Tran Anh Quan Assignment 1

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Tran Anh Quan – 2212206


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The Future You

Unit name: Developing Employability Skills

Unit code: BSS059-3

Cohort: F – UOB – 12A

Semester: I Grade (in number):
Academic year: 2022-2023 ………………..
Instructor: Mrs. Pham Thi Dung Grade (in words):
Headteacher: Mrs. Ly Tran
Examiner 1
Submission date: November 11th, 2022 (Signature & Fullname)

Student Name: Tran Anh Quan ………………..

Student ID: 2212206 Examiner 2
(Signature & Fullname)

Tran Anh Quan – 2212206

Hanoi, November 2022


1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................... 3
2. LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 PERSONAL BRAND STATEMENT DEFINITION....................................................................................3
2.2 WHAT MAKES A STRONG PERSONAL BRAND?..................................................................................3
2.3 FEATURES OF A PERSONAL BRAND STATEMENT.............................................................................3
2.4 THE PROCESS OF DEVELOPING A PERSONAL BRAND STATEMENT.............................................4
3. REFLECTION ON MY BRAND.............................................................................................................. 4
3.1 WHY A PERSONAL BRAND IS IMPORTANT.........................................................................................4
3.2 REFLECTION ON MY BRAND................................................................................................................. 4
4. MY PERSONAL BRAND STATEMENT................................................................................................. 7
5. CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................................................... 7
BIBLIOGRAPHY & REFERENCE LIST........................................................................................................ 7
APPENDICES................................................................................................................................................... 8
APPENDIX A: CONDUCTING SURVEY PROCESS AND RESULT.............................................................8
APPENDIX B: PERSONAL BRAND STATEMENT......................................................................................11
APPENDIX C: TEST MULTIPLE PATHWAYS........................................................................................................... 15
APPENDIX D: PERSONALITY SPECTRUM................................................................................................17

Tran Anh Quan – 2212206

1. Introduction
Nowadays, standing on our feet in the marketing industry is a tough challenge for any marketer.
Being able to prove the employee's unique abilities is gradually not enough to persuade the
employer. Besides that, building a personal brand is trendy, and it will become more vital in the
career of each marketer. Excellent personal branding will demonstrate the value proposition to
tailor to the targeted industry and audience. In addition, this paper reflects personal branding
based on my experience, advice, and recommendation from my Marketing manager and
colleagues so that I can acquire the position I target- Creative department and Strategic planner.

2. Literature review

2.1 Personal brand statement definition.

Personal is the process of establishing a unique personal identity to develop the communication
approach to the specific target market and audience. It will evaluate the impact of the brand
image and reputation to fulfill personal and targeting objectives (Kheder, 2014). Personal
branding encourages individuals to build brands and market themselves to outperform others
(Tom Peters, 1997). Due to this reason, the employer will evaluate the candidates through the
personal brand statement to give a result of whether the employee is suitable or not.

2.2 What makes a strong personal brand?

The vital key to building strong personal branding í that a person has to raise their reputation by
a positive value for the target community. From Saad & Yaacob's (2021) case study. Making a
strong personal brand is not easy. Providing clear information and an attractive key message is
the first step to build a personal brand. It will create a firm foundation for raising the target
audience's trust, attracting even more people participating in the same field, and significantly
growing your brand awareness.

2.3 Features of a personal brand statement.

The features of effective personal branding are a mixture of personal traits, qualities, motivation,
strengths, talent, and passion (Philbrick & Cleveland, 2015). These characteristics can be
improved throughout the personal branding development process. Thus, higher esteem and self-
worth could be attained (Scheidt, Gerhard, and Henseler, 2020). As a result, the mixture may
become core values that help them develop their potential skills and competencies to achieve
their desired job.
Tran Anh Quan – 2212206

2.4 The process of developing a personal brand statement.

There are many valuable processes by which a person can evaluate their brand. Philbrick &
Cleveland (2015) created 6 steps to help people define their brand statement.
(1) Self-examining: Using the SWOT framework to analyze the strengths and weakness
components, this useful model can help a person mitigate the threats and optimize the
opportunity of personal abilities (Rampersad, 2019).
(2) Access my online presence: Examining the message that gives me a good idea to look at
the whole picture to see what my brand is in this period.
(3) Collecting feedback: In this section, getting recommendations and advice from other
people that work in your industry will support you in enhancing your branding.
(4) Creating physical impression: To make a physical impression, each person should
focusing everything in their workplace as much as possible. It is a great chance to prove
their unique abilities and show their brand.
(5) Making a digital impression: Digital platform is a part of our life, and many use them and
try to personalize themselves in the digital platform. It is ideal for showing you a special
(6) Expressing personal brand statement: the last part of building a personal brand from a
wide range of platforms, such as a CV or a portfolio. It is crucial when you have the
intention to apply for a job.

3. Reflection on my Brand

3.1 Why a personal brand is important

Globalization has many definitions according to the context used. Definition of globalization as
the process that encompasses causes, course and culture, in order to integrat to human and non –
human activity (Dr Nayef & all 2006). When the barrier among each nation is gradually closer,
the opportunities in the job market have risen for every employee. By showing the unique skills
and capabilities that can offer to the company business in the long run through working
experience, that person can increase and enhance the level of trust and credibility from the
employer. The study from Minor-Cooley (2020) suggests that there is a strong relationship
between personal branding and opportunities to approach the desired job. Furthermore, the first-
impression of a good personal brand is always the key to attracting the recruiter.

