Design and Implementation of Heartbeat Rate and Spo2 Detector by Using Iot For Patients

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Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC 2020)

IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20V66-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-4108-4

Design and Implementation of Heartbeat rate and

SpO2 Detector by using IoT for patients

Sivapriya Natarasan1,* Dr.Pavithra Sekar1

Department of Computer Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Veltech Multitech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Veltech Multitech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala
Engineering College Engineering College
Avadi, Chennai Avadi, Chennai
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—In this modern days, development of smart healthcare The human body needs a certain amount of oxygen in the
system is an emerging area of research on the Internet of Thing (IoT). blood to live otherwise the function of the body loose energy
The majority of the individuals who are living in provincial territories and not work efficiently. The SpO2 stands for oxygen
are not able to get medical services because of the absence of saturation which estimates the amount of oxygen saturated in
specialists, emergency and private clinics. Likewise, notwithstanding the blood. The haemoglobin carries the oxygen in the blood
a little medical issue, the individuals get wavered to get counsel from and travel throughout the body. Oxygen saturation is defined
a specialist due to travel, cost, and time. The heart is the most vital as the measurement of the amount of oxygen dissolved in the
organ in the human body, and the heartbeat rate is an essential aspect
blood, based on the detection of Haemoglobin and
of human metabolism. Pulse oximetry is the non-invasive
Deoxyhaemoglobin. There are many different ways are there
measurement of the oxygen saturation (SpO2) in the heart. However,
most of the available heart rate measurement tools are rather to find normal oxygen levels. The most common way is to use
expensive and only available in hospitals, and accurate measurement Pulse oximetry which is a non-invasive technique to indirectly
of SpO2 in a rural area may not be possible immediately to measure measure the oxygen saturation(SpO2) level [6].
the level of oxygen level in the human body. In this proposed system, Normothermia or euthermic is known as normal human
Beer’s Law used to implement the Heart Beat Rate, and SpO2 body temperature. Body temperature is the main vital sign to
detector used to measure SpO2, heartbeat rate and temperature range.
suspect the infection caused by many fungal species. It may
Two different light wavelengths (Red Led and Infrared Led) are used
change under the age of the person, but not much variation.
to measure the actual difference in the absorption spectra between
HbO2 and Hb. The SpO2 probe placed on the person’s finger and the Normally the body temperature differs for every person to
other end with a microcontroller to calculate the number of pulses and person it may vary from 97ºF to 99ºF. Many different ways are
the amount of the SpO2 present on their body. The measurement there to measure the temperature for humans [7].
range of the SpO2, Heart Beat Rate and Temperature are viewed via In this proposed system, the OP App helps to find out the
OP APP (Outpatient Android Application) and the same is viewed by heartbeat rate, SpO2 and temperature range of the human’s
the doctor in the other end through the cloud. Besides, the interaction
body through the SpO2 and temperature probe which was
will be done between the clinician and patient through video
connected with microcontroller and android mobile th rough
conference in the same OP APP.
USB cable or Bluetooth [8]. The range of the Heart Beat Rate,
Keywords—Smart health care system; heartbeat rate; SpO2; SpO2 and temperature can be viewed in the OP App the same
temperature; beer’s law; Microcontroller; Android application range can also be viewed by a doctor when it was high in
range the push notification sends to the doctor and then the
I. INT RODUCT ION consultation can be done through the video conference with
the doctor [9,10].
Several smart health wearable devices are present in these
modern days with advantages and disadvantages. Using these So, the doctor can prescribe some meditation or else
wearable devices, a person can understand the level or range of suggest some first aid for the patients before they got to suffer.
heartbeat rate, glucose level, body temperature, etc., [1,2]. It helps the patient who cannot go to the hospital due to travel
Knowing the heartbeat rate is a major vital sign measurement or midnight or else no near clinics or hospital. And this
because the heart function is important for the person to live. heartbeat rate and SpO2 detector help the patients to save their
The measurement of the heart rate is depending on pulse rate time, expenses and travels [11,12].
[3,4]. The normal pulse for healthy adult’s ranges from 60 to
100 beats per minute. For a healthy person, it may vary and II. RELAT ED W ORK
increase when in the exercised state or in emotional time. The non-invasive health care monitoring system was
Normally females have a faster heartbeat rate than male. And developed by using different types of sensor for the
for athletes like runners or players without any health, any measurement. The old and traditional method to measure the
issues may have less heartbeat rate [5]. heart rate is PQA (Peak Quantification Algorithm).

