Rizal's Life and Writing

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RIZAL’S custom of looking for the appropriate to him by his fairness and interest in their

meaning. Sangley, the name throughout all the welfare.

Chapter 2 Philippines for Chinamen, signifies
“travelling traders”, Mercado was used for Mrs. Teodora Alonso, mother of Jose Rizal,
JOSE RIZAL: HIS FAMILY AND was the second daughter of Mrs. Brigida De
CHILDHOOD “A NAME trader. Francisco Mercado was born in Biñan
and lived to be eighty years old, the youngest Quintos (Narcisa, Teodora, Gregorio, Manuel,
DESTINED TO BE A LEGEND” and Jose), daughter of Mr. Manue! De
in the family of 13 siblings: 7 men & 6
June 28. 1848, were married Mr. Francisco women, alternating in the following order: Quintos, of a well-known family in
Mercado, age 30 years, 2 months, and Ms. Petrona, Gabino, Potenciana, Leoncio, Pangasinan, and of Regina Ursua of the
Teodora Alonzo age 20 year, 7 months Tomasa, Casimiro, Basilisa, Gabriel, Ursua family.
Fausta, Julian, Cornelio, Gregorio and The brothers of Brigida De Quintos were
The Genesis
Francisco. Joaquina Brigida, Jose Soler, and Maria
The martyr national hero of the Philippines, Victoria. Regina Ursua was the daughter of
The parents of these 13 siblings were Captain
Jose Protacio Realonda Alonso Mercado Mr. Eugenio Ursua and of Benigna. Her
Juan Mercado, who had been the
Rizal, known to be “a child of a good family” brothers were father Alejandro, Jose Ursua,
Gobernadorcillo or Mayor of Biñan, and
was born on June 19. 1861, between 11:00 Benito Ursua, and Pio Ursua.
Cirilia Alejandra, daughter of Maria Guiño.
and 12:00 at night, a few days before the full
Juan Mercado was the older of the two Teodora Alonso was one of the most highly
moon in the Calamba, on the southwest shore
brothers~ Juan and Clemente~ son of educated women in the Philippines at that
f the picturesque Laguna de Bay some forty
Francisco Mercado and Bernarda Monicha. time. She was born on November 8, 1826,
miles south of Manila.
Th hero’s father was named Francisco in and died on August 16, 1911 at the advanced
The Rizal Family was a large one. Austin memory of his grandfather. age of 84. As a student of Colegio de Santa
Craig accounted that Rizal’s father’s family Rosa, she had a business and literary sense far
Jose Rizal's father was a well-educated farmer
began in the Philippines with a Chinaman, ahead of her time. She was a gifted woman
with studies in Latin and Philosophy at the
Domingo Lam Co; the Father’s paternal with insights into literature, art, music, and
Colegio de San Jose in Manila. Early in his
ascendant was full blooded Chinese who other forms of Filipino culture. She was also a
adult life he moved to Calamba and became a
migrated in the Philippines from Amoy, poet and wrote in the Tagalog language. She
tenant farmer. He attained a degree of wealth,
China in the late 17th Century. There were urged her son to read and write in Tagalog and
established a fine library and cultivated friends
also traces of Japanese, Spanish, Malay, and impressed upon him the importance of
among the friars and Spanish government
some Negro ancestry in the grandmother, Philippine culture and history. Jose's earliest
Domingo Lam Co’s wife, Ines de la Rosa. poems were written with the help of his
The name Francisco was a name held in high mother and his career as a novelist was due to
Rizal was the son of a prosperous landowner,
honor in Laguna for it had belonged to a her literary influences. She was also a fine
sugar and rice planter, of Chinese Filipino
famous sea captain who had been given the mathematician and Jose inherited some of his
descent~ Francisco Mercado Y Chinco, who
ENCOMIENDA OF BAY for his services and science ability from his mother. As a gourmet
apparently owed his surname to the Chines
had won the regard of those who paid tribute cook, interior decorator, and collector of fine
books, she was not only Rizal's mother but a brothers of Teodora was Jose, while one of the mother-in-law, who lived n the neighborhood,
national treasure. brothers of Brigida Quintos (mother of at the same time, adopted the name
Teodora Alonso/ grandmother of Jose Rizal) "Rialonda," and her children (including
Rizal's mother was of llocano-Tagalog- was named Jose Soler, still, one of the Teodora) followed her example. So it was
Chinese-Spanish descent, possibly having brothers of Regina Ursua (Teodora Alonso's when Jose Protacio Rizal was baptized by Fr.
even a little Japanese blood. The Alonso grandmother/ Jose Rizal's great grandmother) Rufino Collantes -the record showed his
family was a distinguished one. An uncle, was named Jose Ursua. parents as Francisco Rizal Mercado and
Jose Florentino, was elected to the Spanish Teodora Realonda Alonso.
Cortes. He sat in the parliament and Seemingly, Jose was named after either of
distinguished himself through government them. Most likely, his uncle Jose Florentino The Siblings
service. It is said to have been a youthful who was elected to the Spanish Cortes!
ambition of Jose Rizal to fill someday the Jose was the seventh of eleven children the
same position. Jose Alberto (Alonso from Protacio was taken from St. Protacio, who younger of two boys. Don Francisco and his
Alonso clan) was aw awarded the KING OF very properly was a martyr. That a Filipino wife was a prolific pair.
