Sharing activities-both the delegator and delegatee work together to
accomplish care
Appropriate authority-the delegator selects the appropriate person to delegate
the task.
Delegate- “To entrust to another; to appoint as one’s representative; to assign
responsibility or authority”.
Delegation - “The act of empowering to act for another”.
According to O.S. Hiner. “Delegation takes place when one person gives
another the right to perform work on his behalf and in his name, and the second
person accepts a corresponding duty or obligation to do what is required of
a) Assignment of duties:
The first step in delegation is the assignment of work or duty to the subordinate
i.e. delegation of authority. The superior asks his subordinate to perform a
particular task in a given period of time. It is the description of the role
assigned to the subordinate. Duties in terms of functions or tasks to be
performed constitute the basis of delegation process.
b) Grant of authority:
c) Creation of accountability
According to Louis A. Allen, "Accountability is the obligation to carry out
responsibility and exerted authority in terms of performance standards
established”. It means holding an individual answerable for final results .
Accountability Is the obligation of a subordinate to perform the duties assigned
to him. The delegation creates an obligation on the subordinate to accomplish
the task assigned to him by supervisor. When a work is assigned and ,authority
is delegated then the accountability is the by-product of this process. This
means ha delegator has to ensure the completion of assigned work. The
subordinate should be made accountable to only one superior. Single
accountability improves work and discipline.
4. Lateral delegation : In modern organization few positions are independent
and team work exists in members of a group entrusting the authority
responsibility to others in the group at their level. The process of entrusting in a
team work, to the others members of the group is called lateral delegation.
4. Relieving Top Executives. Top executives cannot perform and supervise each
and every work. Moreover they are required to undertake important tasks of
planning and controlling. Delegation helps executives in delegating their work
to subordinate officers.
5. Improved Functioning. In the absence of delegation some persons may be
burdened with more tasks while others may not have sufficient work to do.
Delegation helps m rationalizing the functioning of an organization. Work is
divided among various persons in such a way that it 1s done in an efficient
way. Nobody is unduly burdened and no work is left unattended.
dangerous to give them independent tasks straight way. Delegation is very
useful for undertaking expansion and diversification plans.
9. Efficiency : delegation improves efficiency when it allows work to be
transferred to people whose skills are a better match for the work.
subordinate should not be burdened with high performance responsibility with
delegating enough authority. Sometimes the authority is delegated but the
concerned person is not made accountable for its proper use. This will be a
case of poor management. The parity between authority and responsibility will
be essential for achieving efficiency.
temptation to make decisions for them. They should allow the subordinates to
take their own decisions as per the authority delegated to them. The delegation
of authority will be effective only when 1t is clear and understandable to
subordinates. The subordinates should know the area of their decision-making
and should avoid the temptation of referring. Things to higher ups.
There are a significant amount of tasks that a manager can delegate to his
subordinates. List them and rank them according o the amount of time which
they consume and their importance. A single function or as much of it as
possible should be delegated to a single person. Try to delegate tasks which are
of recurrent nature. Clarify the limits of that authority. Fix a deadline or time-
frame for completion of the task and make it clear to the delegatee
Preparing routine reports, answering routine correspondence, preparing service
schedule, serving on certain committee, meeting equipment venders and
similar routine portion of managerial tasks are some examples
The person selected, the delegate, should have qualifications to carry out the
assigned tasks. Over delegating or too much challenge to an employee results
in his or her failure and frustration. Delegation should provide a modest
amount of challenge, a feeling of expanded usefulness and an opportunity for
growth. Assess the subordinates capabilities. The person should be able to
realize importance of the task must have the attitude, knowledge and skills to
carry out delegated responsibility, and should have the tune available for it.
Delegation of authority is a must for every concern. The question to be decided
is how much authority should be delegated to subordinate managers. The
pattern to be followed for delegation should be decided the basis of its
1. Company’s History.
The history of the company influences the degree of delegation. A company
grown over a period of time has a tendency to centralize powers. “When a
concern is small then most of the decision-making is done by the owner. With
the growth of business, the tendency to centralize powers remains. On the other
hand if a concern is the outcome of a merger, amalgamation or combination,
there may be a great amount of decentralization. If a company is working on a
decentralized pattern it will be run in the same way even on its acquisition. So
the growth history of a concern influences the degree of delegation.
