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Effects of Deviators and Tendon Configuration On Behavior of Externally Prestressed Beams

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Title no. 94-S02

Effects of Deviators and Tendon Configuration on

Behavior of Externally Prestressed Beams

by Kiang-Hwee Tan and Chee-Khoon Ng

Six identical reinforced concrete T-beams were strengthened in that of beams with internal, unbonded tendons.3,4 Trinh5
flexure using external prestressing tendons (strands). Of these, further observed that cracks were concentrated at several
three beams had identical straight external strands with a different locations in externally prestressed beams without significant
number of deviators along each of their spans. The other three internal reinforcing steel, whereas they were well distributed
beams each had a deviator at midspan, and their tendon configu-
in beams in which a minimum steel percentage of 0.55
rations were varied by either increasing tendon eccentricity,
increasing the tendon area (and correspondingly decreasing the percent was provided. He reported that the ultimate ductility
prestressing force), or draping the strands. The beams were loaded of externally prestressed beams decreased with an increase
to failure under third-point loading. Test results indicated that the in the amount of external tendons relative to the amount of
provision of a deviator at the section of maximum deflection led to internal tendons. In an experimental study on the strength-
satisfactory service load behavior (deflection, cracking, and steel ening of cyclically loaded beams, Harajli6 noted that
stress) and a higher load-carrying capacity compared to the case external tendons using a draped profile were relatively more
where no deviators were provided. An increase in eccentricity of effective in increasing the flexural strength than tendons
straight tendons with a correspondingly smaller prestressing force with a straight profile. However, this was partly attributed to
led to larger internal steel stresses, crack widths, and service load the larger eccentricity of the draped tendons and partly due
deflections but higher ductility, while draped tendons resulted in
to the second-order effects mentioned earlier.
reduced stiffness, greater tendon stress increase, and more ductile
behavior near failure. The use of a larger tendon area gave similar The study reported herein was carried out to further inves-
service load behavior but a higher ultimate strength and lower tigate the effects of deviators and tendon configuration
ductility. Theoretical calculations based on the concept of bond (tendon area, force, and eccentricity) on the behavior of rein-
reduction coefficients and accounting for second-order effects forced concrete beams strengthened in flexure by external
were found to agree with the test results. prestressing, with a view to eventually establishing a rational
and efficient approach.
Keywords: beams (supports); cracking (fracturing); deflection; prestress-
ing; prestressing steels; strength. RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
The study provides information on the second-order
External prestressing is a post-tensioning method that is effects due to the displacement of external tendons under
becoming popular not only in new bridge construction but load and the effect of tendon configuration (tendon area,
also as a strengthening method for existing concrete struc- force, and eccentricity) on the behavior of externally
tures.1,2 The addition of external tendons, however, leads to prestressed beams. Tests carried out on simply supported
a different structural system of which there has been little beams indicated that second-order effects can be effectively
documentation.3 In an externally prestressed structure, the minimized using deviators. The provision of a deviator at the
tendons are placed on the outside of concrete sections to section of maximum deflection resulted in satisfactory
which they are in contact only at deviators and anchorages. service load behavior and enhanced flexural strength. The
Prestressing force is introduced to the concrete section use of smaller effective prestressing force led to larger
through end anchorages and the tendons assume a rectilinear internal steel stress, crack widths, and service load deflec-
profile in between the anchorages. Under load, the tendons tions, but more ductile behavior near failure. A beam with
are free to move relative to the concrete section in between draped tendons exhibited reduced stiffness, greater tendon
the anchorages and/or deviators, and the resulting change in stress increase, and more ductile behavior. Use of larger
tendon eccentricity leads to what is known as second-order tendon area gave similar service load behavior but a higher
effects. Several investigators4-6 have reported that the ultimate strength and lower ductility. A simple method that
second-order effects led to a reduction in flexural resistance accounts for second-order effects is presented for the calcu-
of the beam. Mutsuyoshi et al.4 observed from test results of
beams with two deviators provided at different spacings that
the reduction could be as high as 16 percent. ACI Structural Journal, V. 94, No. 1, January-February 1997.
Received August 29, 1995, and reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copy-
Provided that the second-order effects due to changing right © 1997, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies
tendon eccentricity are small or can be neglected, the flex- unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including
author’s closure, if any, will be published in the November-December 1997 ACI Struc-
ural behavior of externally prestressed beams is similar to tural Journal if the discussion is received by July 1, 1997.