THE GRAND ORDER BY QUEEN priest baptized him and a secular Archbishop
confirmed him seem fitting 1. Saturnina (1850-1913) was the oldest of
ISABELLA. Teodora had one of the most the Rizal children, married to Manuel Hidalgo
masterful commands of Spanish in the A new family name was adapted in 1850 by from Tanawan, Batangas.
Philippines. authority of the Royal Decree of l849, upon
the order of Governor Narciso Claveria, 2. Paciano (1851-1930) lived to be 79 years
The Name old and was the oldest boy in the family.
which sought to remedy the confusion
Jose Protacio Realonda Alonso Rizal resulting from many unrelated Filipinos, Paciano was ten years older than Jose and
Mercado, such a juxtaposition of names, having the same and a still greater number more of a second father than an elder brother,
deserves an explanation, for it is not an having no last name at all. especially when Don Francisco, for all effects
ordinary name but a legendary one. and purposes, left the management of the
The name Rizal, however, was taken not from family lands in his hands.
History seldom accounts for the origin of the the list provided by the government, but it
name Jose. For one reason or another, there seems to have been chosen, because of its 3. Narcisa (1852-1939) married Antonio
was no confirmation as to where it originated appropriateness. Rizal, a shortened form of Lopez, a teacher.
other than mere speculations. Although, some the Spanish word for "second crop," seemed 4. Olympia (1855-1887) married Silvestre
would say Jose was named after St. Joseph, suited to a family of farmers who were making Ubaldo, a telegraph operator from Manila.
the foster father of Jesus in keeping with the a second start in a new home.
catholic tradition then of naming a child after 5. Lucia (1857-1919) married Mariano
a saint. Francisco Rizal soon found that in spite of his Herbosa of Calamba.
legal authority, the new name was making
From Jose Rizal's maternal side, there were confusion in business affairs, so he 6. Maria (1859-1954) married Daniel
members of the clan named Jose; one of the compromised on "Rizal-Mercado." His Faustino Cruz of Binan, Laguna.
7. Jose (1861-1896) national hero literature. Readings in Tagalog poetry and religious processions. While studying in
daily assignments in Philippine history by his Biñan, he often heard the early morning mass:
8. Concepcion (1862-1865) lived to only mother inculcated a sense of Filipino culture.
three years of age. I heard the four o'clock mass in the morning, f
The Early Religious Formation there was one; or I studied my lessons at the
9. Josefa (1865-1945) didn't marry. same hour and heard mass afterward.
Rizal's religiosity can be traced back to his
10. Trinidad (1868-1951) also didn’t marry. nascence, considering the fact that his mother As a student in the Ateneo, Rizal started the
11. Soledad (1879-1929) was the youngest of almost lost her life while giving birth to him. day with a prayer and ended the day with a
the Rizal children. She married Pantaleon From then on Teodora made a vow to go on prayer. In Ateneo then, students heard mass in
Quintero of Calamba. pilgrimage to the Virgin of Peace and Good the morning before the start of the daily
Voyage in Antipolo should she and the child classes. As a practice in catholic schools,
Rizal's Childhood turn out doing fine. classes opened and closed with a prayer.

As a local family with enormous business Young Rizal was a religious boy. A scion of a
skills, Rizal's parents blended education, Catholic clan, born and bred in a wholesome While excelling in his academics, Rizal was
culture, and a strong family life and a feeling atmosphere of Catholicism, and possessed of also very active in extracurricular activities,
for local politics into a new sense of an inborn pious, he grew up a good Catholic. among which was his membership in the
Philippine nationalism. In 1863, the solidarity' of the Virgin Mary. Rizal's devotion
introduction of general primary education in Under the tutelage of his mother, who were a to our lady was secondary to his devotion to
the Philippines, contributed to the rise of an devout Catholic and a graduate of Colegio de the sacred heart of Jesus. His devotion to Jesus
even larger class of educated Filipinos. Young Santa Rosa, imbibed Christian doctrine, a and Mary was expressed in his carvings of the
Jose Rizal immediately became a top flight requisite in Catholic schools. Rizal learned the images of the Sacred Heart and the Blessed
student. As a young boy, Jose was called common Catholic prayers at an early age. At Mother sculpted in “Batikulung" (Philippine
"UTE” by his brother and sisters. The town five years old, he was able to read, although hardwood) with the use of his knife.
people of Calamba called him "PEPE" or not fluently, the Spanish family bible, which
"PEPITO". Early in his life, tragedy struck was then commonly, called historia sagrada. It may be said that Rizal's early religiosity
when his favorite sister Concha died. In 1868, Jose recounted from his childhood memory must have been enhanced during his studies at
at the age of seven, he wrote a comedy for the that his mother gathered all her children to the Ateneo under the tutelage of
local fiesta which highlighted his literary pray the angelus in the house, as customary to the Jesuit fathers who are noted for their
talent. lowland Filipino Christian families in the days Ignatian spiritual exercise.
of yore. Further, the angelus was followed by
In his early life, Rizal was a voracious reader. the nightly praying of the holy rosary. The Early Religious Writings and
Legend has it that he was able to read at age
As a young boy, Rizal loved to pray in the Experiences
three. His mother was a strong influence upon
his education and helped developed his early church, taking part in novenas and joining
Rizal's devotion to the Mother and Son were
interest in poetry, music, and European
further manifested when he wrote during his
Ateneo days two separate religious poems. educacion" (An Intimate Alliance between JOSE RIZAL: HIS EDUCATION AND
One was titled "Al Niño Jesus" (To the Child Religion and Education) in which Rizal CAREER WAS HE A DOCTOR?