3. Importance and Costliness of Decisions.
The importance and costliness of decisions greatly influences the degree of
delegation. Generally speaking, the costlier and more important the decision,
the greater the probability of its being made at the upper level of the
managerial hierarchy. Decision-making also requires various facts and
information for deciding the issue. Some decisions can influence the whole
organization. Any wrong decision on such important matters can damage the
enterprise beyond control. Such decisions are taken at higher level because
these persons have the past experience of deciding things.
5. Available Controls.
A manager delegating authority wants to be sure that it is used in accordance
with his intentions and the general objectives of the organization. In order to
achieve this there must be control devices. Generally, managers hesitate to
delegate due to the reason that they donot know how to control. They have a
feeling that it takes more time to exercise control than exercising the authority
themselves. It be better to set up some control devices. The better the control
devices, the more will be the delegation of authority.
6. Types of Enterprise.
The degree of delegation of authority may also be influenced by the type of
enterprise. If the enterprise is in an industry which is rapidly expanding, as in
the electronic field, top management will have to delegate otherwise 1t will be
over burdened with many decisions. Decentralisation of authority will take
place even if the subordinate managers donor have adequate experience to
exercise authority. Management should make guidelines for subordinate
managers for taking proper decision.
7. Environmental Factors.
In addition to internal factors delegation may be influenced by internal factors
too. These factors may be natural unions, government control over business
and tax policies. Some large concerns have to deal with workers· unions at
national level. All the negotiations are done and decisions are taken at national
level. In such a situation the things are decided at head quarter level and are
applicable at all levels. It, therefore, follows that within the area of labour
relations, decision-making is decentralized. The same holds true as applied to
government control over business, and tax laws.
3. Long queue in front of boss office: In poor delegation, the subordinates have
to wait for their boss by standing in the queue instead the boss has to work with
the subordinates.
4. Boss always busy: if the work is poorly delegated, the authority will not have
any responsibility so that the boss will be busy.
5. Work never completed in time: The poor delegation will not allow the work
to complete at correct time that they decided during the planning phase.
6. Constant time pressure: There will be constant time pressure when the
delegation of work is not according to the individual capabilities.
7. Hold up of activities due to pending orders from boss: As the boss is not
involved in poor delegation there will be pending of job.
i. Right task
Nursing Service Staff Nurse
Establish organizational Instruct and/or assess, verify
standards consistent and identify the
with applicable law and rules UAP’s competency on an
which identify individual and client
educational and training specific basis
requirements and
competency measurements of
nurses and UAP.
Incorporate competence Implement own professional
standards into development
institutional policies; assess activities based on assessed
nurse and UAP needs; assess UAP
performance; perform performance; perform
evaluations based upon evaluations of UAP
standards; and take steps to based upon standards; and take
d) remedy failure to steps to
meet standards, including remedy failure to meet
reporting nurses standards.
who fail to meet standards to
board of nursing.
Right direction/communication
Nursing Service Staff Nurse
Communicate acceptable Communicate delegation
activities, UAP decision on a client
competencies and specific and UAP-specific
qualifications, and the basis. The detail
supervision plan through a and method (oral and/or
description of anursing service written) vary with the
delivery model, standards of specific circumstances.
care, role descriptions and
Situation specific
communication includes:
a. specific data to be collected
and method
and timelines for reporting,
b. specific activities to be
performed and any
client specific instruction and
c. the expected results or
complications and time lines
communicating such
information. 19
iv. Right supervision/evaluation
Nursing Service Staff Nurse
Assure adequate human Supervise performance of
resources, including specific nursing activities or
1. Inadequate delegation
sufficient time, to provide assign supervision to other
2. Failure
identify higher purposes served
licensed nurses.
3. Lack supervision
of clarity to assure that
4. Emphasizing outcome
nursing care is to the exclusion of method
5. Failing to delegate
adequate developmentally
and meets the
6. Failing to anticipate
needs radial impact
of the client.
7. Abdication
8. Deliberate the licensed nurses
redundancy Provide directions and clear
9. Failing to imposeto
accountability expectations of how the
12.Under delegation (false assumption-employee)
13.Over delegation
It includes delegating the things at wrong time, to the wrong person or for the
wrong reason. Also delegating the yaks and responsibilities that are beyond the
capability of the person to whom they are being delegated or that should be
done by the manager.
