Bond Stress-Slip Response of Reinforcing Bars Embedded in FRC Matrices Under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading
Bond Stress-Slip Response of Reinforcing Bars Embedded in FRC Matrices Under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading
Bond Stress-Slip Response of Reinforcing Bars Embedded in FRC Matrices Under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading
The bond stress versus slip response of reinforcing bars embedded reinforcing bar under pullout. The use of fibers in cement-
in fiber reinforced cement based composites is investigated. Three based composites can lead to practical applications such as in
types of loading were carried out: 1) monotonic loading, 2) unidirec- high energy absorbing joints for either cast-in-place or precast
tional cyclic loading, i.e. loading-unloading by equal increments concrete structures in seismic zones. High fiber content in the
of slip, and 3) fully reversed cyclic loading in a pull-pull mode.
matrix of a joint can lead to higher bond strength, higher
Two types of failure were observed: a frictional type of pull-out
failure, and a splitting mode type of failure. Typically, for all ductility, increased energy absorption, and ultimately signifi-
applied loading, the failure of all bars embedded in SIFCON cantly increased safety levels against collapse and failure.3
matrices was by frictional pullout, while failure of all bars
embedded in plain concrete was by splitting of the concrete around EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM
the embedded bar. When fiber reinforced concrete was used a The following parameters were used:
mixed type of failure occurred depending on the test parameters. • four matrix types: SIFCON, fiber-reinforced concrete
The confined plain concrete specimens failed by spalling of the (FRC), plain concrete (PC), and confined concrete (CC);
concrete outside the confined region, i.e. the concrete cover. • two target compressive strengths: 9 ksi (63 MPa) and 5
Generally, in the absence of fibers, failure was rather brittle; the ksi (35 MPa), for each matrix type;
addition of steel fibers resulted in a more ductile failure. Rein-
forcing bars embedded in SIFCON showed much greater bond
• three different types of loading: monotonic, unidirec-
strength, higher energy absorption, and maintained substantially tional cyclic loading, and reversed cyclic loading.
larger slips at high stresses, than bars embedded in plain concrete, A flowchart summarizing the various test parameters is
confined concrete, or fiber reinforced concrete. provided in Fig. 1.
Keywords: bond (concrete to reinforcement bar); compressive strength; MATERIALS AND MIX PROPORTIONS
confined concrete; cracking; ductility; energy absorption; fiber reinforced Only one type of steel fiber was used throughout the tests.
concretes; monotonic loading; reversed cyclic loading; slip; spiral rein- It was 30 mm in length, 0.5 mm in diameter, and had hooked
forcement; steel fibers; unidirectional cyclic loading. ends with an overall aspect ratio of 60; it is designated as a
30/50 hooked steel fiber. The reinforcing bars used in the test
INTRODUCTION setup had a length of 17 in. (43 cm). They were #8 bars with
The bond characteristics of reinforcing steel bars a diameter of 1 in. (25 mm). Their ends were threaded in
embedded in concrete play a major role in determining the order to attach them to the test fixture. Their rib spacing was
behavior of reinforced concrete structural members under 5/8 in. (1/2 in. + 1/16 in. + 1/16 in.) (16 mm) and the rib
monotonic and cyclic loading. The transfer of forces across height was close to 1/16 in. (1.6 mm).
the interface between concrete and steel is of fundamental Four types of cement matrices were used. The component
importance. For example, there is a widespread interest in materials were Portland cement Type III, silica sand (type
the slip of reinforcement inside concrete beam-column joints 50-70, i.e. passing ASTM sieve #50 and retained on sieve
and its effect on the deformation response and ductility of #70), fine silica sand (passing sieve 270), flint shot blasting
joints subjected to earthquake loading.1,2 sand, fly ash, and coarse aggregate (crushed limestone) with
The purpose of this ongoing experimental study is to maximum aggregate size of 3/8 in. (9.5 mm). Mix propor-
investigate the bond characteristics of reinforcing bars tions by weight are given in Table 1.
embedded in fiber reinforced cement composites under Mixes 1 and 2 were used to prepare the SIFCON specimens.
various types of loading. Here only tests dealing with the use Mixes 3 and 4 were used to prepare the FRC specimens, the
of hooked steel fibers are reported. plain concrete specimens (PC), and the confined concrete
SIFCON specimens were designated as SIFCON; fiber
reinforced concrete specimens were designated as FRC;
plain concrete specimens were designated as PC; and
confined concrete specimens were designated as CC. After
each designation, a two-part number follows. The first
number represents the batch number and the second number
(last digit) indicates the type of loading involved, namely: 1
for monotonic loading, 2 for unidirectional cyclic loading,
and 3 for fully reversed cyclic loading. At least two speci-
mens were tested for each parameters and, in all, about 130
specimens were tested. Details for all specimens can be
found in Reference 5, Appendix B1.
