ycos 9 y Id H&: Marks)
ycos 9 y Id H&: Marks)
ycos 9 y Id H&: Marks)
\y c o s 9 ^ ;x y id h&
^ Y5\h 9 -t V \cv^
9. (a) An object is projected with initial speed v at angle Qto the horizontal. Derive an equation
for the path of the projectile. [3 marks]
(b) The figure shows a jeep travelling at a constant speed of 10 m s '1towards a security post
ix * Bullet
15m Jeep
^〇〇r^ •
A security guard holding his rifle 15 m above the ground shoots horizontally when the
jeep is 0.7 km from the security post. The bullet of the rifle strikes the jeep. Calculate
(i) the time taken by the bullet to strike the jeep [2 m a r k s 】
(ii) the distance of the jeep from the security post when it is struck [2 marks)
(iii) the initial speed of the bullet [2 marks]
(iv) the speed and direction of the bullet when it strikes the jeep. [6 mart]
/ —V H••了2 七1
-t- 1-^5
\〇 ^
: IO( 丨
二 不 I 5
: I •“ m …
- :6
5 : 5& /
An object is projected horizontally from a point 50 m above the earth passes over a pole
of the height 30m , 20 m away horizontally from the fixed point right below the point of
projection. Assume that g = 10 ms'2
v -4 ^ 7 ? r ” . 一
50 m
."9 U, - '0
(^flnrtial veloaty, u
r I 2:
,Jfirj Time taken to reach the ground 2
(c) Horizontal distance covered when it hrts the ground 丨乂
Velocity of the object when it hits the ground. I)
.,........- : ........ ^
\ To
. 卜:: M
m , . V 十 W v .
' - - W v ; •/ - J;
A- 2.00- m tall basketball player wants to make a goal from 10.0 m rrom the
成 丨 7 .;
basket,as in the figure below. If he shoots the ball at 45° angle, at what initial
speed must he throw the basketball so that It goes through the hoop without
striking the backboard ?
1H • 八 .t
4 A projectile is fired at a failing target as shown in the figure. The projectile leaves the
gun at the same instant that the target is dropped from the rest. Assuming that the gun
is initially aimed at the target, show th3t the projectile will hit the target (One restriction
is that the projectile must reach the target before It strikes the floor.]
5. An aero plane is diving plown at the angle of 60 ° with vertical releases a bomb at
the height of 7C0m. The bomb hits the ground 5 seconds after the release .What is the
speed cf the plane when the bomb is released ?
A. 50 ms—
1 B. 58 ms'1 C U 5 ms*1 M B I----
? .0-二ms°
. A sto n e is chrovvn from O «ind ft'IIows .1 A s s u m in j :
t l u i *ii: IOsisMna' in !H\i :
n 〇
(i. \\ Um
l 〇 r.ih〇 lic |>.uh. The highest point rcMc hrd is r is !h r new (lisu iu o IuMow P M whi ch llu*
Whi^ii of the following is zero M llu%highest screen is struck?
point P?
A 14 iinii
A Acceleration v/ B 30 mm
z r' V y
B Vcnical component of velocity ,
C 60 mm
C Kinetic energy D 90 mm
D M om entum
A b u ild is fired horizontally from the lop
of a cliff on die surface of the tvmh with n
2. A projectile is fired with an initial velocity u at
speed of 40 rn s*1. Assuming no air resistance.
an angle 0 to the horizontal. Neglecting air
rcsisltincc, the horizontal distance x it has
travolled and the heighiy reached after a lime w hat is (he speed of the bullci 3 s Inter?
t arc (5: = IO m s'2)
A 30 m s-J C 50 in s
A a = ut sin 0. y - ut cos O- *r D 70 in s
B 40 m s' 1
1 2
B x = ut sm O - - - g t\ y - ut cos O 7. A projeaile leaves the ground at an anpic of
2 1 ' 60° to tiic horizontal. Its iniiial kinetic energy
C x = ut cos Oe y = ut sin O + -Q t2
is K. Negleaing air rcsisiancc, find in terms of
D x - ut cos Ot y = ut sin 6 - K its kinetic energy at tfic highest point of
the motion.
