The Interactive Lab Primer - Working Safely General Principle
The Interactive Lab Primer - Working Safely General Principle
The Interactive Lab Primer - Working Safely General Principle
General Principle
Hazard- it is defined as the potential of a substance to cause harm. Hazards are a property of a
substance and cannot be reduced, for example, concentrated sulfuric acid is corrosive, it cannot be
changed (although in some situations you might be able to use dilute sulfuric acid which is less
Risk- it is how likely a substance will be harmful under the conditions it is used. Risks can be reduced
by using smaller amounts of chemicals and taking precautions such as using fume cupboards.
Risk Assessment- An effective risk assessment will consider the hazards involved and who will be at
risk. It also addresses the steps needed to minimize risk and will include the safe means of disposal of
the substances used or made.