Jesus), and the other was "A La Virgen expressed the importance of religion in
Maria" (To the Virgin Mary). education and to him; education without God The beliefs of my childhood have given way
is not true education. the convictions of youth, which I hope in tme
The first poem, an Ode to Jesus, which was will take root in me. Any essential belief that
written in 1875, was short and considered of does not stand review and the test of time must
eight verse only, which based on Spanish pass on in the realm of memory and leave the
poetry standard must have influenced Rizal, heart.
may be classified as octava real. Translated by The Inspiration from the Parable of the
My mother said that I knew enough already,
the late Hon. Leon Ma. Guerrero, the poem is Moth
and that should not go back to Manila. Did
as follows:
One late night, while Rizal's mother Doña my mother perhaps have a foreboding of what
Teodora was narrating the parable of the moth, was to happen, to me? Does a mother's heart
To the child Jesus
the young Jose was inattentive to the story; his really have a second sight?
How, God-child, hast Thou come
attention instead was focused on the moth
To earth in cave forlorn? He himself thought that her foreboding
encircling the tongue of the flame of the oil
Does fortune now deride Thee concerned nothing more-although it was
lamp. Doña 'Teodora scolded Jose and told
When Thou art scarcely born? serious and painful enough to him at the time
him that if he will not adhere to the advice of
Ah, woe! Celestial king than an unfortunate infatuation, but his
his parents or old people for that matter, he
Who mortal form doesn't keep mother's "second sight" was clearer and more
will be like the moth that burned itself in the
Woulds’t rather than be Sovereign, penetrating than he could have imagined at the
Be shepherd of Thy Sheep? time. What she foresaw when her Jose was
The parable told that the young moth was still a schoolboy with no idea of the fatal
The other religious poem addressed to the attracted to the lame, and thought that it could mission he was to undertake for his people,
Virgin Mary appears to be a sonnet. Its last conquer it; it pushed itself to the burning was nothing less than they would cut off his
three lines remind one of the hymns, "Mother flame and got burned. The moth died a martyr head?
of Christ" in the Baclaran church novena. The in its own illusion, he truly thought he
last three lines are as follows: I still remember and will never forget that
conquered the burning flame, but it was not.
when I was sixteen my mother told my father:
At a young age, Rizal gained inspiration from
If deprivation comes to buffet me, "Don't send him to Manila any longer. He
the parable, that it is not impossible to conquer
And if grim death in agony draws near knows enough; y he gets to know more, they
insurmountable odds and be a martyr in reality
O, Succor me, from anguish set me free. will cut off his head." My father did not reply,
but never in illusion. This was what he did as
but my brother took me to Manila despite my
he grew in age and in wisdom.
mother's tears.
Again, while in Ateneo, he composed a poem Chapter 3
entitled "Alianza intima la religion y la
The early education of Jose Rizal was an 600 wooden homes nearby. In mid- Spanish civilization in Manila was genteel and
important aspect of his political thought. Like 17th.century the church of Santiago was built. predicated upon the European tradition. Fine
many children of the well-to-do, Jose received It was at this church that all Spaniards who carriages with smartly dressed men and
his early education at home. He had private lived outside the Intramuros were forced to women were prominent in and around Manila.
tutors, but it quickly became obvious that he attend mass. There was also a church nearby, Foreign visitors remarked that the Spanish had
was advanced beyond his teachers. Although San Juan de Bagumbayan that administered to a penchant for overdressing. It was almost as
he attended school in Calamba, young Jose the needs of the natives. if they had to prove that the European manner
primarily educated himself in the family was the superior one. This presumptuous
library and through conversation with family Thus began a consciousness of class division manner of dressing carried over into personal
and friends. Finally, it was decided that he that permeated Filipino society. The Palace of attitudes. There was a strained feeling among
would attend the prestigious Ateneo Municipal the Governor General was located within the Spaniards against the educated Filipinos.
School in the walled Intramuros, part of Intramuros, and it stood as an elegant These differences resulted from a level of
Manila. Thus began the early education of the reminder of Spanish governmental might. By education in the Philippines which promoted a
future Filipino nationalist. 1826, the Spanish established a set of laws national feeling. Suddenly the educated
defining public order. These laws stated that Filipino had a concept of a national feeling.
The Arrival in Manila and the Intramuros there were vagrants outside the Intramuros, This made Spaniards uncomfortable and often
Legacy and they would be arrested and punished for prompted government officials to make rash
".idle, lazy behavior”. The question of law decisions.
