Biochem Lab 1 .

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What can you say about videos and readings on lab safety and waste management?

Briefly describe how you would apply the principles from the readings and videos to your future work

Hazardous waste, whether chemical, medical or radioactive, is generated in many laboratories and
requires regulated disposal to ensure safety of public health and the environment. ... Efficient waste
management is an important aspect of proper waste disposal. The most important reason for proper
waste management is to protect the environment and for the health and safety of the population. If
unmanaged, healthcare-generated waste can contribute to the spread of disease. The hospital then,
where infection is supposed to end, becomes instrumental in spreading disease. indiscriminate and
careless disposal of healthcare can be an issue ,patients and their visitors can be at risk. The types of
medical laboratory waste that are potentially hazardous to laboratory, supply chain, and environmental
services staff can have significant consequences in the absence of proper management.

Wastes should be separated by types : Lab (Studio) Wastes

1.Hazardous chemical wastes;2. or, Non-hazardous chemical wastes

Other Wastes:1. Autoclave Wastes 2. Biohazard Wastes 3. Sharps 4.Broken Glass 5. Special Wastes 6.
Drain Disposal 7. General refuse

It is very important to have separate medical waste disposal . Biohazard wastes nor autoclaved
should be placed in infectious waste bags/boxes or sharps container. Unless to be autoclaved or
chemically disinfected, all potentially infectious materials should be placed in an infectious waste
container or bag .

All sharps, including those not potentially infective or contaminated, should be put into a proper
sharps container. You should not fill the container more than ¾ full nor attempt to open a closed

All broken glass or other (non-infectious) sharp materials should be placed in a Broken Glass
container .

General Refuse .Do not dispose of waste chemicals or free liquids in trash containers!

Special trash

Aerosol Cans : Discharge completely - to atmospheric pressure (no propellant) – then scrap . Gas
Cylinders (propane, lecture bottles, small cylinders) ,Discharge completely (no contents or propellant)
can then go as scrap metal . Oily Rags or Solvent Wipes . Place in oily rag containers . Do not leave on
the floor or exposed to air . Should be emptied every night . Used Oil ,linseed oil – handle as a hazardous
waste .

Drain Disposal

Refer to the Disposal of Laboratory Wastes: Requirements for Chemical Disposal to Sinks and Drains
document for information on, and a listing of, those liquid wastes that may be approved for disposal to
laboratory drains. Generally, the following materials are suitable for drain disposal General Chemical
Waste Handling
Use safety cans if flammable wastes .

 Know locations of laboratory safety showers, eyewashstations, and fire extinguishers. ...

 Know emergency exit routes.

 Avoid skin and eye contact with all chemicals.

 Minimize all chemical exposures.

 No horseplay will be tolerated.

 Assume that all chemicals of unknown toxicity are highly toxic.

Lab Safety Rule

· Know the Location of Safety Equipment · Dress for the Lab ,make you hair neat and don’t wear sandal.
· Don't Eat or Drink in the Laboratory ·

Don't Taste or Sniff Chemicals, Don't Play Mad Scientist in the Laboratory, Dispose of Lab Waste
Properly, Know What to Do With Lab Accidents.

Read the SDS before you touch any chemical .Dilution is the solution to pollution.

GHS uses three hazard classes: Health Hazards, Physical Hazards and Environmental Hazards. Health
hazards present dangers to human health while physical hazards cause damage to the body.

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