Descartes' Dioptrics: Jeffrey K. Mcdonough
Descartes' Dioptrics: Jeffrey K. Mcdonough
Descartes' Dioptrics: Jeffrey K. Mcdonough
Jeffrey K. McDonough
The Dioptrique, often translated as the Optics or, more literally, as the
Dioptrics is one of Descartes’ earliest works. Likely begun in the mid to late
1620’s, Descartes refers to it by name in a letter to Mersenne of 25
November 1630 (AT I 182; CSM(K) III, 29). Its subject matter partially
overlaps with Descartes’ more foundational project The World or Treatise on
Light in which he offers a general mechanistic account of the universe
including the formation, transmission, and reception of light. Although
Galileo’s condemnation by the Church prompted Descartes to abandon, in
1633, his plans for publishing The World, he continued in the ensuing years
to vigorously pursue a number of scientific projects, including projects
related to his work in optics. He was eventually persuaded to publish three
essays highlighting some of his discoveries together with an introductory
essay concerning “the method for rightly directing one’s reason and
searching for truth in the sciences” (AT VI 1; O 3). As one of those essays,
Descartes’ Dioptrics finally appeared in print together with the Discourse on
Method, the Meteorology and the Geometry in the summer of 1637 in a French
language edition. It was republished in a Latin edition (without the Geometry)
in 1644.
The subject matter of the Dioptrics may be thought of as covering
three main topics and is formally divided by Descartes into ten chapters or
“discourses”. The first main topic concerns the nature of light and the laws
of optics. In the first discourse, Descartes invites his readers to “consider
light as nothing else … than a certain movement or action, very rapid and
very lively, which passes toward our eyes through the medium of the air and
other transparent bodies” (AT VI 84; O 67). In the second discourse,
Descartes attempts to derive the law of reflection (known since antiquity)
and the law of refraction (first published in the Dioptrics) through a series of
ingenious, mechanistic analogies to the behavior of tennis balls reflecting
off of hard surfaces and puncturing thin sheets of cloth.
The second main topic of the Dioptrics concerns human vision. In
the third discourse, Descartes offers an anatomical description of the parts
of the eye, including the pupil, the interior “humours,” and the optic nerve.
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