.48 39.97 345.25 42.25 378.57 45.67
20c3sU6 1618.65 235.64 40.12 248.99 41.06 265.89 46.89
20c3sU7 1713.66 324.81 39.95 338.09 41.37 364.89 47.94
20c3sU8 1706.5 236.24 40.56 246.16 40.16 292.45 46.65
20c3sU9 1708.82 282.17 39.97 281.77 41.38 297.12 46.21
20c3sU10 1181.31 176.23 39.87 201.85 41.25 227.46 45.82
Sum 2709.59 400.58 2798.73 411.43 3052.26 465.43
Average 270.96 40.06 279.87 41.14 305.22 46.54

then most of the instances may give a better route cost when com- fuel consumption is obtained. A depiction of the Pareto dominant
pared with best solutions. But, there are no published results to solution front obtained for various data sets is displayed in Fig. 4.
compare the performance of the proposed TVa-PSOGMO, hence to Impact of speed intervals on fuel consumption
derive the comparison between the route cost of G-VRP, F-GVRP’s The speed variation result in substantial decrease in the fuel
goal G1 is based on the BKS’s route cost and the corresponding consumption. It is important to analyze the impact of various
speed intervals on fuel consumption intervals. Experiments are
140 G. Poonthalir, R. Nadarajan / Expert Systems With Applications 100 (2018) 131–144

Table 6
Impact of fuel consumption on clustered customers for different speed intervals.

BKS Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Data set Route cost Expected fuel consumption Expected speed Expected fuel consumption Expected speed Expected fuel consumption Expected speed

20c3sc1 1173.57 230.27 39.91 221.00 41.31 217.55 46.56

20c3sc2 1539.97 249.31 40.06 247.36 41.46 263.31 46.69
20c3sc3 880.29 158.67 40.01 157.67 41.05 142.49 47.34
20c3sc4 1059.35 153.10 40.04 152.73 41.30 159.97 46.93
20c3sc5 2156.01 234.37 40.10 274.77 41.33 283.28 46.95
20c3sc6 2758.17 472.83 40.02 485.21 41.56 498.63 46.74
20c3sc7 1393.99 130.24 40.05 132.26 41.51 128.02 44.29
20c3sc8 3139.72 502.50 39.98 518.27 41.33 558.96 46.20
20c3sc9 1799.94 319.66 40.09 294.18 41.22 287.23 46.89
20c3sc10 2583.42 448.23 40.02 447.99 40.48 381.85 47.00
Sum 2899.18 400.28 2931.44 412.55 2921.21 465.59
Average 289.91 40.03 293.14 41.26 292.12 46.56

Table 7
Impact of fuel consumption on uniform and clustered customers for different speed intervals.

BKS Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Data set Route cost Expected fuel consumption Expected speed Expected fuel consumption Expected speed Expected fuel consumption Expected speed

S1_2i6s 1578.12 275.22 39.99 233.34 41.29 301.25 47.89

S1_4i6s 1397.27 254 40 254.37 42.17 252.91 46.27
S1_6i6s 1560.49 258.78 40.04 258.26 40.14 271.13 45.24
S1_8i6s 1692.32 293.65 40.52 301.27 41.25 320.55 46.72
S1_10i6s 1173.48 201.34 40.22 215.56 40.58 227.89 45.81
S2_2i6s 1633.10 248.23 41.55 287.47 41.15 295.87 44.25
S2_4i6s 1505.07 251.88 39.87 325.48 41.22 341.18 45.57
S2_6i6s 2431.33 352.63 39.95 365.74 41.12 355.93 45.81
S2_8i6s 2158.35 338.57 40.05 345.89 40.25 346.88 46.61
S2_10i6s 1585.46 302.51 39.98 314.13 40.07 286.58 46.76
Sum 2776.81 402.17 2901.51 409. 24 30 0 0.17 460.93
Average 277.68 40.22 290.15 40.92 300.17 46.09

Fig. 3. Routes obtained for constant and varying speed for 20c3sU1.

conducted to find the relationship between various speed intervals the results are recorded. To study the fuel consumption details un-
and fuel consumption. der varying speed in different categories, the algorithm is run to
A snap shot of triangular distribution for various categories of get the same BKS for the goal G1 in the route cost. The results de-
speed intervals is derived and is projected in Fig. 5. picted are the best obtained from 10 runs of each instance of the
To study the behaviour of speed under various speed intervals, data set.
speed is categorised with 4 different speed intervals. Category 1 The speed obtained for various categories are displayed in
has speed in the range [10 20 30 40 50 60 70] with interval 10, Tables 5–8. It is noted that, there is a positive correlation between
category 2 [5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75] has speed and the fuel consumption. The expected average speed in-
speed interval as 5, category 3 [1 20 40 60 80] is taken with inter- creases when the length of the interval increases. The expected av-
val 20 and category 4 [10 30 60] with interval 30. The maximum erage speed is 40.10 in category 2 where the speed has an interval
speed is taken not to exceed 80. The Tables from 1 to 4 are run of 5miles/h, 41.19 in category 3 with the interval being 20 miles/h
with category 1 where the mean speed for each travel from node and in category 4 it is 46.48 with an interval of 30 miles/h.
i to node j, where i, j ∈ V is taken at random and the impact of Prominent deviations are not observed with the speed intervals
the varying speed on each instance of the data set is studied and of 10 or 5 miles difference. When speed is taken in intervals of
G. Poonthalir, R. Nadarajan / Expert Systems With Applications 100 (2018) 131–144 141

Fig. 4. Pareto dominance of various data instances using TVa-PSOGMO.