When Rizal arrived in Manila, Ateneo was and order was always present and highlighted
located inside the Intramuros. This was a the inequities and failures of Spanish The strangest decision by Spanish officials
concrete bastion designed to protect the government. was that no commercial enterprise was
Spanish from outside forces. The Intramuros allowed in the Intramuros. The notion was that
looked more like a dungeon than the center of Within the Intramuros was the Real business might soil the character of
Spanish government and education. The Audiencia, which was the principal Intramuros. As a result, a booming
presence of Fort Santiago within Intramuros administrative office of Spanish Government. commercial area known as Binondo grew up
was a constant reminder of Spanish military The foreboding walls surrounding Intramuros on the other side of the Pasig River. It became
power. The churches inside Intramuros were allowed soldiers and government officials to the site of Manila's Chinatown and soon
plush, ornate in construction and magnificent look out at the Pasig River that flowed into commerce brought in the Chinese Mestizo.
compared to Catholic churches in other parts Manila Bay. From the corner towers in the This was the atmosphere when young Rizal
of the Philippines. It is not surprising that Intramuros, Spanish soldiers remarked that arrived in Manila.
Intramuros was an unpopular reminder of the Filipinos scurried around outside the walls
arrogance of Spanish imperialism. oblivious to government activity. Nothing was
farther from the truth. Filipinos were
Because of the walled city known as the beginning to express a national feeling that The Formative Years at Ateneo
Intramuros, foreign visitors often referred to had been building since the Cavite Massacre.
Manila as the Intramuros. In 1603, the The role of the Jesuits in Philippine education
Intramuros had 600 houses inside and another is very important. After they were expelled
from the archipelago in 1768, the order It was Father Sanchez who recognized Rizal's rights. The second-rate educational system
remained dormant until members returned in talent as a poet and encouraged him to practice created second class citizens and Rizal was
1859. When the Jesuits re-emerged to convert this craft. Rizal’s student poems are quick to point out that this was what the Friars
the Mindanao population, they were also impressionistic and amateurish, but they intended. It is with this poem that Rizal began
asked to take charge of the Ateneo school. By contain the seeds of his future nationalism. As his political career.
1865, Ateneo was a secondary school that a member of the Society of Muses, Rizal
offered rigorous courses almost equivalent to enjoyed himself, but increasingly found his The Jesuits didn't envision Rizal as an
college academics. Ateneo was considered the poems expressing a national theme. He could intellectual radical. With his good manners,
finest school in the Philippines because of the see a sense of Philippine nationalism in understated way of speaking and writing and
rigorous intellectual standards of the Jesuits. writing about flowers; even the early poems his well-dressed, often deferential character,
suggest a critical voice that castigated the he appeared like most other students. In fact,
It was in this environment that Jose Rizal Spanish for their foibles and follies. when Father Sanchez read his poems, he failed
began the education that would solidify his to see the beginnings of an enthusiastic leader.
political thoughts. While at Ateneo, Rizal won Equally important was Father Jose Vilaclara
a special prize in poetry for "A La Juventud who instructed Rizal in the sciences and An examination of Rizal's student memoirs, as
Filipina," and he cultivated the intellectual philosophy. His was a young man who well as his diaries, suggest that the Ateneo
direction which led to his nationalistic believed that Rizal was wasting his time with years were formative ones. He not only
writings. poetry. He developed a scientific curiosity in developed scientific skills but a critical sense
young Rizal that lasted until his death. It was of writing in the Spanish language.
While attending Ateneo, Rizal developed into Father Vilaclara who convinced Rizal to take a Eventually, Rizal would excel as a scientist, a
a first-rate student. He was remembered as an "scientific attitude” about life. Vilaclara's fiction writer, a nationalist and a medical
original thinker, a creative scholar and a classes encouraged Rizal to express his doctor. All these would have been impossible
natural leader. The Ateneo years were a earliest national ideas. He was determined to without his early education. Over the years
coming- out period for Rizal. He not only serve his people. That service would define many myths have come up about Rizaľ's
became the leader of his fellow students, but the key elements of Philippine national academic prowess.
he also took up fencing and gymnastics. feeling. Ambeth R. Ocampo, Filipino revisionist
The most noticeable change in Rizal's A poem written during the Ateneo years historian, is a popular writer and general
education was his mastery of Spanish. When suggests his desire to serve as a local debunker of local history, suggests that Rizal
Rizal began school, he was only moderately nationalist. The poem "Por la Educacion was not a good student. However, he went into
successful in speaking and writing Spanish. Recibe Lustre la Patria” (Through Ateneo archives and found that Rizal was an
But Rizal worked hard, read constantly and Education the Fatherland Receives Glory) excellent student. But, as Ocampo suggested,
finally Father Francisco de Paula Sanchez argues that education is an integral part of the "we must never assume that he graduated
remarked that he was becoming proficient in national character. The Friars, by not valedictorian or at the top ot his class”. Rizal
the language. At this point Rizal began writing educating the Filipinos properly, Rizal argued, stood out as a student leader and a national
in Spanish. Most of his famous works were prevented the full implementation of civil spokesperson, because he had the ability to
written in that language. talk to the average Filipino.