2. Sense of responsibility- A sound system of delegation tends to develop an
increased sense of responsibility and enhanced potential work capacity of
individual employee.
7. Improves the quality of work: Effective delegation can benefit the employer,
the employee, and the organization. It improves the quality of work. Delegation
enhances the quality of work by allowing the employees who have knowledge
of services, to make decisions promptly and complete tasks. This in, turn
increases motivation among employees.
9. Developing employees skill: Employers who delegate effectively have more
time to do their own jobs when they assign tasks to others. Effective delegation
frees the manager to focus on managerial tasks such as planning, control. It
helps to develop employees skills. When there is a highly skilled workforce in
the organization, they have more flexibility in making assignments and are
more efficient decision makers.
1. Inability of Subordinates.
There may also be shyness on the part of subordinates m assuming additional
responsibility. They may avoid botheration accruing from delegation of
authority. The fear of committing mistakes or lack of confidence on the part of
subordinates may also act as a barrier in delegation of authority.
a) Supervisors
4. Lack of Proper Temperament of Superior.
The chief executive may be over-cautious or conservative by nature. He will
not like to take the risk of delegating authority. His fear will always be that
something may not go wrong. An element of risk cannot altogether be ruled out
but certain risk will have to be taken. The subordinates will learn only when
given a chance to take independent decisions. A lack of proper temperament of
superior may also act as a barrier in delegation.
7. Lack of record keeping. A delegation log lets the supervisor keep track all the
tasks that are currently being tackled by others. Failure to keep track lets jobs
fall through the cracks, which opens up the company to liabilities. Not having a
log also does not alert the supervisor to stalled projects.
8. Micromanagement. The supervisor transfers the manual aspects of the task
but not the responsibility to see it through. This kind of supervisor hovers and
continuously offers input on even the minutest aspects of the job; all of which
overall negates the worker’s competence and expertise.
9. Improper choice. To whom should the supervisor delegate the task at hand?
Picking a worker irrespective of the employee’s training, skills and proven
aptitudes is a mistake common to new supervisors and those who do not take
the time to develop the workforce.
2. Inability to complete the work. An employee takes on a task for which the
worker lacks the expertise, background or training. This is frequently the case
when the worker hopes to impress a supervisor in an attempt to earn a
promotion. The result is a job half-done or left to linger.
1. Well-defined Goals.
Assignments should be clearly defined in terms of goals or results expected.
The subordinate should be given adequate authority to do the work assigned.
The limits of authority should be given well-defined.
3. Motivation.
Motivation of subordinates through incentives of various kinds for their
excellent performance is essential for better delegation. An important incentive
for some subordinates is to allow them to function with a measure of freedom.
4. Communication.
Lines of communication must be kept open from superior to subordinate and
vice versa for delegation to be meaningful. The subordinate should feel free to
get in touch with the superior as and when necessary to seek clarification and
guidance from the latter. The boss should also pass on all relevant information
to the subordinate promptly.
5. Adequate Control :
Proper controls should be established to provide means of information
regarding use of authority . The delegant must set up standards to measure the
performance of the subordinates in the light of authority granted to the latter.
Broad based controls and frequent reviewing in respect of the use of authority
by the subordinates to perform the duties assigned make delegation of authority
6. Principles of Delegation:
Strict adherence to the principles of delegation like parity of authority and
responsibility, unity of command and absoluteness of accountability is most
essential for effective delegation.
There should be rewards for effective delegation and successful assumption of
authority. The manager should keep a watch over the performance of various
persons. Those who are successful in delegating properly and those showing
good results with delegated authority should be given pecuniary or other
rewards. This will encourage more and more persons to improve performance.
Have a view of the big picture in the care of the assigned patients
Select the appropriate activities to delegate
Select the appropriate staff to carry out the activities
Clearly communicate the expectations and required follow-up
Follow-up periodically while the task is being completed
Evaluate and provide feedback on the effectiveness of the delegation to staff.
B. Role of Delegate
8. Balances responsibility and authority : To avoid delegation errors, the nurse
administrator assigns responsibilities with the freedom to make decisions and
the authority to implement them. She communicates to all nurses regarding the
task and provides support.
9. Ask nurses as what resources they require to complete the task like
coaching, training and other supports that may empower them to complete the
task by themselves.