Fig. 5. Triangular distributions for various speed intervals.

30 as in category 4, an increase in the speed with high fuel con- hicle to serve successive customers. Hence, the algorithm performs
sumption is observed for most of the data instances, though for poor when the interval is taken with 30miles/h difference. Though
few instances it gives better fuel consumption rate. It shows that, better fuel consumption can be realized with varying speed, to de-
though varying speed reduces fuel consumption, the speed inter- rive a better routing plan, proper selection of speed interval is im-
val should not be more to realize the benefits from the fuel con- portant. As seen from the results, category 1 and 2 are able to
sumption. Also, it is hard to get the BKS at this rate as there is a get better fuel consumption minimization for most of the data in-
frequent requirement for fuel or the time is insufficient for the ve- stances.
142 G. Poonthalir, R. Nadarajan / Expert Systems With Applications 100 (2018) 131–144

Table 8
Impact of fuel consumption on uniform and clustered customers for different speed intervals.

BKS Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Data set Route cost Expected fuel consumption Expected speed Expected fuel consumption Expected speed Expected fuel consumption Expected speed

S1_4i2s 1582.21 276.65 40.03 279.23 41.70 261.96 46.44

S1_4i4s 1460.09 268.24 39.99 274.56 40.87 289.76 46.96
S1_4i6s 1397.27 299.02 39.91 297.84 41.42 275.81 47.32
S1_4i8s 1397.27 290.11 40.05 289.19 40.93 234.51 45.75
S1_4i10s 1396.02 256.63 40.08 255.79 40.66 246.52 46.22
S2_4i2s 1059.35 184.44 39.90 183.39 41.5 200.53 46.76
S2_4i4s 1446.08 278.91 40.86 279.71 42.52 298.63 47.75
S2_4i6s 1434.14 241.49 40.04 224.15 41.49 241.36 46.83
S2_4i8s 1434.14 280.12 40.03 286.81 41.62 270.80 47.09
S2_4i10s 1434.14 302.47 39.90 304.92 41.72 284.87 45.96
Sum 2678.08 400.79 2675.59 414.43 2604.75 467.08
Average 267.808 40.079 267.559 41.443 260.475 46.708

Fig. 6. Expected speed for various speed categories. Fig. 7. Fuel consumption for various speed categories.

It is useful to observe from Tables 5 to 8 that the average ex-

pected fuel consumption increases when there is an increase in
the average expected speed and it is also noted that the interval
of increase/decrease in speed has an impact on the fuel consump-
tion rate. But, when a comparison is derived between constant and
varying speed, regardless of the speed intervals, varying speed per-
forms better than constant speed in fuel conservation.
Table 8 shows that the fuel consumption is almost the same in
all 3 different categories of speed intervals. The data instances of
Table 8 are designed to study the impact of refuelling stations on
the route cost. For data instance S1_4i8s and S2_4i10s, speed cate-
gory 4 is able to serve all customers with one vehicle less. Hence,
there is a significant decrease in fuel consumption. This is due to
the inclusion of more refuelling station. It should also be observed
that for data instances S2_4i6s, S2_4i8s, S2_4i10s, though the route
cost is same, fuel consumption is different. But, it is very difficult
to quantify the results as they are depicted here as the result of Fig. 8. Comparison of fuel consumption with constant and varying speed.
manual findings with many rigorous experiments.
Based on the observations from Tables 5–8, it is seen that the
average expected speed in category 1 and 2 is less than the average sumes more fuel compared to varying speed. Also, under varying
expected speed in category 3 and 4. Fig. 6 shows the comparison speed, category 1 performs better for all 4 data sets. Both cate-
in the obtained average speed between various speed categories, gories 1 and 2 show a considerable decrease in the fuel consump-
the expected average speed in category 4 is more than any other tion than categories 3 and 4.
speed categories. It is also observed through experiments that the use of the
Figs. 7 and 8 show the comparison derived for fuel consump- number of vehicles is reduced in most of the cases, since speed is
tion on various data sets with different speed intervals. It shows taken as a varying quantity and, the vehicle is able to serve more
the comparison within various speed intervals and also between customers with less time. A total of 222 vehicles were used for
constant and varying speed. It is seen that the constant speed con- G-VRP as specified in Montoya et al. (2016), but TVa-PSOGMO al-
G. Poonthalir, R. Nadarajan / Expert Systems With Applications 100 (2018) 131–144 143

gorithm uses a total of 209 vehicles where a considerable decrease Acknowledgement

in the number of vehicles is realized as the algorithm is able to
serve more customers with less vehicles. We sincerely thank Dr. M. Senthil Kumar, Professor, Department
The impact of this research is to ascertain that when route cost of Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences, PSG College
minimization is taken as a primary objective in solving VRP, an ad- of Technology, Coimbatore for his valuable suggestions and feed-
ditional objective that takes care of environmental issues need to back. We also thank Ms. Haseena Fatima, Student, M.Sc Software
be addressed to have a green environment and parameters like ve- Engineering, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computa-
hicle speed can be influential in fuel consumption reduction. tional Sciences, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore for her sup-


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