Euch-22ot (A) 2020 PDF
Euch-22ot (A) 2020 PDF
Euch-22ot (A) 2020 PDF
30 August 2020
For our sake he was crucified C –That all of us may learn to up Jesus from the dead, we hope
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- live with our hearts set on the for an everlasting share in the
fered death and was buried, and values of God’s Kingdom and not Paschal Mystery.
rose again on the third day in on those of the materialistic and And so, with all the Angels,
accordance with the Scriptures. hedonistic world, let us pray! R. we praise you, as in joyful cel-
He ascended into heaven and is C –Let us pray in silence for our ebration, we acclaim:
seated at the right hand of the personal intentions. (Pause) All –Holy, holy, holy . . .
Father. He will come again in Let us pray! R.
glory to judge the living and the Memorial Acclamation
P –Lord Jesus, grant that we
dead and his kingdom will have P –The mystery of faith!
may always imitate your ex-
no end. ample in doing the will of the All –Save us, Savior of the
I believe in the Holy Spirit, Father, even when this entails world, for by your Cross
the Lord, the giver of life, who suffering and self-denial. In the and Resurrection you
proceeds from the Father and midst of all difficulties, may we have set us free.
the Son, who with the Father never lose sight of the reward
and the Son is adored and glori- that awaits us in the Kingdom of
fied, who has spoken through peace where you live and reign
the prophets. for ever and ever.
I believe in one, holy, cath- All – Amen!
olic and apostolic Church. I All – Our Father . . .
confess one Baptism for the P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
forgiveness of sins and I look All –For the kingdom, the pow-
forward to the resurrection of er, and the glory are yours, now
and forever.
the dead and the life of the world Preparation of the Gifts
to come. Amen! P –Pray, brethren . . . Sign of Peace
Prayer of the Faithful All – May the Lord accept the
sacrifice at your hands, for the Breaking of the Bread
P –Today the Lord Jesus has praise and glory of his name, All – Lamb of God . . .
reminded us about the impor- for our good and the good of all
tance of living a life of generous his holy Church. Communion
faithfulness to God’s plan for us.
Aware of the difficulties which a P –Behold the Lamb of God, be-
Prayer over the Offerings
life of discipleship entails, let us hold him who takes away the sins
P –May this sacred offering, of the world. Blessed are those
humbly plead: O Lord, confer on us always the called to the Supper of the Lamb.
All – Lord, help us follow you! blessing of salvation, that what All –Lord, I am not worthy
C –That the lifestyle of the it celebrates in mystery it may that you should enter under
Church as the “community of accomplish in power. my roof, but only say the word
Jesus’ disciples” may be charac- Through Christ our Lord. and my soul shall be healed.
terized by constant faithfulness All – Amen!
to the Gospel principles, let us Communion Antiphon
Preface VI (To be recited only when no
pray! R.
P –The Lord be with you! Communion Hymn is sung.)
C –That the Holy Father, All –And with your spirit! How great is the goodness,
our Bishop, priests, and all P –Lift up your hearts! Lord, that you keep for those
other spiritual leaders may be All – We lift them up to the Lord! who fear you.
strengthened by God’s grace as P –Let us give thanks to the
they bravely strive to follow the Lord our God! Prayer after Communion
example of Jesus in all they do,
All –It is right and just! P – Renewed by this bread from
let us pray! R.
P – It is truly right and just, the heavenly table, we beseech
C –That all those who suffer our duty and our salvation, al- you, Lord, that, being the food
physically or emotionally may ways and everywhere to give of charity, it may confirm our
learn to carry their crosses in you thanks, Lord, holy Father, hearts and stir us to serve you in
union with Jesus and thereby almighty and eternal God. our neighbor.
transform them into instruments For in you we live and move Through Christ our Lord.
of redemption, let us pray! R. and have our being, and while All – Amen!
C –That all those who have in this body we not only experi-
been victimized by the Corona- ence the daily effects of your
virus may endure their suffering care, but even now possess the
with patience and faith, thanks pledge of life eternal. For, hav-
also to the help of the generous ing received the first fruits of the P –The Lord be with you.
frontliners, let us pray! R. Spirit, through whom you raised All – And with your spirit!
“We often forget that the Lord he spoke of crosses to be taken up and
has many types of “blessings.” Some carried patiently after him as a sign of
are obvious, like when things go our faithfulness to him. (See Mt 16:26.)
pretty well in life for quite a time, and We will gradually discover that there
even for a long time – smooth sailing are values in life which are appreciated
on a glorious day . . . . Then we con- only when we are brought low by suffer-
gratulate ourselves and, of course, we ing, or while groaning under the weight
thank God too, always hoping that He of our cross(es). But especially, we will
may continue to bless us . . . . realize that those “mishaps” and fail-
At other times God’s blessings may ures have drawn us closer to our Teach-
come to us very much “in disguise.” er. We will discover that, now, we have
For a time (or even for too long a come to resemble him much more than
time!) we may find it difficult to “rec- when things were “going well.”
ognize” them. So, a day may come In those days, suffering will be seen
when we will feel our shoulders bur- for what it was meant to be: a bless-
dened with a weight that seems to ing that tests, purifies, and strength-
ens. And the crucifixes in our houses
crush us – the weight of suffering in will no longer be pious decorations, but
any or all of its forms: physical, moral, our coat of arms, the real source of our
spiritual . . . . And we may be brought strength, of our dignity, and our hope.
to ask if the Lord still cares for us . . . . Hope, indeed! Because it is only in the
When this happens, we should re- cross of Christ that our crosses take on
member that there are “blessings in meaning, acquire supernatural value,
disguise” . . . . That will be “the mo- and open our hearts to the expectation
ment of truth” – the moment when of our “resurrection day.”
the real disciple comes alive, in all We may apply this reflection to the
humility and trust. And a wonderful many benefits that the devastating CO-
sunshine will then break through the VID-19 has brought about. Because of
dark clouds of sorrow and discour- the suffering it has caused, we have be-
agement that had preceded it . . . come more compassionate, more gener-
Then, with God’s grace, we will ous, closer to one another in our homes
come to understand many things: . . . Suffering has made us humbler and
the sighs of those who suffered be- more prayerful . . .
fore us or like us, or even more than While praying that the epidemic may
us . . . ; the frailty of our strength and leave us soon, never to return again, we
virtues. . . . We will understand the also pray that the virtues it has made us
meaning of the words of Jesus when to rediscover remain with us forever.
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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, J. Domingo, A. Vergara, V. David, D. Daguio, R. Molomog
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Marketing: J. Feliciano • Circulation: R. Saldua