ACI Structural Journal/January-February 1997 13

ACI member Kiang-Hwee Tan is a senior lecturer in civil engineering at the National
University of Singapore, where he received his MEng degree. He received his DrEng
degree from the University of Tokyo, Japan. His research interests include external
prestressing, beams with web openings, high-performance construction materials,
durability design, ferrocement, and fiber reinforced concrete.

Chee-Khoon Ng is a research assistant in the Department of Civil Engineering,

National University of Singapore. He received his BEng degree with honors from the
University of Technology, Malaysia. His research interests include the application of
external prestressing in structural strengthening of existing beams.

Fig. 2—Strain and stress distribution in externally pre-

stressed sections,

be elastic for stresses up to 0.4f c′ , where f c′ is the cylinder

Fig. 1—Second-order effects in externally prestressed beams. compressive strength of concrete and the steel reinforcement
is considered to be elastic for stresses up to the yield stress fy.
lations of deflection, steel stresses, and strength, and shown In externally prestressed beams, the tendons are not
to predict the experimental values reasonably well. bonded to the concrete. The stress in the external tendons
depends on the deformation of the whole structure and is
ANALYTICAL CONSIDERATIONS assumed uniform at all sections. By introducing the concept
Provided that the second-order effects due to changing of bond reduction coefficient,7-9 however, the stress fps in the
tendon eccentricity can be neglected, the analysis for the unbonded tendons can be calculated following the method of
deformational characteristics of externally prestressed equilibrium and strain compatibility (see Fig. 2) that is appli-
beams may be based on methods developed for beams with cable for the case of bonded tendons. Taking the reference
internal, unbonded tendons. The load-deflection response of state as that of the beam under the sole effect of effective
a simply supported prestressed concrete beam with prestress (that is, neglecting the dead load moment), the
unbonded tendons is shown schematically7 in Fig. 1(a). It is stress fps in the tendon at the critical section (that is, the
characterized by three regimes: (a) linear elastic uncracked midspan section) under an applied moment M is given by:
regime; (b) linear elastic cracked regime; and (c) nonlinear 1. Within the linear elastic uncracked regime (0 ≤ M ≤ Mcr)
cracked regime. The first two regimes are demarcated by the
cracking of concrete at the critical section and the second and ΩMe
third regimes by the elastic cracked limit (e.c.l.) at which f ps = f pe + -----------------------------------------------------
- (1)
Ec 2 2
either the concrete or the steel reinforcement ceases to I tr ------- + A ps ( r + e )Ω
behave elastically. In this study, the concrete is assumed to E ps

14 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 1997

2. Within the linear elastic cracked regime (Mcr ≤ M ≤ Mecl) It is seen from Fig. 1(b) that, under load, the eccentricity
of the external tendons is reduced by an amount equal to the
E ps ⎛ d ps – c⎞ relative upward displacement Δ of the tendons with respect
f ps = E ps ( ε pe + Ω c ε ce ) + Ω c -------f --------------- (2) to the beam at the section under consideration. That is, the
E c ct ⎝ c ⎠ second-order effect in externally prestressed beams can be
accounted for by taking the values of e and dps in Eq. (1)
3. At the ultimate flexural strength limit state (M = Mu) through (4) as