One of the earliest problems with Rizal’s Science was not to his liking. He remained a From Barcelona, Rizal quickly went to Madrid
education was the lack of intellectual growth. poet at heart and his educational goal was and continued his double course in philosophy
After Ateneo, he enrolled at the University of toward the liberal arts. and letters and in medicine at the Universidad
Santo Tomas. The transition from Ateneo to Central de Madrid. Still he found time for
University of Santo Tomas prompted Rizal to This was strange because Rizal didn't like the more lessons in drawing and painting, and
consider a European education. sciences, but despite his reluctance about studied languages under special teachers. In
science,Rizal selected medicine as his major 1884 he received the degree of licentiate in
subject. During his second year at the medicine and the following year, on his 24th
University of Santo Tomas, he decided to birthday, the degree in philosophy and in
The Challenging Years at UST become a doctor. He made this choice to letters, and with highest honors.
After Ateneo, Rizal enrolled at the University defuse and minimize his growing political
of Santo Tomas, a Dominican school.° This interests. He found medicine tedious but From Madrid, Rizal in 1885 went to Paris and
school was the only university in the reasoned out that it would provide a good continued his medical studies under an eye
Philippines during the 19th century. It was at living and a level of prestige. specialist. The next year, Rizal went to
the University of Santo Tomas that Rizal Germany and studied ophthalmology. He was
The University of Santo Tomas intensified registered at Dr. Wecker's clinic.
continued to create his vision of Philippines Rizal's interest in literature, science, and
nationalism. philosophy. In his memoirs, Rizal waxed on Dr. Wecker had me register at his clinic and
The Dominican school was an important poetically suggesting that his mind opened to ordered me to buy an ophthalmoscope--an
change for young Rizal. It was here that Rizal new ideas. With characteristic humility, Rizal apparatus that is used to look into what is
improved on the academic lessons he learned suggested that the University of Santo Tomas going on inside the eyes.
in Ateneo and placed them at a broader helped him to develop patriotic sentiment
It can be said that Rizal learned much during
historical perspective. In fact, Rizal's thinking While at the University of Santo Tomas, Rizal his stay in Dr. Wecker's clinic, and he himself
quickly became so sophisticated that his became aware of the enlightenment and was attested to this:
mother warned him for intellectual arrogance. intrigued by the philosophers. Not
surprisingly, he saw himself as an intellectual With regard to the study of eye diseases, I'm
Why was the University of Santo Tomas so doing very well: I know already how to
influential upon Rizal's intellectual extension of these thinkers. Rizal was
infatuated with the idea that knowledge and perform al kinds of operations. I only need to
development? The answer is a complex one. be trained in the study of what is going on at
Part of the influence can be traced to the education were the keys to the future. As a
result, his political ideas needed a new arena. the bottom of the eye which requires much
history of the University of Santo Tomas. It practice.
was founded in 1611 and quickly established So Jose informed his brother that he would
itself as Asia's center of European education. leave for Madrid to complete his medical Rizal also had special training under Dr. Otto
Quietly on his own, Rizal continued to work education. Becker. Rizal accounted:
on his political ideas. He received passing The Degree
marks but found that the heavy emphasis On
For some 13 days now, l've been attending the medicine because his mother's Sight was 1884-1885. However, he never submitted his
clinic for eye diseases under the direction of failing. He was tar below his usual standard-in doctoral thesis. He was never really a "doctor"
another famous oculist called Otto Becker. the pre-medical and medical courses which he Rizal, as he would be known for posterity. In
took in the university, as shown in his grades the long correspondence with the authorities
Aside from these two clinics, also had a in l6 subjects: 3 passing grades,8 "good", 3 of the university, which he started from
practice at a certain hospital in Germany: very goods", and only 2 "excellent". Geneva in June 1887, he requested only the
At the hospital I practice and examine patients issuance of his licentiate degree, this was
Rizal did not turn out to be a lawyer but surely applied and paid for in his name by Julio
who come every day. The professor corrects he was happy to have completed his degree in
our mistakes in diagnosis; I help in the Llorente, who for some reason or another
medicine. Rizal says: asked that it be sent to the Governor in
treatment and although, I don't see so many
operations as I did at Paris, here I study more Next June when the Academic year ends, I Manila, where it was promptly lost, so that
the practical side. shall graduate in medicine. after a typical bureaucratic jumble Rizal had to
be content with a certified copy which he
Rizal also contemplated to enroll as a student Again, Rizal asked his family if he could enlist received from the Spanish Consul General in
of law in the famous University at Heidelberg, for the degree of Doctor of Medicine: Hong Kong in May 1892, eight years after his
but his brother Pacíano was not in favor of it: graduation.
If you want me to get the degree of Doctor of
I do not think that the study of law will suit Medicine, you then write me. It's a matter of THEORIES ON THE INCIDENCES
you, but rather the arts; in this I am of the one year more and hundreds of pesos for fees. THAT HAPPENED INSIDE THE
same view as our parish priest, and really a ALBERTO ANCESTRAL HOUSE
lawyer here is landlord, teacher, farmer, Later on, Rizal denounced the usefulness of
contractor, that is to say, everything but a the doctorate degree: The following theories are based on the "-
lawyer; on the other hand, those who do Witness" documentary on "Ang Lihim ng
"Thank God, I have already finished my
practice law collect their fees for defending Pamilya ni Riza" (The Secret of Rizal's
medical studies. The doctorate is not of very
one side or the other, whether it is right or Family) which was aired in the Philippines on
much usefulness to me now, because, though
wrong9 something which would run against 31 Jan 2011 over GMA-7. The documentary
that is needed to become a professor, I don't
the grain of your conscience; while there are was well-researched and balanced. It is,
believe they will ever appoint me as such at
few who practice medicine and the arts, they however, thought provoking and leaves the
the College of Santo Tomas.