3# a projeaile is fired with a horizor.tal velocity 8. A ball is thrown with a velocity of 8.0 m s' 1a(
v from a height h as shown in the figure. I( 60° to the horizontal.
strikes (he ground at an angle of 6 to the (a) Draw on the same axes, graph to represent
horizontal. Which of the following values of the variation u ith time of
i^and h will give the greatest value of ihe angle (i) horizontal c o m p o n e n t of
0? vclodiy,
(ii) vv. the vertical component of velocity.
Identify your graphs and show suitable
values of vclociiy and time.
(b) Use your giaph to find the m axim um
height reached by the ball.
B 20 25
C 15 25
D 25 20
------------------------------------- R -------------------------------------- -
4. An acroj)lanc flying in a straight line at
constan: height of 2 000 m with a speed of A missile is fired wiih a speed of 500 m s' 1
200 in s ’ drops an object. The object takes a from the ground.
lime / to reach the g ro u n d a n d travels a (a) Wha( is the angle of projection 6 for the u ,
horizontal distance 5. Taking 5 as 10 m S' 2and missile to achieve the maximum range?
ig n o r in g a ir r e s is ta n c e , w h ic h of th e (b) Calculate the maximum range, R.
following gives the value of t and s? (c) What is its maximum height above tlie
t S ground when its range is maxim um? r— _
A 200 s 10 km (Neglect air resistance) fjrc j
B 100s 5 km 10. An aeroplane is flying at a constani horizontal
C 20 s • 4 Jem velocity of 50 m s*' at a heigh; of I 000 m.
D 10s 2 km What is its horizontal distance from a targci
5. When a rifle is aimed horizontal at a target P on the ground, so that a pared released from ’
on a screen at a distance of 50 m. The bullet the plane will hh ihe targci.
sirikrs ihe screen 10 m m below P. Tfie screen
W hen 3 aircraft K 4 1,0( ) ⑴ a i,<)vc ihe g rm n u i
is now moved to a distance of I 50 m jn d the
and Hying upwards w ith a v rltin ty of 50 m v 1
rifle is fired horizontally at Q. lJ x-
at an angle of 30 10 ihe h o riz o n u l. A hoinl)
is released. N e ^lcn in i^ air resistance, calculait*
(a) the tim e ia k c ii !>y ih e b o m h ⑴ reach tlic
(1) ; the velocity " f i Ik. .,'I".:) i t 、 ,n h 、
“Vi.uuh..: ”::
;丨s )
I .,,I,,
^… . .一
SUBTOPICS 2013{U)/ 2014(U)/ 2015(U)/ 2016(U)/ 2017(U)/
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
2.1 Linear Motion - 1 2 1 1 -
2.2 Projectiles 1 - - - - 1
aim s-2
At f = 0 - 4 s, A U = I O - 12 s,
Velocity = area under the graph Velocity = 丄 ( 6 + 12 )(4 )
= 丄 x 4 x 4 = 36.0 m s_,
= 8.0 m s_1 Deceleration from t 12 s to f = 13 s
A t f = 12 - 13 s,
At f = 4 - 10 s,
Velocity = 6 x 4 Velocity = 36 - ( 丄 x I x 2)
= 24.0 m s_1
= 35.0 m s ' 1
Therefore, the maximum velocity reached by the car is 36.0 m s-1.
£ S E Super Skills Pre-U Text STPM Physics Term I p. 29
STPM 2014(U)/2015 Question 1 ^ ^ ^
2 Which vector diagram shows P = Q - Rr!
/ ----------------------------- y
I Answer: B
j Q +- R = P
I Therefore, ^ = Q ~ ^
Suner Skills PreAJ Text STPM Phvsics Term I d. 25
L ___ ___________________________ ____________________ ____ . . ________________________________ J
Which statement about the force acting on the car is not true?
A A nett force acts on the car during interval P.
B No nett force acts on the car during interval Q.
