Impact of Brand Loyalty in Assessing Purchase Intentions of A Customer: A Study of Automobile Industry in South Asian Perspective
Impact of Brand Loyalty in Assessing Purchase Intentions of A Customer: A Study of Automobile Industry in South Asian Perspective
Impact of Brand Loyalty in Assessing Purchase Intentions of A Customer: A Study of Automobile Industry in South Asian Perspective
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In this modern age, brands are more concentrating on consumers’ quality of life style as these
reflect their status symbol or social class through the company’s products. The current study is
aimed to check the effect of brand name, awareness, and price and brand quality on the brand
loyalty of the product of automobiles, after that brand loyalty effect is examined on the product
purchase intention specifically in South Asian context. For checking the effect of the variables
brand name, brand awareness, brand price and brand quality were considered as independent
variables and brand loyalty was considered as a dependent variable. The study was correlational
as it shows the relationship of different dependent and independent variables. This study has
been conducted through a survey design. The population was considered as the citizens of
Bahawalpur, one of the oldest stateS in South Asian region and for the data collection random
sampling technique was used. A total number of 300 questionnaires were distributed randomly to
the users of automobile in the Bahawalpur out of which 287 responses were received after
deducting the omission and errors. Different hypotheses were tested in this research for
relationships of variables, out of which five were accepted and the one which was about the
effect of brand price on brand loyalty was rejected. The collected data were analyzed after using
different statistical techniques and it shows that brand awareness, name, quality has a direct and
positive impact on the brand loyalty of the product and on the other hand there is also a positive
effect of brand loyalty on the purchase intention of the product.
Key Words: Brand Loyalty, Automobile, Brand Awareness Purchase Intention,
South Asia
Problem statement
The problem is to investigate different factors that affect the brand loyalty and
purchase intention of the product. There are a number of benefits which are
Literature review
The core purpose of all kind of business is to increase their sale or earn more
profit. Businessmen use different techniques for maintaining their old customers or
also attracting the new ones. An important way is to create brand loyalty in its
customers for building profitable relationship with them and encourage customers
to become loyal with them for life time. Customers can be loyal for the brand due
to its characteristics such as due to its name, quality and price awareness etc and
they have sufficient understanding about the brand and they feel confident while
purchasing the brand (Malik, ghafoor, Iqbal, & Usman Riaz, May2013). The main
focus in this article is to define brand loyalty and to tell about the factors leads to
brand loyalty and its impact on the purchase intention of the customers. A few
factors such as brand name, awareness, quality and prices which are helpful in
creating loyalty for the companies in the automobile industry are considered. The
main focus of our literature is on these factors and with the help of it we find the
reason of brand loyalty and its impact on purchase intention of the customers.
Brand loyalty
Brand name
Brand name is a main factor for the success of the brand. A brand name reveals
many facts about a brand and gives information about it to the customers and also
tells the meaning of the product to customers and potential buyers. Moreover it
provides the well-situated summary for the product to the customers like their
feelings, facts and experience with the brand. A strong brand name will be more
reliable than a weak brand name. According to Cadogan and Foster (2000), “the
outstanding brand names and their images attract consumers to purchase the brand
Brand awareness
Brand awareness means that customer has full knowledge about the product and he
knows the all the good or bad of the product. The brand with high awareness is
highly acceptable and customers don’t refuse the brand they experienced or may
become aware about the brand performance. (Muhammad Alamgir; Mohammad
Shamsuddoha, Alexandru Nedelea;, 2010). Brand awareness has a great impact on
brand loyalty and on the purchase intention, such as a successful brand awareness
increase the sale of the product because consumer normally hesitates to take risk
so they purchase that product that he already knows or he already uses it. Because
a good brand name has a great impact on customers satisfaction or some customer
also make rule to use the brand which is famous in the market. According to
Stokes, (1985), “brand awareness creates a great involvement in the mind about a
particular brand”. Brand recognition means that a consumer can easily identify the
brand name when there is a brand cue, means that consumer easily or correctly
tells about the product when he heard or saw about it. Hoeffler and Keller, (2002)
stated that “brand awareness can be differentiated from depth and the width”.
Depth shows how to make consumer so familiar to recall or identify the brand
easily, and the width expresses understanding during consumer purchasing, how
the brand name will come to their mind at once or creating a brand name so strong
in his mind that it clicks in his mind while purchasing a product of that type.
Brand quality
Perceived price
Conceptual framework
The framework shows the relationship of different variables. Such as here we have
5 independent and 2 dependent variables. Researchers can divide the framework
into two categories the first one that shows the relation of different variables such
as brand name, brand quality, brand price and brand awareness with brand loyalty.
Here brand loyalty is dependent variable and the others are independent variables.
The frame work shows the concept that when the brand name will be good or
customer will have a positive image of the brand then he will be more loyal with
the brand or vice versa. Brand quality and brand awareness also matters for
creating loyalty in the customers mind. When the quality will be high customer
will be the repeated buyer of the product or vice versa. Brand awareness shows the
goodwill or fame of the product it shows the knowledge of the customers about the
product when customer will have the complete knowledge of the product then he
will be more satisfied with the product or will be more loyal with the trust. Price
also matters for the brand to be loyal with it. When the price will be reasonable or
according to the value of the product then customer will be more loyal with the
Brand Name
Brand Awareness
Research Model….
The second category shows the relation between brand loyalty and the
purchase intention of the customers. Here brand loyalty is independent variable
and the purchase intention is dependent variable. This relationship shows that
when the customer will be more loyal with the product then he will be a good
customer of the product or he will repeatedly purchase this product or vice versa.
