Summative Assessment - MYP-3 Sep, 2023

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MYP – 3

Science Time:
Key Concepts: Relationships
Related Concept: Function
Global Context: Identities and relationships
Topics Assessed: Living things and their Classification

Criterion D: Research Task - Exploring Biological Classification

Task Overview: For this research task, you will explore various aspects of biological
classification, from the traditional five-kingdom system to its practical applications in medicine.
You will select one of the provided topics, investigate it thoroughly, and present your findings in
an appropriate format.
1. Select one of the provided topics that interests you the most.
2. Research your chosen topic using reputable sources, including books, academic articles,
and credible websites.
3. Create notecards to organize and summarize key information from your sources.
4. Develop a well-structured product (e.g., essay, video, presentation) that addresses the
guiding questions for your chosen topic.
5. Properly cite your sources in your product and compile a bibliography.
6. Reflect on your research process and the knowledge you've gained in a self-evaluation.

Topic Options: Choose one of the following topics to research:

1. Five-Kingdom Classification
 Investigate the traditional five-kingdom classification system, its characteristics,
and how organisms are grouped into these categories.
2. Binomial Nomenclature

 Examine the binomial nomenclature system and how it's used to name and
identify species, using examples.
3. Diversity of Life
 Explore the incredible diversity of life on Earth, focusing on different taxonomic
groups, such as animals, plants, fungi, and protists.
4. Economic and Ecological Significance
 Discuss the importance of classification in agriculture, conservation, and
understanding ecosystems.
5. Applications in Medicine
 Examine how taxonomy and classification are used in the medical field to
understand and combat infectious diseases.
Guiding Questions:
1. Account of What You Know:
 Begin by summarizing your current knowledge and understanding of the selected topic.
Mention any relevant concepts or key points you are already familiar with.
2. List of Guiding Questions:
 Develop a set of guiding questions to direct your research on the chosen topic. These
questions should help you explore and expand your understanding of the topic. (Refer to
the provided guiding questions for your selected topic.)
3. Notecards of Your Source Evaluation:
 As you gather information from various sources, create notecards that summarize key
points, facts, and arguments related to your topic. Include source citations for each
notecard to facilitate proper referencing later.
4. Product:
 Produce a well-researched product that presents your findings on the chosen topic.
Depending on your preferences and the assignment requirements, this could be an essay,
a video presentation, or a traditional oral presentation. Ensure that your product
effectively addresses the guiding questions and conveys your understanding of the topic.
5. Bibliography:
 Compile a bibliography that lists all the sources you consulted during your research.
6. Self-Evaluation:

 Conclude your research project with a self-evaluation. Reflect on the process, your
research skills, and what you have learned about the chosen topic. Consider how well you
addressed the guiding questions and met the criteria for this research task. Assess your
strengths and areas for improvement in research and presentation skills.
This research task will allow you to delve deep into the fascinating world of biological
classification and its diverse applications. Make sure to follow the provided guidelines and meet
all the criteria for a successful completion of this assignment.

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