3.2 Reflection on my brand.

This step is recommended in the process of developing a personal brand statement by Philbrick
& Cleveland (2015)

Tran Anh Quan – 2212206

(1) The brand pyramid diagram below demonstrates my ability, value, and motivation based
on personal perception. As a result of the diagram, I can obtain an overview of my brand:




- Talents are including Self- managing, Creativity, and Logical problem-solving-

- Values include understanding business and marketing knowledge, handling the
customer's trouble, and becoming a good supporter of the college.
- Motivations include: Motivate to complete me day by day, Becoming a potential
candidate for a strategic planner at Spotify.

(2) Assess my personal existing online presence:

It is considered that my online survey is relatively weak. My plan for the future is to expand my
connection with more senior recruiters on LinkedIn in the Marketing industry.

Tran Anh Quan – 2212206

(3) Gathering recommended feedback:

In this part, I have 2 people who will participate in this survey. Two of them are my marketing
manager, and my schoolmate.

Role of participator The feedback Personal consideration

Marketing Manager Quan is an enthusiastic, In order to make an
creative person that can impression on my marketing
accomplish the work with the manager, the knowledge from
standard required that the the Business course that I had
company gives him. In learned at Foreign Trade
addition, his knowledge University is supporting me
related to Marketing and in my work. It is
Business are able good advantageous when applying
enough for his Junior- level. in a professional
Researching skills from Quan environment. Moreover, I
also makes me impressed. desire to work in Marketing
However, he needs to Industry as my passion,
enhance his focusing ability especially in Creative and
when working. Also, Quan Researching. Due to that
needs to practice more in reason, I usually put a lot of
Microsoft Office, especially my effort into going further in
in Excel, if he wants to go my Marketing career. Besides
further in Researching. that, I totally agree with my
manager's feedback that I
need to concentrate more
because I can only focus for a
short period. As feedback, my
short-term plan is to enhance
my mastery of office by
achieving the MOS certificate
from Microsoft.
Peers Teamwork, supporting each From this course, I have had
other, and creative ability is many opportunities to
three things that Quan give effectively develop my
me a good impression. In teamwork and critical
addition, Quan is always thinking. Due to the friend
helping me create and my marketing manager,
presentation slides and helps the significant problem I need
me a lot when our group has a to urgently handle is
presence. On the other hand, increasing my focus to work
we think Quan needs to focus more productively.
more when working together.

Tran Anh Quan – 2212206

(4) Creating a physical impression.

By collecting the feedback and advice from FTU's teacher, I realize that research skills,
Marketing, and Project Manager are courses I mainly apply when working.
(5) I am making a digital impression.
I should focus more on my LinkedIn account because I do not apply enough information, which
is still formal compared to other profiles. In addition, I need to highlight my brand statement on
LinkedIn to make a good impression on professional recruiters.

4. My Personal Brand Statement.

This part will prove a personal brand statement as the final step in Philbrick & Cleveland (2015).
From this viewpoint, I believe that my brand statement still is formal, and it might not be able to
make a strong impression on the target audience. From all feedback and advice above, I noticed
what I should focus on, especially researching and planning skills.

The personal brand statement I intend to use to help recruiters easily recognize and identify my
value. It shows my strength, value, passion, and intention to apply to the marketing industry and
find a suitable company with me. For all the results above, I believe that the recruiter can realize
I am a suitable candidate for Strategic Planner at Spotify.

5. Conclusion
In conclusion, my brand statement demonstrates my ability to apply in a business environment. I
also need to accumulate experience in Marketing and gradually enhance my leadership for the
future. Besides my strength, improving Excel tools is my priority mission for myself. Therefore,
the opportunity for my career will increase day by day.

Bibliography & Reference list.

Khedher, M. (2019) Conceptualizing and researching personal branding effect on the

employability. Journal of Brand Management, 26(2), pp. 99-109.

Phibirck, J.L and Cleverland, A.D (2015). Personal branding: Building your pathway to
professional success, Medical reference service quarterly, 34(2), pp. 181-189.

Scheidt, S, Gelhard, C. and Henseler, J. (2020) Old Practice, but Young Research Field: A
Systematic Bibliographic Review of Personal Branding. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.

Tran Anh Quan – 2212206

Tom Peters, (1997). When the Brand called you, pp.19

Minor – Cooley, D and Parks – Yancy, R (2020) The Power of Brand: Personal branding and Its
Effect on Job Seeking Attribute, Journal of Internet Commerce, 19(3), pp.241 – 261.

R.F. Al-Rodhan , N. (2008) “Globalization: Definitions and debates,” Depression and

Globalization, pp. 96–130. Available at:

Wei, Z., Zhang, M. and Qiao, T. (2022) “Effect of personal branding stereotypes on user
engagement on short-video platforms,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 69, p.
103121. Available at:

Md Saad, N.H. and Yaacob, Z. (2021) “Building a personal brand as a CEO: A case study of
vivy yusof, the cofounder of FashionValet and the Duck Group,” SAGE Open, 11(3), p.
215824402110302. Available at:

Personal brand assessment. Available

at: (Accessed: November
11, 2022).


Appendix A: Conducting survey process and result

In order to provide an in-depth feedback, it is true that conducting an evasion survey in the field
which I am interested in working and the school environment is essential. This survey will send
for 4 people, that is my Marketing Manager in my company that I working and my friend who
are the teammate with me.

Tran Anh Quan – 2212206

- Survey result:

Tran Anh Quan – 2212206

- Advice from Friend and Manager:

Tran Anh Quan – 2212206

Appendix B: Personal brand statement.

From Hanna Power and Redbull Finger, this notice for me that what I need to focus in order to
develop my personal brand.

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Tran Anh Quan – 2212206

Appendix C: Test Multiple Pathways

Tran Anh Quan – 2212206

As a result notice, the most of intelligence of myself is Verbal- Linguistic. However in the
future, I want to improve all the skills especially is Logical- Mathematical because is essential
for my researching and planning in Marketing Career.

Tran Anh Quan – 2212206

Appendix D: Personality Spectrum


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