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on August 08,2020 at 07:57:38 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20V66-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-4108-4

The ABC is a swarm intelligence algorithm which includes of light absorbed is proportional to the concentration of the
the control parameters and ease of realization [13]. There are light-absorbing substance.
three bee’s parameters in ABC, which are employee, onlooker,
The light emitted from the source has to travel through the
and scout bees. The ABC algorithm reduces the timing, gives
the accurate result and also safe approach. The PPG (Photo artery which is oxygenated arterial blood. The light travels to
shorter in a narrow artery and longer in a broad artery. The
Plethysmography) is designed to measure heart rate [14]. The
working principle of PPG is based on Light Modulation which LED (infrared light and red light) which are used to convert
the light energy into voltage or current. The amount of current
is a non-invasive method to count the changes occur in the
passed through those LEDs is directly proportional to the
blood. The smart health monitoring system was developed
with a smart watch to monitor the patient health parameters amount of rays falls on it which gives response in terms of
changes in resistance. The signals were abs orbed from the
continuously [15]. Designed Remote Health Monitoring
System with different sensors which are heart pulse sensor, patient’s finger. Then it can be divided by amplifier into as a
DC and AC components. The DC component contains the
body temperature sensor and galvanic skin sensor and
photoplethysmography is a non-invasive technique used to absorption of light, which is non-pulsatile arterial blood. The
AC component contains non-absorbed light which referred to
measure the heart rate. The galvanic skin sensor used in
galvanic skin response(GSR) which measures the skin as Pulsatile arterial blood.
conductance by electric current and this health monitoring
system is accurate and secured too [16]. Health care service
devices are developed to monitor the elderly persons like
whether they fall or not by using gyroscope sensor and
microcontroller-based PIC series which counts the heart rate
through sensing the pulse rate of a fingertip. by sensing the
pulse rate from fingertip by sensing the changes in blood
volume [17-19].
The system developed to measure the heart rate in both
relaxed state and excited state and no calibration is required
during the measurement is the main lead of this system [20].
The heartbeat rate was recorded in an excited state (stressed
condition) and unexercised state (relaxed condition) are
referred to the heart rates in a relaxed condition. The heart rate
changes in both state and shows a different heart rate for the Figure. 1. T he architecture of the proposed system
same person. The heartbeat rate measurement uses a
transmitter and infrared sensor which helps for the reading of
heart rate with the help of OP-Amp which is used to amplify The oxygenated absorbs more infrared light than red light
and filter the pulse signal given by the infrared sensor. The and Deoxygenated Hb absorbs less infrared light and more red
android application fetches those data and displayed through light. Once the microcontroller measures the level o f SpO2
the mobile application [21-23]. and heartbeat rate, the measurement readings are viewable in
the android mobile application which is called OP App
III. M ET HODOLOGIES (outpatient application). The microcontroller unit connected
The vital monitoring system is a non-invasive technique with the android mobile through USB cable or Bluetooth
and heartbeat rate, spo2 and temperature detector with an module. Depend upon the level of the SpO2, heartbeat rate and
android mobile app. This monitoring system measures temperature the push notification is sent to the doctor’s mobile
heartbeat rate, SpO2 and temperature which uses SpO2 probe through cloud server. The patient's detail and the doctor’s
for measuring oxygen saturation and heartbeat rate which also details are stored in a large database and accessed through the
includes temperature probe to measure body temperature. The cloud server. There were three different types of data are
probe has to place on the person's fingers to measure the stored in database one is patient detail, next one is patient
concentration of the HbO2 and Hb. For measuring, the pulse health measurement data and the admin database. The patient
oximetry was used which uses lights to measure the oxygen can consult the doctor at any time and from anywhere through
saturation. a video conference. Secured connection builds between the
patient and doctor by firebase and Firebase helps to
Here the microcontroller unit used to connect the probe and store the data of the patient and connect to the doctor.
work on it. Once the probe placed between the person’s finger enables the bi-directional connection between the
the light emitted from a light source to reach a light detector. patient and doctor and allows to push notification.
The light emits reaches light detector through a person's finger.
Some lights are absorbed and some are not absorbed by the A. SpO2 Detection
finger. There are two wavelengths of the light got measured The SPO2 detector developed to find the range of oxygen
one is absorbed light and another is non-absorbing light range. level in the human body by using a pulse oximeter. The most
The amount of light absorbs by the finger is proportional to the common way is to use Pulse oximetry because it’s a non -
concentration of the Hb. Here the pulse oximetry’s physical invasive technique and also one of an indirect way to measure
property work by Beer’s law. Beer’s law states that the amount the oxygen saturation level. Pulse oximeters function by using