d ps ⎞ e = e0 – Δ (5)
f ps = f pe + Ω u E ps ε cu ⎛ ------
-–1 (3)
⎝ c ⎠
dps = dps0 – Δ d ps = d ps0 – Δ (6)
in which Ω, Ωc, and Ωu are bond-reduction coefficients, 7-9

defined as the ratio of the strain increase in the unbonded, where e0, dps0 = initial eccentricity and effective depth of
external tendons to the strain increase in the equivalent external prestressing tendon, respectively.
bonded tendons at the respective stage of loading. For the For an under-reinforced concrete section, the load-deflection
case of a simply supported beam [see Fig. 1(b)], these bond curve is relatively linear for an applied load up to the instant
reduction coefficients are given as when the steel reinforcement begins to yield. Thus,
neglecting the tensile strength of concrete and assuming an
elastic cracked behavior after decompression of concrete, the
⎧ 2
--- (for straight tendon) value of Δ can be estimated as a first approximation and,
⎪ 3
⎪ conservatively, from the midspan moment using elastic
Ω = ⎨ 23 theory, as
⎪ -----
- (for draped tendon with zero

⎩ eccentricity at supports) 2
f ps A ps eL
Δ = k 1 ML - (for 0 ≤ M ≤ M y )
----------- – k 2 ---------------------- (7)
⎧ I cr 1 ⎛ Ec I e Ec Ie
I cr⎞
⎪ Ω ------ + --- ⎝ 1 – -----
- (for straight tendon) (4)
⎪ I tr 3 I tr ⎠
Ωc = ⎨ where My is the yield moment and Ie is the effective moment
⎪ I cr 5 ⎛ I cr⎞ of inertia based on the midspan section, given by10
⎪ Ω -----
- + --- 1 – -----
8 ⎝
- (for draped tendon)
I tr ⎠
⎩ tr
M cr⎞ 3 M cr⎞ 3
5.4 I e = ⎛ --------
- I tr + 1 – ⎛ --------
- I ≤I (8)
Ω u = ------------ ⎝ M⎠ ⎝ M ⎠ cr tr
⎛ ------
⎝ d ps⎠
At the ultimate flexural strength limit state, however, the
value of Δ would be more accurately assessed from
Mcr, Mecl, Mu = cracking moment, moment at elastic cracked 2
2 f ps A ps eL
limit, and moment at ultimate limit state of Δ = k 1 φ u L – k 2 ----------------------
- (for M = M u ) (9)
the section, respectively Ec Ie
Aps, dps, e = area, effective depth, and eccentricity of
external prestressing tendon, respectively where φu is the ultimate curvature of the critical midspan
Icr, Itr = moment of inertia of midspan section section. The values of k1 and k2 in Eq. (7) and (9) depend on
(excluding the external tendons) based on the number and location of deviators along the span of the
cracked transformed section and uncracked beam. For a simply supported beam with straight tendons
transformed section, respectively, and taken under third-point loading, the values are as given in Table 1.
about the neutral axis The load-deflection curve of the beam accounting for
Ec, Eps = modulus of elasticity of concrete and second-order effect is shown schematically in Fig. 1(a), and
external prestressing tendon, respectively the midspan deflection δ can be calculated as
r = radius of gyration = √(Itr/Atr) in which Atr is
the transformed area of beam cross section 2 2
23M L f ps A ps eL
fct = stress in top concrete fiber δ = ------------------- – k 3 ----------------------
- (for 0 ≤ M ≤ M y ) (10)
fpe, εpe = effective stress and strain in external 216E c I e Ec Ie
prestressing tendon, respectively
εce = strain in concrete at level of prestressing and
tendon due to effective prestress
εcu = strain in top concrete fiber at ultimate 2
23 2 f ps A ps eL
c = neutral axis depth δ = --------- φ u L – k 3 ----------------------
- (for M = M u ) (11)
L = effective span of beam 216 Ec Ie
The value of Ω for the nonlinear cracked regime has not
been explicitly determined. However, as a first approxima- where k3 equals 1/8 for the case of a straight tendon and 1/12
tion, it may be taken as equal to Ωc.7 for a draped tendon with zero eccentricities at the supports.

