Research 1 Activity 2: Title Proposal Submission

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Activity 2: Title Proposal Submission

Instruction: This activity is an individual work. Each of the students must propose 5
study of their choice. Formulate your own title, defend why you choose that title, add
literatures that will support your claim and discuss briefly the research design and the
method to be use in the study. Below is a guide for this activity. Your output must be in
a paragraph form following the given format.

Title of the study Reason Literature Discuss References

why you that will briefly the
choose support your research
that title claim design and
the method
to be use in
the study
Title 1

Title 2

Title 3
The Effect of Sweeteners on Ice
Cream Characteristics
Title 4
Self -Efficacy, Self -Care and
Glycemic Control in Individuals
with noninsulin Dependent
Diabetis Mellitus
Title 5

“The Support Needs of Mothers of High Risk Premature Infants in Newfoundland

Prenatal Clinic”
I choose One of this title “The Support Needs of Mothers of High Risk Premature
Infants” since this is one the important matter that needs to be focused on wherein to
evaluate the needs of Mothers of High Risk Infants, In order to know what are the
intended groundwork for an improved teaching among them. It is timely but I know, We
and I could learn a lot of knowledge about this.

Review Literature

A number of studies have assessed the effects of the transition to parenthood

and the concerns, problems, and need for knowledge of parents of healthy newborn
(Bull & Lawrence, 1985; Curry, 1983; Dempson & Maret. 1986). Parents of preterm
infants appear yo have similar concerns , problems, and need for knowledge and
support, however their situation is intensified by the effects of the prematurity of their
infant and therefore their needs may differ in the type and degree support. Since the
literature indicates overlapping of concerns between mothers of healthy newborns and
mothers of preterm infants, this literature will examine the material support needs of
mothers of both healthy and high risk premature infants.

Research Design and Research Method

This research study was an exploratory descriptive that surveyed a non-random

convenience sample of mothers of high risk premature infants. The sample consisted of
62 mothers of high-risk premature infants by Newfounland who were discharged from
hospital but 2 among them did not attend the clinic.


Adams, M. (1963). Early concerns of primigravida mothers regarding infant care activities.
Nuning R'SOorch, ll(2), 72-77.

Barrera, M.-, ROSe~awlt~ P., & cunningham, C: (1986). 'Early home intervention. with low-birth-
weight infants and .their parents. Child ~ntl ll, 20:-33,.

Margaret McKim (1988). The Support Needs of Mothers of High Risk Premature Infants. Child
,2(5), 47-115

Self-Esteem, Family Perception and Therapy Preferences of Depressed Individuals in

Research design and Research Method

This exploratory study investigated, the relationship between depressive symptoms in

clinically depressed adults and two variables, selt-esteem and family perception,
specifically in relation to the dimensions of cohesion, expressiveness, and conflict. at
three different times,admission and discharge from a psychiatrIc facility and one month
post dicharge.

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