A special test fixture was built to accommodate the various
types of loading. It had to be designed for use with only one
actuator and at the same time to allow for application of the
fully reversed cyclic motion. The loading mechanism and the
nut placement at the threaded ends of the bar allowed for flex-
ibility in the applied displacement in various modes, namely:
monotonic pull, monotonic push, and cyclic pull-push, push-
pull, or pull-pull (Fig. 4). Since the ends of the reinforcing bars Fig. 4—Loading setup.
were threaded, the use of grips or wedges was avoided. The
nuts could simply be tied to the reinforcing bar and would loading mechanism. It should be noted that at the maximum
resist the motion of the upward or downward moving mecha- amplitude of each cycle, the proper nut was either released or
nism as needed (Fig. 4). The motion for fully reversed cyclic tightened to proceed with the next cycle.
loading was achieved by using two nuts, one tied at the top of All tests were performed using displacement control. The
the fixture and one at its bottom. This allows for a pull-pull loading was applied using an actuator stroke rate of 0.001
τe = P/πdL (1)
Monotonic testing
The monotonic test is a simple pullout test of the rein-
forcing bar. A monotonic (ramp) displacement is applied and
the response of the specimen is observed up to the maximum
specified displacement of 0.6 in. (15 mm), or up to failure.*
compressive strength increased, as shown in Fig. 10. However, Table 3—Energy absorption values for typical 9 ksi
the relative difference between the 9 ksi and the 5 ksi series series
for the 3% spiral confinement was smaller than that for the f’c = 9 ksi (63 MPa) Energy absorption
1% spiral confinement. Therefore, for 3% spiral confine-
ment, the effectiveness of increasing the compressive SIFCON 1066 N-m (9436 lb-in.)
strength from 5 to 9 ksi was reduced. FRC 483 N-m (4275 lb-in.)
Bond strength can also be related to the matrix material of PC 6 N-m (53 lb-in.)
each specimen. Keeping the compressive strength constant,
one can observe a big variation of the average maximum the bond stress versus slip response (see Table 3—energy
bond strength from material to material. Two factors respon- absorption capacity). Figure 11 shows that the 9 ksi CC
sible for this are the presence of fibers and their volume frac- series with 3% spiral reinforcement gave about the same
tion in the matrix. Since the tensile strain of concrete is low, bond strength (about 800 psi) as the 9 ksi series with 1%
cracking occurs early in concrete. At the onset of cracking, reinforcement. However, the 5 ksi series with 3% reinforce-
the role of the steel fibers is to prevent further crack opening ment gave a bond strength about 15% higher than that of the
and to resist additional tensile forces which the concrete series with 1% spiral confinement. This implies that the
matrix itself cannot sustain.9 This controls the failure in the spiral reinforcement performs better at low values of
concrete matrix itself, thereby preserving the bond strength concrete compressive strength. The confinement itself
between the reinforcing bar and the surrounding concrete increases bond strength capacity of the 5 ksi series to sustain
matrix. Figure 6 provides a comparison of the behavior of a larger deformations.10
9 ksi SIFCON specimen with a plain concrete one that
contains no fibers and an FRC specimen with 2% fibers. It Slip
can be observed that the higher the volume fraction of fibers, The load versus slip (or displacement) values were
the higher the bond strength and the higher is the area under recorded continuously throughout the testing of each spec-
imen. Typical load-displacement curves and corresponding TEST RESULTS: UNIDIRECTIONAL CYCLIC
average bond stress versus displacement curves for LOADING
SIFCON, FRC, and PC are shown in Fig. 6. It can be Monotonic envelope curve
observed that the load-displacement response linearly A monotonic envelope curve is defined herein as a load-
decreases after the peak, when pull-out occurs. A possible displacement curve of a bar monotonically loaded under
reason for the increase in slip is the stable failure pattern constant displacement rate. The curve is considered an upper
when pullout occurs. While the fibers may not much delay bound envelope, for cyclic loading curves.6 The concept of
the formation of the first crack, they keep crack width at envelope curve has been confirmed for many materials.6 The
concept is valid for the SIFCON specimen, as shown in Fig. 12.
small values and prevent the sudden opening of cracks.9
However, it is not fully applicable to the FRC and plain
Figure 6 shows that the plain concrete specimen, with no
concrete specimens, as shown in Fig. 13 and 14. Typically,
fibers, has very low slip values at maximum load, while the
in the case of FRC, the maximum load at each cycle
SIFCON specimen has values up to five times larger. Also
decreased as the bond slip increased indicating a deterioration
significant is the increase in pull out energy (see Table 3) and with respect to the envelope curve.
ductility (maximum slip) with the presence of fibers and an
increase in fiber content.