10.Facilitates adequate support and encouragement: This will enhance the
nurses’ motivation and authority for future assignments
11.Acknowledges for successful completion of tasks: by recognition and
12.Delegates consistently: The administrator delegates not at the time of crisis,
but it is always considered for the development of nursing personnel.
13.Balances the assignments: It avoids overloading to one nurse and less work to
the other. All types of task whether it is challenging or not is delegated to
nurses as per their level of knowledge and experience
14.Focuses on results: The nurse administrator is accountable for nursing service
department. She supervises and closely monitors nursing personnel whether the
job is completed and the outcome is achieved.
Conflict is generally defined as the internal or external discord that results from
differences in ideas, values, or feelings between two or more people. Because
managers have interpersonal relationships with people having a variety of
different values, beliefs, backgrounds, and goals, conflict is an expected
outcome. Conflict is also created when there are differences in economic and
professional values and when there is competition among professionals.
II. Meaning
The word conflict originates from the Latin word confligere· which
means clash, contend, fight or struggle.
Conflict has been described and studied from the standpoint of its context, or
where it occurs. 3 types of conflicts are
3. Intragroup conflict: It occurs within a team of individuals. It occurs when the
group faces new problem, when new values are imposed on the group from
outside, or when an individual’s extra group role conflicts with her intragroup.
It is a type of conflict that happens among individuals within a team. The
incompatibilities and misunderstandings among these individuals lead to an
intragroup conflict.
1. Vertical conflict:
Occurs between hierarchical levels
2. Horizontal conflict:
Occurs between persons or groups at the same hierarchical level.
3. Line-staff conflict:
Involves disagreements over who has authority and control over specific
4. Role conflict:
Occurs when the communication of task expectations proves inadequate or
5. Work-flow interdependencies:
Occur when people or units are required to cooperate to meet challenging
6. Domain ambiguities:
Occurs when individuals or groups are placed in ambiguous situations where it
difficult to determine who is responsible for what.
7. Recourse scarcity:
When resources are scarce, working relationships are likely to suffer.
Before managers can or should attempt to intervene in conflict, they must be
able to assess its five stages accurately
The first stage in the conflict process, latent conflict, implies the
existence of antecedent conditions such as short staffing and rapid change. In
this stage, conditions are ripe for conflict, although no conflict has actually
occurred and none may ever occur. Much unnecessary conflicts could be
prevented or reduced if managers examined the organisation more closely for
antecedent conditions.
2. Perceived conflict
3. Felt conflict
also referred to as affective conflict. It is possible to perceive conflict and not
feel it. A person also can feel the conflict but not perceive the problem.
4. Manifest conflict
5. Conflict aftermath
6. Outcomes of conflict
Win-lose outcome: - occurs when one person obtains his or her desired ends
in the situation and the other individual fails to obtain what is desired. Often
winning occurs because of power and authority within the organisation or
Lose-lose outcome: - in lose-lose situation, there is no winner. The resolution
of the conflict is unsatisfactory to both parties.
Win- win outcome: - are of course the most desirable. In these situations,
both parties walk away from the conflict having achieved all or most of their
goals or desires.
Subjective criticism not being listened to and threats by the
administrator can cause organizational conflict.
4. Increasing workload: There is a huge cry in all over the world that
there is a shortage of nurses in hospitals that causes increasing
workload with less benefits, creates conflicts.
2. Think it through
Before addressing the person with whom you have a conflict,
consider discussing the situation with an objective friend or family member.
This can help to clarify issues and needs. Seek feedback and advice in
dealing with the situation. But be careful not to rely on the opinion of an
involved third party who may have his or her own agenda. Plan your
strategy, including what you want to say, and then write it down and
rehearse it. Create a note card, if necessary, with your main talking points.
This will help you to feel more in control and stay on target.
and comes from different cultural backgrounds. Contrary to what you’ve
heard, familiarity breeds respect.
2. Step 2: Look be-yond the incident:
In this step, the administrator observes the visible disruptive evidence of the
conflict in between the disputants and the level of stress experienced by them.
She calls them in her office and tries to find out the cause of conflict or the
factors responsible for conflict, the occurrence time as when they felt there is a
problem exists between them and she asks the view points on the conflict.