make progress here and they live peacefully, mystery unresolved. Theory 1: Teodora
the one thing we should look for in this world. History and historians doubt whether Rizal Formoso's unfaithfulness Jose Alberto was
finished his doctorate degree in medicine. married to Teodora Formoso. It is said that she
Perhaps Paciano was wrong in discouraging Oddly enough it would appear that, contrary to had been unfaithful to Jose especially when he
him in taking up law. Rizal, a born polemicist, the general assumption, he never got his was out of the country. She had an affair with
with a talent of self-expression and a keen doctorate in medicine, although he took and an officer of the civil guards. Upon knowing
sense of justice, would have made a splendid passed the courses in the history of medicine, what had happened, Jose Alberto imprisoned
lawyer." Rizal made up his mind to study surgical analysis and normal histology in Teodora Formoso inside their mansion.
Teodora Alonso came to the aid of her hurting that the children of Lorenzo and Brigida might sister, Saturnina, have an affair with her
brother, the bunso (youngest) in the family. had talked about the succession of the family's uncle? Was lose Alberto really a half- brother
even against the will of her husband, wealth after the death of the ir father, Lorenzo. of Teodora Alonso or not? Many speculations
Francisco Mercado. Theory 2: Teodora Jose Alberto might have had stood as the legal and opinions may arise but the truth is kept
Alonso attempted to poison Teodora Formoso heir, though he is their true blood brother, and locked in the past. A descendant of the Alonso
One time, Teodora Alonso with her eldest, as a consequence disowned his mother Brigida clan said in an interview above, "You don't
Saturnina, brought snacks for Teodora for the sake of the family. If this theory is have to come from a perfect family to become
Formoso Immediately, Teodora Formoso put plausible then, it would appear that Teodora a hero." Come to think of it, does it matter if
the food on the floor and called her dog to eat Alonso, her other siblings and her own family lose Rizal's family had a troublesome past?
it. The dog died instantly and she accused her were illegitimate (as claimed by the Will that make him less of a hero? I personally
sister-in-law of attempted murder. She descendants of Jose Alberto). Furthermore, don't think so. He was loved and protected by
suffered two years in jail as a consequence. A Jose Rizal's writings in the Rizal section of the a family who inspired and infiuenced him.
descendant of Teodora Alonso believed that Ateneo de Manila University Library stated These theories, true or not, cannot reduce Jose
this was a frame up. For what reason? Let's that Teodora Alonso and Jose Alberto really Rizal from hero to zero.
see the third theory. Theory 3: Jose Alberto came from one set of parents. EPILOGUE
had an affair with Saturnina It is believed that Every family has its secrets, even the Rizals of Discovery in Biñan Last month a friend
Jose Alonso had a child with her niece Calamba, among the most important families dropped by for merienda, and since we did not
Saturnina. Soledad, the youngest child of in Philippine history. In the year that he died, want to get caught in traffic in Manila we
Teodora Alonso and Francisco Mercado might 1896, Jose Rizal made his family tree. decided to go to Laguna. We drove off to
had not been really their daughter but the Interestingly, he left out the branches leading Biñan to see one of the town's oldest hbouses,
daughter of Saturnina and Jose Alberto. It was to his mother Teodora Alonso. Was he trying literaly a stone s nrow away irom the church
evident that Soledad was the prettiest to hide something? Or are we just over- and the plaza where the customary statue of
according to eyewitnesses and different from rationalizing a simple unfinished work? The Rizal stands. The governor of Hong Kong, Sir
the other siblings. It is important to note that Alberto Ancestral House has been a mute John Bowring, who visited the Philippines in
Jose Alberto was a mestizo; and that Teodora witness to these mysteries. Jose Rizal's family 1859 describes his trip to Biñan, the house,
and Saturnina once left their house and might have a story of unfaithfulness, betrayal, and his host in this manner: ...and through a
returned after sometime with a that Teodora children out of wedlock, incest, conspiracy, triumphal arch we reached the handsome
claimed her own. Would this be a reason for family quarrels, and attempted murder. čwelling of a nch mestizo, whom we found
Teodora Formoso to frame up Jose Rizal's Certainly, these have been shocking stories in decorated with a Spanish order which hạd
mother? the late 19th century and even today. But only been granted to his father before him. He
the persons involved knew what really spoke English, having been educated at
Theory 4: Jose Alberto is an illegitimate child happened aside from the Almighty God. Calcutta, and his bouse a very large one-gave
but assumed to be legitimate A theory has Unfortunately, they have all departed from our abundant evidence that he had not studied in
been presented by a cultural heritage advocate world. Did Teodora Alonso try to poison her vain the arts of domestic civilization. The
in the documentary above about the legitimacy sister-in-law? Or did the latter frame up the furninure, the beds, the tables, the cookery
of Jose Alberto. Prof. Santa Maria theorized former because of personal issue? Did Rizal's were all in good taste, and the obvious
sincerity of the kind reception added to its "hagiographers" had kept from us all these surnames, she became Teodora Alonso
agreeableness. Great crowds were gathered in years-Teodora Alonso was illegitimate. Quintos Realonda. Convoluțed, is it nor?