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Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on August 08,2020 at 07:57:38 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20V66-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-4108-4

light sensors there were two different light wavelengths which The resulting signals represent the light absorbed by the
are red and infrared light. The lights are passed to measure and finger. And then using OpAmp the signal is passed through the
calculate the oxygen saturation. Deoxygenated and oxygenated LED which is absorbed can be divided into AC and DC
haemoglobin absorb different wavelengths. component. The pulse rate can be calculated by pulse oximeter
Analog-to-Digital Converter(ADC) with sample number and
The SPO2 probe must place with the person's finger and it
sampling rate. The Led lights are on and off alternatively by
was between the light source and the detector. The amount of two PWM (pulse width modulation) from the Digital Signal
light absorbed by the finger depends on the concentration of
Controller(DSC). And the current passed through the Led are
the light-absorbing substance. That can be used by pulse
controlled by the Digital-to-Analog converter which also
oximetry to calculate the oxygen saturation. Here the Beer’s driven by the DSC.
law was applied to calculate the absorbing substance. The
SPO2 can be expressed by
SPO2 == HbO2/(Hb+HbO2) … (eq.1)
The light emitted from the source has to travel through the
artery which is oxygenated arterial blood. The OpAmp
(Operational Amplifier) used to invert the signal which is
passed on the LEDs. The Led which are used to convert the
light energy into voltage or current. The amount of current
passed through those LEDs is directly proportional to the
number of rays falls on it which gives response in terms of
changes in resistance. The signals were absorbed from the
Fig 3. Pleth waveform to find out the heartbeat rate
patient’s finger. The oxygenated absorbs more infrared light
than red light and Deoxygenated Hb absorbs more red light Normally the time is taken between the peak to peak Pleth
than infrared light. (Plethysmography rate) waveform used to measure the
heartbeat rate (fig 3.). The normal heartbeat rate for an adult is
B. Heart Beat Rate Detection
in between 60 and 100 beats per minute(bpm). Over 100 bpm
The heartbeat rate detection can be done with the same reaches the dangerous level for the human and it varies
SPO2 probe which works with the pulse oximetry. The pulse depending upon the age. The heartbeat rate varies depending
oximetry which is a light sensor which absorbs the beam of on the age in years.
light passed through the SPO2 probe. The pulse oximetry
works on three sources of lights, mostly it uses Red light and C. Temperature Detection
Infrared light. The SPO2 probe place with the human’s The temperature detection uses the temperature sensing
fingertip the photodetector in the sensor started to perceive the element thermistors which are made up of semiconductor
lights absorbed and non-absorbed from the LEDs. Here, Pulse material. The semiconductor material helps to sinter the
oximetry uses Beer’s law to calculate the heartbeat rate of the changes in resistance which is proportional to small changes in
patient. temperature. That works through an electrical signal. The
temperature probe placed on the human finger which contain s
By using Beer’s Law measure how much light reaches the
thermistor and Led lights. The LEDs are used to convert the
light detector then the pulse oximetry knows how much light
light energy into voltage or current. The amount of current
absorbed. The pulse oximetry measures pulsatile blood. The
passed through that diode is directly proportional to the
arterial blood absorbed the light and also the skin and other
number of rays falls on it which gives response in terms of
tissues absorb some lights. The amount of light such as Red
changes in resistance. The resistance changes can be measured
light or Infrared light transmits through tissue got affected
by the direct current passed through the thermistor to measure
when changes occur in pulse rate volume (heartbeat rate
the voltage drop produced. The voltage dropped is relat ed to
volume). So, the pulse oximetry uses only fingers to measure
the resistance of the thermistor. Ohm’s law used to determine
the heartbeat rate due to non-pulsatile things such as skin and
the bias current needed for the voltage drop. The ohm’s law
states that the current directly proportional to the voltage
which describes that the current through two points pf
conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference
between the two points. The equation which used to determine
the output voltage is