ACI Structural Journal/January-February 1997 15

bars (designated T16 bars) at the bottom and four mild steel
bars (designated R8 bars) at the top, with diameters of 16 and
8 mm (0.63 and 0.32 in.) and average yield strengths of 530
and 338 MPa (76.9 and 49.0 ksi), respectively. Transverse
reinforcement consisting of mild steel stirrups (designated
R6 stirrups), with a diameter of 6 mm (0.24 in.) and a yield
strength of 300 MPa (43.7 ksi), was provided throughout the
length of the beams. The beams were designated as T-0, T-
1, T-1A, T-1D, T-1B, and T-2. In Beam T-0, no deviator was
provided. Beams T-1, T-1A, T-1D, and T-1B each had a
100-mm-(3.94-in.)-wide deviator at the midspan section,
and in these beams a crack inducer was placed at a section
300 mm (11.8 in.) from the center of the beam. In Beam T-
2, deviators were provided at the one-third span sections.
Prior to casting, aluminum tubes with internal diameters of
16 mm (0.63 in.) and thicknesses of 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) were
secured at the locations of anchorage blocks and deviators to
serve as passages for the external tendons. The beams were
cast in plywood molds. The concrete used had a mix propor-
tion of 1:1.5:2.1 by weight of cement, sand, and coarse
aggregates of a maximum size of 10 mm (0.39 in.). The
water-cement ratio was 0.55 and the targeted cylindrical
compressive strength of concrete was 30 MPa (4350 psi) at
28 days. The beams were covered with damp gunny sacks
and forms stripped after one or two days. Moist-curing was
continued until the seventh day, after which the beams were
air-cured in the laboratory until the day of testing, typically
on the 28th day after casting.
Fig. 3—Test setup and reinforcement details of test beams One day before testing, the beams were prestressed using
(all dimensions in mm; 1 in. = 25.4 mm). two straight 7-wire prestressing strands as external tendons,
one at each side of the beam. Prior to this, masking tape was
wound over the strands at the locations of deviators and
Table 1—Coefficients k1 and k2 for simply
anchorage blocks to insure that the strands would come into
supported beam with straight tendons under contact with the concrete surface immediately on the appli-
third-point loading cation of the vertical load. The strands had a nominal diam-
Deviators Coefficients for Eq. (7) and (9) eter of 9.5 mm (0.37 in.), an average tensile strength fpu of
Number Location k1 k2 1900 MPa (276 ksi), and Young’s modulus Eps of 193 GPa
0 — 23/216 1/8 (28,000 ksi), except for Beam T-1B, where the strands were
1 Midspan 0 0 of a nominal diameter of 12.9 mm (0.51 in.) with an average
2 1/3-span 1/72 1/72
tensile strength fpu also equal to 1900 MPa (276 ksi) and a
Young’s modulus Eps of 199 GPa (28,900 ksi).
Beams T-0, T-1, and T-2 had straight tendon profiles, with
Table 2—Tendon configuration and effective an effective depth of 200 mm (7.87 in.) throughout the span.
prestress of test beams The strands were stressed to about 0.7fpu (see Table 2 for
effective prestress fpe). The strands were placed at a greater
Effective Effective pre- effective depth of 250 mm (9.84 in.) at the midspan section
No. of depth dpso, stress fpe,
Beam deviators mm MPa External tendons in Beams T-1A and T-1D. They were placed straight
T-0 0 200 1297 Straight, φ = 9.5 mm
throughout the span in Beam T-1A and draped with zero
eccentricities at the support ends in Beam T-1D. The strands
T-1 1* 200 1197 Straight, φ = 9.5 mm
were stressed to approximately 0.2fpu so as to maintain the
T-1A 1* 250 327 Straight, φ = 9.5 mm same ultimate strength as Beam T-1. Beam T-1B had
T-1D 1* 250 288 Draped, φ = 9.5 mm tendons placed at an effective depth of 200 mm (7.87 in.),
but the strands stressed to about 0.4fpu so that the effective
T-1B 1* 200 750 Straight, φ = 12.9 mm
prestressing force is the same as in T-1.
T-2 2† 200 1182 Straight, φ = 9.5 mm Each beam was instrumented to measure midspan deflec-
Note: 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 ksi = 6.895 MPa. tions, curvatures, concrete and steel strains, forces in the
Located at midspan section. external strands, and maximum crack widths. The beam was
†Located at 1/3-span sections.
simply supported over a span of 3 m (9.84 ft.) and loaded at
third-points [see Fig. 3(a)] to failure.
Six prototype T-beams were prepared, each 3.3 m (10.8 ft) TEST RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
in length and with cross section dimensions and reinforce- Effect of deviators
ment details as shown in Fig. 3. In all beams, the internal The effect of deviators on the behavior of externally
longitudinal reinforcement consisted of two deformed steel prestressed beams was studied using the results of Beams T-