the square which fronts the house or Don Jose Lcrenzo Alberto and Brigida Quintos moved
AIDerto.... The Alberto house stil! stands, but FAMILY AND OTHERS A descendant, of from Biñan to Calamba where their daughter,
its ground floor has been rented out to Jose Alberto, the gracious Don Zoilo Alberto Teodora, married Francisco MerCado. They
commercial establishments and it has retained now in his 80s received us. But he refused to had eleven children, one of whom was Jose
just a few of is original furniture. In the large give any information regarding Rizal, which I Rizal. It was clear that the famous Jose
sala hang portraiis of former occupants, one of found strange, because throughout the country, Alberto of Biñan was the half-brother of
whom was the purpose of this trip. Rizal was people even invent Rizal stories. As the late Teodora Alonso, the latter coming from the
Jose Alberto's nephew and he lived in this Teodoro Agoucillo observed, "Lahat ng lugar, illegitimate branch of the family. It seems that
house when he was studying in Biñan. The ibig nilang lagyan ng historical marker na this was common knowledge at the time, and
relaticnship between Jose Alberto and nagpapatibay na si Rizal nagpunta rito 't the Albertos, except Don Zoilo, will ell you
TeodcraAlonso is unclear. Rizal, in a letter to nagpunta roon. Aba eh, kahit mga sulok na that anytime. When I asked Don Zoila to
Blumentrit, says that Teodora Alonso's father, inihian ni Rizal ibig nilang lagyan ng marker!" contim or deny the facts in the Ilocos Review,
Lorenzo Alberto Alonso, "was a deputy for the I felt that Don Zoilo was not proud to be he excused himself and said he was tired: "I
Philippines in the Cortes" and his uncle, Jose related to Rizal. When I asked for some Rizal have given you the article; just stick to the
Alberto, was educated in Europe and spoke anecdotes, he snapped. I don't remember facts. Don't make chismis. I don't know of
German, English, Spanish and French; he was anytling-and I don t wish to remember anything which I have not personally seen. I
also a knight in the Order of Isabella anything To elicit some response, I asked a have to rest. Good day! That ended our
Catolica." My research has proven that Rizal question closer to his heart: "How are the interview abruptly, but on the way home the
sometimes twisted facts to project a certain Rizals and the Albertos related?" He called a discovery in Biñan raised a lot of questions.
positive image of himself in his writings, maid and I was given a faded photocopy of an Researchers who have gone through the
which have become the primery source article from the Ilocos Review by a grandson church books in Santa Cruz Church in Manila
materials for today's historians. There are of Isabelo de los Reyes showing how the where 1eodora was baptized say the records
times when Rizal himselt was wrong Leon Rizals of Calamba were related to the are complete down to the eiglhteenth century,
Ma. Guerrero, during his research in Spain, Florentinos of llocos! Later, I found out it was but it is strange that the only volume missing
could not find a deputy in the Cortes named not as off-tangent as I thought. Rizal's happens to be the one containing Teodora
Lorenzo Alberto Alonso. John Bowring says grandfather then, the 24-years old Lorenzo Alonso's baptismal records. Is there a cover-
Jose Alberto was educaied in Calcutta, not Alberto Alonso, had married a 12-year-old up? Why? (10/23/89)
Europe. Why the discrepancy? Why is it that Ilocana named Paula Florentino in 1814.
Rizals biographers, when describing Jose Years later, we tind the same Lorenzo Alberto
Alberto, say he is a cousin, brother, half- Alonso in Biñan living-in with (or married
to?) Brigida Quintos. This Alberto-Quintos FAMILY AND OTHERS A descendant, of
brother, or stepbrother of Teodora Alonso- Jose Alberto, the gracious Don Zoilo Alberto
depending on whose book you are reading? union produced five children, one of whom
was Teodora Alonso Quintos. Later with the now in his 80s received us. But he refused to
Which is which? Our architectural observation give any information regarding Rizal, which I
trip to Biñan led to a discovery that Rizal's Claveria decree of 1849 giving Fiipinos
found strange, because throughout the country, Alberto of Biñan was the half-brother of for raising his voice to Fr. Leoncio, who had
people even invent Rizal stories. As the late Teodora Alonso, the latter coming from the doubted his authorship of some poems. Of
Teodoro Agoucillo observed, "Lahat ng lugar, illegitimate branch of the family. It seems that course, some years later, Rizal gained fame as
ibig nilang lagyan ng historical marker na this was common knowledge at the time, and a poet at the Ateneo, and the 70-year-old priest
nagpapatibay na si Rizal nagpunta rito 't the Albertos, except Don Zoilo, will ell you travelled al! the way to Manila just to
nagpunta roon. Aba eh, kahit mga sulok na that anytime. When I asked Don Zoila to apologize, thus endearing himself to Rizal.