5. Step 5: Agreement:
The nurse administrator allows the disputants to agree to one of the alternatives
identified in the previous step. They select one course of action and agrees to
resolve the conflict. The disputants ensure that in future how they can help in
preventing conflict in the organization. The step concludes agreement between
two disputants and shaking hands with each other.
d) Avoiding: People who chose the avoiding style do get involved in a conflict. A
person choosing the avoiding style might say ·you decide and leave me out of it.
f) Collaborating style: The person using this approach is more assertive and,
cooperative. This person attempts to work with the other person to find a solution
that fully satisfies both parties. Collaborating works on identifying each other’s
problem and insights, or collaborating to solve an interpersonal problem.
a) CONFLICT: the nurse, disagree with how a pediatric patients parents are
handling their child medical situation.
b) ACCOMMODATING : Nurse go above and beyond to provide the caring and
nurturing that nurse think they fail to provide , and you are internally upset about
c) AVOIDING: nurse refuse to acknowledge the situation and conflict, and do not
become involved.
d) COMPETITIVE: Nurse actively argue with parents about what care they should
be providing for their child
Negotiation is the process of bargaining, where two parties, trying to reach
an agreement on mutually accepted terms to acquire each others want. It is
decision making process among interdependent parties who do not share
identical preferences. It is through negotiation that the parties will decide
what each will give and take in their relationship.
According to Robbins, A process in which two or more parties exchange
goods and services and attempt to agree upon the exchange rate for them.
According to Bill Scott, A negotiation is a form of meeting between two
parties that is our parties and other parties.
1. Certainity
The aim of contract negotiations is firstly to achieve certainity, to record what
is being supplied , when in what quantities and to what are the consequences
of delay or failure to meet the agreed requirements.
2. The best deal
Seeking clarity does not conflict with the view that negotiations should achieve
the best deal, it merely points out that both parties to a negotiation have to
understand what it is that they have to understands what it is that they have
agreed to.
a) Principle of Preparation: understanding the issues and the people and
equipping the team for the process.
b) Principle of Relationship: developing a strategy for maintaining the relatio
nship before , during and after negotiations.
c) Principle of Communication: building trust by applying an open
communication style.
d) Principle of Problem-solving: exploring options and strategies for
reaching agreement
Three elements are important and likely to affect the ultimate outcome of the
1. Attitudes
2. Knowledge
3. Interpersonal Skills
The more knowledge you possess of the issues in question, the greater your
participation in the process of negotiation. In other words, good preparation
is essential.
Interpersonal Skills
Offer: First proposal made by one party to another in the negotiation stage.
Counter Offer: Offer made by second party to first party to first party, or
proposing their offer against first party offer.
Concession: Increase or decrease made in the offer or change in the idea.
Compromise: Sacrifice made by both or one party.
Agreement : Point where both parties agrees, which is beneficial to both.
1. Distributive negotiation
The most distributive feature is that it operates under a zero sum game, that the
gain made by one person is loss incurred by the other person. Each person
involved in the negotiation defines ultimate point where the settlement will be
2. Integrative negotiation
Motivation Individual game Joint and individual
Interest Opposed Different but not
always opposite
Relationship Short term Longer or short -term
Issues involved Single Multiple
Ability to make trade – Not flexible Flexible
Solution Not creative Creative
1. Initial stage
2. Middle stage
3. Ending stage
Initial stage
Plan thoroughly
Organize the issues
Focus on mutual principles and concerns
Be aware that the first offer is often above expectations
Focus on long-term goals and consequences
Middle stages
Revise stratergies
Consider other options
Increase power by getting the other side to commit first.
Add credibility by getting agreements in writing.
To get through with dead ends, just set it aside momentarily
When asked for a concession, ask for a tradeoff.
Ending stage
Counter a persistent negotiator by withdrawing an offer
Do not expect in verbal promises
Congratulate the other side
1. Venketaraman Alamelu.(2017).Newer Trends in management of nursing
services and education. The health sciences publisher. First edition. India. Page
no : 79, 165-170
2. Raj Bhaskara Elankuvana.(2015).Management of Nursing Service and
Education. Emmess Medical Publishers. Third edition. India. Page no: 148-151
3. Deepak K “ A comprehensive text book nursing management” , 1 st
edition(2003) Emmes medical publishers, Bangalore.
4. I.Clement“ Management of nursing services and education”, 2011, Elseiver
publication, Haryana.
5. BT Basavanthappa; Nursing administration; 2nd edition; Jaypee publications.
Pp 534-537.