Effect of cracking on bond strength
In the case of CC specimens, increasing (a) matrix For a typical concrete specimen at first loading cycle, the
compressive strength and/or (b) the amount (i.e., ratio) of bond stress-slip curve follows the monotonic curve. This
spiral reinforcement leads to an increase in the value of slip initial slope depends on a number of parameters such as the
at the peak load, as shown in Fig. 11. Increasing matrix concrete compressive strength, concrete cover, anchorage
compressive strength from 5 ksi to 9 ksi doubled the value of length, and the rib area. At low bond stresses, inclined cracks
slip at the peak load. Similarly, increasing the amount of propagate from the tip of the ribs. Transfer of forces across
spiral reinforcement from 1 to 3% increased the value of slip the interface between concrete and steel occur and are caused
at the peak load 1.5 to 2 times, for specimens with 9 ksi and by bearing and adhesion.8,11 As the loading is increased,
5 ksi concrete, respectively inclined cracks begin to form. At maximum load the
concrete between the lugs is sheared off. Thereafter, as the sufficiently to cause splitting leading to a splitting type of
slip increases, the load tends to drop. Unloading then takes failure. After the maximum load cycle, the stiffness of the
place and the loading and unloading pattern is repeated until FRC specimens decreased little between cycles.
severe degradation has occurred. Compared with the SIFCON and the FRC specimens, the PC
The cracking and the bond-slip response vary with the specimens degraded at the fastest rate since as soon as splitting
fiber content and the matrix compressive strength. occurred, there was a sudden loss of load capacity, as shown in
Under cyclic loading, SIFCON specimens performed the Fig. 14. Failure always occurred in a splitting mode.
best as they experienced little stiffness degradation with the All the CC specimens exhibited the same cracking
number of cycles. Fibers help maintain the integrity of the patterns. Cracking first took place outside the confined
concrete matrix around the reinforcing bar. At about five region then extended to the confined region as the number of
times the slip at maximum load (taken as the basic slip incre- cycles increased, and eventually lead to a pullout failure
ment for cyclic loading), the average bond stress was still mode in a cone-shaped manner (Fig. 7). Typically, cracks
about 50% of maximum. became visible near the peak load and continued to develop
The FRC material also performed well as compared to PC in the post peak zone along with spalling of the concrete in
specimens. However, the degradation of the load versus slip the unconfined region. This led to a continuous deterioration
response occurred at a much faster rate than is the case with in the pull-out load. For all the confined concrete specimens,
SIFCON specimens. Typically, at about five times the slip at it typically took six to seven cycles to reach a minimum load
maximum load the average bond stress dropped to about 30% capacity equivalent to a bond stress of about 150 psi (1 MPa)
of maximum. As the number of cycles continued to increase (Fig. 15). This residual value was about the same for the two
and further degradation took place, cracks in the concrete open spiral reinforcement ratios used.
Monotonic loading
1. For the SIFCON specimens failure occurred by frictional
pullout. Plain concrete generally exhibited a splitting type of
failure near the peak load. The failure of FRC started with
some frictional pull-out but eventually ended up with a splitting
type of failure, when the crack width reached a certain
critical level. The confined concrete specimens failed by
Fig. 20—Typical load vs. displacement response curve of pullout of a cone-shaped chunk of concrete attached to the
CC specimens under reversed cyclic loading. reinforcing bar.
2. The inclusion of steel fibers slowed down the post-peak
degradation of the pull-out load versus displacement curve,
For all CC specimens, the cracking and failure patterns thus increasing the ductility of the pull-out response.
were consistent. The bond between the reinforcing bar and 3. An increase in the compressive strength of the matrix
the surrounding confined concrete was maintained (Fig. 20 increased the maximum pullout load and equivalent bond
shows bond strength-displacement response) while cracking strength. When fc′ was increased from 5 to 9 ksi (35 to 63
and spalling occurred in the unconfined concrete region MPa), the bond strength increased typically 30% for SIFCON,
(cover). Cracking and spalling became first visible near the 85% for FRC, 40% for PC, and 25 to 45% for CC specimens,
peak load in the unconfined region, and continued to occur with a spiral confinement of 3% and 1% respectively.
in the post peak region. Compared to the unidirectional 4. For the range of fiber volume fraction tested, both the
cyclic loading, reversed cyclic loading caused more cracking maximum pullout load and the corresponding slip value
and spalling and faster degradation. Typically, as the number increase with an increase in the volume fractions of steel fibers.
of cycles increased, all the concrete in the unconfined region 5. For 5 ksi series, an increase in the amount of spiral
spalled off with only the cylindrical, confined concrete confinement from 1 to 3% provided a 15% improvement in
region remaining. This led to a cylindrical pullout failure of the average maximum bond stress. The 9 ksi series exhibited
the specimen (Fig. 21). little change.