inihian ni Rizal ibig nilang lagyan ng marker!" contim or deny the facts in the Ilocos Review, Rizal described Fr. Leoncio in the leiter as an
I felt that Don Zoilo was not proud to be he excused himself and said he was tired: "I mdio, tall, straight, and distinguished; culiurcd
related to Rizal. When I asked for some Rizal have given you the article; just stick to the but timid and tende... A friend of my Tather.
anecdotes, he snapped. I don't remember facts. Don't make chismis. I don't know of He was related to my jamily. He was a just,
anytling-and I don t wish to remember anything which I have not personally seen. I Iiberai, and tolerant man. You will see his
anything To elicit some response, I asked a have to rest. Good day! That ended our image in my new book į ElJilibusternsmoj; 1
question closer to his heart: "How are the interview abruptly, but on the way home the call him Fr. Florentino. He was a musician,
Rizals and the Albertos related?" He called a discovery in Biñan raised a lot of questions. poet and naturalist. He never meddled in
maid and I was given a faded photocopy of an Researchers who have gone through the politics. He never had anything to do with the
article from the Ilocos Review by a grandson church books in Santa Cruz Church in Manila elcction of the gobernadorcilla We were at
of Isabelo de los Reyes showing how the where 1eodora was baptized say the records peace. įltalics minej One wonders how a
Rizals of Calamba were related to the are complete down to the eiglhteenth century, Fibpino could become parish priest of a
Florentinos of llocos! Later, I found out it was but it is strange that the only volume missing Dominican iown as rich as Caiamba. There
not as off-tangent as I thought. Rizal's happens to be the one containing Teodora was something not quite right about all this.
grandfather then, the 24-years old Lorenzo Alonso's baptismal records. Is there a cover- Many biographers are content that Rizal
Alberto Alonso, had married a 12-year-old up? Why? (10/23/89) identified Fr. Lopez as the model for IT.
Ilocana named Paula Florentino in 1814. Florentino, overlooking Rizal's remark that
Years later, we tind the same Lorenzo Alberto Look for Priests in Your Closet P cople "he was reluted to my famil With Rizall's
Alonso in Biñan living-in with (or married tracing their ancestry in the . Philippines often leíters, one usually has to read very carefully
to?) Brigida Quintos. This Alberto-Quintos discover a fnar somewhere in the lamily iree. to pick out what is not. Written, because Rizal
union produced five children, one of whom Bui no one sceins to be ashamed of it. Having often left out what is importani. This I realized
was Teodora Alonso Quintos. Later with the a friar as an ancestor has been accepted as a two veeks ago. I was invited to a picnic by Mr.
Claveria decree of 1849 giving Fiipinos fact of life, a Situation Jose Rizal fully used in Francisco Rizal Lopez and Mrs. Eugenia
surnames, she became Teodora Alonso his novels Nuli me jángere and Ei Lopez Villacruz in their lolo Paciano Rizaľ's
Quintos Realonda. Convoluțed, is it nor? filibusterismo. Remember Padre Damaso and lake side retreat in Los Baños. There they
Lcrenzo Alberto and Brigida Quintos moved Maria Clara . Actualy, the Rizal family itself showed me a copy of their lolo s baptismal
from Biñan to Calamba where their daughter, had a fiar in its fold, Fr. Leonc:o Lopez, the certificate signed by FT. Leoncio Lopez.
Teodora, married Francisco MerCado. They parjsh priest of Calamba. Wnting to Ferdinand Whch I saw this, I remembered the late Dr.
had eleven children, one of whom was Jose Blumentritt from Ghent on August 23, 1891, Leoncio Lopez Rizal, an uncle of my hosts,
Rizal. It was clear that the famous Jose Rizal recalls the times his mother scolded him who lived on Lopez Rizal Street in
Mandaluyong. Suddenly a question struck me. is, how come no one ever bothered to find out
What was Fr. Lopez's relationship to the aboui Fr. Leoncio Lopez before? (3/17/89)
Rizals? "Taking a calculated risk, I asked an
immodest questión, "Is it true that Fr Lopez is
your 8rea- grandfather?"

Expecting to be thrown out of the house

without lunch,I was relieved to see Mr. Lopez
break out into a smile. He said: "You're quite
right. Yes, he was our great-grandfather."
Turning to Rizal's British biographèr, Ausin
Coates, who was quite surprised by my
question, Mr. Lopez conuinued with an
explanatión. "You see, my mother, Emiliana
Rizal, was the daughter of Paciano Rizai. She
married her first cousin Antonio Lopez, who
was the son of Rizal's sister, Narcisa. Our
grandmother, Narcisa Rizal, maried Antonino
Lopez, who was the son of Fr. Leoncio
Lopez." "Is there documentation for
this?"Tasked. "There might be some
documentation somewhere.As an asşiduous
Rizal scholar, Mr. Ocampo, I don't think it
will be difficult for you to find it." But as a
historian, I cannot work on hearsay." The
circumstantial evidence proves it. When our
Lola Sişa married Antonino Lopez, they lived
in the parish house when Fr. Leoncio was cura
parroco. How do you explain that?" Mr. Lopez
added: "When Fr Leoncio died all his books
and what little material possessions he had
werè inherited by my grandfather Antonino
Lopez. By the way, Fr. Lopez was Mexican."
Amazed at this bit of oral bistory, we had a
heaaty lunch. Still I was left with more
questions than I started out with. The problenı

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