16 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 1997

Fig. 4—Variation in effective depth due to second-order
effects (1 kip = 4.448 kN; 1 in. = 25.4 mm).

0, T-1, and T-2. For these beams, the ratio of span to effective
depth of prestressing tendons was 15.0. Fig. 4 compares the
change in the effective depth of the external tendons at the
midspan, as each beam was loaded to failure. There was no
change in the effective depth for Beam T-1 in which a devi-
ator was provided at the midspan. The other two beams
registered a slight increase in effective depth under the sole
effect of prestress, but the effective depth was observed to
decrease as the load was increased. The reduction in effec-
tive depth became more dramatic after cracking has occurred
and more so after the yielding of the internal reinforcement,
in particular in the case of Beam T-0, in which no deviators
were provided. Theoretical predictions of the variation in
effective depth using Eq. (6), (7), and (9) were found to agree
well with the test results.
Load-deflection response—Figures 5(a) and (b) show the
moment-versus-curvature curves for a constant moment Fig. 5—Effect of deviators on moment-curvature and load-
section and the load-versus-midspan deflection curves of the deflection curves (1 ft-kip = 1.356 kNm; 1 in. = 25.4 mm).
beams, respectively. All the beams exhibited similar
behavior. Initially, the section curvature (or beam deflection) As the load was increased, flexural shear cracks also
increased linearly with the applied moment (or load). On appeared in the shear span of the beam. The maximum crack
appearance of flexural cracks at about 30 percent of the ulti- widths, measured at the level of internal reinforcement in the
mate load, the beam stiffness was reduced. After the occur- pure moment zone using both transducers (placed 300 mm
rence of cracks had stabilized, the curvature (or deflection) [11.8 in.] from the midspan in Beams T-0 and T-1 and adja-
once again increased linearly with the applied moment (or cent to a deviator in Beam T-2) and a manually operated
load). This continued until the internal, nonprestressed rein- microscope, are shown in Fig. 6. The measured maximum
forcement started to yield. After a section had become suffi- crack widths (taken as the larger of the values measured by
ciently plasticized, the deflection increased substantially the transducers and microscope) at the assumed service load
with little increase in load. The beams showed significant as defined earlier were 0.15, 0.17, and 0.18 mm (0.0059,
ductility at ultimate. 0.0067, and 0.0071 in.) for Beams T-0, T-1, and T-2, respec-
Comparing the beams, it is seen that the moment-curvature or tively, well below the allowable maximum crack width of
load-deflection characteristics were largely similar up to the 0.20 mm (0.0079 in.) specified by ACI 31810 and BS 811011
cracking moment or load. Beyond that, Beam T-1 registered for exterior exposure conditions.
smaller deflections at any particular level of load than the The transducers generally registered larger crack widths
other two beams, thus demonstrating the beneficial effect of than the microscope as the measurements included inelastic
a deviator at the section of maximum deflection. The deformations in the uncracked concrete adjacent to the
midspan deflection under a service load taken as the experi- crack. Considering only the manual measurements using a
mental ultimate load divided by a factor of 1.7 were 5.8, 6.1, microscope, it is seen that Beam T-2 exhibited wider cracks
and 7.4 mm (0.23, 0.24, and 0.29 in.) for Beams T-0, T-1, especially at higher level of loading, probably due to the
and T-2, respectively. These values are within the allowable lesser number of cracks developed. The difference in
maximum immediate deflection due to live load, specified maximum crack widths between Beams T-0 and T-1 was not
by ACI 31810 and BS 811011 as span/360 (or 8.3 mm [0.33 significant except at very high loads.
in.]) and span/350 (or 8.6 mm [0.34 in.]), respectively, for a Steel stresses—Figure 7 shows the variation in stresses in
simply supported beam. the reinforcement at the midspan sections of the beams.
Cracking pattern and crack widths—Flexural cracks were Before cracking occurred, the internal nonprestressed rein-
first observed in the pure moment zone. The cracking forcement registered faster increase in strains and hence
patterns were similar except that Beam T-2 had lesser cracks. stresses than the external tendons, although the difference in