V= IR … (eq. 2)
Where I is the current in amp’s and R is the resistance in
ohms. Normally, the thermistor does not read anything but the
resistance in thermistor changes according to the temperature
changes in the human body. A thermistor is used due to long
Figure. 2. Data flow diagram of the proposed system durable, highly sensitive, lowest cost and this is best to
measure temperature instead of other temperature sensors. The

978-1-7281-4108-4/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 632

Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on August 08,2020 at 07:57:38 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20V66-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-4108-4

resistance changes are recorded with corresponding current or The patients who got affected by respiratory failure or
voltage changes. hypertension or heart failure receive HOT (Home oxygen
therapy) which prescribed by the doctor due to vague
The thermistor works in the range between 50ºc and 114ºC.
symptoms or patient affected with pulmonary disease. Those
When the temperature changes occur in high then the patients should check their oxygen saturation level and
microcontroller which is connected with a temperature probe
heartbeat rate at least once in a month. The average heartbeat
and also connect with the android mobile through USB cable rate is varying from some range and the mean of the heartbeat
or Bluetooth module and then measures the patient’s body
rate consider to be a normal heart rate. Once the heart rate
temperature. The temperature range can be viewed in the Op
crossed over the average range of the heart rate then it
App. Then depend upon the level of the temperature the app considers being a dangerous heart rate of the person. The
connected to call an ambulance or else to connect with the
heartbeat rate differs by age of the person. Usually, the pulse
doctor for consultation through a video conference call. rate varies by person to person under age. the pulse rate is
Though the doctor prescribes some meditation and suggest s
measured by the number of times heat contraction or beat. The
some first aid for the patient. The secured connection provides pulse rate estimates accurate heart rate at the moment.
between the patient and the doctor.
The pulse oximetry uses the ratio of the absorbed
wavelength of the light between the infrared light and red
light. The pulse oximetry measures pulsatile blood. The
amount of light such as Red light or Infrared light transmits
through tissue got affected when changes occur in pulse rate
volume (heartbeat rate volume).
A. Beer’s Law
Beer’s law states that the amount of light absorbed is
proportional to the concentration of absorbing substance.
Normally the beer’s law equation consists of the amount of
light absorbed which is directly proportional to the
absorptivity, the distance that light travelled and concentration
of the absorbance. Here the amount of light absorbed is The infant's heartbeat rate is high when compared with the
calculated by the ratio between the light intensity of two - adults. The heart rate started to reduce by increasing in person
wavelength which described by, age. the normal range of the infants from 0 to 6 months get
105 to 165 beats per minutes, sometimes it reaches 170 also.
But above 190 heartbeat rates consider as a dangerous level for
the infants who are affected by heart chronic failure. For
( )
A= …(eq.3) adults, the average heart rate is 60 to 100 in range sometimes it
( ) varies a little bit but not much difference.
The athletic person's heart rate sometimes below 60 at
Here, is the Light Intensity at 1(660 nm), or 2(940 nm), resting time. If the heart rate reaches a dangerous level the
where the AC level is present in the two wavelengths of the person might be caught heart disease or heart failure and
light, where and are the two-different wavelength sometimes lead to a cardiac attack. So, the patient
passed through the finger and absorbed wavelength and non- continuously checks their heart beat helps to prevent from
absorbed wavelength sudden attack.
TABLE I. AVERAGE VS DANGEROUS HEARTBEAT RATE Not all the normal heart rate safe even if slight changes in
heart rate do not attack the person if they got feeling like
or dizzy or breathing problem (difficulty in breathing) or pain
or uncomfortable in the chest should call or consult with the
doctor. This Op App helps to consult the doctor at any time
through a video conference call and can get some first aid that
suggested by the doctor.