C Opposing forces may be acting on the car during interval Q.
D The magnitude of the nett force acting during interval P is less than that during interval R.
Answer: D
Gradient = acceleration
The gradient of P is greater than gradient of R.
Therefore, the magnitude of acceleration of the car during interval P is greater than the magnitude of deceleration during
interval R.
Hence, the nett force during interval P is greater than the nett force during interval R.
Reference Super Skills Pre-U Text STPM Physics Term l p - 2 9
Answer: D
When it overtakes, the same distance is travelled.
s2 0 + -a t2
士 (2:)(就
When the car overtakes the bus, S 1 s2
2 400
400 s 2 = S22
S2 = 400 m
Reference Super Skills Pre-U Text STPM Physics Term I p. 29
Answer: B
s = u t - —gt2] u = initial velocity, which is constant, g take the value of 9.81 m s-1, which is also constant. The equation can
be arranged ass = - ^ g t 2 + ut compare with y = -a x2 - b x + O. It is the quadratic graph, pass through coordinate (0, 0).
STPM 2013 Q uestion 2
6 A long jumper jumps at an angle of 20.0° to the horizontal with a take-off speed of 11.0 m s"
What is the distance of his jump?
A 3.96 m B 4.22 m
C 7.93 m D 12.33 m
- y—
. . . .
.,. J
Answer: C
Using formula for maximum range
Vertically: s == 丄 a f2
= Ix 9.81 x 62
= 177 m
£22SSC2323S3F ^uPer Skills Pre-u Text STPM Physics Term I p. 33
SUBTOPICS 2013{U)/ 2014(U)/ 2015(U)/ 2016(U)/ 2017(U)/
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
2.1 Linear Motion - - - - - -
2.2 Projectiles - 1 - - - 1
2.2 Projectiles
STPM 2013(U)/2014 Q uestion 16
I A ball is thrown horizontally from the roof of a building of height H as shown in the diagram
The initial speed of the ball is 16.0 m s-1. It hits the ground at an angle of 60.0° with the horizontal.
(a) Assuming that air resistance is negligible, determine
(i) the vertical component of the velocity of the ball when it hits the ground, [2 marks]
(ii) the height H of the building. [3 marks]
(b) If there is air resistance, what is the effect on the angle when the ball hits the ground?
Give a reason for your answer. [2 marks]
16 = cos 60°
I/ = -----------
cos 60 。
= 32 m s -1
Vertical component, = v sin 60°
= 32 sin 60°
= 27.7 m s- 】
(ii) Consider the vertical motion, initial vertical velocity, Uy = O
vy2 = Uy2 + 2gh
27.72 = O + 2 (9 .8 ,) H
H = 39.1 m
! (b) - When there is air resistance, the acceleration of the ball is less than the acceleration due to gravity.
- Hence, the vertical velocity decreases and the angle is smaller.
(a) vx = 20.5 m s_ l; vy = 14.3 m s '1
Horizontally: x = 20.5f
Vertically: y
14_3卜 * X9_81Xf2
Let / = 8.6 m
8.6 = 14.3 x - 4 .9 1 x
f x 、
20.5 v205y
8.6 = 0 . 6 9 8 x - 0.0 117x2
1.17x2 - 69.8x + 860 = 0
X = V 6 9 .8 2 - 4 x 1.17 x 860
2 x 1.17
x = 42.26 m; x = 42.3 m
(b) Horizontally: x = 20.5f
Let x = 42.3 m;
42.3 = 20.5f
t = 2.06 s
(c) vx = 20.5 m s-1
Vy = u + at
I/ = 14.3 — 9.81 x 2.06
— —5.91 m s ^
Speed of ball on impact:
I/ = V20.52 + 5.912
= 21.3 m s '1
I Linear Motion
STPM 2015(U)/2016 Q uestion 18
I (a) (i) Define acceleration. [I mark]
O ( i i ) Derive an equation of motion with the initial velocity u, the final velocity v, and the
displacement s at a constant acceleration a. [2 marks]
(b ) A driver is driving a car with a velocity of 72 km h_1. Suddenly a child runs across the road
O a t a distance of 30.0 m in front of his car and he brakes immediately. The driver^ response
time is 0.50 s.