ACI Structural Journal/January-February 1997 17

Table 3—Increase in steel stresses
Δfs, MPa Δfps, MPa
Interval 0 → Mcr 0 → Ms 0 → Mu 0 → Mcr 0 → Ms 0 → Mu
T-0 61 266 * 16 69 370
T-1 57 281 * 16 85 450
T-1A 33 441 * 18 161 811
T-1D 32 415 542* 9 138 955
T-1B 67 368 * 15 85 409
T-2 63 314 * 18 94 483
Note: Mcr = cracking moment, obtained experimentally. Mu = ultimate moment,
obtained experimentally. Ms = service moment = Mu/1.7. 1 ksi = 6.895 MPa.
Yield stress of 530 MPa for internal steel reinforcement was reached.

Fig. 6—Effect of deviators on maximum crack widths (1 kip

= 4.448 kN; 1 in. = 25.4 mm). Table 4—Comparison of ultimate moment with
theoretical predictions
Ultimate moment Mu, kNm M u, exp t .
Beam f ′c,* MPa Experimental Theoretical M u, theo.
T-0 34.6 79.6 77.1 1.03
T-1 34.2 84.1 87.4 0.96
T-1A 30.4 81.5 88.3 0.92

T-1D 32.1 78.1 88.9 (78.0 ) 0.88 (1.00†)
T-1B 33.2 94.2 97.7 0.96
T-2 28.7 83.4 83.7 1.00
Note: 1 ksi = 6.895 MPa; 1 ft-kip = 1.356 kNm.
*Calculated from measured cube strength, i.e., f c′ = 0.8 fcu.

Based on actual failure section.