978-1-7281-4108-4/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 633

Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on August 08,2020 at 07:57:38 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20V66-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-4108-4

call to doctor wrote code as

If the app detects the parameters are too high or the patient
felt unwell then it automatically connects to the doctor’s
mobile. And if their regular doctor is not in online then the
push notification sends to the doctor’s mobile and the patient
call connect with another doctor who is specialized on that
field and the doctor can see the patient past and present health
condition through OP app patient detail page then meditation
or suggestion was given to the patient or if emergency the
patient needs to take to the hospital then the OP app
automatically calls the ambulance.
For sending a notification as message used “android
Fig 4. Creation of OP app using android studio
M essage message= M essage.builder().setNotification(new
In OP app, the patient health parameters can see and if the
patient wants to consult with the doctor, it’s easy to make a Notification(“ Emergency message”,”patients
call and consult at any time and anywhere. Once the patient conditions”,”patients
connected the SPo2 Detector with their mobile and switched
on the detector the device automatically starts to measure the parameters”)).setCondition(condition).build()
patient oxygen level and heartbeat rate present in their body String response=
and the level are stored in the patient database.
FirebaseM essaging.getInstance().send(message).
The patient and detail and measurement range are stored in
a different database but connected. Like that for the doctor’s configuration’ to set push notification through FCM.
separate login and database are maintained. Here Firebase The OP app can manage by patient’s close relation or else
Realtime Database was used to store details of patients and with their friends but if the patient needs to contact or wants to
doctors. Simple configuration is used to store and retrieve data. know their measurement parameters they must log in with the
To configure the firebase console need to add permission OP app. Without patient permission, the details of them are not
for firebase realtime database shown to any other one (even to other doctors) only the doctor
can see their health parameters of past and present, and the OP
app is more secured to use and access.
“implementation '

To start the firebase connection need to call the database with


The patient can contact the doctor through OP app but only
after they connected with the device. Once the measurement
levels are stored in a cloud they can contact the doctor. For a

Intent i=new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL);

i.setData(Uri.parse("tel:"+str)); Here the health parameters of the patient are sen t and
}if(ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this,Manifest.perm received from device to mobile application via Bluetooth
ission.CALL_PHONE)!=PackageM anager.PERMISSION_ connection and send those parameter data to storage through
GRANTED){ cloud server. The health parameters which are heartbeat rate,
SpO2 and temperature are viewed by the doctors who can
Toast.makeText(this, "Please grant permission to contact the patient at the present moment. The patient and
call", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); doctor details are stored in the cloud server and connect via the
internet to make a video call or normal call for a consultation.
else{ Even in rural areas everyone using android mobile and most of
private void requestPermission() {
String[]{M anifest.permission.CALL_PHONE},1);

978-1-7281-4108-4/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 634

Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on August 08,2020 at 07:57:38 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20V66-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-4108-4

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Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC 2020)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP20V66-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-4108-4

on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Comp uting It-Yourself” potentiostat for analytic and educational applications.PloS
(ICECDS). one, 6(9): p.e23783.
[23] Rowe, A. A., Bonham, A. J., White, R. J., Zimmer, M. P., Yadgar, R. J.,
Hobza, T . M., . . . Plaxco, K. W. (2011). CheapStat: an open-source,“Do-

978-1-7281-4108-4/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 636

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