(i) Determine the minimum deceleration of the car so that the child will not get knocked
down. [3 marks]
(ii) Sketch a graph of displacement against time for the motion of the car. [2 marks]
(c) A tennis ball being hit over the net is shown in the diagram below.
W tk
(i) Determine the initial velocity of the tennis ball of the vertical component. [2 marks]
(ii) Calculate the time taken for the tennis ball to land. [2 marks]
(iii) Determine the angle of projection of the tennis ball above the horizontal. [3 marks]
(a) (i) Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity.
00 t _ V- U
S= + u)t
- + u) (
2os = V2-U2
V2 = u2 + 2as
I ..... - ..-
Reference Super Skills Pre-U Text STPM Physics Term I p. 26
(b) (i) The distance travelled when the driver responds on seeing the child,
s, = ut
_ 72 x IO3
x 0.5
= 10 m
The distance travelled when the brake is pressed,
S2 = 30 - 10
= 20 m
Use the equation, v2 = u 2 + 2as
0 = 202 + 2g(20)
40a = - 2 0 2
a = - 1 0 m s-2
Deceleration = I O m s -2
SUBTOPICS 2014(U)/ 2015(U)/ 2016(U)/ 2017(U)/ 2018(U)/ 2019(U)/
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
2.1 Linear Motion 2 1 1 - 1 1
2.2 Projectiles - - - 1 - -
Which statement about the force acting on the car is not true?
A A nett force acts on the car during interval P.
B No nett force acts on the car during interval Q.
C Opposing forces may be acting on the car during interval Q.
D The magnitude of the nett force acting during interval P is less than that during interval R.
STPM 2015(U)/2016 Q uestion 2
3 A bus is moving at a constant velocity of 20 m s '1. Just as the bus passes a stationary car, the
car starts to accelerate at 2.0 m s-2. What is the distance travelled by the car when it overtakes
the bus?
A 100 m B 200 m
C 300 m D 400 m
P ® Ba11
The time taken for the ball to travel from P to X is 3.0 s. If the distance between X and Y is
270 m, what is the time taken by the ball to travel from X to F?
A 6.0 s B 6.8 s C 7.4 s D 8.0 s
STPM 2019(U)/2020 Q uestion 2
6 A boy releases a small stone from rest at a height of 15 m from the ground. After 1.0 s, he throws
another small stone straight down with an initial speed. If the two stones reach the ground at the
same time, what is the initial speed of the second stone?
A 10 m s_1
B 13 m s_1
C 16 m s_1
D 30 m s_1
2.2 Projectiles
STPM 2017(U)/2018 Question 2
I An aeroplane flies horizontally at a constant speed of 100 m s_1. It drops a box of food which
lands forward on the ground at 600 m. By neglecting air resistance, the height of the aeroplane
from the ground is
A 177 m
B 240 m
C 353 m
D 500 m
2014(U)/ 2015(U)/ 2016(U)/ 2017(U)/ 2018(U)/ 2019(U)/
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
2.1 Linear Motion - - — - - -
2.2 Projectiles - - _ 1 - -
2.2 Projectiles
STPM 2017(U)/2018 Question 16
I A boy kicks a ball and the ball moves with an initial velocity of 25 m s_1 at an angle 35° to the
horizontal. The ball reaches the maximum height before landing on a hillside as shown in the
diagram below.
淋 剛 ■ 〒 对
SUBTOPICS 2014(U)/ 2015(U)/ 2016(U)/ 2017(U)/ 2018(U)/ 2019(U)/
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
2.1 Linear Motion 2
- - - - -
2.2 Projectiles - - - - -
(i) Determine the initial velocity of the tennis ball of the vertical component. [2 marks]
(ii) Calculate the time taken for the tennis ball to land. [2 marks]
(iii) Determine the angle of projection of the tennis ball above the horizontal. [3 marks]