Table 3. Before cracking, the stress increase was almost

identical in all the beams, indicating that the second-order
effect was minimal. Beyond cracking, the stress increase in
both the internal reinforcement and external tendons were in
general smallest in Beam T-0 and largest in Beam T-2.
Failure mode and ultimate strength—All the test beams
showed ductile behavior at ultimate. Beam T-0 was loaded
until a wire of one of the external strands was ruptured near
the anchorage block. In Beam T-1, loading was continued
until crushing of concrete occurred in the pure moment zone
adjacent to a loading point. Beam T-2 was loaded until the
ultimate tensile strength of the external prestressing steel
was nearly reached without any sign of concrete crushing.
Fig. 8 shows the test beams after they had been tested to failure.
The ultimate strengths of beams are shown in Table 4. Beams
T-1 and T-2 had comparable ultimate strength although the
latter had a lower concrete compressive strength. Beam T-0,
which had no deviators, had considerably lower strength
although it had the highest concrete compressive strength. Thus,
it may be deduced that the provision of deviators prevented a
Fig. 7—Effect of deviators on stress increase in reinforce- reduction of strength due to second-order effect.
ment: (a) internal (nonprestressed) reinforcement; (b) exter-
nal tendons (1 kip = 4.448 kN; 1 ksi = 6.895 MPa). Effect of tendon configuration
The effects of tendon configuration are examined by
comparing the test results of Beams T-1A, T-1D, and T-1B
effective depths might have partly contributed to this. The with those of T-1. Beam T-1A had straight tendons provided
same was observed after cracking. The rate of increase in at a greater depth (250 versus 200 mm [9.84 versus 7.87 in.])
stresses in both the internal reinforcement and external and stressed to a lower level [0.2fpu versus 0.7fpu] compared
tendons was faster after cracking than before cracking. After to the case of T-1. Beam T-1D was identical to T-1A except
the nonprestressed reinforcement had yielded, the external that the tendons were draped at midspan. Beam T-1B also
tendons started to register a rapid increase in stresses. had straight tendons, but with a larger area (200 versus 110
The average changes in stresses, Δfs in internal reinforcement mm2 [0.31 versus 0.17 in.2]) and stressed to a lower level
and Δfps in external prestressing strand, are summarized in [0.4fpu versus 0.7fpu] compared to T-1. Both Beams T-1A

18 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 1997

Fig. 8—Effect of deviators on failure pattern.

and T-1D were designed for the same ultimate strength as T-1
while T-1B had the same effective prestressing force as T-1.
Load-deformation characteristics—The moment-curvature
and load-deflection responses of Beams T-1 and T-1B in Fig. 9
were very similar up to the yield load, indicating that the area
of external tendons has no effect as long as the effective
prestressing force is the same. Beam T-1B, however, regis-
tered a higher ultimate strength due to a larger tendon area
and exhibited less ductility compared to T-1.
The effect of increasing tendon eccentricity and reducing
prestressing force were a lower cracking load and larger
deformations as observed in Beam T-1A. Draping of tendons
as in Beam T-1D led to further deduction in beam stiffness.
Both Beams T-1A and T-1D showed substantial increases in
load-carrying capacity beyond the yield load due to the small
prestressing force and correspondingly a larger reserve
strength capacity in the tendons.
Cracking pattern and crack widths—The cracking patterns
of Beams T-1A, T-1D, and T-1B were similar to T-1.
However, in Beam T-1D the extent of flexural shear Fig. 9—Effect of tendon configuration on moment-curvature
cracking spread to areas adjacent to the end zones due to the and load-deflection curves (1 ft-kip = 1.356 kNm; 1 in. =
smaller eccentricity of tendons near the supports. Beam T- 25.4 mm).
1B, on the other hand, had more cracks over the middle two-
thirds of the beam, compared to cracks over the middle three-
quarters of the span in Beams T-1 and T-1A.
Figure 10 compares the maximum crack widths observed
manually in the pure moment zone of these beams. The crack
widths measured at a section 300 mm (11.8 in.) distant from
the midspan using transducers are also presented. Generally,
these values were larger than the manually observed ones as
they were measured over an induced crack and included the
deformation of the uncracked concrete over the gage length
of the transducers.
It is observed that increasing the effective depth and reducing
the effective prestress of the tendons as in T-1A and T-1D
resulted in wider cracks. The effect of draping the tendons was
unclear as the manual measurements contradict those of the
transducers. On the other hand, increasing the tendon area as in
T-1B led to smaller crack widths at all loads.
Fig. 10—Effect of tendon configuration on maximum crack
Steel stresses—Fig. 11 compares the load-versus-steel
widths (1 kip = 4.448 kN; 1 in. = 25.4 mm).
stress curves of Beams T-1, T-1A, T-1D, and T-1B. The
stress variation in the internal, nonprestressed reinforcement
appeared to depend on the effective prestressing force of the tered in Beams T-1A and T-1D, compared to an increase of
external tendons only. A lower prestressing force in T-1A 450 MPa (65 ksi) in T-1 and 409 MPa (59 ksi) in T-1B (see
and T-1D resulted in higher internal steel stresses at cracking Table 3). The characteristic yield strengths of the tendons
and service loads, a greater stress change between the were not reached in Beams T-1A, T-1D, and T-1B.
cracking and service loads (see Table 3), and a lower yield Failure mode and ultimate strength—All the beams failed
load of the beam. Due to increased tendon eccentricity, a in bending, with concrete crushing at the top of the beam at
greater stress increase in the external tendons at ultimate of a section near a loading point. The beams exhibited signifi-
811 and 955 MPa (118 and 139 ksi), respectively, was regis- cant ductility, as is evident from the load-deflection curves