Research hypothesis
Dependent variables
Brand loyalty
Purchase intention of the customers
Pilot study
Demographic responses
The first table provides the information about the gender which reveals that 77.4%
responses received from male and 22.6% responses were from female. The
“survey shows greater part of the respondents was from male side and the major
reason of this is because more men drive a car than female in Pakistan, especially
in Bahawalpur. Sample was selected randomly without any bias and all the
respondents were car owners”.
Moreover the other table provides the respondents age-group information. “The
first age group (15to 20 years) accounted for 3.5% and next (20 to 25)-years-age-
group accounted for 23.7%, the (25-35)-years-age-group were 51.6% and the (35-
45) years-age-group were 15.3% and above 45 years age group respondents were
5.9%. The bie chart shows it”.
The “income table explains the respondents’ income level. Data show that 7%
respondents’ annual income was below 15000 and 7.7% respondents annual
income is between 15000 - 25000 and 21.3% respondents earn annually between
25000-35000and 40.4% respondents’ annual income is between 35000-45000 and
12-9% respondents’ earning annually more than 60000. All respondents have a
different brand car, matching their individual income level”.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
This table shows the ratio of the brand the respondents like or use.Such as 67.6%
respondents or citizens of Bahawalpur like the Honda brand and the other 8%
brand like the Suzuki,the other 21.3% respondents like the Toyota brand and the
remaining 3.1% respondents likes the Mitsubishi brand.
Brand I like/use
Different tools were used to explain factor investigation separately. The best fit of
data was obtained with a major factor analysis. There are eight items of brand
loyalty four of brand name, two of brand price and five of brand quality and five of
brand awareness and the last five are of purchase intention. For descriptive
research the Cronbach’s should be greater than .70 for considering reliable (Zehir,
Sahin, & Hakan Kitpaci).Cronbach’s a statistics for the study shows an alpha of
0.825 of all the factors. So it shows the reliability of the questionnaire.
Reliability Statistics:
Correlation analysis
We calculated mean and “standard deviation for each variable and created a
correlation matrix of all variable used in hypothesis testing, reliabilities and
correlations among all brands used in analysis are shown in table”.
We have applied regression analysis via SPSS. Brnad name, awareness, price and
quality are independent variable and brand loyalty is dependent variable. Three
variables show the significant result and one is not significant so its hypothesis is
rejected. The following table shows the regression result of the data.
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .254 .101 2.529 .012
.408 .051 .420 7.967 .000
The result shows that the result of brand awareness, perceived quality and
brand name are significant so these variable will be accepted or the variable that
shows the insignificant result of .723 will be rejected. The beta of first three
variable brand awareness, perceived quality and brand name shows the positive
amount of (BA: .193, PQ: .420 & BN .221). So it shows that the variable shows
the positive effect and the brand price shows the negative effect of the
variable.The positive effect shown by regression table the result of .668 means that
the average output of 66.8% which contribution in building brand loyalty. Further,
21.8% is due to other factors.
The researchers also show the relation of the two other variables in which
brand loyalty is independent variable and the purchase intention is the dependent
variable. The table shows the following result.
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
The table shows that the variable is significant and its beta also shows the
positive effect of the variable.Its regression is also in positive means that it has a
direct effect on the purchase intention of the customer.
Hypothesis Summary
In conclusion the paper shows the effect of different variables on the purchase
intention of the customers. After research we conclude that five of its hypothesis
are accepted means that the first hypothesis which was “There is a positive relation
between brand loyalty and purchase intention of customer” was accepted after the
research means that purchase intention is normaly made or the customer repeatedly
purchase the product for showing loyalty with the product.The second hypothesis
which was “Brand name has a significant direct effect on brand loyalty” is also
accepted after the research has been made on it or after the data have been paste on
it.Its regression shows the positive effect and it is also significant so it shows the
positive relation of the variables. The third hypothesis is also accepted which was”
Brand awareness has a positive effect on brand loyalty”. Only the forth hypothesis
which was “Brand price has a direct effect on the brand loyalty” was rejected its
regression shows the negative result and it also shows the insignificant in its data.
Fifth hypothesis which was “There is a direct and positive relation between brand
quality and the brand loyalty” was also accepted and showed the positive result of
regression analysis. The last hypothesis made by the researcher was “Brand loyalty
has a significant positive direct effect on purchase intention” was also accepted
after the study had been made on it. It shows the significant result and after
applying statistical tools means after checking its reliability through the regression
we put data on SPSS and get the favorable result.
This study was designed for different reasons the first and main reason was to
investigate the effect of brand loyalty on purchase intention of the customers in
automobile industry. Automobile industry is choosen for several reasons. First
brand involvement is high in automobile brands second brand name is considered
largely in such sector and the main reason is the quality which matters .The
automobile comes in special products means that a normal man purchase it only
once or twice in whole of the life. Understanding and managing brand loyalty is
very much important in durable goods such as automobile industry, in which
product involves large profit margin on the One hand and on the other hand it
involves long placement cycle for the customers.So it is very challenging for the
industry to ensure that consumer will repurchase the same product after some time
spend or after the need will be again arises for the product.
The descriptive statistics is the only tool used to examine the data, no
steps had been taken to use inferential statistics. There may be some kind
of inconsistency in the general result if it is verified by inferential
statistical techniques.
A few variables were considered here the other variable such as brand
trust, brand communication and purchase intention of the product.
Data collected from respondents who live in the same area, so our result
is not generalizable to other areas, regions or cultures.
Our sample size is limited; with large sample size interesting results
would be obtained.
Data are collected from 300 respondents.
Biographical Note