8th Day of Misa de Gallo
8th Day of Misa de Gallo
8th Day of Misa de Gallo
by Fr. Keiv Aires Dimatatac, SSP
I ntroducing myself is a
complex and difficult ritual for
me. Whenever I say my name,
Elizabeth wants to name their
long-awaited child as John,
a name unfamiliar to them
speaks in a serious tone about
the one who is to come as God’s
messenger. He will come to
I am used to seeing frowned, because no one among their them like a refiner’s fire, or a
confused faces from strangers. kin has that name. Thus, the fuller’s lye, to cleanse people
Most people could not figure out relatives turn to Zechariah, from their impurities to make
what I have just said. Certainly, whom they expect to disagree. them worthy when the time of
a follow-up question will usher But Zechariah, writing on a doom comes. As Elijah precedes
to confirm what they have tablet, agrees with Elizabeth that the Messiah, so John comes
misheard. Give? Keep? Keif? the child is to be named John. before Christ.
Then, finally, I have to spell it out At this, Zechariah’s mouth is John, whose name literally
for them as K. E. I. V. Relieved, opened and his tongue is freed means God is gracious or God
as if they have deciphered a to praise God. And fear comes is gifting, becomes true to his
great mystery, they will concur among them as they wonder name by showing how God
saying, “Ahhh Steve.” what the child will be. graces us. He becomes a gift
Yes, our name is who we are. We now know what the child to his parents, his community,
It is an important life’s ritual as will be. John will be the herald and his God. John thus reminds
parents want their child’s name of the Messiah and will proclaim us to prepare our hearts for
to be unique and profound. repentance through baptism. the coming of God’s gift into
Names usually have meanings He will be the voice crying in our lives. A heart renewed and
and history. A name may even the desert to prepare the way of refined is what we can prepare
embody the parents’ hope for the Lord. John’s austere life, his for the coming of God’s greatest
their child. According to a study, preaching and even his death gift to humanity–his very self,
names have a correlation to will be for the service of the Emmanuel! God is with us. As
life success; they may affect coming Messiah. Christians, we are called to be
our future. John the Baptist will be the true to our names – to be bearers
In the Gospel, commotion Elijah prophesied in the First of Christ to everyone.
results when, out of nowhere, Reading. The prophet Malachi
people of good will. We praise hosts. But who will endure the
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES you, we bless you, we adore day of his coming? And who
you, we glorify you, we give can stand when he appears?
Entrance Antiphon you thanks for your great glory, For he is like the refiner’s fire,
(Cf. Is 9:6; Ps 72 [71]:17)
(Recited when there is no opening song.) Lord God, heavenly King, O or like the fuller’s lye. He will
God, almighty Father. Lord sit refining and purifying silver,
A child shall be born for us, Jesus Christ, Only Begotten and he will purify the sons of
and he will be called God, Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Levi, refining them like gold
the Almighty; every tribe of Son of the Father, you take or like silver that they may
the earth shall be blest in him. away the sins of the world, offer due sacrifice to the Lord.
have mercy on us; you take Then the sacrifice of Judah
Greeting away the sins of the world, and Jerusalem will please the
(The sign of the cross is made here.) receive our prayer; you are Lord, as in the days of old, as
seated at the right hand of in years gone by.
P — The Lord be with you. the Father, have mercy on us. Lo, I will send you Elijah,
All — And with your spirit. For you alone are the Holy the prophet, before the day of
One, you alone are the Lord, the Lord comes, the great and
Introduction you alone are the Most High, terrible day, to turn the hearts
(These [or similar words] may be Jesus Christ, with the Holy of the fathers to their children,
used to address the assembly.) Spirit, in the glory of God the and the hearts of the children
P — Today’s Gospel tells Father. Amen. to their fathers, lest I come and
the birth and the naming of strike the land with doom.
John. Relatives and neighbors Collect — The word of the Lord.
assume that the son of All — Thanks be to God.
Zechariah and Elizabeth will P — Let us pray. (Pause)
Almighty and everlasting Responsorial Psalm (Ps 25)
be named after the father.
Instead, in obedience to God, as the nativity of your
Son according to flesh draws R — Lift up your heads and
God’s will, the child is given see your redemption is near
the name “Yohanan”or John, near, grant our humble prayer,
that we may know the mercy at hand.
which means “the Lord is Sr. M. C. A. Parco, FSP
gracious.” As we come closer of the Word incarnate, who
took flesh of the Virgin Mary
toward celebrating the birth of
the Savior, may we experience and came to dwell among us.
the Lord’s graciousness in our We ask this through our Lift up your heads and see
lives. Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
A7 Em A7 D
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
Penitential Act
God, for ever and ever.
yourre demp tion is near at
P — Brethren (brothers and All — Amen.
sisters), let us acknowledge THE LITURGY
our sins, and so prepare OF THE WORD
Communion Antiphon
(Rv 3:20)
Solemn Blessing