ACI Structural Journal/January-February 1997 19

stress-strain responses of concrete, nonprestressed reinforce-
ment, and external tendons were respectively approximated
by a parabolic function (with a compressive strain of 0.002
at peak stress), a bilinear function, and the modified
Ramberg-Osgood function. Predictions were obtained for
the load regimes up to the yield load Py using Eq. (1) and (2)
and for loads near failure using Eq. (3) with εcu ranging from
0.002 to 0.003. Linear interpolation was carried out between
the yield load Py and the load Pu(-), which corresponds to a
value of εcu of 0.002. Very good agreement between the
analytical predictions and the test results was obtained
except for the load-deflection curve for T-1D beyond the
yield load. This is because the analysis was based on the
midspan where the effective depth of the tendons was
largest, whereas in the test T-1D failed at a section away
from the midspan, where the effective depth was consider-
ably smaller.
Table 4 compares the observed ultimate moment with the
theoretical predictions for all the beams. The test values were
within 8 percent of the predicted values except for T-1D, due
to the reason given earlier. If the actual failure section in T-1D
were considered, the analysis would yield a remarkably
similar ultimate moment as the test result.

From the study carried out on simply supported externally
prestressed beams, the following conclusions may be drawn:
1. Second-order effects due to changing tendon eccentricity
lead to a lower load-carrying capacity and can be effectively
minimized by the provision of deviators along the span of the
beam. Tests carried out on beams with straight tendons and a
span-depth ratio of 15 indicated that the provision of a single
deviator at the section of maximum deflection resulted in satis-
Fig. 11—Effect of tendon configuration on stress increase in factory service and ultimate load behavior.
reinforcement: (a) internal (nonprestressed) reinforcement; 2. The use of a smaller effective prestressing force led to
(b) external tendons (1 kip = 4.448 kN; 1 ksi = 6.895 MPa). larger stress in both the internal reinforcement and external
tendons, larger crack widths, and service load deflections,
but more ductile behavior at ultimate.
3. The beam with draped tendons registered reduced stiffness,
wider spread of cracks, greater tendon stress increase, and
ductility at failure compared with that with straight tendons.
4. While providing the same prestressing force, the use of
larger tendon area gave similar service load behavior but a
higher ultimate strength and less ductile behavior near failure.
5. Theoretical calculations based on the concept of bond
reduction coefficients were found to be in very good agree-
ment with the experimental results on the ultimate strength
Fig. 12—Effect of tendon configuration on failure pattern. as well as the deflections and stress increase in both the
internal reinforcement and external tendons.

of Fig. 9. Beams T-1A and T-1D had greater postyielding ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

deformations, probably due to the earlier yielding of internal This study forms part of a research project funded by the National University
steel reinforcement and greater stress increase in external of Singapore under Research Grant No. RP 930647.
tendons at failure. The appearance of Beams T-1A, T-1D,
and T-1B after the tests are shown in Fig. 12. REFERENCES
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20 ACI Structural Journal/January-February 1997

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ACI Structural Journal/January-February 1997 21

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